#for mochis insecurities about loving lime....she never talks to anyone about it
musubiki · 3 years
I've really come to love your written posts about introspection, the characters' feelings and fears, their weaknesses and self doubt, but I've grown curious: do they ever talk it out?
Assuming we're past the epilogue, the bad guys are defeated, mochi and lime are together and so are coco and taffy, is there some scene where lime is like "yeah you leaving me was like my worst fear and when you actually left it was like a nightmare come true and I almost resented you for it" to mochi or her saying "ahaha well when we were like 17 I knew I was in love with you and was going to be in love with you forever because that's how it works for witches but I was also insecure because you had a million girls drooling after you and I felt so different that I was convinced I was way too weird for you"?
Or maybe just coco and taffy talking it out, sharing trauma and hopes as they soak in each other's presence, just to have those misunderstandings resolved once and for all?
limes whole thing about mochi leaving actually gets hashed out relatively quickly after she comes back (after she finds out lime is cat-ears). contrary to popular belief lime cant keep that shit bottled up for long, itll come out one way or another. mochi gets mad at him for 1) going to the underground when its SUPER dangerous for him and for her (if anyone were to find out who he was), and more importantly 2) for lying to her about it (and mochis anger/frustration is also her guilt of leaving all of them with barely a note leaking into her emotions)
and when he responds something like "well what the fuck did you want me to do when you left me for 2 years, sit on my ass and wait around?" and this lowkey turns into a fight where just. everything comes out. lime just starts running his mouth and then it wont stop. tells her how miserable he was when she left and was so mad and scared and how he knew why she had to do this and understood that as her guild, he supported everything she did but just couldnt stop that feeling of anger for being left behind and hated himself for feeling this stupid selfish way. manages to stop himself before blurting out that hes in love with her (mostly because he began to actually tear up and went "oh NOPE" and stopped talking) and MOCHI this whole time listening to him went from mad to shocked to sad and you hit the nail on the head he almost resented her for this and while he didnt explicitly say that, the point got across
and he probably tries to leave so she wont see him fucking crying but she just. locks him in such a tight hug apologizing profusely and telling him over and over how much she wanted to stay by his side but couldnt and wanted so bad to take him with her but couldnt and tells him its okay to feel like that and she understands and all this soft shit and its maybe the first time we see lime actually cry. buries his face into her neck and squeezes her into a hug so tight he might never let her go. mumbles out a "Dont fucking leave me again." and she goes "i know im sorry i wont"
and from this point on mochi is a lot better at being conscious of this part of lime. indirectly lets him know a lot how much she relies on him. i dont think she even knew about this part of him, how much he relied on and needed her until this moment
as far as coco and taffy go, those babes were hashing out their shit the entire story from start to finish when taffy joined the guild. i wouldnt say its a wisdom drop every episode like fruba but theres definately a lot of enlightenment moments. talking about how they feel and someone else just drops the perspective bomb on them. and coco and taffy do this for each other quite a bit. shes like the whole reason he got to the point where he was able to join mochis guild
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