#for lack of any halloween content 🥲
a-strange-inkling · 2 years
Official Munson Family Costumes Through the Years (Old Haunts Universe):
(In order of Eddie, Chrissy, Olivia, and Maggie)
1986 - Demon and angel
1987 - Westley and Buttercup
1988 - vampire, ghost and pumpkin
1989 - Jareth, Sarah and Toby
1990 - Han Solo, Princess Leia, an Ewok and a Jawa.
1991 - Mad Hatter, Alice, the White Rabbit and the Cheshire Cat
1992 - Captain Hook, Wendy, Peter Pan and Tinkerbell
1993 - knight, queen and two princesses
1994 - Jack, Sally, a ballerina and a fairy princess
Hmm… what will they be in 1995? 🤔
Happy Halloween, Fam! 🎃👻🐈‍⬛💀
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tbh personally, i think the least popular character in both EN and JAP is Silver. he barely gets any recognition beyond just “haha boy who sleeps constantly”, which i guess is kinda fair since we don’t actually see much of him in both the main story and events (besides endless halloween, he basically does nothing in fairy gala until the very end). it’s pretty sad since he’s one of the few “good” characters who openly express things like compassion and honesty, and his personality should’ve been fleshed out more, like insecurities about being a human because of Sebek who is pretty harsh and racist towards him from what i’ve seen.
i’m really crossing my fingers that he gets the spotlight in chapter 7 because compared to all the other Diasomnia members, he needs and deserves it the most in my opinion. even Trey has a lot more personality than Silver.
[Referencing this post!]
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I do think that Silver is also in the bottom in terms of overall popularity, but I still think he’s more popular than Ortho just because there’s a lot more to discuss when it comes to Silver. We don’t know much about his past or about his origins, so that means we get a lot of potential routes for discussion and theories. Furthermore, while not as popular as other characters, we do get a significant amount of shipping content which involves Silver (which, again, cannot be said for Ortho, as he is a child and a robot). We also get lots of wholesome Diasomnia found family content, especially of Silver with Lilia, or of Silver butting heads with Sebek!
I don’t think it’s fair to say that Silver is one-note and needs more fleshing out at this point in the main story, as a lot of the other characters suffered from lack of prominent characterization until far later (especially if they were not OB boys). For example, Jade does very little to stand out until episode 4. It’s just a lot harder to appreciate Silver’s more subdued personality (his compassion, his pure heartedness) unless you specifically go out of your way to hunt for those nuggets where he is able to stand out. As for events like Fairy Gala, it’s not a problem exclusive to Silver 💦 It’s difficult for an event story to evenly divide screen time between its many characters, and sometimes they just fall to the wayside to better showcase other characters (mainly the SSR boy).
I’m not going to deny that Sebek is racist towards humans (because he is) 🥲 but it’s not as simple as just calling it “racism” and claiming he’s too harsh or a hateful person. I’d implore you to read this character study of Sebek, as it can give you a better understanding of where he may be coming from. Back on the topic of Sebek and Silver though! Though Sebek dislikes humans in general, Silver is actually one of the few humans he shows respect to (although he does it in the usual “Sebek” way, which typically comes off as condescending anyway). For example, he brags about Silver’s grace and says that others cannot hope to match him (I believe in a Fairy Gala: What If vignette). Sebek generally only tells Silver off when he disagrees with Silver’s actions, not with Silver’s race. In fact (if I recall correctly), he scarcely calls Silver “human”—and Silver, for his part, seems to tolerate Sebek’s outbursts for the most part (kind of like how an older brother patiently pits up with their younger sibling’s tantrums), though Silver does call Sebek out occasionally. We see an example of this in episode 5, in which Silver points out that Sebek is half human himself, so he is shouldn’t be shouting, as well as various other points in which Silver tries to calm Sebek down.
Another thing to note is that Silver actually seems to be very secure with his being a human, not ashamed. I don’t really think it’s a big point of contention based on how it has been presented to us so far. If anything, Silver almost seems to have pride in being the type of person who can bridge the gap between humans and fae, as is show in Fairy Gala: What If. It’s not something he’d openly boast about, but something he’d share with a quiet sort of compassion. As a child, Silver was initially very shocked to learn that he and Lilia didn’t share the same blood, but he has noted that since then, he has become very close with his fae father and cherishes him a lot. He does not see humans and fae for what they are, but what they could be: creatures capable of living in peace with one another. Lilia accepted him for being human, and so Silver accepts that as well.
Mmm, I personally don’t like the idea of claiming who has “more personality” than others. Every character is unique in their own way, and they’re not going to hit home with everyone. Like, I’m personally not a fan of Trey (whom I believe has the most “standard” personality of the cast) or Silver, but I can acknowledge that they each have their own charm points and strengths that appeal to certain people.
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