#for my skillfuckers out there
brainrotdotorg · 1 year
im sorry its been taking me so long to write chapter 2 of mindfuck so as an apology. here is a sneak preview : ))
VOLITION- We're not discussing this right now. Back to the topic at hand, please... I think we all know why we're here.
VISUAL CALCULUS- You wanted to tell us all about how Electro wore you like a hand puppet?
VOLITION- ...no. But that is related. Gang, I won't mince words here. We're sexually frustrated.
YOU- Yeah, I know.
VOLITION- Not just you. All of us, Harry. Pining after Kim is taking more than an emotional toll. 
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT- We need to fuck, Harry.
REACTION SPEED- Like rabbits.
INLAND EMPIRE- A desert of physical intimacy, and only one man can quench that thirst...
INTERFACING- If we don't get our hands on his body, I don't know what I'm going to do.
ENCYCLOPEDIA- Blueballs is a myth, but as of now, it feels real.
PAIN THRESHOLD- Very real. Too real.
SAVOIR FAIRE- It's going to get noticeable if this goes on much longer.
VOLITION- ...which is why we need to try our best to appear like this isn't the case. We can't be a horny nuisance.
CONCEPTUALIZATION- Since when do we care about not being a nuisance? 
LOGIC- Since Harry got caught with an erection by Kim. It's a miracle he kept speaking to him after that. Our influence is going to lessen Harry in his eyes if we aren't careful.
YOU- I don't want that. I definitely do not want that.
LOGIC- Kim having less respect for you means it's less likely he'll fuck you. Which means it's less likely we'll get some kind of relief.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY- Exactly! If we're not going with the sexual kamikaze angle that Volition suggested-
VOLITION- I didn't suggest that.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY- -then our next best bet is to be normal.
VOLITION- Good. I'm glad we're all in agreement, then.
AUTHORITY- Right. Kim's type is not a messy slob who doesn't know how to have a handle on things. You need to learn how to keep it together.
YOU- I can keep it together! I can do that!
EMPATHY- Not without help.
HALF-LIGHT- Mhm. Sounds to me like someone needs to learn how to do their job.
YOU- I'm trying to! But this case is just completely-
HALF-LIGHT- Not you. A certain yellow-bellied someone.
COMPOSURE- Hey, now, wait. Are you talking about me?
REACTION SPEED- Yeah, wallback. 
COMPOSURE- You're telling me how to do my job? It's not like I get much help around here. None of you lot make it easy.
PAIN THRESHOLD- At least we know what we're doing.
COMPOSURE- And I don't? I know how to keep it together. I'm the most collected out of all of us.
ESPRIT DE CORPS- Stop acting like you're better than us. You're just as fallible as anyone else.
VOLITION- We're all feeling the effects of this, Composure. It's not up to us whether we feel sexually frustrated.
COMPOSURE- Actually, I've been feeling just fine. I don't know what the rest of you are going on about. Sounds like it sucks. Sorry.
PERCEPTION- Okay, now they're just lying.
DRAMA- For shame! Sssssuch a flagrant act of deceit!
COMPOSURE- Really. You can all bitch and moan however you'd like. Rut against each other, if you really need to feel better. I'm calm. I'm collected.
YOU- I don't feel very collected.
COMPOSURE- That sounds like a you problem. Me? I'm fine.
RHETORIC- What's your damage? Truly. Honest question.
LOGIC- Oh, no. He's getting an idea.
SUGGESTION- Everyone stand back.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY- Alright, poser. If you really are so calm, let's see it in action. Think you can really keep it together in the heat of the moment? You wanna prove you're a pinnacle of staying cool? Buddy, we're gonna make you squeal.
SAVOIR FAIRE- Knew he couldn't keep up subtlety for long.
COMPOSURE- See, this is what I mean. You can't stay calm. Your brilliant plan is to... all fuck each other?
ELECTROCHEMISTRY- No, silly. We're all gonna fuck you.
ENCYCLOPEDIA- Technically... that's not an orgy. That's a gangbang.
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brainrotdotorg · 1 year
one day ill come off anon but. just know youre among my fav writers. keep up the weird stuff, its not only edible (affectionate) but also beautiful and true. skillfuckers unite <3 also. inventory <3 <3 -🌞
AWWWW thank you so much!! thats such a high compliment omg i really appreciate it. i get a little nervous about posting my weird niche fic out there but messages like this always make it worth it. acknowledgement from my fellow freaks!!!!! i will 100% keep it up hehe thank you for realizing the beauty and truth in those wretched little brain beasts getting down and dirty. and sapient clothing lmfao
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