#follow up question is vox the only demon like this??
hellkitten · 6 months
i wanna see more hazbin hotel ocs that are appliances like vox
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signedkoko · 7 months
You are such a sweetie! Since your requests are open, if you feel inspired and motivated by this (otherwise you can 100% ignore it, writing is hard - I know), could I request a one-shot for Vox who falls in love with a imp!reader? Would love to see how you write their "forbidden" love, how would Vox feel and what if the other Vee's found out about it. It doesn't have to be a story, you can do it in headcannon format if you feel like it suits better! Just try to have fun ♡ -Nia
Intern [Romantic]
In which the techy overlord falls for one of his new hellborn employees, much to his dismay. Reader is genderneutral.
Song - Break My Heart by Dua Lipa
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Any hellborn would die for the opportunity that graced you. Well, graced was not the right word; you fought for months against many candidates, beefed up your resume, and pulled some strings to get an unpaid internship for the Vee's. More specifically, a three-month internship at VoxTek with the potential to be hired in immediately after. 
It was a position people could only dream of, especially hellborn. Sinner-based companies had a tendency to place sinners above hellborns, but you knew that and used it to your advantage. You couldn't go in as equal; you had to know you were less and make up for it. 
The job itself wasn't all that bad, either. It was a lot of unpaid hours, from the crack of dawn to the dip of the sun or later, but it mostly involved the small details. Coffee, sorting, and delivering mail between sections were hard to mess up. 
There was the rare extra task where someone messed up and they needed someone to cover quickly. 
Today was one of those days. You were at the right place at the right time, sitting by the coffee machine, grabbing yourself your first cup of the day. 
That was when he entered, his shoes tapping on the floor with confident clicks, and when he spoke it commanded attention. 
Mostly because he spoke through every speaker in the building at once. 
"Who here can follow me? No questions asked."
Before anyone could chime in, his monitor did a full rotation of the room, his eyes narrowing when they landed on you. 
Your ear piece buzzed to life. 
"You, follow me. Now." The overlord spoke directly into your ear using the device, and knowing this may be an opportunity of a lifetime, you followed. 
There was no question about who it was: a monitor for a head, control of all technology, and a towering seven feet tall. Vox was the top of the top, and it was hard to believe you were allowed to so much as stand next to him. 
It was hard to keep up with his speed-walking pace, but he eventually led you into the mail elevator, hitting the twelfth floor while he muttered something about incompetence amongst hires and how he always had to take control of every production if he wanted it done right. 
With a ding and the slow release of the elevator doors, he took the lead once more, though this time he was walking slower and backwards, navigating with ease despite looking directly at you. 
"Alrighty intern, ready for your shot at becoming something more? Because our previous voiceover person just walked out on us, and now you'll be covering for them." He stopped with his back against a door, grabbing the handle and awaiting your reply. 
"But I only just spoke to..." 
"You're cute, you know that? How many videos do you think are out there with your voice? I listened to them all the moment I saw you." Vox only smiled wider when his words sunk in; he saw the usual flash of embarrassment as you pondered what he might have seen. Without waiting any longer, he pushed the door open, spinning so he was finally walking normally. 
It was a recording studio, and there were several other employees waiting, mostly those handling the recording equipment and some holding papers. 
Vox sat himself in a comfortable rolling chair in front of the glass window that overlooked the recording studio, spinning to hand you some papers that he took from a demon next to him. 
"Here is your script; all you have to do is read. Make it sound exciting! Something new, something beyond anyone's imagination, is now available to the public!" He put on a voice as he continued, demonstrating what he hoped you could manage. Someone ushered you into the booth and plopped some headphones over your ears. 
"From the top! 3...2..."
The whole process was a thrill, but you managed to run over the script in three separate recordings, of which Vox cited them all as 'stunning' or 'absolutely perfect!', though the producer claimed to need multiple for any potential recording malfunctions. 
For an overlord, he had been oddly kind and encouraging throughout the process, and he walked you out himself when everything wrapped up. 
Vox continued to speak about what the script was for and how excited he was for the launch, all while leading you through parts of the building you had never been to before. You thought after that he would have sent you back down and forgotten everything, but eventually you found yourself in front of your supervisor. 
"Vox! Sir- oh no, had our intern upset you?"
"No, no, not at all. Sorry, what was your name again? Ally? Yeah, listen, Ally, I need you to handle the paperwork they were assigned. Oh! And I want them promoted to my personal studio for tomorrow, too."
Before you or the sinner could ask questions, Vox was already out of there, chipper as ever. 
That evening, you went home with an upgraded badge and access card, along with details on your new position and expectations. It was a lot to get through, but you felt extremely proud of yourself for doing so well. Hell, you met THE Vox, and he wanted you to be the voice of VoxTek? 
While flipping through the pile of information, the most surprising aspect was the six-figure salary you were about to get started on. 
. . .
Surrounded by monitors, Vox watched various camera feeds as they traced your steps home. Vox saw you smile from several angles, the electricity between his antennae flickering. Each monitor had some kind of file or piece of information on you, and he was only pulled out of his trance when he got a call from Velvette. 
"Hello there, Velvette! What can I help you with today?" Leaning back in his chair, the overlord flicked his wrist, which shot the call from his monitor onto one of the many others displaying you. 
"I need your guys for a sh- wait. Vox, what the fuck is all of that?" While the fashionista originally had her eyes elsewhere, her gaze quickly fixed on his background, which was quickly followed by all the screens going blank with his logo. 
"That? Oh, oh no, its nothing at a-" 
"That's the imp you were talking about last week! The one you were trying to get to apply to VoxTek!" 
"Well, maybe, but-"
Once again, she cut him off with a gurgling groan. 
"Listen, I don't care who or what you fuck; just get your camera crew here and we'll talk about this later. Kay? Kisses!" Before she abruptly hung up on him, he could have sworn he heard a small 'at least they're hot' before the call disconnected. 
Tensed from the interaction, Vox could only groan and dramatically fall back into his chair, tapping his claws along the armrest. 
So what if he scouted you out? You didn't know that, and you were happy about it anyway! One by one, each monitor opened back up on your data, the overlord grinning. 
It was better this way; everyone would think it was the intern going after him, so nobody knew one of the top overlords in hell was dotting on some helpless imp.
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Author's Note - I love Vox so much...hes so obsessive but he denies every accusation (its the same w Alastor lmao) like its going to hurt him! But thank you so much for the request Nia, I hope this interests you 🖤
Word Count - 1,219
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princesscait26 · 4 months
A Unlikely Friendship: 2
Summary: The two rivals wives are caught (I’m really bad at summaries)
Alastor x reader, Vox x unnamed wife, Vox’s wife x reader Platonic!
Part 1
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At the Hazbin Hotel, Y/n sat at her vanity, meticulously getting ready for the day. The room was dimly lit, the only light coming from the soft glow of the vanity bulbs. She was applying her lipstick when she noticed a familiar shadow in the mirror's reflection. Without turning, she spoke with a slight smile curving her now red lips, “I know you’re here.”
The shadow shifted, and in its place stood the Radio Demon himself. Alastor’s crimson eyes and broad smile fixed on his wife with a blend of curiosity and suspicion. “Where are you going today, my darling? It’s still only the morning,” he inquired, his tone deceptively casual.
Alastor was known throughout Hell for his malevolence, but in the presence of his wife, he was softened, almost vulnerable. Her absence left him feeling incomplete, a sensation he loathed.
Y/n turned, meeting his intense gaze with practiced ease. Avoiding his question, she picked up her purse and leaned in to plant a light kiss on his cheek. “I’m going out. I’ll be back before you know it. Don’t forget you have a meeting with Charlie today, dear!”
Before Alastor could react, she slipped past him, the reminder of his meeting momentarily distracting him. She made her way to the door, her heart pounding as she sensed his gaze burning into her back.
The moment the door clicked shut, Alastor’s smile twitched, replaced by a look of steely determination. His possessiveness gnawed at him. Where was his wife off to, and what was she doing? His mind raced with possibilities, none of which he liked.
He could not simply let it go. Summoning his shadow, he issued a silent command. "Follow her. Report back to me."
As Y/n exited the hotel and stepped into the bustling streets of Hell, she felt a chill, a whisper of unease that she couldn't quite shake. She knew Alastor's nature all too well, knew he wouldn’t take her abrupt departure lightly. Yet, she couldn’t let him control every aspect of her life.
Back at the hotel, Alastor paced his room, the meeting with Charlie all but forgotten. His thoughts were consumed by his wife’s mysterious outings. Though he trusted her, his darker instincts drove him to ensure her safety and loyalty.
Y/n was blissfully unaware of Alastor's shadow trailing her as she made her way to the café. Believing she had successfully slipped away, she pushed open the door and was immediately enveloped by the comforting aroma of coffee and pastries. The gentle hum of conversation filled the air.
“Y/n!” a familiar voice called out. She turned to see Vox's wife, waving enthusiastically from a corner table. Y/n smiled and waved back, weaving her way through the tables to join her friend.
"I ordered your usual," she said with a warm smile as Y/n sat down. "Late again, I see. Did Alastor give you a hard time leaving?" She laughed, the sound bright and infectious.
Y/n giggled, sharing in the inside joke that both women held—how their husbands never made it easy for them to leave. "You know him too well," she replied with a chuckle. "It’s like trying to escape a shadow."
Vox’s wife’s eyes twinkled. "Well, we manage. It’s nice having these moments to ourselves."
Y/n sighed contentedly, her expression softening. "I enjoy your company so much. It’s rare to find someone who truly understands. You’re a great friend."
"You're too sweet," Vox’s wife replied, her smile widening. "If only our husbands knew how much they actually had in common."
The two women laughed, their voices mingling with the ambient sounds of the café. They reveled in their shared moments, finding solace and camaraderie in each other's presence.
Unbeknownst to them, Alastor's shadow had witnessed the entire encounter. It slipped away, returning swiftly to its master. Alastor listened intently to the shadow's report, his expression shifting from curiosity to shock, then to anger. How dare his wife meet with Vox’s wife, of all people!
On the other side of the city, Vox had grown suspicious as well and decided to follow his wife. When he arrived at the café, he was surprised and annoyed to see Alastor approaching from the opposite direction. Their eyes locked, and both men bristled at the sight of the other.
"What are you doing here?" Vox demanded, his voice low and dangerous.
Alastor sneered. "I might ask you the same thing. I have every right to be here."
"As do I," Vox retorted, stepping closer. "However, it seems we have a more pressing matter at hand."
Their attention turned toward the café’s interior, where Y/n and Vox’s wife were laughing and chatting, oblivious to the storm brewing outside.
"Well, well, well, what do we have here?" Alastor's tone is dripping with amusement, but his eyes betray a flicker of something darker. He stands at the entrance, his silhouette casting an imposing shadow over their table. Next to him, Vox's eyes blaze with barely contained rage, his screen flickering.
The café falls silent, the patrons' eyes darting between the two imposing figures and the women. Y/n's heart skips a beat as she locks eyes with Alastor, his usually warm gaze to her now cold and penetrating.
"Alastor," Y/n starts, attempting to keep her voice steady, "This isn't what it looks like."
Vox's wife stands up, her chair scraping loudly against the floor. "Vox, I—"
But Vox cuts her off, his voice low and seething. "You think I wouldn't find out? That you could hide this from me?" His words hang heavily in the air, his fists clenching at his sides.
Alastor steps closer, his smile never wavering but his eyes darkening. "My dear, I am not so easily deceived. And to think, you two have been meeting behind our backs. It seems our rivalry has taken a rather... unexpected turn."
Y/n can see the hurt beneath Alastor's facade. Despite his charm and confidence, there is a sting of betrayal in his eyes. She takes a deep breath, trying to find the right words. "Alastor, we just wanted a break from the constant fighting. It was never meant to hurt you two. To be with someone who understands."
Vox's wife nods in agreement, her eyes pleading with her husband. "Vox, please understand. We needed to escape the endless cycle of your battles. We needed each other."
But Vox, his pride wounded, steps forward towards the two women, his voice cold. "You think I care about your excuses? This betrayal is unacceptable. You think sneaking behind our backs was a good solution" He glares at Alastor, as if blaming him for this newfound alliance between their wives.
Alastor, ever the performer, turns his attention back to Y/n, putting a hand up stopping Vox from getting closer to Y/n. His smile returning but now tinged with bitterness. "It seems we have more in common than we thought, Vox. Betrayed by those closest to us."
Vox scoffs, his gaze never leaving his wife. "Don't lump me in with you, Alastor. This changes nothing between us. If anything, it intensifies our rivalry."
Y/n steps forward, her voice firm. "Enough. Both of you. This isn't about your rivalry. It's about us, your wives, who have had enough of your childish antics. We wanted peace, but it seems that's too much to ask for."
Vox's wife joins her, her voice soft but determined. "We love you both, but we can't keep living like this. It’s exhausting. All of your time goes to your fight with him, Vox. Something has to change."
The tension in the café is palpable, the silence deafening as Alastor and Vox process their wives' words. Finally, Alastor speaks, his voice softer but still edged with frustration. "Perhaps we do need to reassess our priorities."
Vox, his anger simmering down to a low boil, nods in agreement. "For once, I agree with Alastor. This isn't over, but maybe it's a wake-up call."
Alastor's eyes flicked to Vox, surprise flickering across his face. "You're suggesting we... call a truce?"
"Temporary," Vox clarified, his tone grudging. "For the sake of our marriages."
Alastor considered this, then nodded slowly. "Agreed. Temporary."
Relief washed over Y/n and Vox’s wife as the tension in the air finally began to ease. The initial shock and anger on Alastor and Vox's faces had subsided into something more manageable, though still simmering beneath the surface.
Alastor, ever the gentleman, extended a hand to Y/n. “Come, my dear,” he said softly, though his eyes still held a hint of possessiveness. “Let’s return home. We have much to discuss.”
Y/n took his hand, squeezing it gently. “Of course, darling,” she replied, casting a reassuring smile over her shoulder at Vox’s wife.
Vox, meanwhile, wrapped a protective arm around his wife’s shoulders. “We’re leaving,” he said, his tone brooking no argument. “We need to talk as well.”
She nodded, leaning into him slightly. “Alright, Vox,” she murmured, her eyes meeting Y/n’s with a mixture of amusement and solidarity.
As the two couples moved in opposite directions, the two women turned back to each other, sharing a silent understanding. Their eyes met, and both broke into large, conspiratorial smiles. They waved goodbye, their hands lingering in the air as long as they could see each other.
“Until next time,” Y/n mouthed, her smile warm and genuine.
“Definitely,” she mouthed back, her eyes twinkling with mischief.
The café doors closed behind them, separating the two women physically but not in spirit. As Alastor and Vox led their wives away, the men’s grips firm yet gentle, the women’s thoughts lingered on their cherished friendship, silently vowing that this unexpected encounter wouldn’t be their last.
In the bustling streets of Hell, amidst the chaos and constant noise, two friendships stood resilient, bound by shared experiences and a mutual understanding of the complicated men they loved. For now, at least, the truce was a step toward peace—a fragile, tentative step, but a step nonetheless.
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kaylopolis · 3 months
Alastor's Shadow (18+) - Chapter Seven
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Alastor x F!Reader
Synopsis: There’s a new Overlord in town and it isn’t the Radio Demon. Six years after you fell into Hell, you have finally earned your seat at the table as Pentagram City’s newest and baddest and with the Extermination coming six months earlier than planned, it is now time to implement your ultimate endgame. After all, who doesn’t love a bit of power and chaos? Your plan brings you to the doorstep of the Hazbin Hotel as Charlie’s newest Redeemer, but who you find waiting for you will not only turn your entire plan upside down but also challenge your grab for power… 
Tag List: Slow burn, rivals to lovers, eventual smut
Masterlist Link: Masterlist
(Let me know if you want to be added to the Taglist!)
Author note: Dear Hoteliers, Vox's time to shine :) Lots of plot happening this chapter, let’s go!
<3 Stay smutty
Chapter Seven - Forget Me Knot
Content Warning: Mentions of Physical Abuse, Self Harm, Blood, Nonconsenting Sexual Interactions, Smut, Minors DNI!!!
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And then you ran.
And Alastor did not follow.
The demon sat on his ass in the bayou terrain, staring completely dumbfounded as you disappeared through the tree line. Yet again you had bested him. Yet again you had won.
You didn't use any of your magic, you didn't summon any of your power, and yet the demon sat there, utterly power-less.
The demon angrily threw off his coat, the bayou suddenly too hot, too suffocating. He loosened his bow tie to better catch his breath.
What were you doing to him? What was becoming of the Radio Demon, Hell's Equal Opportunity Killer, Hell's Overlord?
With a crazed look in his eye, the demon ran his hands through his hair again and again, trying to catch his breath and clear his mind.
He had brought you here to hunt you, to demand answers, and yet he somehow ended up the prey. All because of those hips…
Almost as if reading his thoughts, his dick throbbed in his pants.
The demon groaned, trying his best to ignore the want, the need, the desire crawling beneath his skin. His magic hummed, not out of irritation, but out of demand. You had started something but did not finish it.
How rude.
But is that what you were hoping to accomplish? Or was it truly a distraction? So many questions and so few answers.
Somewhere in the distance, he heard a door slam shut. Good, you were gone.
Alastor couldn't take it anymore; he undid his pants and pulled his cock free, only to find it weeping precum already. He hissed, wrapping his hand around his shaft.
Fuck, you had blue-balled him.
The first few strokes were painful, and then pain gave way to slowly building pleasure. Hisses turned to moans. Stiff muscles became jelly as he allowed himself to slowly become undone.
He couldn’t remember the last time he did something like this. Even alive he wasn’t a very promiscuous man. Sure, he tried sex a few times, but that was only to please the women in his life. When he couldn’t get it up or couldn’t finish, they assumed something was wrong with them. Were they not pretty enough? Not sexy enough? Bad at kissing? If it went on long enough, then the answer became obvious: the issue was with him. So, technically, he never truly completed the act of sex, but he did try. Not because he wanted to but because the women did.
Frankly, he didn’t see the point to it. There were so many other things he could be spending his time doing. He got good at other things… but that was to keep others satisfied so they wouldn’t come looking for sex. It was a burden, honestly. He used any excuse he could to avoid such things, but eventually, the women grew frustrated and irritable.
Those few fleeting relationships didn’t last long - if you could even call them relationships. He didn’t even have romantic feelings for those women - he just went through the motions because he was expected to by society. It was the era of the stereotypical patriarchal household. Of course, you married, settled down, and had kids.
When finding a female partner didn't work out, someone suggested he might be into men, but he knew he was not. Men were fucking vile creatures as far as he was concerned. Thus, he gave up pursuing any relationship of any kind and dedicated his time to other… extracurricular activities.
Alastor groaned, his mind becoming foggy. He couldn’t think straight anymore, as thoughts of aggravation and his past quickly became thoughts of you.
The way your face flushed as you ground your hips against his. The gasp which escaped your beautifully red lips as his static cupped your breasts.
“Ugh,” he whined. Red was definitely your color.
And then there you were on your knees in the dirt, in your cute little red dress with black lace. Alastor wasn’t a religious man, but you in that dress had him practically on his knees the other day. He hated to admit it, but he couldn’t stop thinking about you in it, couldn’t stop imagining what it would look like on his bedroom floor…
He imagined you crawling to him across the grass, your eyes locked on his. He imagined you positioning yourself between his legs, licking your red lips at the sight of his cock.
The demon gasped as your hands ghosted up his legs, coming to rest at the base of his inner thighs.
Then you smiled, your canines glowing in the low light, "Mr. Alastor."
He shuttered.
The demon stroked harder, faster with the thoughts of those teeth skimming his shaft, of those red lips wrapped around his cock.
You came closer, crawling over top of him, pushing your breasts into his chest, your ass wiggling in the air behind you. Your eyes, half-lidded, filled with lust and desire, sent a wave of pleasure through him that had him downing raspy breaths of air.
Alastor's head bobbed backward, his entire body shuttering from the build of his climax. His hips instinctively bucked up into his hand as he stroked, his body demanding more, demanding faster, demanding harder.
Oh, Satan’s Mistress, he wanted so badly to ruin that dress with his...
"Uh-uh," you teased, running your hand through his hair, you clamped down, and tugged his head forward, forcing him to look into your eyes. "I didn't say you could cum, yet, now did I?"
Fucking Hell. Alastor whined in protest.
"Beg," you demanded.
Alastor was there, ready, but he wouldn’t - couldn't - not unless you said he could.
"I want to hear you beg for it," something behind your eyes turned dark.
"P...Please," Alastor moaned as he bucked up into his hand. “Please..."
You smirked, using a finger to caress his cheek "Oh, my darling buck, I could never deny you anything."
And Alastor came.
"Fuck," he moaned into the darkness as he spilled his seed all over the ground.
The Radio Demon continued to stroke even after wave after wave spewed from him.
Fuck, there was so much cum.
And when it was over and the lust-filled image of you had faded...
It did nothing to satisfy him - nothing to take the edge off. His magic was still humming beneath his skin, throbbing even. His static reached out, trying desperately to find you, and returned aggravated when it did not. It rolled through his blood, an insatiable itch he couldn't satisfy - almost as if the lack of your very presence had some sort of hold over the demon's magic.
He needed to get out of here. He needed to find a way to burn off all this pent-up… sexual energy. He fixed his pants, his dick still hard as he rebuttoned his trousers.
The Radio Demon forced himself to his feet and melted angrily into shadow.
This bouquet was so much bigger. So much fucking bigger. And it came with a gift. 
“Open it.” Angel leaned over your left shoulder. “Open it.” He switched to your right. “Open it.” Your left. “Open it.” Your right. “Open it.”
“Oh, my God, Angel!” You snapped - but in a cute way. You could never be mad at the spider demon. “If I open it will you please stop?” You chuckled. 
“Oh, baby,” Angel wiggled his eyebrows at you. “I will never stop.”
You rolled your eyes, digging into the gift bag. 
Of-fucking-course… A cellphone. Vox bought you a cell phone. Angel gasped. You had an unread message, and naturally, it was from the media demon. You spun the phone around for Angel to read. 
Angel slapped a hand over his mouth. “Holy shit! We gotta go shoppin’!” He grabbed your elbows and lugged you to your feet. 
“Uh,” you put the brakes on hard. “I’m not going on a date with Vox.” 
Angel ran his hands down his face, groaning in irritation. “Look, toots.” He crossed his many arms. “We need to 'ave a really honest conversation ‘ere.”
You checked the foyer. It was the middle of the day, and no one was home save for Charlie and Vaggie, who had been locked in the office for hours. You hadn’t seen Alastor since the whole swamp incident… Even Husk was out at the moment. It was just you and Angel, save for Nifty running around killing bugs somewhere. No one saw the flowers getting dropped off except for the spider demon, who just so happened to be leaving his room at the same time you were. 
You crossed your arms and collapsed onto the sofa like a small child being chastised by a parent. 
Angel turned on his big brother charm and began his lecture. “I know you don’t 'ave a lotta experience with this kinda stuff, but I do. So, ‘ear me out when I say this, I think you’re confused.”
You raised an eyebrow in question. 
He sighed, “I get that you were raised in the Church and everythin’, but you’re in Hell now. That whole Damnation bullshit has already run its course, toots. I think, maybe, you should consider broadening your horizons a bit. Go on dates. Kiss a few demons. See how it makes you feel.” He cleared his throat. “Just, try somethin’ new. For my sake?” 
Wow. You were not expecting that. Did you really want to do this with Vox? No. Did you want to do anything remotely romantic or sexual? No… Well… No! What happened with Alastor the other night was pure survival instinct. It didn’t matter that you enjoyed it. It didn’t matter that he… well his body’s reaction was quite obvious… Hugely obvious… But you were talking about pure sexual reactions, it didn’t mean anything. 
You hated Alastor. It was as simple as that… right? 
You bit your lip, smudging your red lipstick. “And if I don’t like it?” 
“Then you don’t like it!” He threw his hands into the air. “Look, Hair clip, you got to suck dick to know you don’t like suckin’ dick.” 
You snorted into a fit of giggles. 
“So, whattya say? Shoppin’ trip?” Angel held out a hand.
You debated a moment, “Actually, Rosie might have something already prepared for me…”
“It’s all about the confidence, toots. Chin up.” Angel instructed. 
You did as you were instructed, although begrudgingly. Taking a deep breath, you raised your chin and strode across the wood. You wobbled, practically falling into the back of the couch for support. 
“This is impossible, Angel! I don’t know why Rosie thought this would be a good idea!” You fell into the couch completely, using it as leverage to kick off the red stilettos. “She knows I can’t handle heels this high.” 
Angel rolled his eyes, “You just need a bit of practice, that’s all.” He tosses you the new pair of Mary Janes he helped you buy.
“Well, Vox is due any minute,” in the black heels, the train of your black dress drags across the ground, but it would have to do. “I’m out of time.”
“Alastor still doesn’t know?” The spider demon raises an eyebrow. 
“I don’t know, I haven’t seen him since...” 
“Since you fell outta his room on ya’ ass?” Angel filled in for you. 
“Yes…” You hid your face. 
“Still don’t wanna talk about it, toots?” 
“No.” You go for the black clutch, ensuring the new phone is tucked inside. Angel gave you his number just in case. “Besides, who cares if he knows?” 
Angel huffed, collecting the red stilettos and following you out front. “Would ya’ care to know that he’s been on a rampage in the Doomsday District since then?”
Your ears perked up. “What?”
“Smiles been goin’ ape shit ova’ there since ya’ did whatever the fuck you did in his room.” Angel pulled a video up on his phone. Alastor's demon form was ripping the place to shreds, eating Sinners, and causing pure chaos.
Oh, fuck…
As if on cue, a black limo pulled up. The media demon popped out the back donning a freshly pressed blue suit, a grin plastered across his screen. He had a new hat - red ribbon instead of blue. 
A rescue from your Alastor conversation. Thank the Lord. 
“Hey, babe!” His eyes raked over your form. “You look fucking hot!” 
Your entire body shuttered, immediately collapsing in on yourself. Angel cringed next to you. 
Eh, maybe you’d rather keep talking about the Radio Demon. 
Rosie had truly outdone herself this time: a floor-length black gown that hugged your curves in all the right places. It was a simple dress with long sleeves and a high back to cover your tattoo. It had a high neckline with a slit on one side. The dress was designed to show off your silhouette as opposed to your cleavage - which you were thankful for. Again, you weren't the biggest fan of girly dresses, but this one allowed you to be feminine while also not making you feel too exposed - which modern feminine-style clothing often did.
You pulled your hair into a bun at the base of your neck, a few strands of bangs curled around your face, barely brushing the tops of your collarbones. You couldn’t take all the credit for the hair or the silver eyeshadow - Angel was the architect of that.
Vox’s eyes flitted between you and the Hotel door. “Shall we?” He laughed awkwardly, a hand out in waiting. 
Your eyes found Angel’s, screaming for him to rescue you - make some excuse to get you out of this evening, but he was beaming. He nodded for you to go and watched as Vox whisked you into the limo so fast you didn’t have a chance to grab the train of your dress before the media demon slammed it in the door. 
Vox jumped in on the other side and, using a com button on his seat gave directions to a restaurant in the Entertainment District. 
God, Rosie will kill you if you ruin this dress after only wearing it for an hour. 
“So,” Vox cleared his throat, clearly oblivious to the anxiety playing across your face. “You live at the Hotel…” The demon scooched closer to you.
You crossed your legs, hoping the demon didn’t notice the black velvet stuck in the doorframe. How fucking embarrassing… “Yeah, I just moved actually.” 
You didn’t know what to do with your hands as Vox’s leg came to rest against your own. The fabric brushed against your bare thigh - curse Rosie and this slit. 
“Why would you want to move there? You don’t seriously think the Princess’s redemption plan will work do you?” He scoffed. 
Hell, no.
“I wouldn’t have moved if I didn’t have hope.” You kept your gaze forward, too nervous to glance in his direction. The media demon was in your bubble and you didn’t particularly enjoy his aroma of plastic and cheap cologne. 
You shot him an irritated look. 
“Fine. Fine.” He backed off. “But the company she keeps?”
“The company?” You decide to play dumb. 
“The Smiling Freak,” He spat, his screen glitching. 
You turned to him then, a soft smile playing out on your face as you tipped your head in feigned confusion. “Who?”
The demon’s screen buffered. “Alastor, the Radio Demon.”
His irritation sparked genuine joy in your chest, but you slammed the mask down over your face so face he didn’t notice. “Oh! The Hotel Manager! Yes, he does always seem chipper, doesn’t he?”
Vox’s screen flashed with a disgruntled look before he changed the subject. “Champagne?” 
He went for the mini fridge and pulled out a pink sparkly bottle. 
As long as it wasn’t sweet… 
The bottle read “Rosé Champagne.” 
Great… This was going to be a long night…
You spun the glass of wine on its base, watching the liquid dance. It’s been about an hour and a half since you sat down for dinner, and finally, FINALLY, you had finished and were waiting for dessert. 
Why did people even like big, flashy dinners like this? What’s wrong with a perfectly good home-cooked meal AWAY FROM THE LIMELIGHT. 
FLASH! Another camera went off in your face. The fucking media had been tailing you since the limo dropped you off out front. How did they even know you were going to be here? 
“Babe,” a pair of cold metallic fingers wrapped under your chin and raised your face from your glass. Your heart skipped a beat, your brain not registering the situation before your eyes found Vox’s. 
Disappointment swirled in your belly. 
“Sorry,” you waved him off. “The wine is making my head a bit fuzzy.” 
Not a lie. What glass were you on again? 
“As I was saying, Voxtek will combine the two into one, so Sinners can detect who or what is at their front doors.” The demon preached, giving his best spokesman voice he often used on television.
“Ah, huh,” you agreed, ignoring the buzzing in your clutch. 
Angel has been hard at work stalking every media news outlet tailing your date with the Overlord. He took to sending you screenshots and comments about every single one. Quite annoying actually. 
Your eyes searched the shadows for the hundredth time that night. Yet everything was still. No static prickling your skin, no cold shadows twirling about your ankles. It meant Alastor still didn’t know about your date or didn’t care… Why did that make your chest ache? 
“Seems we can make money off of the Soul Scanner after all!” 
Your ears perked up at that. 
“Wait,” you paused your twirling. “Soul Scanner?” 
“Yup!” The demon straightened a little, his sin showing. “Angelic Security’s newest feature!” He whipped out his phone to show you a preview. “It will send notifications directly to your phone anytime it detects a soul in its camera.” He points to the info-graph on the screen. “It even has an Exorcist Angel feature.”
Names. It could detect names. 
“That’s the same technology you use to identify the Shadow’s victims.” 
Vox beamed, “Yes! It can only register Hell names; however, we haven’t found a way to uncover Christian names - but that’s step two! Want to try?” Vox pulled up an app on his phone and handed it to you. 
“Vox of Voxtek Technologies,” the female voice read as you pointed the camera at the demon.
“You can track the Shadow’s movements,” the gears behind your eyes begin to turn. “You’re going to use it to uncover his identity.” 
“I knew you were a smart one, babe,” the demon collected your hand and pressed a kiss to the top, sending little bolts of electricity dancing across your skin. 
As you attempted to calm the quiet panic building inside of you, the demon intertwined his fingers with yours. “And now you!” 
Before you had a chance to stop him, Vox captured you on the phone’s camera. “Unknown.” The woman’s voice rang. The media demon looked confused before he pushed the button again. “Unknown. Unknown. Unknown.”
“That’s never happened before.” 
You laughed awkwardly, anxiety bubbling in your chest. “That’s so strange.” Change the subject. Change the subject. Change the subject! “So, Vox,” you ran your thumb over the back of his hand, pulling his attention away from his phone. “How long have you been an Overlord?” 
The demon’s screen buffered, little waves of static running up and down his form. He pushed the interference away, fixing his bowtie to try and cover it up. “Well, since you asked…”
Velvette strode up wearing a pink dress so scandalous it made you look like a 16th-century pilgrim. Her hair was done up in a fro, her iconic swirl painted into the side. Gigantic earrings dangled just above her collarbones, sparkling in the candlelight. The swoop in her neckline was low enough to show her belly button, and don’t get you started on the double slit. 
The bitch could pull it off, don’t misunderstand, she was gorgeous, but it was Velvette, and you did not like her. 
And on her arm…
“Crim?” You gasped. 
The Mafia Boss plucked the cigar from his mouth, emptying the ashes into the tray atop your table, before he addressed the group. “I see my reputation precedes me.” He winks at you. The Hell Native had a coat draped over his shoulder, and his iconic fedora sat crooked atop his head. He smelled of smoke and whiskey and GREED. 
“Velvette,” Vox laughed, attempting to hide his irritation. “What are you doing here?” 
“Dollface is just showin’ me around the joint. Nice place ya’ got here, Mr. Vee.” 
Crim you dirty motherfucker!
You hid a clenched fist beneath the table, doing your best to contain the growing irritation bubbling beneath your skin. 
The fucker made a deal with you. Granted, it wasn’t a soul contract, but it was a deal nonetheless: Chaz’s death for the card and a bit of cash. That was it. So what the fuck was he doing here with Velvette?
You sniffed, trying to sense their emotions, but Crim’s cigar was too pungent to get a good read. 
This wasn’t a coincidence. There are no coincidences. Fucking mosquitoes. They always come back. How could you be so stupid!? 
“Well that’s nice…” Vox’s voice trailed off. “I thought you were headed back down after the meeting this morning?” 
“Thought I’d stick around. Check out the joint. Not everyday us Natives get an invitation to the Pride Ring.” 
Shit. Shit. Shit. You took a sip of your wine to hide your growing anxiety. 
“Mr. Crim was just telling me about a cute little mansion on the edge of town he was thinkin’ bout purchasin',” Velvette added. 
You choked, the wine going down the wrong pipe. 
The same fuckin’ mansion he arranged your meeting at!? The exact same meeting he met with the Shadow!? 
“You okay, babe?” Vox handed you a napkin, which you used to cough into. 
Fuck, the Vees are aligning themselves with the Crimson Mafia gang. They couldn’t find any allies with the Overlords of Pride, so they had to go lower - to someone who had dealt with the Shadow before. Was it to solely take on Heaven or the Shadow as well?
Definitely the latter.
What were you going to do? You couldn’t kill Crim. That would be too obvious, the timing too perfect. 
“Yeah,” you breathed. “I’m good.” 
“This is your mysterious Alley Girl, Vox?” Velvette’s eyes narrowed.
Vox nodded. 
“Is that one of mine?” the fashion guru asked, her red sclera scrutinizing your dress. 
“A Rosie Original, actually,” you smiled.
"Rosie, the tailor?" She raised an eyebrow in question.
"No, Rosie, the Overlord," you corrected.
The demon gritted her teeth. There it was. That got under her skin. She thought oh-so little of the Overlords of Hell, she thought herself above them all - at least, that's what you got out of her attitude at the meeting. And you had guessed correctly.
She smiled, trying to hide her growing irritation. “Right,” She turned back to Vox. “See ya’ later, luv, kisses!” And then she was gone, whisking Crim away to the bar.
When she was well out of earshot, Vox laughed. "Never seen someone shut her up so fast!" The demon grabbed your hand again, his other twirling one of your free-flowing bangs. "Now, where were we?"
You rolled your eyes, ignoring his self-absorbed mantra about the new phone update set to release soon. Honestly, you truly gave it your best shot. Sure, this night started out with a bit of you teasing about Alastor, but afterward, you genuinely did try to get to know him. It just, was hard when everything became about him.
He didn't care about you at all. Which was unexpected, especially after such a declaration in the streets of the Entertainment District. It made you feel like a trophy he wanted to show off, and, when he was done, he put you right back up on the shelf. There you sat until he found it convenient to take you down again.
You meant it as a metaphor when you said you felt like a toy the two Overlords were fighting over. The difference now was that Vox was truly treating you like one.
You took another sip of your wine as dessert was served, your mind once again wandering to the shadows...
“Thank you,” Vox held the door open for you. 
Finally, the night was over. Finally, you could crawl into bed and hide for the next year of your life. Your social meter was in the negatives. You were drained. This had all been just too much. 
“No, thank you, babe, for a wonderful evening,” the demon grabbed your hand, his fingers dancing across your skin. The demon fell silent, his eyes turning glassy as they found yours. 
You were suddenly very nervous, your stomach fell, your mouth ran dry. “Okay, so good-” 
The demon pulled you in, his lips crashing into yours. It was… um… well, you kissed him back - or rather, you tried - but like… it wasn’t…
Vox’s tongue slid over your lips and pushed its way into your mouth. He tasted of static and salted fish.
The demon ran his hands down your back, coming to a stop atop your hips. He used the leverage to pull you closer. Flush against the Overlord, you expected to feel warmth, exhilaration, and desire, but none of that came. In fact, it was quite the opposite. You wanted to run, but not in the same way you wanted to run from Alastor. You wanted to run in a grossed-out sort of way. Like you needed a good bath to scrub off all the ickiness now clinging to you.
The Overlord moaned into your mouth as his lips smacked against yours.
God, it was so wet… Has this man been kissing Hellhounds all his life? Not that you had any experience to go off of. This was your first kiss after all...
You did your best to kiss him back, but it wasn't working out. It was more mashing of lips than it was actual kissing. Is this what people get enjoyment out of? Others made it seem so simple like your lips were just supposed to know what to do. This was just awkward.
Finally, Vox broke the encounter, wrapping his arms around your waist, “Till next time, gorgeous.” He squeezed your ass before letting you go. 
And then he was gone…
As the limo pulled away, you felt your feet collapse beneath you. The tears found your cheeks before you realized you were ugly-sobbing on the curb before the Hotel.
Husk found you not long after and brought you inside. He wrapped you in a blanket and sat you at the bar, pouring glass after glass of water before you finally said something.
Shit was this what dating was? Why did people like doing these things? Angel made it sound so fun and enjoyable - this is his area of expertise, after all. "Go out, have a fun time, kiss a few demons - blah, blah, blah." Yeah right. Angel was going to get an earful the next time you saw him.
“Angel still at work?” You mumbled.
Husk nodded.
“And Alastor?” You ask hesitantly, your eyes downcast. 
Please don’t be here. 
There it was, that ache in your chest again.
“I take it, it didn’t go well?” Husk asked, pouring himself a glass of water.
“I don’t wanna talk about it,” you rubbed your face. Your red lipstick and makeup had to be smeared to high Hell by now - Vox was probably wearing half of it. You wetted a napkin and tried to clean up the damage in the reflection of your glass. 
Actually, you know what, you did want to talk about it. 
“He was just so… so…” you forced your drunken brain to think. “Full of himself! He didn’t shut up once the entire dinner, save for me being able to ask a few questions ABOUT HIMSELF.” 
Irritation prickled the flames beneath your skin. “The date was a disaster from the beginning! He ruined my dress - again!" You motion to the tear in the hem of the fabric. “Then he took us to the most famous rooftop bar in the Entertainment District, where a hoard of reporters were lying in wait. He pulled me about them like I was a piece of arm candy! I HATE the limelight, Husk. A definition of a good time for me is a glass of red and a good book in the library - which I haven’t been able to do in forever." 
“We sat at the VIP table with people waiting on us every two seconds, I couldn’t breathe with how often people were asking my opinion or bringing me a tiny ass plate of a few mouthfuls of food. I mean twelve courses!? Really!? Also, he ordered dinner for me without my input - fish, Husk, he ordered me fish! I hate fish! And don’t even get me started on dessert - chocolate mousse…. I fucking loathe chocolate." 
“At least he had the common courtesy to drop me off at home after. My feet are killing me!” You pulled off your shoes and threw them across the room, sniffling. Taking a deep breath, you bury your head in your hands. “He kissed me, Husk.” A shaky breath. “And it was so, so gross… He was practically licking me.” Your voice cracks as tears stream down your face. “Why are men so fucking vile?” 
There's silence for a beat before you feel Husk lay a hand on your shoulder. “I’m sorry, kid.” 
God, the last time you cried this hard was when Dad beat the shit out of you… 
“Here,” Husk hands you a napkin to dry your eyes and dot your nose. 
God, now you truly were a mess. 
“Can we just talk about something else? I don’t want to end the night like this…” You sniffle, thoroughly destroying the napkin in a wave of black mascara. 
“Uh…” Husk looked uncomfortable. 
“Let’s talk about you, Husk.” You offer. 
“Nothing much to talk about, kid,” he took a swig of water - how uncharacteristic of the cat. 
“Come on. There has to be more to the emotionally damaged barkeep than just pouring drinks,” a sad chuckle escapes your lips. 
“I’m not emotionally damaged. Ya’ll think I’m…” 
You shot him a dumb look.
“Yeah, okay, whatever…” he takes another swig. “Question for a question?”
You raised an eyebrow, “What, so you can report everything back to Alastor? Yeah, no thank you.”
“Believe it or not kid, there are some things that I keep from the Radio Demon.”
Alastor’s words echo through your mind “... You would be surprised how difficult that barcat can be…”
Maybe not everything would get back to the Overlord - this snob fest certainly will. However, you did need to get closer to Husk, this would be a good opportunity. 
“Fine, but I invoke the right to pass.” 
“Do you get paid to be here?” You started as he poured you another glass of water.
“Alastor is significantly more… generous regarding his deal-making - for Nifty and me, at least. He has ensured that we are well taken care of. Including a monetary pension.” 
Well, you weren't expecting that. You didn’t have much experience making soul deals that resulted in servitude. Any transactions that were made were for your soul’s discrimination and silence. Even the obsidian calling cards had their terms - albeit, cardholders didn’t know this until it was too late. You couldn’t imagine making a soul deal and having to take care of those souls afterward. Seemed like a lot of work. 
“How old were you when you died?” 
That wasn’t something you thought about.
“Twenty-five. You?”
You tried to hold back a gasp of surprise, slapping your hand over your mouth. “Husker, you’re an old man!?” 
You hadn’t known this from your prior research. 
“Was,” he sipped, pointing a finger. “Was an old man.” He narrows his eyes at you, his face turning slightly pink. “Don’t tell Angel.” 
You made a cross over your heart with your fingers. “Cross my heart and you know the rest…” 
“Okay, Grandpa Husk, what did you do before Alastor came along and ruined your life?” 
You already knew the answer.
“He didn’t ruin my life…” The barcat mumbled. 
You blinked. “What?” 
He takes a long breath, leaning back against the bartop, arms crossed, drink in hand. “I was in a bad spot. He got me out of it.” 
“Oh,” you said after a while, drinking the water to fill the awkward silence. 
“Didn’t you just warn me about how dangerous of a demon he could be?” 
“I lost my soul, kid. That isn’t something to take lightly, but when you're down on your luck, you'll turn to anything to keep you afloat… I can't take that back.” 
It was the best of the worst situation. You get it. 
He looked at you hard, suddenly very serious, “I don’t want that to happen to you, kid.” 
Okay, this was getting too much for you. You decide to derail the subject to something a bit lighter. “Tell me about your daughter.” 
He chokes on his drink, “How did you know I had a kid?” 
Shit. The alcohol was making your brain fuzzy. You slipped up. 
Trying to act casual as you thought of something to say. “You have the heart of a girl-dad.” 
He narrowed his eyes at your glass. “Have we met before?” 
Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.
“Can I get some help ova’ ‘ere?” Angel fell into the door leaving blood on the handle behind him. The spider demon collapsed onto the carpet, a dark puddle forming beneath him. 
Water went flying across the bartop as you and Husk scrambled over to him. Husk rolled him over and pulled him into his lap - gashes crisscrossed his chest so violently you didn’t know where the blood wasn’t coming from. “What happened!?” 
Angel’s breathing was ragged and shallow, “Val…” 
Val!? He came all the way from V Tower in this state!? 
Husk had a look of pure panic across his face. “Hold on, I got… I got a first aid kit behind the bar…” 
“That won’t help…” you breathed. 
Looking around, you checked the shadows, ensuring Alastor wasn’t watching. 
A gurgle escaped Angel’s throat. The death rattle, they call it. 
“We have to… We can… We can fix this…” Husk was hyperventilating now, his eyes wide with shock.
He’s dying.
“He isn’t dying!” Husk argued. You had said it out loud. 
Images of Clara drowning in her own blood came flooding back to you. Carmella was screaming… Odette was curled around her sister in a ball of tears. Exorcists flew overhead, their spears glittering in the light. It was a beautiful ballet of chaos. 
You willed the memories away.
“Husk,” you grabbed his arm, pulling his attention to you. “I need you to listen to me. Help me get him to my room.” 
“What? Why…” 
“Just do it!” 
You roped your arms under his knees. It took a moment for Husk to comprehend what you were saying before he finally shook his head and followed suit. Quickly, you ran the spider demon up the stairs, a trail of blood following in your wake. Throwing Angel onto the bed, you turned back to the hallway and…
The blood disappeared. 
“Wait, how did you…” Husk stood at the side of the bed, looking between you and Angel and the hallway in disbelief.
You locked the door.
Jumping onto the bed, you straddled the spider demon, the slit of your dress bunching up over your hip. Now was not the time for modesty. Rolling up your sleeves, you pulled the hair clip from your hair and held it above your arm. “You DO NOT tell Alastor anything. Do you understand?” You spoke very clearly, hoping the seriousness got through to him.
He didn’t answer, confused and panicked.
The cat demon blinked. “Yeah!” He screamed. “I got you!” 
“Good,” you ran the prongs of the metal clip, sharpened to a point - courtesy of Carmilla Carmine - across your palm. A cut formed, but you quickly shoved it into the spider demon’s mouth before Husk got a better look. 
“Come on, come on,” you were covered in blood now, your sheets were ruined. You prayed no one heard the commotion and came running.
Angel was motionless for only a moment before the thrashing started. 
“Hold him down!” You screamed at Husk. 
The barcat did his best to hold down a set of his arms over his head as Angel thrashed in the sheets. 
Slowly, so slowly, the bleeding stopped. Skin and tissue began rethreading itself before your eyes, stitching to form new skin. 
Then, the room fell silent. His breathing stilled. His body relaxed. 
Angel was okay.
You didn’t hesitate. Jumping from the bed, you dipped your fingers into a puddle of his blood and began to draw runes on the parts of his fur not already soaked in red.
“What the fuck are you doin’?” 
“Runes of Healing.” Just in case.
When you were finished you went to the hidden markings about the room - beneath the carpet by the door, above the windows, and under the bed - refreshening their marks. 
“Are you mad?” 
Finally, above your headboard - for good measure. You jumped back, joining Husk at the foot of your bed as you both admired the work.
“Twenty plus ‘C’ plus ‘M’ plus ‘B’. What the fuck does that mean?” He read aloud.
“Christus mansionem benedicat - Latin for 'may Christ bless this house.'* Mortals use it to keep out the damned. I used it to keep out our household Overlord and his shadow.” You pointed to the “Alastor” written below it. 
Your hand hadn’t healed. So you held that one close to your chest. 
Angel Dust sighed and turned over on the bed. 
Good. That was good.
Husk turned to you expectantly. He crossed his arms, waiting for you to explain. 
Fuck, guess it was time…
Pulling an obsidian calling card from the Void, you held it out to the barcat and turned it over. Written in white ink at the bottom, hidden until now, was a name: Bernard Abernathy. 
The demon gasped.
“Took me years to get it back.” You shot him a small smile. “I recommend not gambling it away this time.” 
“How…” He took the card from you and you watched as a sort of clarity flashed across his eyes. “I remember…” His gaze met yours, a large smile forming across his face. 
Using their own blood on the obsidian card entered Sinners into an unknowing contract. Cardholders, should they give up or lose their cards, will forget you completely. Husk had one of your cards from a long time ago… Now that it’s finally returned, he can remember again. 
“Hey, Husky,” you smile back. 
He brings you into a hug. “Hey, kid,” he mumbles, his chin coming to rest atop your head. 
You stand there and hold each other for a long while until a murmur from Angel pulls you away. You had a lot of explaining to do, but it would have to wait. 
Drying your eyes, you head to the window. “Get him cleaned up. Don’t let him leave this room. I’ll be back.”
“Where are you going?” He asks.
Your leather gear and cloak appear. You pull the hood up and open the window, preparing to jump. 
For Husk, since he knows who you are, the cloak's magic didn’t work. Strangers couldn’t see beneath the hood nor pull it off you. Many had tried. They all ended up in a pile of ash. But those who knew could do both.
Holding your fist before you, you summon blue flame. “To kill Valentino.” 
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Dun, dun, dunnnnnn! Yeah, fuck Valentino.
*Wiki Link explaining the C+M+B if you are curious
-> Chapter Eight Coming Soon!
Masterlist Link: Masterlist
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@sirens-and-moonflowers @wonderlandangelsposts @saccharine-nectarine @goyablogsstuff @mommymilkers0526 @eris-norwega @alastor-the-radio-demons-blog
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qu1cks1lversb1tch · 5 months
Having them as best friend's:
Multiple X Reader
Contains: Alastor, Angel Dust, Husk, Charlie, Lucifer, Vox, Velvette, Rosie, Adam, Lute, and Valentino
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You're gonna have to hear me out with this one: he's down for the gossip 24/7!!!
He will listen and talk shit with you 100% and I'm not arguing on the matter.
Someone says some wack ass shit to you in public? "I beg your fucking pardon?" With like the scariest grin that fucker can muster.
You start talking to someone? He interrogates them! If they're not strong enough to survive one little interrogation with THE Radio Demon, they're not good enough to date you. Sorry not sorry.
The friendship would be violent, but in almost a sibling type relationship. If he said something absolutely out of line, you'd smack him or kick him in the back of his knees. He'd always get payback, whether it was immediately or a few days/weeks later.
You called him a 'radio faced cunt' once in front of everyone and they all mentally started planning your funeral.
Until he clapped back with something equally as interesting.
He only accepted affection from you and Rosie. And Charlie that one time.
If you had a bad day, he'd know immediately by the look on your face and wouldn't let anyone talk to you until he knew exactly what had made one of his two favorite people upset.
He'd kill them if you told him to. Just supportive bestie shit!
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Angel Dust
Let's be real, if you're best friends with Angel, you're probably equally as close with Cherri.
But just you and Angel Dust as best friend's? Shit, he's awesome.
Had a bad day? Go to his room and cuddle Fat Nuggets while you cry/rant about the days woes.
Spontaneous sleepovers BECAUSE YOU CAN!
Platonically flirting to the point that everyone thinks you're together. Neither of you deny the claims, just to keep everyone on their toes.
The words 'love you' followed by something like 'slut' or 'bitch' are common occurrences.
When it comes to dating, Angel just wants you to be happy.
But if someone breaks your heart? He'll come out with guns blazing with no hesitation. NO ONE hurts his bestie.
Platonic cuddles because you love his floof.
Would probably form some sort of marriage pact with you for fun one night when you're both wasted. "Yeah, I'd marry you if we're both still single in 100 years, Toots."
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The banter would be unmatched. You call him a furry and he'll clap back with something that makes your jaw drop before you burst out into laughter.
He'd tell you how it is, regardless of whether you asked or not.
Sure, you're his best friend, and he cares about you. . . But it's because he cares about you that he won't sugarcoat something, even if it's not something you wanna hear.
He would listen to your problems, like any good friend.
He wouldn't trust anyone you had romantic interest in, especially since the ones you always went for had some serious issues.
He'd say something like: "Don't cry to me when that bastard breaks your heart."
And you wouldn't cry to him when it happened, but he'd make you a drink and silently take care of the problem once he had one of the other hotel residents hoist you up to your room.
The next morning you'd tell him he was right and he'd smirk as he wiped down the bar, but wouldn't say anything.
He was never good with affection, so he respects your space and you respect his.
He literally always has your back, even if you don't know it. You do.
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Honestly, you probably grew up together and that's how the two of you became best friends. (But even if you didn't, everything is still the same.)
She's the friend that's too trusting of everyone, so you easily filled the place of being the friend that questioned everyone's intentions.
You even heavily questioned Vaggie's intentions when Charlie insisted on bringing her around after finding her.
You only warmed up to Vaggie when Charlie admitted her feeling for her, to you one late evening. She was a nervous wreck, but you were always the level-headed friend.
Being best friends with the princess of Hell had some lesser known perks — invitations to high class parties, special access at LuLu World, and the most eventful sleepovers known to Hell.
Whenever you mentioned interest in someone, Charlie was the first to push you to go for it.
If it went wrong, she was always there first, telling you it would be completely fine. If it went good, she was the first to congratulate you.
She's 100% the mom friend. Thirsty? Here's something to drink. Cut your finger? "Here's a bandaid, be more careful."
A relationship similar to siblings, bit without any malice or envy. Just happy to be in each other's presence.
She literally documented everything the two of you did, since the very first time you called her your friend. She's not going anywhere.
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Yeah, so, everyone thinks you're dating. Even Charlie is a bit suspicious. You're not, but you had been there by his side for as long as he could remember.
When Lilith left, you filled some part of the void, not allowing Lucifer to go hungry when he spent long days in his office.
On his good days, he's absolutely there for all the tea, especially if it's PIPING HOT. "That bitch said WHAT!?"
He has no filter and will unintentionally intentionally hurt someone's feelings when it comes to you.
He protects you as fiercely as he protects Charlie, despite knowing that you're capable of protecting yourself.
The two of you argue like an old married couple, which only fueled the dating rumors. . . Until you mentioned someone you had interest in.
Bro interrogated everyone you ever liked. Can't handle five minutes with the king of Hell? Not good enough for his bestie. Keep it movin' pal.
No one is allowed to call you a bitch, but him. Anyone else tries, they'll be met with absolute SASS.
Not even joking, Lucifer would be so sassy towards people, to the point that you picked it up.
So the two of you just went around unintentionally terrorizing demons!
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You hate someone? Bet. He'll have someone spy on them and give you the real tea.
Brings you as the plus one for many major events, but bullies you the entire time. You thought you'd get five minutes of peace on your best friends arm? WRONG!
Literally throws toddler meltdown style temper tantrums when it comes to Alastor. You're usually the one who has to reboot him or just smack some sense into him.
You're both pretty level-headed most of the time, but one of you probably has a couple of screws loose. (It's definitely him.)
No one is good enough to date you. Not sorry.
If anyone looks at you wrong, they've signed their second death to double Hell.
You and Vox talk shit about everyone, especially if you've had a hard day.
If it was bad enough, he'd offer to kill the demon who dared make your day shit. He'd still listen to you though.
"Fuck that. You're not going alone." And then you have to wait 15 minutes for him to look 'good enough' to go out, even if you were powerful and just wanted to go on little walk down the street.
Body doubling. Different tasks, silence, but the comfort of having someone else in the room. Absolutely.
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She likes you slightly more than Vox and Valentino, which is fabulous.
Weekly designated sleepover nights where the both of you unload from the week.
Someone is rude to you? Cue Vel lecturing them on how they fucked up and their career is over, but make it musical.
You went on a date with someone and didn't tell her? "I want details, Lovey! Are they an overlord too? Tell. Me. Everything."
Prepare for Hell's greatest gossip sessions, especially around the topic of Hell's cutthroat fashion industry.
She might not seem like it, but she's a good listener.
You're leaving the tower to run a small errand? Surprise Surprise, she's coming with you and turning it into a whole day, complete with lunch and shopping!
She uses you as a model sometimes, purely because she can.
Will call you a sweet name and insult you in the same breath.
Gets worried if you don't text back within five minutes. She will literally show up to make sure you're alive. You're probably taking a nap.
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Literally the best to spend the day with. She loves walking with you or just having tea.
Much like Alastor, she would be down for the gossip, but she wouldn't go very far with it.
In terms of relationships, she'd want you to be happy, but would also threaten to eat your partner if they hurt you.
She'd be such a good listener when you came to talk about your day.
She'd even offer advice and just casually drop something like: "Listen to your intuition, darling. It'll tell you others intentions."
At some point or another, everyone questions whether you're dating or not, which both of you laugh at frequently.
She enjoys her privacy, but she also would love having you around more than others.
She would love giving platonic affection, just to make you feel loved.
Sometimes Alastor pops up and Rosie gushes about how the two of you would get along — and immediately you're just thinking how this trio would be iconic.
She doesn't care about your past, you don't care that she's a Cannibal. . . Well, she cares, but she would NEVER hold it against you!
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He literally goes out of his way to piss you off.
There's a lot of threatening and him calling you stuff like 'Sugar Tits'.
Adam annoys you to the point of you WANTING to just jump to Hell, but you never do, because he's your best friend, and you wouldn't want to emotionally traumatize him by making him think that he lost his best friend to Lucifer, AFTER losing his wives to him.
He says "Suck my dick, Bitch" AT LEAST A DOZEN TIMES A DAY. It irritates you to no end.
The banter is unmatched. He wants to get sassy? You're the SASS MASTER.
You pushed him down the stairs for fun and he didn't talk to you for two days.
He doesn't give a fuck who you date, but if they hurt you, he's taking care of them and not telling you SHIT to avoid all of that mushy feelings crap.
The two of you argue too much for anyone to think you're together.
There's NEVER a moment of silence when you're out. He's always singing, talking, laughing, or mimicking the sound of some instrument.
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She's annoyed 24/7 and you're one of the two main causes.
But she wouldn't replace you because who else would put up with her attitude and listen to her rants like you?
If you had a hard day, she'd probably make some offhand comment and then subtly try to make it better by like getting you ice cream with rainbow sprinkles or something.
She hates physical touch, so the only time she touches you is to smack you, probably for saying something very Adam-ish. "Say that shit again and it'll be worse."
She hates everyone you have romantic interest in, but let's you learn your own lessons the hard way.
Nobody could ever picture the two of you as friends, let alone dating.
She's like the sister that has it all but claims she's the black sheep of the family.
Her job comes before everything else in her life, that including you, but when she has time for you, there's usually food and shit talking involved.
She makes sure you drink water every day. She'd kick your ass if you passed out because of dehydration.
She'd give you the key to her place, but you'd never use it unless she told you to. (Like in the event she forgot her set or something)
(I've reached the 10 media limit, so just imagine a gif right here)
He offers you a job almost weekly. You hold off on kicking his ass every single time because that's your best friend.
Derives great pleasure from pissing you off.
You don't agree with the manner he treats his employees, so you undermine him every chance you get, just to make sure they get the best treatment possible.
It pisses him off to no end, but he let's it go. He wouldn't hurt you. He couldn't, not without a whole bunch of backlash from quite literally everyone.
Whenever you start liking someone, he warns you to be careful because he knows the industry. He is the industry.
He's gossip central. Talks super exaggerated with his hands and his voice changes whenever he remembers another detail.
He's a touchy feller, that much is evident. He's always touching you in some way, but it's not sexual/romantic or violent, it's more reassurance for both of you. It's a safe middle ground.
You have to leave for some reason? "The limo will take you, but don't touch anything."
He throws tantrums on the regular and you've learned to just let them go on until he eventually shuts the fuck up and let's you speak.
He'll call you a slut and then ask if you want to get food. It's extremely clear that you're not dating lmao.
A/N: I hope this is okay! I've never written for a bunch of these characters, as I just stared writing Hazbin stuff last week, and even then, it was a small Vox one-shot and a Lucifer one-shot.
Requests are open, if anyone would wanna request something for one of these characters? I'd pull through to the best of my ability.
Part Two
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vanity-bonbons · 7 months
YANDERE VOX X MOTH! READER [Taster to see if it's worth it]
Chapter 0: The beginning
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Note: You're comedic if you think I'm going through this to make sure everything is spelt right lol
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How did you end up in this state? Here, you are locked in the most luxurious penthouse you have ever seen in both your life and after life. The glass windows locked shut with the walls lined with huge tvs that look to cost grands.
You were just an ordinary sinner like no other. You lived an ok life for the most part, despite being ended so short. The only thing you really did "wrong" is not believe in a higher being. God.
You were a silk moth demon with big fluffy antennas, thin fragile wings, and a huge fluff or fur around your neck. You remember a huge fall, hitting the ground and a chuckle. Vox. That was his name. You landed in front of another sinner with the peculiar shaped head of a TV.
He was quick to introduce himself as Vox, the tech overlord and owner, to the largest tech company in all of the pride rings.
"I see you're new.." he chuckled, "as it seems you can't use your wings...also the fall. "
It took you a while to come to terms with the whole hell thing a long with the fact you're talking to a sentient TV.
"What is your name? Do you have anywhere to go?" He asked, not really giving you any chance to respond before moving questions.
All this was very overwhelming to you. Your wings begin to flutter nervous before tears start to brim your eyes.
"Hey..hey..calm down," he says in his classic businessman persona voice, "come on darlin'." He slowly leads a weeping you into the V tower he was standing in front of.
It had been an hour since you had met him, and you were already in his tower, hugging him as he comforted you softly. You can't help him he just smells so nice.. and he looks so nice..his eyes... look so...entrancing...
He softly rubs your head as you sniffle into his chest. Then he pulls out his classic line.
"You could always work for my company," He says with a huge toothy smile, " I mean...I would pay you handsomely, and you need a place to stay...."
A contract appears in front of you. He tells you not to worry, and this is just for legal purposes to make sure you're as happy as possible. And stupidly, you agree without reading through the contract. Being new to hell, you didn't even know you had a soul anymore or that people use them to deal. You sign the contract with a small smile. This man seems so nice. You were confused whether this was really hell.
You belong to him now and you still had no idea. Vox told you to follow him into your very own room. But it wasn't your room. It was his.
"Get a good night's rest darlin' you have a long day tomorrow, and don't worry... you'll fit right in here at VoxTech!"
You sit down on the bed and doze off for half an hour before waking up, needing the bathroom desperately. Not seeing the walk-in bathroom, you run to the door trying to open it to find a toilet. But the door was locked. You rattled the door more and more, but no... it wasn't just stuck... it was locked. You were stuck.
A huge zapping noise can be heard before a cough as you quickly turn around to Vox, who grabbed your wrist harshly. He pulled you into his chest and stroked one of your antennas, curling it around with his finger before whispering. "Yeah.. I think you're gonna fit right in..." he sniffs your hair as he continues to play with your antenna.
All you could do was stand there. What was happening. What did you do?
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zep-zep-blog · 8 months
Im back from the dead yall. I got this idea from @timeslugarts ^^ Go give them a follow for their amazing art! Hope yall enjoy!
Vox x gn!reader
Genre:Fluff | Cw: death, car crash, hospital mention
☆Devilish Love☆
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Darkness. That's all you could remember until you wake up in this fiery hellscape. In reality, you were hit by a drunk driver and was in a coma back on Earth with family crying at your bedside, but your soul was trapped here. In the underworld of sinners that were repenting for their crimes.
You wandered the streets, looking around at the different sinners, demons, and other wayward souls. That is until you ran face first into someone, that being a tall man(?) if you could even call him that. He had a tv as a face for crying out loud. "Watch it." He said in a voice that was common in late 50's shows, his voice was sharp and boomed. Ofcourse you squeaked out an apology, but it wouldn't be the last. As you ran into him several times, even getting into arguements with him.
Over time, you did grow close. You stopped arguing with him less often and he offered to let you stay at his place. Soon his roommates, Valentino and Velvette grew to accept you and noticed how much romantic tension there was. You hung around him like a lost puppy, helping him with paperwork or his various shows he produces. This did lead to some issues though, as one day you had accidentally mixed up the scripts for one of the shows and you got into an argument. You and Vox had argued for almost 2 hours, but he finally cracked and impulsively kissed you on the lips.
That kiss had spiraled into you being his right hand, his assistant, his second half. You and him ran Voxtech with a iron fist, planning on taking over sinners and hell. He was also planning some ring options behind the scenes, asking Velvette for help on diamond size, band size, even the box color. Little did he know that the doctors in the mortal plane had other ideas.
You stood in the kitchen, messy hair from just waking up and only in one of Vox's more casual shirts and some underwear. He sat at the island, pouring you guys some cereal, you were about to take a spoonful when BAM your gone in a blink of an eye. Vox panicked, going absolutely nuts. Every tv, phone, camera, you name it was spent looking for you. He even went down to the Princess's hotel to demand an answer from Alastor.
"WHERE ARE THEY ALASTOR! I SWEAR TO GOD I'LL TURN YOU INTO VENISON BY THE TIME IM DONE-" He yelled, going berserk at the front door of the hotel. The door opened by Vaggie lunging at him with her spear, but was thankfully stopped by Charlie. "What's going on? What did Alastor do?" She asked with her signature smile. "He took them! I just know he did!" Vox screeched, pointing his finger at the clam and smiling radio demon. Every one turned their heads to look at Alastor, who looked a bit too calm for the situation. "Who?" His staticy voice came off as genuine confusion. "MY SPOUSE YOU STUPID FUCK!" Vox argued. "Who?-" Alastor was cut off by Angel, "Wait. Someone married you?" He asks, "Well, we were going to get married, but-but they just DISAPPEARED!" Vox says desperately, but not wanting to give Alastor any ammo he left. He returned to his office, giving annoyed huffs to Valentino and Velvette's questions.
Meanwhile, you had woken up to a heart moniter beeping and the warm embrace of your mom, hugging and weeping. The smell of hospital had made you more aware of the situation. Was..was that all a dream? You weren't exactly the perfect person, but having a dream about falling inlove in hell was a bit much for your human mind. Eventually, years had passed and you had lived a single life with a few pets for company, never getting over that dream until your death. Unfortunately, time in hell is different, while almost 30 years had passed since that car crash it had only been a few months for Vox. He had lashed out and never stopped searching. He spent all his time balancing finding you, fighting Alastor, and running Voxtech.
You had woken up in the same place 30 years ago, but it didn't look like that time had passed. You were shocked, it wasn't a dream all those years ago. You dashed through the streets looking for the familiar building of your long lost beloved. Soon you reached your destination, zooming through the lobby, but getting caught short by security. You caused a huge scene, cussing and yelling, begging for them to let you see Vox. Velvette alerted him to your outburst and he zapped through the wires to the lobby and froze. It was you, the person he still had the perfectbring for. The person he still made a plate for. The person he hugged a pillow at night to remember the touch of. He ran to you, shouting at the guards to let you go. He hugged you tightly, sharing a few tears as you hugged him back. You missed this, he missed this.
After being reunited he couldn't wait anymore, he eventually proposed with the ring he saved all that time. Sure he waited months, but you waited years and now you both could take over hell together.
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starlight-write · 4 months
I'm not sure if you can write it, I would be very happy if you write it.
I want ler alastor and lee Lucifer and Charlie.
I don't know, he might be in Alastor mode and want to catch the two of them (of course, with his tentacles, otherwise how can he fight them alone) he may make fun of "the king and heir of hell is quite ticklish" but I especially want Lee to outweigh Lucifer.
I hope you write
Royal Weakness
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A/N: First of all, thank you so much to everyone who voted in the poll and to everyone who sent in their requests! I will admit this one was a bit of a challenge for me and I was on crunch time while writing it but figured I needed to get something out for y'all sometime this year lol. So yeah, not proof read and extremely rushed but hope you enjoy anyways!! <3
Relationships: Ler!Alastor, Lee!Charlie, Lee!Lucifer
Word Count: 2117
Summary: Charlie makes a bet with her father that lands them both into trouble.
Charlie let out a scream as the tendril lifted her off the ground.
The princess had made a break for it, hoping to escape her smiling friend after he made it clear he was done with her bullshit.
The demon had no clue what had gotten into her but she had been following him around all morning hellbent on testing his patience. First it was the constant yapping, random pokes, random questions, hugging him almost every other minute. It wasn't long before Alastor retreated into his tower to get away from that wide-eyed pest.
The last thing he expected was for her to follow him in there. God, she was behaving like some snot-nosed toddler in an antique store. Bombarding him with a million questions as she put her grubby little hands on whatever she could reach.
What's worse is that he knew what she was trying to do. He'd known the girl long enough by now to decipher what her intentions were at any given moment and in that moment, it was crystal clear that she was fucking with him.
Unfortunately for him, Charlie also knew him well enough to know exactly how to push his buttons.
The demon was about to give into her game and share a laugh, he really was. Until she brought up his nemesis.
"This place could use some touching up." Charlie smiled as she dragged a finger on the table and inspected it for dust. "Y'know, I'd figured you'd pick up a thing or two about maintenance from your little bestie. Seeing as you go out of your way to impress him."
Alastor froze. "My what now?"
"Your best friend, Vox?" She grinned, knowing she had won. "I mean seeing how close the two of you are I'd hope he would rub off on you a bit. It's obvious that you look up to him and all, it's very sweet- AAAAH!"
Yeah THAT was the last straw.
Alastor finally snapped and exploded into his demon form that filled the room. That was when Charlie made a break for the door only to be swept up by her feet by one of the demon's tendrils.
The princess hung upside down and couldn't help but laugh at the reaction she'd managed to pull from her friend.
Alastor, however, was not laughing. God he was pissed. It wasn't even noon yet and this brat had somehow managed to make him lose every morsel of composure he'd carefully sustained over the years. Only for her to laugh in his face once she got the reaction she wanted. Yeah, this is why Alastor never had kids.
"Oh, this is funny to you?" He growled, smiling angrily down at her. Which only seemed to make her laugh even harder.
The demon shrank back into his normal form. Breathing deeply as he regained his composure. Though still clearly pissed off.
As much as he hated to admit it, he appreciated his friend's mischievous behavior at times. Hell, most of the time he would play along with it and direct her antics towards any other demon in the hotel. It's always fun being on the other side of the joke, and no one really expects to be blind-sided by the same girl who farted sunshine and rainbows. But jeez she really knew how to work someone's nerves.
Alastor didn't want to hurt her even if he could. Of course not, she was one of his dearest friends at this point. But that didn't mean she was going to get away with this.
"Okay, sunshine." The demon hissed through his smile. "You want to laugh? I'll give you something to laugh about."
Alastor relished the split second that smirk was wiped off her face before it was replaced by the girls hysterical screams.
Charlie shrieked and thrashed violently as she felt the demon's claws scribble rapidly on the backs of her knees.
Another tendril came up to hold the girls arms together as he blindly flailed around. Charlie was ridiculously ticklish enough as it is, barely ever lasting a minute before being thrown into silent laughter. So needless to say, Alastor going straight for her death spot was just down right cruel.
Tears began to form in her eyes as that horrible tingly feeling spread throughout her body. To lost in her hysterics to even beg the other for mercy.
Alastor was far from finished, but could tell the girl needed a breather. Stopping for a moment to pace around the room as his friend dangled upside down and caught her breath.
"Heavens, you don't understand how lucky you are that we're friends." He growled, still pacing back and forth in an attempt at releasing some of his energy. "I've torn apart souls for far less than half of what you've put me through today, so congratulations. Consider yourself blessed that you're to ridiculously sensitive for me to take all my anger out on you at once, otherwise we'd be here all day!"
Charlie didn't dare laugh at this point in fear of provoking the man again. Even upside down, she could feel his eyes prying at her, no doubt to gauge when she's had enough oxygen to continue his little torture session. She wondered if this is what it was like to be a victim of one of his broadcasts. God, she prayed he wouldn't get the idea to broadcast this as well.
The demon stalked back over to her once he's decided she's had enough time to recover.
Charlie panicked. Her mind racing to come up with anything that could pull her out of the grave she'd dug for herself. Maybe if she could just deflect the blame he'd leave her alone...?
"It was dad's idea!" She blurted out.
The deer stopped in his tracks. Silence filling the room as the two stared at one another.
Charlie fell to the floor as the tendrils holding her in place suddenly disappeared. She pushed herself up off the ground, knees still a bit wobbly from leftover tingles. Brushing herself off as she regained her senses.
"His idea?" Charlie hesitated, not so sure now if she had just made the situation better or worse.
"Umm...yeah?" She admitted sheepishly. "I- uh...I made a bet."
Alastor felt his eye twitch but stayed silent and let her continue.
"Yeah, so the deal was that if I could get you to snap before noon he'd take Vaggie and I out for lunch. Apparently he thinks it's really funny when you're mad, plus he knew you wouldn't hurt me but I'm not so sure it's worth it anymore." Charlie gave a nervous laugh.
The demon stared at her for a moment, watching her fidget nervously as he thought up new recipes for angel wings.He took a deep breath and gave his friend a sweet smile.
"Well, congratulations on winning your little bet dear." He said, patting her head sweetly. "I do hope you all enjoy your little outing, hopefully it'll be worth all the trouble it caused you."
Charlie scratched the back of her head nervously and avoided his gaze. "Yeah. Sorry about all of that. Guess I just got carried away. No hard feeling, right?"
"Oh not at all, dear!" Alastor grinned. "Trust me, I understand going to great lengths in order to win a bet. Although, I can't say I think it's all that fair that I took my anger out of you instead of the person who put you in this situation in the first place."
Charlie looked at him confused. "What do you mean?"
Alastor laughed. "I mean, it's only fair that your father suffer the same consequences you endured. Seeing that he had just as much of a hand in this as yourself."
The girl smiled, recognizing her friend's playful tone. "Ooooh. Haha, sounds good to me if it lets me off the hook. Just don't hurt him, deal?"
A few moments later...
It was half passed noon when Lucifer heard his phone ring. Charlie had texted him to meet her in her bedroom for details.
The king excitedly teleported to his destination, politely knocking first before being told to come in.
The man couldn't see a thing upon opening the door. The curtains were drawn and the lights were off making the room pitch black.
He squinted his eyes as he felt the wall for the light switch but just as he reached it, a hand snatched his arm and yanked him into the room. The door slammed shut behind him and he was thrown into complete darkness.
"Uh, Charlie?" He called out and jumped when he felt a pair of arms wrap around him from behind.
"It's me! It's me." Charlie laughed, still hugging her father.
"Oh jeez, kiddo Don't scare me like that." He laughed. "What's going on? Why ya got all the lights off?"
"No reason." She laughed.
Yeah something was up.
"I won the bet by the way." She continued. "But I did run into a bit of trouble with Alastor after he finally snapped. And I maaaaay or may not have sold you out."
"What happened?! Did he hurt you? I swear I'll kill that prick if he so much as-AAH!!!" The king was cut off as he felt another set of hands place themselves on his sides.
"Not exactly." The voice said in front of him.
Lucifer's eyes had adjusted just enough to make out that red prick in front of him but before he had the chance to cuss him out, the demon began rapidly squeezing his sides.
He managed to hold in his laughter as he struggled to free his arms as Charlie moved them behind his back. Still holding him tight in her traitorous 'hug'.
"What the fuhuhuck are you two doing?!"
"You got sold out." Alastor chimed as he began kneeding his thighs. "Poor Charlie had to suffer the consequences of making me lose my temper, an impressive feet might I add, and spilled everything about your little bet."
"Sorry dad, my hands were tied. Alastor tickled me for so long I almost passed out." She laughed apologetically.
"You lasted a minute and a half, I counted." Alastor corrected and Charlie was grateful no one could see her face grow red.
Meanwhile Lucifer was not listening to any of this, to focused on keeping his laughter in as those claws continued to pinch up and down his legs no matter how hard he kicked.
A moment passed and the King was still holding out much to the demon's annoyance. Charlie was honestly giggling more than her father was.
Alastor looked up at his friend. "Say Charlie, do you think bad knees run in the family?"
Charlie stuttered a bit and felt her face grow hot again. "I-I uh-no! I mean...I don't know."
The demon shrugged as he fought to get a grip on the angel's thrashing legs. "Well, only one way to find out I suppose." And with that, he began scribbling his claws on the back of one of Lucifer's knees just as he's done to Charlie earlier.
"I guess it does!" Alastor laughed triumphantly.
A few more minutes of this passed by, Lucifer handling the torture a lot better than his daughter had.
Charlie was sure Alastor could go on all night, but she was promised a nice outing with her father and girfriend plus her arms were getting tired.
"Okay, Alastor I think that's enough."
"Oh Dear, I was just warming up!" The demon pouted. "Very well. I suppose he's had his fill." And with that Charlie released the grip she had on the other angel, carefully following him to the floor as he caught his breath.
"You..." Lucifer huffed and pointed to the radio demon. "Are so dead."
Charlie looked a bit startled at her father's tone and quickly gave Alastor the signal to run.
He wasn't fazed in the slightest, of course.
"Yes, yes. You can maim me all you like but i do believe you promised Charlie a nice little outing did you not?" He smiled.
Lucifer huffed as Charlie helped him to his feet.
"You're lucky Charlie considers your dumbass a friend." He shot back.
The demon gave a satisfied hum before waving the two off and disappearing into the shadows.
And yes, the rest of the evening was lovely. The three angels enjoyed their time together outside the hotel for once. But Lucifer couldn't help but think of all the ways he was going to get back at the demon when the time had come. He was a man of his word, after all.
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storm-angel989 · 7 months
Outside the office Part Three
Hi all! I'm so glad folks are enjoying this series! Let me know in the comments if there is a particular scene you would like expanded on- I am happy to obilige!
That following Sunday morning breakfast also proved mandatory. Snuggled tight in my bed, surrounded by fluffy pillows, I was sound asleep when a loud knocking rudely startled me awake. A brief moment of panic settled over me and it took a heartbeat for me to remember where I was. Unfortunately, I once again couldn’t remember exactly how I had gotten here, or how I had come to be dressed in fuzzy pajamas. 
“Reader! Wake up! Val made pancakes and they’re getting cold!” Velvette’s screech broke through the silence of the morning. 
I groaned but sat up, pulling a robe over my body as I made my way to the door. “What is going on?”
Velvette was dressed in a deep black robe covered with red fuzzy hearts- her typical morning attire. “I said, Val made pancakes and they’re getting cold. Com’on sleepy head. Val’s pancakes are the best cure for a hangover.” She turned and practically skipped down the hallway. 
I followed her, my head still fuzzy from the night before. We had spent Saturday night out at another one of Valentino’s clubs, dancing and drinking- and I guess once again I sipped too much too fast. 
“And pancakes for you.” Vox handed me a plate as soon as I entered the kitchen. “How’s that head feel, hm? Grab a bottle of Sweet Sixteen from the fridge and drink it down.”
I grabbed a bottle of the orange drink from the fridge. Why Velvette and Valentino had named it Sweet Sixteen was beyond me, but whatever was in it helped tremendously.
“I don’t understand why I get knocked on my ass each time I go out.” I complained, sitting down on one of the chairs at the table, my back to the window. “I swear, angels drink. Some of them pretty heavily, might I add.”
“Did you dance at the club while drinking?” Velvette asked, taking a bit of her breakfast. “In heaven, I mean?”
I shook my head vehemently. “Angels do not partake in such behavior.”
She rolled her eyes. “Well, good thing you’re only half Angel, because last night showed you certainly do. Anyway, there's your answer- you dance, you drink. It’s simple math.”
“And that simple math is why my clubs are so successful.” Valentino slid into the seat next to me. He reached across and opened the bottle of Sweet Sixteen for me. “Drink. You’ll feel better.” 
“What’s in it anyway?” I asked, taking a sip before taking a bite of my pancakes. “Oh, these are yummy.”
“Thank you, thank you,” Vox bowed before taking his own seat. “I am, after all, the best chef in this household.”
“I don’t think so. I’ll get you back next Sunday.” Valentino said lightly. “And to answer your question Princessa- salt, water, sugar, electrolytes. Everything your body lacks after a night out.”
“Speaking of, can I tell you about fucking Hugo last night? That absolute dumb fuck….” Vox interrupted as he launched into a tirade about his current assistant. I listened patiently. Velvette seemed to tune him out and Valentino rolled his eyes. 
After breakfast it was back to work for the three of them and I found my place wherever I could make myself useful. Being in such close proximity to them made it almost easy to forget they were demons- especially with Velvette and Vox. 
“Are you joining me in the studio today, Princess?” Vox asked when I stood up. “Or will Velvette be hogging you once again?”
I looked at Velvette and she shrugged. “Your choice, but I absolutely need you back tomorrow. I have a new line of workwear that absolutely require your features.” 
“Alright, I guess I’m yours then, Vox.” I replied, then quickly corrected. “Not yours I mean, I can go with you to the studio.”
“Relax, babe. We all know what you meant.” Valentino said gently. 
I flushed. “Just making sure. I better go get ready.”
“My studio after your shower! I have a killer outfit for you.” Velvette hollered as I skittered down the hall. 
An hour and a half later I stepped out of the elevator and into Vox’s studio. True to her word, Velvette had me dressed in the height of what hell considered fashion, heavy on the blacks and the reds. I made my way to Vox’s office, stepping down the long hallway that led to his chair, surrounded by monitors. 
To my surprise, he wasn’t in his usual spot. I pulled out my phone and sent him a message. He replied back instantly. 
I see you. Look to the left. Black door. Just come in. 
I followed his directions and pushed open the door. He stood up when I walked in and handed me a laptop. 
“Go find a quiet place to work. I don’t particularly care where, but if you could read through and edit the documents on your email that would be great. Text me when you’re done- I’ll come to you.” 
I accepted the laptop and went to find an empty cubicle. When Vox initially asked where my skill sets lie, and the topic of editing came up, I didn't expect him to take me up on it. Or to value my input as much as he appeared to. But truth be told, it was something I enjoyed and, well, it was something to keep me busy. 
Several hours later I emailed him the edits, closed my laptop, and sent him a text message that I was finished. I heard the zap of electricity behind me and he appeared. 
“Ah. Good timing, I’m almost done for the day as well. Why don’t you head down to see Velvette? Have lunch down there and get ready for dinner tonight?” He picked up my laptop. “Come, I’ll walk you to the elevator.” 
“Okay, Vox.” 
I followed him and waited quietly next to him when he pushed the button. A few seconds later, I stepped in. 
He gave me a grin as the door closed. “See you tonight Princess.” 
I stepped into Velvette’s studio and one of her employees greeted me, whisking me to the back. She chattered at me about outfit changes, nail color changes, what was trending at the moment, and what wasn’t. 
“Wait,” I interrupted. “What is a sinstergram?”
Her eyes widened. “Omgomgomg.” she pulled her phone out and showed me an icon. She clicked on it and a website full of pictures appeared. “You don’t have one?” 
I hadn’t actually explored my phone that much- beyond texting. Typing on a laptop was easy- other than its more ergonomic design, it was basically the same as the one I was used to. But my phone was a big mystery I just hadn’t solved yet.  I unlocked my phone and saw the icon she was talking about. I clicked it.
Pictures flooded my screen- a photo of Lucifer and I when we first arrived in the lobby of the V tower. Pictures of the four of us on our night out. Captions I didn’t remember writing. 
“See your handle? It’s Princess.Reader. Morningstar . Not the most original, but I’m sure you wanted to keep it simple and straight to the point.” 
“Keep what simple?” Velvette’s voice came from behind me. 
“Sinstergram?” I showed Velvette my phone. 
She rolled her eyes. “Oh. You don’t need to worry about that darling, I control the social media for the four of us. You couldn’t post if you tried- Vox has it blocked. You can scroll through, however. See yourself how the world sees you.”
I scrolled down through the pictures. I almost didn’t recognize myself. In every photo I looked perfect, stunning. Almost too perfect. I expressed my concern to Velvette and she rolled her eyes. 
“It’s the image you show the world, not the truth behind it. But like I said, don’t worry your pretty blonde head about it.” She reached over and clicked off the app. “I got it covered. You just focus on being pretty.” She looked at her employee. “Veronica, take Chelsea’s place. I need you in my office.”
Wordlessly, they switched places and I watched as Chelsea followed Velvette. 
“Velvette wanted bubblegum pink nails?” Veronica asked, reaching across the table. “Let me see those hands. We’ll make them perfect.” 
The rest of the night went by in a blur. And then again. The more time passed, the more my comfort level with the three of them grew. I wouldn’t say I forgot about where I came from, or who I left behind. But the more hours spent together, the more normal our weekly routine became. Occasionally, Velvette or Vox would excuse themselves for the night for a work event, or a fashion show- and just the three left went out. It wasn’t very often, but the disruption didn’t break the rest of the routine. They would simply rejoin the next night, or sometimes find us later on that same night. 
Spending the time alone with Vox and Velvette in particular made them seem- well, safe. More like friends than demons. And although I didn’t spend any time alone with him, the more Wednesdays that passed, I found myself settling into Valentino’s arms as the movies played, craving the comfort and safety he freely offered. Even as I started to figure out my limits and  I didn’t always drink too much at the club, at the end of the night, my head fell into his lap, his hand stroking my hair. Something about the way he held me relieved the worry that even the time we spent together couldn’t fully shake.
It wasn’t until Vox and Velvette both bowed out of dinner one night that I first got to spend alone time with Valentino.
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fakesimp · 1 year
The Sorcerer or The Demon?
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Warning !
Mentions of Blood ; Mentions of Burning ; Mention the use of a Knife ; Shu and Vox taking care of you ; Unestablished Relationship ( for now )
A/n !
God y'all are so quick to make it 200 notes, should've increased them eh? Fufu~
Part I <- ||
"Looks like we got some uninvited guests"
. . .
Shu stood by the sliding paper door and his right hand slightly extended to his side, one of the paper shikigami went up to his palms and turned into a katana. Shu turn a bit to the side and throw them towards Vox, who immediately catches it as he walk up to The Sorcerer and as he is, you just realized how his body started to slowly emits mists around him and the room.
"Protection is the top priority." Shu whispered as he let the paper shikigamis slides the door open, "Now shall we send them back to where they belong?" He said and let out a soft chuckle before walking out of the room, followed by Vox behind him.
. . .
It is astonishingly terrifying, to see how they fought of the 'uninvited guests'. The way Vox just slice them off with his katana gracefully, you can see the blood dripping from his katana as The Demon stood in front of the dying person. And the next second, the body burns by the purple pink fire. And it is obvious who that fire belong to. Your eyes moved to where Shu is, he' smiling as his hand was pointed at the person who's now burnt into ashes.
Leaving no trace of dead bodies on the ground, and you don't know how long it has been going on. But the next thing you knew your now being held hostage, making the situation where Shu and Vox have to stop the killing spree as they look over at your figure that has been captured.
"D-drop the magic sorcery you did-! And, give us, ..t-that katana and we'll let them go-!" They stuttered, leaving The Demon raise a brow as he glances at his katana, the katana that he just used to slice up their allies.
It must've been the money they'll get from getting and selling Vox's Katana, "Do you even know what you're doing?" Shu asked looking calm as ever, his smile widen as the person that's holding you moving their knife even closer to your neck. "Switch."
The person blinked only for them to realize they're now holding The Demon instead of you, you blinked confusedly on what just happened. Shu walk up to you and gently wrap his left arm around your shoulder and pull you close to him, "Good luck with that" said The Sorcerer as he smiled at the enemy that's holding Vox, who was supposed to be holding you.
"Get, your hands off me you disgusting being."
. . .
Gone, they're gone.
Those people are gone, these two men finished them off like they're ants. Now you're at a different room, no longer at the room you're first open your eyes to. Vox who's currently wiping some of the blood off his katana. While Shu, are explaining to you about how did you just switched places with Vox.
"Do you remember when I ask you about do you like Shikigamis?" He asked as he then extended his hand towards you, only for one of the paper shikigami slips out from your kimono' sleeves. "Wh-" you blinked at the paper shikigami and then up at Shu, "Apologies, I knew something are going to happen as we take you here, so I got no choice but to slip one. Just in case, you know."
Now you're not curious about how he did that, you're more curious on why would he go that far to save you? When you're clearly nobody important, you're not a princess nor someone high ranking that needs a protection. You're just a villager that's trying to live a normal life, but it seems like you took a wrong path and ended up like you are now.
"Why..?" You whispered out, making Shu tilt his head at you, making his long ponytail slightly went to the side as he did so. "Hm? Why what? Why did I go that far to protect you?" He said that so casually, as if he just read your mind. "Y-yes..?" You replied a bit hesitant, earning a chuckle from him. "A question that I am also questioning on, So if I were to answer that question, it is going to be, I am not entirely sure why" The Sorcerer replied as his gloved hand gently brush against your hair.
"But for now, you should prioritize on surviving instead of asking that" He whispered, as he then slowly pull his hand away from you, "Human natures, They're so hard to understand. But I suppose that's what made them interesting." The Demon suddenly jumped into the conversation, making you and Shu turn your heads to him.
Vox just sheathed his katana, seems like he's done wiping off the blood, he gently put the katana away, only for it to disappear on thin air. "And you, you're much more interesting than those other humans I've encountered before" Said Vox, you don't know if you should take that as a compliment or an insult.
But either way, you're now in their house, getting a proper treatment and protection. You silently watch the two men talking to each other as you wonder what's gonna happen to you now.
"What's, ..gonna happen to me now..?" You asked, catching their attention, "Curious now are you, hm?" Vox replied as he then let out a small chuckle. "You want to live, don't you?" Shu smiled at you, "If you want to be, useful.. or, helpful perhaps," he trailed off, "You can do the house chores, you know how to do one, do you?" You nod your head as you stare at his violet eyes and Vox's golden eyes.
"Also, you are coming with us when, we're doing our, business. But no questions asked when we do." Vox continued and smirked at you, "If not, you're going to be all alone here, and you'll probably going to be captured again by them. Who knows~" Vox teased and let out a low chuckle, making The Sorcerer shook his head, "Don't worry, even if you want to stay here while we're out, I have my Shikigamis with you." Shu said and his hand then reached out to your head. Gently patting you, "And either of them will switched to either me or Vox, so don't worry too much okay?"
. . .
With that, your life have changed ever since they saved you, you did the house chores, cleaning up the house as they do their business in a room somewhere around the house.
Whenever Vox had a chance, he'll tease you a whole lot, especially when you're cleaning his room. Teasy and flirty remarks are sent to you, making you a having a bit difficulty to clean his room without his piercing golden eyes staring at you as you move, watching you, intently. Of course, with a smirk on his face that never fade away whenever he sees you.
Shu at the other hand, would be so quiet as he wrote something down on a book with his brush. You see him sitting behind a low table on the floor, paper rolls scattered around him, even on the table. It is a bit messy, but it seems like he's learning new sorcery type of things? You didn't want to bother him. It was peaceful with him.
But there are times when he just decided to stop what he's doing and asked you how you're doing as he watched you cleaning up the room. Asking how do you feel after living at the household, the way he smiled sweetly after he heard your reply made your heart flutter.
. . .
"Little human~" The way you slightly jolt at the nickname earning yourself a low chuckle behind you, you slowly turned around to see Vox leaning against the sliding door frame, arms crossed, "Come, Shu had summoned us to see him" you tilt your head and blinked, you put down the scrub and washed your hands before shaking your hand a bit to dry your hand a bit.
The moment both you and Vox arrived, Shu is sitting down on the floor, smiling warmly at you and him. "Sorry for the sudden call, but I want to ask you," he paused and looked at you, "Soon, it's going to be full moon, I believe, the Yokais would be out for hunting until next week." He continued, he then smiled at you a bit, sheepishly, "You sleeping alone would be a bit dangerous while the week goes on, it's just for a week.." he averted his eyes, and the next second you heard a small laughter next to you, "..By means, you're either staying in my room, or Shu's room."
You owlishly stared at Vox and then Shu who just gave you a sheepish smile, "Don't worry, I believe none of us will do anything weird to you. If that what you're thinking." The Demon teased, making you flustered. You're not even thinking that way, ... Or did you?
. . .
After that day, you're staying in either of their rooms, and today you decided to stay in Shu's room. You're now outside his room, contemplating if you should knock or not. Until you heard him chuckle, "Come in, what are you standing out there for?" You sheepishly opened the door, getting a bit flustered for getting caught standing at the door.
Shu smiled at you when he sees your face, "I'm sorry, this must be too much for you, I promise it'll be only for a week." He apologized and sheepishly scratched the back of his neck, ".. It's okay, you're just.. trying to, protect me" You said, making The Sorcerer let out a chuckle. "That is true."
The whole hour is filled with you chattering with him, sometimes sharing laughter too, until Vox just barges into the room, looking a bit, grumpy and sat down next to you rising one of his knee and rest his arm there, "How dare you two had fun without me"
. . .
The night goes unexpectedly fun for you, and for them. You fell asleep on Vox' shoulder by accident last night, but the next thing you knew when you opened your eyes, you're laying down on a futon. You look over to the side to see nobody behind the table, the spot where Shu usually would sit. But he's not there, you slowly rise up from the futon and looked around the room. It is genuinely calming to be in his room, soon after you gazed around, you heard footsteps coming to the room, a familiar hand slides the door open, revealing Shu standing outside his room, with some of his Shikigamis holding a plate of, food?
"Oh, you're awake, good morning, I bought breakfast.." he greeted you as he then sat down next to your futon, "Did you sleep well? You sure did stay up pretty late" he said and let out a chuckle, "We have a long day ahead, get yourself filled up."
. . .
The day goes without a problem, or so you thought.
You were walking at the garden, on your way back to the kitchen, and then suddenly you heard a thump behind you. Before you could check what's the cause, a pair of hand grabbed you and cover your mouth. The figure let out a sinister laugh,
"Go to sleep little one, you're now in my hands"
. . .
"I know, I am trying to find them, i never thought they have some guts to do that on a sheer daylight."
The two men are getting a bit anxious as they tried to find your whereabouts, you didn't have any shikigamis with you.
You could only pray they'll find you soon.
. . .
©fakesimp . 2023
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|| Last Part ->
A/n !
Make this reach 300 notes ! And I'll make the third part. And I believe it's going to be the last one.. I believe..
Reblogs are muchly appreciated!
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scenteddelusion5 · 5 months
A Daring Creature - Part 4
Zestial x fem reader angel
Note: I at first wanted it to ba a longer chapter but I like the way it ended right here. I felt adding to it would make the sweet moment, like, POP less. If that makes sense?
Word count: 1462
PART 1 - PART 2 - PART 3 - PART 4
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Two months went by, every other day did Zestial take Y/n out to explore the pride ring. The two grew closer and closer, he got enamoured by her antics and she started to appreciate his calm and stoic personality, even though she also liked to rile the demon up sometimes.
The new cloaked stranger that was always with Zestial did not go unnoticed by the masses. Demons either were too afraid to get involved or wanted to know everything about the girl, the latter of which were mostly fellow overlords.
It started to become more and more difficult to keep Y/n away from people like Alastor and Vox, avoiding them became a daily struggle. Zestial almost wanted to keep Y/n inside for a few weeks so the fuss would die out but after seeing how her face immediately lost her shine and became saddened, he scratched that idea. And thus they continued the hide-and-seek game.
And Zestial had to admit, he was pretty good at it. That was until one day the two were walking down the street and saw Alastor walking around the corner. Without a second to think, Zestial turned to two around to walk the other way, only to see Vox and Valentino on the other side.
He quickly grabbed Y/n by the arm and dug into an alleyway. If he remembered it correctly, he was pretty sure there was a backway entrance to Carmine's home there. Finding the door, they swiftly made their way inside without the overlords seeing them.
"I'm getting sick of having the hide every time we see one of them," Y/n complained, "I wish they would just leave me alone."
"I understand, however, we can not afford one of those finding out thy secret." Zestial straightened his own cloak.
"Zestial?" Carmilla walked into the little hallway. "It isn't like you to visit unannounced."
"Mine own deepest apologies Carmilla," Zestial greeted his old friend, "it was an emergency."
"I see." She looked Y/n up and down again, a hint of disapproval could be found in her stare. "Come in, now that you're here I would like to discuss something with you."
Y/n was about to follow the two overlords into another room, when Carmilla stopped her.
"I would like to discuss this alone." Her tone changed from disapproving to downright hostile. "Sit still and stay here, do you think you can accomplish it this time or should I call in someone to watch you like a pet?"
"I'll be fine," Y/n answered while gritting her teeth.
As soon as the two overlords made it to the office, Zestial gave the woman a glare. "Yond wast uncalled for Carmilla."
"It is true. You've been prancing this girl around town like a pet, showing everyone one of your weak links and for what?" She questioned, "we both know there would be easier and safer ways to go about holding up your end of the deal."
"I hast mine own reasons for doing this," he argued back.
"What reasons? Because of your deal you can ask anything of this girl, there is no need to butter up to her so she'll agree to spy on the heavens for you. She'll HAVE to agree!" She took a few breaths to calm down. "As long as you haven't decided why you are doing all this, I can't support you. I won't do anything against you but I can't risk my people's and my safety for a plan you yourself may sabotage."
"Carmilla, I greatly appreciateth thy concern and opinion, however, this is the way I hath chosen to handle mine own planeth." Zestial stood up and made his way to the door. "So thee and I shall not beest meeting eachoth'r for a some timeth."
"Unfortunately yes," the other overlord agreed.
Y/n had been sitting on a small chair in the hallway, brooding. How dare that bitchy overlord woman call her a pet? Who does she think she is? It's true that Carmilla was smart, strong, powerful and a badass business woman... But still, she couldn't just talk to others that way! ....Or maybe she could? Y/n was in hell after all, things like equality and basic respect for others didn't exist here, something Zestial had shielded her from.
Such thoughts plagued the angel's mind
If he had been walking through the streets with Carmilla, all if this wouldn't be happening... Imagining Zestial and the other overlord walking around, laughing, going on outings, it twisted Y/n's stomach. It was the unfamiliar, sickening feeling of jealousy.
That's when Zestial appeared back in the hallway with a scowl on his face, one Y/n had been able to draw out many times with her stunts. However, unlike before, she felt something heavy on her heart.
"Alloweth us wend." Zestial didn't give her glance as left the building, assuming the angel would follow him, which she did.
The two walked the streets in silence. Before Y/n had wanted to propose going to that lovely park with the flowers again but she was afraid their moods would just sour the good memories she had there. Instead she just looked down at the pavement and wandered behind Zestial aimlessly.
The overlord was barely paying attention to where he was going. All he could focus on were Carmilla's words ringing in his ears. It's true that all of this could be done easier but going around town with y/n was a good way to build up trust and a relationship with her. That he needed because, well because...
He needed it. He decided, not letting himself ponder further on the subject, too afraid of what he would find. Instead he noticed the unusual lack of disruption from the angel.
Looking back, he noticed Y/n. She was looking sad, hiding under the cloak and big hood. Zestial could barely see the girl's face. Had Carmilla's comment really bothered her so?
"Doth not beest bothered, Y/N," he spoke up, "I doth not bethink of thee as a pet. Carmilla was simply trying to behold out for me and becameth a did bite too hostile towards thee in the processeth."
"So, you aren't mad at me?" She asked in almost a whisper.
"I couldst never be angry with thee."
Y/n's face lightened up after hearing that. "Really? That's a very dangerous statement you just made there," she taunted.
"I am sure." Zestial had a small but sincere smile on his face. "I doth not maketh false statements."
"Alright then mister tall, dark and spidery, I'm taking your hat!" She jumped up and tried to grab his hat but was unable to reach it.
"Absolutely not." Zestial commented as Y/n made several more attempts to reach it, all of which the overlord was able to avoid.
"What's with the stern tone? I thought you just said you would never get mad at me?" She smirked.
It was truly a sight to behold, first the two were almost dancing around each other as the anger was trying to steal his hat and now she was on her tippy toes staring up at him. The sight made Zestial's heart beat faster.
"No one hast did dare to challenge me in such ways thee doth." Zestial blushed slightly. "Thou art a truly daring creature, Y/n."
"It's called banter." Y/n was swiftly able to snatch the hat off as the overlord had put his guard down.
"Yes, banter." The angel was adjusting the hat, fiddling with the hem and turning it slightly. "Maybe you should buy a dictionary."
Zestial chuckled at the way his hat was clearly too big for her. "I owneth enough dictionaries."
"A modern one, I mean."
"Anon, thou art very much pushing it."
Having noticed how tired Y/n was, the overlord decided to bring her back home. They had a long day and he had to work on a few of his papers again. Zestial had to admit, he had been neglecting his duties a bit.
Zestial was sitting in his office. The old clock on the wall read 3 am. It had been a while since he had to work this late but it was the price he had to pay for his daytime outings. It did give him time to reflect on the eventful day.
"Edward." The overlord called upon his contractee.
The small demon appeared immediately. "Yes, sir?"
"How is Y/n faring?"
"She ate well and is now sound asleep," he reported, "would you like me to wake her up?"
"Alloweth her to sleep" Zestial sighed, "prithee wend out and buyeth a dictionary for me."
"A dictionary?" Edward mumbled to himself. "A particular preference? I heard the Store for Old Books and Testaments has acquired an old dictionary."
"No, I wanteth a modern one."
"A mode-"
"I'll see to it sir."
Part 5 - unfinished
I was finally able to work in the title!!!
Masterlist/Request guidelines
Taglist: @sirenetheblogger
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signedkoko · 7 months
GOSH, all your writings make me feel all bouncy and giddy I swear AaaAAAA
Feeling slightly inspired by your previous Lucifer and Lilith with a reader who ends up attacked, might I request a Vox X Reader, where while they're both out together, Reader notices someone apparently brave enough to attack Vox and just- autopilot takes the hit to protect him? Turns out afterwords it wasn't an Angelic weapon of any kind, so even though it's nasty and painful, they'll ultimately be okay...
But did Reader KNOW that? Nope. Could Vox have probably handled it himself with how powerful he is? Yep. Did either one of those thoughts even cross Reader's mind until after? NOPE.
Reader just saw harm approaching the one they love so much and just went into instant protect mode...
Vox X Reader [Romantic]
In which someone attempts an attack on Vox, but you decide to get in the way. Reader is genderneutral.
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It was just another press conference, the same as all the others
VoxTek had a new announcement, and reporters flocked to be the ones with the most interesting story or the first, whichever got them more praise from their lousy boss
Both the CEO and spokesperson, Vox insisted on being the face everyone knew and saw, as well as the voice they all followed
You were a not-so-recent addition to his empire, and some cameras were sure to catch a frame or two of you as you waited on the side, smiling and waving to the crowd
You were only here because it made Vox happy and because you would rather be seen than not
VoxTek had some of the highest security, with mostly Vox himself watching over everything
You always wondered how he could keep track of so many tasks at once
But the screams of everyone sounded different, less like a thousand questions and more like terror, incomprehensible yells as someone broke through the crowd
They had a gun; it looked white and gold, you weren't sure if Vox hadn't noticed or didn't care
All you knew was that your body moved, and suddenly you were between the bullet and fov when it pierced right into your side
The space cleared of voices before one of the bodyguards tackled the man and wrestled the gun from his grip
While you stood there, clutching your abdomen, the lava-like pain burst through your abdomen
Before Vox could react, flashes began again, most of the crowd recognizing the occurrence or snapping photos of you stood there, still in shock from the shot
What did you expect from demons? They'd win a bonus if they caught the first image of you being shot
Before you can think much of it, Vox is running, carrying you, and applying pressure with his hand and yours over the bullet hole
Thank god the press release was in the Vees tower, he's laid you on a counter in the lobby, his jacket bunched up under your head and his claws tearing through your shirt to access the wound
There's no time for a hospital; besides, he knows everything, he can be the best doctor in the world in a second, and he's going to be if it means helping you
" Thank go- "
" Thank god what! I could take that shot! Shut up! "
You decide to listen because, well, you can barely speak through gritted teeth
He's calling Val to come down and bring any kind of anaesthetic.
He's able to fix you up more than enough, but just to be safe, he's called in his private doctor to come take a look at you
Once everything has calmed down and you're back upstairs with Vox, he's got a million different questions
Why? I mean, he could take a bullet with ease! hes moslty metal, everything can be replaced!
Even worse if you really thought it was an angel weapon, because that would have absolutely killed you!
" It's not like I had time to think, Vox. I just moved! "
He's frustrated that you'd ever be in harm's way, but it's hard for him to stay mad knowing you just wanted to protect him
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Author's Note - I wasn't sure if I should go for an angst or romantic note on this one, but I felt a little humour coping was more like Vox so I went for romantic! Thank you for requesting 🖤
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radioappleheadcanons · 7 months
Thinking about how both TVs and Phones use radio waves, and how that means, in theory, that the only reason Vox and Velvette can function as overlords is because Alastor lets them. Thinking about how they could push too far and lose that mercy they don't even know he's giving them.
They insult his mother, I think. Maybe just one, maybe both. But he glows that they had better shut their mouths. They don't. He just about tears them to shreds. The power goes out, and phones don't work, but they think it's because of the attack. It takes months for them to heal, but the devices never start working again. It was the first thing they tried to fix, as they were healing. They got power back, so there are lights, but no phones or TVs or anything that uses radio waves. They think the Radio demon must have cursed them, but they don't know how.
At the Hotel, things are tense, because Charlie isn't happy with Alastor's outburst. The others are scared of him, all but Lucifer. After yet another fight between the hotel owner and its sponsor, Alstor storms up to his radio tower. The king follows, determined to get answers. Alastor isn't happy to see him, but Lucifer doesn't care.
He sits on the floor, watching the radio demon, before asking 'Did you know that phones and tvs use radiowaves? I didn't. I only learned because I was researching them a few days ago."
"Going to yell at me for breaking them?" The redhead hissed.
"No. But I am course as to what they did to push you. They've done a lot of horrible things, but you've never responded like this." The shadow hisses at the king and lunges at him, but Lucifer bats it away. He's waiting for a response.
"They insulted my mother." It's hard to hear over the angry static, but the blond makes it out.
He hums. "You must love her a lot, to have this response. Tell me about her. I never really had one and Lilith - while I love her - did leave Charlie and I." Alastor stills at that. He hadn't ever really considered it. But he slowly slides down so he's sitting next to Lucifer and starts to tell him about his mama and everything she had done for him.
Later, Lucifer goes to the Vees, looking amused to see them scramble. He asks several teasing questions, with the goal of learning if they know why their things are still down. They don't. And gleefully, he explains. At their horrified faces, he laughs.
When they ask if he could command Alastor to simply stop, he turns serious. "No. And you have a lot of nerve asking me to do so. From what I know, that woman was practically a saint. And even if she wasn't, she's the closest thing I'll ever have to a mother." He turns and leaves, and the Vees stare after him, too scared to think about what that last sentence implies
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hazbin-hotlee37 · 5 months
Lee!Vox with Ler!Velvette would be cute :3
Fuck, motivation has gone poof! Anywayyyyyyssss
TW: Mentions of eating disorders and bad self care habits
Getting your mind off things
Lee!Vox, Ler!Velvette
The TV headed demon in question jumped slightly, lifting his head from the desk where he was sleeping and running a hand down his screen. He sat up with a wince, his back aching. Fuck… What time was it?
“Vox, you missed the damn meeting and left me there with Valentino-... Damn, you look like shit. The fuck happened to you?” Velvette asks after she spun Vox’s chair toward her. The Media overlords appearance was very off from usual, looking disheveled instead of pristine.
“Nothing… I’ve just been trying to work on the Angelic Security shit…”
“That random idea you pulled out your ass? Why waste so much energy on that?? The extermination was canceled”
“Yeah, but what about the next one! I want to get this shit out there so the bitches aren’t breathing down my neck over it next year!” Vox said with a sigh.
“Yeahhhh, no. Come on, you haven’t left this damn cave in days.” She responds as she takes Vox’s hand dragging him out of his chair and out the door.
“I’m fine, Vel-”
“Don’t make me get Valentino” That shut the Media overlord up, he loved his husband, of course! But…… Valentino was already on his ass about this type of thing, if he learned the real reason as to why he wasn’t in bed with him at night… God, he did not have the mental capacity to comprehend that lecture.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Come on, I’ll get you something to eat” Velvette says as she pushed Vox into her room/living area. Vox stumbled a little but followed.
“I’m not really hungry right now, Vel” Vox mutters, he knows he should eat something… But the thought of food right now only made his stomach churn…
“Don’t tell me-... That thing is coming back?”
Vox shrugged and looked to the side, fidgeting with his sleeve slightly.
“Have you told Val-”
“No. And he doesn’t need to know, I’m fine.”
“Clearly you’re not, V! When was the last time you ate? Or slept? Or even took care of yourself in the slightest??” Velvette says, concern clear in her voice. “You’re gonna work yourself to your second death at this point!”
“I know, I know… I get it, It’s just hard to suddenly change something you’ve done since you were alive.. For years! I’m trying my best… but sometimes it creeps back…” Vox says his voice going quiet near the end, he sat down on the couch and sighed.
“...Bloody hell, V, I didn’t realize you were this fucked up” Velvette says with a joking smile, trying to lighten the mood as she sat down next to the Media demon.
“Who down here isn’t..?” Vox says with a slight smile, he then jumped and gasped quietly when he felt Velvette run her claws up his side. “V-Vel-”
“Come on, Vox, we both know you need a bit of a pick me up” The fashion designer says with a smile as she squeezes the TV demon’s sides.
Vox squeaked and tried to bring his knees up to his chest but Velvette just pushed his legs back down and started scribbling her fingers over his tummy.
“Nahaha! V-Vehel, nononono NOhohoho! Ehehek!” Vox giggled and batted at the Social Media influencers hands but didn’t really try to push her away.
“Aww, what’s the matter, Voxy, can’t handle what you dish out? Don’t think I forgot when you got me and Val the other day! So take this as a pick me up and revenge!” The fashionista says with a smirk as she started to squeeze and drill her thumbs into the Tech demon’s hips, giggling when he shrieked.
“Shush! God, you’re so bloody loud! At this point, Val’s gonna kick down the door!” “Ihihihi’M SOHOHORREHEHE-” “Blah, blah, blah. Whatever, I’ll slow down a lil, don’t want you passing out on me. Tino will have my head” Vel says with a softer smile as she plays with Vox’s antenna, making the TV headed demon’s giggles melt into something softer.
“Ohoho gosh…” “Yeah, yeah, just take a load off, alright? You deserve it…”
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eggcats · 4 months
I'm still (always) thinking about my Housewife Vox AU, so here are my sexuality/history/etc headcanons for Alastor and Vox in it
(I kind of have more for Alastor here, bc almost all of my Hazbin ships involve him so he's the one I've thought about more - I kind of keep similar headcanons no matter what ship I'm thinking of, tbh).
I'm also going to write Alastor being in a rut in this AU, because those fics are always fun, and he will be having sex but it'll be more in a "my mate is aroused and I must please them" kind of way, if that makes sense? I kind of see him as sex-neutral/positive asexual, even in a rut, but the rut makes him a little (lot) more feral and in less control of his instincts. (This is why, before he got into a relationship with Vox, he's never really been affected by the sexual aspects of a rut, because he's only interested in sex as far as his mate is).
(I know my fic kind of tiptoes around any possible consent issues, but I think having Alastor react like this kind of solves it in a way, because he's only interested in making his mate feel good so if Vox didn't want something or began to not like it, Alastor would immediately stop to comfort his mate. However, since he's never before had ANY of his deer/demonic instincts really show before, none of them are sure how he'll react this time, hence the concern).
(I don't mean this in a way to insult any other Alastor-rut fics, trust me I love them, this is just how I'm writing mine here).
I put a readmore here bc I realized how many words I was writing and didn't want to clog your dash, lol.
Asexual - is generally so uninterested he has never masturbated or even considered doing so; knows and understands sex (in a baseline level) but doesn't know anything further as he never wanted to engage or see it; still is only interested in it in a way to experience/watch Vox enjoy himself, wouldn't engage on his own otherwise
Possibly aromantic - the line between "romantic love" and "this person belongs to me" is essentially the same to him, could not tell you the difference (side note: neither can I)
Doesn't know either of those things
Just thinks "I'm the only normal motherfucker alive/in hell when it comes to relationships" and has not had a single question in regards to himself since
Doesn't really understand the difference between being friends/roommates and being in a relationship (hence when he found out that Vox liked him, he was like ah, okay. I don't need to change anything here, since he thinks we're in a relationship, this must be what people DO in a relationship. No need to mention any of this to Vox, surely)
When eventually I do make him have sex, he doesn't really have a preference in position. Generally, I'll include him as the more dominant partner (especially with Vox), but that's more because that's what VOX wants, and Alastor is being intimate for Vox. He has no real preference on who tops and who bottoms, as long as Vox is enjoying himself (and Alastor gets enjoyment out of the act when Vox is)
The same applies to dancing - Alastor teaches Vox how to swing dance, but once Vox learns and becomes more comfortable, a lot of their dancing has them constantly switching the lead and following position, based on whatever they feel like doing at the time
Despite living in the 20s/30s is fairly open minded about a lot of things relating to gender and sexuality, because he lived in the vice district in New Orleans and was exposed to a lot of that (either growing up, or living there as a serial killer, or both).
Some parts of me think that after he murdered his father when he was only around 13-15 (another headcanon of mine), his mother needed a way to make money and so they moved to the vice district, and so Alastor knew and grew up with sex workers and cross-dressers and saw how they were treated by police/society, and so has no issues with them.
Living there when he was a serial killer was also useful, because no one bothers anyone to avoid the risk of setting the police on you.
He doesn't know a lot of more modern terms for things, but Vox wanting to wear a dress doesn't concern him, nor does being in a relationship with a man, since those were things he not only had experienced/seen when he was alive, he's also been in hell for 20 years which is, as a whole, a lot more open minded about things. (I did try to keep him ignorant of more modern things, tho, like he doesn't know anything about things he would have only seen/experienced in hell because he doesn't care about people or relationships, really).
Probably some form of autistic (same, bestie) and takes a lot of cues about how their relationship should be from Vox (which is why he originally didn't feel the need to change his behavior even when he found out Vox was interested in him, because it didn't occur to him at all, and only discovered Vox was sexually interested when it was shoved in his face - however, now that he knows, he's taken a much more active/possessive role in their relationship, including a sexual aspect)
(Previously) closeted bisexual
Grew up/lived/married/died in middle Americana, white picket fence, 2.5 children, all the houses looking identical, 1950s desperate housewives edition, the whole shebang
DID have a cult, but I'm thinking less Manson, and more "televangelist who extorts his flock for money/power" - this is why he has his hypnosis powers (he doesn't really have them/have discovered them yet, but that's because he's never really had a chance to explore his powers in any real capacity - he basically showed up in hell and then was kidnapped and wifed up immediately)
Did have a wife and children, but wasn't interested in either of them - had them more so because he "had" to and it would look bad for his image, not out of any attraction or love to his wife
All of this contributes to him doing everything he can to try to hide his attraction to Alastor, because he had to do so in life
He's Really Bad At Hiding It tho, because living with Alastor (who, even before he learned Vox was interested in him, has very little boundaries to physical space and just grabs and touches him all the time) is different than being a little attracted to your neighbor
Also, no one in hell calls him out on it, so he never quite realizes how obvious he comes across
Does eventually start his side of the media business, with the help of Alastor, to combine both radio and television to take over the airwaves entirely - becomes the Television/Video Demon, to complete the Radio Demon
Stops Alastor from murdering any and all other media demons/demons who have similar powers over the airwaves, and instead makes deals for their souls to work for him - this is where a lot of his initial power/dealmaking comes from as he rises to also be an Overlord; even when Alastor is the one who finds a media demon he basically just kidnaps them and drops them at Vox's feet like a cat presenting a half-dead mouse to it's owner
(Note: I'm aware that Alastor is canonically asexual and he's still in my AU, and I've heard back and forth about him being canonically aromantic and I'm unsure if you'd classify him as aro here too. I'm ace, and I think (maybe?) I might be on the aro spectrum, but regardless I kind of write Alastor like how I'd see relationships/would develop into one in a similar way. I'm not interested in sex or anything, and I've been interested in people/relationships very rarely (and those I am, once I become close friends I'm usually like, oh cool, yay), so I'm kind of using myself as a baseline to figure out how Al feels about things here.
That being said, I don't agree with people harassing other creators who DON'T make Alastor ace or aro in their fics or art, bc it's fan content and so it doesn't matter. Changing a sexuality in a fanfic isn't the same as Actual Erasure and it's wild that people claim that, because I've been reading fanfic since I was 13 and I PROMISE you none of those characters were as queer as I was reading them, lmao. Despite all evidence to the contrary, when they grew up Naruto and Sasuke did NOT fuck nasty in the Hokage office, no matter how much they should have.
Sorry rant, over.)
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azlan-snow · 4 months
Broadcast Husbands
Chapter One
(Told from Vox’s POV)
As we approached this “Happy Hotel” Alastor spoke up. “Darling, are you sure this is what you wish to do?”
“Al, we’re doing this together. Besides, it piqued your interest, too.”
“True, but that doesn’t answer my question. Are we sure to involve ourselves in the Princess’ affairs?”
“I’m sure she’ll appreciate our help.” We reach the door and Al gives it a hearty knock. A small girl with rose-colored circles on her cheeks opens the door and looks up at us, only to instantly shut it as Al begins to say hello, interrupting him. She opens it again, doing a double take to see if her eyes were deceiving her. The girl shuts it again, leaving us standing there. “Well…that was unexpected. But then again, what are you to do when the Media Demons show up on your doorstep?”
“Very true. But still. She was quite rude.” The door opened once more, the small girl looking up at us with confusion and fear. “May I speak now,” Al asked, looking down at her. She nodded her head and he began once more. “My name is Alastor. A pleasure to be meeting you, quite a pleasure,” he said, his radio voice shining so as to not scare the poor girl more than we already did. “We saw your proposal on the picture show and were intrigued!” He walked into the hotel and I followed suit only to be greeted by an angelic spear. “Don’t move,” said an even shorter girl.
“Relax. We’re not here to cause trouble. We’re here because we,” I say, gesturing towards Al, “want to help.”
“You want to help,” the girl with rose-colored cheeks asked. 
“That’s right, darling! We want to fund your hotel! How does that sound?” Al looked at her, smile never wavering as he spoke.
“It sounds like a great idea!” She ran to me and hugged me tightly, which was uncomfortable. “So, shall we make a deal, then,” Alastor asked, moving closer to me and the girl. He extended his hand towards her, and she looked at him with confusion.
“What do you mean ‘make a deal’?”
“Dear girl, have you never made a deal with anyone?”
“Nope! I haven’t had the need nor want to.”
“Interesting, your majesty,” I say. 
“Wait. You know who I am?”
“Of course we do. But we only know that you are the princess. We don’t know your actual name.”
“Charlie. And please, don’t call me the princess. It’s too formal.”
“Very well then, Charlie. But we do need an answer.”
“Well, there is one thing I learned from my dad. ‘Don’t take shit from other demons.’ He always told me that. So instead of a deal, why don’t we make a promise?”
“A promise?”
“Yeah! You help me with my hotel, and I’ll owe both of you one favor. Does that sound fair?”
“I believe it does. Do you, Vox,” Al asks, looking dead at me. 
“I believe it is.” 
Inspired by @bestosunglasses RadioStatic fanart. Please check them out and leave comments! -Az
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