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minirigby · 2 years ago
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Fopi time. Here's my build of @redstarforge's character Fopi, the Toa Kartur of Stone. I've been working on & off on the rest of the team too (some wips in the last slide), but this is the only one I'm satisfied with yet. I don't plan on including these fellas in any stories, since they're not my characters, but I like to imagine they still exist in the world of TfTV. Since I've already got a Toa team who were active & on clean-up duty in Metru Nui after the matoran civil war (who I haven't shared anywhere yet), the one change I did make to my headcanon for the Kartur is that they're actually a relatively new Toa team who didn't transform from Matoran until shortly after the exodus onto Spherus Magna, serving as protectors to one of the many new Matoran settlements on the planet. Credit for the character of course goes to Red Star Games, as well as Oomatu/Perp3tual, and Leoxander, who plays the character. #bionicle #bioniclemoc #bioniclemocs #lego #legomoc #legomocs #toa #toaofstone #fopi #redstargames #rsg #sotc https://www.instagram.com/p/CoinPKvJ6JC/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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redstarforge · 2 years ago
Since we’ve been away for a while, we’re going to be posting some of our previously-released materials here for those of you who might not  have seen them yet: 
Fopi, a Toa of Stone, looks back on his time as an architect in Po-Metru.  As old foes threaten Metru Nui's fragile peace, new heroes must rise to defend the City of Legends...
Fopi is played by our good friend Leoxandar!
Shadow of the Coliseum is a audio-based chronicle of a tabletop roleplaying game campaign by Red Star Games, a BIONICLE fan project.  Using our Doronai Nui d20 system, this team of players will explore Metru Nui in one of its darker, previously-unseen eras: the days following the end of the Matoran Civil War.  Many in the city still harbor old wounds, and dissent rumbles beneath the surface; it is the duty of the Toa Kartur to keep Metru Nui from falling back into the shadows.
This video features "Fopi the Veteran" by Bennet Salter (https://www.youtube.com/user/FridgeExclusives) (https://open.spotify.com/artist/3bplxmgbUkE9mIxG6soq2Q).
The Doronai Nui d20 tabletop role-playing game: https://www.redstargames.org/doronai-nui Shadow of the Coliseum: https://www.redstargames.org/shadow-of-the-coliseum
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beheadedcousins · 1 month ago
the WICKEDLY talented beheaded cousins 💚🩷
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leohiranc · 1 year ago
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contacto. no lo va negar forma de describir su vínculo le había resultado divertida, muy dentro de él, estaba contento de que al menos no lo viese como un extraño. supone que para lo que sea que compartían contacto era un buen comienzo. ' tailandia es caliente, era lo que más me molestaba cuando vivía allí. no podías salir sin sentir que te derrites. aunque es un país bonito, lleno de mucha fauna y maravillas naturales. bastante avanzados con la tecnología y de gente amable ' describe sonriente, porque vive el sol en su piel, la sonrisa de extraños en la calle y lo mucho que detestaba salir a clases cuando no había brisa fresca. irónico que ahora extrañase ese calor. ' después de me dieron el abrazo, viví en bélgica por unos años con mi sire, después pasé un año en australia y terminé aquí en japón. no he regresado a tailandia ' relame sus labios con la punta de su lengua después de admitir aquello, años lejos de un país que pensó nunca abandonar. ' ¿tú? me hablaste de rusia, ¿viniste después a japón? ' intenta conectar partes de la enigma que era roman, no porque quisiera a forma de orgullo o de saber más que el resto, genuinamente le despertaba la curiosidad la vida del ventrue y como la ha pasado antes de que sus caminos se cruzaran aquel día lluvioso. ' claro, no te gusta compartir ' termina por reírse porque ese era chiste recurrente entre ambos, particular personalidad de roman siempre es relevante cuando quiere bromear con él. le escucha con atención, de reojo observa su rostro en la oscuridad buscando asintiendo de vez en cuando. no sabe si cruza algún límite cuando se acerca a dejar una mano sobre el muslo de roman, demostrándole de esa forma que lo estaba escuchando. no podía ponerse en sus zapatos, él no soñaba ni se acuerda de última imagen que tuvo de su familia, pero puede imaginarse que no ha de ser fácil. ' puede ser una reacción natural de algún trauma que no recuerdes que se manifiesta por medio de sueños, no conozco tu historia para decir que es algo así pero solo te digo lo que leí ' ¿lo retaría de nuevo por no abandonar su muslo? se pregunta mientras deja mano sin moverla. ' así como también puede ser que has visto a estas personas que dejaron una fuerte impresión en ti sin saberlo y aparecen en tus sueños ' con eso culmina, que no quiere enviarlo en espiral de pensamientos. ' me arrepiento de muchas cosas, nunca salí de mi cascarón. no tuve amigos, no salía de mi rutina, no disfrutaba de las personas. es un hábito que todavía cargo conmigo, el ser recluido y solitario, aunque eso lo puedes ver ' ríe por lo bajo, regresando mirada hasta restos de hotel. ' mi mayor arrepentimiento fue el que dijo mi padre, crecer sin corazón ' admite finalmente, alzándose de hombros, terminando por dirigir mirada hasta rostro de ventrue otra vez. ' ¿recuerdas algo feliz de tu vida? ' * @romaahn
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supone que ahora todo queda más claro, era como vivir en carne propia el clásico: nunca sabe lo que se tiene hasta que se pierde. así era para leo y su padre. el vínculo que se anheló y no pudo llevarse a cabo ahora sólo era la memoria del arrepentimiento de alguien más. en cuanto le escucha bromeando sobre la supuesta preocupación, roman pestañea y vuelve su atención al tremere. suelta una risita débil. ' por supuesto. tengo que cuidar del bienestar de mis... contactos. ' elige el término más neutro y que mejor podría adecuarse al tipo contacto que llevan construyendo. porque sólo eran algo circunstancial y beneficioso para el otro, ¿no? el segundo en el que lo mira resulta inevitable imaginárselo como humano, lejos de aquella tierra que no era para ninguno de los dos y tratando de vivir bajo las exigencias de sus progenitores. quizá, y puede ser que asumiera mal, era algo que había arrastrado hasta la inmortalidad. ' ¿cómo es tailandia? ¿vivías allá antes de tocar japón? ' su curiosidad es genuina, él sólo había salido de corea del sur para visitar hong kong o japón, siempre con fines económicos de los que venus no quería hacerse cargo. porque para eso existía roman, para encargarse del tedio, el papeleo, y ensuciarse las manos en el lugar de la fémina. ' sí, claro, ¿crees que te compartiré con dos sucias ratas? ' ahora es su turno de bromear. está consciente de que no tiene el poder de hacerlo olvidar sus penurias pero un cambio en el tono de la conversación le favorecería a ambos. sobre todo cuando no era alguien que sabía brindar consuelo. cuando ha caminado hasta el borde de la terraza, opta por tomar asiento apoyando sólo una parte de su peso en el borde. ' no tengo pasado, leo. ' la vista la tiene clavada en el suelo hasta que decide mirar más allá, en la maleza del paisaje. ' a veces me visita una mujer en sueños. tiene el cabello corto y un rostro... similar al mío. la llevo en mi espalda y jugamos en un jardín. ' esos eran los sueños buenos. ' con el tiempo he concluido que se trata de mi hermana. luego... están las otras imágenes. ' mientras le visitan como flashes, la garganta se le cierra y siente una resequedad instantánea en el paladar. ' no sé si son pesadillas que fabrica mi inconsciente porque sí. o porque... estuve en ellas. sólo sé que hay mucho caos. ' hay explosiones, gritos, cuerpos. pero sabe que ni siquiera debería estar compartiéndoselo, venus no estaría feliz. ' no importa. ' menea la cabeza con lentitud. cuando se siente un poco más compuesto busca al más alto. ' ¿hay algo de lo que te arrepientas? algo que no hayas podido hacer cuando humano. ' @leohiranc
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detikkota · 2 years ago
Wakili Kontingen Jatim, Atlet FOPI Sumenep Raih Medali Perunggu
SUMENEP, detikkota.com – Atlet Federasi Olahraga Petanque Indonesia (FOPI) Kabupaten Sumenep, Jawa Timur, Bagas Syarif Hidayat kembali menorehkan prestasi gemilang untuk Provinsi Jawa Timur pada Kejuaraan Petanque tingkat Nasional di Salatiga. Bagas yang terjun di nomor double open bersama atlet petanque dari Lamongan dan berhasil meraih Medali Perunggu. Pelatih FOPI Sumenep, Fery Wildani mengaku…
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foppydog · 4 days ago
the one month evolution of fopy woaw
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tulisantersarabara · 1 year ago
Garis Akhir
14 September 2023
Impactivist resmi dibubarkan. Dan malam ini menjadi malam terakhir untuk meeting bersama. Ada 8 orang yang ikut dari setengah populasi anggota impactivist. Ada teh sani, teh intan, kak angga, eriana, rifty, deva, fopi dan sarah.
Alhamdulillah. Purna tugas juga di impactivist, daripada bertahan tapi kewajiban maupun tugas terbengkalai mending udahan aja. Biar hatiku nggak berat karena tugasku nggak terlaksana dan tentumya biar anggota lain dapat fokus ke hal prioritasnya.
Sebenarnya, Impactivist adalah salah satu ruang untuk aku berkarya. Aku belajar dan menyimpan karyaku di Impactivist. Lalu, sekarang udah sampai garis akhir, satu ruang telah ditutup untuk berkarya. Huhu
Bisakah aku tetap semangat berkarya? Harus. Sama halnya dengan anggota lainnya, dimanapun tetaplah menghidupkan karya.
Sebelum memutuskan untuk membubarkan, kita terlebih dulu bertukar kabar. Ternyata anggota Impactivist sudah berpindan dan memiliki kesibukan lain. Dari yang awalnya aku kenal pas kuliah, sekarang udah keluar hingga tetap menekuni bidang kesukaannya yaitu menulis. Lalu ada juga yang jadi guru TK, hal yang cocok banget dengan kepribadiannya. Ada pula yang sibuk menuju semester akhir, bekerja, belajar bisnis hingga memulai peran baru sebagai istri. Ah, masyaallah rupa-rupa sekali warna di hidup ini :)
Bisakah kita tetap bertukar cerita meskipun aku nggak pandai bercerita dengan mereka?
Karena meski bagaimanapun, Impactivist selalu menjadi rumah yang anggotanya tuh keren-keren. Aku belajar banyak dari obrolan mereka, pola pikirnya, hingga cara mereka berdiskusi. Untung kita ketemu udah gede, jadi kita bisa lebih dewasa dalam memahami.
Sukses selalu dengan peran masing-masing dan jadilah seseorang yang terus berdampak :)
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swuid · 2 years ago
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soulfulsteps · 5 years ago
Klarpay AG Reviews: Scam Exposed
Read Klarpay AG Reviews and find out if this company is a major scam or a legit enterprise in this Gripeo review.
As the first fintech company in Switzerland with a FINMA license, Klarpay says it caters only to digital merchants, social media influencers, and e-commerce. It provides remittance and cross-border payment acceptance solutions, including digital disbursement services, access to multi-currency IBAN accounts, and global payment acceptance. Mihkel Vitsur, a co-founder of BDSwiss, founded Klarpay in 2019. It was among the first Swiss fintech companies to be granted a banking license under the recently announced Small Banks Regime. This is our preliminary analysis.
Brief Story of Klarpay AG reviews
It appears that Klarpay AG is a kind of spin-off of Jan Eric Malkus’ investing company, BDSwiss. Several of its founders and former executives are important figures in the bank:
Mihkel Vitsur, a co-founder and former chairman of BDSwiss, is the chairman of Klarpay.
CEO of Klarpay and a former director of BDSwiss Group, Martynas Bieliauskas co-founded the company;
Former BDSwiss CIO and CTO Christos Alatzidis co-founded and serves as CTO of Klarpay; Marc Evans, the former CFO of BDSwiss, became Chief Financial Officer of Klarpay in February 2022.
The principal figures of Payabl (previously Powercash21), as recently revealed by reporters, are Dietmar Knoechelmann, his wife Ayelet Fruchtlander Knoechelmann, Ruediger Trautmann, and Frank Schoonbaert, all of whom were formerly Wirecard scheme managers. Former Wirecard satellite programs like Inatec and Powercash21 were absorbed by Payabl (see this story).
Payabl invested in Klarpay and successfully arranged a seed financing round for the latter in May 2022. A total of CHF 3 million was put into Klarpay. Ugne Buraciene, Group CEO of Payabl, was designated as an advisor to Klarpay as part of Payabl’s involvement with the latter company.
The marketplaces
As of August 2022, Similarweb’s most recent statistics show that over thirty percent of the around 10,000 website visits are from Turkey, with the Netherlands and Germany following closely behind. Therefore, it is reasonable to presume that Turkish merchants and/or their Turkish consumers make up a sizable component of Klarpay’s user base.
The Swiss government agency in charge of financial regulation is called the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority. This covers the oversight of other Swiss financial intermediaries such as banks, insurance providers, stock exchanges, and securities dealers. The name and abbreviation of FINMA are typically written in English to avoid giving the impression that one of Switzerland’s linguistic regions is being favoured.
The Federal Banking Commission, which was founded in 1934, was succeeded by FINMA, which was created in 2007. Located in Bern, it is a stand-alone organisation with its own legal identity. It reports directly to the Swiss parliament and is institutionally, operationally, and fiscally independent of the Federal Department of Finance and the central federal administration.
With the passage of the Federal Act creating the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMASA) on June 22, 2007, FINMA was established. By doing this, the Federal Office of Private Insurance (FOPI), the Anti Money Laundering Control Authority, and the EBK-CFB were combined into a single organisation that was in charge of overseeing all financial regulations in Switzerland.
Due to their importance to the Swiss economy, two of the biggest banks in the world, UBS and Credit Suisse, are located in Switzerland. As such, FINMA has a specialised regulatory team focused on each of these companies.
FINMA issues banking licences to all Swiss banks. A “FinTech banking licence” is now an application option for some fintech businesses as of 2019. Five businesses have been licensed as fintech banks as of May 2023:  Klarpay AG, Relio AG, SR Saphirstein AG, SWISS4.0 SA, and Yapeal AG.
Klarpay AG Reviews (As claimed)
Leading financial provider Klarpay AG gives online companies access to digital disbursement solutions, global payment acceptance, and multi-currency IBAN accounts. With a focus on e-commerce, digital entrepreneurs, and social media influencers, Klarpay is the first fintech company with a Swiss licence. Its mission is to empower digital entrepreneurs by providing customised business banking solutions and scalable, international payment options. Established in 2019, Klarpay AG is a financial institution that accepts deposits and is subject to regulation by the Swiss Financial Market Supervisory Authority (FINMA) in accordance with Article 1b of the Swiss Federal Banking Act.
Klarpay AG Reviews: The influencer culture and its impact on digital payments in the future
Could you explain the significance of the influencer culture, which has exploded in the last five years around the globe, to the payments ecosystem?
It is debatable if influencers have changed marketing in the last ten years. Influencers have changed during the course of the culture’s quick ascent to prominence as a potent marketing tool. In the past, influencers’ exposure was mostly determined by the brands they were linked to; but, in recent years, this has changed, and influencers are increasingly starting to establish themselves as brands.
Influencer marketing is just as crucial in the financial industry as it is in other industries like fashion, food, and health. It resonates so well because we are interested in learning about the finest places to eat or who creates the most stylish, eco-friendly clothing since these topics are important to us on a daily basis.
However, people are curious about which brand or organisation is the most honest, which offers the greatest services, and which offers the best solution, since few things are as important to people as their finances.
Klarpay AG Reviews: Conclusion
Influencer.in by media published “The Influencer Marketing Report 2023.” It offers a thorough analysis of the sector, including insights into Influencer Marketing and its current developments. Over 500 survey responses from Indian content creators and over 50 responses from marketers were used to build the research for 2023 between June and August of this year. For companies looking to incorporate influencer marketing into their marketing mix, the research provides useful insights.
The growing popularity of short-form videos—more than 92% of influencers preferring to create content using this format—and YouTube Shorts’ emergence as the go-to platform for content creation were two significant discoveries. This is indicative of more general social media tendencies toward brief, eye-catching material.
Influencer marketing, according to more than 77% of respondents, is a “must-have” element of every digital marketing plan. YouTube shorts are now the most popular content format on Instagram, which continues to be the most popular channel for influencer marketing.
Influencer marketing continues to be a low-budget activity for brands; most allocate only 5–10% of their marketing budgets to this kind of advertising.
Since micro creators are frequently viewed by their fans as more real and relevant than celebrities, 61% of marketers prefer to collaborate with them over celebrities. This can help them be more successful in increasing engagement and sales.
Although mega- and macro-influencers are similarly well-liked, working with them is typically more costly. If you want to reach a large audience quickly they’re a good option, but may not be as effective at driving engagement as micro- and mid-tier influencers.
Influencer marketing in 2023 will be driven by authenticity and short-form videos. According to the poll, short-form films were preferred by 92% of influencers, which represents a significant shift in influencer activations. Over 51% of influencers chose YouTube as their favourite platform.
The most common video format among influencers is short-form content, such as Reels and YouTube Shorts.
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intijatim2022 · 5 months ago
Launching Akbar Kampus 5 Unesa Magetan, FOPI Ikut Memeriahkan dengan Olahraga Petanque
MAGETAN | INTIJATIM.ID – Federasi Olahraga Petanque Indonesia (FOPI) Magetan, juga ikut meramaikan ‘launching akbar’ Kampus 5 Unesa di Magetan, dengan menggelar mini exhibition Petanque. Sabtu (24/8/2024) Bertempat di halaman kampus Unesa Magetan, Mini exhibition ini diikuti FOPI dari wilayah Madiun Raya (Madiun, Ngawi, Pacitan, Ponorogo), hingga Kediri. “Rektor Unesa Cak Hasan merupakan Ketua PB…
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444namesplus · 1 year ago
Aa Aarausi Abit Adage Ade Ae Aeetir Aevaka Aidedepi Aie Ao Aoi Ape Api Apiz Araperti Are Aredi Arei Arep Arese Ari Aropet Asi Asitiri Asoro Atedera Ati Atiero Atigidorru Atira Ato Atovet Bator Betap Bii Buo Dapi Dara Dare Dedap Deii Deiu Depero Dete Deti Dido Diptu Dired Diriri Diro Dirpid Dirpii Ditipir Doi Dorfirvegetat Dortesa Ea Edi Edo Edu Ee Efokipo Ei Eia Eire Ekeo Ekipakrerta Eo Eoe Eperou Epi Epudertet Ere Eri Erip Eriposi Eritiati Eroi Eros Eru Eruvrua Esei Etefpepira Etotikirri Etup Eusu Evatigise Fakkera Fao Fei Fere Ferii Fesurpia Feteteo Fiadi Fiero Fifaia Fifegiburi Figi Firez Firie Firoi Fiteefipu Fiuote Fogi Fopi Futragtiti Gaper Garta Gepo Geriite Gertit Gieaia Gipdo Gipepibee Giteo Goa Gogo Gora Gurorikapte Ia Ide Idod Iduia Iea Iee Ife Ii Iie Iikitog Iito Ikup Ioriru Iotare Ipea Ipiti Ira Ireritate Iri Iripii Iriri Iro Irutpapu Ise Isippi Isue Ita Itapita Iti Itii Itor Itori Ituteo Iu Kager Kapiura Kaua Keerirare Kego Kerteti Kidaperisip Kidsa Meiti Mia Nadaptii Noisir Oda Ofi Ogiitoppar Oi Ora Ori Orig Orireapet Osiri Osit Otepi Ou Paa Padai Padse Pafe Pafi Papire Para Parupis Pausa Pefe Pefi Pekairerir Perat Pereuri Pesa Pesadadetson Pesapariri Pesapim Petue Pifidparie Pifteasi Pii Piipe Pipi Pire Pirgu Pisu Piteifu Pitrooidi Piutaburre Pogdit Poraofi Porapi Poro Portut Poru Pote Poterakri Purorortipi Purpo Putaritor Rabu Rade Rafteiee Rai Raii Rapa Raparai Rape Rapepa Raptero Rarem Rarosret Rarriror Rarti Rasou Rasu Ratfipsi Rea Rebre Redpir Reeipe Reipare Reiroruu Repai Repesaeri Repfat Repo Rerat Rerfe Reropu Rerou Rerupagere Resasatiri Resre Retdoeti Ria Riae Riduoa Rie Rifibu Rigara Riie Riiriii Rika Rio Ripip Ripiu Ripo Riradao Rire Riri Rirpi Rirradi Riseg Risi Risro Rita Ritae Ritera Ritpa Roaefrasrif Roaepe Rodape Rofeti Roiti Ropti Roriti Roro Rorre Rosarusi Rotaite Roti Rotir Rotue Roturdurpa Rou Rozat Rozoiito Rua Rufase Ruo Ruppir Ruro Rusrire Ruti Ruto Ruu Ruupo Safirap Saikupare Sasiktipiso See Sefdopirudi Sefori Segir Sepi Seprat Seri Seritorie Sesi Sesporidrof Seto Setoietat Siaip Sidipi Siedu Sifpato Siiaigo Sipi Sirap Siresi Siru Sitesei Soi Soki Sopeie Soptariki Suderartip Surer Surpe Taapi Tadrepa Tagsati Tai Taoroipe Tapot Tardatese Tatore Tau Tazudi Tebi Teetap Tefefuve Tegdo Tepero Tepetu Tepito Tepu Terei Tereti Terida Tese Tesi Tetepi Teti Tia Tiditea Tie Tifas Tipatu Tipe Tipebo Tipi Tiprer Tira Tirade Tiraporukpu Tireripa Tirite Tisi Tisirozo Titarera Titea Titirdir Titiv Tize Toe Topii Tori Torre Torrii Tota Totefdafi Toto Totrai Tuero Tureri Tutaro Udutrerdav Ue Uo Uodip Upi Usa Usipe Utis Uto Uzo Viroefa Vitipotu Vopoi Ziafa Zifo Zigpu Ziro Zitirrite Ziu Zosda
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zoeyfeistpoetry · 2 years ago
Retrospective Introspective
I started speech therapy at the age of three.
I did not understand what a Cleft Pallet was
but I knew it belonged to me.
I gargled instead of giggled. 
Only my family understood my babbling. 
Understood "Fopie" was my sister Sophie.
The only thing I understood was crafted from a memory.
Kids dressed in aprons of primary colours. 
Each with a bowl. 
Water, dish soap and ink. 
Being given a straw and told to blow and not to drink.
We all made bouncy iridescent balls of tumbling rainbow suds.
Which got bigger and messier when you carried on blowing them up. 
I concluded there was a bubble bath inside of my tummy.
Someone must have washed my mouth out with soap
while I was sleeping, and every time I spoke, 
the soap frothed up and out my nose.
And I would think:
Is this why my nose is always runny? 
Is it the soap bubbles leaking? 
Am I being punished for something? 
Am I being punished for speaking?
In my formative years, I lived in my head.
I now call these my performative years.
The first boy I ever liked was not aware of my existence.
But that did not stop us from having a fruitful relationship.
We tried to marry a handful of times on the Sports field
beneath two evergreens that grew into each other,
creating a fated and free-forming arch.
Flower girls, an officiant, bridesmaids, and groomsmen. 
An isle formed between piles of cut grass. 
I demanded dandelion bouquets, daisy crowns and boutonnières.
The whole nine yards, fulfilled by nine-year-olds.
Humming the hymns, they had rehearsed in assembly.
However, my fiancé never made it.
Thwarted by malign stars.
Understudies had to take his place.
I refused to reschedule.
It was better to improvise the scene.
Preserve my dignity. 
Marry the stranger.
Annul later, after lunch, alone. 
Or play divorce tomorrow at break time. 
I remember this day so vividly.
One where the spotlights were on me.
But for once, I didn't have any desire for them to be. 
I got in trouble for not listening in class.
For talking to others, but I didn't know how to stop. 
My punishment: embarrassment. 
One of my biggest fears. 
I would feel sick and shake and get a red face and hot ears.
And the teacher, whose name I have gladly forgotten.
Made me stand up. Made everyone watch. 
Asked me if I had done any times tables revision. 
To both of our surprise 
I said yes, but I knew I had not.  
She made me recite, out loud, the times' threes.
I remember avoiding her eyes, talking at the floor.
I started reciting my threes, but they mixed up with my fours.
And she made me get the times' tables book but,
I had left it at home, again. 
So, she shouted at me, and I cried and, 
at that moment, I internalized,
Too much guilt and shame to attempt to describe. 
I remember starting a new school in year four.
New uniform, new peers, new subjects to endure. 
Feeling pathetic and apathetic, I knew I wasn't supposed to be there.
I distrusted my new teacher as he said he had never taught before.
He was short and would gnaw pens until they burst in his jaw.
Ink would splatter on his face, hands, shirts, and ties.
I was not the one who needed to learn a lesson in my eyes. 
Eventually, I would feel claustrophobic in the classroom:
Choked by cacophonous murmurs of mental maths.
Irritated by shuffling chairs against sandpaper carpets. 
A ticking and tock-ing provoking from a clock, I couldn't read. 
To avoid attention and tears I would have to leave
I always left without asking permission.
Anxious eyes were hidden from the teacher's vision.
Fearful, he would crouch down beside me.
Glazed eyes and pen breath.
Repeating the exact vague instructions.
Until one of us had no patience left. 
Never sure of time passing and barefaced to broken rules.
I would get lost for too long in the reverie of halls.
Pausing for self-portraits, Picasso's painted by tots. 
High fiving the Cueva de las Manos, stretched on unbalanced tiptoes.
Marvelling at murals, tsunamis of colour washed away my woes.
A school friends mother taught me to read in year five. 
I was already ten and should have had comprehended comprehension by then.
She was the teaching assistant in my class. 
She would take me out of lessons for extra reading sessions.
I was just happy to miss maths.
I read at a slower pace, still reading key stage one. 
While everyone else read about Hogwarts and Narnia 
I was stuck with Biff and Chip and a time-travelling magic key.
I was very used to their adventures.
I would try to deduce the plots.
Make use of the illustrations and guess a lot. 
Reading phonetically tested my patience, but she stopped me from storming off. 
Making me finish the book no matter how long it took.
I remember the moment reading made sense. 
When the last puzzle piece had been dropped.
When the key shone gold, and the door was unlocked. 
I could read a whole sentence, and it would make sense.
Reading now felt like breathing! 
Pride in myself, an unexplored and unusual feeling. 
I owe her to this day for paying attention and,
For noticing that I couldn't pay attention.
Because of her, I embarked on innumerable adventures.
I could now escape into big kid fantasies.
Her lessons were the magic key to my success. 
So, in secondary school, my silly little daydreams became silly little jokes. 
Incapable of focusing or asking for help. 
I turned toward clowning to cope. 
It was easier to make people laugh than to do long-division.
Blindly copying calculus in class,
deflecting equations with anecdotes and wisecracks,
Comedy became currency. 
Imagination: both blessing and curse. 
My friends wanted me with them in lessons and,
I wanted to appear to be doing well and not dwell on my shortcomings.
I was a student striving to be marginalized. 
Surviving by being undetectable.
Drawing little attention to myself or 
the doodles in my margins.
When I finally did ask for help, 
Nobody believed me.
Assuming it to be part of my act.
I was Ian Cognito.
So, I stopped asking for help.
Nobody likes a sad clown. 
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vhsxxx · 2 years ago
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foppydog · 9 days ago
i need to make a fopy ref sheet.. hes so SILLY 🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿🪿
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baliwakenews · 2 years ago
Bali Ikut Serta di Kejurnas Petanque, Kirim 8 Atlet  
Denpasar, Baliwakenews.com Pengprov Federasi Olahraga Petanque Indonesia (FOPI) Bali memastikan ikut ambil bagian di Kejuaraan nasional (Kejurnas) yang dihelat pada 12-16 Oktober 2022 di Stadion Seruni, Kota Cilegon, Banten. Kejurnas itu sendiri diikuti total 29 provinsi. Ketua Umum Pengprov FOPI Bali, Nyoman Yamadhiputra, Kamis (6/10), di kejurnas tersebut Bali mengutus 8 atlet terdiri 4 putra…
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bokuman · 4 years ago
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One is an impostor. Support me on patreon for more content! patreon.com/bokuman or my visual novel/games projects. patreon.com/Bokumanstudio #amongus #waifuoncouch #waifucasting #waifu #anime #waifuhub #waifubus https://www.instagram.com/p/CIE7vy-FOPi/?igshid=1ia33gw4kyva1
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