#for a balanced treatment of the ensemble
metabolizemotions · 6 months
So... for the baby storyline they wasted s5 for, in which Marina wasn't even the focus, now they seemed to be assigned whatever that's leftover with an abbreviated and accelerated arc. Necessary conversations and private intimate moments of celebration are omitted. An excited kiss after a major life decision is yet again physically obstructed, now at a 10pm timeslot. The very brief exchange was the result of deliberate choices made starting from the writing. It is ironic to choose this scene to insist to firmly uphold artistic integrity in a show that is not particular about continuity, making sense or being consistent about rules.
It is more glaring in juxtaposition of the what and the how of other characters.
I have no issues with Travis/ Emmett/ Eli in any order or combo or anything at all. But in contrast, their scenes are unhurried, unharried, and importantly brightly-lit and visible. Whether shippers like the storyline or not, the storyline is properly presented. Again, a string of deliberate choices. Which would still take place if it's still an 8pm slot, w/o the necessity to edit it to death, and with death.
I'm also bewildered at the screentime and budget assigned to 2 plotlines associated with 2 main antagonists of the past seasons - Dixon and Beckett. To use Travis's screentime to associate with Dixon, a literal mustache-twirling villain but the show is still trying to empathize with, is a choice. Similarly, to use Vic's screentime to associate with Beckett, a sexist bully, an abusive and sadistic captain, is yet another choice.
These are men who thrived on wrongdoing and gaming the system. Yet Beckett is a character that is treated with unusual sympathy (or usual, by s19's standards).
Ep1 suggests a continuation of s19's brand of women's empowerment - with the constant struggle and anger of women, together with the frustrating display of bad behavior of men and them getting away with it both professionally and privately. There is a thin line b/w that as central show conflict and endorsing the double standards... when the depiction of female ambition has always been problematic...
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mtkay13 · 1 year
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Qi Ye ensemble cast poster, second edition
Yet another one of those LOL Qi Ye just has that power over me. You know the drill; more info below!
I'll go straight to the point: my main reason to draw this was because I wanted to draw the most somber, dark-looking Helian Qi possible with some dark cross-hatching effect. And because I don't want to draw a Helian Qi solo image because who the HELL does that, I had to turn it into an ensemble cast thing again. I just REALLY like to do that for Qi Ye, for some reasons!!! For a general note, first: shading was a PAIN but making a nice composition and thinking about how to make a hierarchy that both works in terms of storytelling and visual composition was fun. I also liked finding out the "color scheme" to use and I do like lineart. So, now, little notes about each character, and the obligatory name poster just so I'm sure we all know whom I'm talking about:
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Jing Beiyuan: I've mentioned it before but drawing Beiyuan is like. The easiest for me, I think, out of ALL Qi Ye/TYK characters combined. He happens to have my general goto "pretty face" (which conveniently has peach blossom eyes). I'm happy with how he turned out here! And got to put the sable around his neck which makes for a nice additional touch. Helian Yi: He's easy to draw as well and I'm glad with how the guan turned out. He initally looked sideways, but I liked it better having him wistfully stare into the distance. Helian Zhao: has the exact same face as in the other, coloured poster, and that cracks me up bc that wasn't even intentional. Helian Pei: GDI I find him so hilarious. He looks so done and out of it. Shout out to all his bird as well, which, I find, really complete the look. Helian Qi: I can't possibly say that I love him as an antagonist because there's nothing to love about this literal trash, but I'm still grateful that we got some of the most rancid stuff going on in Qi Ye just because of him and I'm always here for that. He deserves the villain visual treatment, at least. He was VERY fun to draw and I tried to push that nasty grin and shading as much as possible. He turned out exactly how I wanted him to! (the shading on his face and the balance of light and shadow was a bit of a challenge, actually)
Wuxi: Again, a rather easy one, always pleasant to draw! I loved working on his hair (but complained a lot while doing so)--which I think turned out nicely. Bai Wuchang: Finally! Finally I draw him!! He had to be there, since he's like. The base of the whole Qi Ye plot. Lining him was....... a pain, but at least it looks nice.
Su Qingluan: nothing much to say--I think it's always important to have her there in Qi Ye stuff, and I put her next to Helian Zhao because of how he tried using her--but it did make me feel bad for her when I realised that. Song Ping'an: The real star of the show, lowkey, but always alert and present. Feng Xiaoshu: FINALLY. PRINCESS JING'AN. I'm sorry I took so long to draw her. I want to work on a proper design, I swear. To make up for having completely forgotten to include her in the other spread. I'm so sorry. I like how her face turned out! Liang Jiuxiao: I never, ever, EVER get enough of drawing him. Have I mentioned how much I like him? How much of a great surprise he was reading Qi Ye? How many times I've wanted to high five because finally someone is as confused as I am? I love drawing this very specific smile on him, SO satisfying. Also Bichen said he was "THE Qi Ye antagonist" and I live for that LOL Zhou Zishu: do I really need to say anything atp Jiang Xue: I'm so sorry I put Xiao Xue next to ZZS. The cruelty. But she came out really cute didn't she T_T Anyway that's it. I'm still obsessed with Qi Ye and given my current (totally secret) retranslation project I'm nowhere near done going crazy about this book.
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science-lover33 · 1 year
Exploring the Intricacies of the Respiratory System 🫁💨
Welcome to my Tumblr blog, where we embark on an exciting journey through the intricate world of human anatomy and physiology. Today, we're focusing our lens on the respiratory system – a wondrous network of organs and tissues that orchestrates the exchange of gases essential for our survival. So, fasten your seatbelts as we venture into the fascinating realm of respiration!
Anatomy of the Respiratory System: A Symphony of Structures
At its core, the respiratory system consists of a highly organized ensemble of organs and structures working together seamlessly. This symphony of components includes the nose, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, and, of course, the lungs. Each of these elements has a crucial role to play in the intricate process of breathing, ensuring our bodies receive a constant supply of life-sustaining oxygen while effectively eliminating carbon dioxide.
The Alveoli: Tiny Powerhouses of Gas Exchange
Now, let's zoom in on the alveoli, the star players in the respiratory system's performance. These microscopic air sacs, nestled deep within the lungs, are where the real magic happens. Through the process of diffusion, oxygen from inhaled air enters the bloodstream, while carbon dioxide, a waste product of metabolism, is expelled from the blood into the alveoli to be exhaled. It's here, at this cellular level, that the respiratory system's vital exchange takes place.
Breathing Mechanics: The Art of Inhalation and Exhalation
But how does it all come together? Breathing, a seemingly simple act, is a complex process guided by the contraction and relaxation of specialized muscles, primarily the diaphragm and intercostal muscles. These muscular movements manipulate the volume of the thoracic cavity, creating changes in pressure that facilitate the flow of air in and out of the lungs. Understanding the mechanics of breathing is fundamental to comprehending various respiratory disorders and their potential treatments.
Regulation of Respiration: A Symphony Conducted by the Brain
The respiratory system doesn't operate in isolation; it's under the watchful eye of our central nervous system. The medulla and pons, two regions of the brainstem, serve as the conductors in this symphony of breath. They continuously monitor factors like blood pH, carbon dioxide levels, and oxygen levels, adjusting our breathing rate and depth to maintain the delicate balance required for optimal body function.
Recommended Resources to Dive Deeper:
Book: "Principles of Anatomy and Physiology" by Gerard J. Tortora and Bryan H. Derrickson - This comprehensive textbook provides an in-depth exploration of the respiratory system, complete with detailed illustrations and accessible explanations for all levels of learners.
Article: "The Physiology of Respiration" by Stephen A. Ernst and John R. Helliwell - Published in the New England Journal of Medicine, this scholarly article offers an authoritative look into the physiological mechanisms of respiration, making it a valuable reference for those seeking in-depth knowledge.
Book: "Respiratory Physiology: The Essentials" by John B. West - For a concise yet informative journey through the key concepts of respiratory physiology, this book is an excellent resource, perfect for those looking to grasp the essentials of the subject quickly.
I hope this extended entry has sparked your curiosity about the intricate workings of the respiratory system. Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or if you'd like to explore another captivating topic in the realm of medicine and biology! 🌬📚
Here is my YouTube channel where you will find interesting videos, here is the anatomy and physiology of the respiratory system
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gimmedamemes · 1 year
i dont think im gonna watch HSMTMTS season 4 :(
I cannot watch this. Maybe I’m a debby downer. Maybe I’m a negative nancy. Maybe I’m expecting too much realism from a TV show. However, no show has made me feel so  offended by the treatment of one character more than this one. 
My poor boy EJ was completely and totally DISCARDED by EVERYONE in the last season. He was juggling so many things such as college, his friends, his dad, and his girlfriend, and all he wanted was to enjoy his last summer as a kid by spending it with people he felt he could be the most comfortable around. 
Instead of that, however, he is suddenly and without warning pushed into being the director of a musical that he did not know anything about, while also being the pseudo-camp counselor because apparently, investing more than one adult into a summer camp is worth it to the Camp Shallow Lake owners. And yet, no one seems to acknowledge how unfair this is, not even EJ himself. 
All he does is push through and do his absolute BEST to make it happen. However, because he can’t adapt to this new role flawlessly and balance everything perfectly, to his fellow campers who are not dealing with anything of that nature (no, Carlos’ inability to climb a rock wall doesn’t count) he becomes a bad friend, a bad cousin, and a bad boyfriend. 
And due to the fact that he was too busy while running a show that he had no business running, to devote every second to his girlfriend, the final straw in their relationship is Gina’s discovery of a letter that was not her business at all. Perhaps his reason for hiding it was because of her reacting the way she did. We’ll never know, because EJ’s feelings were never given a first thought, much less a second and he was never able to explain. 
And thus, in the last half hour of the final episode, we get Ricky and Gina, who have decided that they’re each other’s one true love based on.... what again? Oh yeah, some chocolates she thought he gave her. And some other stuff too, I suppose, but that’s all it took for some to decide that they were a valid ship. 
Ricky who was HOPELESSLY devoted to another girl for 2 seasons straight, whose whole reason for being in the drama club was for her, for whose primary interactions with Gina were either because of her or about her, suddenly decides that Gina is the one he’s looking for ONLY after driving to said summer camp on a whim because his other girlfriend was discovered to be the saboteur we all knew she was. Shockingly (but, maybe not to some), Gina reciprocates. In the last few minutes of the last episode, Ricky and Gina kiss, not even 12 hours after Gina breaks it off with EJ for good. 
Now, what’s my problem with this? It’s so sloppy and unrealistic. Now, the show itself is unrealistic and as a theater kid myself, I can tell you that for sure. Our sets aren’t anywhere near as elaborate, we don’t have a strong supporting ensemble cast and overall, the whole concept of any school club having that much devotion is a serious stretch. But it’s done well. Or it was. N
Rini was a couple we were somewhat rooting for from the start. Portwell we grew to love because of the slow burn and the slow reveal of the couple’s true feelings for one another. Now, we are expected to believe that 2 seasons of solid Portwell build up (as well as the first half of season 3 before they began having problems) is just calmly thrown away and for what? For Rina? A subplot/sub-ship that was made possible by under 10 scenes together? Ricky, who was so devoted to Nini and promised never to let her go again and Gina who wasn’t able to give her obviously overburdened boyfriend any grace? That’s the ship that we’re supposed to root for?
I don’t think so. It was sloppy and badly done and it made no sense whatsoever. If they had to end the Portwell relationship, for whatever reason, I don't know, perhaps they didn’t want to encourage a sophomore-senior relationship or going to college while dating someone in high school. They could’ve easily done what they did with Ricky and Nini, and break them up on amicable terms because a relationship with someone in high school and someone in college just doesn’t work. 
They had no reason to abuse EJ’s character and ruin some of his relationships, before never talking about him again, while Ricky swoops in and takes his girlfriend AGAIN. It was so unnecessary and at this point it's repetitive. Because everytime there’s a season that starts off with 2 characters being madly in love, we all know it goes. 
So I don’t know how much I'll be watching.
(lol i just wanted to get this out of my system after watching the season 4 trailer)
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the-rewatch-rewind · 1 year
Another new episode! Getting into the home stretch!
Script below the break
Hello and welcome back to The Rewatch Rewind! My name is Jane, and this is the podcast where I count down my top 40 most frequently rewatched movies in a 20-year period. Today I will be discussing number 8 on my list: Universal Pictures’ 1936 screwball comedy My Man Godfrey, directed by Gregory La Cava, written by Morrie Ryskind and Eric Hatch, based on a book by Eric Hatch, and starring William Powell and Carole Lombard.
The rich and spoiled Bullock sisters, Irene (Carole Lombard) and Cornelia (Gail Patrick), are participating in a scavenger hunt that requires them to find a “forgotten man,” so they race to a shanty town at a city dump. Cornelia gets there first and approaches a homeless man named Godfrey (William Powell), who finds her rude and condescending and therefore refuses to take her offered $5, instead causing her to fall into an ash pile. Irene is amused by Godfrey’s treatment of her sister/rival, and after a brief conversation, Godfrey is amused enough by Irene to agree to be her forgotten man. Irene is so grateful to him for helping her win the scavenger hunt against Cornelia that she offers him a job as the butler for their wacky family, and he accepts without having any idea what he’s in for.
I remember being introduced to this movie rather early in my foray into old Hollywood back in 2002. I can’t recall my exact first impressions, but I’m pretty sure I had seen it several times and was already kind of obsessed with it before I started keeping track of the movies I watched. Once I started keeping track, I watched My Man Godfrey six times in 2003, three times in 2004, three times in 2005, twice in 2007, once in 2008, twice in 2009, once in 2010, twice in 2011, once in 2013, once in 2014, once in 2017, once in 2018, twice in 2019, twice in 2020, once in 2021, and once in 2022.
The main thing that initially drew me to this movie was its silliness. Based on the movies I’ve talked about on this podcast so far, I think it’s pretty clear that I love to watch a bunch of ridiculous characters having a fun romp, and that’s what a lot of My Man Godfrey is. Angelica, the scatterbrained mother of the Bullock family, played delightfully by Alice Brady, is one of the silliest characters in any movie ever, and when I was a young teen, all she had to do was open her mouth to crack me up. Now I find some of her antics a bit grating, which they are definitely meant to be, but some of her lines do still make me laugh every time, like, “I’m positive I didn’t ride a horse last night because I didn’t have my riding costume on!” and “If you’re going to be rude to my daughter, you might at least take your hat off!” and, in response to Godfrey saying that he sold short to save the family from financial ruin, “I don’t understand, you sold short? You mean, gentlemen’s underwear?” My brother was particularly tickled by that last one as a child, to the point that when we played The Sims together, we created a character named Gentleman’s Underwear after that line.
Angelica is far from the only silly character in this movie, and what I love about the whole ensemble is that each character is entertaining in a different way. Angelica is scatterbrained and doesn’t really care what’s going on, while her husband Alexander (played by Eugene Pallette) has lost track of what’s going on mostly because he’s so fed up with his wife’s ridiculousness. And then there’s Carlo (played by Mischa Auer) who is Angelica’s “protégé,” and I’m still not really sure exactly what that means. I can’t tell if it’s a euphemism, or if she’s like, supposed to be teaching him piano? We definitely see him playing piano, and eating, and impersonating a gorilla, and reading to Angelica, and that seems to be all he does. So unclear what his purpose is, but he is amusing. On the other hand, Molly (played by Jean Dixon, who also played Edward Everett Horton’s wife in Holiday) has the very clear purpose of being the Bullock family’s maid. Her dry, sarcastic wit is amusing in an entirely different way that I love very much. There’s also Tommy Gray (played by Alan Mowbray), a friend of the Bullock family who also happens to recognize Godfrey from their college days. Not wanting to reveal that he came from a wealthy Boston family, Godfrey says that he was Tommy’s valet in college, forcing Tommy to try to invent a story explaining why Godfrey wouldn’t have given him as a reference when the Bullocks hired him. Tommy seems like a relatively normal guy who isn’t particularly bright. Watching him flounder in that scene could have easily become uncomfortable, but they managed to portray it in a way that’s just silly. And his invention of a wife and five children for Godfrey adds to the confusion and tension behind the main romance in the movie.
If you’ve listened to previous episodes of this podcast and have an especially keen memory, you may recall that Gregory La Cava also directed Stage Door, which was number 31 on my list and came out the year after My Man Godfrey. I’m not sure how much say he had in the casting of both of those movies, but I enjoy that there are several people who appeared in both, such as character actors Franklin Pangborn and Grady Sutton, neither of whom was credited in My Man Godfrey but both of whom make memorable appearances. The most notable cast member the two movies have in common is Gail Patrick, who was Ginger Rogers’s main rival besides Katharine Hepburn in Stage Door and Cornelia Bullock in My Man Godfrey. In both of these, as in most of her movies, Patrick’s character is rather unpleasant, but Cornelia is a bit more complex than that, and she fascinates me. She’s bitter and spoiled and mean to her sister and can’t decide if she wants to seduce Godfrey or hurt him or both. After Godfrey tells her what he thinks of her, she tries to frame him for robbery by hiding her pearl necklace under his mattress, but he manages to find it and hide it better before the police search his room. Cornelia is so insistent that it must be under the mattress that the police get suspicious and ask why she’s so sure of that, to which she responds with the amazing and thoroughly unconvincing line, “I read that that’s where people put things when they steal them!” Shockingly, even after all of this, the story actually redeems Cornelia somewhat. Godfrey is able to save the family financially by pawning her necklace, and after he reveals this he tells her that he, too, was once a spoiled child, and that she has the potential to be a good person if she so chooses. Cornelia is visibly moved by his words, and while we unfortunately never see her again after that scene, I like to believe that she takes them to heart and stops being so awful going forward.
But as much as I love all the supporting characters, I don’t think I’d have watched this movie nearly as many times if not for the leads. William Powell brings just the right combination of sophistication and jadedness to the role of Godfrey, making it easy to believe that he was once a rich man but lost everything he had to a woman he loved who betrayed him. It’s beautiful to watch him rediscover his own purpose and humanity in response to the Bullocks’ kindness and choose to focus on the positive aspects of their quirks. When William Powell was offered the role of Godfrey, he agreed to take it only if Carole Lombard would play Irene, knowing that she would be perfect, and he was completely correct. Lombard absolutely kills it as Irene, flawlessly combining the dramatic naïveté of an overgrown toddler with a genuine desire to be a good and mature person. And the way Powell and Lombard play off each other is utterly delightful. Their first conversation sets up their dynamic beautifully – he’s rather amused by her, but she takes everything he says extremely seriously. Like when she asks him, “Why do you live in a place like this when there are so many nice places?” and he responds, “It’s because my real estate agent felt that the altitude would be very good for my asthma,” she doesn’t seem to know that he’s joking, and says, “Oh my uncle has asthma!” And he just rolls with it and replies, “No! Well, now there’s a coincidence!” This is already funny as written, but their delivery and facial expressions make it so much funnier. Then probably my favorite part of the movie is when Irene is sulking and trying to get Godfrey to notice her, but she mostly just comes across as ridiculous, and Cornelia is heckling her mercilessly. Godfrey is trying to act uninterested, but it’s clear from a few of his glances in her direction that he really does want to give her the attention she craves. It’s readily apparent from all of their scenes that they both thoroughly understood the assignment and knew how to play off each other. Powell and Lombard had worked together twice before and had even been briefly married to each other from 1931 to 1933. Despite the fact that things didn’t work out between them romantically in real life, they remained good friends, and seem to have only used their history to bring out the best performance in each other here. It is kind of funny that Godfrey keeps telling Irene that she’s way too young for him because it’s like, “You clearly didn’t think she was too young when you married her five years ago!” Mostly, though, it just makes me really happy as someone who has no interest in pursuing romantic relationships to know that it was Powell and Lombard’s post-divorce friendship that led to possibly the best movie that either of them ever made. It’s so encouraging to see the evidence that sometimes the relationship between two people can actually get better when they stop trying to make it romantic.
However, it took me a while to see things that way, because in the movie itself, Godfrey and Irene do end up together romantically. Once I learned that the actors were divorced in real life, my first thought was more, “Wow, amazing that they could still pretend to be in love after falling out of love.” In more recent rewatches, I’ve come to realize that the romance in the movie is very weird – which, to be fair, is quite usual for screwball comedies – but I think as an obliviously aromantic teenager it greatly informed what I thought romance was. Irene meets a nice man who helps her win a game against her awful sister and decides to be in love with him, so all she has to do is convince him that he’s also in love with her. Not understanding that romantic attraction was a thing that I was not experiencing, teenaged me thought that was how that worked: you just pick somebody and decide you have a crush on them, and if the other person has also picked you to be their crush, romance is born. Right? Apparently not. Anyway, in more recent rewatches, when it gets to the part where Godfrey tells Irene, “You’re grateful to me because I helped you to beat Cornelia. And I’m grateful to you because you helped me to beat life. But that doesn’t mean that we have to fall in love,” I’m like, “Correct! It doesn’t mean that! You don’t have to fall in love!” But the movie implies that Godfrey is suppressing his feelings for Irene because of the previous bad relationship that led to his homelessness, and it expects us to all be on board with the way Irene follows him after he quits and basically forces him to marry her. The older I get, the more this ending bothers me. I realize that it’s meant to be part of the screwball silliness of it all, and that it was inevitable for a movie like this to make the male and female lead end up together, but it’s like, can we maybe make sure that Godfrey is on board with that first? I can very much see their marriage going the same way as that of the actors who played them, with Irene and Godfrey ultimately concluding that they’re better suited as friends than lovers. But again, as a young person watching this movie, I thought their relationship was beautiful. Soon after I first got really into My Man Godfrey, my friend had a Build-A-Bear birthday party, and I named my bear Godfrey. I can’t remember who I was talking to or how this came up, but I remember making the declaration that if I was still single at 40, I would marry that Godfrey bear. So if you’re listening to this, consider yourself invited to our wedding in seven years. It probably won’t be much weirder than Irene and Godfrey’s wedding at the end of this movie.
There is another element to My Man Godfrey besides its silliness and unconvincing romance that makes it particularly fascinating. While most 1930s screwball comedies seem to be intended to help audiences temporarily forget about the hardships of the Great Depression, My Man Godfrey uses the Depression as a big part of the plot. The rich are portrayed as frivolous and ridiculous, while the homeless “forgotten men” are portrayed as resilient and noble. Godfrey reveals to Tommy that after having his heart broken, he intended to drown himself in the river, but seeing people living at the dump next to the river, determined to survive despite their circumstances, made him change his mind. The hard times even impact the well-to-do, with Alexander Bullock nearly losing everything in bad investments. At first it seems odd that Godfrey would use the money from Cornelia’s necklace merely to help the rich snobs, but then it’s revealed that in addition to that, he converted the dump he used to live in to a nightclub, creating jobs, and affordable housing. And all of that was possible because the jobless men convinced Godfrey to keep living, then Irene was nice enough to employ Godfrey as a butler, and Cornelia was bitter enough to try to frame him for robbery. I assume that doing something like that would not have been nearly as easy as the movie makes it look, but I appreciate that instead of leaning into the pure escapism of so many films from that era, My Man Godfrey says, “Yes, times are hard, but don’t give up hope. Things can improve unexpectedly at any time. And small kindnesses can add up to make a very big difference.” And that message continues to resonate 87 years later. So while this is mostly a very silly comedy, its genuine moments showing the importance of human connection help keep it from descending into complete and utter chaos like some other screwball comedies I could name.
And perhaps it was that touch of seriousness that led this mostly silly comedy to six Oscar nominations: Gregory La Cava for Best Director, Eric Hatch and Morrie Ryskind for Best Adapted Screenplay, William Powell for Best Actor, Carole Lombard for Best Actress, Mischa Auer for Best Supporting Actor, and Alice Brady for Best Supporting Actress. This made My Man Godfrey the first movie to be nominated in all four acting categories, which isn’t saying much because that was also the first year that the Oscars had four acting categories, but it remains the only film to this day to be nominated in all four acting categories without being nominated for Best Picture. And it was the only movie to be nominated in those six categories without winning anything until American Hustle, 77 years later. Of all the people nominated for Oscars for My Man Godfrey, only Alice Brady would ever win one, for In Old Chicago the following year. The director and one of the writers would each be nominated once more, also the following year, for Stage Door. William Powell had been nominated once before, for 1934’s The Thin Man, and would be nominated again for 1947’s Life With Father. But this was the only nomination for both Mischa Auer and Carole Lombard. Lombard in particular really wanted an Oscar and moved on to dramatic roles for a few years hoping that would help, but it didn’t. So she briefly returned to comedy before her career and life were tragically cut short by a plane crash in 1942, when she was only 33 years old. So, my age. I feel like, had Carole Lombard lived longer and continued to make more films in a similar vein, she probably would have made it into more than one of my top 40. The more I rewatch My Man Godfrey, the more impressed I become with her performance. This is one of the few old movies that actually has a blooper reel available, and that shows just how different her normal speech and facial expressions and mannerisms were from Irene’s. I have watched and enjoyed several of Lombard’s other films, but a lot of them are a bit too silly even for me, and I really wish she could have been in more of the still fun and kooky but not-quite-as-screwball-as-the-‘30s comedies that were just starting to become popular around the time of her death. But at least we get to see her in My Man Godfrey. Thank you, William Powell.
My Man Godfrey was remade in 1957, and I watched that version one time in 2003, reacted with, Ew, they ruined it,and have never rewatched it. Maybe I will someday, just to see if it’s as bad as I remember it. No offense to that cast – there was no possible way to reach the standard set by the original. Sometimes remakes are great, but sometimes the original was already perfect and shouldn’t be messed with, and in my opinion, My Man Godfrey absolutely falls into the latter category. So what I’m saying is, if this podcast has made you want to watch this movie, make sure you get the 1936 version.
Thank you for listening to me discuss another of my most frequently rewatched movies. Next week I will be joined by not one but two very special guests, to discuss the longer of the two movies I watched 30 times, which is going to be very fun, so stay tuned for that. As always, I will leave you with a quote from that next movie: “Wait up! Wait for me! Not you, I don’t even know you!”
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flowersforone · 2 years
So as I mentioned before, Yashahime is not the sequel to Inuyasha that I wanted. What I really wanted was a series that has the same vibes that the bonus chapter of Inuyasha that was written around 2011. It would be a mashup of genres like the original but with more slice-of-life elements, humor and some long-term pre-established romance. It's still about the gang, they're still fighting demons, but they also have to balance that with children and being a responsible adult. It keeps the happy ending of the original, because they all deserved the happy ending. As it progresses their kids would get more and more screen time. Since there's so many characters it would more of an ensemble type thing with like Moroha as the main MC, something like Ranma 1/2 or Kyokai no Rinne. I'm going to be expanding a bit more from this headcanon post I made earlier, and just throwing plot ideas out there.
Inuyasha and Kagome get to raise Moroha because they all deserve a family especially Inuyasha. He'd give his daughter the childhood he never had, and he'd spoil his little princess. Inuyasha is also super protective of Moroha, but he also trains her in fighting with her claws and sword. Meanwhile Kagome is in charge of teaching her archery, honing her spiritual powers and reading, and compared to Inuyasha Kagome is slightly more strict. When she's a bit older she'll tag along with her parents or some combination of them and/or Miroku, Sango and their kids(mainly Kin'u and Hisui,) while they exorcise demons. They original gang rotates who they send out to work, so there's a different dynamic each time, but there's never a dull moment. Inuyasha and Miroku have their perpetual banter and teasing. Kagome and Sango are still best friends who gossip and are totally not talking about their husbands behind their backs.
One thing that annoyed me about Yashahime was that Moroha felt really OP, compared to how Inuyasha and Kagome started their series. IMO it robs her for an opportunity for growth.The story itself would be Moroha's journey as she grows up and gets stronger. She starts out inexperienced and feels inadequate next to her parents and everyone around her. At first she doesn't have any special weapons and relies on her claws and spiritual powers. Then her father gives her a sword on her birthday, and with it her youkai powers start to grow. Later on she learns how to unseal her youkai blood with the rouge, but instead of just tiring her out what if it also weakened her spiritual powers for some time. So she has to balance her youkai powers with her spiritual ones, which could be an interesting conflict.
Side note Moroha is only a year or so younger than Hisui, thus only three years younger than Kin'u and Gyokuto. They're all really close like siblings.
As for Sesshoumaru, well I don't think the treatment of his children in YH goes well with his character arc in the original. His whole arc was about learning to be merciful, protecting those who can't protect themselves, and the value of a life, which don't mesh well with his actions in Yashahime. So you could either scrap his twins, or approach their dynamic differently. They don't even need to be twins, because there's already a set of twins in the story or if their twin they'd be fraternal twins of different genders.
What if Sesshomaru found this mysterious hanyou baby in the middle of the woods? He can't find her parents so he hands her to a now seventeen or eighteen year old Rin, who now lives on her own and supports herself, by idk gathering rare plants and fungi in the wilderness. After entrusting the girls to Rin he does help her whenever he can. Rin raises the girls in the village until they're about four, at that point Sesshoumaru invites Rin and the girl to travel with him. They agree and they travel the Japanese country side as a sort of found family. Sesshomaru actually trains her to fight and control her demon powers, Jaken tries to teach her to read and Rin takes care of everything else. Sesshoumaru might be training the girl how to use a sword while Rin is off foraging for their supper. It's an idyllic life, that most hanyou children would only dream of. There's no child abandonment or any of that bullshit.
Time passes they grow closer, and start seeing each other as family. Whenever they stop near a human village Rin tries her best to make sure the girl isn't exposed to any of the prejudice that hanyou usually face, and if anyone assumes that she is Sesshomaru's and Rin's biological child they both get grossed out and will readily point out their relationship isn't like that. So we could either continue giving them a nice happy story or if you want drama I can give you that too.
The girl's biological mother is a powerful demon who fell in love with a human a noble or warlord, and they both died trying to protect her. When she's older her maternal uncle comes around to try to kill her because she's a threat to his power. Sesshomaru thwarts his attempts, and he retreats. The plot just kind of goes from there.
I've had this sitting my drafts for a long time, (i.e. nearly a year) and I do not recall where I was going with it.
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elianajack · 10 months
Unveiling the Best Pre Bridal Packages in Delhi
The bustling city of Delhi has long been hailed as a bridal hub, with its thriving beauty industry offering a plethora of pre bridal packages for brides-to-be. As the excitement builds towards the big day, navigating through the best pre bridal packages becomes crucial. This guide aims to uncover the gems of Delhi's bridal industry, spotlighting the top pre bridal packages that promise to transform brides into radiant and confident beauties on their special day.
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Why Delhi for Pre Bridal Packages?
Delhi's reputation as a bridal hub is well-earned. The city's bridal industry is renowned for its diversity, offering pre bridal packages that cater to a wide range of needs. From traditional to contemporary, Delhi's salons and beauty centers provide an extensive array of options for brides seeking the perfect pre-wedding glow.
Skin Bliss: Tailored Packages for Different Skin Types
Delhi's salons specialize in addressing diverse skin types.
Personalized treatments for oily, dry, combination, and sensitive skin.
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Hair Elegance: Transformative Pre-Bridal Hair Packages
Trendsetting hair treatments for Delhi brides.
Incorporation of traditional and contemporary bridal hairstyles.
Delhi's pre bridal packages extend beyond skincare to include transformative hair treatments. From luxurious hair spas to coloring and styling options, brides can indulge in pre-wedding pampering that ensures their locks are as stunning as the rest of their bridal ensemble. Salons in Delhi also excel in incorporating both traditional and contemporary bridal hairstyles, ensuring every bride finds her perfect look.
Radiant Makeovers: Makeup-centric Pre Bridal Packages
The art of bridal makeup in Delhi.
Makeup-centric pre bridal packages with trials and consultations.
Delhi's expertise in bridal makeup is unparalleled. Makeup-centric pre bridal packages not only include the application of flawless makeup on the big day but also incorporate trials and consultations. Brides can work closely with skilled makeup artists to achieve a look that complements their style and enhances their natural beauty.
Holistic Wellness: Spa and Relaxation Packages
Stress-relief and wellness in Delhi's pre-bridal offerings.
Holistic wellness packages that include massages and rejuvenation.
Recognizing the stress that often accompanies wedding preparations, Delhi's pre bridal packages often include spa treatments designed for pre-wedding relaxation. Holistic wellness packages, complete with massages and rejuvenating therapies, ensure that brides are not only beautiful but also stress-free on their special day.
Bridal Glow from Within: Nutrition-Focused Packages
Specialized diet plans for glowing skin.
Integration of nutritional counseling in pre-bridal wellness.
Delhi's pre bridal packages go beyond external treatments, acknowledging the importance of nutrition for radiant skin. Specialized diet plans, coupled with nutritional counseling, contribute to the bride's overall wellness, ensuring a bridal glow that radiates from within.
Top Salons Offering Pre Bridal Packages in Delhi
Overview of the best salons known for pre-bridal excellence.
Customer reviews and testimonials for selected salons.
For brides seeking the crème de la crème of pre-bridal services, Delhi boasts an array of top-notch salons. This section provides an overview of the best salons known for their pre-bridal excellence, accompanied by customer reviews and testimonials, aiding brides in making an informed choice.
Affordability and Value: Budget-Friendly Options
Overview of budget-friendly pre-bridal options in Delhi.
Balancing affordability with value in pre-bridal services.
Delhi's bridal industry caters to brides with varying budgets. This section explores budget-friendly pre-bridal options, demonstrating that affordability doesn't mean compromising on quality. Brides can find packages that balance cost-effectiveness with high-quality services, ensuring that beauty is accessible to all.
How to Choose the Right Pre-Bridal Package in Delhi
Factors to consider when selecting a pre-bridal package.
The importance of consultations and trials before making a decision.
Selecting the right pre-bridal package requires careful consideration. This section guides brides on factors to ponder when making a choice, emphasizing the importance of consultations and trials to ensure that the selected package aligns perfectly with their preferences and needs.
In conclusion, Delhi stands as a beacon in the world of pre bridal packages, offering a diverse range of services that cater to every bride's unique desires. The city's salons and beauty centers excel in providing transformative experiences that go beyond the surface, ensuring that brides emerge not only beautiful but also confident on their wedding day. As you embark on your pre-bridal journey in Delhi, anticipate not just a beauty regimen but a holistic experience that prepares you to step into matrimonial bliss with radiance and grace.
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anglaoshi · 1 year
Red Rapture - Algger - Hello Dance
It’s time to discuss Red Rapture. When I reach for words to describe this piece, I keep coming back to magisterial. It’s not quite an appropriate descriptor in a literal sense, but this choreography feels overwhelmingly authoritative and complete nonetheless. Certainly, the emotional center of this piece is Algger’s leading energy as he lords over the ensemble with a sense of expertise or mastery. So too is there a feeling of historical fiction, anachronism, or place-out-of-time-ness. 
On the subject of Algger as magister, this work opens with a bit of expert insight in the form of a title card, which reads:
In order to be despicable, prey upon other people You can escape the people of the world, but you can’t escape the customs of the world <<--Red Rapture>>
Some notes on the language here: The first character, 以, indicates instruction. And the phrase we have translated as “prey upon” is also used as “rapture” in “red rapture.” From what we can gather, this is Algger’s original aphorism (please chime in if you know a different source!). I appreciate his flair for the fictional here. Highly produced, narrative, or cinematic dance videos usually aren’t my favorite, but I appreciate the plotting effort nonetheless. Many thanks, as always, to our illustrious translator and all-around legionfairy, @briochebread.
The lighting design is an important component of the mood here, with Algger being emphasized by warm white key light in an otherwise dark red scene. Even at the midpoint, where Lancer receives narrative focus, she doesn’t receive the same lighting treatment. This video is more heavily produced than most of Algger’s or Hello Dance’s other works. Even though they are performing in their usual venue, the space still feels unfamiliar and much more self-contained or isolated than this stage usually feels because of the way the light drops off around the edges. The music for this piece is a remix of Mop Head by glitch hop icon edIT, an interesting transformation from its brooding, emotional roots into an impactful and dark sound. I like the costume design too– I believe the 昂 icon skirts are from his Tokyo Gegegay fashion collab. 
Of course, the most notable element of the costume design is the red blindfold Algger wears. The design of the blindfold fabric itself is a bit subdued, and it fades into the red light that washes the set in a way that produces dissolution or ghostliness. Blindfolds are not so uncommon as props in dance, but they’re always a cute little flex. Dancing while blindfolded is quite difficult, since dancers can’t coordinate visually with other dancers or visually monitor their own performance. Moreover, a blindfold changes your balance and proprioperception (the sense of where your body is within space, and how it’s moving). In this case, Algger’s blindfold serves to raise the stakes regarding precision of movements among the ensemble. Thematically, it’s a binding whose removal (at the midpoint of the performance) signals a shift in power. 
The piece opens with a scene in which Lancer, the narrative antagonist, places the blindfold over Algger’s eyes. I think it’s appropriate to read an eroticism into this scene. Algger’s aesthetic sensibilities in this era were heavily influenced by his beloved Tokyo Gegegay, whose work venerates queer eroticism. (Note: The linked music video isn’t explicit but it’s slightly NSFW anyway. ダンスが僕の恋人 is my favorite fetching fever dream of theirs. Mikey is so gender that it makes my eyes feel like they’re melting a little.) Tokyo Gegegay’s eros manages to be hamfisted and bijou at the same time, to a charming effect. Red Rapture’s emulation of the same is underdeveloped by comparison, but one can appreciate the aspiration.
Symbolically, the thick red band of the blindfold ties Algger’s costume design to Lancer’s thin red headband, emphasizing Lancer’s role as the secondary character/antagonist of the piece. When the blindfold comes off, it signals a shift in the balance of power for both the characters of Algger and Lancer, as well as the choreography itself. The first part of this piece is highly detailed, precise, and intricate. The second part carries the ideas of the first into larger, more cinematic designs. As is expected of Algger in this era, the dense and finely detailed hand designs are much better embodied than the fullbody designs. But, being not-that-great is an important stage of growth, and the latter half of the performance still has its share of enjoyable moments. 
The thing about Algger dancing extremely Algger’s Shit in an ensemble is, he really is peerless when it comes to his characteristic techniques. The ensemble has made a really admirable attempt, and when you let the performance wash over you, it’s not too noticeable. Given the plot and the overall vibe of this piece, which relies on creepily mechanical, synchronized, rapid movements, this work is better for the presence of the ensemble. Still, Algger’s hand designs have an inimitable depth of ornamentation, and the incredibly clean margins on their execution are part of his signature style. Frame after frame, beat after beat, image after image, Algger dance is dark time wizardry, and no one else comes close. 
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This open-palmed descending zigzag is the first moment with big impact, an unusual and arresting design. This choreography is built on two major geometric foundations, right angles and half-circles, fractally combined and recombined. We’ll see a descending zigzag like this again in the midpoint of the piece, in a full-body echo by Lancer.
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We see the two-shape motif in this little moment, where the right angle and the arc occur together. This move is almost cutesy. There’s something demonically charming about it. 
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I love these twisting hand circles, a signature feature of Algger’s hand performance through the eras. In this choreography, circles evoke themes of containment and reversal. In this design, digits crawl in a way that foreshadows my favorite design in this piece: 
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This little monster is so creepy! It’s a very strong isolation as well. You can really feel the scramble of the hand-creatures against the immobile landscape of bodies.
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While the first half of this piece is mainly characterized by intricate hand motions, it isn’t completely devoid of big designs: Here’s a baphomet! I appreciate the restraint employed in the execution of this design, which flits scarily through the choreography without stifling the momentum.
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After a long period of heavy synchronization, we get this striking little break. The backup dancers sweep their arms in a hemicircle, and there’s a eerie deceleration to the arc. Meanwhile, Algger has a mini-solo with highly graphical imagery. The designs seem to evoke some kind of magic, perhaps a summoning. The slow motion of the ensemble is juxtaposed with Algger’s quick, precise designs, creating a dreamy effect like swirling haze.
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I quite enjoy this over-the-head hand wave. It’s cute, smoky, and a bit whimsical. Unfortunately, it’s rather lacking in fluidity, especially in the left hand, resulting in an odd effect where the move is half-fluttery, half-fluid. Ambidexterity is hard, and anyway, I do always appreciate a nod to classic voguing sensibilities, with whirling hands set close to the face like this. 
This first part is so great, thickly layered with cute little monster designs in between each of the concept-moments I’ve highlighted here. It’s a 45-second torrent of visual delectables.
The second half of this piece increases in scale, with both the movements themselves becoming larger and the choreographic phrases becoming longer. Here we see the results of the summoning, the unbound forces flowing from precise incantations performed in the first half. 
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In the middle of the piece, Lancer gets the spotlight for a moment, with a series of isolations expressing the motifs of hemicircles and zigzags. In the background, Algger perches grandiosely on a seat-as-throne, removing his blindfold as Lancer dips low with a wavering body.
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When the camera turns its attention back to Algger, minus the blindfold, performing a threatening and triumphant return, exerting physical-magical control over the ensemble (minus Lancer). This second part utilizes a much larger sphere of motion, but it’s still the hand designs that are the most arresting.
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For example, we see the delightful return of hand-creature, another moment of reversal. This movement feels avian, contrasting its previously monstrous connotation. Instead of descending toward the elbow, here it seems to be released from a hip pouch, leaping into the air over the shoulder before fluttering back toward the dancers’ faces, melting into the next moment. This design makes my heart race, so graphic and sharp.
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This big design is the major motif of the second half. Full of rampaging power and malevolence, the monstrous energy assaults cinematic reality itself. This is a bigger and wilder permutation of the circles and right angles we've been seeing throughout the piece.
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There’s a bit of plot in the middle of the second part that I struggle to fully narrativize here. Among the intercut images, there is a shot of the blindfolding scene, then a powerful pose by Algger. At the end of this temporally unmoored sequence (another consequence of the performance’s reality warping power) we see the blindfolding image once more, then Lancer opposes the rest of the group for a mini-solo. At first it looks like they’re going to have a dance/magical battle, the ensemble riffing on Lancer’s moves. But that idea is pretty immediately dropped, and instead, Lancer performs a series of moves that culminate in a force wave that staggers the ensemble, who regroup and move on. I’m not entirely sure what to make of this section from a story standpoint. It’s useful for pacing, however, drawing out some tension with relatively sparse motion, to contrast the energetic and direct finale. 
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This penultimate moment is my favorite in the second half. The little twirl is so bewitching! There’s an exuberance to the execution that makes the character a bit cute. I like the arm wave too, it seems to evoke tentacles, or perhaps tendrils. In many ways, the dance itself, the ensemble, represents an eldritch being. Revealing these unexpected facets at the end here, showing the audience its personality and physicality, is a surprising turn. Where before we saw wickedness and drive, now there’s a hint of sweetness, the charm that is the true source of this being’s power.
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Red Rapture has one of Algger’s strongest endings ever. In the finale, we see a reversal of the introduction. Instead of passively submitting to the restraint of a blindfold, Algger dominates the ensemble, bending them to his will, before degrading us, the viewers, spitting in our faces. I’m a professional, so I won’t say, “yes, daddy,” but also… I wouldn’t not say that. This type of ending is emblematic of Algger’s choreography in this era: kinky, transgressive, and alienating. Choices like this are weird and they make you feel off-balance, the sensation of transitioning suddenly between realms.
Unlike most of Algger’s choreographic work, which is typically set up to document a dance performance without elaborating much utilizing the film medium, this video is heavily produced, with artistic editing, cinematography, and explicitly narrative elements. I certainly don’t prefer this approach to dance performance videos in general. There’s such a gulf between the artistic foundations of dance and film that it’s difficult to synthesize the genres, even for individuals who are expert in both fields. This attempt is serviceable, even pretty good, though– the cinematic elements serve their purpose, creating a depth of story and atmosphere that envelops you. 
Overall, this piece is an excellent specimen of mid-era Algger. Dark, dense, imaginative, and esoteric, it draws you in even as it strands threateningly apart. I cannot understate the appeal of this type of visually lush, thematically occult, narratively opaque work. No matter how many times I watch it, or how carefully I look, there is always more mystery, fear, and surprise that keeps me in its thrall. 
Thanks to @kamicelll for the request! And thanks for your patience- I find that sitting with a work for a while really deepens its criticism. 
Next installment: Worth It, Algger’s charming and lyrical take on the electro-soul masterpiece by Moses Sumney.
I struggled with whether to include these, but I have Opinions regarding Algger’s body in this video. So, if that’s not your jam, thanks for reading, and I’ll catch you next time. Otherwise, put on your “let him cook” goggles and let’s dive in. 
In general, I think fatter dancers are usually more interesting to watch. Thin dancers are terribly common, and there’s something grating about the dance industry’s tendency to cast the exact same body type in every role. Fat bodies are, artistically and aesthetically, highly valuable. They create variety in momentum, friction, and volume far beyond what can be expressed by thin bodies alone. Given the world we live in and the culture of professional dance especially, fat dancers carry a disarming pathos and emotional valence. Dance is infested with a trite devotion to its endless deluge of too-similar bodies, and I resent the constraint. There’s no true artistic reason to choke the human bounds of an art form so viciously. This obsession with thin dancers is art subordinated to mere (fascist) aesthetic. I hate it.
Regarding Algger specifically, he’s gotten so thin lately! Obviously, it’s his body and he can do whatever he likes with it. But a devotee worries. I’ve been spending a bunch of time on Algger’s new videos recently, and it’s quite a different appearance than in the era in which this video came out. He’s got such a normal look right now! His edges are flatter now, clothes drape differently across him, and it’s just so dreadfully ordinary. Ah, maybe I’m pouting too much.
In Red Rapture, the signature features of Algger’s choreography produce a sublime, elegant impact from upon this softer body. There’s a lovely contrast between the sharpness of the motions and the sweeps of Algger’s physicality. At the same time, his body, contrasting the waifish ensemble, emphasizes his role of otherworldly power and dominance. 
I don’t mean to be prescriptive or nosey about Algger’s body size. As I said, I wasn’t sure whether to even mention it here. It’s not really my business. Furthermore, I’m aware that I’m out of step with mainstream opinion on these issues, and I’m not interested in tedious internet bickering. But it’s such an essential part of my experience of Red Rapture. As a piece of embodied performance art, the soul of this work can’t be compartmentalized or dissected apart from Algger’s body (and the bodies of the other dancers, but those are both less interesting and less emphasized by the production itself). Ultimately, my criticism would be incomplete if I didn’t address it. 
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marley-manson · 2 years
Check-Up is so good (aside of course for the rancid Margaret weight gag)
Like! Let me count the ways:
Trapper spends the first chunk of the episode complaining about how horrible the conditions are especially for being a patient and hating everything about the 4077 which ofc is set up for him choosing to stay there for treatment instead of getting treated at a good hospital and rolling the dice with a reassignment.
And of course since the focus of the ep is on Hawkeye and Trapper’s friendship it’s therefore a sacrifice he’s making to stay with Hawkeye first and foremost as opposed to the 4077 as an ensemble.
Both the tearful goodbye scene and the tearful speech at the party.
There are Hawkeye/Trapper Frank/Margaret couple parallels if you squint, ie Hawkeye examinng Margaret and Frank examining Trapper; Margaret’s irritability with Frank vs Trapper’s with Hawkeye due to their “stomach issues,” the framing of that one scene where Margaret confesses to Trapper with Hawk and Frank over their respective shoulders. It’s enough to be fun.
Just a ton of good jokes and good Hawk/Trap content and good fun chemistry between characters in general.
Margaret blowing into Hawkeye’s stethescope in response to his obnoxious flirting and getting to be smug about it before the scene change was hilarious in isolation and more moments like that could’ve made for a great balance between Hawkeye the implausbly cool womanizer of the early seasons and Hawkeye the pathetic womanizer of the late seasons.
Margaret getting gayly flustered in front of the barely-dressed nurses, and Kellye looking cute af in the same scene.
Trapper being tightlipped and irritable and then telling Hawkeye exactly what’s bothering him the instant Hawkeye asks if there’s something he wants to get off his chest.
And relatedly Hawkeye blaming the ulcer on Trapper being the “strong dumb silent type, all cool on the outside” in implied contrast to his own emotionally demonstrative and healthier self.
And Hawkeye’s unwavering support of course, but I think I’m gonna get into that in a separate post.
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astromechs · 1 year
hi! I wanted to make a request and you don't have to do it but, if it isn't too much trouble would you mind expanding your comments on Gamora's writing in vol 3 from an objective perspective?
I felt like you were getting at something I have been struggling with and that's figuring out a balance between what I didn't like and what was objectively not great writing. I saw the movie twice and both times left feeling like it was such a good film conclusion except for most of what happened with Gamora. A few friends said it's because Gamora technically isn't a guardian so she didn't get the same kind of treatment. But that doesn't make sense to me. From my understanding even villains need to be presented as fully realized people for it to be good writing. With Gamora it felt like she was given the most shallow character representation. It also felt like her main purpose in the film for most of the time was to be a physical manifestation of Peter's grief and something for him to work through that nobody else had any real attachment to or feelings about. Mostly because we were never given a good view of the inner workings of what Gamora had been through since coming to the future and what she's been feeling. And due to her relationship with Nebula getting as little development as possible. This seems like objectively bad writing to me. I also thought because Gamora has been the female lead and had a real purpose of her own in the movies, that was still something that could be done for her in vol 3 even if she's not exactly the same due to experience and even if she's not a guardian. It seems to me Yondu and Kraglin have had better writing in the past. Even when they weren't guardians in vol 2 they were presented as fully realized people who have complexity. Plus though she was reluctant and harsh at times Gamora still took risks for the team and I thought that deserved more recognition in the writing.
Also it felt like all the writing for her in Endgame was ignored. She might not be a guardian but she still stood up for her sister and took a stand against Thanos. She tried to encourage 2014 Nebula. All of the things Gamora went through in the movie were beyond overwhelming and they could have built sympathy around that. Instead I felt vol 3 often almost tried to villainize her so that she wouldn't be seen as the hero the guardians were and I want to be mindful of my words but some of the writing around that felt kind of sexist. She's not a villain. she's been put into a situation that's incredibly overwhelming and also awful because it comes on the back of her being previously murdered. In an interview Zoe Saldana said Gamora's dealing with a lot of confusion and Karen Gillian said Gamora's lost a lot of her healing and Nebula sees that and wants to help. I feel like these awesome possibilities were almost nonexistent in vol 3.
I apologize that what I'm trying to say is such an incoherent ramble. It's difficult to express what I'm struggling with and I'm trying not to jump to conclusions but a lot of the ways Gamora was handled compared to the other wonderful parts of vol 3 has me giving it a genuine side eye.
hi, no worries for the ramble! i enjoy reading all y'all's thoughts.
when you look at this story as presented from the first film, while this is generally an ensemble effort, there are three main characters that are focused on more than the others: peter, gamora, and rocket. they're the ones whose entry into the group you're following in the first film. in vol 2, each of these three characters is leading their own subplot, which all end up coalescing into the third act (as all good sets of subplots should), and each of the three characters have their own distinct character arc.
vol 3 has a big focus on rocket, but peter, as a main saga character, gets a well-articulated arc alongside rocket. these are two of the main players in these films, so that's well in keeping with the story that has been told thus far. but remember, gamora had a well-articulated arc in both vol 1 and vol 2, and was one of the three principal characters of this narrative, so suddenly... that's missing. gamora barely has an arc or really any focus at all, so the narrative structure that's been set up from the first film suddenly gets a bit wobbly, and doesn't quite feel in keeping with the rest of the story that's been told.
so i genuinely think, from a story perspective, this film merited more focus on gamora, as a main saga character. you can look at the whole story put together as a whole and peter has a throughline that makes sense, rocket has a throughline that makes sense, but gamora's is a total mess. and i think that makes the overall story just a bit weaker.
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latexxuk · 1 month
Unleash Your Inner Rebel with Bold Latex Fashion.
Trends in fashion come and go, yet there are some options you can take that will never cease to make a statement. Latex clothing has become a trend in the fashion world that shows no signs of disappearing. The sleek, shiny look and the form-fitting look are perfect additions for individuals who are not afraid of stylistic rebellion.
Whether you want to make a bold impression at your next party or simply make an addition of edge to your wardrobe, latex is a great fashion option to go with.
Why Latex? The Appeal of a Bold Choice.
Latex clothing is not merely a visual departure; it is ultimately a lifestyle departure based on confidence and individuality. The material is inherently a great fit for someone looking for a piece of clothing that emanates power and poise. Latex offers a unique combination of stretch and durability, allowing a garment to cling to the body appropriately while still holding its structure.
The glossy high finish of latex creates a look that is unique to latex itself and can make a fashion piece extraordinary. The enormous, gleaming surface of the fabric plays with light in a way other materials do not. From a sleek fitted latex dress or a fitted latex leggings, the fabric transforms any piece of clothing into a specific statement.
Versatility. From Runway to Everyday.
One of the best aspects of latex clothing is its versatility. Latex is prominently on runways and this is largely due to being in the high fashion space of popular celebrity fashion and being linked to avant-garde runway looks. However, this versatile material can work well in everyday fashion choices. If you want to employ an update but keep simplicity, try pairing a latex skirt with a blouse, less aggressive and very chic modern fashion.
If you want to keep things easy and coverage in warmer weather and want a fitted material that offers style and breaks up an ensemble, try a latex jacket over your favorite pair of jeans or a cute top and shorts look, using balance and structure will easily keep aesthetics intact and break any ensemble of your liking. Combining latex pieces with more traditional textiles allows you to sport a bold and approachable look. You can feel the spirit of rebellion and have fun with latex clothing without feeling ostentatious!
Latex for Any Occasion
While latex is often thought to be reserved for a night out or special events, it can be worn on a variety of occasions. A perfectly fitted latex dress can make you the belle of the ball and help you exude confidence while looking fierce on a night out.
In more casual settings, latex gloves or latex belts can add visually impactful subtle detail to your outfit. The exciting appeal of latex can be worn not just as clothing, but nonchalantly as accessories, and luxe latex footwear. Latex boots are an anticipated staple, especially in colder climates for those who don't want to play it safe and want to dig their heels in, while exploring the fashion periphery. Latex can be resoundingly incorporated into a wardrobe upon a lasting styling detail.
Caring for Your Latex
Care and maintenance for your latex clothing may be a concern if you're not used to the customized treatment it requires. It may seem like extra time, but latex clothing only seems to take a wee bit more care than 'normal' clothing. To maintain your latex clothing in the top-drawer condition, it is essential to clean it after every use with soap and water with latex cleanser, to help maintain the cotton-like shine. Properly stored latex clothing can help build a new wardrobe! Store latex clothing away from sunlight and sharp objects, and it should last for years.
The Evolution of Latex Fashion
Latex fashion is an on-trend look that has adopted past and future characteristics from 'underground' fashion. It is now not only accepted but considered fashion-forward, as it is being worn by celebrities in red carpet events and heard in music videos. With designers pushing the boundaries of this medium, there will always be new, innovative, and exciting possibilities for latex design in the future.
Conclusion: Go Bold
If your goal is to break from the status quo and to be the embodiment of rebellion, then latex fashion is meant to do exactly that. It is unique because of its shine, stretch, and style; making it the perfect conversation starter for someone who pushes the envelope in fashion. And, whether or not you are new to latex or have worn it previously, there is always an opportunity for you to explore something new in this bold and exciting world. So, express your inner adventurer! Carry yourself as a bold adventurer in the world of latex fashion, and let your wardrobe do the talking.
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theguestblogging · 1 month
Nora Fatehi Hot: A Mesmerizing Journey Through Style and Charisma
Nora Fatehi has become a name synonymous with glamour, grace, and unparalleled talent. Her rise to stardom has been nothing short of spectacular, capturing the hearts of millions with her captivating performances and undeniable charm. In this article, we delve into the essence of Nora Fatehi's allure, exploring what makes the keyword "Nora Fatehi Hot" more than just a search term but a testament to her magnetic presence.
The Allure of Nora Fatehi
From her debut in the Bollywood industry to becoming a global sensation, Nora Fatehi has made a significant impact with her unique blend of beauty, talent, and charisma. Born in Canada to Moroccan parents, Nora began her career in the entertainment industry with a series of impactful performances that showcased her versatility. Her distinctive style and poise quickly set her apart, leading to a surge in popularity and establishing her as a leading figure in the Indian entertainment landscape.
Nora Fatehi Hot: A Glimpse Into Her Style Evolution
Nora Fatehi’s fashion sense has evolved dramatically over the years, reflecting her journey from a budding actress to a fashion icon. Her appearances on the red carpet and in music videos often feature striking outfits that accentuate her figure and enhance her already sizzling presence. Whether it’s a glamorous gown or a chic ensemble, Nora’s wardrobe choices consistently exude confidence and sophistication.
In her music videos, such as the chart-topping "Dilbar" and "O Saki Saki," Nora Fatehi’s style is often a blend of traditional and modern, showcasing her ability to adapt and redefine fashion trends. Her dance moves and expressions further elevate her look, making every performance a visual feast for her fans.
Fitness and Beauty: The Secrets Behind Nora Fatehi Hot
Behind Nora Fatehi’s stunning appearance is a disciplined fitness regime and a commitment to self-care. Her toned physique and radiant skin are results of rigorous workouts and a healthy lifestyle. Nora has often shared glimpses of her fitness routines on social media, inspiring her followers to pursue their health goals.
Her beauty regimen, which includes a combination of skincare products and natural treatments, contributes to her glowing appearance. Nora’s emphasis on maintaining a balanced lifestyle is a crucial aspect of her overall allure, proving that beauty is not just about physical attributes but also about inner well-being.
Nora Fatehi Hot on Social Media
In the digital age, social media has become a powerful tool for celebrities to connect with their audience. Nora Fatehi’s presence on platforms like Instagram and Twitter is a testament to her popularity and influence. Her posts, ranging from behind-the-scenes shots to personal updates, often receive thousands of likes and comments, further cementing her status as a fashion and style icon.
Nora’s social media strategy not only highlights her fashion choices but also offers insights into her personal life and professional achievements. This level of transparency and engagement with her audience enhances her allure and keeps her fans eagerly anticipating her next move.
Iconic Moments That Define Nora Fatehi Hot
Several moments in Nora Fatehi’s career have solidified her reputation as a hot and stylish figure in the entertainment industry. Her performance in the music video for "Dilbar," for instance, was a game-changer, showcasing her dancing prowess and setting new standards for music video aesthetics. The song’s success and Nora’s standout performance contributed significantly to her growing fame.
Another iconic moment was her appearance in "Street Dancer 3D," where her dance sequences and screen presence received widespread acclaim. Her ability to blend traditional dance forms with contemporary styles demonstrated her versatility and solidified her status as a leading performer.
The Impact of Nora Fatehi Hot on Pop Culture
Nora Fatehi’s influence extends beyond her performances and fashion choices. She has become a cultural icon, inspiring a new generation of entertainers and fashion enthusiasts. Her unique style and charismatic personality have made her a sought-after figure in advertising campaigns and brand endorsements.
The phrase "Nora Fatehi Hot" is more than just a reflection of her physical attractiveness; it represents a broader cultural phenomenon. Nora’s impact on pop culture is evident in the way she has set trends and influenced public perceptions of beauty and style. Her success serves as an example of how talent and charisma can resonate with audiences across diverse backgrounds.
Nora Fatehi Hot: Future Prospects and Endeavors
As Nora Fatehi continues to make waves in the entertainment industry, her future prospects look incredibly promising. With numerous upcoming projects and collaborations, she is poised to further establish her presence in the global arena. Her dedication to her craft and her ability to continually reinvent herself ensure that she will remain a prominent figure in the world of fashion and entertainment.
In addition to her professional achievements, Nora’s philanthropic efforts and advocacy for social causes highlight her commitment to making a positive impact. Her involvement in various charitable initiatives underscores her role as a responsible and influential public figure.
The Evolution of Nora Fatehi's Appeal
Nora Fatehi's journey to becoming a hot icon is a story of transformation and relentless pursuit of excellence. From her early beginnings in Canada to her rise in Bollywood, Nora has continuously reinvented herself, each time raising the bar higher. Her initial foray into the industry was marked by her striking performances and unique style, but it was her ability to evolve that truly set her apart.
Her rise to prominence can be attributed to her incredible work ethic and her knack for choosing roles and projects that highlight her strengths. With each film and music video, Nora showcased a blend of grace and sensuality, encapsulated perfectly in the term "Nora Fatehi Hot." Her performances are more than just visual spectacles—they are a testament to her dedication and artistic vision.
The Fashion Forward Approach: Nora's Style Statements
One of the core elements of Nora Fatehi's hotness lies in her fashion sense. Her wardrobe choices often push the boundaries of conventional fashion, making bold statements that are both chic and daring. Whether she's donning an elegant saree or a modern, edgy outfit, Nora knows how to combine elegance with allure, creating looks that are both glamorous and accessible.
Her fashion choices often feature a mix of high-end designer pieces and bespoke creations, ensuring that she stands out on any red carpet or music video set. Nora's ability to mix and match, along with her attention to detail, makes her a trendsetter in the industry. Each outfit she wears is meticulously chosen to enhance her natural beauty while also setting new trends in the fashion world.
Fitness and Beauty: The Foundation of Nora Fatehi's Hotness
Behind Nora Fatehi’s captivating appearance is a rigorous fitness regime and a dedication to personal wellness. Nora’s toned physique and radiant skin are results of a balanced diet and a disciplined workout routine. She often shares snippets of her fitness journey on social media, inspiring her followers to adopt healthy lifestyles.
Her beauty routine complements her fitness regime, focusing on skincare products and treatments that keep her looking flawless. Nora's commitment to maintaining a healthy and balanced lifestyle is evident in her vibrant energy and glowing appearance. This combination of physical fitness and skincare is a crucial aspect of what makes the term "Nora Fatehi Hot" resonate with fans and fashion enthusiasts alike.
The Magic of Nora Fatehi’s Performances
Nora Fatehi’s performances are a significant part of what makes her so hot in the public eye. Her dance routines are not just choreographed steps; they are expressions of her artistry and emotion. Each performance is designed to captivate and entertain, leaving a lasting impression on audiences.
Her roles in hit songs like "Dilbar," "O Saki Saki," and "Kusu Kusu" showcase her dance prowess and acting skills, blending sensuality with sophisticated choreography. Nora’s ability to embody different characters and emotions in her performances adds depth to her public persona, making her a versatile and compelling artist.
Social Media Stardom: Connecting with Fans
In the digital age, social media has become a vital platform for celebrities to connect with their audience. Nora Fatehi’s social media presence is a testament to her popularity and influence. Her Instagram feed, filled with glamorous photos, behind-the-scenes glimpses, and personal moments, offers fans an intimate look into her life.
Nora’s engagement with her followers extends beyond just sharing updates. She actively interacts with her fans, responds to comments, and participates in trending challenges. This level of engagement not only boosts her popularity but also enhances her hotness quotient by showcasing her approachable and down-to-earth personality.
Nora Fatehi Hot: An Icon of Empowerment
Beyond her physical attractiveness and style, Nora Fatehi’s hotness is also defined by her empowerment and confidence. She represents a modern woman who embraces her individuality and shines brightly in a competitive industry. Nora’s journey from an aspiring artist to a global icon serves as an inspiration for many, reflecting a narrative of perseverance and self-belief.
Her public statements and participation in various causes highlight her commitment to using her platform for positive change. Whether advocating for women's rights or supporting charitable initiatives, Nora’s actions reinforce her status as a role model and a powerful figure in the entertainment industry.
Looking Ahead: Nora Fatehi's Future Endeavors
As Nora Fatehi continues to make waves in the entertainment industry, her future looks incredibly promising. With a series of exciting projects and collaborations on the horizon, she is set to further cement her status as a leading figure in Bollywood and beyond. Her ability to reinvent herself while staying true to her core strengths ensures that she will remain a prominent and influential presence in the world of fashion and entertainment.
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cubicdesignzdm · 2 months
Exploring Common Bone Injuries and Their Recovery Paths 
Collarbone Fractures: The Clavicle Tango: Picture the collarbone (or clavicle) as the elegant lead dancer in our bone ensemble. It’s one of the most frequently broken bones. How does it happen? Well, imagine a dramatic fall, a sports collision, or even a vigorous game of tug-of-war. The clavicle says, “I’ll take the hit!” and snaps. 
Treatment: Depending on the fracture’s severity, you might get away with a sling or brace. But sometimes, the clavicle demands a grand entrance — cue surgery! Pins, plates, and screws join the performance. 
Recovery: Like a graceful waltz, collarbone healing takes time. Weeks to months, my friend. But fear not; soon you’ll be back to lifting coffee mugs and waving hello. 
Wrist Fractures: The Radioulnar Pas de Deux: Your wrist bones — the radius and ulna — engage in a delicate duet. A slip on ice, a skateboard mishap, or an overenthusiastic handshake — bam! Wrist fracture. The radius whispers, “I’ll break the news to the ulna.” 
Treatment: Casts, splints, or maybe even a snazzy wrist brace. Surgery? Rarely, but if the bones pirouette out of alignment, the surgeon steps in. 
Recovery: Patience, my friend. Your wrist needs rehearsals. Flex, extend, rotate — gradually. Soon, you’ll be typing, high-fiving, and mastering chopsticks again. 
Ankle Fractures: The Tibia-Fibula Tango: The tibia and fibula — ankle’s dynamic duo — sometimes trip over life’s obstacles. A misstep on uneven ground, a soccer tackle, or a wild dance move — snap! Ankle fracture. The tibia says, “I’ll take the lead this time.” 
Treatment: Casts, boots, or maybe a metallic partner (a.k.a. screws and plates). Surgery? When the bones pirouette out of alignment, the surgeon steps in (again). 
Recovery: Rest, elevate, ice — repeat. Gradually, you’ll ditch the crutches and embrace your inner ballerina. Soon, you’ll be salsa dancing or chasing sunsets. 
Hip Fractures: The Grand Adagio: The hip — the majestic ballroom of our skeleton. A fall, osteoporosis, or a misjudged leap — crack! Hip fracture. The femur (thigh bone) says, “Time for a solo performance.” 
Treatment: Surgery, my friend. Nails, screws, and a dash of magic (okay, anesthesia). Rehab follows — walking, balancing, and reclaiming independence. 🚶‍♂️
Recovery: Months of dedication. But fear not; soon you’ll be cha-cha-ing at family gatherings or sipping tea with newfound grace. 
Remember, bones heal — they’re the resilient dancers of our bodies. So, whether it’s a fractured clavicle or a tangoing tibia, Orthomed’s experts are backstage, fine-tuning your recovery score. Encore, bones! 
Orthopedic rehabilitation deals with diverse conditions — sports injuries, joint replacements, limb loss, and more. Each patient’s journey is unique.
The challenge? Balancing individualized care with efficient teamwork. The triumph? Witnessing patients regain independence, walk again, or return to their passions.
Address: New №85, Royapettah High Road, Royapettah, Chennai — 600014, Tamil Nadu, India
Phone Number: +91 44 4222 9222
Website: You can explore more about Orthomed Hospital on their website: Orthomed Hospital
P.S. If you want to explore more, check out the Cleveland Clinic’s bone fracture guide. And hey, I’m not a doctor, but I’ve got rhythm!
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luxurybeautyreviews · 3 months
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thesassyjewels11 · 4 months
Elegant Oxidized Matha Patti - Traditional Indian Head Jewelry | The Sassy Jewels
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Introduction to Matha Patti
The world of traditional Indian jewelry is rich and diverse, filled with intricate designs and cultural significance. One such piece that stands out is the Matha Patti, a beautiful headpiece that adorns the foreheads of women, particularly brides. The Matha Patti has been a staple in Indian bridal jewelry for centuries, symbolizing elegance, grace, and cultural heritage. Among the various styles, the oxidized Matha Patti is gaining popularity for its unique look and timeless appeal.
The Charm of Oxidized Jewelry
Oxidized jewelry refers to pieces that have undergone a special treatment to give them a tarnished or antique look. This process not only enhances the visual appeal of the jewelry but also adds to its durability. The dark, rustic finish of oxidized jewelry contrasts beautifully with colorful Indian attire, making it a favorite choice for many.
The Elegant Oxidized Matha Patti from The Sassy Jewels is a perfect example of this trend. This headpiece combines traditional design elements with a modern oxidized finish, resulting in a stunning piece of jewelry that stands out.
Historical Significance of Matha Patti
The Matha Patti has a rich history, deeply rooted in Indian culture and traditions. It is believed to have originated in the Mughal era, where it was worn by queens and noblewomen. Over time, it became an essential part of bridal attire in various regions of India, particularly in Rajasthan and Gujarat.
Traditionally, the Matha Patti is worn along the hairline, with a central pendant or tikka resting on the forehead. This piece of jewelry is not just an ornament but a symbol of auspiciousness and prosperity. It is often passed down through generations as a cherished heirloom, carrying with it stories and memories of the past.
Why Choose Oxidized Matha Patti?
The oxidized Matha Patti offers several benefits that make it a popular choice among modern brides and jewelry enthusiasts. Here are some reasons why you should consider adding this exquisite piece to your collection:
Timeless Appeal: The oxidized finish gives the Matha Patti a vintage look that never goes out of style. It complements both traditional and contemporary outfits, making it a versatile accessory.
Durability: Oxidized jewelry is known for its durability. The oxidation process helps protect the metal, ensuring that your Matha Patti retains its beauty for years to come.
Unique Look: Each oxidized Matha Patti is unique, thanks to the intricate detailing and the distinct finish. It adds a touch of individuality to your ensemble, making you stand out in any crowd.
Cultural Significance: Wearing a Matha Patti is a way to honor and celebrate Indian culture. The oxidized version, with its antique charm, adds an extra layer of cultural richness to your look.
Styling Your Oxidized Matha Patti
Styling the Elegant Oxidized Matha Patti is an art in itself. Here are some tips to help you make the most of this beautiful piece:
Pair with Traditional Attire: The Matha Patti looks stunning with traditional Indian outfits like lehengas, sarees, and Anarkali suits. Choose outfits with intricate embroidery or mirror work to complement the detailed design of the Matha Patti.
Hair Styling: The Matha Patti is typically worn with a center parting. You can leave your hair open in soft waves or tie it in a neat bun or braid. Ensure that the central pendant or tikka is aligned perfectly on your forehead for a balanced look.
Minimalist Jewelry: Since the Matha Patti is a statement piece, keep the rest of your jewelry minimal. A pair of earrings and a simple necklace will suffice, allowing the Matha Patti to be the focal point.
Makeup: Opt for a traditional makeup look with bold eyes and a neutral lip color. This will enhance the elegance of the Matha Patti without overpowering it.
The Sassy Jewels Collection
At The Sassy Jewels, we pride ourselves on offering a curated collection of traditional Indian jewelry that blends timeless elegance with modern trends. Our Elegant Oxidized Matha Patti is crafted with precision and attention to detail, ensuring that each piece is a work of art.
Our collection features a variety of designs, from simple and understated to elaborate and ornate. Whether you're a bride looking for the perfect headpiece for your big day or someone who loves to accessorize with unique jewelry, we have something for everyone.
Caring for Your Oxidized Matha Patti
To ensure that your Elegant Oxidized Matha Patti remains beautiful and durable, it's important to take proper care of it. Here are some tips to help you maintain its luster:
Store Properly: Keep your Matha Patti in a jewelry box or pouch to protect it from dust and moisture. Avoid storing it with other jewelry pieces to prevent scratches.
Clean Gently: Use a soft cloth to gently wipe your Matha Patti after each use. Avoid using harsh chemicals or abrasive materials that can damage the oxidized finish.
Avoid Water: Remove your Matha Patti before showering or swimming. Prolonged exposure to water can affect the oxidized finish and reduce its longevity.
Handle with Care: Be gentle when handling your Matha Patti. Avoid pulling or tugging on the delicate chains and pendants to prevent breakage.
The Elegant Oxidized Matha Patti from The Sassy Jewels is more than just a piece of jewelry; it's a symbol of tradition, elegance, and timeless beauty. Whether you're adorning it for a special occasion or adding it to your collection as a cherished heirloom, this exquisite headpiece is sure to make a lasting impression.
Explore our collection today and discover the perfect Matha Patti to complement your style and celebrate your cultural heritage. With The Sassy Jewels, you can embrace the beauty of traditional Indian jewelry with a modern twist.
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mydecorstore · 4 months
Where to Find Quality Roller Blinds Parts?
Are you trying to find replacement parts for your roller blinds that will improve their functionality? You are at the ideal location! With our comprehensive assortment of roller blind parts, you can simply find what you need to repair or uphold your roller blinds. Our roller blind parts are built to the uppermost standards of quality and dependability, so even if you are an expert installer or a do-it-yourself enthusiast, you can trust on them to help you achieve the perfect balance of chic and functionality in your home. 
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Improve Your Window Treatments: A Guide to Curtains and Roller Blinds for Workroom Supplies
Having the suitable parts and materials is crucial for refining the functionality and aesthetic of your window actions. To easily elevate your space, glance our wide selection of curtain workroom supplies, vertical blind mechanisms, and roller blind parts.
Roller Blinds Parts: Boost the Efficiency of Your Blinds
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Vertical Blind Accessories and Vertical Blinds Parts : Provide Tailored Solutions
Locating the appropriate components and accessories is essential for vertical blind users in order to create solutions that are specifically tailored to their needs. Though our accessories offer functionality and style to your window actions, our vertical blind parts guarantee unified operation and a secure installation. By our selection of vertical blinds mechanisms and add-ons, you can quickly and simply customize your blinds to ensemble your space and favorites.
Spares for Vertical Blinds : Guarantee Durability and Effectiveness With our variety of replacement parts and spares, you can extend the life of your vertical blinds. We give a range of replacement parts for vertical blinds, from louvres to carriers, to contribution you in custody them functional and attractive. You can be self-assured that your vertical blinds will last to operate at their best for many years to come since our spare parts are made from premium resources that guarantee longevity and dependability. Curtain Workroom Supplies: Resources for Expertise
Consuming access to high-quality materials is vital for people in the curtain-making business to produce finished products that are expert. With all you need to make gorgeous window treatments, our curtain workroom supplies are prudently chosen to satisfy the stresses of curtain makers and designers. We provide a wide selection of materials to assist you in realizing your curtain designs, ranging after fabric to lining, trimmings to tools. 
Last but not least, our extensive selection of blinds parts, accessories, and curtain workroom supplies has you covered whether you're updating your roller blinds at home or working on a curtain project professionally.
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