#for ME specifically
getvalentined · 1 year
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So, in spite of suing multiple other companies with the assertion that scraping user content for generative AI training is illegal, Long Rodent has decided that the dead bird is going to do the same thing! Natively! On-platform! To train his own new generative AI engine!
With this in mind, I cannot impress this vehemently enough:
If you are on Twitter as a creator of any kind, it's time to pack up your work and GET THE HELL OUT.
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from rayne fisher-quann’s latest substack post
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avengingannie · 1 month
Can Dropout please enlist Aabria to host a rom-com season of NSBU called Never Stop Meeting Cute????
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rayanroar · 3 months
Thiollier elden ring is so funny to me I haven't done much of the dlc yet but the fact he's like 'hey I'm thiollier I'm the biggest idiot alive and a hawk can carry me away easily anyway do you want my drink of instantly kill yourself?'
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guccigarantine · 11 months
they should invent a body that doesn’t hurt
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bluu3berry · 1 month
comfort art
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!! Heavy uncanon Valentino alert !!
I fucking love this dudes design, wanna hug him sm tbh, prolly get kicked but whatever!!! I don't support this dudes actions (duh)
Don't repost, reblogs encouraged
@anon-coke @scramble-eg @the-second-reason
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lennjamin-o7 · 2 months
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fluffypotatey · 3 months
evil swk only it's him finally fed up with everyone hurting mk so he kills the latest villain of the week and takes the powers of the Jade Emperor for his own thus: Monster (epic)
oops, hands slipped!
He meets MK on accident. Sun Wukong does not make it his ordeal to wander where mortals are near, but sometimes needs must. his little Suns have chosen to pester him about this specific brand of chips (how they ever got their hands on a bag of chips in the first place is a mystery of itself), so after hours of twisting his arm, Wukong obeyed their pleading cries and whines.
the accident came when Wukong found himself run over by a meager delivery cart. the boy, probably only two decades old, hopped off his death kart immediately, apologies spilling from his lips while Wukong debated throwing his disguise down the gutter and raising this whole block to the ground.
“—you have to understand! The Megapolis Grand Prix has a grand prize of an immortal peach and I thought I could both race and deliver, you know, kill two birds with one stone and all that but—“
“I don’t really care, kid.”
The mortal was quick to shut his mouth and nodded. Another apology was thrown out while Wukong dusted off the spare dirt from his clothes, and he was pretty sure the mortal made sure to follow him back to the safety of the sidewalk. It was a little overbearing, but Wukong was trying to keep a low profile for the sake of a stupid bag of chips. He would rather not bring Heaven or any other celestial’s attention to himself.
The things he did for his monkeys.
He met MK again on New Years. Again, his little Suns sent his out for a task— apparently, some idiot decided to teach them what noodles were and Wuking spent months suffering while they bemoaned and cried about it.
There was a plaza full of food trucks, so Wukong figured he’d find noodles over there somehow.
“Oh! It’s you!”
Wukong was startled by the smile, how it spread wide, so easily like a trained soldier (except soldiers were more fixed and lacked the warmth this smile gave). The mortal stood behind one of the windows of a truck, apron tied around him.
Wukong grunted put a hello.
“Can I get you anything?”
“Eight helpings of noodles.”
“Wow, that’s quite the haul! Got a party or something?”
“More like a family of rascals.”
The mortal laughed, quickly writing down the order before placing somewhere near the kitchen. There followed some indignant shouting about the order while the mortal— MK, the cool called him MK— placated and answered all the cook’s questions.
“It’ll be ready in an hour? Maybe longer.”
The third time, he found MK through his monkeys. A mortal, they had chirped at him, a mortal on the beach! Color him surprised when it was his mortal he found. How he got past the volcanic mountains was something he figured MK would tell him when he woke up.
And, boy, did he ever.
MK told Wukong of his old sworn brother, the Demon Bull King, and the would-be Spider Queen. Two demons who found it in their heads that Megapolis was their city, and neither were keen on sharing. And both seemed to believe that their solution was a secret weapon hidden in Wukong’s vault.
“And we thought— my friends and I— that if we found it first, then they wouldn’t be able to.”
It was a hilarious story. One Wukong made sure to laugh at in MK’s face. Because really, why would either demon think they had the balls to invade his island?
“I’m serious! We need to find it now or else they’ll—“
“Tell me, MK,” Wukong spoke, keeping a bright smile on his face. It was different from the ones MK would share. Less genuine and more senile. “How much do you truly know about me?”
Finding the terror in the mortal’s eyes shouldn’t have been endearing, but Wukong would argue that after receiving plenty, he was open to judge them all. While MK was slow on the uptake on who he was talking to, he was a quick learner in figuring out just how dangerous Wukong could be.
In the end, neither of the demons stepped foot on his island. And if he had to twist their arms a little to ensure there would be no future attempts of them sneaking in, that was between Wukong and them. The fact that a little delivery boy was included in that clause was neither here nor there.
The fourth time was when Azure made his appearance on Wukong’s island, smiling and laughing as if none of the past millennia had ever happened. Wukong played a good host to his old brother even while his skin crawled and his little Suns whined. But that all came to pause when out of Azure’s scroll came MK and more of his old brothers.
“So you used him,” he asked, eyes closely watching the mortal shake and tremble (he was mumbling something too but Azure was speaking too loudly).
“We needed someone on the inside in order to retrieve the rest of our brothers. With all of us here and reunited, we can finally put Heaven in their place!”
Wukong tilted his head. “What of the Bull King?”
He watched MK flinch when Azure scoffed, the mortal clutching his robes tighter. He was still in shock, but it would not last long. The new buzz of magic told him as much.
“He has forsaken the cause.” There seemed to be more but MK finally cracked.
“You said we’d free my friends.”
Wukong raised a brow, watching Azure’s careful sigh and friendly smile.
“And we will, but there is something I must do first. You have to understand?”
MK shook his head. “You promised. I’d go in the scroll and free my friends. You said you’d help me—“
“And I will, MK.”
“No you won’t.”
All eyes faced Wukong. He saw as Peng rolled their eyes, ever the dramatic one, but Wukong chose to ignore him.
“Azure is too set on his goal of overthrowing the Emperor that no other task will matter until that endeavor is complete.”
“And we will complete it. Wukong, you are not one to be so glum.”
“A lot has changed.”
“So much that you would turn your back once more to us?”
Wukong watched as MK’s eyes pleaded at him.
“I would.”
Given that he was the last one in possession of the missing memory scroll, the Diyu was quick to point their fingers on Wukong and claim MK as his accomplice. How they came to that conclusion was, quite frankly, insane and stupid of them. Wukong told them as much while they placed him on trial.
“And yet there is no other living soul we can find.”
“Well, duh,” he sniffed, keeping MK behind him at all costs, “I killed them all.”
“So you could have it for yourself?”
“Because they threatened my subjects.”
This one king was starting to get on his nerves. All his questions seemed posed to specifically point all attention on MK and Wukong refused to bring any attention to him. He’s not blind, there was obviously something mystical with the mortal. What exactly, he wasn’t sure. He could just hear Macaque lecturing him about it. As if that shadow monkey knew anything! He just spent most of his time trying to steal the attention of Wukong’s subjects like the asshole he was!
“And so why was this mortal involved?”
Again, the same king. He was a strange one, his magic not exactly the same as the others. Wukong was not liking the look of him.
And it turned out his instincts were right. As the trial continued and he asked more questions, the King began to call MK the harbinger, a title MK seemed to recognize and freeze at.
But in the end, none of their words held any good defense. Not that Wukong expected anything different. In fact, he was excited for it. Both the Diyu and Heaven have dreamed of shackling him down once again ever since his first havoc. So, when the chains came to shackle MK as well, Wukong felt he was excused enough to start a little mayhem.
Or a lot.
Actually, a lot, a lot.
It was only a pleasant occurance that Heaven chose to bring Wukong up to their realm and place him before the Emperor. And if said Emperor threatened to erase MK out of punishment of Wukong’s behavior?
Who is to say that Wukong is not excused from cutting that old goat down to size?
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princescar · 6 months
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A quick piece of my favourite gyaru and solider sister duo dressed as my other favorite gyaru and solider sister duo!!!
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carrionhearted · 2 months
Me when I’m walking around a school campus with my mother, we’re passing by a huge library window overlooking a road… and I see a dead bird in the middle of said empty road. Fresh. I look at her. She looks at me. She goes “NO.”, I go “:3”
And she starts walking faster so I don’t have time to grab him :( ohhhhh the universe hates me… so cruel so cruel… I was gonna use all my acting skills… be like ewww I am so grossed out by dead things but I wanna get this bird out of the road… yuck I can’t believe I’m touching it… let me go take it to this patch of grass and set it under a tree. Out of view from the people. I will do nothing suspicious behind this tree. Do not look inside my bag. There will be no bird. Trust me.
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i don’t understand the mentality online of “anyone who says they have a rare disability/disorder/etc is faking” because like. even if it’s rare, there still has to be people who have it??
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tentacleteapot · 4 months
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happy pride month from everyone’s favorite lesbians, me and my wife @cindretwist !!
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jjanguri · 1 year
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haobin cream soda challenge with baekhyun
successful fangirls
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pandora15 · 1 year
so disaster trio in live action when
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foreverrhapsody · 5 months
okay but
ABC could release the full unedited longer episode online
as a treat
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spaciebabie · 1 year
what is THE pet name where if springtrap called you it you would melt immediately
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