#fog horns and train whistles are also going off
starbuck · 9 months
Well, happy year everyone! I love you all and GOODNIGHT!!
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Princess Slaughter Shy 2 (Page 7 END)
An original My Little Pony Creepypasta by Zaine McCartney 
The Queen gave her a devious smirk, “I’m sure you’re familiar with my daughter whom I’ve disowned long ago.”
     “Why would I be familiar with any of your children?”
     “You may know her more formally as Princess Entity.”
     Every hair that made up Fluttershy’s body stood on end at the mention of that name. Her brows narrowed and the whole world around her, except for Queen Chrysalis, became dark. Her blood boiled to the point it felt like acid pumping through her veins. A slight look of shock was also present on her face. “She’s your daughter?!” She exclaimed with disbelief.
     “Unfortunately so.” Chrysalis looked to the side with an unamused expression. “I should’ve killed that good for nothing brat when she was still under my care, especially when she started to hit that rebellious stage. She’s been nothing but trouble from day one. Now she’s the goddamn Princess of Death. Unsustainblae to death her self.” She let out another growl.
     Fluttershy dipped in her seat with disappointment, remembering Entitiy’s immortality. “Thanks for reminding me, you’re grace.” She commented in a harsh sarcastic tone.
     Chrysalis just smirked down at her, an evil flicker of light illuminating her green eyes for a second. “But I know of a way to kill her.”
     Fluttershy practically jumped out of her seat and lunged in front of the bug Queen, staring into her eyes with wide alert ones. She searched for the answer in her green eyes because she was way too impatient to wait for her to speak it. “Tell me!”
     “Accept the merger deal and I’ll tell you how.”
     The corner of Fluttershy’s mouth twitched as she tasted her proposal, she felt cornered but she wanted the Death Princess gone. To be honest she could just kill Chrysalis later on after they dethrone Entity and become the sole ruler of Equestria once again. ‘Yeah, that’s a good idea.’ She gave a sly smile and held her hoof out, ”Alright, you have a deal.”
     Chrysalis returned a confident grin and shook on it. “The deal is now sealed. If you back out of it at anytime I will not hesitate to wage war with you myself.” Her threat pierced Fluttershy like a squirpion sting but she had nothing to worry about. This reclusive Queen should be the one watching her back. She disappeared right where she was sitting and left Fluttershy alone with her thoughts.
     The Princess stayed in the conference room and placed her head on the table. Thoughts flooded her mind like a dam had just been broken in there. ‘Princess Entity is the daughter of the Queen of the Changelings? How come she doesn’t look like a conventional Changeling? How did she come to be the Princess of Death?’ All theses questions plus many more were the ones that tormented her aching brain. Trying to come up with her own theories for each question made it worse. Before she knew it she found herself drifting back into dreamland.
     The Queen arrived back into her Changeling Kingdom and instantly cleared her throat. “I need every Changeling in the autotorium for an important meeting!” Her loud voice echoed through every tunnel the confusing castle had to offer. “I expect everyone to be in attendance.” She added harshly.
     The buzzing of wings was deffening as every Changeling found their way to the audiotorium. The buzzing was traded in for chattering as the Changelings conversed among one another while they waited for their Queen to fill them with her news. The moment she appeared onstage the room became dead quiet, all buggy blue eyes trained upon her.
     “Attention all of my loyal subjects. I have just spoken with Princess Slaughter Shy and she has agreed to the merger of our two kingdoms!” Chrysalis announced with pride. The audience exploded into cheers and loud buzzing as countless eager Changelings to the air and spun around in circles. “Wait! I’m not finished yet! Settle down.” She waited until all was silent before she continued, “she has also agreed to let you feed on the love of the ponies she has picked out to sacrifice.” All their eyes were wide, the atmosphere silent, none of then even breathed. “Now you may celebrate.” A second wave of cheers and buzzing filled the room, Changelings high-hoofed each other and others let out ear piercing whistles. “You are free to travel to and from both kingdoms as you please, but behave yourselves, don’t go around causing mishap and picking fights with the local ponies. That’s not our job over there and it will surely have Slaughter Shy rethinking our deal.”
     “Yes, your majesty.” Orchestrated the crowd.
     The Queen chuckled with delight and stepped off the stage, several of her minions rushed up to her and groveled at her hooves. She shooed them off with a displeased expression on her face and made her way to an empty bedroom that once belonged to a daughter she called Freeze Frame, but now known by some ponies and through folklore as Princess Entity. She looked down at the empty unkept bed with an emotionless expression. “Get ready you good-for-nothing wench, for your days of glory are about to come to an end.” A low, maniacle laughter came from her after her sentence ended.
       The next day Pinkie Pie brought in the next new unfortunate soul, the distraught lover of the belated Vinyl Scratch, Octavia. Queen Chrysalis and a large number of her subjects were there to witness how Fluttershy worked. Before Fluttershy plunged her sword into Octavia’s broken heart she allowed the Changelings to drain her of all the love she had to give. Their eyes burned a bright blue and their horns illuminated with a mucky green aura, the same color trailed off Octavia’s body and connected to their horns.  
     The grey and black earth pony shrieked in pain and struggled with all her might to break free from her restraints that held all four of her hooves to the ground. “Stop this you sick fiends!” Her body became weak, almost causing her to fall to her side. She panted heavily and ducked her head. “You’re all a bunch of monsters… Why are you doing this, Fluttershy?”
     The Princess simply giggled but rage was flickering in her eyes. “Don’t even try it. Somepony else already tried that psychology crap on me and they met their end. Your death will be painless if you keep your trap shut.”
     Octavia said no more as the sharp blade ripped through her chest cavity, her head shot up from the impact with wide purple eyes staring into nothing but her brain relaying her life. Her already grey body became a more pale grey as the life in it began to fade away. The only radiance left of her was her signature white collar pink bowtie wrapped around her neck. Her eyes closed and she was barely hanging on to life, with a weak voice she managed out one last sentence, “just put an end to me already…”
     “Gladly.” Chimed Princess. She plunged the sword deeper into the slow beating heart. The life finally left the body and it began to lean to one side until it paused, the hooves that were locked to the ground was holding it at this awkward angle until the bones exploded from the pressure and the body hit the floor completely with a light thud. The sharp edges of the bones ripped through the skin and stuck out in the open, a few onlookers had to turn away and keep themselves from losing their stomach’s contents.
     Vextra, who was shrunken down to a normal dog size once again, then pounced on the corpse and started to make a meal out of it. The rest of the onlookers turned away and exited the room in a single file line, all except for Princess Slaughter Shy and Queen Chrysalis. They knew what was to come next and they wanted to wait for it. Right on cue the room got covered in a familiar green fog with a figure stepping out of it, their right green eye burning much brighter than the left red one.
     “Hello, daughter.” Said Chrysalis in an eerily gleeful tone.
     Princess Entity narrowed her brows but refused to look at her mother. Her horn lit up as she retrieved Octavia’s soul from her body. “Go into the fog. I’ll join you shortly. Plus somepony begged to let them join me just to see you again, I’m sure you’ll be pleased.” She gave the trembling mare a reassuring smile.
     Octavia lit up with excitement, “oh I bet I know who,” she giggled and trotted into the fog.
     Entity turned to her mother and took a quick glance at Fluttershy. “So, the two of you are mingling?”
     “Better than that, we have merged our two kingdoms.” Fluttershy replied with a devious smile.
     “The two lowlives of this world have come together?” She did not like the sounds of this, it actually made her quite scared but she couldn’t show weakness, not in front of them.
     Chrysalis snorted. “Your lack of effective insults is amusing. But I’d watch your tongue if I were you.”
     “Or what? Incase you forgot no pony can kill me, I’m neither dead nor living.” Princess Entity explained.
     “There’s ways to get you to become sustesible to death, you just don’t know it yet. Everyone has a weakness.” Said Chrysalis. Her patience for her daughter was running out. Fluttershy noticed this and she readied herself to hold the Changeling Queen back if it comes to it. “I brought you into this world I can take you out!”
     Entity got right up in her mother’s face, giving her a sinister glare. “Is that a threat?”
     The Queen hissed with just as much hatred in her eyes. “No. It’s a fucking promise.”
     The two of them just stared each other down in a war of “who hates more who”? Entity had to pull herself away and disappear into the fog before she wound up breaking a rule that would dethrone her.
       Princess Entity arrived home from yet another trip to Heaven where she had taken Octavia Melody and Vinyl Scratch to live out the rest of their afterlives together. A solemn expression was glued to her face as she walked through the empty halls of her castle. She didn’t need a lot of guards for she had no fear of death herself. Spirit Shifter was the only royal guard she had living in the kingdom with her.
     Spirit spotted her from afar and quickly ran up to welcome her back. “How was your trip?”
     She looked at him with a still solemn face and continued to walk on in silence.
     His enthusiasm estiguished itself and he followed her with a worried look. “You okay?”
     “I saw my mother today.” She said in a monotone voice.
     “Your mother?” He repeated in question. “Where was she?”
     “With Slaughter Shy.” She stated simply. She shook her head woefully. “I fear a much darker time is drawing near, and I’m afraid it is inevitable…”
     Spirit swallowed nervously, “what exactly do you mean?”
     “The two most evil kingdoms have now merged into one giant kingdom of tyranny and they intend to bring my kingdom down… with only the two of us to defend it against their hundreds of soldiers… we have zero chance of winning.”
     “Can’t we recruit some ponies?”
     “Those who are dead cannot fight. Only the living can… and I don’t want to put them in harm’s way. I’m sure we can take them on.”
     “You’re a terrible liar.” Spirit stated jokingly, that at least got her to give a slight smile. “But… what’ll happen if we lose?”
     She stopped and stared out into the black abyss that surrounded her red maroon red castle. “Those who die in the future will be forced to live here in limbo for the rest of eternity. You and I will no longer be the guardians of their souls and take them to the next life… we’ll all be trapped here and unable to see each other or even hear each other. This castle will crumble into dust and everything will be total darkness.”
     “Then we have to recruit a strong army, Entity. We can’t risk that, the fate of death as we know it is at stake. It’s terrifying to know you’re going to die… because you don’t know what happens next, if it’s just eternal blackness or if there truly is something more to look forward to. We can’t let their worst fears come true and know it is eternal blackness now because we didn’t do anything to try and stop it.” The fear of being trapped in eternal darkness was even getting to him now, causing his voice to catch and tears to weld up in his eyes.
     She closed her eyes once taking in his wise words. Both scenerios will have disasterous consequences. On once hoof innocent lives will be lost if the recruit an army. On the other hoof if her and Spirit Shifter fall then life and death as they know it will be gravely derailed and be nothing but total hell and will never be mended. True she does have two daughters she could pass the crown on to but one of them is emotionally unstable and the other one is about ready to have a baby and finally start her life. Plus being titled the Princess of Death is more a curse than anything and she didn’t want to burden anypony else with a life of solitude. She knew there was really only one safe way to play these odds. “Who can we recruit that is strong enough to fill the positions?”
     “That yellow rainbow stallion I helped surely fits the bill. And Rainbow Dash was once an Element of Harmony so she would come in great use.”
     “She lost her life once… If she loses it again no pony can help bring her back after that.” She commented woefully. “Who else is there?”
     “Getting a large mass of Unicorns doesn’t seem too bad an idea. The more magic we have on our side the more of an advantage we’ll have.”
     She looked down at her hooves, her heart dropping into her stomach. She knew a highly skilled Unicorn that would be of tremendous help but it was going to be hard to ask for it. “Let’s bring in my first born daughter. She’s highly skilled for a Unicorn who has an extreme attention to detail. She’ll be able to help orchestrate a war plan.”
     This took Spirit by surprise. “You have a daughter?”
     “Two actually. I just hope she’s given birth before we need her…”
     “Yeah… and the other daughter?”
     “She’s a normal earth pony… but she’s far too mentally unstable to bring her in.”
     “I see.” He thought for a minute, “why don’t I go back to Earth and find some ponies to recruit?”
     She looked at him. “Slaughter Shy knows who you are, so if you do go stay vigilant and do not get caught.”
     He saluted her. “You can trust me, your highness.”
     A puff a red light illuminated the shadowy room, a floating neckpiece made from white gold and encrusted with rubies and emeralds with a large sapphire shaped into a bowtie popped into the red aura. It floated down to Spirit’s neck and latched itself to it. He looked down at it and back at Entity with wonder. “What’s this thing for?”
     “It makes it so you look like a mortal. So you’re not transparent and floating without using your wings. And on the side there’s little painless prongs sticking into your so that you and I-” she tapped on her own neckpiece, “can communicate telepathically from anywhere in the world.”
     “It’s very gorgeous.” He complimented. “Thank you. I promise to not fail you.”
     She gave a small nod and smiled. “Remember. Be careful.”
     He returned a nod and ventured into the fog that Entity conjured up for him.
     Once he was gone Entity’s face fell into seriousness. “If it’s a war you want it’s a war you’ll get. Mother. Slaughter Shy.” She turned and walked off into the shadowy hallways.
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