#footling breech
renee-writer · 2 years
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Loved Her First Chapter 66
He rubs her back. She lays on her side, half asleep. He knows how hard she has been working. With the twins starting to walk, her work load has increased. Not that he doesn’t help as much as he can, but somethings he can’t help with.
Their daughters pregnancies are her major stress. Marsali’s is going well but she is keeping a close eye. Faith now… he sighs just thinking about it. All that she has shared that can go wrong, weigh on him.
“Small, born to soon, born dead, her blood pressure can raise causing all kinds of problems.”
He was afraid to ask but did. “What type of problems?”
“Seizures, swelling, strokes, she could die.” she admitted. “But, I will not let that happen!”
“Can you see them safely delivered?”
He recalls her hesitation. “I believe so.  She has some good qualities that will help. She is young and strong, well nourished. She won’t be delivered by a ill-equipped or ill-advised person. Resting and keeping them in as long as possible will also help.”
“Tell me what to expect.” She had looked at him like he was insane.
“Are you planning on being there?”
“If she wishes me too.” She has hugged him tight. He will always try to be the hero they need. It is his job as their papa.
“They may, no, probably will, want to come out the wrong way. I can deliver a footling breech,” she had frowned as she was trying to convince herself, “but depending on how they are laying, they could be sideways. I may have to try to move them inside. If that doesn’t work, I will have to do a Cesarean section, have to cut her to remove them.”
He shudders anew, thinking about that. She has fallen asleep, he is glad to see. Beside them, Caelen and Ainslie sleep in a berch bed, together. He smiles over at them. All his children are a blessing and his grandchildren. He would give his life to see them safe. All he can do right now is to support their mama and grandma. With that in mind, he continues to massage her back, relaxing her into a deeper sleep.
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recentlyheardcom · 15 days
“Delivering a mother with footling breech baby in an ambulance
Author Kamugisha John Bosco Published July 23, 2023 Word count 466 A man in labour ward was a foreigner during our time of training in 2005! It was difficult for the hospitals to accept males in Maternity ward but later this became a nightmare as more males were admitted to also work in Maternity department. Working in Emergency Medical Services is something I applaud since 2008 with Global…
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priyaarorra · 6 months
If your baby is in a breech position, here’s all you need to know
During pregnancy, as your baby grows, have you ever felt the kicks or wiggles due to the twists and turns of the baby? Throughout the pregnancy, babies tend to move in the uterus, resulting in the mother feeling the kicks on their stomach, the baby’s head down in the pelvis one day, and on the upside near the rib cage the other day.
In most cases, when you are expecting and visit your doctor, you might have noticed your physician checking your baby’s position from time to time, especially during the last month. The check-up is done to know exactly about the baby’s position in the womb and Complications of Pregnancy if any, as it is directly linked with your labor and delivery. In the process of twists and turns, most of the babies move into the delivery position, i.e., head first, a week before the delivery time, but in a few cases, this does not happen. Under this condition, the feet or the butt of the baby are positioned to get delivered first, and in medical terms, this position is termed as breech position or presentation.
What is a breech baby?
A breech baby, or breech birth, is when your baby’s feet or buttocks are positioned to your vagina  and come out first. The bottom of your baby is closest to your vagina, and its head is closest to your chest. The majority of newborns will migrate naturally to position their head to emerge from the vagina first when they are born. Early in pregnancy, breech newborns are frequent; by 36 weeks, most babies will turn to face up. The safest birth position is when the baby is head first, or in a posture known as vertex presentation.
How common is a breech baby?
There is a small chance that your baby will not move into a head-first position before 37 weeks. Breech babies make up approximately 3% to 4% of all full-term pregnancies.
Positions of the Breech Baby 
Depending on how the baby is in the uterus, there are mainly three positions of baby breech: complete, frank, and footling. Each position explains a different presentation of the baby in the uterus.
1. Complete breech baby
The complete breech presentation of the baby is when the butt points down, the legs are folded with the feet tucked in.
2. Frank breech baby
The frank breech presentation of the baby is when the butt points down and the legs are straight up with their feet near the face or head.
3. Footling breech baby
The footling breech presentation of the baby is when one or both of the feet point downwards with the butt being positioned towards the birth canal.
3. Transverse lie
This is a type of breech presentation in which your baby is placed horizontally across your uterus rather than vertically. As a result, their shoulders would enter the vagina first.
Read More :- IVF (In Vitro Fertilization)
What causes a breech pregnancy? 
The movement, twists, and turns of the baby in a pregnancy are considered normal as they are required to get the baby in place before delivery, but the breech position is something problematic. In a breech pregnancy, the baby does not move into the delivery position; instead it stays in a bottom-down position.
As per the reports and doctors, the exact causes of a breech pregnancy are not known, but there are several different reasons which may or may not be responsible for a baby’s position in the wrong way. The situations that follow are:
1. There are two or more babies.
2. If the baby is premature.
3. If there is an abnormal level of amniotic fluid.
4. If the mother has placenta previa.
5. If the woman has had several pregnancies.
Symptoms and Causes
How can you tell if your baby is breech?
If you've had previous pregnancies when your baby was head-first, you might be able to detect if your baby is breech. Your baby may be breech if you feel lumps and kicks in certain areas. Inform your healthcare practitioner of any movement you notice. To confirm that your baby is breech, they will feel your belly or perform an ultrasound.
What causes a baby to be breech?
It’s not always known why a baby is breech. Some factors that may contribute to this position are:
If You have multiples (twins or more). In this situation  it is harder for each baby to get into the right position.
Amniotic fluid is either too much or too little.
If your uterus is out of shape or has abnormal growths like fibroids. The uterus is usually shaped like an upside-down pear. If it is formed differently, a full-grown infant may not be able to migrate into position.
The placenta covers all or part of the cervix
The baby is premature. This suggests they are less than 37 weeks gestation and may not have turned to a head-first position.
Your Kid has a birth defect that causes them to not turn their head-down.
Diagnosis and Tests
How is a breech baby diagnosed?
Your gynaecologist will tell you in which position your baby is , by putting their hands at certain places on your abdomen.and check where the baby’s head, back and buttocks are,  and an ultrasound may be used to confirm the baby’s position.
When is a breech baby diagnosed?
Most of the time  all babies are breech at some point. your Kid will naturally move to a head-down position — probably between 32 and 36 weeks. Your Gynecologist will feel your belly and tell you where your baby is positioned. This will happen during the third trimester. After 37 weeks,a baby usually does not turn on its own. Your Gynecologist will discuss delivery options with you.
Management and Treatment
What are the options for treating a breech baby?
If your baby is in breech at 36 or 37  weeks of pregnancy, your gynaecologist may:
Try to turn your baby in your uterus into the head-first position.
Plan/Prepare for C-section birth.
Plan/Prepare for a vaginal breech birth.
Is it possible to turn a breech baby?
At the very first sign of this scenario of a breech baby, it is important for you to consult your doctor and accordingly plan on what to do further. To turn a baby, there are several ways with varying success rates depending on the reason for your baby's breech. As long as you are in consultation with your doctor and try a safe method, there is no harm. For people residing in the area of the UAE, you can visit the New Concept Clinic for Best Pregnancy Check Up in the UAE.
The possible ways mentioned below are the options of how you can turn the position of a breech baby into a normal one.
1. Medical methods
Under the medical techniques of turning a breech baby, there are two options to go with. The first is an external cephalic version, and the second is chiropractic care.
Through the EVC method, the doctor applies pressure or ultrasound to your stomach to turn your baby in the right position. It is performed around the 37th week of the pregnancy.
Through the chiropractic care method, the breech baby is turned naturally by decreasing the stress on a pregnant woman’s pelvic, uterus, and surrounding ligaments.
2. Natural methods
Under the natural methods of turning a breech baby, there are several options like inversion, usage of essential oils, music, acupuncture, etc. Under the inversion method, the breech baby is encouraged to tilt by standing in different positions, propping their hips, or using the stairs to make it move.
Using essential oils and music is another way of turning a baby. It includes using suitable essential oils on the stomach and using a headphone or a speaker at the bottom of the uterus to encourage them to turn.
Read More :- Cryptic Pregnancy 
                            Nipple Discharge
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UNIT- 8 ABNORMAL LABOUR ASSESSMENT AND MANAGEMENT   varities of breech presentation ? Complete ( flexed breach ) Incomplete others : Breach with extended legs [ Frank breech] Footling presentation (25%) Knee presentation Clinical varities : uncomplicated, complicated. Define precipitate labour? A labour is called prescipitate when the combined duration of the first and Second stage is less than 3…
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mcatmemoranda · 5 years
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This is from the OnlineMedEd "Normal Labor" video.
He drew the different breech positions the baby can be in and it looks funny to me!🤣
Frank is where the baby's hips are flexed and the knees are extended.
Complete is where the hips are flexed and the knees are bent.
Footling is when the hip is extended.
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mhaccunoval · 2 years
actually, you were born breech, son. took hours to get you out
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halfway-happyyy · 2 years
Would love something like you’re in labor and Bradley’s there. Just something fluffy :)
ask and you shall receive! also i've never been in labor, so i tried my best to figure it out.
warnings include: mentions of a (traumatic) labor/birth.
An intrinsic change occurs in Rooster Bradshaw a week after he finds out you’re pregnant with his child.
He stops vying for missions he knows he’d be hard-pressed to come back from.
Where he used to do a buck-thirty down the highway on any given day- rain or shine, he now obsessively follows the speed limit.
Unnecessary risks are simply a thing of the past.
So when the doctor tells you in the delivery room that your baby currently rests in the footling breech position (one leg below the buttocks, the other squished up underneath them) his initial reaction is anger. What went wrong? What could he have done differently to ensure that this didn’t happen? And then he starts to barter in his fury.
If you let my wife and baby come out of this happy and healthy, I’ll never ask for another goddamn thing as long as I live…
“I’m scared, Rooster.”
And he is too.
He’s absolutely terrified of the thought of you in pain or distress of any kind; and the idea of losing the ability to hold his child before they can even manage their first few breaths causes the hair to prickle at the back of his neck.
He takes your hand in his and kisses it. “Whatever happens next kid, it’s going to be alright.”
And this is how he pushes through the fear. Because when you’re this far in it- when it’s so close you can feel the blazing heat of it down your back, there’s no other choice but to dive further into it. So, he pushes the damp hair back from your forehead and places his lips there.
“You can do this, baby. I’ll be right here.”
And as he watches them wheel you away to the operating room, a piece of his heart splinters and dies.
Maverick arrives ten minutes later, perspiration shines on his forehead as he removes the aviators from his face. A sizeable bouquet of wrapped flowers hangs from his left hand. “How is she? I came as soon as you called.”
Rooster glances at him, unaware of how to broach the subject without falling apart. “She’s in operation.”
Maverick’s face drops. “Operation?”
Rooster swallows thickly. “The baby… somehow between our 36-week checkup and now, the baby’s changed positions to a partial breech. She’s gone in for an emergency c-section.”
Maverick drops to the bench beside Rooster, the right words fizzle and fade in the hollow of his throat. “I’m so sorry, Bradley.”
It’s the idea of losing everything he’s worked so hard for that brings him to the brink of insanity. So many things were ripped from him that meaningful connections became incredibly hard to come by, until he met you. And it was both terrifying and exhilarating to know that that part of himself didn’t die with his father.
“Did anyone else have a hard time writing their vows?” Rooster asks one evening over beers at the Hard Deck.
Bob pushes the wire-framed glasses farther up the bridge of his nose and shakes his head. “No, I had mine written a month after I met May.”
Hangman guffaws loudly at that. “I’m sure you did, Bob.”
“Oh, he’s not lying.” Phoenix affirms. “What have you got written so far, Rooster?”
Hangman reads the look on his best friend’s face like an open book, his expression incredulous. “Bradshaw, you’re getting hitched in three weeks, and you still haven’t written your vows yet?”
Rooster’s cheeks grow warm under the influence of beer and embarrassment. “I just… don’t know how to convey to her everything she means to me. What her love and support symbolizes.”
Coyote throws a dart at the board a few feet from them and turns to Rooster, his grin wide and infectious. “For the right price my friend, I would be happy to write your vows for you.”
Phoenix rolls her eyes and throws a napkin airplane at his head. “Don’t be a dick, Coyote.”
“I have a rough outline.” Rooster murmurs, defensively.
Phoenix places a reassuring hand over his shoulder blade. “Then the rest will fall into place, buddy.”
“She’s a fighter,” Maverick murmurs, piercing the silence and rousing Rooster from his reverie. “And if the baby she’s about to bring into this world is anything like its grandparents, then you have little to worry about. She is not alone in there, Bradley.”
And it’s then that Rooster hangs his head and gives himself over to the emotions he had been trying so hard to fight off.
And none of this is fair. His wife shouldn’t be in emergency surgery, and Goose should still be here.
Tears stream in rivers down Rooster’s face now but Maverick makes no move to touch him; his unwavering presence is enough- has always been enough. It’s the unshakable bond that two people who have lost something precious to them share. It’s an unspoken understanding; I miss them as much as you do. Rooster couldn’t comprehend any of it at the beginning; even balked at it, but Maverick’s existence in his life has always been a gift.
“I’m the last person you should be going to for advice on wedding vows,” Maverick laughs and throws down the wrench he had been using to tinker around his plane with.
Rooster can’t argue that; the man had been a bachelor his entire life. “You never thought you’d marry?”
Maverick laughs again. “Thought? Maybe. But expectation and reality rarely ever see eye to eye.”
Silence settles between the pair of them; words left unsaid but certainly felt. Maverick wipes the black oil from his hands on a worn cloth and steps away from the plane to give his full and undivided attention to Rooster. “For what it’s worth- she knows you, Bradley. In every way that a future wife can know a husband. And if you are honest in your feelings for her, the rest will fall into place.”
Rooster’s gaze drifts to the cork board a couple feet away. To the smiling photographs of his mother and father that decorate every square inch of free space and something heavy tugs at his heart. “I miss them, Mav.”
“Me too, kid.”
“Mr. Bradshaw?” Rooster jerks up from the curve of Maverick’s shoulder where he had dozed off. Your doctor is standing off to the side, an expectant smile pulls at the corners of her lips. “Your wife has just done a tremendous job. Would you like to come hold your baby girl?”
Rooster’s gaze travels to Maverick’s as if to check for confirmation, and the elder man nods his head, happy tears brimming in the depths of his blue eyes. “You heard her right, kid. Go get her.”
Rooster rushes down the hall to be next to you; holds your face in his hands like it’s the most precious thing in the world. “You did it, baby. I’m so proud of you…” His tears wet your face, mingling with your own as he peppers you with kisses.
“She has your eyes,” You whisper.
Rooster rises from his position at the side of your bed to take his newborn baby girl into his arms. She is breathtaking in her fragility; a true wonder to marvel at her. He traces a fingertip down the bridge of her tiny nose and beams at her. “Thanks for taking care of them, pops.”
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avesblues2 · 3 years
i have a question: aren’t c sections dangerous for women? i’ve always had this notion but research shows me that there are differing opinions? and if it’s dangerous are there other options midwives use if the baby is in breech or whatever it is called?
I wouldn’t say dangerous but majority of the time they are unnecessary. The rate of c-sections has escalated drastically and why is that? Hospitals and surgeons make more money 💰 and also it’s a lack of the medical industry to evolve their thinking of birth and to stop seeing birth as a medical procedure and instead as a natural process.
It definitely is dangerous in the sense of trauma and many women have a long road of recovery. Society doesn’t view c-sections as a major surgery even though it is so women don’t get the proper recovery time to heal.
And yes! Breech deliverers are NOT a valid reason for a c-section unless baby or mom are in danger!! The only reason doctors push a c-section is again because of money because if something does happen in delivery they are liable. But many midwives will deliver in breech just like any normal birth! Before 2000 breech deliveries weren’t seen as a reason for medical interventions and were actually NORMAL. In 2000 a Term Breech Trial Study showed poor outcomes for vaginal breech births compared to C-sections. Multiple studies came out afterward that proved the study to be flawed or invalid, but it was too late to make a difference. The American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology had stopped teaching breech deliveries but almost all midwives are trained to do breech! There are three breech positions, Frank, complete and footling, footling is usually seen as “most dangerous” but a skilled provider can deliver the baby just fine! Breech birth can be just as relaxing and normal as any other birth! Again, these are questions you ask your midwife before birth to ensure that if baby is in breech they have the proper training to help you deliver vaginally!
Here’s a good article on it https://www.all4maternity.com/taking-back-breech-birth-my-journey-so-far/
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semtrainers · 3 years
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Extremely realistic obstetric simulator for fetal extractions at Cesarean deliveries: Obstetric surgery skills and procedural training can be true-to-life with the C-Celia suite of birthing simulators. The material used in the simulator feels life-like (no hard plastics), is very durable and easy to clean.
The Fetal Extraction Simulator features:
Open (post C-section) abdomen simulator to imitate a true-to-life experience for difficult fetal extractions at Cesarean deliveries
Post C-section: Low-transverse incision and uterus with a low transverse hysterotomy enable various extraction maneuvers and techniquesincluding suction assist and forceps
Extremely durable material supports countless delivery trainings
Realistic anatomy enables hands-in-the-body simulation
Fetal extraction methods to assist with the Cesarean delivery include:
Manual delivery utilizing fundal pressure
Vacuum assisted extraction
Forceps extraction
Difficult fetal presentations can be manually positioned by the instructor to simulate the fetal extraction scenario that needs to be trained by the obstetricians and the medical team. Common difficult C-section fetal extraction scenarios include for example:
Cord prolapse
Single footling breech
Prolapsed arm
Triple nuchal cord
Transverse lie
Delivery content:
Lubricant gel
1 set of  twin babies
Open abdomen C-section simulator and uterus
C-Celia Feature Comparison: The following guide gives you an overview of C-Celia’s obstetric simulation features for difficult Cesarean deliveries.
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evermoredeluxe · 4 years
april is having the baby and there is a footling breech so she needs a c-section right now at mer’s and ben is worried cause the last time he did a c-section, both mom and baby died but he is cause there is NO option and jackson is on the phone with arizona and bailey
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I believe this time Begging for sweet relief A blessing in disguise
Night gave way to morning. Muriel had woken first and prepared a simple breakfast. Eggs, toast, coffee, and tea. Julian was up with the smell of coffee. Asra and Celeste weren't long behind. 
Celeste only taking tea, well sugared, not quite able to stomach the idea of food. Julian did put up a small protest, that she needed to have her strength up, but she insisted that she couldn't possibly eat. For the most part, they sat in groggy, early morning quiet. Asra cleared the table when they had finished.
Julian stood and put his hand on Celeste's shoulder. She placed her hand over his, and they locked eyes. She nodded, not needing words. He helped her up and to the bedroom.  Asra was busy at the washbasin, but Muriel watched them go together, scowling.
"Stop," Asra said, quiet. Not turning from his task.
"Stop what?" Muriel replied, not bothering to veil his contempt.
"Acting like Julian is your enemy in some way. He cares about her just as much as we do. Knock it off." He said, plainly.
Muriel turned to stare at Asra, incredulous. "That's the reason why. And you know it is."
Asra paused and took a deep breath. He stared at the wall for a moment, then reached to grab a clean cloth to dry his hands, turning around, his eyes meeting Muriel's. "No. The reason why is that you don't trust them together."
Muriel bristled, opening his mouth. Asra put his hand up, not finished.
"Even on the day she is going to give birth to your child. Our children. You can't allow yourself to just believe that she's picked us? It should be one of the best days of your life. I know it's one of the happiest days of mine. She chooses us every day. This is the ultimate act of commitment. Forget the wedding. Forget the years we've lived in the same house. Forget the traveling and the battling and the actual Devil. She has put us first most every time." He took a seat next to Muriel, putting his hand on his arm. "You have to make peace with Julian. You don't have to love him or even like him, but he's not going anywhere. And he's a good ally to have. Maybe not in the past, but he is now."
Muriel sighed, still tense. "I'll..try." He couldn't quite meet Asra's intense stare any longer, thoroughly chastened.
"Oh, you'll do better than try. You're going to put on the best act of your life today. For her. This is going to be intense, and stressful, and painful, and she needs to know that you're all in for her."
"I'm always all in for her." His eyes flashed, offended at the insinuation.
"Great. Then we won't have any problems." Asra said, a slight lilt in his voice. He slung the dishrag over his shoulder and stood, turning back to the washbasin.
After a few minutes, Julian emerged, coming to sit across from Muriel at the table. "Good news, it looks like things are on the move. She's about five centimeters, so...more or less halfway there. I look for contractions to pick up over the next couple of hours. They're frequent enough now, but not terribly intense."
"How long?" Muriel said, standing.
"I wish I had an exact answer for you. It could be just a few hours, could be longer." He shrugged. "She's getting washed up and changed if you want to help her. I think it would be safe for her to get out and breathe the fresh air. Don't go far, of course. Just..." He trailed off. "...I think movement might move things along. I really don't want her to go into the night if we can avoid it. Not with twins."
Muriel nodded silently. "Thanks." He said, low. Julian gave him a half-smile. Muriel closed his eyes, resigned. Then, went to Celeste.
The hours passed slowly. The three of them taking turns, walking the cabin's perimeter. Keeping her plied with tea and ginger to fight nausea.
Morning gave way to the afternoon. And things were picking up.
Longer, more intense contractions. She would cling to them, her brow slick with sweat, moaning as waves of pain rolled over her. Soon, walking was an impossibility. 
She and Muriel in the front yard. She was bent forward at an awkward angle, her hands on Muriel's shoulders, swaying back and forth involuntarily, knees wide apart. He ran his hands up and down her arms, trying to soothe her. "It's okay, it's okay." He said, a whisper. Possibly more for himself than her.
Julian stood on the porch, watching, leaning against a post. "I think it's time to go set up camp in the bedroom, Lovely." He came to meet them. "We'll wait till this passes." He stood beside, her running his hand up her spine. Every muscle was taut, caught in spasm. "Poor chick," he said with a sigh.
When the contraction subsided, she stood, trying to catch her breath. Julian pulled her arm around his shoulder, and Muriel crouched, taking the other side. They lead her into the house, moving slowly.
Asra was preparing the bedroom, ready to take her in. They sat her at the end of the bed, and Muriel moved in behind her, pulling her back into his chest.
Asra knelt at her side, taking the hem of her skirt in his hands, pulling the loose dress up. Celeste weakly lifted her arms, allowing him to undress her. Julian stood at the washbasin at the side, scrubbing in. "Asra, generally I'd ask your wife, but, as she's...rather indisposed. I wonder if you might help me with my gloves and jacket?" He said, jerking his head towards his bag.
"Sterile?" Celeste said, dreamy, far away.
Julian laughed. "I believe you're the one who saw to that personally. You've had your very own delivery bag packed for weeks. But, we're on top of things, now. Don't worry."
Asra scrubbed and helped Julian dress, fastening the buttons of the jacket up to his throat, pulling the gloves on for him. They looked at each other in the eyes, steeling themselves for what was to come.
Another contraction hit, and Celeste hissed, pressing back into Muriel's chest. Asra was at their side, And Julian was between her knees. "Oh, you clever girl. It won't be long now."
And it wasn't.
A few strong pushes later, she was delivered of a small, pink daughter. Her tiny, pudgy folds smudged with pale vernix. Sparse hair was so light it was transparent. Tiny fists and eyes clenched and wailing from the start. Julian reached up to lay the babe on her chest. She laughed, tears rolling down her cheeks. Arms encircling the tiny, screaming mass. Nobody was quite immune to the tears. Asra's girl.
Muriel kissed Celeste's temple, one long arm drawing Asra into their side, the other rested over Celeste's arms. Asra ran his arm along Muriel's, his head on Celeste's shoulder, enraptured by her. Their daughter.
It took only a few minutes for her to settle, and Celeste passed the baby into Asra's arms after Julian clamped and cut the cord. Her mouth opened and closed, tiny pink tongue flicking out, her eyes fluttering. Still that deep, dark, newborn blue. He pressed his lips against her forehead. So small, precious, and fragile.
Julian, meanwhile, was palpating Celeste's stomach. Still breech. He sighed to himself, quiet. Of course, Muriel's child would be stubborn. "Doesn't seem to want to turn for us, Lovely." He said. "Generally, you take the reigns, here. What do you think?"
She ran her hand over her belly, focusing her magic. "Footling presentation. It...will not be pleasant. But it's manageable. I'm only afraid of cord prolapse. If that's the case...do what you have to. I'm going to try to ease things along with...whatever magic I can manage safely."
Muriel shook his head. "Do you have enough energy for that? Asra is here...he can take care of it."
She sighed. "He may have to, but...I want to try my magic first. I promise to stop if things look dangerous. Trust me."
Muriel drew a deep breath. "Okay. I trust you. Both of you." He said, his eyes falling on Julian. An entreaty, and a warning. Julian nodded, understanding the meaning. 
A few minutes later, contractions overtook her. She ran her hands over the mound of her stomach rhythmically, breathing sharply in and out, pressing back into Muriel's chest. Asra stood to the side, rocking the first baby back and forth, looking on, nervous.
The feet were born first, and the legs swiftly after.  Julian gave a laugh. "She's a long shank."
"She?" Muriel said, smiling. "Another girl?"
Julian nodded, pulling a soft cloth around the little body. Cord prolapse was one thing. But if she got cold, and gasped, it could be equally catastrophic. "Lovely, I'm going in for her arms now. Little breaths." Celeste nodded, gritting her teeth. She cried out when he slipped his fingers in, hooking them around the baby's arms, drawing them down. Muriel gripped her tight until he had finished. "Nearly there. We can let gravity do the rest," he said, his hands loosely on the infant's torso, head still engaged in the birth canal. "Don't push, don't push." He said, low. Steadily, but slowly, the child emerged. There it was, the hairline. He reached back in, finding her mouth. Celeste bit her lip, trying not to jerk. Julian applied gentle traction. And then, she was delivered. Darker skin, and deeply red. And much, much longer than her sister. All legs and arms. Thick, dark hair atop her head.
And utterly silent.
Muriel tensed, and Celeste made a strangled noise. Julian gathered her into his chest, running his hand up her back. "Come on, little one. It's your birthday."
Nothing, no noise. He tilted her back, looking her in her face. Breathing. Steadily. He flicked her foot, and she jerked. Reaction to painful stimuli.
The baby blinked at him, looking...annoyed, her tiny mouth puckered. Julian laughed. "Well. I see that expression is genetic." He looked her over. Good color. Muscle tone. He smiled up at Celeste. "She's fine, she's just all attitude."
Muriel laughed, reaching his arms out. Julian lifted her into their embrace. Once she was cradled in the crook of his arm, laying at her mother's breast, she squinched her face and gave a loud, piercing shriek, leaving no question to her wellbeing. Asra rejoined them, placing their other child at her other breast, helping Celeste support her.
"I'm so tired I only want to sleep, and I don't care if I never sleep again." She said, breathy, raining kisses on both of their tiny heads. Muriel's hands moved into her hair, pressing his lips against her forehead. Asra mirrored him. Love overflowing.
As evening fell, everything had been put back to rights. Celeste laid in a nest of pillows and furs, flanked on each side by Muriel and Asra, and Julian sat at the foot of the bed. They passed the sleeping newborns between the four of them. Counting fingers, toes. So soft, and so small. Heavy, and yet impossibly light.
"I might be partial, but I think they're the most beautiful babies I've ever seen." Celeste cooed, running her fingers over the blonde wisps of the baby in Muriel's arms.
"I'd say you're an authority on the subject, and I'll second it," Julian said, rocking the other girl from side to side gently, swaying.
Asra's chin rested on Celeste's shoulder, looking blissful.
Julian looked up. "Names?"
Asra shook his head. "We'll have a naming ceremony later. My parents wanted to be here for it. And we wanted to see them before we made any firm decisions."
Muriel nodded his agreement. "I'm not known for my naming talents. Ask the chickens."
Celeste scoffed and Asra laughed.
They sat in silence for a while, then Celeste nudged Julian with her foot, arms outstretched. "Going to try another round of feeding. See if I can keep their interest for a while longer."
Julian leaned in, passing the baby into her arms. "Sounds like a plan. I'll try to find something for us all to eat in the meantime." He said as he moved to stand. "Any requests?"
"Anything you want to make is fine," Muriel said, giving him a weak half-smile. "Thanks."
The corner of Asra's mouth turned up. Good enough. It was a start.
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jeyne-stark · 5 years
theon/sansa, of course!
I’ve actually got…various theonsa kid ocs floating around, and if I did this for all of them we’d be here all day, so these are the trio I’m currently writing:
Name: Robb Stark
Gender: male
General appearance: dark haired, green eyed, very definitely Theon’s kid, but does take after Sansa in bone structure. A handsome boy!
Personality: sweet and loving and protective of his younger siblings, but with a deep-running undercurrent of anxiety and self esteem issues. He’s got a lot to live up to, and he’s really scared of not measuring up to his mother and uncle’s legacies. Has a secret temper that really only comes out when someone insults his family; otherwise, he’s a darling.
Special talents: the amazing ability to keep his mouth shut, very useful, and like his father is a great archer. (He’s less good with swords, though.)
Who they like better: Theon! He loves Sansa and she loves him, but she’s also busy more than Theon, so he tends to go to Theon when he’s upset/needs comfort.
Who they take after more: Robb. So much.
Personal headcanon: was born on the way back from a visit to Pyke, and basically everything that could go wrong did: the ship was caught in a storm when Sansa’s water broke a month and a half early, he was a footling breech, and Sansa lost a lot of blood after the birth. Nobody was sure either baby Robb or Sansa would survive the night. They both did, and Robb is healthy now, but it was more than a little traumatizing for everyone.
Name: Alannys “Lanny” Stark
Gender: female
General appearance: dark haired like her father, but with reddish undertones, and is otherwise entirely Sansa, except for being tiny—she’s got Arya’s slim, short build.
Personality: shy but fearless, if that makes any sense; talking to people she doesn’t know well is the worst thing in the world, but bugs/the dark/heights/weird, spooky noises/storms/etc? no problem. She sometimes goes to Robb’s room on stormy nights anyway, because Robb is terrified of storms and doesn’t want anyone to know.
Special talents: has a really good sense for inconsistencies. If something doesn’t fit, she’ll notice it immediately and it will bug her until it’s fixed.
Who they like better: is absolutely a momma’s girl.
Who they take after more: Somewhat a mix of Sansa and Bran, but mostly doesn’t really take after anyone in particular.
Personal headcanon: is endlessly curious about the natural world, but can’t stand sitting and reading or listening to long explanations, which makes her a very frustrating student. (And frustrates her, as well!) She’s got a large catalogue of the plants and animals around Winterfell, though, and she’s on the verge of figuring out the basics of Mendelian inheritance.
Name: Kit Stark
Gender: male
General appearance: the lone redhead. Somewhat the opposite of Robb—he’s got Sansa’s coloring and Theon’s bone structure—but just as handsome as his older brother.
Personality: definitely the baby of the bunch; it doesn’t help that there’s a fairly large age gap between him and Lanny. He’s got a lot of energy, and he’s definitely the most physical of the siblings. Somewhat careless, in the way of kids with too much energy and no real way to channel it, but never really malicious.
Special talents: sports, medieval edition, which means swordplay, horseback riding, hunting, footraces, etc. Robb’s only advantage is size and experience, and Kit’s closing that gap fast.
Who they like better: …Yara.
Who they take after more: I’m gonna go with Rickon.
Personal headcanon: always kind of wished, in an abstract sort of sense, that he could be better at the more intellectual pursuits that his siblings favor. It’s never a particularly strong desire of his, but it’s something he thinks about when he’s in a uncharacteristically wistful mood. (Ironically, Robb’s wished that he was better at physical pursuits.)
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thelastspeecher · 5 years
50 - Punctual (Supers AU? - heroing keeps making Stan late to events and Angie will not let him forget it. At least SHE's on time (yes she gets to actually schedule her shenanigans but shush). Conversely, the one time ANGIE'S late and Stan gets to lord it over her... once he's done freaking out that something's gone horribly wrong, of course.)
50. Punctual
Fun fact: I randomly got inspired to write this last night at midnight and stayed up waaaaaay too late writing it.  But it was worth it to knock another one of these prompts out of the park.  The route I went with this was...different than what you suggested.  What you suggested was great, but there was a part of this AU that I’ve been meaning to write up at some point, and this prompt was able to fit into it.  So.  Hopefully you like it.
Prompt List
              Stan kissed Angie on theforehead.  She opened her eyes groggily.
              “What’s goin’ on?” she slurred,sitting up.  Stan sat on the edge of thebed next to her.
              “They called me in.”
              “Who’s they?” Angiemuttered.  She yawned widely.  “The FBI? Disneyland?”
              I never learn.  I gotta stop trying to have conversationswith Angie right when she wakes up.  Herbrain takes forever to start working.
              “No.  My job.”
              “Yer…”  Angie frowned.  Her eyes widened.  “Wh- but- yer on paternity leave!”
              “I know.”
              “We set this up when we firstknew we were havin’ another kidlet.  Weneeded a cushion of time fer ya to be off work, otherwise they’d-”
              “Call me in and I might- I mightmiss the birth again,” Stan finished.  “Iknow.”
              “Then explain-” Angie startedsharply, swinging her legs over the edge of the bed.
              “They said that if I didn’t comethey’d send someone to drag me in by the ear,” Stan interrupted.  Angie glowered.  “There’s something big going down.  They need all hands on deck.”  Angie crossed her arms.  “Babe, I can’t get out of it.  They said they’d send Susan to get me if Ididn’t show up in the next fifteen minutes. Do you really want a hero poking around our house?”  Angie looked away.  “Ang.”
              “Just- just go,” Angie saidfinally.  She rested her hands on herlarge baby bump.  “There’s still a month‘til their due date, anyways.  Danny ‘nDaisy were late, they probably will be too.” Angie looked at him again. “Just…keep yer phone on ya, okay?”
              “I’m not gonna miss it thistime.  I promise.”
              “Yeah, yeah.”  Angie kissed him on the cheek.  “Go kick some ass.”  Stan grinned at her.
              “I always do.”
              Stan slammed against the ground,encased in a thick layer of slime.
              “Eugh,” he groaned loudly.
              This is the most disgustingsituation I’ve ever been in.  And I’vespent hours in a sewer.  There was aloud chime from his pocket.  If that’sthe goddamn family group chat I somehow got roped into again…  With an exorbitant amount of effort, Stanremoved his phone.  It was a text fromAngie.  His heart stopped.
              “It’s go time.”  Stan’s heart began to beat again, but at arate triple what it had been before.  Hehurriedly typed back a response, not caring about the slime smearing onto thephone from his fingers.
              “Baby?”  Stan looked around, spotted a nearbydumpster, and dove behind it, waiting for Angie’s response.
              “Obviously!”  Stan’s breath hitched in his throat.  “Fidds is taking me.  Lute’s staying with the girls.  Get here NOW.”  Stan began to type out a reply, but anothertext interrupted him.  “Please.”  Stan closed his eyes, remembering how he hadmissed the birth of his daughters.
              I’ll be damned if I miss thebirth of my sons, too.
              “I’m on my way.”  Stan stuffed the phone back into his pocketand looked back at the fight still ongoing. The giant sentient blob of slime didn’t seem to be slowing any timesoon.
              They’ll get on my ass if Ileave now, but I don’t give a shit.  Thisfucking job kept me from the first birth, I’m not missing the second one.  Stan burst into flames, pinched his nose shutto avoid breathing in the awful smell of burning slime, and flew away.
              Stan burst into the hospitalroom.
              “Angie!” he shouted.  Angie, sitting upright in a hospital bed,startled.  She looked over at Stan.
              “Stan!” she said happily.  Stan rushed to her side.  “You made it.”
              “I was late last time.  I’m not gonna be late this time,” Stan saidfirmly.  Angie smiled at him.
              “What in tarnation is in yerhair?” a voice asked.  Stan lookedover.  Angie’s older brother Fiddlefordwas sitting in a nearby armchair, holding something that had a lot of wiresattached to it.
              “Did I not burn it all off?” Stanmumbled to himself, running a hand through his hair.  He grimaced, feeling chunks of slimebeginning to coat his hand.  “It’sslime.”
              “You’ll need to be more specific,”Fiddleford said.
              “I’m not a slime scientist,okay?  There was some giant slime thingand-”  Angie let out a cry of pain.  “Angie?”
              “Something doesn’t feel right,”she whispered.  Fiddleford jumped to hisfeet and ran out of the room, calling for a nurse.
              “What doesn’t feel right?”
              “I don’t- I don’t know.”  Angie grimaced.  “The doctor said I wasn’t ready fer thedelivery room yet, but it feels like I am.”
              “Danny and Daisy were born prettyfast,” Stan said.  Angie closed her eyes.
              “Yeah.  They were.” Her voice broke on the last word. She whimpered.
              “Angie, talk to me.  What’s-” The door slammed open.  A man in awhite coat entered the room.
              “Is something wrong?” the doctorasked.  Angie nodded.  “Okay. Put your feet up, let’s check under the hood.”
              “Weird way to say it, butwhatever,” Stan mumbled, moving closer to Angie’s head.  After a brief moment “checking under thehood”, the doctor turned to a nurse that had come in shortly behind him.
              “Prep the OR.  We have a footling breech.”
              “Prep the what?” Stan asked.  His heart was sinking.  “A breech?”
              “Inform the NICU they need to beready for preterm twins,” the doctor continued.
              “Hey, buddy,” Stan snapped, “stopsaying words that no one else understands.” Once the nurse had left the room, the doctor looked at Stan.
              “Who are you?”
              “I’m the father, smartass.”
              “Stan,” Angie whispered.  Stan glared at the doctor.
              “Tell us what’s going on.”
              “The first of the babies isfootling breech.  He’s being bornfeetfirst.  That’s the most dangerousform of breech.  They’ll need to bedelivered via C-section.  Hence tellingthe operating room to be ready.”  Stan’sblood ran cold.  Two nurses entered theroom.  “We have to move fast.”  Stan looked at Angie.  She was as white as a sheet and shaking.  Stan forced a grin.
              “‘Course my kid would moon thedoctors,” he said quietly.  He took ahold of Angie’s hand.  “C’mon, this isnothing, right?  You’ve been throughworse than this.”
              “Yeah, like giving birth in aliving room without a medical professional present,” Angie muttered.  Stan’s grin widened.
              “Exactly.  This is gonna be a piece of cake,” hesaid.  Angie raised an eyebrow athim.  “You don’t even have to do any workthis time.”  Angie let out a breathylaugh.  “That’s the spirit.”
              “At least…”  Angie squeezed his hand.  “At least yer here this time.”
              “I told you.  I wasn’t gonna be late again.  And clearly, neither were you.”
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kimosterholzer · 7 years
When You Pass Through the Fire, A Footling Breech, Michigan Part Three
When You Pass Through the Fire, A Footling Breech, Michigan Part Three
To tell our birth stories…
To tell our birth stories is the attempt to capture in words among the most profound, most powerful of our life experiences…
Experiences simultaneously painful… gorgeous… raw… terrifying… triumphant… naked… transformative….
To tell our birth story is to tell of the time we got caught out in the wildest, darkest, most brutal of storms…
A storm that threatened to last for…
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babychakra1-blog · 6 years
Cephalic presentation: Why is it ideal for baby in the womb?
As your baby grows, it starts exhibiting movement and at around 21-22 weeks, the expecting mum can feel her baby move vigorously in the womb. As week’s progress and you near your due date, the baby assumes a position for delivery. The ideal position for a baby to take before delivery is the cephalic presentation.
 The position of a baby in the uterus is called the presentation of the fetus. As you near the end of your pregnancy, your doctor will check your baby's position throughout the last month of your pregnancy to make sure your baby is in the correct position for birth. As the due date approaches, your baby might drop lower in the uterus and this shows that your body is getting ready for labor.
 If your baby is positioned head down, with the face at the mother's back, and her/his chin tucked to its chest and the back of the head ready to enter the pelvis, then the baby can be called as a cephalic presentation baby. Cephalic presentation at different weeks look different, with the baby’s head at the top of the pelvis at week 32 and much lower into the pelvis by the 36th week of pregnancy. This position is ideal for a normal delivery. Positions that are not cephalic presentation
Some fetal positions are not ideal for can cause problems for both mother and baby. In most such cases, a C section might be the option.
However, your doctor might try to manually turn the baby to a cephalic presentation baby by applying his or her hands to your abdomen and gently shift the baby head-down position. This is done with the help of ultrasound. This should only be done in the hospital setting where your baby can be monitored carefully in case of complications Occiput or cephalic posterior
Sometimes, the baby is head down, but it is facing the mother's stomach and not back. This means the baby can be delivered normally, but it increases the chance of painful and prolonged delivery. Your doctor's report might have words like ‘cephalic presentation icd 10’. These are codes to indicate the exact position of the baby in the uterus.  . To know more about the term 'cephalic presentation icd 10’ ask your doctor. Breech position
In a breech position, the baby's buttocks face the pelvis and into the birth canal. This increases the chance of the umbilical cord looping around the baby. If that happens, the cord precedes the head through the birth canal and a C section will be suggested as normal delivery can cause injury to the baby. The breach might be complete or partial depending upon how or how much the buttocks face the pelvis. Transverse lie
The baby lies sideways or crosswise in the uterus, which means that the shoulder will enter the pelvis first. Most babies in this position are delivered by Cesarean section Foot presentation Also known as footling breech; one or both of the baby's feet are pointed to the birth canal. This increases the chance of the umbilical cord slipping into the mouth of the womb, cutting off blood supply to the baby. C section is the only way to deliver such a baby.
 A doctor can assess the chances of having a normal delivery based on the baby's position. Even if the baby is at a head down position, cephalic presentation at different weeks is monitored to find the chances of a normal delivery. In the end, the doctor's judgment should be trusted.
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mcatmemoranda · 2 years
At 10:10 in the video, this is what I was trying to describe to my senior and attending when we went over simulations of childbirth. It's the fetal movements. It starts with engagement. I feel like I learned specific words for each movement in terms of the directions baby moves to get out.
Anyway, it starts with engagement, where the baby's head presses on the cervix to cause dilation. Then baby does neck flexion and internal rotation to get under and around the pubic bones. Then neck extension and external rotation. Head, then anterior shoulder, then posterior shoulder. You have to know these movements because you may have to help baby into these movements sequentially to help him through the birth canal and if you try to turn baby in the wrong directions, you're not helping! Lol.
Fetal movement is descent because baby is going down from uterus to introitus.
For delivery, baby should be in longitudinal lie, meaning baby's long axis is parallel with mom's and head down (cephalic presentation). If baby is perpendicular to mom's long axis, it's transverse lie. Anything else is oblique lie.
Presentation can be butt first (breech), which can be complete (hips flexed), frank (hips extended), of footling (foot is coming out first).
Fetal attitude is flexion and extension of C-spine and T-spine. Normal is flexed. Then you can have military attitude, brow attitude, and face attitude. I don't recall learning "attitude," buy these can also be presentations.
Flexed - cervical and thoracic spine are flexed.
Military - cervical spine is neutral and thoracic spine is flexed.
Brow - C-spine extended, T-spine flexed or neutral.
Face - C-spine and T-spine extended.
Labor = contractions with cervical change. Labor is regular contractions with cervical dilation of at least 3 cm. Onset of contractions is not onset of labor! Rupture of membranes is not onset of labor! Onset of labor is regular contractions with 3 cm of dilation.
Old stages of labor (no longer used because it led to more procedures):
Stage 1: latent phase (20 hours if first baby, 16 hours if second or higher baby) & active phase (begins at 4 cm dilated; cervical dilation of 1 cm/hour if first delivery, 1.2 cm/hour for later pregnancies).
Stage 2: fully dilated at 10 cm to birth (lasts 2 hours in primiparous women and 1 hour in multiparous women).
New (2010, Zheng; endorsesld by ACOG in 2017) Stages of Labor:
Stage 1: latent phase (up to 6 cm dilated); active phase (6 cm to 10 cm dilated)
Stage 2: fully dilated (10 cm) to delivery of 👶🏻; lasts 3 hours for first time delivery and 2 hours for a multiparous woman. If you gave an epidural, it adds an additional hour. As long as there is progression of labor in stage 2 and you know baby will fit through birth canal, allow it to continue. If you know baby won't fit, C-section.
Stage 3: delivery of placenta, should occur within 30 minutes. Do active management of stage 3 of labor with oxytocin, fundal massage, and gentle traction on umbilical cord with suprapubic countertraction.
Allow active stage of labor to progress for at least 4 hours
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