eliotgiovanna-pv · 5 months
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makks-moroshka · 4 years
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quadrantexamples8 · 3 years
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traveling-platypus · 7 years
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Corona Capital 2017, Mexico City - You_Me_At_Six / Circa_Waves / Daughter / Mogwai / Japandroids / PJ_Harvey / Cage_The_Elephant / Elbow / The_XX / Foo_Fighters / Crystal_Fighters / The_Drums / Cold_War_Kids / Alt-J / Phoenix / Green_Day
awesome festival, great music, great people, perfect weekend
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cliggomusic · 5 years
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Listen Foo Fighters for free: https://music.cliggo.com/artist/198282-Foo_Fighters
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luisjdominguezp · 7 years
Body parts in Náhuatl
Fíjense cómo se unen las palabras como cabello (para ceja, pestaña, etc.), ojo (para párpado, pestaña, ceja), mano (antebrazo, muñeca, dedo, etc.). Notice how the words are combined to form others, like hair (for eyebrow, eyelash, etc.), eye (for eyelid, eyebrow, eyelash) or hand (forearm, wrist, finger, etc.).
* cuaitl: cabeza / head * ixtli: rostro, cara / face * ixcuaitl: frente / forehead * nacaztli: oreja / ear * yecahtzolli: nariz / nose * ixtololohtli: ojo / eye * tzontli: cabello / hair * camahtli: boca / mouth * tenxipalli: labio / lip * tenchalli: barbilla, mentón / chin * ixcuaitlaxtli: párpado / eyelid * ixquempaltzontli: pestaña / eyelash * ixtzontli: ceja / eyebrow * camatzontli: bigote / mustache * camapachtli/camapachtzontli: barba / beard * xayacahtli: mejilla / cheek * tlantli: diente / tooth * tlancochtli: muela / molar * nenepilli: lengua / tongue (buche, nana y nenepil anyone?) * copac: paladar / palate * quechtli: cuello / neck * tozcatl: garganta / throat . * ahcolli: hombro / shoulder * ahcolmaitl: antebrazo / forearm * mamolic: codo / elbow * quechmaitl: muñeca / wrist * maitl: mano / hand * mahpalli/maipalli: palma de la mano / hand palm * mahpilli/maipilli: dedo / finger (pilli=hijo,niño/son, child) * mahpiliztetl/maipiliztetl/iztetl: uña / fingernail (tetl=piedra/stone) . * elpantli: pecho / chest * mihzicuilli: costilla / rib * cuetlapantli: espalda / back * pitzahyahtli: cintura / waist * ihtetl: barriga, estómago / stomach, tummy, belly * xihtli: ombligo / navel (de aquí proviene la palabra Mexihco/this is where the word Mexihco comes from) . * xilantli: entrepierna / crotch, groin * tzintamalli/tzintli: nalga / buttock * quetzamalli: muslo / thigh * tlancuaitl: rodilla / knee * quechihxitl: articulación del tobillo / ankle joint * xocuanhuixtetl: hueso del tobillo / ankle bone * cotztli: pantorrilla / calf * ihxitl: pie / foot * xohpalli: planta del pie / foot sole * quehtzolli: talón / heel * xopilli: dedo del pie / toe (pilli=hijo,niño/son, child) * xopilliztetl: uña del dedo del pie / toenail (tetl=piedra/stone) . * yollotl: corazón / heart * yezohtli: vena / vein * nacanelhuayotl: nervios / nerves * tlanitztli: tendón / tendon * omitetl: hueso / bone * nacatl: carne, músculo / meat, muscle * cuetlaxtli: piel / skin * yelli: hígado / liver * ihzicayotl: pulmón / lung * cuitlaxcolli: intestino / intestine (cuitlatl=excremento/excrement) * cuitlaxcolpitzahuac: intestino delgado / small intestine (pitzahuac=delgado/thin) * cuitlaxcoltomahuac: intestino grueso / large intestine (tomahuac=gordo/fat) . * yeztli: sangre / blood * chihchatl: saliva * tlapiaztli: orina / urine * cuitlatl: excremento / excrement . * chichihualli: seno, tetilla / breast, nipple (en México le decimos "chichis" a los senos/in Mexico, we call breasts "chichis") * nenetl: vagina * omizetl: semen * huilotl/tototl: pene / penis (huilotl/tototl=pájaro/bird) * xitetl/ahuacatl: testículo / testicle (ahuacatl=aguacate/avocado) * cihuaxitetl: ovario/ovary (cihuatl=mujer/woman)
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scrobblr · 7 years
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melomanclub · 10 years
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saullofs · 10 years
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Quando você Sente que Tudo Acabou Você Ainda Tem Outra Chance #Foo_Fighters #Wheels *---*
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dandeelyun-blog · 12 years
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Grohl addressed SXSW today. He spoke about the process of becoming a musician, but really he talked about the process of creating. When one is left alone doing something they love, the possibilities are limitless. You can watch a recording of his keynote at NPR.
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FOO FIGHTERS You got away got away got away from me Now get away get away get away from me I couldn't grow just living in the shadow Where do you go when no one's following you? You ran away ran away it was right on cue Said I go on and on and on and on and on and on with it Rosemary you're part of me You know you are you are you are Rosemary you're part of me You know you are you are you are Rosemary you're part of me Truth ain't gonna change the way you lie Youth ain't change the way you die Dear Rosemary Dear Rosemary You got away got away got away with it You got away got away got away with it False starts young hearts get shattered Pick up the pieces coming down around you You ran away ran away it was right on cue Said I go on and on and on and on and on and on with it Rosemary you're part of me You know you are you are you are Rosemary you're part of me You know you are you are you are Rosemary you're part of me Truth ain't gonna change the way you lie Youth ain't change the way you die This was no ordinary life (This was no ordinary life) This was no ordinary life (This was no ordinary life) The ones I love I've grown Truth ain't gonna change the way you lie Youth ain't change the way you die Dear Rosemary (Dear Rosemary) Be part of me (Be part of me) Dear Rosemary (Dear Rosemary) Be part of me (Be part of me) You got away got away got away from me Now get away get away get away from me Dear Four, you're part of me, you know you are.
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melomanclub · 10 years
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melomanclub · 10 years
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