#begging yall. make some skillship content. dont be afraid
brainrotdotorg · 1 year
im sorry its been taking me so long to write chapter 2 of mindfuck so as an apology. here is a sneak preview : ))
VOLITION- We're not discussing this right now. Back to the topic at hand, please... I think we all know why we're here.
VISUAL CALCULUS- You wanted to tell us all about how Electro wore you like a hand puppet?
VOLITION- ...no. But that is related. Gang, I won't mince words here. We're sexually frustrated.
YOU- Yeah, I know.
VOLITION- Not just you. All of us, Harry. Pining after Kim is taking more than an emotional toll. 
PHYSICAL INSTRUMENT- We need to fuck, Harry.
REACTION SPEED- Like rabbits.
INLAND EMPIRE- A desert of physical intimacy, and only one man can quench that thirst...
INTERFACING- If we don't get our hands on his body, I don't know what I'm going to do.
ENCYCLOPEDIA- Blueballs is a myth, but as of now, it feels real.
PAIN THRESHOLD- Very real. Too real.
SAVOIR FAIRE- It's going to get noticeable if this goes on much longer.
VOLITION- ...which is why we need to try our best to appear like this isn't the case. We can't be a horny nuisance.
CONCEPTUALIZATION- Since when do we care about not being a nuisance? 
LOGIC- Since Harry got caught with an erection by Kim. It's a miracle he kept speaking to him after that. Our influence is going to lessen Harry in his eyes if we aren't careful.
YOU- I don't want that. I definitely do not want that.
LOGIC- Kim having less respect for you means it's less likely he'll fuck you. Which means it's less likely we'll get some kind of relief.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY- Exactly! If we're not going with the sexual kamikaze angle that Volition suggested-
VOLITION- I didn't suggest that.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY- -then our next best bet is to be normal.
VOLITION- Good. I'm glad we're all in agreement, then.
AUTHORITY- Right. Kim's type is not a messy slob who doesn't know how to have a handle on things. You need to learn how to keep it together.
YOU- I can keep it together! I can do that!
EMPATHY- Not without help.
HALF-LIGHT- Mhm. Sounds to me like someone needs to learn how to do their job.
YOU- I'm trying to! But this case is just completely-
HALF-LIGHT- Not you. A certain yellow-bellied someone.
COMPOSURE- Hey, now, wait. Are you talking about me?
REACTION SPEED- Yeah, wallback. 
COMPOSURE- You're telling me how to do my job? It's not like I get much help around here. None of you lot make it easy.
PAIN THRESHOLD- At least we know what we're doing.
COMPOSURE- And I don't? I know how to keep it together. I'm the most collected out of all of us.
ESPRIT DE CORPS- Stop acting like you're better than us. You're just as fallible as anyone else.
VOLITION- We're all feeling the effects of this, Composure. It's not up to us whether we feel sexually frustrated.
COMPOSURE- Actually, I've been feeling just fine. I don't know what the rest of you are going on about. Sounds like it sucks. Sorry.
PERCEPTION- Okay, now they're just lying.
DRAMA- For shame! Sssssuch a flagrant act of deceit!
COMPOSURE- Really. You can all bitch and moan however you'd like. Rut against each other, if you really need to feel better. I'm calm. I'm collected.
YOU- I don't feel very collected.
COMPOSURE- That sounds like a you problem. Me? I'm fine.
RHETORIC- What's your damage? Truly. Honest question.
LOGIC- Oh, no. He's getting an idea.
SUGGESTION- Everyone stand back.
ELECTROCHEMISTRY- Alright, poser. If you really are so calm, let's see it in action. Think you can really keep it together in the heat of the moment? You wanna prove you're a pinnacle of staying cool? Buddy, we're gonna make you squeal.
SAVOIR FAIRE- Knew he couldn't keep up subtlety for long.
COMPOSURE- See, this is what I mean. You can't stay calm. Your brilliant plan is to... all fuck each other?
ELECTROCHEMISTRY- No, silly. We're all gonna fuck you.
ENCYCLOPEDIA- Technically... that's not an orgy. That's a gangbang.
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