#for now. mostly because i don't eat a lot of candy or really even chew gum anymore
betty-burnout · 2 years
idk why i thought gelly roll pens would be hard to find nowadays??? i thought they were a fad in the early 00s bc that's when i was obsessed with them and i don't see them much anymore but they used to be like everywhere, i would go to the stationery store and draw on all the test pads with as many colors as i could
anyway i just ordered a bunch of the fancy metallic and pastel ones and my planner is about to be. SO cool
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starsurface · 7 months
Hcs for CG Kotal Kahn MK11 with a baby regressor 🥺
Yes of course!!! :D
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
CG Kotal Kahn Hcs
👑 Oh my goodness, loves baby regressors, but is also so scared to accidently hurt you!!! :(
👑 Your so precious and soft, warrior or not, now your his little baby
👑 Kotal's a big guy, and he's a little afraid of accidentally grabbing you slightly too hard or set you down wrong
👑 You gotta make sure to tell him that he's going to be okay hugging and carrying you because he's obviously being gentle and he's never hurt you in the past (he's just being cautious)
👑 But honestly, this man is a cuddle bug, he adores cuddling with you and squeezing you and oh my goodness you're just so adorable!!
👑 Adores tummy time but more specifically, when you lay on top of him
👑 Finds it entertaining if you try to eat his nose because of how small you are
👑 He finds a lot of things you do funny
👑 Holding into his finger tightly before he dared moved your bottle slightly out of your mouth? He didn't know you had such a powerful grip!!
👑 Getting fussy and the only thing that will calm you down is either your paci, or chewing on his hand (he's okay with it), how interesting
👑 If you go nonverbal or mostly just babble, his supporting of it!! And encourages it!!
👑 But uh . . . He wasn't the best with it at first.
👑 Got a bit confused with babbling, especially when you first do it
👑 Like, it's adorable, little one . . . But what are you saying??
👑 Don't worry, he gets better over time, and adores it when you just babble to him like it's a normal conversation
👑 Panics the first time you babbled because you wanted or needed something and ran around the room confused
👑 Treats you like royalty!!! You are his little prince/princess/Little royalty after all
👑 You saw something you wanted at the market? Already buying it, it doesn't really matter the price. Yummy food that looks delicious? It’ll already be in your hands
👑 Who's going to question a Kahn after all? Especially if it's during MKX, he gets a little less stricter around MK11
👑 Since your so young, you get away with a lot of things because your so small
👑 (^ Also you couldn't have MEANT do it, so there's no real need to take action)
👑 If your a bit older though, he'd probably give you a time out and no amount of fussing will change his mind (justice must be served and what not)
👑 Although if you begin crying . . . he'll most likely drop it
👑 I'm not sure exactly how his powers work, but I know he can do stuff with light?? Like, sun powers?
👑 He'll be your night light, don't you worry (or atleast keep a small beam until you fast asleep)
👑 If your a very sleepy little, that works out perfectly for both you and him
👑 You get to cuddle up to him and he gets to carry you around everywhere? Sign him up!! :D
👑 No one, and I mean no one, will ever judge you for regressing out in public (someone did once and they were ‘let go’ of their position)
👑 More MK11 Aftermath, but even if he isn't Kahn anymore, he still treats you like royalty
👑 I like to imagine him and Jade (or atleast him) were put back into General command so he still has some power
👑 Kitana adores you and not only do you have the General on your side, but the entire royal house
👑 No ones making fun of you, and you get spoiled >:3
👑 Kotal's favorite CG nicknames are Ko-Ko, Papa, Dada, and Ko-Ta
👑 So many nicknames for you!!! Mostly royalty related, but also likes calling you Pumpkin, Sweetheart, Baby Girl/Boy, Little One
👑 Favorite activity is to just cradle you in his arm
👑 Your just so . . . tiny, and small in his arms
👑 (^ is also really helps you feel small)
👑 He'll happily bottle feed you, or walk around the room and bounce you until you fall asleep
👑 Likes to help you with little activities!!
👑 You'll sit on his lap and try to figure out what blocks go into what
👑 Will praise you and give you candy when you've done it all correctly!! :D
👑 (^ Although if you just hand him the block . . . he'll do it for you, and still give you candy)
👑 Unfortunately, no thumb sucking allowed >:(
👑 Instead he gets you a paci or a teether
👑 But like, a really fancy decorated paci
👑 And one of the best tethers you can find
👑 Only the best for his baby, after all!!
👑 However, if your out in public or don't have access to your stuff, he'll allow it for now
👑 Will buy you 100 and 1 stuffies, and still buy you more if you request
👑 HE is slowly losing bedspace
👑 Why? Because the stuffies need a spot to sleep!! And his bed’s so big already!! 🥺
👑 Will play peek-a-boo with your stuffies just to make you giggle, it's music to his ears :]
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
I really hope I got them somewhat right. I dont know a lot about Kotal, I just think he's super cool. :3
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breesays · 1 year
But me, I'm still a sunbeam
THIS is a blog of a balanced person (me, right now), so let's capture this moment in my personal history.
These are the workouts I do. No talking, just simple instructions and percentage progress + music that serves the purpose. I've been trying to view workouts more as playtime and tell myself "I get to" rather than "I have to." The toys I have are bosu, bala, mini bands, kettle bells, sliders, stability ball. We're playing, that's all. Not measuring or weighing, just the tiny triumphs of "Oh, when I did this two weeks ago it was much harder."
I went to Nico Vega's comeback show at The Bellwether and got a ticket to their headlining show at The Lodge Room in December. I've used all my ticket perks for 2024 already, plus K.Flay in March. WWWY and The Postal Service next month.
We got a hummingbird feeder for our balcony, and we've started to name them. So far: Murphy (after the balm I must cover my body in to fend off the mosquitos), Quacksley, Mousey, Little Puff and Cherry. We're growing stuff out there, too - grape tomatoes, basil, nasturtiums, pretty succulents.
Read Maggie Smith's "You Could Make This Place Beautiful" and I definitely started out thinking I was going to give it 5 stars but had a lot of mixed feelings about it toward the end.
This is everything I've read so far this year - but a few on that list are DNFs (looking at YOU, Russell Brand). Speaking of that, I'm giving Clare Dederer's "Monsters: A Fan's Dilemma" another chance, but some of it is hard to stomach.
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From Kate Baer's "What Kind of Woman"
I've used ALL my kitchen appliances this month: Air fryer (everything), blender (raspberry lemon smoothie), food processor (pesto, hummus), instant pot (tomato soup, tiktok pasta). This is mostly because I can fit them ALL on my counter at once. Oh, and I made a vanilla cake from scratch. Baking is not my favorite, but I like to challenge myself. And sometimes it's more about not being able to find what I want as ready-made.
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Desmond's teacher told me his gross motor skills are advanced - he finishes projects early, is great at any sport he tries (even ones he invents) ... has he expressed interest in sports? Oh yes, I said, he loves all sports... he just doesn't want to play them with other kids. Maybe we'll give soccer another try. But I prefer to let him play openly - we draw, we build, we plant, we cook, we dance, we make up words (this is harder than it sounds). He asks for playdates with friends so I know he cares very much about them -- I just don't think he wants parameters placed around what he can do with said friends. He has a 2-year-old friend and he loves to just explore Griffith with him. It used to be ME, but he has since requested the presence of said friend. Said friend extracts more joy from sliding down piles of dirt than I do, anyway.
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Desmond has really changed my relationship with food. He is such an adventurous eater. I have a history of disordered eating that's been mostly resolved with meds and years of therapy - but I still had rules, you know? Things I wouldn't keep in the house, ingredients I didn't trust myself with. But Des is such a role model of intuitive eating. He'll try anything, even give it a few good chews before making a decision. Jicama was a recent rejection. I'm trying all kinds of recipes, not just low calorie or veggie-based. He makes me excited to make new meals, and he loves to help, too. We have a dining table and he drinks oat milk and I drink fizzy water and it's just an entirely new experience for me. Tasting and tweaking and using our senses. There's no good and bad. He's allowed to have candy, but he isn't crazy for it. We listen to our bodies. Are we full? Do we want more because it tastes good, or because we're still hungry? Listen.
What else? Getting my last peak hike in might be a challenge, since WEATHER has arrived in SoCal. I feel like the window for hiking in good conditions was a relatively short one this year. Baldy is the closest, but might have to trek down to South OC for Sitton.
My show (Setlist Insider) x 311 is published
My Oli bug turned 6 years old
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I have 33k words written.
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pens-swords-stuff · 2 years
Is there a favorite snack or food you have in japan but not the us? Or the other way around?
oh boy do i ever
So American snacks are actually pretty easy to find in Japan, and have been for a few years now. It's actually quite difficult trying to find snacks to bring to my Japanese friends and counsins now when I visit because they can get most of the things in Japan. I've seen cheetos, pringles, doritos, most of the major chip-brands, oreos, cereals, etc. (I don't have much of a sweet tooth and I'm a huge potato chip fan, so that's mostly what I pay attention to. I feel like there are several candies that haven't made their way to Japan yet, but honestly I don't even look for them so I can't say for certain).
I have also been convinced for years that Bugles and Tongari Corn are the exact same snack. Next time I go to Japan, I'm bringing Bugles with me so I can do a taste-test. Yes I know that I could probably look it up on the internet. No, I'm not going to do that, because this is a test that I have to personally do. Please don't tell me if you know the answer; I need to discover it on my own.
On the other hand, Japanese snacks are really difficult to find in America! There are several that have gone more American mainstream like pocky and hi-chew that you can get at basically any American grocery store now. Asian grocery stores also have a small selection of Japanese snacks, but they are pretty pricy and have smaller packaging. I've also found that Asian grocery stores tend to carry more Korean and Chinese snacks over Japanese.
There is this snack called Umai Bou that I love in Japan. When I first discovered it at a local Asian grocery store near me a couple of years ago, it was groundbreaking. I haven't had it in years, and it was the first time I've ever seen it in America and I was so happy. They only have 2 flavors compared to the dozens that are in Japan, but it was such a huge thing for me and my family because oh my god this is finally here???
One of my favorite Japanese snacks is Jagarico that I've never been able to have in America, so after a trip to Japan, I brought back so much and kept it safe and sound for over a year to eat on my birthday. It was valuable. But recently, I've actually started seeing some in my local Asian grocery store and I was actually crying. For two reasons, really: One, I finally had access to it! Two, it was in a much smaller packaging that didn't have nearly as much as the standard packaging, and was also like 5 times more expensive.
Point is: There's not a lot of Japanese snacks I can get where I live. And on the rare occasion that something does make it over, it's really notable and makes me want to cry but also is really really expensive.
Some common Japanese snacks that I find at my local Asian grocery stores include but are not limited to: Kaki no tane, Pero Pero Choco, Nori and salt flavored potato chips, Hot and spicy potato chips, and different kinds of rice crackers.
But! It really depends on where you live. I live in a place with a decent but not too sizable Japanese population. In places with a much larger Japanese community, there are usually Japanese grocery stores like Mitsuwa Marketplace and other ones where they have a much more diverse selection of Japanese goods, food and snacks (and bookstores and bakeries and food courts within the marketplace). You can't get everything there, but they have a lot more than I have in my local Asian grocery stores.
I recently took a trip with my parents to a Mitsuwa market and a couple of other Japanese grocery stores in the area because we needed to stock up on Japanese food. I shamelessly spent a couple hundred on Japanese snacks that I couldn't get back at my place.
I also think you might be able to get some online now, but I haven't looked into that too much.
Below the cut is an incomplete list of Japanese snacks that I love! There are SO many, and this is just off the top of my head. They're pretty unique in that there aren't really America-equivalents that I know of. So while you can find sour cream and onion chips in Japan, you really can't find super similar things in America. I did not include beverages or ice creams or candy because man. That's just an entirely different conversation in it of itself.
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AAPI AMA 2022: Ask me anything about being Japanese!
Remember that these are just my personal experiences and opinions! My thoughts and experiences are not necessarily representative of every Japanese person, and should not be taken as such.
Sapporo Potato
Takenoko no Sato
Caramel Corn
Baby Star Ramen
Potato Fry: Fried Chicken Flavor
Corn Potage Snack
Happy Turn
Chiroru Choco
Kappa Ebisen
Kabuki Age
There's so much more but this is making me really hangry so I'm going to stop here! 😭 I want Japanese snacks so badly
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rosescries · 3 years
Oh! If that’s the case then what human food would the bois preference be towards? If their human friend brought some food for them? :o
They can basically be sorted into two categories: Greasy and Sweet.
The Sans gravitate towards the greasy foods while the Papyrus lean more towards sweets. There is a bit of differences in what they prefer exactly, especially in the Papyrus case. Though they'll love anything you make yourself, no matter what it is. ;)
Rest under the cut because of length.
First we'll go with the grease lovers. Anything that drips in grease is typically good for them, but they do have their favorites. You still can never go wrong with a burger for any of them though, since they like these other things just a smidgen more. Though it's more like a secret love.
Classic (Undertale Sans)- A classic burger or fries is always his favorite, tried and true. He'll eat them up very quickly, then give you the puppy dog eyes in an attempt to get you to share yours.
Blue (Underswap Sans)- Taco egg rolls. He tried them once and couldn't get enough, and he'll love you forever if you bring him some. He'll definitely share if you ask though!
Red (Underfell Sans)- He actually really likes fried chicken, though he's not sure what it is about them. He likes the crunchy skin a lot and the tender insides.
Black (Swapfell Sans)- Honestly, anything from like the McDonalds menu. You literally can't go wrong here.
Grey (Horrortale Sans)- Barbeque chicken sliders. He just loves them, though he'd honestly love anything you bring him.
Lilac (Underlust Sans)- This might be crossing the sections a bit, but he really likes funnel cakes. Especially with a lot of the sugar and grease of it mixed, and a bit of chocolate syrup drizzled over it. And yes, he will share if you ask him to.
Cobalt (Outertale Sans)- Hot dogs. He doesn't really get why, but just dress it up a bit and he loves it. Especially with some potato chips he can stick in the bun with it.
Remix (Dancetale Sans)- Deep dish pizzas. It doesn't really matter what toppings are on it, he mainly likes gooey cheese and sauce. You could get him a plain cheese pizza and he'd be just as happy as if it had every topping available on it.
Guns (Mobtale Sans)- He has the most expensive taste I think, though the garbage food works too. But he likes lamb and steak a lot, though he's not going to argue if you bring something else. The more tender it is, the better.
G (Gaster!Sans)- He actually really likes bacon. He just likes chewing on it really, not much more to it than that.
Now for the sweet loving Papyrus. Though some of them don't mind grease either (Like Mutt who really likes chili dogs), they overall prefer something sweet to snack on. Mostly candies, but a variety works!
Prime (Undertale Papyrus)- Cinnamon rolls, especially when they're warm and gooey. It's a bit of a guilty pleasure, but he'll never turn one down.
Stretch (Underswap Papyrus)- Cookies. Any kind works, but he'd like white chocolate chip cookies a lot. He just prefers them more.
Edge (Underfell Papyrus)- He really likes pies and it doesn't really matter all that much about the kind. Though crème pies are a definite favored. He likes the fruit based ones too though.
Mutt (Swapfell Papyrus)- Chocolate anything. A regular bar, something dipped in chocolate, cake, or cookies. Anything chocolate works. But honestly anything works for him. Donuts and anything he can chew on is great too.
Lunar (Horrortale Papyrus)- Macrons of any type. He just really likes them, even with the size of them. But the bigger you can make them for him, the happier he'll be. But he'd like anything you'd make him, especially if it's soft and easy to bite into, just touched that you'd even think to.
Charmed (Underlust Papyrus)- Ice cream, really any type and combinations. Especially with other candies, syrups, fruits, and nuts mixed in. Make up a wild combination and he'll love it. He'd be happy to try anything you make!
Comet (Outertale Papyrus)- Rock candies. He finds them fun and tasty, liking to suck on them. He likes any of the colors, but will definitely like it if you bring a variety. He also really likes cotton candy too.
Tango (Dancetale Papyrus)- Gummies. It doesn't really matter the shape, but the wilder ones you find, the more amused he'll be.
Ace (Mobtale Papyrus)- He honestly finds candy cigarettes hilarious, so he'll always get a good laugh if you bring those along. Though he really likes cakes, especially lava cakes. He finds them so interesting.
Aster (Gaster!Papyrus)- He likes hard candies he can suck on. Doesn't really matter what kind it is, though he does like jolly ranchers a bit more. But he'll take any that you'll bring.
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marcholasmoth · 3 years
OSRR: 2684
i made more snowflakes today, but i also helped a few students today! i was happy about that.
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the last solo snowflake photo is the smallest snowflake i've ever made, i believe. it's about three-quarters of an inch across. it fits on my thumbnail.
the giant-ass pair of scissors is what i used to cut these out. what i've used to cut all of the snowflakes i've made out. i'm honestly really proud of them.
anyway, i zoomed in for class this evening, and i actually got to contribute, because a bunch was straight-up arithmetic and i was happy to do math and stuff and contribute, even though i can't do programming.
and of course, not leaving londonderry was nice. it sucks that i'm always tired now that i gotta drive a bunch more, because i don't get into class and i can't ask for the specific help i want to ask for because it's just like. me nervous.
that's all.
oh wait.
not quite.
this next part is mostly discussion of foods, so if that's not your thing, then suffice it to say, i had something that tried very hard to be a green bean and ultimately bamboozled me.
so the mcc student senate and cultural exchange club put together an entire shebang today for students. there was a stuffed animal station that was like build-a-bear but they're little, a cotton candy station, the nursing club did tie blankets, and there was a prize wheel and all sorts of stuff. aileen came around and told people about it, and me and samantha bolted from the library. we got things from the spiny wheel and we stuffed animals - she stuffed a frog who she named kyle after i suggested it and i made a unicorn-pegasus who i named tanya. she's very cute and very soft and she has a star inside her.
after we left, they brought in some nepalese food! i asked chelsie to go and grab some for me, so she went and brought me some and then got some for herself. on the plate, there was yellow curry and rice, a little bit of a cold vegetable salad, some bread, and a dumpling. the yellow curry was delicious. the rice was perfect. i took a bite of a carrot from the salad, and it was good - cold, crunchy, and quite spicy, but good. the bread and the dumpling were also delicious, so i then went back to the salad to eat some more. it had carrots, peas, cucumbers, capers, and green beans in it, and after eating the carrots and peas, i went after the green beans! which, yknow, in a cold salad, would be crispy, so i was super excited to munch on those.
stabbed it with my fork, chomped down on it, ...
... discovered real fast it was Decidedly Not A Green Bean.
it was the single spiciest thing i've ever put in my mouth.
i was dying.
i was dying for twenty minutes, until chels offered me her leftover bread and rice and i went MONCH MONCH MONCH oh that.
oh my god, it was so bad.
i have a decent tolerance for spice for a white person. i like spicy food. i'll get things at indian and thai places with a medium spice and it's delicious.
but this thing,
was unapologetically painful.
it didn't even go to the "huh, this has an interesting flavor" stage. it just went straight to "ow, ow, ow."
i couldn't even breathe out of my mouth, it was so sensitive and burned. holy shit, man. if that had been actual, real heat, it would've seared off all of my taste buds.
eventually, thanks to the extra bread and rice (and a lot of time spent at the water fountain trying to remove the capsaicin from my mouth), i was able to get it to a manageable level and it faded from there.
but fuck that. it didn't even have a spice warning.
that is my experience with the Spiciest Green Bean I've Ever Had. i can't even say eaten, because i didn't eat it - i ended up chewing on it for a hot second and spitting it out.
don't do it. always ask if there's peppers. don't be like me.
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jung-snoopy-woo · 4 years
How I Met Your Grandfather
~Chapter 8~
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(Gif Credit: @huiracha​ via tumblr, your gifs are super cute!! Please let me know if it’s not okay to use them 🙏🙏)
Other Chapters: Masterlist | First | Second | Third | Fourth | Fifth | Sixth | Seventh | ninth (coming soon!!)
Pairing: Bang Chan × Fem! Reader, Twin brother! Felix Lee.
Genre: Mostly fluff, a tiny bit of angst.
Word count: 1.2k.
Warnings: mentions of the same insecurities from the previous chapters.
Summary: After saving her from drowning, Chan and y/n could finally(!!!!) start their date, watching the sunset together. In the meantime, the boys who stayed in the dorms decide on who’s going to do the dishes, but Felix can’t focus as he feels like something doesn’t feel right...
A/N: I’d like to start with thanking the beautiful anon for motivating me to continue writing. I was very very busy lately since exam season started, and I really didn’t think anyone still cares about this fanfic anymore so I was sure I wouldn’t continue writing, but your message really motivated me to write, and I’m so glad I did because it was so fun!! 
Also, I don’t know if it’s good enough but I really like the sunset and going to the beach so basically this is my dream date I guess?? 😂😂 
Hope you all enjoy reading!! 🥰🥰🥰
"Are you sure you're okay?", Chris asked you as the two of you were sitting on the warm sand, eating the cookies and the fruits, as the sun was beginning to set, the sky filled with beautiful shades of pink and orange. "I can drive you home immediately so you can rest and maybe some other time, if at all.. I mean... if you want to, we can--", your laugh interrupted his words.
"Yes, Chris, I'm fine now!", You said with a smile. You then looked at him, "Thanks to you... Mr. Keeper?", this nickname made him blush and finally he could join your laughing.
“Wait, so you baked these cookies??", Chris asked. “Yup”, you answered with a smile. “They were super easy to make actually!”. "Wow, really? those baking skills really do run in the family, huh?", he said, and you could only laugh in response.
"Oh, I almost forgot!!", He suddenly called. He opened his backpack and took a huge plastic bag out of it that seemed pretty full. He took out all the candies and snacks out of it, and your eyes widened because these were your favorites back in Australia and you missed eating them so much. He opened all of them and said "Ta daaaaaa".
After you two finished eating, you decided to have a walk on the beach. Chris got up first, and being the gentleman he is, helped you standing up.
"The sky looks so pretty at this time of the day", you said, trying to start a conversation. For some reason, it didn't feel awkward walking quietly with him like this. But you still wanted to know him better... and you liked listening to him talk, too.
Chris wanted to say it so badly. 'You're so much prettier'. But he didn't, as it was too cheesy and would probably make it too weird for you. And he didn't want to do that, of course. When talking to other people, he always felt like he has to start conversations, but to him, walking like this with you- the sea water touch your legs as the two of you walk side by side... It was perfect. He let his hand get closer to yours and finally held it.
You were a bit surprised at first (I mean, he was so quiet you thought you said something wrong??), not expecting him to do what you wanted to do so badly yourself, but his hand felt so warm and nice in your hand that you immediately held it back, looking at him with a smile. He returned a big smile and you could see how his ears turned a soft shade of red again.
"Y/n...", Chris started. You two were walking for a while when you finally found a nice bench, so you decided to sit there and look at the sunset together as some stars were showing. "I had a really great time with you today... I mean, it was scary at first. Very scary. But after the scary part, it was amazing"
You smiled. "It really was amazing for me too", you said, eyes meeting his. "And thank you... for saving my life and for making this date so great...", you let your head rest on his shoulder. He looked at you with the softest look omg you left him speechless... His ears couldn't get any more red right now.
"Y/n", he finally said. Gosh, how you liked the way he said your name. “Hmm?”, You turned to look at him, head still resting on his strong shoulder. "Is it okay if I do this...?", Your confused look changed to a smile in a second as he leaned forward, his soft lips touching yours, both hands cupping your cheeks gently, as warmth started spreading in your body.
Oh, it was a lot better than okay...
"Felix?", Seungmin's voice interrupted Felix's thoughts. "Hey, Felix, it's your turn... Is everything okay?"
The boys were sitting around the table, with snacks and soft drinks on it, as they were about to find out which one of them is going to do the dishes this time. And so they did it in the same way they have always made important life decisions like this- by playing card games.
"Yeah... I'm just...", Felix started. What was he feeling? He wasn't even sure himself. He was happy for his friend and his sister, of course. He trusts Chan to be the best boyfriend for y/n. But it doesn't mean this whole thing wasn't strange for him... which probably was the reason why he felt this strange pain in his chest that made it a little hard for him to breathe for a few seconds...
"He's just worried because Chan hyung is on a date with his sister right now, and..", Minho said, with a smile, but once he saw Felix's worried look he stopped joking, amusement leaving his face. "Oh, come on, It's going to be okay! We already talked about this- Chan hyung is a good guy, and I'm sure y/n can take care of herself...".
"I know, I know", Felix said. "I trust Chan hyung, and I trust my sister to make the right choice. But still... I have a bad feeling for some reason..? "
"Your twinny-senses are tingling?", Jisung asked, shoving two potato chips in his mouth.
Of course, that's how you two called the way you could tell when the other lied, and when you just knew stuff, but they weren't REAL...
"Well, I don't know, I just feel like--", Felix started.
"It's the twinny-senses", Jisung continued, still chewing.
"Uhmmm, I.. it's not like--"
"Just tell him that it's your twinny-senses", Hyunjin said, rolling his eyes. "Jisung hyung wouldn't stop it if you don't", Jeongin added with a nod, whispering.
Felix sighed. "Yeah, it's my twinny-senses", he said, looking at Jisung who looked at him as if waiting for him to continue. "And.. they're tingling?". Felix said with another sigh. Now Jisung finally looked satisfied as he nodded with a proud smile.
"I'm sure it's alright", Changbin said, patting the younger's back. "This situation is probably just a little weird for you",
"I think so too", Jeongin added. "I mean, Channie-hyung is coming very soon and you sleep in the same room with him so... It's probably going to be even weirder for you two".
"Oh no...", Hyunjin covered his mouth with his hand, not able to hide his smile.
"Oh, our Jeonginnie...", Jisung said with a chuckle, shaking his head in disbelief.
"Felix, don't listen to them, everything is going to be okay", Seungmin said.
"And you don't have to talk about it to him, you know", Changbin added. "I sleep in this room too, so if the situation gets too awkward, this hyung will help you!", He pointed at himself, gaining some snorts of laughter from the others.
But it did lift up Felix's spirit. "Thank you Changbin hyung--", he said, smiling. 
The sound of a key turning in the lock made them all freeze.
Chan was now standing in the living room, with a smile on his face. "So...", He started. "Who's doing the dishes this time?"
Everyone was quite at first. Chan's hair looked curlier than usual, meaning it was soaked and dried in the cool air, which makes sense as he probably couldn't help it but swim, being the sea-lover he is. But what caught their eyes was his clothes that still seemed a bit damp and were pretty wrinkled. Now, why wouldn’t he take off his shirt to get in the water?? It could be a great way to impress y/n as they all know how great his body looks... 
"It's Felix", Minho's voice finally broke the silence. "Felix is doing the dishes this time".
A/n: Hope you all have a wonderful day, please stay safe and happy! In case any of you is also insecure about the way they look, please know that you’re beautiful, loved and very important!! 
My DMs are always open so feel free to message me  💖💖
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wonkasmissstarshine · 4 years
The Chocolatier’s Rose {Willy Wonka x OC} Ch. 4
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GIF not mine. Credit goes to owner.
Summary: Four of the Golden Tickets are found. Rose dies inside when she sees the type of kids found that found them.
Tagging: @holdmeicant​ @willymywonkers​
Boy was Grandpa George right when he said the first kid to find a golden ticket would be fat. The first kid was named Augustus Gloop from Dusseldorf, Germany. The kid had chocolate smeared all over his face, and judging by his size, Rose could tell he ate a lot of it.
"I am eating the Wonka bar and I taste something, that is not chocolate, or coconut, or walnut, or peanut butter, or nougat, or butter brittle, or caramel, or sprinkles. So I look and I find the golden ticket." Augustus explained to the reporters.
"Augustus, how did you celebrate? " A reporter asked him.
"I eat more candy." Augustus answered, and immediately pulled out a Wonka bar.
"We knew Augustus would find the golden ticket." Mrs Gloop began talking. "He eats so many candy bars a day that it was not possible for him to not find one."
“Told you it’d be a porker” Grandpa George said, which caused Rose to snort. 
“What a repulsive boy” Grandma Josephine was aghast.
“Only four golden tickets left” Charlie realized.
“Now that they’ve found one” Grandpa Joe said. “Things will really get crazy”
The next ticket was found in Buckinghamshire, England by a spoiled brat named Veruca Salt. Ugh, how Rose hated spoiled children. Rose and Charlie were always appreciative of what little they had, and never demanded a thing. Unlike this spoiled brat.
"Veruca, " A reported said the girl's name. "Can you spell that for us, please? "
"V-E-R-U-C-A. Veruca Salt." Veruca said, flashing a smile.
"Soon as my little Veruca told me she had to have one of these golden tickets, I started buying up all the Wonka bars I could lay my hands on." Mr. Salt shared. "Thousands of them. Hundreds of thousands. I'm in the nut business, you see. So, I say to my workers, "Morning, ladies. From now on you can stop shelling peanuts and start shelling the wrappers off these chocolate bars instead. Three days went by and we had no luck. Oh, it was terrible. My little Veruca got more and more upset each day. Well, gentlemen, I just hated to see my little girl feeling unhappy like that. I vowed I would keep up the search until I could give her what she wanted. And finally, I found her a ticket."
Rose sighed, shaking her head as she turned off the tv. She didn't know who was worse. The fat lump, or the spoiled brat. "Thank goodness you're not like either of those children, Charlie" Rose said to her brother, bringing him into a hug. "You're polite and kind to everyone you meet, and you're always thinking of others before you think of yourself"
"I don't think that was really fair" Charlie said. "She didn't find the ticket herself"
"Don't worry about it, Charlie" Grandpa Joe assured Charlie. "That man spoils his daughter. And no good ever comes from spoiling a child like that"
Mrs Bucket and Mr Bucket came bursting through the door, both of them wearing excited smiles. "Charlie," Mr Bucket began, draping an arm over Mrs Bucket's shoulder. "your mum and I thought maybe you wanna open your birthday present tonight"
Charlie gave a wide smile. Mr and Mrs Bucket walked over to the bed. Mrs Bucket handed Charlie his present. Everyone leaned in and watched with anticipation as Charlie opened his present, which was a Wonka Whipple-Scrumptious Fudgemallow Delight. Charlie stared at the bar and said, "Maybe I should wait until morning"
"Like hell" Grandpa George muttered.
Mr Bucket gave him a look. "Pop"
"All together we're three hundred and eighty one years old" Grandpa Joe said. "We don't wait"
"Now Charlie, you mustn't feel too disappointed" Rose told him. "If you don't get the ticket, you'll at least still have the chocolate" Charlie then began to carefully and slowly unwrap the chocolate bar. But alas, there was no gold. Only the dark brown of the chocolate.
"Oh, well" Grandpa Joe shrugged. "That's that"
"We'll share it" Charlie decided.
"Oh no, Charlie" Grandpa Joe shook his head. "Not your birthday present"
"It's my candy bar. I'll do what I want with it" Charlie began to break off pieces of the Wonka bar, and he handed a piece to everyone. There was just enough pieces for everyone. Rose stared down at the piece in her hand. She didn't eat it right away. Instead, she brought the piece of chocolate up to her nose and smelt it.
She closed her eyes in bliss. The chocolate had a wonderful smell to it. She took a small bite out of it, moaning in delight at the taste. She couldn't wait until tomorrow, when she could give Charlie the bar Mrs Mason had given her. And she had enough money in her pocket. She would buy another bar for him. That would give Charlie two more tries for that ticket.
The third ticket had been found in Atlanta, Georgia by the arrogant Violet Beauregarde. And if her arrogance and pride wasn't bad enough, she was an obnoxious gum smacker.
Rose hated gum.
Violet and her mother were wearing matching tracksuits as they stood in the living room, in the middle of their shelves of trophies. "These are just some of the two hundred and sixty three trophies and medals that my Violet has won." Mrs Beauregarde bragged about her daughter.
"I'm a gum chewer, mostly, but when I heard about these ticket things, I laid off the gum. Switched to candy bars." Violet said through her gum smacking.
"She's just a driven young woman. I don't know where she gets it."
"I'm the junior world champion gum chewer. This piece of gum, I'm chewing right at this moment, I've been working on for three months solid. That's a record."
"Of course, I did have my share of trophies" Mrs Beauregarde motioned towards the batons on the wall behind her. "Mostly baton."
"So, it says that one kids gonna get this special prize, better than all the rest. I don't care who those other four are. That kid, it's gonna be me."
"Tell them why, Violet."
"Because I'm a winner! "
"What a beastly girl" Grandma Josephine spat.
"Despicable" Grandma Georgina added.
"You don't even know what we're talking about!" Grandpa George said to her.
Rose scrunched her face in disgust. "I tell you, all that gum chewing is going to get her in trouble one day. A disgusting habit"
The fourth ticket was found in Denver, Colorado by the know-it-all, Mike Teavee. Okay, Rose liked kids who were smart, but not when they thought that they were smarter than everyone else like Mike did. He had his eyes glued to the tv as he played a video game.
"All you had to do, is track the manufacturing dates, offset by weather and the derivative of the Nikkei index. A retard could figure it out." Mike stated, as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"Most of the time, I don't know what he's talking about." Mr Teavee said. "Kids these days with all the technology."
"Die! Die! Die! " Mike screamed at the game.
"Doesn't seem like they stay kids very long."
"In the end, I only had to buy one candy bar."
"And how did it taste? "a reporter asked.
"I don't know. I hate chocolate."
That sent Rose flying over the edge. What kind of kid hates chocolate!?
"Well, it's a good thing you're going to a chocolate factory, you ungrateful little..." Rose was quick to cover Charlie's ears. Though, she agreed with Grandpa George. Why even go to a chocolate factory if you hate chocolate?
Now, there was only one ticket out there left. And Rose hoped with every bone, muscle, and nerve in her body, that Charlie would be the one to find it.
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Uh hey so i had a question?? Maybe you could help idk but I'm having trouble finding a stim that works right now?? I don't have any stim toys but i normally find other things that work for me and i keep flapping my hands but it's not really helping?? Idk it's very frustrating and i feel like im trapped in my skin
Hey! Sorry i didn’t respond sooner but i totally get this. I definitely have times where i super need to stim but nothing feels right or works and it’s so so frustrating. I didn’t have any stim toys either till a couple years ago and even now i just have some fidget spinners, a fidget cube, and a chew necklace. i’m gonna list some stims i do or stim with besides those and hand flapping (which i do a lot too) and hopefully it’s helpful for you. warning: this is wayyyyy too long and has way more information then you asked for but finally got those adhd meds again so i’m like oh can’t stop typing (typing stim right there).
(p.s. if you or anyone ever wants to talk or ask about neurodivergent stuff feel free to i’m always happy to talk about or help and my inbox and dms are always open)
chewing: i chew on stuff a lot to stim (even though it’s like the worst stim for my tmj) and sometimes find myself eating stuff just to move my mouth. but mostly i chew on my shirt collar a lot or just have it in my mouth a lot of the time, i also love gum and hard candies but tic tacs are my favorite but i end up eating a whole container of them when i have them because i just love chewing them. also uncooked pasta is a favorite to chew on. i also sometimes chew on pens
listening: i listen to songs, tv episodes, and podcasts on repeat a lot like a lot a lot. i don’t like quiet most of the time or not really quiet because i can hear everything around me all the time but like i don’t really like that either so. i listen to my brother my brother and me like 24/7 i’ve listened to all the podcast episodes? like way too many times, i also listen to bojack or bob’s burgers a lot because i’ve also seen the episodes so many times i know exactly what’s happening in every scene, the music i listen to on repeat is either a single song or an album, so show yourself, rewrite the stars, words fail, etc or frozen ii, jatp, dear evan hansen albums. i also cover and uncover my ears a lot because i like the noise.
touching: i love feeling stuff mostly soft stuff so petting my cats or rabbit, feeling blankets, holding and rubbing stuffed animals
smell: i’m super sensitive to like 95% of smells but the smells i do like i can smell for hours and are big stim i’ve been doing for a long time specifically laundry detergent so i put my shirt over my nose a lot also my haunted mansion themed body wash is my favorite scent ever and so i just smell that and it really calms me
vocal: i don’t talk a lot i’m a fairly quiet person and could and have gone days without speaking but i can be loud and talkative when hyper or infodumping and have always stimmed a lot vocally. i hum a lot or just make noises or beats, i have a kind of odd vocal stim where i just kind of sing old mcdonald randomly (i don’t know why but i’ve done it for a while) and also echolalia, a lot of them are just weird and everyone around me is like please stop saying, “it’s not just food, it’s fourth meal” but i love echolalia i think it’s a super cool thing autistics do!
body stims/stuff with my hands: i rub my hands together, crack my knuckles, clap, drum with my hands on anything and everything (i was a percussionist in middle school band and have always loved the drums so) i also use pencils/chopsticks/paint brushes or anything and drum on tables or just air drum with imaginary drumsticks. i twirl my hair a lot and now that it’s longer i do little braids braiding is such a nice stim. i also do body stims that aren’t good for my joint hypermobility but like i just need to do them sometimes, such as doing circles with my wrist or ankle or hyperextending my elbow. one of my favorite stims i do and one i do mostly in public because i need room (and since covid and like barely ever leaving my house when i do go out i do it a lot) is i kind of jump up and lift one leg in the air and clap under my leg. that probably sounds weird and like it kind of is but whatever stims can be weird and that’s great! i also rock back and forth on my heals a lot.
visual: i’m not a person that gets into a lot of like stimboards and stuff because a lot of stim gifs aren’t stuff i like but my favorite stim gifs or videos are calligraphy writing ones, cooking/cake decorating, nail painting, and just food recipe videos. sometimes i’ll just end up in a wormhole on pinterest of food recipe vids, like they are never foods i could actually eat or ever need the recipe for but i just love watching them (except meat heavy ones i just don’t like looking at meat). also i love watching fandom video edits on instagram i have like a bajillion saved and watch them all the time. i also love love watching gifs of characters stimming and sometimes just go through my autistic collection to watch these gifs for hours.
random stims: one of biggest stims is playing with toy cars and toy skateboards. i just kind of roll them on my arms/hands/legs or tables. i actually take a mcdonald’s clone wars anakin skateboard toy like everywhere with me, and i love it i found it at my gramma’s house years ago and it’s become like a comfort item at this point and of course because of adhd i lose everything i touch so before i leave the house i’m always like where is my anakin skywalker skateboard. i also have a lightning mcqueen car that was my comfort stim toy before anakin and i still take him a lot of places too. i also love wear rings to stim with, i don’t have any like spinning rings or anything yet but i just like twisting them on my finger a lot, my favorite to do that with is my great grandmother’s spoon ring it’s the perfect thing to twist and i love it. i also like pressure stims sometimes if my body can handle it like putting couch cushions on me or my weighted blanket. i also just play with my pop socket a lot and use it so much i broke the top of it off but i don’t know what i would do without it.
sorry that was way too long and way too much information and i don’t even know if any of that was helpful at all but i really hope something was or it gave you an idea for a different stim. like i said before you can literally ask me about anything especially neurodivergent stuff.
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wrathfulspark · 4 years
“I know, I am not the one to usually ask questions, I mostly get asked them given who I am. Plus, I feel that if there is anything you want me to know about you, you eventually talk about it. I like the sudden discoveries between us rather than knowing everything about you up front Mon amour. However, I am always wanting to know more about you, even though I feel I know you fairly well given what all we have shared with one another.”
 Tamryn maintained a fond smile as she searched the beautiful features of her lovers face before meeting the kiss with a sense of eagerness. Leaning her head back against the headboard she exhaled softly as she let her fingertips run through Elidi’s hair aimlessly as her lover rested in the crook of her neck, letting out a soft huff like laugh she commented back,
 “Are you really so quick to get back to Tabula Rasa? Relax Mon amour, that is all we have to do for the next three days.”
 Thinking over some ideas of what they could do beyond being in the hotel and the beach the she wolf was mentally lost in thought and was not expecting the nip against the skin above her collar bone. Her fingers gripped Elidi’s hair and let out a playful growl as her eyes shifted yellow against her control for a moment before she recovered with a sly smirk as she locked eyes with the her lover,
 “Mmm, I would only abuse it in the right ways darling.”
 Tamryn arched a brow as she teased back, but became somewhat serious again as she wanted to still be clear,
 “I would never intentionally do anything to abuse you in any sort of way, and I intend to ensure that others are incapable of abusing you as well. No one will hurt you as long as you are with me and I can prevent it.”
  Hearing the whine she tilted her head thoughtfully and let Elidi sit up to get her drink, Tamryn looked over to her own glass which was near empty and decided to fill it only to nearly empty it in another long drink. Her gazed drifted to the screen as Elidi mentioned how she hadn’t been focused on the movie. The she wolf bit her lip for a moment before sitting up a bit more against the headboard,
“It’s fairly hard to focus on a romance movie when you have set this room up like one of our own. That and I honestly find it hard to focus on anything other than you as of late...”
 Her focus shifted as she looked over the witch’s legs and arms seeing the slight tint to her skin, her own seemingly unphased by the sun despite how fair skinned she was, with a almost prideful grin she moved to be closer to her love, leaning in towards her ear some as she added,
 “The beauty of being the beast. Tanning, and sunburns are in a sense skin damage, we recover even from that fairly quick. We can tan, and get burned eventually, we would have to sit in direct sunlight for a prolonged period of time to tan and, I don’t have that much free time really. I like my fair skin, it’s divine to a degree.”
 Sitting up now she crossed her legs and sat facing Elidi as she gathered a few of the chocolates onto her own pillow, aimlessly arranging them in the shape of a small heart before taking one and opening it to eat. Arching a brow as Elidi suggested the aquarium she smiled but then gave her a look as she mentioned not wanting to control the trip,
 “Eli, stop being so modest with me, at this point, you don’t have to be. I don’t see anything you do when taking the lead or taking charge as being controlling, which says a lot coming from me. I don’t often like letting other have control. I like that you are not shy to take control with me, I want you to be selfish with me and our relationship because I am doing the same. When I want to do something with you, we do it, even if you protest a bit at first. I want you to feel the same way. If you want something or want to do something simply mention it and it is yours, or ours. I see you as my Queen, not just my girlfriend or lover. So let me treat you as such, and by all means start to feel like such, specially when its just us here.”
 With a faint smile she picked up one of the chocolate and unwrapped it while she spoke. Moving over the bed she straddled Elidi’s lap, being aware to hold herself up with her thighs so she didn’t touch the potential sunburns her lover had. Leaning down she held out the chocolate close to Elidi’s lips with a fond smile,
 “I want to do the things you want to do. If that means sitting on the beach all day just so you can be near the ocean, then we by all means will do that. Or if you want to go to the Aquarium then we will do that as well. Even just sitting here, pretending to watch a movie while we enjoy this new territory together is enough. I know I seem very complexed to the public, but when it comes to you I am not. I just want to be near you, and do whatever it takes to maintain this happiness we have together.”
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Elidi listened intently as Tamryn spoke, her hues while attentive, soft as she gazed at the redhead. Her head shook slightly once Tamryn finished speaking, "You can know whatever it is you want about me, whenever you feel like knowing. I'll tell you anything." There was a small pause, as the witch pondered her words with deliberate consideration, "... From my childhood, teen years, all the way up to adulthood. Maybe we could make a night of that, hm?" Though when the duo tended to talk about their past, the tone always descended into a darker territory, but the end result brought them all the closer together. Elidi found solace in that.
Elidi's eyes slip shut as her lovers fingers comb through her hair, relishing in her touch, stirring only at the sound of her voice. Looking up at Tamryn's accusation, she's quick to shake her head to dismiss the comment, no matter if said in jest, "Of course not darling. Tabula can't hold a candle to you. We could be... just out and about on the streets and I'd still prefer it over Tabula. When I am with you, there is no greater place to be." She spoke matter pf factly, a wide grin on her lips before she scatters a trail of kisses along the Alpha's skin available to her. "I am plenty relaxed."
The grip on her hair, once placid, now firmly gripped darkened locks, Elidi's brows raising in surprise. Bright eyes take notice of the yellow hue in her lovers gaze, a side of Tamryn she wasn't all too familiar with, but enraptured with none the less. Only abuse it in the right way, huh? A smile covers her lips, adjusting quickly to press the tip of her nose against Tamryns, amused. "How cheeky." Though upon noticing the change in Tamryn's demeanour, she's quick to alter her own, "I know Red... and I hope you know the same. I never want to hurt you, and I would never intentionally do so. I want to be someone you can always rely on and come too with whatever you may need. I don't have a pack or as much authority as you in mattera of protection, but only the very best of my abilities to assure no harm will find its way to you."
Elidi rubbed the back of her head, sheepish and embarassed, she hadn't decorated the room entirely up to her standards, but if Tamryn liked it she supposed it was okay. She wanted nothing but the best for her amor. Listening as Tamryn explained her slight tolerance to the sun, Elidi let out a hum in thought, "I see... though I do agree completely. Your skin is divine. Heavenly. It makes it all the more tempting to mark." She faltered, "Not that it would stay."
Watchful hues observed as Tamryn sorted the little candies into a heart, a faint chuckle leaving her as she found the small act adorable. "Well... I know, I know. I just, want to make sure it is something you want to do too. Just off an assumption here, but I doubt you come to the beach much, so it is a rare occurence. I want to make the most of it, with as much as you're comfortable with."
Accepting the piece of chocolate, she grinned as she chewed, finding Tamryn much sweeter than the little treat. Her hands found their way around the redhead's waist, guiding her hips down to sit upon her thighs. "It won't kill me." Elidi teased, although entirely swooned at Tamryn's consideration of her burn. "Besides that is all I want to do, be near you." Digits idly toyed with the ends of her fiery red hair, brushing stray hairs from Tamryn's palid visage. "Maybe we can sit on the beach like you suggested earlier." Elidi turned her head to look out the balcony window, "Seeing as I dozed off once or twice there, by the time we get everything prepared, the sun should be setting."
She sat up partially, holding Tamryn securely in her lap as she pressed a lingering kiss to her lips, a small grin evident on her lips.
"Oh! We can even go for a walk on the beach, that's romantic. Isn't it?" The suggestion, albeit her own, seemed to perk her up significantly. "Then we can drink. See, I have now planned a proper evening. The aquarium can wait."
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
They look human and it's rare for them to look like our friend here and someone might be taking his genetic material and making them somehow splicing them with something maybe bolge, which makes sense because of Tommy's idiotic mouth and the vice president's disappearances so she's on the witness protection and watch list now. And there are at least 40 of them that have a black beard like my grand nephews. A lot of people say the resemblance is uncanny.
I want them all in now to examine them and they're tyrants they're just trying huge armies. He seems to be in control of them or is targeted them we can't tell or even in the middle. Their armored and don't look it the skin looks like our friend's skin the temperament looks like his and they look intense like he does lots of times it's very spooky we have a lot of images I know he does not look like neo or any of the idiot Trump characters or dance these people don't look like him these creatures do and their creatures you can tell they have a mouth that is really really quite different on the inside and they eat a lot of people that's the most bizarre thing I've ever seen they open up and they dump them in and that's it no chewing nothing down the hatch you get bigger pretty quick grew into a mile in about 10 minutes
And the mix does not make him look like but it looks like it's all Max and it's mostly retards there's no way they're not now they look like Max now
Mac Daddy
I got to see this it's not going down there he says I wonder why because they're Giants I Don't go near Giants okay I've heard that before and it's true that's what he says no one else is not allowed to it's like being there a big weapon but Giants are usually irresponsible look just like him see if one took my suit he says I've had enough of this stupid s***
So I'm thinking about going down there now we're down there he says I don't have any kids Trump one of those guys so I'm pissed off so what are those guys those would be your kids those kids right there yes those kids right there I'm thinking of wiping out aren't they fighting your dinkus Tommy f,,, yes but they're after us too apparently the doppelgangers okay I don't know if that's true I didn't ask them either it says get ready for a wise ass Coded retort, so I will
That's stupid that's so lackluster I have to inquire why so lackluster it's like you don't even give a s*** he said there's kids it's not supposed to have any kids except mine
I'm almost positive they're not your kids sarah lol
Yeah they're mine and his it's my familiar or demon and his genetic material and he's like 20% of the monster or so he has a screwed because of it
Oh shit
So what do we do now it says nothing that's in Mexico they'd have to extradite me out of the country and you're fighting there illegally he says to me I sort of have to agree with him.
But we're leaders down there and that's where I'm a leader is Mexico I can't believe this is happening what are you doing down there instead of putting on a multiplicity too movie but it's badass so I can't stand this joke either John Candy come and John Candy kept copying him and copying him and now it looks absurd
Tommy f
It's not my work I have to profess it really is not it's gross there's way too many they're too huge and they're eating too many people I've never seen anything like that it's complete debauchery nowhere near as bad as his trips to Mexico no those are so tamed it's crazy this is ridiculous the guy is kind of a palmar as we can take advantage of or something and nobody's bothered to figure anything out
We have a particular problem here we don't know what's going on we don't know what these things are and we see what they are we think so going down there going to attack if necessary
They're about 500,000 at 10 mi now and growing soon it'll be millions usually we do have millions at 10 miles they just don't know it they won't see them all it's too hard to see that maybe that big and space is under attack by us and foreigners the growing very rapidly and her son says spice can do that if you know what you're doing and ghwb know what he was doing so they're accusing him and we're moving in here now
Thor Freya
They're entering foreigners are hurting them or getting rid of them rapidly because they don't want them to see what's going on and they hurt this Latino woman who helped feed him on Saturday and as a message but it's good for her people to see it
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