#foggy visions
batflowerings · 1 year
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a title for a book i made over on quotev! this is the main character, soot!
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ghostowlattic · 1 year
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ocean machines
ghost owl attic
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entity56 · 6 months
reminder that not struggling with eye contact, or even having too much of it, doesn't mean you're not autistic. a lot of autistic people complain about not having a good time making eye contact, but struggling with making it isn't in the diagnostic criteria, nor is it required to have a diagnosis
some autistic people might be just fine making eye contact
some might even swing in the other extreme and make too much eye contact that makes NTs uncomfortable. the diagnostic criteria just underlines "abnormalities" in eye contact
again, though, those abnormalities aren't required, because autism is a spectrum and not a straight line
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purpleminte · 8 months
Why is it that every fictional character ever in the history of all time has the inexplicable ability to just be underwater with their eyes open and be perfectly fine and see perfectly well ????? I’ve tried and it just does NOT work like that
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shirozen · 10 months
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A trip to cold foggy vision
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stroebe2 · 3 months
summer needs to come fast because i'm already thinking about crisp october nights
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pastafossa · 1 year
I have two questions:
1. Have you ever considered writing a book that you would want to get published?
2. I wonder if you will explore Matt’s blindness in TRT. Like for example at the end of the day Matt did lose his eyesight and maybe sometimes wished he could see Jane. It doesn’t have to be a big thing because Matt has accepted his disability but like a moment when he’s just really wants it. Idk I thought it would cool
1. I’ve thought about it, yes! And I’ve actually got an (unedited) trilogy of vaguely humorous, post-apocalyptic scifi adventure books that’s like... halfway written, and that I’d love to get published. I was actually in the process of working on Book 1 when Covid hit, and then my writer’s group kinda... collapsed, which is when I promptly discovered that as an extrovert, I desperately need interaction to make The Story go. No interaction, no drive (and that’s also why fic works fine). And sometimes I toy with the idea of starting up again, maybe with a new writer’s group. I’m also looking into taking a lot of the original elements of TRT and then self-publishing that (with some changes to get Disney off my back obvs), which would let me keep the fic up, too. Not sure! I definitely have plans to try to get a book published eventually though!
2. Sometimes I’ve thought about it! I may touch on it eventually, though very, very delicately. Like you said, it wouldn’t be big because I really do think Matt’s accepted he’s blind and he doesn’t see it as a bad thing, and it’s really not. I do admittedly think he probably still gets understandably frustrated at how blatantly inaccessible some things still are (ex: i literally walked by a coffee shop that had a printed piece of paper inside the window in small print that said ‘large print or braille menu accessible on request!’ and I was like... ok but a blind/visually impaired person can’t read that???). Cause that’s the truth of it - he is still blind. He’s got a disability that affects his day to day and even if he’s happy the way he is (or that’s how I read him), he still needs his aids. I’ve tried to make that clear in TRT - Jane’s taken up his labeling system with braille, she leaves things in *very* specific places because Matt’s got an organization system he needs, he uses his ear pieces and refreshable braille display. And yeah, as someone who’s disabled myself, I could see him now and then going... ‘I wish I could see just for a second’ when there’s no solution for something - when he’s touching old pictures of his dad, or now and then when he’s with Jane, in the same way I’m sometimes like, ‘I wish I could literally run somewhere without pain, just to feel the wind’. It’s a passing thought usually, but it’s probably there now and then for him. So the thought’s rattling around in my brain, definitely. If the right moment in fic comes I can see touching on it!
#ask response#the red thread#daredevil#on matt's blindness and disability#sure i'm disabled but mine's different than matt's so i try to be aware of that while navigating it in fic#we know based on ep 1 with his brief mention that there *are* things he'd love to see again - the sky in that case#and so i think jane would fall into that category#but we also know he doesn't see his blindness as something there to hinder him based on what he says to foggy when talking about stick#and in some ways he sees her more deeply than anyone else on this planet#he just sees her without vision#he hears her heartbeat and all the other little pieces of her no one else gets to hear#he gets to experience the comfort of her scent at a fundamental level#he gets to feel the way her temperature changes when she's excited or happy to see him or when she sees a kitten#and when he kisses her he can taste *so much* of who she is#he doesn't need sight to know her#and i honestly don't think he'd ever trade his senses for getting his vision back because he's happy the way he is#but there'd probably still be a moment now and then of 'it would be nice if i could see her just for a second'#as for getting published one day I can oooooooooonly hope!#i've got stuff written already that either needs to be finished or edited#but it's hard in original work cause I need that back and forth interaction with other people to get my inspo flowing#i'm definitely hoping to get published one day though and i'd love to make writing  a profession#fingers crossed!
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moistalabaster · 5 months
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forourtomorrows · 1 year
i like to think that capcom just made a baton pass with apollo’s backstories. like. the game where you start a drawing and the other continue it without knowing what you did. they went like “yeah we have two clues on apollo’s previous backstory. welp we gotta add him a bestie i guess” “excellent idea john ! well glad this brainstorming meeting was short, i need to pick up my son from school.”
and then for aa6 they just went like “oh well we have uhm not many leads and we need to add apollo another backstory.” “well the decision wheel dropped on ‘dad’ so guess we’ll add him another dad !!” “as always you have excellent ideas john !” “wait, but shouldn’t we consider his other backstories?” “WHAT ??? NOOOOO… and besides we don’t care, look let’s add another country !” “sounds good to me, well i’m glad this brainstorming meeting was short, i need to pick up my son from school” (fade in with laughters in the background)
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akinachiri · 1 year
ykno how sometimes u maybe 'forget' what u were doing and have to say smth outloud like 'what was i doing?' to remind urself when u prob knew all along? its like when u hear clearly and understand what someone said but go 'what?'. i think thats how i could describe our experiences in more understandable terms.
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satanfemme · 1 year
I think it's been good for my health to see a lot less mcr on my dash than I used to, and it would probably be better if I tightened up my blacklist even more so untagged posts stop slipping through. cause wayyy too many people are weird (<- derogatory) about mcr, and I'm weird (<- morally neutral, ill) about mcr and it's most obviously a bad combination when I see the tip of a discourse-iceberg float across my dash unfiltered and I'm like wowwww wow omg it is literally just music. and I am so glad I'm not invested in whatever is happening over there anymore.
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cinnamon-phrog · 1 year
Fun fact: I nearly fainted today.
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corntort · 11 months
ok well thats that hypothesis out of the window. Still Swollen!
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suguwu · 2 years
Help Kenyu’s glasses getting foggy while his eyes r closed or while he’s got his face buried in ur neck and then when he opens his eyes/pulls back he has a half-second heart attack bc his vision’s so blurry
PLU NO oh my god he would have an absolute heart attack, he'd probably freeze in place before he figured it out and then hope you wouldn't ask him about it later
(you do)
the second time it happens he doesn't freeze but his heart still skips a beat and constricts in his chest
after that he considers not wearing glasses in bed anymore but he can't resist seeing your face
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loveofastarvingdog · 1 year
okay nobody told me so i'm gonna get two cookies. and die badly
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pinkfey · 2 years
do medical professionals have to ask where certain injuries came from 🧐 asking for a friend
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