desertfangs · 1 year
If nobody asked, Daniel for the send character stuff 👀 If already done, Bianca?
Thank you so much for the ask! I did Daniel here (sorry for the link but it's kind of long so I don't want to copy it in.)
Sexuality Headcanon: Bi but likes softness a lot. Soft breasts, soft hands, soft lips… 
Gender Headcanon: I see Bianca as pretty feminine.
A ship I have with said character: Armand/Bianca. I mean, I don’t ship in the sense that I think they should be together 4ever but I like them together. She’s a soft place for him to land. (My goodness I am using the word soft too much. I don’t mean to imply she can’t hold her own, we all know she can.) 
A BROTP I have with said character: Daniel! Look I know I keep putting Daniel but I think he’s a good bro for a lot of these people. He’s easy-going and loves to get to know people. But with Bianca I think they have a ton in common actually, and would have a lot of fun hanging out at a club together or going to see a bad movie and using the Mind Gift to share commentary back and forth. I think they’d be great at ganging up on Armand when he’s being stubborn. 
A NOTP I have with said character: None. Let her do what she wants. 
A random headcanon: I think Bianca is super into those romantic reality shows. Love is Blind, Married at First Sight, The Bachelor/Bachelorette. She gets really invested and probably convinces others to watch with her so has someone to talk to about them. 
And this isn’t a headcanon but I really want to know more about the fledgling she had and lost. That’s such a tragic thing and I want to know the story. 
General Opinion over said character: I love Bianca! I’m glad she appears in PL but like so many of them, I wish we’d gotten more time with her and more about what she’d been up to and been through. I do think she and Armand have a lot of catching up to do and I think her sense of humor and charm will appeal to Daniel so I hope she’s a frequent guest at TG and someone they hang around with when at Court.
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