#for a while I wasnt showing up specifically for that reason but now the sound system is great
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spocksmalewife · 3 months ago
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ganondoodle · 6 months ago
(while i am crumbling into pieces from cramp pain)
back when they announced the totk masterworks book i said i wasnt happy about it bc it would either
prove they thought all this was good from the start and everything went as planned
show us that they had unbelievable better ideas and plans but for some unknow reason scrapped it all
as it stands now with the concepts i have seen ... they somehow did both, some things seemed to have been planned fro mthe start (the whole focus on sonau/zonai stuff for example, which i personally just dont like bc i liked them better as an unkown mystery you never get to meet) and other stuff (like ganondorfs concepts, or the infinitely cooler castle in the sky esque concepts for the sky islands, instead of some nonsensical, meaningless little stone crumbs) was much, much more interesting initially (together with the interviews that said they initially planned to have the battery be a magic meter and make the sonau more magic than tech- but then decided to build their stuff around modern electrical devices just so players would immediately know what it was an what it would do -why????? thats so boring?? and unecessary ?? and they still give you tutorials for it anyway, multiple times??!!- for some ungodly reason)
it makes me more and more sure that this game, that took 6 years to make with most assets already being there (the same time that botw took to make?????????), went through a similar development hell as that one final fantasy game did where the director decided to make it an entirely different game every few weeks bc he saw something cool in another game-
its the only thing that makes sense to me, why else would it be so weirdly ... unfinished, its full of grand ideas badly executed, or like i said in a previous post, like an alpha build (weird! did someone in charge also see cool stuff every few months and decide they wanted it in there too no matter what so everyone had to scramble to try and put it in making the whole jenga tower fall over and over??), just to test how far you can push things, with placeholders everywhere, the same cutscene pasted in where another should be and a placeholder reason to get players to go soemwhere (fake zelda) and rough ideas for puzzles etc, that was never finished, jsut highly polished (in looks, sounds and presentation) in hopes of it being 'good enough' or players not noticing (like, take the underground for example, the idea itself is fantastic and cool as fuck, but its feels like an idea that was never finished and just barely fileld with some things to try and cover up the fact that it was never done, like a statue that wasnt done being carved but ran out of time so they painted it anyway- take the base map and invert it, put some easily accessible points of jumping down into it in random spots to test if the game can handle it- no time left to actually get that idea anywhere more specific and well thought out/put together, so its left like that, put the same texture everywhere, barely modified copies of the same enemies, and some little reward spots that make no sense, modelling three types of trees and an enemy camp is way quicker to do than actually making an entire new map (they didnt have to make it the same size btw, just make it big but unique caves, put the gravity effect down there in enclosed spaces! makes it less weird to have randomly happen in the sky! etc) but its there!! its in the game and if they are lucky most players wont go down there enough to notice how meaningless and unfinished it all is)
knowing they would most likely never admit to it though, probably bc of their reputation, is just addign to the frustrations i have with it :I
(i just hate to not know the reason for things, if the devs, who are usually the ones being worked to the bone for things they know arent good, where put through that bc some executive big shot threw their tables around every so often or neglected their project bc they wanted to focus on something else first ... id like to know, i dont enjoy making up these conspiracy (?) theories .......... but i cant shake this feeling, its jsut makes no sense)
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panicloser · 5 days ago
Yellowjackets theory sort of more like an observation adding to an existing theory
Okay so I'm incredibly fixated on yellowjackets at the moment, i haven't had an idea of what to post and have just been basking in the fandom
But I had an idea that links to the idea that Melissa is going to betray Shauna.
Now this doesn't necessarily mean that Melissa's feelings for Shauna are disingenuous, they probably are genuine to some extent since she was willing to risk her life for a kiss but that doesn’t mean we can’t have her do a little backstabbing, I mean this show is iconic for the character’s complicated feelings in relationships. There's a few reasons that I think whether premeditated or not she is gonna betray Shauna. The one most interesting to me is with Shauna & Adams affair in season 1
A relationship that mirrors this one: Shauna seeking this person as a way to feel like she has power over someone or something where in her life she currently feels powerless. The target is obediently giving her exactly what she wants and allowing themself to be strung along by Shauna, making it seem and feel like she's in power. However, they are learning a lot about Shauna but Shauna doesn't know much about them in return. With Adam this results in a perceived betrayal.
When Shauna confronts him, she is of course extremely upset as you would but not only that she's also having a full on trauma response judging by the flashbacks to the wilderness, the reverting back to her teen self and ofc the stab. Now you could argue that she's having this response simply because she feels threatened or hurt and its causing those instincts and coping mechanisms she developed in the wilderness to kick in, definitely. However in her dialogue there's a very specific focus on the betrayal side of it, how she regrets opening up and getting close to this person as shes having flashbacks to the wilderness, how she feels stupid for letting her guard down which you would especially feel if you'd been through this before.
Plus later when she shows Tai & Nat his dead body in between being pretty apathetic she suddenly gets very emotional again when specifically thinking and talking about it, when saying she trusted/thought he loved her and he was going to hurt her/lying to her, despite the fact that she already knows he wasnt the blackmailer at this point. You could say shes lying but we’ve been shown many times that Shauna is a terrible liar. This could point to the fact that she's actually remembering a different time this happened instead. And everything she's saying sounds really personal and could all be things that maybe Melissa did to her.
She's having a personal resonse to the betrayal, at that point in the story there wasn't a relationship in the wilderness she had that mirrored what she had with Adam. Now this season we’re seeing her in an awfully similar situationship
Also this is especially relevant to Shauna this season since she is currently the most closed off she's ever been in the teen timeline so being betrayed would currently trigger her even worse than normal. And something vulnerable about herself has already been revealed to Melissa: the way she’s still holding onto her baby, in general Melissa seems to know a lot about Shauna already and shes getting closer to her. In both Shauna gets to feel a sense of freedom and she gets to feel safe and happy with another person for a bit in a way she hasn't in a while. Both relationships also carry a theme of being able to show the bad parts of themselves/parts of themselves they want to hide around each other, Shauna & Adam were having an affair & doing a lot of reckless activities acting like teens again and Shauna and Melissa are being malicious & trying to get a guy killed...obviously the stuff she was doing with Adam was more mild but you get my point right? Shauna gets to feel in power and free, with Adam it gets pulled out from under her causing a violent emotional reaction from her since she was finally able to trust someone again, it makes sense if they mirrored the same thing happening with Melissa
I'm just noticing the similarities between these two relationships for Shauna. The adult timeline's goal is to show how the events of the past affect them now so it’s a good way for them to subtly hint at future events in the teen timeline and if Melissa does betray Shauna it would then give more context to Shauna's reaction in the scene with Adam.
Now some extra spitballing here: if this does happen and sticking with the idea that Melissa does die in the wilderness cuz thats what i hope, this could result in Shauna reacting the same way she did to Adam and stabbing her, which would be ironic cuz Melissa gave her a sheath for her knife. This could possibly kick off the hunting and cannibalism again, that would be a great way to start it up again. Shauna once again eating someone she was a bit fruity for, that would link to her and Jackie’s relationship. If Melissa did survive, Shauna stabbing Adam could be her doing something she’d wished she’d done last time. Although its unlikely, if Melissa betrays Shauna I highly doubt she would live through it. Looking forward to it :)
Alright, that's my two cents, I've officially contributed to the fandom. I don't make theories very often so im quite inexperienced, you can go ahead and call me out if you think I'm wrong or I missed something or if i interpreted everything completely wrong, let me know :D
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luckyshouse · 1 month ago
u make me wanna make more weird art but idk how to let myself
i dont know what is holding you back specifically, but maybe sharing some of my own experience with this can help? i had the same issue very badly when i was a fanartist, or at least still defined myself as one. heres some of my fanart from that time, when i was still feeling really trapped in this like phase of knowing i wanted to make "weird" art but not knowing how to, i specifically remember knowing i had things i wanted to say and that i wanted to experiment more but i was right at that peak of breaking out of the mold, but still really held back.
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i remember feeling like my art wasnt mine, and that instead of making art that i wanted to make about my experiences, i was trying to find places where i could acceptably "squeeze in" aspects of me into my own art. this is definitely because of the people i was surrounding myself with at the time too, but i felt horribly embarrassed about how indulgent my art was and how weird it was in comparison to the stuff my friends were making. i just felt really off. like maybe if i learned how to draw even better i'd get to a point where things got better but the more and more i practiced technical skills the more i just ended up hating it. the last ones a good example of that. not that i hate it anymore, but i did at the time really badly. eventually i had a couple really really really bad health scares, and all of them hammered in a single idea: it wasn't the fact that my art "wasnt good enough" that i was unhappy with it, it was that i felt unable to express or do what i actually wanted to do, both aesthetics wise and concept wise. i started branching out more and the more i did the more the people i was surrounded by were not into my art anymore, which was a bummer, but at the same time more people who actually liked what i had to say did start showing up. and over a short amount of time it became apparent to me that the issue i was having with my art wasn't even related to my art- it was related to the fact that i literally wanted to express ideas conceptually that not only went against what the "status quo" is, but that me actively choosing not to do that was another form of repression i was using. by branding myself as a fanartist or an artist who does specifically one or another thing for such a long time i had repressed a lot of what i had actually wanted to make, and not only was that affecting my art but the way i saw myself and the way i let people talk to me.
sorry if this is starting to sound a bit preachy, but so much of my experience making "Weird" art has been less about the art itself and moreso a journey on learning how to be okay with my disabilities and the fact that i personally always be "different" than other people for a myriad of reasons, and that there are likeminded "different" people everywhere and its a beautiful, and desperately NEEDED thing. i was talking to my brother a while about how the reason why i am so insanely obsessed with self expression is because right now, to me, it feels less like an act of self love, and more like a political act. i have spoken about ugly laws in the past and how disability history is genuinely, like, genuinely horrific to learn about and as a way to help myself make the art i want to make and do what i want to do, i remind myself that i am historically important time for disabled and autistic people. both because of the political climate right now but also because of the fact that historically, i would not be where i am right now, i would be dead or institutionalized if my family history is anything to go by.
"weird" art is like a fundamental believe of mine, when you compare animation and cartooning history to disability history and keep both in mind when you learn about facism it becomes so obvious to me at least that art is intrinsically connected to the self and identity and expression, but also just like, literally one of the human needs, especially when it comes to processing trauma and becoming a more empathetic and critical and understanding person. and right now i feel like art is under fire at all sides in every direction, and considering that i would argue that being autistic and trans is the same thing, i view making weird art as intrinsically connected to my existance as a high support needs disabled transgender person, it holds the same level of importance in my head, and is one of the acts of "rebellion" i can actually engage in as a disabled person. < i feel preachy LOL I JUST REALLY CARE ABOUT WEIRD ART AND THINK EVERYONE SHOULD BE MAKING IT BOTH AS AN ACT OF SELF LOVE BUT ALSO AS A POLITICAL ACT AGAINST FACISM. i have never in my life felt better about my art and had so much fun both making it and looking at it, i have never felt so much ownership about my own abilities and voice. i cannot encourage it enough. and the best part about "weird" art is that it isn't a genre! the only thing that makes it "weird art" is if its literally kindered towards your own tastes and actively what you want to make and enjoy making, its literally defined by going against the grain to create whatever is calling to you and learning the skills that you need to do that but also attuning it to your own specific needs, its like developing a language and learning how to translate that language. and also like learning a language that people who resonate with you know how to speak. that is how i've felt making art. for once i feel like people are seeing me for what i want to be seen as, and who i know i am, and in turn i do the same for them.
i was raised by two "failed" artists, a musician, and all of us were show people and did public performance. i saw and experienced the effects of them attempting to make themselves marketable, commodifiable, and eventually giving up art entirely. it is a tool facism uses to break people. if there is one thing i want to do it is encourage people to make weird art. maybe thinking about it as a political act might help? it did for me.
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xxx-sir-pentious-xxx · 7 months ago
Truly Heavenly au
Dark topic: kidnapping, a deer you know, gods a nut tbh, no sympathy for the cherubs
Part 2
It was a odd morning, he felt lighter and when he looked in the mirror he saw his halo was different, he poked it lightly and giggled,
"Oh it's kinda pretty..."
He got dressed feeling a sense of purpose, he wanted to show Emily his halo, but he learned she was banished after some sort of huge fight last night with Sera.
He showed Sera the halo hoping at least someone could maybe tell him about it but he just got a look of disgust from her. For some reason everyone he talked to about it found it unappealing. All he knew was the rocks they threw at him didnt hit him, as if he had a force field.
Despite not being physically hurt it still hurt his feelings that people only seem to be ramping up the torment. Somewhere in his mind a feminine voice whispered comforting words, soft affirmations and helped him get away from the hostile people.
He found a place to hide, where no one could hurt him and where he could cry.
The God that was trying so hard to protect their only worthy soul they could inhabit felt their heart break for him, he was sweet and he simply didn't deserve the torment. A torment only brought from his ex sinner status.
He heard her soft voice speak to him,
"My poor vessel... my poor poor angel... dont you worry.... you'll make them understand... you'll prove yourself as more than the sums of your parts my dear.."
Pentious looked around,
"How will I prove that? I'm just a soul.."
The Gods touch was unseen but felt strongly as he was soothed.
"You will grow stronger that's how, your more than a soul now... you've been around long enough, you've earned your angel feathers... I'll protect you... I'm sorry I cant do anything more..."
The God expected cruel words after saying that, she expected it because no one shes encountered ever understood or were at least patronizing. She was stretched thin she wasnt as strong as before, the lack of faith people had hurt her. Yet. She hears,
"I understand... thank you for being here anyway, it's better than nothing at all, for that I'm thankful."
Pentious spoke with honesty and a level of empathy that was sorely needed in heaven, she poured a bit more of herself into him adding another flair to his halo hoping hed be able to help himself.
"Here.. I trust you to use this wisely... a lot of power comes from the halo ya know.... you need to practice your powers. They arent strong enough from lack of use so you will need to practice on weaker forms of life like cherubs."
With that he planned with the devine being to catch a cherub and keep them, one that had recently shown to be rather callous.
It took a lot of time but he found the target talking in a tasteful soda shop, the loud mental groan from God made Pentious almost laugh.
"Oh my self, why are they so lame... wine is literally drank in church they can drink some damn wine once in a while..."
Pentious just waited outside kinda loitering waiting for the deer cherub to come out and quickly bagging them in a backpack he had to buy specifically for this. The cherub freaked out all zipped up and had to get slammed into the wall to be shut up.
"I hope their not dead."
Pentious went home with the victim hed be practicing on, tying them to a chair and treating the bruise on their thick bulbous head glad they arent dead yet.
"What now God? What do I do?"
God, who was seemingly giggling about something spoke,
"Well just give them some time to dwell on the situation... gag them also okay, their coming to their senses again."
Pentious gags the deer cherub and ties it in place, he was a bit proud of himself needless to say and locked them in a room with sound proofing due to his building stuff being annoyingly loud.
Hed rest after and sleep hoping all this would lead somewhere good.
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coeuranxieux · 9 months ago
i am going insane. woe my hyperfixation amalgamation be upon ye now and forever (yes. pokemon team posts part 1)
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now. ive explained norton before but i wanna revise it and sound more legit/put together than i did when i flung this at mach speeds to my friend gold BUT
first off. the toxtricity. as i've said sooo many times norton's born and raised in spikemuth, and he takes pride in it. despite the rundown/dilipadated appearance, the locals are still upbeat and lively, and piers keeps it all kicking. norton has a lot of respect for piers as well-- despite how he's a gym leader, he's in the same situation as the rest of spikemuth, and he's super fair about everything he does. i think while norton was younger he'd help out in the ways he fan. maybe he babysat marnie from time to time! but basically, he holds a lot of pride in his hometown and he has an equal amount of respect for piers despite being older than him (i see piers as about 25 to nortons 28), and he likes showing off what he takes pride in! toxtricities appear to charge attacks by strumming the chords on their chest, resembling the motion one would make playing a guitar :] i decided on the high-amp form since norton is fairly competitive during the battles themself (though he recovers from losses with a lot of grace. its pretty much a hobby to him so he doesnt get too worked up) and also, toxtricity tend to be somewhat arrogant as norton can be :]
ok. okay so. meowth/perrserker. i know the fandom didnt recieve this line very well (i wasnt too fond of it either) but. listen okay. meowth are generally known for collecting coins. the galarian meowth are specifically tougher due to being seafaring companions, and kantonian meowth dont get along with thwm. alolan meowths, who are used to luxurious lifestyles, also don't get along with their galarian counterparts, despite being the same species with little differences. perrserkers also enjoy battles and are competitive :]
corviknight is. kind of a stretch but bear with me. i gave him a rookidee originally for the sake of the new fool's gold accessory for this season, the broken cage, since rookidees have yellow feathers similar to canaries. also as an offhand reference to leave the mines. the corviknight itself symbolizes wanting a change of pace/scenery/environment for similar reasons, since in galar, corviknights are a means of transportation (one of the only ones other than trains or bikes if you dont want to walk) and they can go wherever its desired to.
barboach are cavefish that are local to the galar mines! overall the line just felt fitting </3 ive not much to say on it
the wimpod...... the wimpod is so very dear to me. little bug that scurries around his feet. they're cowardly and also native to galar mines, and i imagine he shooed away some other pokemon that were harrassing it (stunfisk perhaps) and afterwards the wimpod kind of just. followed him around the rest of the day so he caught it. he hypes it up so much and is very encouraging towards it, and it becomes his ace pokemon once it evolved to a golisopod :3
as for the boldore, he's had it since he was a kid. as a roggenrola, it was one of the only things his dad had gotten norton before his death, and norton bonded with it quite easily. despite not wanting to be a rock type specialist like the other workers, he's very attached to it!! overall, he cares a lot about his pokemon and you can really tell how much he loves them and how proud of them he is. he's one of the (arguably) few people who fully realizes how important pokemon are, and how much they've helped shape society since he'd never been someone to take anything for granted.
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orpheus deross..... thw only person who could rival bede's bastardness.......
honestly, i wasn't sure what to do with him. i just knew he should be a dragon type trainer because it'd be funny for frederick's fairy type ass to mop the floor wjth him immediately. however! there is reasoning for some of them. actually really just the appletun. norton gives him an applin and he decided to keep it with him + evolve it. also, i think noivern's personality is somewhat like norton's so it'd be funny if orpheus told norton he reminded him of his pokemon once or twice
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pympartic · 9 months ago
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:[ Figuring Out Yellowjacket's Origin ;;/ Protector and Prosecutor. ]
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Terminology Guide ! System ; A collective term for all entities within one body. Alter ; A personality within a System often spawned as a response to intense or long term childhood trauma. Front ; The personality currently controlling the actions of a System Protector ; A common role for alters in a system focused on protection from Physical, Mental, Emotional and other Threats. Prosecutor ; A role for Alters who actively sabotage the system due to internalized self-hate and negative inputs.
It goes without saying that the comics handling of Pym's D.I.D has not been exactly favorable if or when it is used / brought up. From using it as a vector to have hank do a villain arc (ew) or to simply make him unhinged (ew) its safe to say its rarely been used as an actual storytelling tool as far as Hank's story is concerned. One thing that really adds to this is how his D.I.D often comes to be, that being either randomly as an adult (not scientifically possible) or because pym particles suddenly, on top of letting you shrink and grow, can also now just Cause a mental disorder universally explained to be spawned from childhood trauma based coping mechanisms to just Suddenly Appear?
Needless to say this is something I'm not really keen to run with for my interpretation.
EMH does make this slightly easier as Yellowjacket's specific origins is left unsaid. While he is very much portrayed as an Alter and his reasons for becoming the Front made very clear they dont delve into what caused him to manifest- Because lets be real there wasnt any time for that nor a big need to at the time.
This however has left me with an interesting conundrum precisely BECAUSE of how EMH's Yellowjacket Behaves; it starts to point towards what kind of childhood trauma MIGHT have spawned this Alter.
Its very clear he harbors intense anger and resentment towards Hank Pym, seeing him as weak and even claiming that 'killing him' was a favor. Implying that he sees him being the Front as the best possible outcome for all involved, Pym included. His anger appears to stem from Hank himself, namely how its displayed that Hank at the time of Yellowjacket becoming the Front was self deteriorating and seemingly given up on pretty much every aspect of his life. Mindlessly going from one test to another within his lab and cutting himself off from any outside contact, seemingly keen to just waste away.
( RANDOM POW NOTE ; If you are struggling with mental health Isolation will make it WORSE. Regardless of Introversion or Extroversion if you are suffering and cut yourself off from other human stimuli you will cause further damage to your mental health; pls take care of yourselves and dont put urself in an egg. <3 )
However notably to me I believe we actually SEE Yellowjacket be triggered to the Front before we see him in the suit. While hank starts off talking to Tony and Jan in very frantic skittish ways the moment Jan shows clear and obvious disappointment and frustration with him his tone suddenly becomes very calm and blunt with a single-
' This was a Mistake '
I choose to believe that WAS Yellowjacket. The instant backpedal to make them leave likely also being him as his previously jittery and tense tone is back but it sounds almost stilted and fake, like Yellowjacket is Trying to Sound like Hank.
HIS NAME also becomes very interesting when viewed with this kind of lenses because its very clear he treats it like his Actual Name; he shows clear anger when others refer to him as Hank and even when using pym's surname he gets grouchy, insisting his name is Yellowjacket.
Why is this interesting? ; To me its interesting because it might imply that yellowjacket has Always Been a costumed almost 'superhero' like persona. Which also could poke into why he is NEVER out of the mask unless hes forced to be. There can also be the argument that he just hates his face because he looks like hank and he cant do much to change that but it could also be both I think.
-And the NAME Yellowjacket ; I have no doubts in my head that a 6-9 year old Hank would be just as much of a nerd about creepy crawlies as he grows up to be later on so its very possible he Knew of yellowjackets. What makes that interesting is that yellowjackets are communal wasps. They live in hives and nests like bees and ants and are DEEPLY PROTECTIVE of those nests often attacking anything that goes Near their burrows even if they dont touch it. It makes me think that Yellowjacket initially manifested specifically as a Protector either of Hank himself or his family at large. The details- Im not sure on yet, but it leaves a lot to think about especially with how he's clearly shifted to more of a Prosecutor role in the System, actively keeping Hank out of the picture until a trigger event pushes him to the Front [I.E Jan being nearly killed / deeply hurt] WHICH NOW THAT I THINK ON IT could be part of why Yellowjacket avoids hurting her when possible. Jannets harm pushes Hank into the Front and Yellowjacket Doesnt Want That.
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TL ; DR : Yellowjacket in EMH seems to have been spawned specifically as a Protector Alter for their System, what trauma specifically caused him to form I dont yet know but in recent times he seems to have shifted to a Prosecutor role, and I wonder if he could find ground as a Protector again.
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silverfirewolfsurtleaus · 3 months ago
Ok so the next few chs will be short things that are kinda build up to them being teens. I didnt want to jump right into them being teens due to having...ideas...and so many of them that simple ch cramming it all in felt like a bad idea. Also some au lore.
"So wait she escaped?" Reina hissed in an office. The comander she was talking to sighed and nodded.
"She did and the kids are obviously a target. Since they attached themselves to you and your team Kamura logically seems the safest choice especally since she didnt have any elder dragons except thr youngest of the children." He breathed
"Mikey. His brothers call him mikey." Reina sighed rubbing her head. "And what does an elder dragon have to do with things?"
"Its been the source of Rumors that Kamura has a specific elder dragon come and go at time"
"Oh yoy mean the primordial Malzeno that helped get rid of the quiro."
"Yeah he some times shows up and just kinda gards the Village? Notibly when my team and I have to leave for any extended period of time." She shrugged a bit. "Hes not an activly agressive creature so theres no reason to hunt him."
"Yes well any ways to reiterate since Kamura is at all times garded and the children seem attached to you and your team we feel its the best you take them with you apon your return. The knights are still on the sceintist tail." Reina nodded at him.
Reina leaned on a wall "the hell are they thinking. Im not mom matirial! The only one on my team I can see being a parent is Kaiyo!" She brushed a hand through her band that wasnt kept in her braids/bun combo hair style. She took a calming breath before getting up.
She walked to where her team, now in their basic kamura armor. Kaiyo was playing Pekaboo with the kids, though Donnie did not look amused. Amya and Chiaki turned to her.
"Long story short their making us thr foster parents to the kids because their attached to us and my primordial malzeno friend who drops by occasonally makes Kamura the safest place for them."
"...are they looking for the kids actual parents? While we do that I mean." Amya asks.
"They are but theres a chance their parents may be dead or abandoned them." Reina sighed. "Either way our job isnt to investigate that stuff. Speaking of which back home we go. To the air ships."
It took a couple minutes to get the kids situated. Namely because Leo and Donnie, who according to raph are 'twins' refused to be seperated. Reina had the twins in her arms. Kaiyo had Raph and Chiaki had mikey.
The were doing their best to also keep the kids out of sight. Partly due to the fact that people could be crule even to people who did ask for what happened to them. The didnt want the kids to have more truama than what they likely would already have.
So the trip to the air ship was...a bit stressful. Getting on they relaxed as they took the kids to where their team went to rest on the ship. Putring the four on the same bed because they were small enought to do that. The kids made some happy sounds which were a mix of giggle, monster sounds they were unfamilair with and turtle noises.
They did startle a bit when the air ship started moving but quickly went back to their playing and happy sounds after a bit. At some point Kaiyo got up to go get everyone food. Chiaki left to go mingle with other hunters and Amya...took a nap. Reia kept an eye on the kids. Keeping them from tumbling off the bed or getting to rough with one another (especally considering what each one of them was a mix of) she had to temporarirly seperate the twins when Leo started sparking seeing as he was an electrical creature and Donnie was a creature weak to electricity.
Their chirps and crying about being seperated even for a small bit were heart breaking. Especally when they started reaching for each other. Leo did stop sparking a bit later and she was able to let them play together again.
"Ive got the food." Kaiyo spoke as he walked up. "How are they?"
"Doing as well as they can be had to temporairly seperate the twins because leo's electricity started sparking." Reina sighed. "She was nuts to make one of the twins elmentally weak to the other"
"Have to agree but I brought everyone food. Based on what their a mix of all the kids are probably omnivores but the fact all their monster species are well three of them are fully carnivore and donnies is primarly a piscivore with some carnivorus tendancies. Though their turtle leanings could also affect it."
"Turtle leanings?"
"The large majority of turtles are omnivores however some like Donnie and raphs tuertle species prefer a more meat based diet while others leo and mikey's prefer a more plant based one." Kaiyo spoke using a finger to rub leo's shell. "And of course us humans are complete omnivores...though some of us choose not to eat meat or vegtables...but thats a life choice." He shrugged "and then their are allergies"
"Of course" Reina nodded "can they even eat food that soild yet?"
"...well they already have teeth and are trying to" she blinked at her teammates stament and was now watching the tots tear into the food as best they could. Raph appeared to be cutting parts of it with his claws for his brothers when facing things they couldnt on their own. It seemed they were able to eat (and enjoy) both plants and meat...also they would need baths after this....well most of them would Donnie seemed to try and keep hinself clean as possible, which made sense with him being part Mizustune.
After everyone awake and there ate their fill Kaiyo took the plates to go clean them and take care of the waste. Reina was trying to clean the kids. Mikey did not like that (being a fire dragon with feathers and mixed with a land turtle did that) ans tried to nip at her several times before looking co fused each time. The twins squealed a bit enjoying it (she atributed that to their turtle halves since Ivory Lagiacrus and Mizustune dont typically submerge themselves fully though the former could) raph slept throught it.
"You all are going to make chaos I can just tell already." Reina chuckled her green hair sticking to her face a bit as she was splashed with water. "Im not sure how people are going to take it but well protect you from any nay sayers you all are just kids right now."
The rest of the ride was realtivly calmish. People needed sleep so they slept. The rest of the next morning and noon was similar with food though they didnt full on bath them again as much as they used a wet cloth to clean them up. They landed in Kamura soon enough.
Meanwhile in a small lab somewhere...
"Intresting this chemical I extracted from the blood of those hybrids even a couple drops seems to mutate creatures." A female voice humed placing tubes of a green glowing substance to the side. A largeish creature strapped to the groubd with chains and such and tubes connexting to it. Looking like an almost duck like bird combined with a bug. "And it combines the creatures with the last thing it touched in this case a Gwarga with a vespoid. I can use this new hybrid to extract blood and collect more of this mutagen. Then I can begin my newest experaments. "
Her face became partailly ilkuminated as she grabbed a vial and brought it closer to her face. "After all what would bring more chaos to the world than a new race of monstorus people."
0 notes
trekkele · 1 year ago
How much violence do you think Batman should be able to get away with while still remaining as "one of the good guys"?
There are times where he is way more brutal than necessary to just your average crook. Threatening someone with crushing their skull with the Batmobile (Arkham games), to beating people senseless and unnecessarily risking them dying (some choices in the Telltale Batman game), to cutting a cannibal's finger off for threatening only Bruce himself and no one else's life (although obviously he killed some people already) (a Batman/Catwoman comic), breaking criminals' bones as an intimidation tactic before and/or after they told him everything (comics, games, movies,...), etc.
Like that's some really unheroic things to do and Bruce sometimes admits to liking dishing out this kind of punishment. But then he turns around and preaches to everyone how they went too far for breaking ONE bone, especially to the Robins. How many people really know this vicious and cruel side of Bruce, I wonder...
How would you imagine the Batkids reacting to a video of Batman calmly and in a calculated way torturing information out of someone, almost like a real villain? And his cruelty rivals that of Jason during his utrh and rhato days where he was the most mentally unstable and that's like a Tuesday for Bruce? And what if that video is a few years old, and shows a little Robin (Dick or Jason, maybe) being sent away to stake some place out or to return to the cave just a few minutes prior? Obviously they'd be horrified, but what then? Do they go looking for what happened after the torture and maybe find out it was for vital information that relsulted in stopping the city from getting blown up and that the victim was then rehabilitated and now works for Wayne Enterprises.
Just, Batman's methods were horrifying but it was enough to shake/scare this specific person out of a criminal life style, then give him a well-payed job in one of the branches of WE in another city without Batman, now having built a family with kids and the guy looks the happiest he's ever been. And this case isn't the only one, and a majotity of criminals end up like this, with only a few ending up the same as before or worse.
Like, how are you supposed to react to that??? This is the same man that's upstairs working on a charity project for orphans and cancer patients right now! You're going to be sitting at the dinner table together! The man's a father figure to most of them! What. The. Fuck.
I mean i have an answer but i dont think youre going to like it.
I think a Batman that is unnecessarily violent/cruel, or is for the sake of being violent/cruel, is a Batman that is out of character.
And i think the fact that he does enjoy being Batman, is part of it. He knows he’s violent, he knows violence is cruel, he knows he enjoys it a little more then he should. That the reason he has such a tight leash on … literally every aspect of being Batman.
Also, scolding the Robins for being too violent is obvious? Those are kids, they’re still being trained. I know fandom likes to paint every bit of parenting Bruce does as hypocritical or overbearing, but cmon on now. Being capable of something doesnt mean you have to go through with it. His kids were always meant to be better then him, and that means keeping their hands as clean as possible.
Also torture is proven to be ineffective, and if Batman is anything efficient. So thats out of character too ¯\ _(ツ)_/¯
(And Jason wasnt mentally unstable during UTRH or RHATO. He ran a criminal empire bbyboy was very stable.)
What your real question is is “Does the end Justify the means and if so to what extent” and the answer is both “no” and “it depends but probably also no”.
Also is there a reason you sent this verbatim to @frownyalfred and then to me right after i reblogged one of their posts or is that just a fun little coincidink
Edit: that last question sounds very accusatory, its not! Im just curious because this is a pretty well thought out, thorough ask, so like it does make sense that you would have copy-pasted it, but also the timing was pretty pat. Im also not expecting an answer so im not sure why i even asked.
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thatnerdinthecorner · 1 year ago
i think cath like most of the people (with exceptions) in deadloch is just a person trying her best, but i think maybe cath and dulcie are just bad for each other. at different points in the show you can see how without caths insecurities they could work, and you can see how without dulcie prioritising her job over cath they could work, but neither are going to happen. When dulcie isnt a detective they wont work bc shes miserable, pretending to be happy to satisfy cath. When she is a detective, she HAs to prioritise her work over cath. it sounds cruel, but shes right: if she doesnt prioritse work, people WILL die. If she does, caths feelings get hurt. its more than just hurt, and it develops into bigger problems, but ultimately thats the choice dulcie has to make when shes investigating a serial killer: it's not "they killed 1 person, we have to catch them bc they're a murder & Goodness Must Prevail & if the detective takes a minute to prioritise her wife its fine bc we'll catch them eventually but shes CHOOSING not to do that bc she a bad wife", its "if we dont catch this person, then more people are going to die, and how the fuck do you explain to someones family that sorry your husband/father/son died, but its ok bc the detective has a Super Stable Marriage now". so dulcie cant prioritse cath while shes on this case. She cant talk to cath about the case, bc even though cath wasnt the leak, eddie was right: if cath starts to look suspicious & dulcies been giving her information, it makes it a hell of a lot easier for another detective to suggest that cath did it & put the blame on dulcie. Not to mention the fact thats its deeply unprofessional, and also illegal. but if she doesnt talk to cath then cath doesnt trust her. which makes sense, bc dulcie Cheated on cath, with a coworker. and all of this is completely ignoring the fact that dulcie and eddie were missing crucial information (ray had Pentobarbital, given to him BY cath) & the ONLY reason they were missing that information was bc dulcie asked cath who had been prescribed Pentobarbital & cath lied. Cath lied about the case dulcie was investigating bc she thought it was harmless & she knew better. Im not saying they woud have figured out it was ray sooner bc of that, since they had their profile wrong, but still. and then bc cath is irresponsible & tells everyone everything & lies to dulcie, dulie withdraws from cath, which makes cath more insecure, bc of course it does, dulcie cheated on her, and her insecurity makes cath needy and more irresponsible, while dulcie is withdrawing & then they fight. they really need to break up bc therapy is clearly not helping and after a certain point theres a level of trust that is not there anymore, and its not just that maybe they cant build that trust again, its that maybe is capable of being the kind of person that specifically each other needs them to be in order to build that trust.
In defence of Cath
Cath takes a lot, but she gives a lot, too. She is a lot for some people, and sometimes she realises that (and there's a question there, too, about the sort of people who are seen to be 'a lot'). But Dulcie likes her, and Dulcie takes and gives so very cautiously, and I think when they communicate they can work (and Cath is trying so very hard to human- and wife- correctly, and Dulcie is so cagey for reasons that are far more on Dulcie than they are on Cath!).
But Cath is generous to everyone, and usually not demanding that they give back commensurately (except with Dulcie and there are reasons there, if not always excuses). And Cath is afraid of a lot of things and trying to manage that and not always doing it 'correctly' at all — and it's interesting to note how intent her focus is on everything she gives it to — but she's very obviously trying.
I don't think she can even be fairly called "selfish" because she is honestly trying so very hard to be good at other people, when she remembered, and I don't think her generosity is self-serving the way Margaret's is.
And when people very fairly snap and call her out, she's generous about that too — not weaponised obliviousness (like James), and usually not demanding that people be as open as she is (except with Dulcie and again — context). But she is contrite and still open-handed (Nadiyah and the chips).
And re Nadiyah and the chips! That "I forgot you weren't a cat" line. Cath is trying SO HARD to human, except when she's in professional mode, and then she's laser-efficient in a way that's sometimes more effective than compassion. (And that she was a lawyer, and then a vet...)
And I'd like to see more about three things:
Cath considered vs James (the show's two main examples of breakups, misalliances, and — until the end — perceived weaponisation of the 'right' language).
Cath considered vs Margaret (self-centredness and the purposes of apparent generosity).
Cath as a member of the sort of people who are 'a lot' and intensely focussed and abrasive and faithful and constantly hurt and still too generous and trying to be a good human, and failing, and trying, and failing, and trying.
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fang-wife · 4 years ago
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
voyeur | m. izuku 
➳ tags ;; sub!izuku, dom!reader, watching hentai together?, reader is mean and nice </3, quirkless college au!izuku, corruption kink/religious guilt, unprotected sex/creampies, established relationship, afab reader
➳ wc ;; 2.1k
➳ a /n ;; @/sems-diarie made a post abt this a while ago n my brain wouldn’t let it be so. here we are </3 
➳ plot ;; izuku didn’t sneak you into your dorm to watch.. this with you. but he has a habit of letting you do what you like. 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
This is embarassing. 
He knows this is embarassing - more embarassing than he really cares to admit to. He should really know better by now then to let you do as you please. You’re always stringing him along with your schemes and plans and he loses sight of his morals. His standards. 
Then again, he doesn’t have any at this point. The point of him paying for this single dorm was so that he could have space to focus. It wasn’t to sneak you in when his R.A. wasnt looking. Even more then that, it wasn’t to do.. whatever this was. 
It’d be one thing if he was having sex. That’s a normal thing to do in college, to sneak your partner in and smash. But you’re you, and all you ever seem to have planned for him are hair-brained schemes. It’s what this feels like - when you sit on his twin size bed and pat the empty space next to you. The distrust in his expression makes you laugh.. He sighs and does what you’ve asked. 
“What’re you doing?” 
He sounds exasperated. You laugh - too pleasantly for him to be comfortable. You type something into the search bar. Green eyes widen, skin warm and blushing. 
“Wh-what’re you doing?” 
You laugh as you prop the computer on the bed. You grin at him, tucking yourself under his arm. The website mocks him, all black background and animated women with huge tits covering the screen edge to edge. 
“You know something, after you’re done using incognito mode - you’re supposed to switch out to regular search, you know,” you explain. Your hand rests on his thigh. Deku freezes. 
The sound of your voice has always been something of a vice. It gets a little raspy like this - sultry in a way that has him squirming. He doesn’t know what to do. He can feel the heat of your body. 
“Would you know my surprise when I borrow your phone to look up when the convience store closes,” you inch closer, press further “only to see..” 
He knows what you saw before you announce it. His skin feels like it’s on fire, tuning out whatever description you’ve been giving of what he chose to watch. 
Maybe it was the way he was raised - but he always had such a specific sort of guilt towards pornography. Always told himself he shouldn’t watch things like that, shouldn’t touch himself. Izuku had always been a good, well-behaved boy. Done the right thing even when it was hard. 
Meeting you had changed that, changed him. He found his body craving you when he couldn’t control it and he ended up here - watching porn and jerking off with his shirt in his mouth. It’s all come back to haunt him, really. 
“I’m not mad, y’know,” ― and your tone goes soft - it’s assuring enough that Izuku can whimper out an okay, but you’re not done ― “I’m just curious. Can’t we watch it together?,” 
“That’s ― !” 
You flutter your lashes him. 
He has a million words that he can say. That he should say. Bad, wrong, immoral. Words that belong at the end of the sentence to describe what he’s doing with you and what he’s considering. 
None of that comes out. 
“That’s.. too much” 
You grin at him. 
“Do you not want too?” 
“..I didn’t say that, it’s just -” 
Your hand squeezes his thigh until your stiletto's dig into them. Your mouth trails his jaw with hot, open mouth kisses until your turning his head to face you. A hand splayed on his face, tongue deep in his mouth. French kissing makes him pant - hands twitching eagerly to touch you. He watches, dazed - the spit trail of saliva that stretches between you two. 
He’s so easy, it’s cute. You press forward with a chaste kiss. 
“Show me what you were watching, Izuku,” 
His hand trembles as he leans forward. He remembers the title - doesn’t know if that’s good or bad. Within seconds, it shows up and he clicks. You lean forward too, observing the tags with a small smile on your face. 
“Milf, NTR, Gangbang,” 
“S-stop reading them!” 
You giggle. 
Without warning - you press play. Izuku finds himself frantic. Worried about the sound, the time, all of it - but you don’t seem to care. The AD comes on and you skip that too. It’s on. A familiar arousal blooms in his chest, the memory of what he’d seen appearing. You settle between his legs, your back pressed to his chest. You bring his hands around your waist.
“Let’s watch ~” 
Izuku face twists with displeasure. The plot nothing to ride home about - a lonely housewife goes out to a club and finds someone to take care of her needs. At first it’s just one stranger at the club - then two, then she’s surrounded and its too much. 
Izuku assumes you’re gonna find him disgusting, but when he looks at your face - you’re smiling, heart-beating in your chest. His eyes blow wide when you take his hand between your legs. You’re wet and you’re letting him touch you and he’s trying his hardest not to show how much he’s shaking. 
A little sigh of pleasure leaves your mouth when Izuku very carefully rubs your clit. It throbs under the pressure of big fingers - you hold his wrist and moan. He can hear the porn in the background but it doesn’t serve to distract him from you. 
“You want me to go n’ get fucked by a bunch of strangers, ‘zuku?” 
He shakes his head furiously. 
“Then you just like watching depraved shit, huh?” 
Unable to argue with you or with the the way his cock twitches and jumps in his jeans, he opts to whine. You can feel his it against your lower-back, the little wet-spot that presses to your thin tshirt. He’s too turned onto think properly - watching the way your body jerks and twitches. 
The woman on screen is stuffed to the brim with cock - it’s all over exaggerated he knows, but he thinks that’s why he likes it. Maybe he just likes the idea of fucking someone that stuffed fulled of cum, how it leaks and pours onto every surface and the way her cunt just seems to take it. And Izuku is such a good, well behaved boy - it’s never crossed his mind to think about doing it to you. 
And no, he doesn’t really want to see you get fucked by so many men but if there were more than one of him he’d be more than inclined to let you. His chest feels tight forgetting to breath. 
He thinks maybe you’re some kind of witch because you always seem to know what he wants before he does. The right way to push all of his buttons. 
“Oh, I see’ ― and he’s afraid of whatever words come out of your mouth next ― “you wanna fuck me full of your cum, Izuku? Wanna know how it feels raw?” 
He moans - loud and shameless and needy against your ear. A breathless laugh leaves your mouth because that’s exactly what he wants. He wants to fuck you full of cum, just picturing how good it might feel. 
You sit up on your knees and bend over a little - pulling short-shorts beneath the curve of your ass and thickest parts of your thigh. Your panties are drenched, clinging to your folds. He inhales sharply, frozen till as you lean forward - pulling them to one side. 
“Take your cock out ‘n fuck me then, baby” ― you challenge, dark and dangerous. Everything about you is so sinful and too tempting for him to ignore. His cock aches ― “Do your best”  
His body moves before he has a proper chance to feel shame. Whatever devils been whispering in his ear (read: you) has won whatever leftover dignity he has left. Without a proper word, his cock stands to attention. His hands are fidgety but they mange to settle on your waist. He guides you down on his dick, bottom lipped pulled between his teeth hard enough to draw blood. 
“Oh, fuck” 
He’s going to cum right away if he doesn’t take a breather. This is the first time he’s feeling you, and it feels so much better than he could understand. The lingering thoughts of the dangerous act silence by how tight and how wet and how willing your pussy is for him. The way your walls twitch - ache shamelessly around his cock. He’s fucking sliding in and out of you - it feels like a special privilege he’s done nothing to earn.
He’s shivering, over and over. When he looks down, he’s not all the way in. He’s not sure if he’s praying to god for the right reason - for forgiveness. All he can think about is how good it feels to be inside and how he absolutely doesn’t want to do anything else. 
“How’s it feel, Izuku?” 
He groans at the sound of your voice, the way you clench down on him and stretch so tightly around his shaft. He’s too wrapped up in the feeling of your cunt - like heaven and silk. 
“F-feels so, so good” 
Part of you thinks you should ride him, but another part of you is more interested in seeing how he fucks you. You snap the laptop closed and push it to the other side of the bed, before flipping around and laying on your back. His cock slips out and he snaps into reality - the way you have your legs in the air and your arms out. 
“I’ll let you fuck me as many times as you want today,” ― your legs reach and wrap around his waist, easily forcing his cock back inside ― “go on,” 
Izuku is a mess, really. His pants are only half-way pulled down and he’s wearing a nerdy graphic t-shirt. He’s borderline in hysterics over how good your pussy feels and can’t do anything other than thank you repeatedly and fuck you with an animalistic need. It’s clumsy like you’d expect, but he makes up for it with sheer enthusiasm. 
His cock is long and pretty - hits every spot you need it too. Izuku fucks you with shallow, sloppy thrusts - so needy and chasing his orgasm. Selfish and inexperienced. Every time he pushes forward, you can feel he’s throbbing. Aching to cum inside and unload. 
You reach a hand between the two of you to finish on your own time - planning on cumming before him. He doesn’t seem to care. 
“Ngh, ohh my god, feel’s’good” 
“Yeah? Gonna cum inside me, handsome? Makin’ such a pretty face for me” 
His stomach churns at the way you call him pretty. It sounds so sweet and adoring - but he knows that you’re a bully. He knows that about but fucks you with all his strength anyways - overly frustrated and fucked out of his mind by the feeling. Like a drug. He likes you so much he feels stupid over it. 
“Yeah, yeah ‘m gonna” 
Your own orgasm washes over you in a pleasant wave, squeezing his cock with force. He gasp and goes faster - all the thoughts washed away from his head. He needs to finish more than he needs anything. More than he needs to sleep for his 6am work-out and 8am class. More than he needs to be quiet because the walls of his dorm are paper thin. More than he needs to exercise self-control, he needs to cum so fuckin bad. 
“Look at me,” 
He follows your command, like always - and you look amused and fucked out just like he is. And Izuku has really never been this into anyone before so seeing you evokes feelings he can’t understand. 
“Oh, fuuck“ 
Briefly he understands that he really just came by looking at you, but nothing really makes sense to him. His eyes are heavy and he’s drooling onto your shoulder, spasming and clinging to your body with the most needy little whimpers. It’s so lewd, how he can feel his cum spurt out and coat your insides and his cock. It’s all so sinful but it feels so good, he can’t bring himself to care. 
“So,” ― you smile, full of mischief ― “if you want to be like that, we’ve got a few rounds to go” 
Izuku splutters at your comment and you laugh. He knows you’re not joking and he whines. You really are a bad influence on him. But with the way his cock is twitching to life again.. 
He might not be any better. 
»» — { ♡ } —— { ♡ } —— { ♡ } — ««
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vicea · 4 years ago
dream merch discord recap (june 12, 2021) - disclaimer: i may have missed some things or mistakenly heard other things, apologies in advanced for that!
he has not played the new minecraft update
dream “knows” the date george is coming to florida but he’s not saying it :p
dream doesn’t have anyone muted on twitter
dream guesses his favorite disney princess is belle
sapnap has seen dream’s feet before
he’s not actually connor’s dad in the dsmp lore
dreamnap do not have nicknames for each other D:
dream likes olives but especially black olives
his mother makes homemade pickles
he doesn’t have a phone case
he has dropped his phone from his ear onto concrete in the parking lot before and the screen didn’t crack
dream has six fingers /j
he pours cereal first not milk when making cereal
dream calls sapnap nick most of the time :D
what’s your dream car? “idk the one that gets me to point A to point B consistently”
he finally fixed his sleep schedule, woke up at 8 am today
mrbeast owes dream a tesla because he never sent dream the audio file
dream is a very analytical person - he thinks with numbers/data
creativity is one his strengths that he is the most proud of
3 to 4 years ago, dream used to say george looks like shawn mendes a lot, now he doesn’t resemble him as much
patches is currently sleeping <3
swimming is very relaxing to dream, he swam the other day!
many houses in florida have pools than other places, even the cheapest houses in orlando have pools
dream has merchendise defects (misprints on merch) + milestone merch and he wants to give them away to those who live in orlando (probably to anyone but the event will be held in orlando) though he doesn’t want it to be a covid super-spreader thing so once you pick up your item you gotta dip. just all an idea though
he has been donating them to charity too though :)
dream has likely read Heroes of Olympus before a long time ago
he says that he’ll do a give away of his childhood books with his signature on it
he was obsessed with the series (Percy Jackson) 
he really liked the Alex Rider series
has all of Maximum Ride books, 39 clues books
has read the legend series, the twilight series, and the maze runner
has all/read of the harry potter books, divergent, eragon
he would read all the time, to the point he would read more than one book a day (a book worm he says)
dream had a goal to read 200 books in a year and he wind up reading about 150
he doesn’t want to call it a library but- growing up he had something like that that had 600 or 700 or more books in it (privileged he admits it)
he has not read a book since he started youtube (about 2 years)
dream has a folder called Book that has his own writing in it
word count: 76000 words for one of his stories 
another one he wrote 5 chapters of
he sounds very excited/embarrassed talking about the stories he wrote he’s so endearing
the very first paragraph of one of his stories (he was young when he wrote this) “What exactly is darkness? is it the lack of light? is it a pit of nothingness? ... your mind is full of darkness...” then he couldn’t continue.
the story is about a kid who wakes up in a cell and has no idea where he is with other people who are in the same situation
dream has a world building document
he has a sequel to the first book he has ever written
he found a query letter that he wrote because he wanted to get his book published- he finds it very funny
he’s calling himself a nerd but idk it’s kind of endearing
“as you can tell i’ve always been incredibly cool and not a nerd at all! ever.”
he cringes at his own old videos
dream took a lot of inspiration from witches and wizards by james patterson for writing
the story is written in a way where the main character is actually writing the story so you’re getting input from the main character during it. there’s a lot of sarcasm in it and it’s making dream laugh
very first person narrator
he feels like it’d be very cool if he were to publish his works he wrote when he was 16 on amazon or something but he probably never would because he’d have to read through all of it and it’s just embarrassing for him
dream used to video call sapnap fairly frequently- even before youtube
he strictly remembers, a very long time (at least 7 to 9 years) ago he was at his old childhood house he video called sapnap. he was wearing a (technically) suit and he remembers specifically that he was giving sap a tour... 
“snazzy in a suit”
he had no reason to put on the suit (wow time is a flat circle huh)
drista is pretty close to sapnap’s height, she’s like 5′7″ but sap is still taller than her
dream filmed the whole thing when he and sapnap met but... it’s... gone because when he was clipping that one clip for twitter... it edited the whole video
he’s sure when they meet up with george they will film that too :D
DREAM IS PRETTY SURE THAT HE AND GEORGE WILL MEET THIS YEAR-- HE SAYS A 95% CERTAINTITY the five percent is like either restrictions or visa issues
dream does not play any instruments but he had a guitar hanging on his wall when he was younger...
dream is convinced they’re the same height but also sapnap is probably taller??
they had george compare his height to a door frame and dreamnap were googling for any doorframes to find any possible chance that george is taller than 5′8″ ... nothing came up
there’s a chance they’re both lying about being 5′8″
sap and george will literally just show up in stilts to prove they’re taller than each other /j
dream without shoes is between 6′2″ and 6′3″ with shoes he’s 6′3.5″
dream is talking about awesamdude’s fake height arc again LOL
dreamnap are very private people so they don’t bother each other but george doesn’t care and would just barge into their rooms and start bothering them- they were all joking about that over a voice call
he will visit europe
he thinks that greece would be a cool place to visit because sapnap’s family is from there :) so it’ll be like a nice “treat” to go back with sap :D
dream isn’t entirely sure that the dream team meet up will happen this year but he’s working out the details because he wants to make sure it’s safe
he’s talking to youtube about his face reveal
it’s up to george if he wants to eat healthy when they finally move in
dream just has a lot of meat and vegetables in his house
spinach with chicken is good
not much fruit (only apples and tomatoes)
“DRISTA IS 5″ is trending on twitter LOL (her height got cut off)
dream doesn’t want people flying to different places because he doesn’t want to encourage travel so he wants to do all of the meet ups with a two day heads up at most
he thinks that it’s awesome that ranboo and tubbo are meeting soon !! :D
it’s very cool to dream to see how far everyone’s has come since the beginning of the dsmp. everyone has done so much
dream finalized his youtube plan a couple weeks before he uploaded his video and he was talking to drista about how he was gonna be a big youtuber in a parking lot :”)
she was the first person he really ever talked to about it
dream would love to teach george how to drive it’d be really funny :D (a very good video or a livestream idea) 
dream knows how to ride a bike, he used to have to bike to school
he can’t explain dnf.gay he has no clue he is not responsible. sapnap was the one who found it LOL. he is adamantly exclaiming that it was not him
dream doesn’t worry about views/likes/dislikes a lot- mainly views but that’s for the new uploads
he hasn’t uploaded in like a month and a half (*cries*)
he wants to stream at some point but he doesn’t know when 
he wants to play geoguessr but not now... he doesn’t want to alt stream rn- maybe tomorrow!
he is insisting that the splash text on his minecraft home screen is by callahan
he asked callahan to send him bunch of text files that are dream team related so that the splash can rotate through it but callahan thought it was funny (it is) to put only dreamnotfound <3 so it doesn’t ever change at all and dream doesn’t even know how to change and he has asked callahan to change it but he said no (even though dream pays him LMAO)
the video referenced in the padilla’s video is still in the works, it might be handed over to sapnap though !
he has no idea if he will be in MCC pride yet
padilla got dream’s input for the video, dream found him to be a very nice guy ! :) it’s the first interview that dream did that wasn’t by a person with a negative opinion of dream
dream felt relaxed doing the interview with padilla 
?????? he’s blaming callahan for his “dnfisreal” nickname in bedwars 
he’s blaming callahan for a lot of dnf-related stuff
callahan runs the dream fanart account thus the liking of dnf content
he’s so insistent that it was callahan
dream admits that he was lying about the twitter and other stuff but for sure callahan did code the splash text in LOL
dream liking that tweet “the chances of george doing a hot tub stream is the same of dnf dating” was “funny” he wasnt trying to do any commentary...
the inside joke of “oh it’s all just a joke to you” originates from george and sapnap actually always fighting (like them yelling and shouting at each other) and george said something really mean and sapnap was hurt then geroge said “it was just a joke” and sapnap replied with that line and ever since then it’s been a meme LOL
he says that everyone does the hand-on-the-passenger-seat-while-reversing thing
dream is offline raiding with his chat with 6k people
dream appreciates us and will talk to us soon! 
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lunar-lair · 3 years ago
Ooo I’m always a sucker for soul eater au’s, even if they aren’t that common. tell us more abt Ingo’s no good v bad day?
VERRRRY EVIL LAUGHTER OHOHO..YOU WISH TO HEAR OF IT?! then i will gladly inform you omg <3 glad youre enjoying this madness lmao (throws formal writing at the floor and it shatters. this ones go crazy go stupid super-specific stuff im going feral. also its 3 am and i do what i want)
technically its. ingos no good very bad day(s) bc it happens TWICE bc ingo is Silly and has Trauma from Bullies!!!!
tldr: elesa scrapes emmet against ingo The Wrong Way, ingo gets Fucked Up, he doesnt tell her, she does it AGAIN before he heals properly, emmet says FUCK this and tells her, she cries a lot abt it, ingo feels bad but is glad it wont be happening again, and then later on ingo n emmet teach elesa how to do it The Right Way
too long read it anyways: beneath this read more!! This Is Gonna Get Long (by the way, warning up ahead! ingos side literally gets Shredded so a minor gore warning? its described vaguely but theres some creepy skin stuff)
later ill be copy pasting a Written Out section from my doc that i couldnt do justice to again but for now ill pull from my brain instead
the beginning of all of this happens when the trio are surrounded by madmen that are too powerful for them to subdue. theyre out of options, and emmet and ingo start thinkin'
back when they lived in aniville (did i mention they still come from aniville? and still like trains? anyways ive mentioned it now), they were often accosted by bullies. they were twins who were Autistic, in a Tiny Town, and then inevitably, known to be weapons as well. this brought them a Lot of negative attention (a lot of which ingo tried to keep emmet safe from). when they were surrounded, theyd scrape a rock against the other (or emmet against a rock more like, in his case) and like. yknow OW thats an AWFUL fucking sound Goodbye
at the time, they thought it would be simple for elesa to figure out. that she could scrape the two of them together, and do it right, and not hurt them.
they were 14, and they forgot elesa didnt know emmets blade like it was her own, or ingos blade like it was her own.
(she didnt even have a blade.)
so they tell her about it, and tell her to scrape emmet against ingo.
but shes panicking, and the easiest way to scrape emmet against ingo is back to side.
emmets back is sharp.
the noise is very, very loud. loud enough for them to escape. louder than it should be, emmet thinks.
his back hurts.
when he tries to reach out to ingos soul, he gets nothing.
nothing but a hiss of pain.
when emmet transforms but simply asks for ingo, and emmet says ingos simply tired when elesa asks, she doesnt think much of it. (only 14, new to this, doesnt know that staying in weapon form takes more energy than getting out of it.)
when ingo doesnt show for a while, and emmet says ingos just tired, elesa tries not to think much of it.
emmet is seething.
on the way home, he told ingo to tell her.
he hadnt transformed back. emmet couldnt carry him otherwise.
ingo refused. refused despite the roughness of his blade, refused despite the chips taken out of his metal.
two days later, when ingo had finally woken up again, emmet pleaded with him, asked him why he didnt want to tell her.
because she might get rid of us, he said simply. and his voice was quiet, and it wasnt right. because it saved us. because it was necessary.
over and over. every excuse.
he didnt want to give her any reason to throw them away.
they were already twin weapons, already a bit too mad.
he had taken the brunt of all the bullying, over the years, for emmets sake, but it had taken its toll.
he believed in emmets worth, wholeheartedly. he believed they were strong together.
he thought, just a little, that he was the weak link.
months later, once ingo had almost healed, once elesa had forgotten about the moment entirely, they were sent with drayden as their leader along with some other teams their age to group-tackle a mission to subdue a good lot of madmen, as a learning experience.
they got separated from their group. elesa grew desperate.
she stood behind her cover, and straightened up, and held ingo a little flatter.
emmet shouted, tried to stop her-
she scraped emmet against ingo, and the sound resonated back in her soul.
is that pain?
ingo cried out, and emmet shouted, and elesa was silently terrified as she ran.
what did she just do?
and now. presenting,,the section ive copy-pasted from my doc bc im not rewriting this its already decent
(uhhh. ok including some stuff mentioned above bc its good writingtm and if im copy pasting you all should see it. and maybe doctored to be better idk well see this post is hella more freeform than the others)
of course, elesa did not mean to hurt them.
of course, she still made the mistake of scraping them incorrectly.
of course, ingo is afraid to make her feel bad for it.
and of course, emmet does not give a single shit. (well, he gives enough to not mention it the first time, because ingo is hurt, and hes a little too worried to be angry at anyone.)
(besides, having your back scraped against anything doesnt feel the best either…especially when it means your blade is being dulled.)
what this all results in is emmets back being sore,
and ingos side being ripped to shreds.
it turns out raw, like a layer of skin or two has been ripped away, and a few spots where there are full chunks taken out of his side.
this reflects in a rougher surface on his blade, and few shreds of metal being torn out.
the roughness heals with time, as does the rawness on his side.
the chunks heal with time, as well, though scars are left behind.
the chunks taken out of the blade never go away. (because ingo never forgets. because ingo is admittedly terrified of the thought. because ingo hates that his brother hurt him, that elesa hurt him, that he couldnt tell her at first for fear of being blown off, or hated.
because the scars stay.)
so in the end, they dont mention it.
and in the end, a good 4 months later, once ingos wounds have healed (for the most part) and theyre in a similar situation, elesa goes to do the same thing.
emmet tries to stop her. ingo grits his teeth.
ingo cries out in pain, this time, and emmet cries out in turn, and elesa is alarmed, but still moves to get out of the area before enemies they cant handle find out they can handle them.
the moment theyve made their way to a far away forest, where the madmen (who barely have a mind of their own) surely cant find them, emmet is transforming back, and carefully snatching ingo out of her hands.
he carefully avoids the blade, instead working at her fingers to make her drop it so he can hold the hilt instead.
she stares blankly as emmet holds ingo close to himself, baring the edge elesa scraped emmet against. after a moment, his gaze turns a little darker, and he hides ingo beneath his coat.
Elesa opens and closes her mouth a few times. She's hurt him, she doesn't know how, but…"Is…is Ingo al-"
"No!" Emmet interrupts, voice louder than she'd ever heard it, frown baring teeth and gaze hard as stone. His voice was still monotone, but only almost. Anger leaked in, somehow, in a way she'd never heard.
She steps back, just a little.
"I…did I do something…?" She asks, voice weak, faltering under Emmet's stony gaze.
Emmet stares back, and she hears, faintly, Ingo pleading for Emmet not to yell at her, that she didn't mean to.
"You should not even be talking," he says quietly, and Ingo stops.
"...Emmet?" Elesa says again.
He takes a shaky breath in, and looks her in the eyes.
"What do you think happens when you scrape the sharp part of a blade against the blunt part of another?"
Her eyes widen.
Ingo…he'd screamed, earlier, hadn't he? And Emmet had yelled, too-
"I…" There's nothing she can really say. She reaches forward, just a little, and takes her hand back when Emmet steps backwards in response. "I…I'm so sorry…" She finally said, voice soft, eyes filled with tears. "I had no idea…"
Emmet paused.
Elesa finally started crying, drawing back, looking away.
She hated to cry in front of others. She'd told them that much, by now.
And much, much more.
She could be trusted, he thought.
Ingo muttered the same, still hurting, but conscious nonetheless.
"Can I…" Elesa started, pausing to sniffle. "Can I at least see what I've done?"
Emmet carefully pulled Ingo out from beneath his coat, holding out Ingo's injured side.
She sobbed.
Chunks of metal, taken out. A rougher surface, visible even to the untrained eye.
"Did this happen…"
Emmet nodded, frown softer now, but still a little angry. "Ingo forced me not to tell you." He paused. "I…I am not truly mad."
And she turned up to him, and blinked.
"It is not truly your fault. You did not know. I…I am mad you did not notice him hurting. And I am mad Ingo did not let me tell you." He pulled Ingo closer to him again. "Just please, do not do it again."
She nodded, over and over, falling to the ground.
Emmet kneeled to the ground with her.
Ingo muttered that he would be alright between them, voice quiet.
After a long while, Elesa crying and apologizing, Ingo asking her not to, Emmet simply sitting there, she looked up at Emmet.
"Are you alright?"
He smiled, but it was small. "My back is a little sore. Ingo is hurt far more."
She looked down to where Ingo had been set on the grass, injured edge face up. "Why is he still…?"
"He would be much harder to carry," Emmet said simply. "And he cannot walk. We learned that the hard way last time."
She turned away, and said quietly, "I can't believe I did that to you two twice. Without even noticing."
'It is alright,' Ingo spoke, quieter than he ever had been or ever would be. 'I am the one who chose not to tell you.'
"...can I hold him?" Elesa asked, knowing Emmet would care far more than Ingo would.
Emmet nodded, and Elesa carefully held him by the hilt, a hand supporting his uninjured side.
"I am so sorry," she said softly, yet again.
'You have promised not to do it again,' Ingo said softly, reaching out to her soul just a little, 'and that is enough for me.'
She laughed, a little broken. "I doubt it's enough for Emmet."
She looked up to him.
He looked away.
"I…I am still very angry."
"I used you to hurt him," she said simply. "I would be, too."
And he looked back.
"But you did not mean to. And Ingo kept it from you. And he is alright."
He set a hand on Elesa's, the one holding Ingo's hilt.
"I am still very angry," he said again, and his voice was still monotone, and his eyebrows were still furrowed, but his eyes were soft, and his frown was more worried than anything else. "But not expressly at you. You are forgiven. As long as you do not do it again."
She nodded, and kept nodding, and laughed, relieved. "Ok. Ok."
Soon enough, the team they'd been separated from (and who had heard the noise, scraping and loud but wrong, the weapons of them hearing the scream from another soul like theirs) found them, and soon enough, Elesa was forced forward to explain, having already given Ingo to Emmet to keep safe.
Emmet walked forward, showing the damage, as well as the remains of the last time showing through.
Their honorary uncle, teacher of the school, and demanded leader of the mission (he wasn't letting his boys go out there on their own if there were others going, too), Drayden, gave a gasp. "Are the wounds from that time also…?"
Elesa nodded, head tilted down, eyes hidden behind her hat.
Her hiccups were still audible.
"Elesa did not know," Emmet defended.
They all turned to him, including Elesa.
"I wanted to tell her, of course. But Ingo thought she'd think us weak."
'It saved us,' Ingo added, voice weak. 'If it was necessary…'
"You would do anything if it was necessary," Emmet snapped.
Ingo quieted.
"...sorry," Emmet muttered.
'I know.'
"I didn't know," Elesa said. "But I should've noticed he was hurt regardless."
Emmet and Drayden gave a laugh.
When she turned, the latter gave another chuckle. "That boy could hide a broken arm if he wanted to."
Her eyes widened when Emmet laughed again.
"He has."
Drayden spluttered a little at that one; everyone got a good laugh, at the least.
"She has promised not to do it again," Emmet added. "It is water under the bridge."
She gave a weak laugh. "Then why'd you make me explain?"
"Because you did it," Emmet said, smile a little cold, eyes closed. "And I am still a little angry at you and Ingo."
After a moment, Drayden held a hand out. "May I hold him?"
Emmet relinquished Ingo easily to the man.
Drayden held him just as carefully, one hand on the hilt and one under the unharmed side.
The other kids (this was supposed to be rather easy, but they all ended up retreating and leaving it to stronger teams) started whispering around them.
One said something like 'what a weak weapon'.
Elesa and Emmet turned to stare coldly.
Drayden frowned, disappointed.
She shied away.
Another muttered 'won't staying like that hurt him?' and Emmet flinched.
Drayden gave a sigh. "Ana has a point." A weapon himself, one who wielded himself without a meister, knew this well.
Emmet's hand flew to his mouth. "I…it's so easy for us these days, I almost forgot…"
Elesa turned to Drayden. "Is staying in his weapon form hurting him?"
Drayden hummed, worried and deep in his chest. "It's expending a lot of energy and focus…and probably isn't the best for his wound."
'...it will bleed if I transform…' Ingo said. His voice was shaky.
Emmet made a pained noise in the back of his throat.
"I'll be here to carry you," Drayden said, voice gentle, but sure.
After a long moment, Ingo transformed.
And once the light faded, he laid in Drayden's arms, already unconscious.
Emmet walked forward, and picked up Ingo's hand, dangling over the side of Drayden's hold. "He wasn't allowing himself to pass out so he wouldn't transform."
Drayden nodded.
Everyone went quiet. Elesa walked forward and put a reassuring hand on Emmet's shoulder.
Drayden finally turned, Emmet and Elesa turning with him. "We should get back to the school. He can be treated there."
Emmet never let go of Ingo's hand, and Elesa never let go of Emmet's shoulder.
Drayden made sure his hold was firm, that he carefully avoided touching Ingo's right side (luckily the one that was facing away from Drayden, since he was holding Ingo's uninjured side in the first place).
The school nurse was able to learn what had happened this time, Elesa accompanying Emmet and Ingo as well.
She got a bit of a chewing out-'be careful with the blades of your weapons, even when it comes to each other'-but it was more about being careful than being truly bad to her weapons.
Emmet kept insisting she didn't know.
Drayden affirmed it, having come with.
The nurse dropped it rather quickly, but still made sure Elesa knew to be careful.
Once she was gone, and it was just Drayden, Elesa, and Emmet, Elesa stared, with hollow eyes, at Ingo's unconscious form.
And she asked again, "How didn't I notice?"
Emmet gave a quiet laugh. "We are verrrry good at lying when we need to."
Ingo hadn't woken up by the time they left. (Emmet stayed, the nurse having given up trying to drive either of them away at this rate.)
After a 30 minute wait the next day, though, Ingo opened his eyes.
Elesa apologized, over and over and over, and Ingo simply smiled, tiny but real.
"It's not your fault," he said, again and again. "I kept it from you. You are an excellent meister. I could never blame you."
Years later, after a few too many run ins with situations where it would save them a lot of trouble, and with the knowledge that it could be done right, Ingo convinced Emmet to have them teach Elesa how to do it right.
Luckily, Drayden had gifted them replicas of their weapon form for their most recent birthday, on the grounds of 'never forgetting who they were'.
(The chips in Ingo's sword were built in, perfect replicas that they were.
He laughed when he first saw it.
They were like prizes now, reminders of Elesa's care for them, reminders that he still had his own mind, even as a weapon.
He had always taken the brunt of bullying for Emmet.
He had always wondered about his worth just a little more.
After all of that, he could be just a little more sure of it, instead.)
They were a perfect way to show her how it was done.
Once they'd figured it out themselves, they booked an open Saturday for all three, and set out to Elesa's apartment to invite her to the training ground in DWMA.
Their first lesson: side against side.
This was the hardest.
Emmet's side is rather small, and unless you know his blade very very well, it's hard to remember where it is without looking for quite a while.
Inevitably, though, she could do that.
The second lesson, and pleaded for by Emmet: for the love of Arceus, lower your pressure.
Part of what made both incidents so damaging was the sheer pressure Elesa used when pressing down.
This was the easiest part to get down.
The third, and final, lesson: be sure, but not hasty. If you stutter, it doesn't make the right noise. If you're too fast, though, you risk damaging the blades in the process.
After a few weeks, Elesa training in her own time, she asked to try again.
When they paused in return, she promised to be gentle at first, promised she knew what she was doing now.
They agreed.
She did it gently, at first, for the first 50 rounds.
On the 51st, she did it the way she had been.
An awful noise rang through the clearing.
Both weapons cheered, Ingo giving a loud 'Bravo!!'
Neither had been harmed.
After some more training, and once they weren't afraid of it, Emmet and Ingo got talking, once they'd gotten home.
The next time the three trained together, they asked Elesa to try again, saying they wanted to try something.
She simply shrugged and held her hands out for them as they transformed.
When she scraped Emmet against Ingo, the awful noise echoed throughout the clearing in a way it hadn't before, bouncing roughly off of her soul.
They apologized for that, admitting they didn't mean for it to affect her, as well; she just shook her head, saying she was used to the sound by now, asking them how they'd done it.
They transformed back, explaining the process of bouncing the sound between each other and out into other souls in the area.
She was very impressed.
Drayden was cheering them on for it within the hour, having been called over to see by his excited nephews (and honorary niece).
you have made it to the realm of non copy pasted stuff! i added the part where they train her how to do it right instead of writing that part again bc its 3 am and it was already good
okok. more fun non copy-paste stuff (that i discarded and had to rewrite UGHHHHH)
once ingo has healed and been sent home, and once drayden has the time, he comes over to visit.
He asks Emmet to leave the two of them alone (just for a small while, he promises, when the boy hesitates-caring as ever, the both of them, same as they've always been), and sits down on the twins' couch, ignoring the creak when he sits down (but revelling in the snort Ingo makes as he does).
And, after a moment, he asks Ingo to look at him, turning as he does.
Grey eyes stare up into his, focusing intently.
"If your meister dismisses you when you tell them they have harmed you," he begins, slow and methodic, words to live by being spoken, words to respect, "they should not be your meister. And if your fellow weapon dismisses you when you tell them you are harmed, they should not be your fellow weapon."
Grey eyes stare up back at him, glassy.
He pauses for a long moment.
These are words to let sink in, words to remember.
They are a lesson he learned the hard way, words he should've lived by.
There is more than one reason he now wields himself, this among the many.
They are words he taught himself, words he teaches many, whenever he has the chance.
Ingo nods, firm and sure, after a moment.
He recognizes that, that they are words to live by.
He figures he won't need them, with people like Emmet and Elesa around.
But they will stay safe in his heart regardless.
n e ways. its 3:50 am PASKSKD and i had to rewrite it so srry if it looks fucky ^^' however that's it for our midnight-4 am soul eater au post bonanza!! gn everybody lmao
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estaticheart · 4 years ago
Hey! Can u write about y/n riding dracos dick but with shirt on ? She’s holding the headboard of her bed for support. And then her friends comes into her room to ask something but she don’t see Draco under her so she don’t think much. Dracos being a jerk and moving inside her that it’s hard for y/n to be normal? Ty!!!
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“Do you want to ride me?” Draco rasped, using his spare hand ,that wasn’t stroking your waist, to use his thumb pad to rub your vulva lips. He smirked, when your breath hitched at his actions, nodding desperately. He used his hands to hitch up your shirt, showing him your bare vagina.
He breathed heavily, at the sight of you naked under his slytherin quidditch shirt. Now able to see he glides his fingers back and forth, each time dipping his finger into your hole teasingly. “Dra-” You began biting your lip to constrain your moans from your housemates nearby.
Like the jerk he is, he moved his index finger that wasn’t spreading your juices ,to silence you. His three fingers going into your mouth, just pressing against the back of your throat restricting your air. He grinned at the view when your eyes rolled to the back of your head. But even more suprised when you took control; holding his hand to guide his fingers in and out of your mouth.
For 20 seconds or more he lay watching his girlfriend in an ethereal new light. Your sex had normally consisted of missionary and not much else; but tonight something different was in the air. Once you guided his hand out for the last time, Draco was too aroused to not be inside of you that very moment.
Crushing his lips against yours, he used this time as a distraction to sneak a hand down to his growing cock stood tall between your bodies. Just as you sucked his bottom lip between yours, you felt a spark ignore between your legs. Draco had moved his dick to stroke against your lips, the tip disappearing on between your folds; as he began to get himself off from you.
“Fuck Draco. Just put it in.” You cried out, circulating your hips in any way you can just to feel more. Draco watched you with admoration, he slightly leaned up bringing your body close to his. “I love you, y/n. You’re so perfect for me, y’know.” He purred, his words leaving behind a whisper of a tease over your neck.
Aligning your hips above one another you hungrily sunk down onto Malfoy’s cock, taking all of it inside you. Instantly, the room was filled with gutteral moans and grunts from you both, words not enough to even begin describing the ecstasy waving over your connected bodies. His eyes sinful, Draco took the liberty to snap his hips up in to yours.
Annoyed, you pushed his hips down, taking charge of him yourself. You gasped at the feeling of his inches penetrating you so harshly and stretching you so vastly. Draco watched in bliss as you took his penis for your own; moving your hips so sensually in all directions to feel all of him. “Your so fucking big. Fuck,” you whimpered closing your eyes from the shockwaves between your connected skin.
As you began, to ride his dick faster he watched the way your breasts bounced in his shirt; becoming highly aroused when your nipples began to show through it. Even more so when his attention went to his cock, watching the way it disappeared inside of you; taking all of him. His heart was racing; he had never seen you ride him but now it may be his favourite thing of all.
The room was tranquil; except from you and Draco’s mind-blowing sex. Both you and him loving the sound of his dick sliding against your juices; sloshing together. “C’mere.” He groaned, moving to hold on to your bare ass cheeks, he fondeled them for a moment before spanking your cheek relentlessly. “You like that? You like being treated like that?” He asked, using his grip on your ass to help you take more of his dick inside you.
You didn’t even respond to his question, only answering physically by grinding your hips harder on his dick. The curve of your ass rubbing against his balls; sharing the attention with his dick. In ecstasy, his hands fly to the top of his head pulling on your pillow.
Just as a moan was about to erupt from your lips again, something interrupted you. “Y/n! Oh merlin I’ve been looking everywhere for you!” Your friend Hannah, screamed walking into your dorm, to your luck only standing by the door. From her view, she couldn’t see what you and Draco were currently doing underneath you.
There were a couple reasons as to why you wouldn’t bare for Hannah to see you riding Draco. First of all the school wasnt aware of your relationship with the Slytherin boy so you wouldn’t want to be outed in such a way. Secondly, you were having sex. And who in their right mind would want to see that on a tuesday night.
“Oh. Hannah, hi.” You blurted, turning your body just a little bit to face her. You knew your face was fully red from the exercise you’d been having. She smiled at you completely oblivious to anything. Specifically when Draco had began to fuck into you, his fingers gripped your thighs that had been still for a minute or so. The small gap between you both allowed him to be able to push his dick back into you at small thrusts.
Biting back a moan, “So what do you n-need?” Stuttering slightly when he lined his finger onto your clit rubbing it. While you waited for her to respond you glanced down to see Draco. He was sporting his infamous smirk, winking at you to keep it a secret from her. “You have my potions notebook, remember? I have homework for it tomorrow.” You nodded at her, now recalling taking the book from her two nights ago.
Draco hadn’t stopped yet, still maintaining to slide his penis in you underneath you. He was to lustful to not continue loving into you, continuing the pleasure. “R-right. It’s here let me get it.” You reached down to your bedside drawer, full of your books. The angle cause your boobs to hang over his face, clothed still. Your hand scuffled around your draws trying to find her book, but Draco had other plans.
His hand clasped around your boob, kneading it in his hand while his dick found itself at new angle inside of you. His pelvis circulating to slide in and out of you once more. “Here!” You yelled far too awkwardly and loudly when it appeared.
Hannah nodded thankfully taking herself out of the room, leaving you and Draco again. “You fucking asshole.” You cried out, resuming to ride up and down his dick as fast as you could manage; raking your nails down his chest. Only a minute later and Draco had made you dissolve into pleasure. Screaming his name, as you bounced relentlessly over his manhood.
Your head fell against his chest leaving fast little kisses against his collarbone. He looked down at you in sensation loving the way face were so secretly dirty with him. You hummed in pleasure as his fingers traced over your back. “I think we found a new kink.”
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wickedpact · 4 years ago
dear tumblr user crim wickedpact pls write the essay/dissertation about nicky being shakespeare's fair youth (if you have time, ofc!!)
Not To Imply Nicky Was Shakespeare’s Fair Youth But Ive Read The Fair Youth Sonnets & Nicky Was Definitely Shakespeare’s Fair Youth, an essay by me, tumblr user crim wickedpact
background knowledge: our man shakespeare wrote some 120 sonnets about a young man referred to as the Fair Youth during the mid 1590s; there has been some debate among shakespeare enthusiasts whether shakespeare’s interest in the Fair Youth was platonic or romantic (but like. they were definitely romantic). no one knows for sure who the Fair Youth was, but it was definitely nicky and my first and most important piece of evidence regarding this hypothesis is the ‘lmao babe do you remember that guy who had a crush on me?’/ ‘i try not to remember the guy who had a crush on you’ look joe and nicky exchange when Merrick brings up shakespeare during the movie. especially since gina confirmed in a tweet that joe and nicky canonly did know shakespeare
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my second piece of evidence is that it just Works (except for a couple small facts like.. the Fair Youth was prolly closer to his 20s than his 30s. and the fact that shakespeare implies that the Fair Youth slept with his mistress at one point. but he doesnt know what hes talking about shhh we IGNORE)
long post under cut
A. The Description Matches
when describing the Fair Youth (who I’ll call the FY from now on), shakespeare says he has a ‘gold complexion’ and ‘beautiful eyes’ and compares him to a ‘summer’s day’. He says the FY has “A woman’s gentle heart" and “An eye more bright than [women’s are], (...) Gilding the object whereupon [they] gazeth”
As much as shakespeare’s perceptions of sexuality and gender are very........  late 1500′s (whoo boy sonnet #20 is a wild ride) ...... the description does match, and also:
  B. The Fair Youth Refused to Get Married
it’s never really said why one way or another (shakespeare assumes it’s because the FY is selfish) but the FY didn’t/wouldn’t take on a wife and have a kid, and this was something that was a real sticker for our man Willy S. because, as he says in his sonnets a million times: beauty doesn’t last forever, but having a child not only passes down the FY’s beauty, but also blesses the woman the FY would have a child with (im not saying shakespeare wanted to bear the FY’s children, but he definitely did)
Whose fresh repair if now thou not renewest, Thou dost beguile the world, unbless some mother. For where is she so fair whose uneared womb Disdains the tillage of thy husbandry?
(ie. If you don’t renew yourself/ have children, you deprive the world and deprive a woman from having your child, since what woman out there is so beautiful that she wouldn’t want to bear your child?)
1.) if nicky is the FY then so many of these poems center around the idea of nicky growing old sometime soon and that must have been pretty funny to Nicky and
2.)  the fact that shakespeare would have been So Desperate for nicky to find a wife must have been the opposite of funny to joe. considering the ease of his and nicky’s relationship and the fact that being gay in late 1500s england was probably not a walk in the park, it is very likely shakespeare wouldn’t have known they were in a committed relationship-- or at least not known how close they actually were. Thus:
  C. The Rival (aka. Joe)
shakespeare mentions having a poetic rival in regards to the FY in several sonnets. In sonnet #21 he talks about how he’s not like Those Other Writers who use grand metaphors to talk about their muses
So is it not with me as with that Muse, Stirred by a painted beauty to his verse, Who heaven itself for ornament doth use And every fair with his fair doth rehearse, Making a couplement of proud compare With sun and moon, with earth and sea's rich gems, With April's first-born flowers, and all things rare,
(ie. I’m not like other poets who, when inspired by a ‘painted beauty’ use heaven and every other beautiful thing on the planet to make a grand comparison to their muse: he specifically lists the sun and moon as examples as well as other beautiful things)
He then goes on to say
And then believe me, my love is as fair As any mother's child, though not so bright As those gold candles fixed in heaven's air:
(ie. my love [the FY] is as beautiful as any other beautiful person, though I wouldn’t compare them to the stars/heavens (which is what he means by the 'gold candles’. those are stars.))
So shakespeare insults poets who compare their subjects to the sun, moon, and stars (amongst other things) and in the comics, Joe does literally exactly that
That man is the stars in my sky, and the sun that lights my days. That man is the moon when I'm lost in darkness, and warmth when I shiver in cold.
shakespeare also goes on to say in the same sonnet “Let them say more that like of hearsay well / I will not praise that purpose not to sell” which is to say ‘let people who like that kind of language use it, I wont because I don’t want anyone else to have the subject of my affections (the FY)’.
(which is a bit of a contradiction regarding his feelings abt the FY getting married, but these sonnets are full of contradictions. shakespeare was a confused dude; man spent the first 100 or so sonnets convinced the FY loved him back only for him to start wondering if the FY ever loved him near the end)
(not to mention Marriage For Love wasnt really.. much of a thing in Ye Olden Times but thats a different conversation. so shakespeare prolly didnt associate marriage with love/competition? anyways)
Shakesy-boo goes on to complain about this rival several times. In #79, he says
Yet what of thee thy poet doth invent He robs thee of, and pays it thee again. He lends thee virtue, and he stole that word From thy behaviour; beauty doth he give, And found it in thy cheek: he can afford No praise to thee, but what in thee doth live.
(ie. everything ‘your poet’ (as the FY apparently favored this unnamed rival) says about you, he takes it from you in the first place. he talks about your virtue, but learned the word from watching your behavior. he calls you beautiful but only discovered beauty by looking at your face. every compliment he gives you he took from you in the first place)
[and, as a smaller example, he also bemoans the fact that people want to paint the FY in #67, saying, “Why should false painting imitate his cheek, / And steal dead seeming of his living hue?”. and yknow. Joe’s an artist.]
And then another example in #86
Was it the proud full sail of [the rival’s] great verse, Bound for the prize of all too precious you, That did my ripe thoughts in my brain inhearse, Making their tomb the womb wherein they grew?
Was it his spirit, by spirits taught to write Above a mortal pitch, that struck me dead?
(ie. he’s talking about how he’s having difficulty writing abt the FY and is rhetorically asking if ‘the proud sail’ of the rival’s verses was the reason his ‘ripe thoughts’ were killed in their ‘womb’. He then asks (again rhetorically) if it was the rival’s ‘spirit’ (or creativity, maybe) ‘’’‘by spirits taught to write’’’’ that killed his own drive to write. none of the analyses I’ve read really explain what shakespeare means by ‘spirits taught to write’, other than maybe being a joke or reference to something we dont know, but... ‘taught by dead people to write in a way mortal people can’t’ very much sounds like a description of an immortal poet, eh?)
Which brings me to,
  D. Willy Boy Thinks There Are 500 Year Old Writings About the Fair Youth
shakespeare talks about people having written about the FY ‘500 years ago’ from the late 1500s in #59 which......................... would have been around 1100 AD. :thinking face:
Oh that record could with a backward look, Even of five hundred courses of the sun, Show me your image in some antique book, Since mind at first in character was done, That I might see what the old world could say To this composed wonder of your frame;
(ie. Oh if I could look back 500 years and see how you were described in some old books so I could see/reference what people used to write about you)
Which again brings me to,
  E. I’m Not Saying shakespeare Stole From Joe, But:
1.) In #22, shakespeare says this,
For all that beauty that doth cover thee, Is but the seemly raiment of my heart, Which in thy breast doth live, as thine in me: 
(ie, your beauty is due to the ‘clothes’ my heart gives you-- probably means something like ‘you’re beautiful because i love you’. goes on to say his heart lives in the FY’s chest, and the FY’s heart lives in shakespeare’s chest)
so: shakespeare tells the FY he has shakespeare’s heart. in comparison, Joe calls nicky ‘my heart’ in the comics...... :thinking face x2:
2.) In #109, shakespeare tells the FY ‘thou art my all’,
For nothing this wide universe I call, Save thou, my rose, in it thou art my all.
which rings similar to Joe’s ‘he’s all and he’s more’ as well as (from the comics) ‘he is my everything’
and just saying. joe looks pretty #done the mention of shakespeare.
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  F. The last One
Despite shakespeare writing 30+ poems about the FY eventually growing old, the very last poem he writes about/for the FY says,
O thou, my lovely boy, who in thy power Dost hold Time's fickle glass, his sickle hour; Who hast by waning grown, and therein showest Thy lovers withering, as thy sweet self growest. 
(ie. you [the FY] have power over the ‘mirror’ (fickle glass) of time as well as time’s ‘harvesting’ ability (sickle hour) and as you grow older, you remain beautiful while your lovers [shakespeare] wither and grow old)
The transition from ‘get married and have a baby before you get old!!!!’ in #1-20 to talking about the FY’s presence in 500 y/o books in #59 to admitting the FY isn’t growing old in #126 kinda seems to imply shakespeare learning of/about nicky’s immortality at some point, and this last poem is him accepting it.
TLDR: not only does it make perfect sense if nicky was the Fair Youth from the FY sonnets, but it also makes perfect sense if joe was the Rival from the FY sonnets. its canon nothing will convince me otherwise
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secretbangtnn · 4 years ago
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summary : Getting a letter from a very prestigious school was something that you could have never expect, and even more unexpected was that you didn’t need to pay a penny for it. Beautiful news that were too good to be true, but oh how stupid you were to not question such a perfect chance to get away from your shitty life.
Guys i would be more than happy for some feedback, its my first time writing in english and im more than nervous. Im not sure if what i wrote is good or even understandable. + i would be more than happy to start an ask game with this book
Chapter one
Living or in your case existing was always somehow calm. Everything you do had a plan and everyday had the same pattern, like a boring vase that stood in the same kitchen you actually were. Blue marble tiles awfully similar to tears that run down the woman's cheeks, making them a little bit more redder than before.
Not that they weren't that color before, always blushy and ready to be seen. And maybe that's why you had that sour taste in your mouth while watching them, knowing that your own were as beautifully red as hers.
"why?" a simple question sounding now like the last call for help. Voice groggy and nose runny making the sight before even more unbearable to look at. But why weren't you moved, why the tears didn't make you guality like they should. "you planned this?! You planned to leave me alone like a selfish bastard!"
Looking down didn't seem like the best option, knowing that it could just take the nerves in the room to a whole new level but you could not stop yourself. She was always one to guilt trip you into everything.
A little shout left the chapped mouth making you jump a little while lifting your head simultaneously. Sight before you seems to worsen and as you took a step back the woman took another two in the end catching your small wrist in her clawed hand.
Hissing and looking dead in her eyes made you somehow more conscious of the whole situation.
“I didn’t know.” and you really did not. Gritting your teeth so hard that it felt like some of them could fall out at any moment seems to stop you from doing sudden movements.
Breathe in and breathe out.
“Of course you think I am stupid! Just like your father, bringing me to insanity step by step. But that’s what you wanted from the beginning, am I right?”
“Stop being delusional mom” Oh how hard it was to say the name of that woman. Mother of child that she forgets most of the time, only to remember at the most shitty time. Today was exactly one of the examples of why your dream was just to wake up not seeing or better not having to think of that woman.
“Am i now? It’s you who wants me like this.” She laughed, throwing her head back in the motion. Elegant column of her neck now easy to see, showing purple and red marks similar to those from claws. “You thought I would not know, you thought you could just run away like a scared little child. Now tell me, how long were you planning this o-or maybe it was your father’s plan from the beginning.”
“I didn’t know about it, I didn’t even apply to any of the schools and you are the one that should know that.” toxicity leaked from your voice in big streams, but it was something that u could not stop at that moment. She was doing it again, acting crazy and psycho making everyone question why she wasnt getting hospital help yet.
“So you are saying that it’s my fault? You were supposed to care for me, for your ill mother, not that you are useful for anything else. How could you even think of disappearing, going to school so far away and leaving me to rot here myself like you were not meant to end like this too!”
Snatching your hand you looked at the woman once again, tears in eyes making you look fragile. Her own body looking weak, nearly dead limbs hanging from a malnourished body, showing the world wrack of a woman she was. Complexion ill looking, but what was not in her case, pale looking with green, purple and blue spots everywhere the skin was shown.
“Why are you being so shocked? Don’t tell me you thought you were going to leave someday.” Her laugh made you grit your teeth, jaw starting to hurt from the tension you were keeping. “Once again you showed how foolish you are, just like your father, just like that scumbag.”
“You are insane.”
“That we already know, so why don’t you come back to your room and start preparing for tomorrow. I want to eat a really nice breakfast next morning and maybe then after we can talk about what job you are going to have to make a living for us.”
And that was your sign to go, not looking back at the sick smirk on your mother mouth momocking your whole being. Step by step you saw the old stairs, in some place missing the color. Your room was nothing special, at least that what people said, for you it was some type of heaven. Peace that you could only catch while being there, laying on your old bed while looking at the dull ceiling.
Closing the door, you exchaled a heavy breath, sliding down on the flat surface of the door. Eyes closed like you have always done after an intense situation, today was not an exception to that.
Asking yourself what just happened, how and why. Unconsciously you looked at the letter beside you, laying so weirdly on the piece of not carpeted floor. The big fault in a little piece of paper. It was funny how this thing made such a bad influence on your life just by arriving on your doorstep.
The fact that the only person you could compare yourself to now is a story character of the name Harry was nearly not as funny as it sounded. However how u can explain getting a letter from a prestigious school you for sure did not apply or even looked up not even thinking about getting a scholarship to having a chance to think about it.
By any chance you were not stupid, but your ambitions flew away with another day in this shit hole you called home. Main reason being your own mother, which not only made it clear but for sure would kill you faster than let you leave.
You took the letter, keeping it in your hand like some unknown object you have never seen before. The texture itself is weird, making you shiver in some way. Big letter stood on the black piece of paper meaning only one thing.
Oh yes, that definitely was unsetting.
You remember clearly the first time you read the words that were put in this blank envelope. Big chance waiting for you, welcoming you with big arms and assuring you that you have nothing to be scared of.
And maybe those words were the one that brought you to that situation. It was not even three hours after the fight with your mother. Sun long down now moon shining on your pale face. Packing everything you tried to be quiet and quick hoping that your mother again ate too much of those big pills.
Big bag now laying down on your bed with a small letter beside it looking as innocent as before. You were not even seventeen making decisions that would cost you more then you can imagine. Living hell with possibility of going to another but in that moment nothing mattered like running away from old monsters.
Floor cracked under your feet even thought you were considered as a lightweight. How could you not be so malnourished when your mother forced you to teach yourself how to cook, never letting you eat before her. You tried to reason her moods or harsh behaviour to you but no matter how many times you tried it always ended in another reason why your life was just simply sad.
Running away was a good decision. You tried to say it so many times to actually believe in those empty words. The truth was that you were an innocent little child, not even a full adult that has never tasted a social life or had a friend.
“It will be alright.” Taste on your tongue after saying this a little sour with a heavy backpack danglin on your right arm. One step and then another, you touched the cold handle of your white doors. It was the first move to make and probably one of the hardest.
Bag on your arm is even more heavy making you realise what is happening. Silent breath flowed past your lips preparing you for your next step.
You pushed it closing it carefully while hoping that the oldish touch to the wood wont make an appearance in a loud noise. Silly smile now seen on your face with big relief in the back of your mind. The hardest part was just before you.
Your mothers room, not fully closed - like always, she needed to make sure nobody would come uninvited. It was just one of her weird characteristics that came with such a messed up mental health.
Small noise came out under your feet, not loud enough to wake up the woman next door but audible enough to be heard from closer.
Photos all around you telling you that you were getting near the main door. Little pictures with you inside faded from ears of hanging, making you stop for a while.
Smooth glass now under your fingers as you touch a specific photo. You and your mother being in the green garden of your grandmas. Happy vibe and pretty smiles now nearly unbelievable to witness on either of faces. It hurted or maybe it was just the adrenaline escaping from a sudden stop.
Oh how the sweet monet was quickly destroyed by the harsh noise from one of the rooms, and you exactly know which one. Loud thud rang out in the quietness of the house, making the silence even more noticable. Your breath escaped leaving you in a big ball of nerves and anxiety.
Silence like the one before big storms but maybe just this time it was not that. You couldn't withdraw now, you were too far and too close to the feeling of freeness. So you did the only thing that came to your mind.
Catching a sliding backpack, you turned to the door in front of you, knowing that just behind them is waiting something so much bigger than your old mother. How stupid for you to not rethink your decision, and believing your innocent mind that its just a good thing, better life that could only make you happier.
So you did it, you took the heavy steps that echoed in the narrow corridor. Light breeze touched your face, and just like the first time you gasped at the feeling. Door closing not that gently as you started running as fast as you could.
Silly smile now on your face with a bouncing bag on your shoulders keeping you on the hard ground. It was feeling similar to the first sight of the ocean or the first taste of sweet ice cream on a hot summery morning. You were in ecstasy choked by the overwhelming emotions.
And maybe because of that you were completely unaware of the danger that waited for you on that chilly night. How could you think about it when everything seemed so distracting almost as you were dreaming and in that moment you probably were closer to believing in this being a slumber.
So as you sat on the cold bench of one of the parks near your home, realization finally came silencing your beating heart. Colder weather now felt more real, as it bit your rosy cheeks. You shivered, keeping your backpack on your lap, trying to hide behind it from a chilly wind that seemed like it came from every side.
Being alone hit you like a truck and the little noises of the night didn't help your rising nerver. You started to lose your breath, feeling your tears sliding down your numb cheeks. It was terrifying now with the knowledge of your wellbeing and adrenaline wearing off with every second.
“Mom?” A silent plea that came out of your lips with shakiness that was more than noticeable. You didn't know why you said that, but the woman was probably the only person you knew. Such a sad truth that you needed to understand. You were alone now, and with that thought a more shameless sobs left your mouth with an occasional whimper.
You were sure you were going to end up dead. That you won't see the new sunset with how your body shivered. Not knowing how life worked or what is bad or good you were a little lamb that waited for hungry wolves to eat her whole.
And maybe one of those predators just saw his next meal. Long strides brought him just in front of you. Your sobs are too loud to make you hear his boots coming closer and closer. His breath just centimeters away from your head, brushing your hair like the not forgotten wind.
“Sweetheart?” It was a calming voice, not too deep but definitely belonging to a grown man. Your posture momentaly stiffened, as your closed eyes now looked at the big leather shoes before you. Your whole body is not moving, only shivering because of the chilly weather and light clothes. It was funny how suddenly you have forgotten about being alone, now wanting just this, wishing for all of this to be a big nightmare.
A deep sight left man's lips reminding you about the realness of the whole situation. You could not move, completely scared, your fingers clutched the bad praying for something to happen. The plan to just act like you were not there, ignoring the man fastly ended, when he sighted once again and crouched just to your eye level.
Deep brown eyes, looking at you with nothing but softness. If you didn’t know better you would say the man looked as if he knew you, cared and was in big relief finding you. But your mother's words echoed in your head, making you believe that every man walking on this planet is bad.
“What are you doing here sweetheart?” Once more this deep voice pierced you. Your mouth opens to answer, deeply knowing that nothing will come out. You just looked in his dark eyes, wishing that maybe he will be the one who can read minds. His eyes now on you, more concerned than before, observing your shivering body.
He was tall and broad for sure, towering over your figure surprisingly even while crouching down. His huge shoulders covered by a creamy coat which now was getting dirty by laying down on a pavement, as it partly hid his expensive looking boots.
Too distracted you didn't notice his hand coming to touch your red cheek, now gently stroking the redness of your skin.
“What a poor soul, so cold and left alone without a coat. Tell me sweetheart would you come and let me warm you a little?”
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