#foam wonderland
jazmatazzzzzz · 20 days
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✧༺♡༻∞ Meow ! ∞༺♡༻✧
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eeveepressed · 1 year
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Rave day !
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cherrys-side-bitch · 11 months
The Great 7 AU
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Note: This is only general headcanons, I'm definitely writing more for this AU later
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Since a young age, Yuu has had their parents (mostly Jafar and Grimhilde) teaching them how to act appropriately while also being taught fighting and magic. So, with that, Yuu would know how to keep a cool head in almost any situation, though it may be hard to keep a straight face with some of the seven’s comments.
Even though they have the power of the seven, they decide to play the role of the “magicless” prefect. I headcanon that, similarly to the actual game, the mirror said that Yuu didn't have magic since Yuu, by default, is just a random human and can't use magic without the seven’s aid. Though the mirror possibly hinted at The Great Seven being present, it was likely vague and quickly forgotten due to the absurdity of the situation.
Despite only arriving in this world from another, they’re incredibly knowledgeable about magic, potions, and even the history of this world. It's almost suspicious to the other students that some begin to think that their story of being from another world might be a lie even though they insist it isn't. Admittedly, though Yuu knows the history, they are still clueless about the laws and places of this word. Don't let them play geoguessr. They might die. Either that, or they’ll cry, then you have the Great 7 to deal with.
On the topic of the Great Seven, they don't have physical forms, only visible to Yuu and possibly other ghosts (Sam also probably knows due to the whole “friends on the other side” thing, but who knows). However, I believe they can still influence the world around Yuu through magic, even if only a little. An example may be that Yuu fell asleep on the couch after one of their nightly strolls with Malleus, and Maleficent draped a blanket over Yuu to keep them warm. Another is if Yuu is getting harassed by one of NRC’s bullies, one of the 7 pulls some horror movie shit and breaks the lights or starts throwing things: that or one of Maleficent's iconic storms.
Adding to what I said earlier about them acting, the idea of Great 7! Yuu snapping is terrifying. Even if they don't use magic or attack someone, it's still scary seeing that. The calm and collected persona falling, and you get to see their genuine emotions? Terrifying.
Just your average, cute, little “magicless” human acting all prim and proper, then displaying magical prowess that could surpass Malleus.
If I were those side character students, I’d leave, tbh.
┉ˏ͛ ༝̩̩̥͙ ⑅͚˚   ҉  ⑅͚˚ ͛༝̩̩̥͙ ˎ┉
Also, since you asked me to tag you, @twisted-wonderland-but-gayer 🥲
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If some other magicless person got stuck in Twisted Wonderland and tried to take my place, I'd simply let them. Yeah, bitch, now you take care of these motherfuckers and deal with Crowley's bullshit, see if I fuckin care. Have fun babysitting a bunch of sunovabitches who barely even remember you exist half the time.
I love the angst of "they pushed the Prefect away and replaced them only to miss them when they finally leave", but, also, if I were Yuu, I'd absolutely just let it happen. Call me a pushover, but I ain't shedding a tear for friends who left for the newest shiny thing. And it would relieve me from all the trouble. Guess who's not fighting Overblots anymore? This bastard, that's who.
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jangmi-latte · 11 months
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mochinomnoms · 22 days
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aspen can have my affection, but not my eel 🙂‍↔️
(apologies for the messy parts, you made him so cute and I just had to make this as soon as I got the chance🤍)
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oh my goooooooooooooooooood this is so good!!?!?!?! Talented so talented fr fr i love your art style its so pleasing to look at and you made Aspen look so cuuuute!!! I love my jelly squid boy and I'm so happy you kept his rectangular pupils! I wasn't sure that they'd translate over with how I drew him AND HIS LIL FRECKLACES AAAAAAA
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riddles-fiddles · 11 months
I was wondering if I could request a riddle fic? Riddle and his "Least" favorite ruler breaker! Idk I thought it'd be super cute to watch a rule breaking Yuu be let off the hook just because Riddle has a soft spot for them while Ace gets the full punishment. Ace would probs get so annoyed at that lol
YESSS I love the idea of Riddle slowly developing a soft spot for a slightly rebellious Yuu, because! It surely brings a flicker of warmth to him to be remebered that breaking rules or not abidding by the extremes isn't the end of the world, and that he's allowed to be imperfect, just like his little adored troublemaker.
Roses Beyond Thorns
Synopsis: Riddle isn't as pissed as you might think from the way you deliberately breaks rules. Characters: Riddle Rosehearts, minor appearance of Ace Trappola Tags: fluff, comedy, SFW Notes: gender neutral reader, I am so sorry for the long wait akjdhajshd life has been a bitch recently
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The corner of Riddle's nose twitches, a motion almost left unnoticed as he stares blankly at your uniform — at first glance, nothing looked too out of the ordinary, but Riddle has a sharp eyesight and meticulously picks on the smallest of details. He knows you purposely swapped the colours from the school's bowtie (black to white stripes) and the way your funky socks peeked through your hem was merely part of your antics to test his tolerance.
Yet, after the blot incident, he promised to go easy with the strictness he had previously showed regarding the Queen's rules, so he watches in silence as you roam around Heartslabyul with your offending clothing, an innocent spring to your feet - like you're not purposely teasing him.
He also knows everyone is discreetly (or not so much) exchanging side eyes between you two, awaiting for their housewarden to burst some censoring comment about your uniform, but it never comes, and it makes everyone on the dorm hold their breaths. Riddle keeps the nagging thoughts to himself, circling his thumbs as he leans back against the cushioned surface of his seat, gaze burning against your back.
It's another unbirthday to celebrate, and as expected, Riddle keeps the diligent housewarden stance, eventually engulfed from the responsibilities and the many people to greet and talk to. And that's the cue you need to drag Ace away from the crowd, pulling him towards the Rose Maze.
"Wouldn't it be lovely to paint the roses a darker shade of red over their ends? It would highlight their blooming glow," you muse, hand waving around the heart-shaped bushes. Ace winces from a moment, wary of your antics; normally, he wouldn't be hesitant to join you on your pranks, but his neck still strained from Riddle's punishing collar, earned after skipping feeding-the-flamingos duty. "Come on, Ace. I didn't know you were a chicken-head."
The smug grin on your face followed by the teasing comment was enough to brush away any ounce of meticulous restraint - nobody calls Ace a chicken-head! He's not a coward, and he's definitely not afraid of his housewarden's rage...! Liar, and he would soon regret it.
Riddle notices how giggly you and Ace look, and that's enough to stir some suspicion. Nothing good comes out of a humorous Ace.
Riddle has a sharp eyesight and easily picks up on the smallest of details. It only takes him two minutes of staring into the delicate petals, fingers brushing off the cheap paint out of the edges to realize what you have been up to.
"So, whose idea was it to stain the roses perfect cherry colour with maroon? Did you two really think I would not notice the contrasting tones?" Riddle's voice drips with a tame commanding tone - he's really containing himself to not straight out blurt Off With Your Head, and it shows on his cold, stoic features. You can't help but let the ghost of a smile tug at the corner of your lips, amusement mixed with surprise. Of course Riddle would be able to discern the colours, even name them.
Ace remains silent, his gaze fixated on the floor. He was a real friend, despite his loudness and mischievous personality, not even mumbling out your name.
"I just thought a darker colour along the petals would make them look prettier, bringing out their core and the lucid glow of their youth, since they have just finished blooming." You confess, tone innocent and soft. You're ready to face the consequences, so your voice comes sincere, though there's not much regret on the shy, minimal smile that graces the corner of your lips.
And Riddle notices it. He notices it, and can't help but feel his stoned heart warm up, melting away from the way you look so proud of it. You had a special and weird way to tug at his heartstrigs without even meaning it. He always felt a strong sense of righteousness, to live by rules - or else everything would descend into chaos - but then you would stand guiltless in front of him after some prank that conflicted with the Queen's sayings, and he would find your boldness amusing... hopeful, even.
Riddle stays silent, grey eyes searching for any lies or foul, hidden intents alongside your features, the intensity of his nimbus-colored irises sending electricity all through your skin. Though he looks severe, he secretly revels on the way your eyes glisten against his office's light, how your cheeks are graced with a light rosy tint, and most important - how you look genuinely proud of your work.
"Fine," he sighs out, long gloved fingers coming to pinch the bridge of his nose, head moving to the sides in an exasperated, dramatic motion - his hand casting shadows over his face in time to conceal a blush that slowly creeped up his cheeks, complexion easing. "I can recognize your... creative approach regarding the roses, and although I don't appreciate it, I can't find a reason to punish you for it."
He waves you off, allowing you to exit his office. What you fail to notice, however, is the small, longing smile that tugs at Riddle's features the moment you turn your back, the hint of a shy sparkle of admiration growing on his pupils. Ace comes to reach for the door, but is quickly stopped by a hand coiling around his shoulder, pulling him back.
"Trappola, I'm not done with you."
The next day you visit, you find Ace working on the Rose Maze, the heart-shaped red collar matching his current position - the flowers had been stripped from their lively colour, going back to their usual white selves, and now Ace was tasked to paint them all until tea time. No shortcut with his magic allowed thanks to the collar, he was expected to comply with excellency, merely relying on his bare skills with a brush and a can of paint.
"This is so unfair! All you have to do is look pretty and bat your eyelashes and Riddle spares you the collar?! No way, you're helping me out since I wouldn't be in hot water again if it wasn't for your stupid idea!"
You can't help but laugh with a mix of mischief and solidarity, deciding out of the goodness of your heart to help the poor guy out - but not before having a good laugh out of it, and even a photo. For memories sake, you tell him.
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POV: Savannaclaw Rook Hunt
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tinyfantasminha · 10 months
It's no exageration when I say that the first time the Glorious Masquerade event aired last year, it was the most hyped I ever was for twst </333 the cards, the story, the music, Rollo, just The hunchback of notre dame overall (one of my fav animated movies ever) the theories and rot I shared with my friends 😭even though I was busy irl I still managed to fully enjoy the event, I'm so glad I could. I'm just so immensely happy with the rerun plus Rollo SSR?!?!? It hasn't even been a year yet but it's like reviving comfort memories, I love this event so much 😭💕
I hope the newest halloween event this year will be just as good or better than GloMas, because it feels like I experienced peak fiction already 💔
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jazmatazzzzzz · 1 month
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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  ⁺ All of my friends ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ .  
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✦ .  ⁺   . ✦ . Looking for GRUBS ! . ✦ .  ⁺   . ✦
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I love my people so much !!
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obssessivethorn · 6 months
I’m probably gonna delete this later because of how emotionally charged it is and I don’t like having such vulnerable posts like this on my blog but I desperately need somewhere to talk about this where people will understand.
I D E S P I S E how difficult book 6 is. Specifically chapter 67. I have maxed my full team for the vil, rook, and epel team and I still can’t get the titan past half health before I die. I don’t have cards that work well for the favored element and every time I try to level a different card or have a different team comp it doesn’t help.
I want so badly to continue the story and read book 7 so I’m not constantly trying to avoid spoilers but at this point it’s so discouraging and feels impossible. This feels like such a glaring game design flaw that it actually hurts to try the battles again and again because I know that I’m no where near where I need to be for these battles. Not to mention the impending fight with Idia and ortho.
I’ve literally been stuck on this chapter for nearly half a year now because of how difficult it is to pass. I know my team comps are atrocious but I’ve already restarted this chapter more times than I can count and I am not doing it again. Aside from spell levels (which are a bitch to farm for) there’s not much else I can do to level these cards so it ends up feeling hopeless and like I’m just never going to pass a stupid level in a stupid game. It makes me scared for the difficulty of book 7 and wonder if I’m just always going to be struggling to get by in battles.
This was way more vulnerable than I’ve ever been on here. Doubt anyone’s gonna really see this to begin with but if you’re also struggling this hard or worse then you’re not alone! I’ve been wanting to cry and punch the wall all day because of this game so I get it!
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gummi-stims · 2 months
SURPRISE bet you thought you’ve seen the last of me. I have a request. For a board with my twisted wonderland Oc, Lady. Based on lady and the tramp. For her stimboard could I get lots of “magical vibes” like glitter and stars and things like that, thank you!
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💜- x -💛
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sintheyokai · 3 months
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rinne4112 · 2 years
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The first years *except Ortho* are tasked to clean the hallways. It seems that someone used the wrong soap... They need Ortho's help-
Link to Prompts:
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Hello again, Malleus! This is the anon that asked about how many devices were sacrificed for your Tumblr. I'm here to ask a follow up:
No way you broke Carter's phone too. 😭😭😭
What was the poor boy's reaction?
Hello, Anon :).
He did not react much, he just spared blankly into the empty space. Lilia and I made sure he would get another device, but I have noticed he doesn't let me near his electronics anymore.
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