#for archiving ig sigh
I miss Sasha so fucking bad
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nomaishuttle · 1 year
finished my school As previously stated and i cant shower until 8... i think ill go ah noooo should i. hrm
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lovevalley45 · 1 year
there is nothing worse than trying to find an old meme. and absolutely losing it to the sands of time
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fandonnavyce · 2 months
Patrol Partners 2024
This is my co-authored fic for this event. Shout out to Leonardo_Turtle for being a great partner!
Aka the Brain Dead Meet Cute where Tim and Danny are Trapped in An Elevator during a Rogue Attack
Danny presses the 12th floor elevator button to take him to the new exhibition in the observatory. He has been looking forward to seeing it since he had arrived in this dimension but never had the time to visit until now. The exhibition was supposed to be a stunning gallery of all the exciting xeno-meteorology on the different planets in the Cassiopeia Galaxy. Danny was so looking forward to seeing it. Danny fired off a quick text to Tucker, as he impatiently watched the numbers above the elevator doors ascend. Ding went the elevator upon its arrival to the 12th floor. The lift doors parted open.
Startled at the sudden noise, Danny looked up from reading Tucker’s reply. Streaks of red and black went smashing through the hallway’s window in a shower of shattered glass. Multiple bodies hit the ground. The one in red smoothly rolled to his feet but he was being ganged up by the other three fighters dressed in iconic black outfits - Ninjas and (red and black costume with a stylised cape and domino mask) Red Robin?! Danny had heard of the vigilante Red Robin before, but he had never seen him in action before. (Warning Long Post)
Three on one seemed like an unfair fight but the hero was more than holding his own. Danny silently reached over to press the ‘Open Doors’ button as watched the fight with great admiration. Red Robin was deftly dodging the multiple attacks from multiple angles. Sliding out of range and using his staff’s greater reach to counterattack with such elegance, it looked choreographed. So Danny decided that the best thing to do was to not get in the way. Instead he would wait for the fight to be over. Danny pressed the ‘Open Doors’ button again.
Whilst Red Robin batted away a shower of shuriken with his staff, Danny prevented the doors from closing again. With a stunning swing Red Robin managed to knock one of the ninjas out of the fight completely. The two remaining ninjas shared a look before pouncing. With aggressive coordinated attacks, the fight sped up. As the intensity increased, Red Robin's staff became a blur. Then it began sparking with electricity. It took short work before the second ninja was convulsing on the floor. Red Robin then knocked the third ninja to their knees before swiftly electrocuting him right in front of Danny. The slumped over body crumpled at Danny’s feet.
Danny was looking at the unconscious ninja, and giving them a little nudge with his foot, when he felt someone staring at him. He looks up and finds Red Robin staring blankly at him in total disbelief.
“What?” Danny says as he gives the ninja a bigger nudge. “He’s in the way.”
“And you didn’t think to use the stairs to get away?” Red Robin asks. “Or just get to safety like a normal person?”
Danny surveys the fight and, as if the thought had just occurred to him, he says, “Yeah I should probably leave. I don’t think the exhibit is still open after this.” Danny pointedly looks around at the scene. Then he shrugs and motioned towards the elevator. “Need a lift?”
Red Robin looked at him like he was insane. Then he just sighed and nodded his head.
"Might as well," Red Robin said while dragging the ninja out of the elevator by his leg. He lifted his hand to his ear and looked away while saying, "B, need a cleanup on floor 12. Heading down for a perimeter check."
Danny watches as Red Robin comes closer and enters the elevator. For the last time Danny reaches over to the elevator buttons but this time he presses for the ground floor. He shifts over so that the vigilante can have more elbow room. The elevator begins to descend. The pair stand in silence. Danny keeps giving side glances to Red Robin who seems to be either unaware or merely ignoring Danny’s furtive looks.
Danny's slouch straightens up immediately when he feels the elevator's momentum suddenly slow down with a loud screech. A siren goes off. Danny looks down to find Red Robin’s hand clutching his arm as if to brace him. Danny stares down at the gloved fingers holding onto his sleeve, stares up at Red Robin, then back down at the hand with a look of confusion. Danny opened his mouth to ask why but the vigilante had already retracted his hand, and was visibly cringing. He reached his hand up to his ear.
“Batman, Batman come in,” Red Robin hurriedly says into his comms. But the vigilante only received static. “Oracle,” he tried instead, his voice was a studied calm.
“No response?” Danny asks commiseratingly. Behind his mask, Red Robin looked blankly at Danny before shaking his head.
“The elevator is causing interference with the signal so I can’t get through.” Red Robin then cocked his head. “Can I borrow your phone?” he politely asked.
“Why?” Danny asked suspiciously, holding his phone protectively close to his chest.
“I think I can use it to boost the signal and get through the interference,” Red Robin explained. “Don’t worry, you’ll get it back in one piece,” he reassured.
Danny grimaced, “I don’t think my phone will be compatible with your tech.” Danny’s current phone had been cannibalised and rebuilt by Tucker during a feud with Technus. It had ended up so modified that Danny would be unsurprised if any day now his phone woke up sentient.
“Can I at least try?” he asked with an expectant hand out. Danny couldn’t find any good reason to say no. Reluctantly he handed over his phone, placing it directly into the vigilante’s hands. Red Robin flinched when their hands touched, and Danny winced back. Red Robin had clearly been startled by how cold Danny’s hands were even through their gloves.
“Sorry, cold hands,” Danny apologised. He trotted out the usual fib to explain it away. “I have low blood circulation.” Nodding silently, Red Robin appeared to accept that. Nervously, Danny fidgeted as Red Robin physically inspected his phone, taking off the back and everything. Danny looked over Red Robin’s shoulder to watch what the vigilante was doing. Red Robin’s eyes never left the phone. Eventually though, the vigilante gave up the attempt and agreed with Danny’s initial assessment.
“I’ve never seen a model like this. Where did you get it?” Danny was saved from answering when suddenly the intercom crackles to life above them.
“Good day good citizens of Gotham city, you might be wondering why I brought you here today.” A nasally sounding voice spoke. “Well it’s quite simple really. The Batman thinks he is smarter than me and it’s getting on my nerves. So, I decided to give him a challenge he can't beat. That’s where you lovely people come in. If Batman solves my three riddles, I will release the hostages. If he doesn’t…..” The voice starts cackling. “If he doesn’t then the observatory goes boom. Batman, you will receive your first riddle in five minutes. Be ready”. The intercom fizzles out, leaving an awkward silence.
Danny hears Red Robin silently cursing while he stares at the now silent intercom. He feels a bit guilty for getting him stuck in the elevator with him so he decides to break the tension.
“Well, he’s a bit of a fruitloop isn’t he? Wonder what his deal is.” Red Robin turns his head towards Danny with a flabbergasted look on his face.
“You wonder what his deal is, do you even know who he is?” Danny looks back at Robin, awkwardly staring at Red’s disbelief. It dawns on Danny that he had just messed up.
“Whaaaaaat?” he laughed nervously. Danny felt his smile stretch just a bit too wide for a human. “Of course I do!” he lied. Internally Danny was furiously debating with himself whether or not to just admit he doesn’t know. He decides to double down on the lie instead. “This is the guy who does, who does the stuff with the you know… the other stuff.” Red Robin’s stare is unrelenting. Danny begins to sweat nervously. “Which are… riddles?” his voice rises. Danny crosses his fingers behind his back. Unbeknownst to Danny, Tim could see that. There were mirrors in the elevator. Also, Danny’s arm movement had been very unsubtle.
The intercom crackles to life again with the familiar voice from before who Danny now knows as “The Riddler”, a name that Danny privately thought was very stupid. “Well Batman, I hope you are ready for your first riddle.” He chuckles evilly “Riddle me this: Take me out of a window, and I leave a grieving wife. But stick me in a door, and I can save somebody's life. What am I? You have 3 minutes to give me your answer.” The Riddler chuckles as the intercom fizzles out.
“What can be taken out of windows and put into doors?” Tim furiously mutters as he thinks out loud. “Well the most common glass to use for windows is silicate glass, that is a mixture of sodium carbonate, limestone and silica aka sand whilst doors are typically made from wooden materials, like pine or oak, even mahogany so are they talking about Carbon or organic matter since all living beings need it. But what does that have to do with grieving wives? Unless they're talking about steel doors, but again, what does that have to do with grieving wives and life saving?” he trails off into thought.
Danny meanwhile looks down in concentration. “Take me out of windows… grieving wife; Stick me in doors… save lives. Windows… doors, windows, doors…” Danny frowns as the cogs in his mind turn. Then like a bright flash, he gets the answer. “It's the letter n!” Danny blurts out triumphant. Red Robin’s head whips round to face Danny. A disgruntled look of confusion was on his face.
“What?” he sharply asks, slightly irritated at his broken train of thought.
“It’s the letter n,” Danny repeats in excitement, “the answer is the letter n!”
Red Robin folds his arms. “How?”
“Like this: If you take the letter n out of window you get,”
“Widow,” Red Robin interrupts, now catching on, “and a widow is a grieving wife. Which means if you put the letter n in door you get,”
“Donor” Danny finished cheerily, “as in blood donor or heart donor. Something that can save lives!”
“That’s,” Red Robin is staring at Danny with an intent look in his eyes, “impressive. You figured out the answer to that riddle very quickly.” Danny responds with a sheepish grin. He was just about to say something when his phone went off. It’s an incoming text from Tucker. Danny fishes it out from his pocket. Danny taps out his reply on his phone’s keypad.
“How are you getting a signal in here?” Red Robin asks inquisitively. Danny’s finger freezes over the keypad. His brain stalls.
“Errrrr.” Fortunately for Danny, he’s saved from answering when the intercom turns on again.
"Impressive, Batman. You've correctly guessed that the answer was the letter 'n'. Now, for my second riddle, a little favour from that foolish Kite Man," the Riddler muttered with annoyance. “I love to dance and twist. I shake my tail as I sail away. When I fly wingless into the sky. What am I? You have three minutes to give me an answer.”
Once more, the intercom is silent. Red Robin sighs deeply and looks at Danny.
“Well that is an easy one, a kite probably. He gave it away even before he said the riddle.”
Danny looks at him questioningly. “How was it obvious?”
“Because he said Kite man made him say it. You know, like the super villain?”
"Of course I know who he is.” Danny chuckles nervously. “I was just confused because you said SUPER villain. I mean, he is a villain alright! Just not, you know, a super one.” Red Robin looks at him like he grew a second head.
“What do you mean not a super one? What’s the difference?”
“Well…. presentation.” Danny thought he nailed that one. But one look at Red Robins face makes him question himself again. “You know what, probably not important right now though.”
Tim can’t believe what his day just turned into. First, he finds out Jason changed out his regular coffee for decaf, and then he has to deal with Ra's al Ghul’s ninjas only to get stuck in an elevator with a citizen who deals with stress by lying poorly. What’s even worse is that he still doesn’t know his name after all this time. Tim turned to the other occupant of the elevator.
“Sorry, I just realised we have been stuck in this elevator for a while and I never asked for your name.” The stranger looks relieved by the change in topic.
“Oh yeah, it’s uh... it’s Danny.”
"So, Danny, you're not from around here. Are you?"
“Whaaat?” Danny starts laughing nervously. “Is it that obvious?”
Silence falls awkwardly between the pair trapped in the elevator. Tim notices that Danny is fidgeting and his eyes are darting around the elevator as if he is looking for a quick way out. Tim supposes that it would be pretty scary for a non-Gothamite to deal with the dangers of a rogue. So he decides to put his extensive Robin training to the test.
“Everything is going to be fine, you know.” he says while trying to exude confidence. But it comes out a bit stilted. The awkward silence remains a bit before Danny speaks again.
“Saying who gave you the riddle, knowing that the guy's whole aesthetic is kites may just be the dumbest move he made yet. How long do you think Batman would take to solve it?”
They are interrupted by an angry voice coming over the intercom again.
“Well, it seems Batman solved the riddle. Not that it was hard. I’m never going to do a favour for Kite Man ever again. That loon doesn’t know a good riddle even if it hits him in the face.” They hear the Riddler sigh and quietly count to 10 before continuing. “I guess it is time for the last Riddle. When you stop to look, you can always see me. But if you try to touch me, you can never feel me. Although you walk towards me, I remain the same distance from you. What am I? As always, you have 3 minutes.”
“Well the answer obviously has something to do with space, or at least the sky,” Danny immediately declares with full confidence. Tim raises an eyebrow.
“How so?”
“When you stop to look, you can always see me. But if you try to touch me, you can never feel me,” Danny quotes, “That is clearly a reference to something you find in the sky, like the MOON OR THE STARS!” He says that last bit very excitedly. “But what kind of phenomena is it where you can walk towards it, but remain the same distance? Most of the difficulty with space travel is surviving the conditions of travel. Unless we’re talking about objects in space that are so far away that the usual units of distance are rendered useless,” Danny mutters off, “but that’s what the unit ‘lightyears’ was literally made for. So are we back to…”
Tim watches Danny struggle to answer the riddle. He believes that Danny was on the right track when he said that the answer was something that could be observed in the sky but he wasn’t so certain about the space aspect. After all, if the answer was an approachable object then it wouldn’t remain the same distance away if you walked towards it. That meant the answer had to be something illusory, a visual phenomenon. Tim thought hard and then grinned when the answer came to him.
“Danny I know what the answer is,” Tim called out.
“Huh?” Danny blinks in wide-eyed surprise.
“The answer to the riddle, I know what it is,” Tim repeats, smiling wide. “It’s the horizon.”
Danny stares at Tim before face-palming. “Oh my god, that’s so obvious in hindsight,” he groans in self-deprecation.
As the time keeps ticking on, Tim notices that Danny is getting more agitated. And the more agitated he gets, the more strange he begins to appear. If you asked him what was strange about him, he couldn’t tell you. Call it Robin's intuition.
Danny takes a deep breath and releases it in a frustrated sigh. “Why is it taking Batman so long to solve the Darn riddle? It’s been well over 7 minutes now.” He starts to sound more distorted the more frustrated he gets. “I didn’t come here to be stuck in an elevator for god knows how long, I just wanted to see that blasted exhibit on the Cassiopeia Galaxy, Why is that so gosh darn hard?!”
Tim finds it amusing how Danny swears like he’s a 70-year-old granny at church. “That’s one way to say it.” Even as he is smiling at Danny’s misery, he can’t help but think how odd his voice sounded. It sounded like he was talking from an old radio. The more Tim pays attention to Danny, the more things start to add up. He decides to not comment on it because Danny doesn’t come across as dangerous. Just a little weird. He is 90% sure that he is a meta, The other 10% might be that he maybe needs to sleep a little more than 3 hours over a period of 5 days.But it was then that he saw it, Danny’s eyes had slowly turned more and more green. To the point they were glowing. He doesn’t want to put him on the spot by saying he is a meta, but if it meant getting them out of the elevator sooner then he would.
“So what are your abilities?” he “subtly” asks. He does his best to look as not threatening as he can while Danny looks at him with a startled expression.
“Whaaaat? Abilities?! Why would, why would you think that?” Danny’s voice is pitching higher as he tries to stammer out another lie.
“Dude you don’t have to be scared, I won’t tell anyone. But if it gets us out of the elevator then it would be nice to know.”
He sees how Danny is gearing up to tell another lie before deflating. “Yeah okay, you got me. I’m a meta.” Somehow, Tim still gets the feeling that he isn’t being told the whole truth. He decides not to call him out on it. “I can phase us out of the elevator so we can help Batman take out the baddies.” Danny says excitedly with a cheeky wink.
Tim looks at Danny with a flabbergasted look. Then shakes his head and says, “OK besides the fact that you just said baddies unironically… You could have phased us out of here this whole time?!”
Danny at least has the decency to look sheepish. “Sorry dude, I just didn’t know how you would react.” Tim releases a big breath and takes a few seconds to collect himself.
“Alright, we can talk more about this later. For now, let’s just get out of here and kick some riddler butt.” He can hear Danny giggling when he said butt, but he decided to ignore it like the adult he is. Especially since Danny has started to stand very close to him. He hoped Danny didn’t see his blush.
“Sorry, I just need to hold you so I can phase us out. Is that ok?” Danny asks gently. Tim agrees and then he can feel Danny’s arms around him. “Hold on tight.” Tim does as he says and puts his arms around Danny’s neck. He then feels a wave of cold wash over him as he is slowly lifted off the ground. They then go up and through the walls until they land on the floor in front of the elevator doors. The cold feeling goes away when Danny lets go of him and steps away. He takes a moment to orient himself before turning on his comms.
“Batman, this is Red Robin, are you there?”
“Red Robin,” Oracle’s voice comes through the line, “Where have you been?” Her voice is partially concerned but mostly curious. “I lost track of you after you were attacked by ninjas?”
Tim sighed, already regretting the words that were about to fall out from his mouth. “I got stuck in an elevator,” he defeatedly admits. Oracle breaks out in laughter.
“What?! Are you serious? What do you mean you got stuck in the elevator?”
Tim runs his hand through his hair. “The building I ended up fighting Ra’s assassins happened to also be where the same building that The Riddler was attacking at that moment. So when I decided to take the elevator instead of the stairs after my fight, that was when the elevator stopped working,”
“Because of the Riddler,” Barbara finished. “So you’re at the observatory? That’s where Batman is right now.”
“Yeah, so if you could point me in the direction of the fight that would be great.”
“Replacement, you’ve missed the fight!” Jason yells, cackling loudly. Tim could feel his face fall.
“What?” Tim asked despondently.
Barbara was kind enough to be apologetic, “Sorry Red Robin, the fight is already over, Batman has already handed Riddler over to be arrested and everything.”
“Oh that’s…” Tim just manages to not curse, “fantastic.” He ignores Jason’s howls of laughter. “See you later Oracle, Red Robin out.” Tim decisively cuts the line. Bottling up his irritation he then turns to Danny. “Your phone number,” he demands. Danny quietly recites it. Tim nods, memorising the 10 digits. “You will be hearing from me,” Tim declares before releasing his grappling hook and swinging away, so very done for the day. He’ll tackle Danny and the mystery of his meta status a later day.
And if he decides to ask Danny about it over coffee or at Bat Burger then that is strictly between him and the handsome stranger he met in the elevator.
The End
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gcslingss · 3 months
coffee? | colt seavers.
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summary: colt finally gets his coffee :)
pairing: no pairing, just colt - ig colt x jody?
warnings/content: lots of coffee mentions, author is uneducated when it comes to coffee, colt likes more milk, jody loves colt and his antics sm
word count: 619
notes: thanks to @dontglimpse for asking for this cuz bro this man needs his caffeine so bad- poor fucking dude
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“Wh— Colt?”
“Just a second, babe, I’ll, uh, be right back.”
Colt gave a confused Jody a smile and wave before heading towards to little cafe on the side of the road.
He and Jody had just returned from the Metalstorm screening in Hall H, super cool, and everything had been spectacular, except for when Colt’s long needed coffee spilt before it even reached his hands because some dude loved Jason Momoa too much to give a shit about his surroundings. The poor stuntman would’ve asked for a replacement, but Dan was too keen on getting them out of the place before traffic amassed.
It really seemed like ever since the Ryder Messed Up incident, he and coffee had been destined to never cross paths again.
Ah, coffee. What an abstract concept.
Which was why, as he walked into the cafe, every bit of his body he could cross, he kept crossed.
When Colt breathed in the scent of roasted beans and cream and cookies, it hit him like drugs.
“Oh my god,” he mumbled under his breath, halting and closing his eyes for a second. He took a second to regain his composure, before walking up to the barista.
“Hi, sir! What would you like?” she asked, smiling wide, but Colt was too focused on the pretty paper coffee cups stacked behind her.
“You— your coffee machine works, right?”
The barista frowned. “Yes, of course.”
Still, Colt didn’t bring his hopes up.
“I’ll, uh..”
The man was more of a Latte lover, but unsurprisingly, he craved a little more decaf today.
“Hi, um, could I get a flat white?” he asked, fingers drumming on the inner lining of his jean pockets in utmost dread. “On the go, please— kinda in a hurry.”
“Sure, yeah.”
Colt went and stood at the other end of the counter, foot tapping aggressively. Please, coffee, come to me.
His phone rang. It was Jody.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he said.
“Hey. I’m assuming you went to get coffee.”
Colt grimaced. “Just another minute, I’m so sorry-“
“Oh my god, don’t apologize. I know how bad you need it— I just hope nobody knocks it over or something again.”
“…Me too.” Colt meant that from the bottom of his heart. He’d missed far too many times.
It took a minute and 23 seconds (yeah, he counted) for the flat white to get to the counter. 
Colt grabbed it so quickly, paying the barista in less than a few seconds before rushing to his truck, both hands tenderly holding onto the cup.
“Hi,” Jody said, amused. “Got your coffee?”
“Got it, yes. Haven’t had it, though.”
Colt looked so tense, staring intensely at the cup. Nothing had gone wrong yet.
“Please drink that, Colt, I think I’m going to die out of anticipation,” Jody said, suddenly just as tense as her boyfriend. “Gosh.”
He looked at her, Adam’s Apple bobbing. 
“Yeah, okay.”
He brought the cup to his lips, and the absolutely intoxicating aroma of coffee rose to his nostrils.
Oh, dear.
Colt took a big gulp, and when the taste of perfectly brewed goodness washed over his taste buds, he could’ve sworn he ascended to another plane of existence for a bit.
He leaned against the seat, eyes closing and a relishing sigh leaving his lips.
“Good?” Jody asked.
Colt just nodded, still in ecstasy after that hit of delicious, delicious caffeine.
“I can tell you like it,” she said, lips pulled into an extremely amused smile. “Need a second to process it?”
“God, yeah.”
Despite the giggles, Colt didn't slow down, gulping down the coffee so quickly, but still savouring the taste.
He was carrying a flask with him everyday from now onwards.
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taglist: @bisexualcoltseavers @hollandstrophyhusband @zsuo @flowersomgravee @webbo0 @officer-kd6 @dontglimpse @chihuahuamations
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shinestarhwaa · 1 year
Inspired by @woosanbby 's little dream <3 ily bb this one's for you!
Happy 24th birthday Sannie!
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: Bff!San x Bff!Wooyoung x Bff!Fem Reader
Word Count: 2.1K
Tags/warnings: Dirty language, sex dreams, unprotected sex, threesome, m x m action, blowjob, fingering, rough sex, praise kink, abs riding, mentioned rimming (but not really described), mild squirting, double penetration, breeding kink, dom/sub roles are changing throughout the whole fic so it's not rlly specified ig
Taglist: @anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @star1117-archives @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @lemonhongjoong @babesindestroyland
San's hands slid over your waist as you grinded your ass against his crotch. The beat of the music was so loud, it was drowning out your thoughts. Your eyes closed as San's hands roamed over your body.
Wooyoung came up to you again, pouring a shot of a raspberry vodka drink into your mouth. He smirked and attached his lips onto your neck. "We should get outta here."
You held both boys' hands as you walked out of the nightclub, into the night and suddenly before you knew it you were in bed with them. San came close to you and pressed his lips against yours as Wooyoung grinded his hips against your ass.
You reached behind you to grab Wooyoung's clothed cock but...
You sat up straight in bed, panting and pink heated up cheeks. "Wow," you breathed. This was the first time you've actually had a sexual dream about your friends like this.
How could you face them tonight after this?
Stepping out of your bed, you felt the weakness in your knees, you felt the wetness between your legs and even more the lightheadedness in your brain. You sighed deeply and tried to shake your thoughts.
That night you got ready for the birthday party San had planned, putting on one of the sluttiest dresses you owned. San and Wooyoung always encouraged you to do so, though.
"You only live once Y/N, live your life, be a slut!" Wooyoung used to scream on the top of his lungs.
You made sure to put your favourite high heels and jewelry on to finish the look. You weren't shy with the perfume, putting it on your neck, wrists and ankles, a tip you had learned from your friend one day.
An hour later you made your way into San's house, entering the party. "Hey babes!" Wooyoung exclaimed when he noticed your figure. "Wow, you look amazing!"
You laughed and hugged him, kissing his cheek. "Thank you, angel." He looked absolutely stunning tonight. The black slacks complimented his ass and the short-sleeved button up revealed his gorgeous veiny arms. The arms you had such a weakness for.
Suddenly another pair of arms embraced you from behind. A strong pair of arms, that you immediately recognized as San's.
"Hello birthday boy," you grinned as you turned your head to press a kiss on his cheeks. "It's not my birthday yet," he grinned. "Well, it will be in like three hours." You corrected him. "Okay, fair," he smiled. "Let's get you a drink now."
You danced all night with Wooyoung and San, more PG than you wanted to and dreamed about but... it was just a dream, wasn't it? You didn't truly wanna get in bed with your best friends right?
People started leaving by the time it was 2 or 3am. Soon enough you were alone with them and you danced with San as Wooyoung waved goodbye to a friend.
"It's your birthday now, isn't it?" you grinned. "It sure is now!" "Happy birthday, sweetpea," you grinned as you pressed a kiss onto San's lips. It wasn't necissarily intentional to kiss his lips, but it happened naturally. Wooyoung who had just walked in gasped and laughed.
"Did you just kiss him?" Wooyoung laughed. "I just ... congratulated him. Why? Jealous?" You laughed, trying to fade away the awkwardness. But San did not feel awkward, he felt lust. His hands ran over your hips, the way they did in your dreams. "What if I am?" Wooyoung stated as he walked up to you.
"What is this, some kind of glitch in the matrix?" You mumbled as you noticed the younger male lick his lips, looking at your body. "Why don't we give San a birthday present he'll remember?" Wooyoung smirked. San's cheeks flushed at the thought, and his hands tightened around your hips. "Yeah? Do you wanna celebrate my birthday?" He said smirking.
Before you knew it you were upstairs in San's bedroom and Wooyoung was unzipping your dress as you and San made out against the wall.
"No bra baby?" Wooyoung smirked as he slid his hands over your bare back, silky skin smooth under his touch. He cupped your breasts from behind and tweaked your nipples slightly, making you moan in the kiss with San. You broke the kiss and started to undress San, falling to your knees as soon as his cock had sprung free from his boxers. San laughed, smirked. "Eager to suck my cock, sweetie?"
Wooyoung started to undress too, revealing his hard length as well. Unexpectedly, he got down on his knees as well, right next to you. San licked his lips and ran his hand through your hair. "Go ahead, then."
You brought out your tongue to lick at his tip. Wooyoung's head dipped lower, starting to lick at and suck on his balls. You sucked on the tip of his cock, swirling your tongue around the head and into the slit.
San hissed and threw his head back against the wall. "Fuck, you little... sluts for my cock," he moaned out. "So fucking good for me." His moans made you wetter than you could ever imagine, spurring you on to take more of his cock in your mouth. You sucked and sucked until you couldn't breathe. You pulled off his cock with a loud pop, heavy breathing filling the room.
Wooyoung switched with you, taking San's cockhead into his mouth while looking up at him. San looked down and locked eyes with him and started to breathe faster and more irregular. "That's so fucking good Youngie, good boy, suck my cock," he groaned.
Wooyoung started to bob his head up and down more eagerly, clearly turned on by San's praise. You ran your hands over Wooyoung's body, peppering kisses from his neck to over his shoulders and back.
Then you got up and kissed San passionately until you ran out of breath. San swallowed the taste of himself from your tongue. You slid off your panties and stuffed them into San's mouth while holding onto his wrists, so tight so he wouldn't move them. He could, but he didn't, because he understood and obeyed.
You kissed and sucked on his neck while Wooyoung still worked on his rigid cock. San's moans were muffled by the lacy panties stuffed in his mouth. He swore he was gonna go crazy just by these panties.
"You like that hm? Wanna keep those as a souvenir? To jerk off into? To smell? Such a little pervert," you smirked as you played with his nipples. San whined and bucked his hips into Wooyoung's mouth, making him gag on San's dick.
"Fuck, such a good fucking boy," San mumbled through the panties. San noticed he was getting close so he tried to signal, but he was restricted in every way so he just whined and moaned until he spurted his cum into Wooyoung's mouth. Wooyoung let go of his cock and smirked as he watched is soften but grow hard again when he felt your breasts against his body.
You pulled him off the wall, took the panties out of his mouth and pushed him onto the bed, making him smirk at the sight of you taking control. "You're not the only one who's cumming tonight, baby, you can't always be the main character." San pouted. "But it's my birthday, you know?" "Well you should see us cumming for you as a present," you said as you seated yourself on his abs.
"What are you-oh."
You started to grind your wet pussy against his abs, whining as your clit touched San's warm sweaty skin. "You're suck a fucking fuckdoll," you breathed, "so fuckable I could just cum all over you because of your abs, hm?"
"Fuck baby, that's so hot," he moaned out as he propped his legs up. Wooyoung saw this as a chance to spread his asscheeks and run his tongue over his hole. "O-oh my Goodness, what are you-"
San moaned when he felt Wooyoung's tongue working magic while you kept on riding his abs. Your breasts came down to San's chest with every thrust of your hips. "Fuck you look so good, please, cum on my abs, that's so hot," he moaned out.
"Yeah? Want me to squirt all over your body hm? Well you're gonna get it baby, so watch closely."
You grinded against him like the end of the world was near, feeling the familiar heat in your stomach. You grinded until you felt you were cumming, releasing and squirting over San's abs. San moaned and gasped, lightly touching your sensitive clit as he spread the wetness.
He removed you from his body and laid you down, pulling Wooyoung up as well. "Fuck her," San ordered him. You smirked as you looked at Wooyoung, who was mesmerized by your wet pussy.
"Let me finger her little whole first, San, don't be too greedy."
Wooyoung spread your legs wide and slid 2 of his fingers in there with ease. You cried out his name and closed your eyes. "No, no, keep your eyes on me," he smirked. The man groped you all over, playing with your tits as he sucked on your neck and fucked you deeply with two of his skillful fingers.
"You like that, don't you?" He said smirking as he rolled your nipples between his fingers. San bended down to fixate on your unoccupied breast, sucking and licking your nipple and nearly trying to take your entire breast in his mouth.
"Fucking adore these tits," he moaned while his mouth was full with them. "L-let me do something before you fuck me, I wanna see something," you breathed out, getting an idea after you felt the wet panties in your hand.
Wooyoung and San pulled away from you, looking at you curiously. You guided them to sit on their knees across from each other and only a few seconds later their lips were attached to each other.
You smirked and tossed your panties between their bodies, landing on their cocks. Their tongues swirled together into a sloppy makeout as they began to grind their hips against one another, cocks rubbing together against your panties.
They moaned into each others mouths, hands groping all over each others bodies. You smirked as you laid down, hand between your legs as you watched the two men grind their dicks. "This is so fucking hot, you two... Are you gonna cum? Gonna cum on each other? Gonna cum on my panties?"
It didn't they long before they did exactly that, coating your favourite pink panties white with their hot cum. They panted heavily and looked at you as you watched them with the biggest smirk on your face.
"Gonna fuck me now, Youngie? And Sannie? Don't you wanna fuck me too? I can take it," you challenged them. Their hungry eyes told everything you needed to know. Wooyoung laid down and you got on top of him.
You sunk down on his hard length, whining as you felt the stretch of his thick cock inside you. "Oh god, so thick Youngie, so thick," you groaned. You felt San's hands on your hips as he positioned himself behind you, pushing his cock into your cunt, sliding against Wooyoung's.
"O-oh, so long, so deep," you whined out when San started to thrust in and out of you at a fast pace. Wooyoung groaned as his hips bucked up into you, hitting all your favourite spots.
"Yes! Like that, that's so fucking good," you moaned loudly as your nails clawed against Wooyoung's pumped chest. "Please! Harder!" You begged, and San quickly obeyed and fucked you as hard as he could. The bed was shaking and squeeking nearly as loud as your moans were, it made you think they'd actually break it.
"God, yes, yes, just like that! Fuck me deep! Fuck me hard, fuck your fucking seeds into me, fill me up!" You moaned loudly. "Yeah? Wanna get filled hm? Want your best friends to fill your hungry cunt?" San breathed in your eyes.
"Yes! Want you to fucking fill my pussy, breed me until I pass out, want you to breed me so bad!" You cried. Wooyoung rammed his cock inside you and was the first one to cum, filling you with his hot white cum. San powered through and thrusted until he got sloppy, releasing his seeds inside you as well.
The three of you stayed like this for a while, filling you with cock and cum, just the way you like it.
"Happy birthday to me," San smirked.
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patsvicr · 1 month
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hey anon! yeah i wouldn't say my blog was initially meant for these questions so ig you'd be right 😭 but i honestly don't mind it at all. i like sharing fics here!
these are two that come to mind:
Everyone We Know Understands Why It's Meant To Be by @scoops404 (teen&up | 4.9k | pre face reveal secret omega!george)
During a phone call, George confesses a secret to Dream
My Lover Regardless by eliunlimited (E | 19.7k | post face reveal secret omega!george) drive link from @rcnhide and i's archive since this was deleted in march
He shouldn’t have gotten out of the warm blankets this morning. “If you’re so worried about him, why don’t you go and find out for yourself?” “What the fuck, George,” Dream sighed. “What is your problem? Are you in rut or something?” “No, but I am in heat.”
all this time, dream thought he lived in a house full of feisty alphas, but he only found out that was far far from the truth after he decided he could fall in love with one
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crow-aeris · 4 months
Ig this is a promo for my fic: Lambent Eyes, Blood-Stained Wings
find this chapter here
"Oh, Duke," Tim straightened and waved the dove over. The teen raised his brow curiously to sit at the foot of Tim's bed.
"What's up?"
Tim crawled over to tuck himself into Duke's side, "Why did you start calling me "Ducky?""
He smiled, adjusting them to better reach Tim's wings, "You've seen ducklings, yeah? Well, you're just as cute as they are."
"Oh my god!" Tim groaned, ignoring his warming face to swat at Duke's leg, "That's horrible!"
Duke only laughs at Tim's anguish before continuing, "Your last name is Drake, isn't it?"
"Well, drakes are male ducks, which makes you a duck! Therefore, Ducky! Also, peregrine falcons are known as duck falcons, so it all checks out. But, if you don't like it, I'm fine with stopping," Duke says gently.
"No, you're fine," Tim sighed before trailing off. His voice softens into a wary whisper, "Can- can you stay with me? Tonight? I don't want to be alone..."
His brother coos gently, humming into Tim's hair as he preens through the falcon's feathers. 
Tim sighs in contentment as he melts into Duke's side. This only affirms that Duke will forever be a better brother than Damian ever could. 
Once again, find it here :3
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Heeeeey dreamerzzz fans
um, I wrote a thing because the ao3 tag is, uh, in shambles (cries) to put it buuut anyways I’ll put the story under the cut if you wanna read it here
Summary: Sooooo, ig I kind of have it in my au that Cooper’s been in love with Mateo for forever but I thought it’d be funnier if he accidentally confesses instead doing some serious reveal Thus This
Additional Tags:
First dreamzzz fic woo! I have no idea what I’m doing Wrote this on a whim. - logan is only there for cameo points, Cooper has implied anxiety, Mateo goes non verbal for a little bit, Aged-Up Character(s), But it’s not specifically said how old they are, Crack turned hurt/comfort, trigger warning for a slight mention of drowning, Love Confessions, accidental love confession, t for light swearing, No beta we die like Lunia, Fluff, Physics bashing
— — —
Mateo chewed on the nail of his thumb as he mulled over the physics homework on the table in front of him as Logan, who sat across from him, did the same. Well Logan was less doing homework and more rocking out to an air guitar. 
Cooper was also at the table with the two only he had finished his work about fifteen minutes ago and was now engrossed with a video game on his phone. 
Mateo sighed and took his eyes off his paper. He was starting to understand why Cooper insisted that physics wasn’t a real thing, it honestly kind of sucked. 
Maybe he just needed a quick comic break. 
Mateo turned in his seat so he could more easily zip open his backpack and pull out his tablet. Z-Blob greeted him as the slime was able to see light again. 
“Hey bud,” 
Mateo looked around and seeing that no one else was in that part of the library, reached into his bag and pulled out his tablet. Z latched on to his arm as he reached in and when Mateo pulled his arm back out Z-Blob came with. 
Z-Blob flopped to the table and looked down at the pages of homework he had landed on as Mateo set his tablet down only for the slime to shake himself as if he was disgusted by the papers. 
Mateo snickered, “Yeah homework is pretty gross,” 
Z-Blob looked down at the homework again before looking up and pointing his head in Cooper’s direction. 
“Hm?” Mateo hummed, cocking his head to the side in confusion. 
The slime looked back down at the page for a third time. He then hopped off the paper towards Cooper and pointed his head again. 
Finally it clicked what Z-Blob was trying to communicate. 
“Ooooohhhhh,” Mateo said, picking up his pencil and glancing at his paper to see which questions he still had to answer, “Hey Coop?” 
“Yeah?” Cooper wondered, not taking his attention off his phone. 
“What is Mach Number?” Mateo quizzed, preparing himself to write down the answer. 
“Mach number gives the ratio of the speed of the object to the speed of sound in the fluid. It's formula is m equal u over c and it was figured out by a guy named Ernst Mach,” Cooper muttered. 
Mateo grinned and scribbled down what Cooper had told him, “Thank you,” 
“Yeah, no problem. Love you too,” Cooper responded in the same somewhat out of it voice he’d been using. 
All in the span of a couple seconds many things ended up happening. Logan instantly started laughing as red sprang to Mateo’s face as he dropped his pencil and put his head in his hands to hide the blush. Cooper seemed to mentally blue screen for a second before he realized what he had said and started to stutter out swears and apologizes. 
Logan threw back his head as he laughed, “PFFFFF HA, BRO WHY’D YOU ADMIT TO THAT DURING HOMEWORK TIME!? HAHA!” 
“I don’t- I DONT KNOW! It-it just slipped out!” Cooper shot back trying to deflect only to let his head drop in embarrassment, “Mateo I’m so sorry! I didn’t-!” 
“It’s fine!” Mateo squeaked. 
Cooper groaned and grabbed his hoodie hood to throw it over his head. He pulled on the drawstrings and the opening of his hood shrunk so half of Cooper’s face was no longer visible and then Cooper face planted into the table. 
Logan kept on laughing for a bit before it died out to just the occasional snicker but Mateo had mostly tuned it out at that point as too many thoughts swarmed around in his head. 
Did he really just admit that? Cooper wasn’t actually in love with him right? There was no way they were at that point in their relationship yet! 
A nervous laugh came from Cooper and he abruptly stood where he swung his bag over his shoulder. 
“I’m going to drown myself in the bay now,” He announced before speed walking behind the nearest bookcase and disappearing. 
Logan sniffed as his snickers died completely, “Hey, did he just—“ 
Mateo was already shoving his things into his bag to go after Cooper however. He was only slightly concerned that Cooper might actually try and drown himself so most of his urgency came from the fact that he didn’t want to end things on note that had just happened. 
“Come on Z-Blob,” Mateo told his green little friend as he picked him up, “Let’s go catch up to Cooper.” 
Logan blinked, “Wha-bro! You just gonna leave me here?” 
Mateo gave Logan a look that he hoped came off as more curious than pissed, “You can come if you want, I never said you couldn’t.” 
Logan stared at Mateo with his weird beast like stare for a moment before shrugging, “I was just being dramatic, this doesn’t really seem to need us getting involved,” and just as Logan started to lean back in his chair to relax he stopped and added, “Ai, you probably know this but physical contact will help keep him from going off to anxiety land.” 
Mateo nodded sharply, “Noted,” 
Mateo had to admit that keeping up with someone as tall as Cooper was an exercise in and of itself. By the time Mateo had even managed to find him Cooper was already all the way down the street heading in the direction of the park. 
After spending a few blocks closing the distance between them Mateo called out, “COOPER! Wait up!” 
Cooper tensed at that, his shoulders rasing, and instead of slowing down he started walking faster. 
Mateo groaned, add physical activity to the list of things he hated. 
“Hey! Cooper! Cooper stop!” Mateo yelled, deciding to take the speaking approach instead of continuing to chase after him, “I just wanna talk!” 
Cooper slowed slightly but he still wasn’t stopped completely.
A sour taste grew in Mateo’s mouth, god this was starting to remind him of something he’d much rather forget. In spite of it though Mateo called out, “Don’t run away from me again! Please!” 
That stopped Cooper in his tracks but it left Mateo with a growing guilty feeling that made his gut churn. 
Mateo hurried over to Cooper and once he was within an arm's length away he grabbed Cooper’s fisted hand in his own and rounded around to face Cooper. 
Cooper’s face was scrunched up like he was in physical pain but Mateo couldn’t blame him, they were no doubt remembering the same thing. 
Of course that’s when Mateo’s words failed him, but he couldn’t just say nothing! 
Mateo growled at himself why was drawing and writing so much easier than talking? Why couldn’t he just make this a comic and explain to Cooper everything he wanted to? Izzie was so much better at words than him. 
“‘Teo?” Cooper asked. 
Mateo grit his teeth together but rather than force himself to meet Cooper’s eyes he let go of Cooper’s hand and pulled him into a hug. 
Cooper stiffened but as the hug continued he seemed to melt into Mateo’s grip and hugged him back just as tight. 
“Words… suck,” Mateo grumbled. 
Cooper only hummed and buried his face into Mateo’s hair where he pressed a kiss. 
“Yeah I know, they love betraying you,” Cooper agreed.  
Mateo nodded and then pulled away slightly, “But did—“ 
Damn words. 
Luckily Cooper picked up on what Mateo was trying to ask, “I do, I do love you.” 
Mateo couldn’t help the small quiver that came to his lips, he felt like if he smiled too wide he’d start crying. So he buried his face back into Cooper’s chest and squeezed as hard as he could. Maybe he’d never have the words to convey what he was feeling but Mateo was pretty sure Cooper knew him well enough to know. 
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hectorthedoggo · 4 months
i edited it guys :) they're now suffering with clear and concise grammar
tw: horror ig
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treecakesarts · 7 months
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mikey & eilidh and the messiest sketch on the planet….
MIKEY AND EILIDH. they exist in the same universe as maitiú and co. just their story is like. a decade or so after maitiu’s which is fun. mainly i just didn’t want to worldbuild again. AND. it gave me an excuse to build upon the magic. in magical realism. except it’s set on a fantasy planet but yknow. magical realism. even though maitiú and co have ~~~~~~some connections. with it (sighs.) it’s really not explored much. i created these two back in. [checks my ig archive] uhh. 2016-17? they used to have other characters among them that aren’t in maitiu’s circle but those characters remain forgotten (aka i haven’t drawn them in years).
mikey is really fun to me i love getting to play with their character because truly they are hard for me to grasp… it’s fun. characters like maitiú and jaiden are easy for me because they are generally very cautious (?) characters (like me) and it’s easier for me to understand their motivations. mikey is the exact opposite. they met eilidh in the woods one day and after like a month they decided yeah i’ll live with you why not 😭 when in doubt join your non-human friend in the woods it’s fine…. luckily eilidh isn’t a horrible person. just don’t be like mikey.
eilidh is a mikey-enabler truly they are just as bad in the. not impulsiveness but close enough. and such. but they are definitely the one who will and does think situations through. they are just not good at standing their ground in that regard 😭 though there are some situations within the story that freaks them out so bad. rightfully. and in those situations they are the source of stability that mikey just. is not good at providing. but yeah they are the same/similar genre of insane which makes these two fun for me to play around with. most of my characters are generally not like that…
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nix-nihili · 10 months
did good omens october using vanillacreame153 (IG)'s prompt list. gonna post some of my favourites on ao3.
october 2's prompt: The Fall
"Could you tell me about it?"
"About what, angel?"
There was that expression on Aziraphale's face, one Crowley had seen a dozen times; a burning curiosity fighting with the delegations of God-given privacy. He placed one hand over Aziraphale's clenched fist, his unshielded eyes encouraging. Aziraphale sighed.
"Your Fall."
A promise made between late-night drinks.
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thephantomtheory · 2 years
Earl Grey, Lavender, and a Bow | Levi x Reader
notes: alright... i'm back after a mini hiatus for my love's birthday. here's a lil drabble.
content: levi x reader, canonverse ig? just you being sweet for levi's birthday xx
cw: sfw, but really mild mentions of grief/loss if you squint
Levi never knew how you learned his birthday. He’d managed to keep that information unwaveringly private, despite Hange’s desperate attempts and sleepless nights wildly digging through archives to uncover it. He suspected that, perhaps Erwin knew, but if so, never said a word, which went much appreciated by Levi.
Levi’s birthday was something he’d rather not acknowledge. He never did like a fuss, or an excess of attention, or spirited social gatherings. He didn’t see the point in celebrating another year while so many of his comrades would not… could not…
In fact, the first year he’d known you, he’d honestly forgotten about the occasion himself. It was a quiet day and frigidly cold, as it always was that time of year. The sun set early, pale orange and icy blue hues loosely sinking beneath the edge of the Walls, the remaining faded light sparkling over the new layer of snow.
It crunched like muffled sighs underneath his shoes as he walked back to Headquarters from the local tea shop. He’d restocked on Earl Grey and crushed lavender, but he’d been hoping to find a rare blend, black and earthy leaves specific to the season, but unfortunately left empty-handed.
The wind picked up and Levi pulled his scarf tighter around him. Three young children threw snowballs at each other in the middle of the street, their cheeks pinched rosy from the cold, while their laughter swelled innocently and bright into the evening. It was simple. But it was everything. He walked on.
By the time he made it back to Headquarters he had buried his nose into his scarf and his black hair was decorated with a white dusting of flurried snowflakes. The building was more quiet than usual, as everyone had a few weeks off and whoever had families went to spend time with them. Of course, there were many members who had learned to make a family out of their fellow soldiers, including a select few from Levi’s own squad, and they milled about in the dining commons while Levi passed by as a shadow, on his way back to his office to prepare for tea with you, a nightly routine that the two of you had fallen into much like snowflakes fall to the earth; effortless and weightless, but falling nonetheless.
He unlocked the door to his office, leaning back against it until it clicked closed, sighed. He unwrapped his scarf from around him, peeled off his mittens and placed them neatly on his desk, setting his coat on the back of his chair. He went to light the fire and then began to prepare the tea. He turned again to his desk, where he’d left his packages, and spotted something red just on the corner.
He blinked. A subtle red bow. Atop a grey-blue tin box. Right next to his mittens. How did he miss this?
Levi picked it up, analyzed the print on the front of the box, and realized it was the tea he was unable to find earlier.
He ran his thumb over the velvet of the bow, and then he remembered.
He felt the soft fabric under his skin. And then he realized.
He didn’t have to ask who’d left it. Just the other week, he’d mentioned he was looking for this tea during one of your late night conversations. And you always listened.
Not much later you were sat across from him, sipping the tea he’d just poured for you. You brought the cup to your lips, tasting, and mused,
“Mm, new blend?”
“Just got it today.”
“It’s nice.”
The fire crackled beside you. He eyed you.
“How’d you know?”
You smiled into your cup.
“Know what?”
A small grin pulled at the corners of his lips, which he hid as he sipped.
Thank you.”
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©2022 thephantomtheory | do not repost my work anywhere, and do not plagiarize (reblogs much appreciated)
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myymi · 2 years
something for wholesome sonic and tails wednesday ig
My fried told me to write an angst fic about tails eating jelly, so here we are
@starrjoy @passionartx
“Okay bud,” Sonic said as he stretched his arms up above his head, “I’m headin’ out to help Vanilla with her grocery run now.”
“Get me some mints while you’re out!” Tails called from where he sat on the couch, a large book rested against his knees as he read its contents.
The hedgehog rolled his eyes, “No goodbyes or anything?”
“Nope.” The younger responded, popping the ‘p’ in the word.
“Really?” Sonic let out a dramatic sigh, “where did I go wrong in raising you, li’l bro?”
It was Tails’s turn to roll his eyes, turning to look at his big brother over the back of the couch, “Get going before Miss. Vanilla starts to question why the fastest thing alive is late.”
The teen pointed a finger at the fox, “Keep that up and I’m gonna leave your precious little mints at the store.”
“You do that and you won’t have chili dogs for a month.” Tails glared at the older. Sonic put his hands up in a mock surrender as he inched towards the front door.
“Alright, alright. No need to go that far, dude,” He shook his head and tugged the door open, “see you later, bud!”
“Don’t crash into a tree on your way to Miss. Vanilla’s!” The kit called as the door clicked shut. He let out a quiet sigh and refocused on his book, allowing himself to get lost in the words on the pages.
read the rest on ao3 🫶
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the-vibes-are-off · 2 years
The Stormlight Archive Volume 1: The Way of Kings’ Review: Chapters 9-11
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link to contents page - https://at.tumblr.com/the-vibes-are-off/hey-hey/96xd9ohihrzs
oh yeah I want to do these in chunks of four chapters yeah that’ll be nice .. WRONG no it wont bc part 1 is 11 chapters long :| *sigh* ig I’ll have to live with it. I have drank so much tea since I tested positive that I have 1 darjeeling tea bag left I could cry I need more someone send me more im begging pls. If anyone gives a shit about the Criminal Minds progress, I’ve watched 20 episodes since my review yesterday. 
ugh, I respect Brando setting everything out in satisfying chunks but like you should have seen just the utter defeat I experienced reaching the end of chapter 11 man ;-;. I’ll allow it because I really enjoyed this chunk....
Spoiler Free Zone: 
finally, FINALLY at the end of this chunk I am starting to like Mr Edgy Boy Kaladin more like I have finally realised that the reason I wasn’t liking him that much was because he felt so low energy so it made me low energy to read it because it didn’t fit how I thought his character should be and its finally getting out of that now *phew*
I liked the flashback chapter, it felt good to get some context on why Kal is the way he is and it finally makes sense. Deffo a connecting the dots on Kaladin section which feels great I really didn’t want to go the full series having some ick over him 
Spoiler Zone:
genuinely, at the start of this section all I could think was Kaladin needs a fucking break man, poor guy is absolutely slammed at every fucking corner like I just want to run him a bath and make him a cuppa. Like everyday hes acc just being rained on by a barrage of arrows and watching everyone die im not surprised he’d want to throw himself into the honour chasm i have wanted to do that over less
Living for his surgeon dad, he had the right idea. Maybe if he’d listen to papa about the whole fighting to save lives is like trying to stop a storm by blowing harder maybe Kal would just be a run of the mill surgeon saving lives and way of kings would be like greys anatomy (Kaladin the next McDreamy fr?????)
Syl is acc my fave as well shes so cute ;-; she rlly said Kal have cute leaf and its straight up poison skskks shes so me 
then to round all this up on the slay of Kaladin being like yeah I died, this is my vengeful spirit just fucks so hard pop off, as he should. Its nice to see him taking his life into his own hands finally some energy brought to his section 
Tab Count:
Cute <3 - 1
Fights - 0
Sad ;-; - 1
Death - 0 (Ik there was technically deaths but I’m only tabbing significant named characters or I think I’d run out of tabs)
Cool - 0 
Wtf moments - 0
Slay Quotes - 2 
Love this! - 0 
Hate this >:( - 0 
Lore - 0 
Tab Total:
Cute <3 - 4
Fights - 4
Sad ;-; - 2
Death - 2
Cool - 4
Wtf wow - 2
Wtf Why - 1
Slay Quotes - 5
Love this! - 5
Hate this >:( - 1
Lore - 2 (I forgot this on the last one :/)
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lvckystar · 6 months
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@dreamse sent 📷 for a past and future post on jace's insta of royce .
𝐏𝐀𝐒𝐓 : taken right before he dipped , it's been archived since but there were some comments on there from the townies asking abt their relationship which pretty much scared him shitless 🫠 she was probably just messing with him but he posted it anyway bc every time royce opens her mouth he drops to the damn floor ... this pic was probably accompanied by a bunch of others from that date ' date ' .
𝐅𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐑𝐄 : when he's actually made up for falling off the face of the earth ... he probably took a few sneaky photos of her prior to this but it's this one that made it to his ig ( for obvious reasons 😭 ) . it's one of these pics that ended up in his wallet tho at an entirely different angle bc he's a whore-llow cove native , sigh .
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