#for momentarily shooting my social anxiety point blank
Explore tagged Tumblr posts
I Did It
Ok, this is amazing I recently passed the Tumblr shoelace ritual. Long story short, I was at a market day in my school and saw some stickers. Gandalf's big naturals. Even as someone who doesn't really spend that much time in the LoTR/Hobbit area of Tumblr, I knew about That. I couldn't help myself, it was right There. Probably far to giddily holding that Gandalf sticker (with wasn't just a normal old big naturals, mind you. That wizard was in a laced bra, usually enough to turn me redder than a tomato)
"Which one of you designed this?" I asked on of the two people at the stall (ps everyone was selling their own sruff, so I wasn't afraid in the slightest that the creator of this wouldn't be there.)
"She did," the one I talked to responded. Oh my heart was pounding. All social awkwardness completely evaporated in the face of THE most Tumblr Thing I could do.
"I like your shoelaces." Gosh, I wish I could have talked to literally anyone with half the confidence that I had in that moment. I'm pretty sure I saw just a tiny bit of life drain from their eyes. I'm so sorry but c'mon. Gandalf Big Natruals stickers. Did you really think you could avoid this?
"Thanks. I stole them from the president." I WILL RIDE THAT HIGH FOR THE NEXT MONTH, AT LEAST.
ps. If anyone finds my new buddy (I know it's unlikely but gotta give it a shot.) Just want to let you know that their art is amazing and you should definately by something from them if they take commissions.
#artists on tumblr#tumblr milestone#support small creators#i like your shoelaces#tumblr shoelaces#tumblr culture#tumblr things#this sure is a webbed site#thank you tumblr#for momentarily shooting my social anxiety point blank#it was great
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Three’s a crowd

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↳ Plot: (CEO AU) When your mom’s fairytale life begins to bleed over into your world you’re suddenly caught between two men and one big secret, what was supposed to be a relaxing trip soon begins to spiral out of control. All you wanted was a free vacation...
↳ Pairing: Jungkook/Reader/Jimin, Hoseok/Reader, Taehyung/Reader, (additional tags will be added through the story)
↳ Genre: Smut, angst, drama, angst with a happy ending
Word count: 7k
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Warning ⚠️ This fic touches on drug use, alcoholism and abuse. Please read with caution if any of these things are triggers for you 🖤

When people say they need to speak to you, often people instantly assume the worst. Work themselves up and get a nasty pit in their stomach and with shaky hands they’d nod while their entire life flashed before their eyes. You had done plenty of things in your life, but nothing to ever have warranted such a serious stare from your mother.
This however? You couldn’t have ever anticipated that this would be what she wanted to talk about. The situation being your mothers new perspective partner. You were relieved of course, but also a new sensation washed over you once the information sank in. It was almost as if a new sense of dread filled you. Dread of uncertainty, a new future you had never quite thought of before.
With tightly crossed legs you had a tense expression your face, attempting to smile but it wasn’t necessarily working, one might have easily sensed your defensive posture. You could see why she fell for him. He was soft spoken and charming. Charismatic and you didn’t even want to think about just how rich he was. He being Mr Park, the CEO of a large company apparently- who your mother just so happened to fall in love with.
This news- while happy for her also brought much inner confusion and insecurity within you. You were happy for her but you had never had a dad before. Not really, no one you could ever rely on atleast. You supposed that wasn’t the point though, you were already grown up and while the chance of Mr Park becoming your step father was strong it didn’t necessarily mean anything.
Still the idea sat with you uncomfortably. All that aside you wanted to be happy for your mothers sake, she had been through so much hardship with your father that she deserved someone kind and sweet like Mr Park regardless of his social class.
With that in mind you couldn’t decline your mother when she said she wanted you to meet him, there was only one string attach. Said string being his son, your mother didn’t have enough time to brief you on him beside him being around your age. He was also late. Who was late to meeting their parents new partner? Apparently Mr Park must’ve felt the same as he flusteredly apologized after checking the time on his watch, “I’m terribly sorry on my sons behalf, he said his meeting was likely to go over time.”
“Oh no it’s fine!” Your mother instantly spoke with a dazzling smile and sparkling eyes before turning towards you, “We don’t have anywhere to be, right Y/n?”
Technically you did, you’d have to be at the ward by twelve that night, not to mention you also had to be at the bakery to open up shop tomorrow morning, regardless it meant you couldn’t be out all night. Attempting to push that to the back of your mind you mustered a weak smile, not wanting to ruin the nice atmosphere your mother had worked so hard to create, “Of course! I’m sure he couldn’t help it.”
Your words were semi honest, while you certainly weren’t a business women you supposed some things in meetings couldn’t be helped. There was a still a seed of doubt in your mind though, maybe he was dragging his feet just as much as you were about this. All bets aside it did clarify what you had expected. His son did in fact, work under company. Not that there was anything wrong with that, but you couldn’t help but feel a twinge of snideness, must’ve been nice having your daddy’s company to guarantee a good job for life.
Mr Park gave you a warm smile, one that made you feel momentarily guilty about your inner thoughts as he relaxed a little upon hearing your words, “You’re just as kind as your mother. I know its a little soon to ask but I was planning on taking a trip out to Dubai for business. I was wanting to take your mother along with me, but I’d like to ask if you could come as well.”
Your lips parted as your eyebrows shot up at the unexpected news while Mr Park added, “All expensive will be taken care of naturally. I want this to be a fun experience for you both- if you can come that is.”
Your mother looked giddy in her seat as she glanced at you, why did she have to be like this? You almost felt compelled now, seeing such an excited look on her face made you shift slightly whilst giving them both an awkward smile, “Well uh- I’d first have to ask when you’re going to see if my work would let me take time off.”
“Of course!” Mr Park beamed as if just remembering himself, nodding as he continued, “We’ll be departing by the end of next week, early Sunday morning. It’s just a week visit before we go home. One of my closest friends company is having their thirtieth anniversary there so we would be attending.”
It was a bit abrupt for a trip but seeing your mother so excited you could hardly find the nerve to say no even in your mind, “Well I’ll have to speak to my work about it but I hope I’ll be able to make it.” You gave a polite smile finally answering. And you were being honest, free trip to Dubai? Who would say no to that? But you worked two jobs and almost never had a moment to breath. Let alone for an entire week. But you promised to try and you never broke a promise.
“I apologize for my punctuality.”
A new voice had entered the conversation as you glanced up. This must’ve been Mr Park’s son, in fact, he was the spitting image of him, his black hair had been well groomed parting on the left side of his forehead.
Plump lips and dark eyes that seemed foreign but must have been his mother’s traits. The rest of his facial structure though, without a doubt was his father’s, Mr Park gave an almost relieved smile to see his son as your mother shook her head, “Oh no it’s fine. We were just passing the time waiting for your arrival, it’s pleasure to finally meet you! I’ve heard many great things from your father.”
Her smile looked nervous and her hands had clasped, another telltale sign of her anxiety. You though? You had relaxed back into your chair, your face running blank- not in an intimidating way but more of a poker face then anything. Unreadable, just the way you liked it.
“As have I,” He flashed a brilliant smile that had surely broke over a dozen hearts as he introduced himself, “I’m Jimin, the pleasure is all mine.”
But his gaze suddenly flickered meeting yours as you coolly crossed your legs, wine glass in hand taking a sip. The polite exterior you had worked rather hard to show melting into a more intense stare, some might even consider it a glare but you couldn’t help it, It was a classic defensive look on you, one you couldn’t help in your defense.
Last time your mom went on a date it was with a three time sex offender, not that she had known at the time but everything was not always what it seemed and that memory was living proof of it. Jimin and his father? They were no exception either and it was gonna take a lot more then a pretty smile to convince you they weren’t a wolves lurking beneath sheeps clothes.
There was something about Jimin you felt unsure of, the flecks of amusement in his eyes didn’t surpass your sharp, intimidating gaze and it was as if he intended for it to be seen by you alone. You didn’t like it one bit.
“And you are?” Jimin took a seat across from you, shifting forward instantly as he curved an eyebrow noting your lack of greeting. What could he expect though? This wasn’t exactly what you depicted your Friday night looking like. In fact, you would’ve preferred to be in bed before work right now but again, for the sake of everyone at the table you’d keep your mouth shut.
Keeping the glass pressed against your lips, you let the bitter liquid slip down your throat before finally replying, “Y/n,” you tossed in a quick half hearted smile noticing your mother and Mr Park tensing at their children interacting for the first time, before adding in, “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”
The evening was- rather painful in your opinion. Not for your mother, but definitely you. The reasoning unfortunately being Jimin’s utter fascination by you. You weren’t sure whether to be flattered or offended honestly, there was never not a moment he didn’t drag the conversation in your direction. Was he really that curious?
Or was he just being polite in attempt to keep you apart of the group? Regardless it came across more flirtatious then anything else, which made you inwardly cringe. Your parents were dating did he not have any respect at all? You both could potentially become siblings and you were not about that life.
“So Y/n, what do you do for a living?”
You opened your eyes, pausing your fingers mid motion from the circle they traced against the temple of your aching head. Maybe it was the wine, or maybe it was just from the draining evening, you weren’t quite sure at this point.
You half way wondered if you could get away with a short vague answer but quickly dismissed the idea when you saw your mother shoot you a glance, clearing your throat you gave a sheepish smile, “Well...” pressing your lips together for a moment you gather yours thoughts on how to approach the subject, it’s not like you had a glamorous life, “I haven’t decided what I’d like to do college wise yet so I’ve just been working two jobs. My first is at a local bakery. My favorite out of the two.”
You could ramble all day about your job at the bakery, it was a cute little shop with cakes a little too overpriced and the shop a little to intimate for your personal taste but it got you through the day. Jimin however glossed over the answer as he pressed on, “Oh? Is the other one not very pleasant?”
Feeling all eyes on you, you shifted in your seat thinking for a moment before giving another awkward smile, not quite liking all the attention he continued to shower you in, what was this guys deal? “No- It’s just boring...I just work maintenance at the hospital.”
You didn’t have the heart to admit not only did you work in the psych ward but you also worked as mainly a janitor. The most action you had ever got was being sent to give a patient their lunch on a busy rotation. Besides that? You got to clean out rooms all day. Not the most fun job in the world but taking night shift was the only reason you could afford an apartment- that you still shared with your mother of course.
“What a hard worker!” Mr Park praised, giving an enthusiastic nod, a small smile on his face that looked without a doubt genuine yet you couldn’t help but feel slightly patronized, “I can only hope It compensates well.”
And that was the question of the hour, you supposed it really didn’t to a wealthy family such as the Parks , but it got the bills paid and you hadn’t taken to e-sites yet so that was a plus, “It compensates enough to help my mother out so I won’t complain.” You offered a tiny reserved smile as you relaxed back in your seat. And it was true, as long as you could continue living in your little apartment you weren’t going to complain. It wasn’t a lot in life but it was enough.
Your eyes flickered over to Jimin’s, he appeared as though he was almost assessing you before meeting his own eyes with yours, a devilish smirk twisted onto his lips as if he discovered something. You frowned looking away, not liking that look one bit, but as soon as you saw it it just as quickly vanished. Jimin was still very conscious of your parents at the table, but he seemed to find one way or another to pass innuendo remarks your way through the night.
By the time the night had come to an end you were grateful for it, going home to sleep sounded incredible. You’d have the next two hours to yourself before clocking into work at the psych ward. It wasn’t a lot of sleep but it was a little less then roughly the average with both jobs. And whatever naps you could slip in during the day.
Eventually settling into bed you let your eyes collapse whilst sinking into the bed.
Your alarm clock had greeted you all too fast and familiarly as you groaned.
Rolling over to the other side of your pillow, makeup you had been to lazy to remove undoubtedly getting smeared all over your face in the process. Eventually you forced yourself out of bed and back onto your feet for your nightly grind, it was just another day at the job you supposed

“Wait hold on-“ Hoseok held up a hand, the other loosely clasped the mop that had begun to dry out from not having been dunked in so long, his nose scrunched in genuine confusion as he glanced at you, “Why are you trying to complain about your mom’s boyfriend when he offered to take you to Dubai for free AND his ‘hot’ son kept flirting with you. Where’s the cons in that?”
Your head shot up from its slouched position as you gritted your teeth, looking over your shoulder as you sent him a whither glare. There wasn’t any cons you understood that much but it wasn’t the trip or even Jimin you were talking about, “That’s besides the point Hoseok. Don’t you think this is all just going a bit too fast?”
You fixed your eyes back onto the bed sheet that had been stubbornly refusing to go under the corner of the bed, yanking the sheet once more before it complied, tucking it under as you sighed, “It’s just weird okay? I mean I guess it makes sense, she said they’ve been seeing each other for a little over six months but haven’t made it official until a few weeks ago,”
Pressing your lips together you paused to gather your thoughts before dejectedly dropping your shoulders, shaking your head as you turned to face your friend, “I understand why she didn’t tell me but- it would’ve been nice to know she was seeing someone a little bit sooner y’know?”
Hoseok nodded seeming to understand your reasoning as he finally dunked the mop back into the bucket before resuming his position to finish mopping up the unfortunate patients bile, “Well that’s understandable, it does seem a bit sudden but you might as well cease the opportunity for a free vacation right?”
You shrugged loosely figuring he was probably right, who wouldn’t take that offer? “Mhm, ill see if I can get the week off. It’d suck ass if I can’t go because of work not letting me.”
Hoseok grinned brightly as he dunked the mop back in the bucket once more, his eyes mischievous with a gleam you were all too familiar with, “You leave that up to me, Taehyung can cover his end at the bakery.”
“What’s that suppose to me?” You furrowed your brows, already not liking whatever your friend had in mind. Both of your friends were known troublemakers and you more than less got dragged through the mud on their adventures. That being said you also suffered the consequences as well.
None which were too pleasant and you had a feeling- just the tiniest sensation that whatever it was Hoseok was planning- would inevitably somehow come back to bite you in the ass. Regardless you wouldn’t be able to stop him as he only smiled, humming a falsely innocent tune as he resumed cleaning the floor.
Sighing you only shook your head before finishing making the bed, despite their mischievous tendencies you loved them dearly and knew they would only do this specifically in your favor even if the ends were unfavorable.
You and Hoseok were walking down the hallway to the next room when you both had heard a horrible screeching, it sounded as though someone was in agony though it was unfortunately a sound you had long since gotten use too.
The familiarity of the tone however made you frown as you glanced at Hoseok’s wide pupils, the woman’s hair was ragged and tangled, two of the psych nurses were holding each arm as they guided her past you in a rush despite the struggle she put up. Hoseok could barely put a foot forward before you caught him by the shoulder, his muscles tensed and his mouth in a hard line though he didn’t push your hand away, “Hobi you know the rules...”
His mouth twitched, annoyed at the reminder before he dropped his head in resignation, knowing you were right and knowing there was nothing he could do about it, “It’s the first time I’ve seen her all month...” he muttered under his breath as your frown deepened.
Your grip on his shoulder loosened before giving him a pat, unsure of what to do in realms of comfort as you sighed, “You just have one more semester to go...then you can take care of her. Cheer up you’ll be there in no time.” You finished your sentence brightly with a smile in hopes of letting it infect him. He didn’t succumb to it as much as you would’ve liked but Hoseok brightened at your words regardless, nodding solemnly before continuing your path to the next room. You knew it had to be hard to endure seeing your mother in such a state, knowing you were close to being able to help her but not quite there. In fact, you couldn’t even imagine how difficult it must have been for Hoseok.
He had a place here, he had a reason to be here, a goal. His mother had been schizophrenic since he was little, leaving him without a mother most of his life. After his father past away during his last year of high school it sent his mother- literally- insane, you could vaguely remember one of her hysteria episodes when you had come over to help him on his science project.
It was quite frankly terrifying but Hoseok had never viewed it that way and certainly never held a grudge against her, after she was permanently admitted to the ward it had become his goal to become a psych nurse to stay with her full time and help her get better.
You had always admired his goal, but you yourself didn’t have a place here, you had mused over the idea of becoming a psych nurse yourself but was never quite sure if you could stomach the sight. It was one thing hearing it, and occasionally catching glimpses but it was another to be with them hands on everyday.
You supposed the only real reason you were here was to get an extra pay check each week, that and Hoseok had actually asked you to join with him, sense no medical experience was necessary you didn’t see the harm and it wouldn’t interfere with your day job.
Sleep had become null in your life but it wasn’t as though you had gotten any to begin with, and to top it all off you were able to stay by his side each night to motivate him to keep going. It all worked out in the end.
By the time you had clocked out from the ward it was nearly seven in the morning and you would be at the bakery by eight. Stopping to get a breakfast sandwich on the walk to work you had picked up an energy drink along the way, it would be much needed during your late shift today. You checked your phone one last time, snickering at your group chats string of messages earlier that night.

To be fair your friends were your go to when it came to complaining. Except Taehyung really needed to stop staying up so late, especially when he didn’t have a reason too. Dragging your feet into the bakery the waft of fresh baked muffins made your mouth water but the sight before you was more then enough to make you lose your appetite as you groaned.
Taehyung still had bed hair as he lazily finished tying his apron, looking at you tired but expectantly, still not happy at the fact that you left him on read, “So are you going to Dubai or not?”
“If I can get the time off then sure. But I don’t know if I can. Hoseok said he’d talk to our boss about it but I don’t really know what that means...” You looked towards the floor, the wood was a bright glossy orange tone with rough grooves making it look worn, “Then again...I don’t really think I want too...” murmuring it more to yourself then him as you walked behind the counter.
Plucking the apron from the rack as you pulled it over head. Taehyung didn’t so much as blink as he replied, “Oh I’ll talk to my dad about it.” His dad having owned the bakery made it pretty easy for Taehyung to make excuses to get out of work.
Not that his dad appreciated it so much as he did tolerate it, for you however it was a bit different, you were one of Taehyung’s only friends and perhaps the hardest worker he had. Taehyung didn’t even bat an eye at the idea as he began prepping the bowl for a sour cream bundt cake, one of your favorite morning treats had there ever been any left over to spare.
“You really don’t have too...” you frowned, looking away. You loved your friends but they really didn’t need to go out of their way to help you get time off. But you understood in a way, if they were in your position you would’ve done everything physically possible to help them get time off, but it wasn’t them, it was yourself.
Suddenly a hand attempted ruffled your hair- which had been tied in a half attempted bun, rather then ruffle though it just tugged and yanked at your scalp making you scowl in displeasure, attempting to shove Taehyung away as he gave a boxy grin clearly enjoying tormenting you, “Of course I do, you barely have time to breath let alone relax, it’ll be good for you.”
Scoffing you crossed your arms looking away sourly, attempting to smooth out the bumps in your hair before sighing, looking out the large glass windows ahead as you asked, “Isn’t your mom coming by today?”
It was Taehyung’s turn to scowl as he looked away broodingly, “Yeah but only to get the rest of her shit.” It wasn’t the best topic change but you’d do anything to get off the discussion of yourself. That and you got worried about him from time to time, he always had a habit of bottling up his emotions, acting like his situation didn’t bother him, but deep down you knew it did.
You weren’t a stranger to divorced parents, but it wasn’t like your dad ran away from his perfectly functional and loving family to chase after money bags. Taehyung was still very much bitter about the divorce having it only been officially a year ago now. He silently looking down, roughly stirring the bowl making the veins on his forearms pop out.
“Tae...” you sighed looking down at the cash register, waiting for costumers that had yet to come, morning rush wouldn’t be for another half hour, “It’s okay to talk about it y’know?”
You watched his jaw clench as he continued stirring, pausing for a moment to sift in the next cup of flour before resuming his previous action. After another minute he gripped the spatula tightly before looking ready to throw it as he growled out, “What’s the point? It’s obvious she only cares about her precious financial security. I...I thought she-“
His eyes had began to gloss slightly before his jaw clenched again, regripping the wooden handle as he angrily glared down the batter. But beneath his furious exterior you could only see the hurt his face held, the betrayal in his eyes as if the memories of last year had resurfaced. You had finished shift at the ward early morning but hadn’t even gotten to lay in bed when you heard a rushed knock at the door.
It had been four in the morning and Taehyung was crying at your doorstep saying his parents were going to start the process of their divorce later that morning. You would never forget that night, it had apparently come out his mother was having an affair with some upper class lawyer, his father was so broken he ended up asking you if Taehyung could stay the day with you.
It wasn’t as if you’d ever imagine refusing, the bakery stayed closed that day giving you both the day off, he had stayed in bed most the day with you refusing to talk. And ever since that day he had kept it that way. Most conversations about his mother ended up this way, he would come close to opening up but would inevitably shut down, only broodingly staring down at bowl he continued to pour into the bundt pan, “...What about you?”
You blinked confused, looking over at him as you tilted your head, “Pardon?”
“It’s Saturday I mean...” Taehyung replied, doing the same as you had before to change the subject from one sore topic to another, “You’re going to stay with your dad right?”
You shrugged attempting to play it off coolly despite the slight tensing in your muscles at the idea, “Well nobody else is gonna do it for me...”
Taehyung only grimaced at your reply, having put him in a bad mood, or maybe he was already in one. It was getting more difficult with each day to figure out the difference, “I don’t know why you even bother, he’s such a deadbeat, who the fuck keeps bumming off their kid for money? I mean seriously.”
Your face fell slightly at his bruising words as you sighed, fidgeting with your shirt as you glanced back down at the register, noticing your lack of reply Taehyung glanced up. His sharp features softening slightly at your dejected figure, realizing he had been a little too harsh he gently grabbed your arms, pulling you into a hug you genuinely didn’t see coming.
Your face began to feel hot as he rested his chin against the top of your head, “I’m sorry for being such an asshole...” he murmured, his voice a deep soft dulcet tone as it always had when he spoke softly. You could barely register his voice that tickled against your ear.
You had never viewed Taehyung as a romantic interest, ever in your life to be honest. But you weren’t blind to how good looking he was, whether or not you liked him anyone that attractive could easily make you flustered, “I just get worried about you,” Taehyung confessed in a quiet murmur, arms still locked around you, not tightly but firm enough for you to not slip away, “I don’t want him to take advantage of your kindness, you really are too good for this world Y/n.”
Sighing you finally forced yourself to relax into the hug though still not having returned it, having been touch starved most of your life you weren’t exactly use to such an affection, “If...” you sighed again having barely started your sentence before agitatedly closing your eyes, there wasn’t much to look at anyways besides the white apron and black hoodie underneath, “If I don’t do it...then who will?” Your voice cracked slightly before your shoulders began to sag, “I know how it is but- if there’s a chance I can help him turn things around-“
“Then what?” Taehyung questioned, his voice still soft as though to not provoke you anymore then he already had, but firm enough to make you frown, “It’s not going to get your parents back together, and it’s not going to take away everything he’s done to you both.”
For a brief moment you were thankful he had hugged you, you were unsure if you could stand to face him any other way, “Well of course it won’t change the past but...I can change the future, I can have a father again, I can move forward and build a relationship with him. I-... I don’t want to be someone who has daddy issues the rest of my life Taehyung.” You finally broke away from him, unable to stand the physical contact anymore as you took a few steps to distance yourself comfortably as you glanced up at his tall figure, “If anything I’m doing it for myself, for a peace of mind. To know that-“
You stopped for a second as if to gather your thoughts before continuing, “If he can’t turn his life around, if he can’t get past the alcohol, then I’ll know there was nothing I could’ve done to help. Then...and only then will I be able to move on and let it go. There’s no point in me holding a grudge against him, sure, I have every damn right but- I mean...what do I have to gain from that?”
Your voice finally softened as did your expression as you asked the question aloud. You let it hang in the air as the bell chime rang, letting you know the day had officially begun. Taehyung appeared in thought as you gave him one last look before attending to the first costumer, you had hoped, that maybe you changed some of his perspective.
He had been holding a grudge against his mother for the whole year, rightfully so. But just as you asked aloud, what did he really gain from that?

Sluggishly you began to walk up the old rickety porch steps with a loud yawn, the long day had finally began to catch up to your body that no amount of energy drinks could fix. Your body craved a long sleep you knew you wouldn’t get tonight especially with staying the weekend at your dads. Opening the door your nose instantly scrunched to the smell of alcohol, paper had covered the ground and was soiled with what you had assumed was beer. Once upon a time this house use to be an absolute hell, a private nightmare just for you.
But you weren’t a kid anymore and so your fears hadn’t taken root anymore, they had left scars for sure but you had become far too desensitized for it to scare you anymore, atleast not when you know you can always bail. You have another home you can ran too if this one goes up in flames. Stopping in front of the collapsed figured you sighed at your fathers passed out figured in front of the TV the monotonously played in the background. You tilted your head slightly as you mused over how unlike your father was to whom you had just met the night before, Mr Park.
They had to be opposite in every possible way, he was so soften spoken while your father was as loud as they came, gruff in appearance from all of the drinking he had accomplished he was no stranger to gambling either. You leaned down pulling him up onto the couch, pulling the blanket down over him before turning off the TV.
Going to the kitchen it was a wreck as always when you first came over, you were sure the only time you ever saw it clean was when you were the one scrubbing it down. Cleaning off a glass before filling it with water you pulled out the medicine basket. You meant to be looking for some Tylenol but ended up scowling at the set of needles you had found instead. Was he even trying to hide it from you anymore?
Grabbing them you clenched your fist before dumping them into the trash, you could care less if he saw when he woke up. If anything he should be the one worried about your anger rather then the reverse. Pulling out the Tylenol from the bottle you grabbed both the glass before setting it down on the littered living room coffee table. Finally you trudged down the hallway, resting in your old bedroom, now ragged with chipped paint and a stained mattress. You didn’t even want to think about who had been in here when you weren’t staying during the week. Closing your eyes exhaustedly you let sleep over take you.
Sleep however didn’t stay for long. It was roughly eight at night when you were abruptly woken up to a slam on the door, “Why the fuck did you throw away my needles you inconsiderate bitch. That costed me half my check.”
Not the first thing you wanted to be woken up too. Slowly you sat up before glancing at the door where orange light streamed, making your tired face and dark circles prominent as you glowered bitterly. You were being honest when you told Taehyung there wasn’t a point holding a grudge, but it was something you still struggled with in moments like this, “Have you ever considered it’s not worth your check? All it’s gonna do is get you in your grave ten years early if sorosis doesn’t take you first.”
Standing up now you rubbed your eyes, but not for long as your oxygen was suddenly caught off, making you gag slightly as you grabbed his wrist in reflex, his hand squeezed tightly at you throat, “Don’t fucking touch my stuff again and don’t disrespect your father. I’m the reason you’re even here you worthless brat.” You were shoved back, knocked down against the bed as your eyes screwed into a glare, knowing well that provoking him wasn’t going to get you anywhere as you huffed watching him walk away, unable to resist a muttered, “Can’t respect anyone when you’re footing their main check.”
It was the truth, sadly. You wanted to badly to move on from all of this, you wanted your father to at least try to get back on track to recovering and to at least try to maintain a normal paycheck, you wanted a lot of things. Which he was none. Couldn’t he just try? If not for himself then for you? Anger bubbled beneath your figure and old wounds threatened to reopen.
“The fuck did you say!?” He whipped around sharply, honing in on you ready to lash out again as your face darkened broodingly, standing up again as you grabbed the half empty cup from you desk, taking a sip from the bitter musty water as you asked, cynicism biting in your voice as you replied snidely, “You really want me to repeat that?”
He instantly stalked back over to you grabbing you by the collar as he slammed you against the wall, “I don’t need anything from you, all you’ve done is ruin my life. So take your shit and your pity and get the fuck out of my house.”
Your body smacked the ground from where he threw you as you gritted your teeth, sighing as you got onto your knee’s. The alcohol still in his system making him more volatile then usual as you let him walk away. Having the final say as he always said, if it made him feel better.
A lie because you’d always have some apology text from him the next day, just as he would tomorrow. There was no point in staying here, especially if he already found the needles again and got himself hyped again. The only thing you’d be is dead if you kept provoking him and you’d be useful to no one like that.
Grabbing your phone you sighed, running a hand through your hair as you groaned,

you could call her, but you didn’t want her to worry, and you knew she would rightfully so if she saw the state you were in. You could just go home but...you sighed looking down at your shaky hands.
You didn’t want to be affected so much by your father but he still deep down did scare you. You had learned to contain yourself but you knew you were on the verge of a panic attack, would you ever learn to get past this? To not have anger burning through your vein that ran side by side with your fear? Swallowing thickly you opened your phone to call Hoseok.
He was confused and sounded sleepy but naturally he said you were always welcomed to stay over.
Carefully you had made your way down the hall and slipped out, your father too out of it to really notice you leaving. It was a fairly long walk but you didn’t care too much. You were simply glad to be out of the house and eventually back into the warmth of your friends home. The spare key under the mat as it always had been. The entire apartment was dark so you assumed Hoseok must’ve went back asleep, deciding not to wake him you went to the freezer, pulling out a tub of ice cream as you made yourself at home.
Sitting at the small table you curled up on the chair as you dug in, not getting far in your meal as you heard a voice from behind, “Would’ve ordered takeout if you told me you were hungry.”
“I didn’t wanna wake you,” You pouted, spoon still tucked into your cheek before popping it out. Hoseok’s hair was ruffled letting you know he was indeed asleep before you had showed up, scratching his head he opened his mouth before quickly closing it as his eyes landed on your neck. Watching you carefully as your eyes visibly dimmed, looking away from him as you frowned, “Oh..so that’s why you wanted to come over...” he murmured as he walked over to the table, sitting beside you as he took the spoon from your hand, “Wanna talk about it?”
Your vision already blurring and hands beginning to shake as you shook your head, keeping your composure as you murmured, “Not really...” but it threatened to crumple as you covered your face with your hands, finally ready to let the tears out but you were stopped when you heard a knock at the door. Shooting your head up alert as you looked towards Hoseok confused, he shrugged loosely as he replied, “Taehyung called not too long after you wanting to stay as well, he didn’t want to bother you with it being the week end and all.”
Rubbing your eyes despite then being dry you furrowed your eyes, “What?” Taehyung had let himself in, you could already tell his mood had been soured as he huffed trudging over to Hoseok as soon as he saw him looking ready to vent for a good three hours. He stopped in his tracks though when he saw you. “Y/n?” His lips parted surprised, “I thought you...” he trailed off, catching sight of your neck as you looked away dejectedly, pulling the spoon back from Hoseok to continue whittling away on the coffee flavored treat. Avoiding Taehyung’s scowling gaze as if his mood just got ten times worse, “He did this, didn’t he!?”
Sighing Hoseok got up from his chair, instantly pointing to the short narrow hallway as he glanced at Taehyung, not saying anything in return. Taehyung opened his mouth again ready to object but Hoseok cut him off, “Shut up and go, now isn’t the time dipshit.”
His mouth screwed shut again, blowing a harsh huff of air through his nose as he glanced one last time at you before going to the single bedroom down the hallway, “I’ll be back in a minute Y/n.” Hoseok called out but you only shook your head.
“By all means, take your time. Looks like he’s gonna need it.” And you knew you were right, Taehyung was extremely verbal when he was upset and you knew seeing your situation must’ve amplified his already emotional mood. You were usually the opposite, quiet and broody. It had been another half hour before you saw them again.
You had pulled out the Funtom couch to a bed with a movie in the background before you felt two people sandwich in on either side of you, groaning you began to wiggle, “The fuck? You know I’m not a cuddler guys- seriously I’m fine!”
“No you’re not Y/n,” Hoseok replied simply pulling you against his chest, stroking your hair as you continued to squirm, “And that’s okay, you don’t have to be strong right now.”
Your lips began to quiver at his words, the upset you had shoved down your chest began to bubble again. Taehyung had meanwhile made himself comfortable spooning you from behind as he pressed his face into the crook of your neck. Obviously ignoring what Hoseok was saying as he grumbled, “He should be in jail, you don’t deserve to put up with this shit Y/n.”
Hearing so many conflicting statements and feeling so confused you finally cracked under their coddling, letting your shoulders shake as you let the first tear drop down your face. They simply held you comfortingly, saying no more now that they had gotten you to stop brooding on your emotional state. Eventually when you had cried all the tears you could silence fell around you all.
It wasn’t uncomfortable, your friends...you loved them so much, they were your everything and you weren’t sure what you would’ve done without them. Facing the world was so much easier knowing you could fall back on them. Hoseok had let you go with ease as you finally wiggled out of their grip. Taehyung however let out a whine in objection having been the most cuddliest of the three, you ignored him as you crawled over him and to the safety of the side of the funtom.
“Oh Y/n, by the way I spoke to our boss and he said you can have the week off for your trip.” Hoseok suddenly spoke up as if just remembering, peering over your pouty friend to look at you.
Your eyebrows shot up and despite your ugly tear stained face you were genuinely shocked, “Seriously? How did you-...actually I don’t want to know but...” you mustered a weak smile, “Thanks Hobi I owe you.”
The thanks made Taehyung huff loudly as he flopped over to face you, “Oh, well if we’re going by that law then you owe me too. I was talking it over with my dad at dinner and he was more then happy to give you the time off.”
Your lips parted registering the information before letting out a laugh, the first genuine one either of them had heard in a long while, “Alright well then I owe both of you- but seriously, you guys are amazing I don’t think I could survive life without you.”
Hoseok grinned brightly as he shot you a wink, “Don’t worry you’ll repay the favor soon enough. Anyways get some sleep we have shift soon.”
Smiling you began to let your eyes droop as you murmured, “Okay...”
And honestly? The idea of vacation didn’t sound so bad after all.

Note: I honestly shouldn’t even be posting this given how much I don’t even update my other stories but like ??? I’m like 7 parts deep in this and my souls been invested in writing this for the past week. I should honestly be working on my Yoongi fic instead of writing another Jungkook centered insert but here we are x) Anyways let me know what you guys think and if you like it! Feedback is always appreciated! 🖤
#bts#bangtan#bangtan boys#bts x reader#jungkook x reader#jimin x reader#jungkook x reader x jimin#hoseok x reader#taehyung x reader#bts smut#jungkook smut#jungkook x reader smut#jimin x reader smut#bts au#CEO!jungkook#CEO!jimin#park jimin#jeon jungkook#bts!ceo#three’s a crowd#3C#bts imagine#bts scenarios
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