With summer coming to a close, I thought I’d make a post to say that Y/N is the best, most amazing, gorgeous human being on the planet. :)
Edit: Y/N wrote that. I don’t disagree, though. 
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So guess who made an OnlyFans. 
DISCLAIMER: I am in no way asking for anyone to subscribe. I do not expect you to subscribe. I am merely posting this just to let people know that I have made an account, should anyone be interested.
So what am I doing on OnlyFans?
Mainly, writing. And here’s why it’s different than my Tumblr: 
I’m taking requests. For literally any original character/reader/TV/Movie character. And that’s why it’s different- because I’m going to be researching and spending time creating that content for characters I don’t normally write for. Also it’s a place to be able to write erotic stories, which I know a lot of people have specific requests for. I’m also willing to write for the people that request it, instead of an anonymous reader. Basically I’ll write whatever the fuck you want, as long as it’s legal. 
So what else am I doing on OnlyFans?
Some art thrown in, maybe other things too. Haven’t quite figured out the website in all entirety, so I need to see what levels there are, etc. to really figure out what else I’ll be doing on there. 
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Y/N and I are currently playing a game of ‘who can hide their Christmas presents better.’ Her latest hiding spot was in the vents. My current one is under the Christmas tree, blended in with everyone else’s gifts. 
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On my latest mission, Y/N sent me a text at the exact second I needed to stay completely silent. The HYDRA agent found me, of course. I've never been more mad at her. 
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Hi! I’m absolutely in love with you, like every time you post something I check it out. I write some fan fiction for the Avengers, Harry Potter, and some other things. Would you mind checking it out?
Sure thing :)
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Y/N came up to me yesterday and asked why I hadn’t asked her about the Christmas decorations. I was confused, because no decorations were up, to which she told me that was the point. It’s not even Thanksgiving. 
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The 2k Celebration “Trailer”
Getting that phone call could not have come at the worst time. To pick it up or to not? To learn about your past or not? To keep going or to give into the pain and exhaustion? And is that Natasha here to rescue you or is something ominous at play? Not to mention, who is Alia….or was her name something else? Was that a noise or just the sound of your own heart beating rapidly? 
With sixteen different endings and thirty options to choose from, will you make the right decisions to come to a happy ending? Or perhaps you’ll end up in another universe entirely. 
It’s really all up to you. 
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please take me on vacation 🥺-🌸
Unfortunately, I rarely get vacation time :(
But, perhaps I could make a little time for a hangout ;)
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I’ve decided that Y/N deserves a vacation. Now I just have to figure out a way to disappear with her without the entire team knowing that I plan on taking a vacation. It sounds impossible but if there’s anyone who can do it, it’s me.
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I am fairly certain Tony lost my widow’s bites. He took them a month ago to upgrade them and I haven’t gotten them back. His last excuse was that they needed a color change..... they’re black. Always have been black. Always will be black. 
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The temperature here in New York has been cooling, and I have never seen Y/N so excited. She’s brought out all of her sweaters already, and has worn at least half of them. Not to mention, everything in our room now smells like pumpkin, and I’m fairly certain she only bought a diffuser to have the smell of nutmeg mist into the air. 
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Guess who 👀👀
 “Hello! Here’s a list of everything I’ve written so far (I did not include the first drunk fic in here haha. If you wanna read that you’re going to have to scroll through my tumblr for it). All series are currently ongoing.  I’m also on Ao3 and have some additional works posted there that are not on Tumblr. Requests are always open! :)
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About Me
A Guide to Reading my Fanfictions
drunk writing prompts
nat x femreader prompts
original prompt list
exclusive drunk writing night prompts
spooky prompts
Currently Working On
Personalized Drabbles
Smut Nights
Blurb Nights
Paragraph Blurb Nights
Drunk Writing Nights
Scarlett Johansson x Reader Works
My Favorite Fanfictions and Writers
1k Celebration
Concepts and Other Little Writings
Cheryl Blossom Masterlist
Discord Link
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Thank you so much :) I am eternally grateful ❤️
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To celebrate, I’ll be posting a bit more this week, and I am finally revealing who’s behind this blog!
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I have to dye my hair for an upcoming long-term undercover mission, and Y/N has tried to do everything in her power to ensure my hair color does not change, including attempting to buy all of the dye products in the store and hide them from me. 
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Y/N is currently trying to convince Tony to let her completely re-style the compound. I trust her style completely normally, but I have to say, I really hope Tony says no because she wants an ice cream bar in at least ten rooms. 
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Dr. Cho came to check all of us out today (a normal checkup and to draw some blood and get swabbed for COVID just to make sure) and I have never seen Clint cry harder than after he got his swab.
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Y/N and I went on our first mission since quarantine started, and I swear we’ve never been so excited for a mission in our lives. We asked Steve if we could stay an extra day for optimal post-surveillance, and that’s not even a thing
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