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nickdewolfarchive · 9 months ago
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hong kong, 1972
food stall
photograph by nick dewolf https://www.flickr.com/photos/dboo/2934360733
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amitamishra77-blog · 1 year ago
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Hcl Wellness Festival
10th - 12th Jan 2024
From 10:00 AM - 03:57 PM
At: HCL Tech Park, Sector 126, Noida
Call 9703949871 for stall bookings
Event Link: https://www.bookmystall.in/stalls/22692/Hcl-Wellness-Festival
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majorasnightmare · 2 months ago
thinking about dirges dialogue to karlach way back in act 1, "this is all theres ever been for me"
thinking about how hes the only one without any frame of reference for "civilized life" or creature comforts
wyll and karlach have been roughing it for years, yeah, but they USED to have homes and houses in the city, used to live and sleep and eat there. used to have kitchens and beds
gale and shadowheart have only left THEIR homes relatively recently. the feel of their beds and the contents of the fridge are recent memories for them
astarion has been tortured for 200 years but fondly reminisces about the debauchery of the upper city. hes maintained a memory of the life he wants to experience again and the pleasures it brings, even as hes lost so much of his identity
lae'zel yearns to return to her creche. shes used to circumstances LIKE roughing it (she calls the rosymorn creche too soft for her liking) but those were in her HOME, with a community
minthara was a baenre with her own estate and servants
halsin was archdruid of the emerald grove, an environs enriched by the presence of the druids that had comfortably sustained them for years
jaheira has a house close to the upper city, and harper safehouses besides. minsc is familiar enough with them to recognize them despite being a statue for a century
its just dirge
he doesnt know what its like to sleep on a bed. to sleep on anything that isnt a bedroll on the ground, exposed to the open night sky. doesnt know what its like to have a roof overhead to keep the rain off. to have insulating walls that hold off the wind. to be comfortable without a fire that needs frequent tending, lest it go out and expose you to cold, or to scavenging animals. doesnt know what its like to not be woken by rain, to sleep through a storm.
hes never had a meal he didnt scavenge, picking through dead men's belongings and abandoned larders. every meal hes ever had has been raw or something he had to help prepare. hes never experienced being able to roll out of bed and stumble to a kitchen to have warm leftovers someone else made earlier, something made with him in mind thats warm and filling and didn't cost him any time or effort. you cant have leftovers when your trying to survive the wilds as fugitives from a murderous cult. you cook enough for everyone and you eat as much as you can stomach because you might not be able to eat at all tomorrow, and you need the strength to fight for your life later. hes never even seen kitchen equipment besides what could be scavenged that could fit over the campfire.
hes never bathed in anything that wasnt a river. never done his laundry except arduously, by hand, in a bucket of well water pulled from a village ruined long before his time. sweat and blood staining the only clothes hes ever owned, the only clothes he has, so if something rips he just has to make do. scavenging clothes that fit, that can be worn over his horns, around his tail, like looking for a needle in a haystack. soap is a rarity, an indulgence, so you make do with feeling as clean as you can scraping the grime off with water and your hands. he woke up covered in gore. hes never felt cleaner than this.
hes never had a head that didnt hurt. never woken up to a morning where the daylight didn't make him nauseous with its brightness. never had a body that didnt twitch and sway and swoon. never had a life without fear of fainting. never had a rest that didnt carry the threat of traitorous murderous indulgence. never had dreams that dont sicken. hes never felt rested. doesnt even have a frame of reference for what that sensation is even like. theres nothing to compare to. its as foreign as dwarvish to him. symbols without coherence or meaning. alien concepts, utterly novel.
every single day of his life is a fight against encroaching death. against encroaching enslavement. every single night is exposed to the elements in some fashion. theres no walls. theres no roof. a lot of times there isnt even a tent. the softest thing hes ever slept on was grass. there is nothing before this. theres only the tadpole in his skull, only the camp at night. only snippets of red in the fog of his past. the rest is lost to an all consuming oblivion.
theres only ever been...this for him.
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basil--and--sage · 6 months ago
Bombur headcanons, as requested by @ashyjingles :)
(Uncle Thorin, part 1, part 2), (Dwalin), (Óin)
Bombur is the older brother, but there's not really a big bro & little bro dynamic going on
he's born into a very poor Broadbeam family of miners
after his mother unfortunately dies of childbed fever soon after Bofur's birth, the two lads and their father move in with the family of his maternal aunt (Bifur's mama)
Bombur and Bofur spend most of their childhood riding on their older cousin Bifur's shoulders and listening to his stories (before the axe head)
like every Dwarfling little Bombur chooses a craft: cooking and baking. (he loves it)
unfortunately, soon he and Bofur have to give up learning their crafts and start to work in the mines, after their father and uncle die in a severe mining accident, and their aunt's and Bifur's wages are not enough to provide for a family of four
Bombur doesn't enjoy working in the mines, since it's dark, stifling and dangerous, but he and Bofur always work side by side and that makes it a lot easier
he's very well-liked by his fellow miners
he, Bofur and Bifur never learned to properly read and write
he and Bofur talk a lot about grief and their feelings, and support each other and the rest of the family during bleak times with good food, kindness and humour
his belly laugh is highly contagious. Even Thorin has to join in, whenever Bombur loses it
he's a fast runner, since he worked as a messenger for a while, before he became a miner
he dreams of owning a food stall on the marketplace and also to marry and have a bunch of Dwarflings. He's very shy and has a hard time approaching Dwarrowdams, and also their family is to poor to provide the expected bride token
he's a very romantic person
he has a great singing voice, but he is way to shy to show it off in public
it's Bofur's idea to join Thorin's Company. Bombur doesn't want to go in the beginning, but he would never let his brother and cousin go alone. Also, the share of the treasure would make life a lot easier. (and maybe he meets a nice Dwarrowdam in Erebor)
in the beginning he is very shy around the nobles, but Fíli and Kíli soon bring him out of his shell
he's actually distantly related to the princes, being a distant cousin of their late father
he's a patient, observant, and considerate person. Nobody except his brother and cousin notice that he always seems to appear out of nowhere whenever somebody needs support
life was often not very kind to Bombur. In response, he is as kind as possible to the people surrounding him
(feel free to send in requests for headcanons)
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channel4sims-cc · 2 years ago
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TS4: Popcorn Cart Functional
Sul sul ^^
After infinite hours working on it, here it is! A functional popcorn cart :D
It works just like any food stall of the game :)
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There are 12 swatches available, in two colors (red & pink) and in 6 different languages: English, Japanese, Korean, Portuguese-Br, Spanish and Simlish :)
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There are 7 different popcorn flavors, and their price is 3 simoleons (image).
🍿 Popcorn (common)
🍿 Buttered popcorn
🍿 Cheddar popcorn
🍿 Chocolate popcorn
🍿 Sweet popcorn
🍿 Pink sweet popcorn
🍿 Rainbow popcorn
The texts are translated into English, Portuguese and Spanish.
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You can have 100 popcorn carts in a lot. Please don't do it though, your game might break 😅 I just wanted to remove the 8 stalls limite of the game.
It's also free to hire the vendor. You're already going to pay for the popcorn, right? hah It's more realistic this way.
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NEEDED: Seasons and Get Together expansion.
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The popcorn cart, the recipes and also a decorative version of the popcorns.
Since there are many files, I merged them into 3 packages :)
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- Download it, extract it and place it on your Mods folder. Do not put it inside more than 1 folder, or it may not work.
Example 1: Mods/Popcorn/(your file here) - OK 👍
Example 2: Mods/Functional/Popcorn/(your file here) -  Won't work 👎
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NOTE: Since there are recipes and stuff like that, this is a file that might need an update at some point. I'll let you know when it's the case.
If you find any errors, please let me know so I can fix it :)
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I hope you'll enjoy it a lot!
Happy Simming ^^
*-* DOWNLOAD (free on May 9th, 2023) *-*
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creativesplat · 1 year ago
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"How about we dance together?"
"I would love nothing more"
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nextradevelopers · 2 years ago
Immerse yourself in the cultural richness of the event with mesmerizing traditional dance performances that showcase the beauty of Indian heritage.
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last-exit-drive-inn · 2 years ago
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Delicious News Alert! Vihari Kitchen is Coming Soon! 🎉🏮 Get ready to embark on an extraordinary culinary journey because Vihari Kitchen, your new go-to Chinese stall, is opening soon!
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kristinemaebsnapshots · 2 years ago
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Lunch time ❤️ 📍YOU.suites 8.29.2018 | 📸 @kristinemaeb
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simminnikas · 3 months ago
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Morensong neighborhood, Chee-Wii Chee-Wa Kanto outdoor foodstalls.
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yourpicasso25 · 8 months ago
I will tell you a secret...
It's an easy but important one. So, question: Put 2 (or more) French people at a table. What are they going to talk about?
Fashion? It would depress most of us, especially not rake thin women 40s or older (and swimming costumes are NEVER to be mentionned, it's bordering on hanging offense)
Politics? first, we're irritable and sorta cranky by nature... but we're not crazy (mostly. Sorta)
Any ideas? (no peeking, and tell me what you guessed in the comments)
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So let me tell you: Put 2 or more French people around a table, and what they will talk about is:
What they are eating right this minute, what they ate (any day any time from yesterday to 25 years ago), what they will eat in the more or less distant future.
Food (and drinks because they are related... no seriously) is a very VERY important business in France.
And one key element of that are the markets
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Most small towns have permanent markets, mostly build in the 19th century in glass and iron structure like the Pavillons Baltard in Paris
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There are permanent foodstall, jams and delicacy homemade cakes ans speciality local produces (and fish, of course!)
Then there are Market days. Twice a week.
And those are IMPORTANT days, people.
Because it's the place where you find the best produce, the tomatoes that graw up 2 miles away and the local honey that you can be pretty sure is actual bee vomit and not artifially colored glucose sirup (I was sooo angry when I learned that one)
So I'm giving you TWO markets. The everyday, business as usual one AND the market day one when everyone goes there with a couple of baskets to refuel both stomachs and conversation topics.
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Next is this place, a big old town building
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It has a shop downstair shop and a local on the first floor (I'm thinfing Yoga), a NPS lodging, an a big duplex appartment... with terrace, if you please.
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The owners are well traveled, and settled in Voegel because they couldn't even dream to have that kind of flat in Paris (more like a broom closet)
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There is an office, a VERY teenage girl bedroom with all sort of pop idols posters (mom despair... what happened to her little girl? Puberty, m'am), the aging (NOOOOO!) couple bedroom and a smallish but aquequate bathroom.
And a somewhat messy kitchen.
I'm getting vibes of a couple of 50 ish, Bobo Parisien, quite artistically inclined and maybe a bit snobbis, with limited artistic success so dad works as local newspaper photograph and mom mans the shop and gives yoga classes on the side.
Their daughter litterally CAN'T WAIT to leave that backmater island do go to University on the continent.
Isn't it funny how history can repeat itself sometimes?
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amitamishra77-blog · 1 year ago
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Night Flea Market - Magic of Posh
on 16th - 19th Feb 2024
From 10:00 AM - 07:00 PM
At: The walk Hiranandani Estate Thane West, Mumbai
Call 9703949871 for stall bookings
Event Link: https://www.bookmystall.in/stalls/22431/Flea-Market
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ethicaltreatmentofcowplants · 2 months ago
Packs that I would make, were I EA (part i)
(Although let's be real, were I really EA then at least one of them would be 'my first kitchen pet stuff' or something along those lines. I've read that some consoles won't allow you to buy MFP without Cats & Dogs, which is something, But still, yikes.)
BANDS (GAME PACK). Many people want this, and I get why. This could actually be really good. It's tricky to figure out how musicians would work with the Get Famous system and some elements therefore paywalled, so I think perhaps focusing more on your local grassroots live act would probably be a better approach and still have some gameplay depth.
If people go the semi-professional route, it could even be a freelance career much like writing etc, except hopefully jam sessions and live performances won't be rabbitholed. Sims could be founders of bands and actively try and recruit members, look online for existing bands to join (similar to the 'find jobs' function), ask to join as a permanent member once they have enough friendship with the rest of the group (similar to how joining a pack in Werewolves works). There could be a new lot type which is a 'live music venue,' and bands could try and book gigs, post flyers and on social media to advertise gigs, ask acquaintances to go to live shows and so forth.
And in terms of relationships and stuff, wouldn't it be so messy to date and then break up with a bandmate? 😅 Imagine how much fun the write-ups for the TENSE/ANGRY moodlets could be lol. You could also gain CONFIDENT/HAPPY moodlets from being on the same creative wavelength as someone or from a good jam session etc.
Again I don't know how this would work since you can make music in Get Famous (although that's more digital) but there should also be an option to record/produce/sell singles and albums. And for a more retro, early 90s aesthetic, anyone (not just bands) could make and distribute mixtapes, or make playlists on some Spotify knock-off.
I don't think this needs a new world as much as a new lot type (live music venues). If it's implemented with enough depth, it would be worth the price of the pack without one. Music festivals however, I would make an exception for. Somewhere you could go away for the weekend and camp/buy from local foodstalls etc and have it work similarly to Outdoor Retreat would be a nice touch.
Uhh I'm very tired so possibly I've forgot something, but if this were to be released, it should totally come with a free base game update where children can either (a) play adult sized guitars, or (b) have a child sized guitar in the meantime, similar to violins. Guitars are many children's first instrument, require less space and are more affordable than pianos, so it's ridiculous that children can't play them at all (and yeah, I know there's probably mods out for it).
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biffybobs · 1 year ago
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School was a drag, and some herbert took Sunday's packed lunch. After the Best Sandwich Ever and a nice hot bath, she decided to cheer herself up by spending all of Tino's foodstall profits on Voidcritter Booster Packs.
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g3llyfish · 11 months ago
Do you think that Redson made his little foodstall because he saw how much pigsy and MK got along in their noodle shop and now he wants to make a little street food shop with his dad so he can experience the love that MK got in the noodle shop?
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il-mostrc · 7 months ago
Leaflets such as this were almost archaic in nature in the upper parts of Midgar and the bustling industry of Junon. They were usually deemed poor man's communication in an age where dinner parties and sessions were conducted by phone and other means directly linked to the leaps and bounds of technology. It was here that Dr. Lecter found himself accosted by the young man's (@enokvirkow) eagerness to share his wares.
Pointer and thumb gripped the paper at the base, noting the handwritten description photocopied by the numbers. The composition he held showed signs of mass production by faded ink, the stack already low by the time it reached his hands.
"Is that so?" Even if Hannibal was part of the top social elite in both Midgar and Junon, his curiosity in the culinary arts permitted him to cross the lines on what would dub the mastery of amateur. Some of the most sumptuous meals granted to him were from those who wouldn't grace his cocktail parties. Old recipes were brought from foreign lands, ones that remained in the memory of their ancestors, and not so much was written in culinary books to share.
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"That is a tall order for someone as young as you." That's not to say he didn't believe him. Even in his youth, he was conquering the medical field by sketching the deceased for use in books with such intricate details that they admitted him to the field with a full ride. One could surely relay such skills, as he did, in the form of cuisine.
His jacket had been slung over his forearm, suit pressed with nary a flaw, as he switched his focus from the piece of paper to the young man. "Where do you cook these meals?" The lad didn't have the aroma of squalor; quite the opposite. Hannibal could detect spices that were otherwise rare in imports; they permeated off his clothing as well as the light musk of smoke—cookery smoke.
Often, his nose knows best. 
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 Running a small foodstall came with the need of advertising. And while usually Enok did so by mouth-to-mouth, this time he had actually managed to throw together a flyer. Listing all the available meals from his home islands and promising an entirely new taste-experience with herbs from far away Galahd. That flyer was handed out to almost every poor person crossing the grinning youngster's path. Even in this aloof neighbourhood, he tried his luck. Holding out a flyer to an elegant man, of which he didn't know that he had a certain talent with cooking, too. Though their worlds and cuisines clashing here couldn't be any more different. Enok wasn't aware of any of that, of course. "Sir, I can guarantee you have never tasted anything like this before. Not even the fine restaurants around here can keep up with my specials! Would be happy to one day cook for you!"
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