#fo76 allies
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Work has been really hard lately
But doing an npc quest line last week in fo76 has had me stumble into the swamp of being consumed with thinking about my 76 oc and his two allies etc and I'm full in the brain rot
To the point where it's almost the only thing I can think about
And I've been like working hard on my secondary camp way more than I did my og one dksks
Just I guess got that fixation going and doing my own world building
And totally not stealing the one named npc and putting my own take on him
#...my tried and true hyper fixation is making ocs and obsessing over them ..I really miss making ocs with friends and playing with them#it was and is my whole world ...let me play with little guys and put them through stuff
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My thoughts on fo76’s writing is if they started off with putting in and building up the major and minor factions, and built up the camp allies more from the beginning, then it would’ve been a really good fallout game.
Like literally people only keep playing fallout for factions and companions…if you make those even mildly interesting then you have a decent fallout game.
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fuck me dude the next season of fo76 has an assaultron ally. it's over

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theres a robot ally in fo76 who REALLY wants to fuck you
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i jest I jest
But 👀
What about pets? Either ones companions would have or a very uncommon one that someone wouldn’t think was a good pet, BUT IS. Deathclaws you can ride like a pony, mole rats that want belly rubs, cazadore’s as cattier pigeons! What are your thoughts?
Or like, Danse or Piper or Fawkes with something hilarious Idek ignore me
Oooookay, here’s my comprehensive list of companions - ALL companions, across Fallouts 3, 4, New Vegas and 76 - and their (headcanon) choices in wasteland pets. I’ll give a little explanation for each - particularly as many of these companions are transients and don’t have the luxury of owning a home to keep pets at. Also, I feel like most of the companions, while they might not necessarily like pets, would be somewhat fond or at least respectful of the pets of the Lone Wanderer/Courier/Sole Survivor/Vault Dweller, like Dogmeat and Rex.
Lily Bowen: Everyone’s favorite super mutant grandma is already an experienced shepherdess in Jacobstown, and she’s more than willing to tear some night stalkers apart to keep her herd safe. If that’s not love beyond the norm for wasteland livestock, I don’t know what is. She’s probably given all of her bighorners names after the characters in the television reruns she used to watch on holotape in Vault 17, like Grace and Audrey and Lucille.
Raul Tejada: Actually spent a decent part of his pre-war life living on a ranch, so he knows that most brahmin don’t deserve being labeled “irritable” just because people don’t know how to read their body language. I think he’d follow wild brahmin herds around a bit on a whim and keep them from coming to any harm, especially the little ones. He gives them names like the cattle he grew up with, Corazon and Gordo and Blanca.
Rose of Sharon Cassidy: Doesn’t truck with the wild herds, but she knows that part of the success of a caravan lies with how well they treat their pack animals. All of her caravan’s brahmin have names - Penny, Magic and Sprinkles - and she’s careful to pair them up with drivers who are patient and work well with their various personalities.
Butch DeLoria: While Butch ultimately decided to leave Vault 101 behind, I don’t think he would ever truly lose his fear of radroaches after what they did to his mom. Having a little friend to warm his bunk in Rivet City and pounce on intruders would probably set his mind at ease, maybe a black tomcat with one ear named Pepper. He might even gift his mom a kitten when he next comes to visit.
Star Paladin Cross: I don’t think Cross much sees the use of an animal that doesn’t contribute to the community it lives in, like most of the Brotherhood of Steel. Cats, however, are excellent at pest control, even if the rats are bigger nowadays. I think she’d give the resident cats at the Citadel some pets in passing, and she’d smile when she has to extract playful kittens from inside her power armor frame. She’s especially fond of the cat colony’s matriarch, a scarred old tabby named Gemma.
Curie: Upon her transition into a synth body, Curie is overjoyed with most animals and their new willingness to approach her for attention. She especially loves cats because she can pick them up and better feel their fur and purring. Her favorite cat is an orange stray in Diamond City that she calls Claude.
Piper Wright: A companion for Nat when she’s out adventuring, an unbiased friend to bounce the latest opinion piece off of before going to print, and a lap-warmer for when you’re typing up the latest article about the exploits of the Minutemen - what’s not to like? The Wright family cat is a slippery, elegant calico named Sugar Bomb.
Preston Garvey: While the Minutemen forts and settlements definitely lean more toward keeping dogs around for security purposes, I think Preston likes his pets quieter and less likely to bowl you over in excitement. The one most likely to sleep with him in his bunk at Sanctuary is a grumpy gray gentleman named Anchovy.
Veronica Santangelo: If anyone is crazy enough to swipe a deathclaw egg from a nest and try to hatch, rear and train a personal killing machine named Izzy, it’s Veronica. This will probably just alienate her from her Brotherhood chapter even more, but I’m sure she would take special care to make sure that her usual Mojave Wasteland haunts take a peek through a scope to see if the approaching deathclaw has a human on its back before taking a shot.
Clover: I don’t think Clover gets out beyond Paradise Falls much, so the only animals she’s used to are the dogs the raiders bring around when passing through. She probably has favorites among the usual visitors and enjoys tossing them bits of meat when she’s allowed to get away from Eulogy and Crimson. If liberated, she’d probably get at least three of her own dogs to watch over her while she sleeps: One small dog to carry with her, a Pekingese or Pomeranian descendant named Coco, and two large dogs to follow through on intimidation and protection, a mastiff named Rock and a Doberman descendant named Roll.
Jericho: Jericho doesn’t deserve a dog but he’d probably have one around anyway to sniff out caps caches and hidden loot after he’s shot everyone in the vicinity. Some slinky beagle mix named Dewey, probably.
Fawkes: I don’t think Fawkes would be picky at all about what kind of dog he’d have. He strikes me as the type who would adopt any half-friendly mutt he ran across. I do think he would have a bit of a soft spot for friendlier mutant hounds, though, and maybe view their mutated circumstances as similar to his own. He’d also be absolutely amazing at playing fetch. Just imagine how far he could lob a stick or ball. All of his dogs would have literary names too, like Byron and Agatha and Edgar.
Craig Boone: Though he’s a bit of a prodigy at sniping, Boone knows his limitations when it comes to spotting hidden enemies on the horizon. I can see him having a hound dog at his side to find the more elusive ones and help him get rid of them faster. Maybe a bloodhound mutt named Bravo.
Cait: Doesn’t like people, but she adores dogs. Having had the life where she’s been abused, exploited and forced into slavery, she’s keenly aware that those like the ones who took advantage of her treat dogs much the same. She’s very protective of any dog she encounters and is very likely to punch you in the face if you so much as look at one wrong. She’d probably name any pup she adopted Lucky.
Hancock: Honestly, he’s just a fan of any animal that is happy to hang out with you whether you’re drunk, high, fighting raiders or patrolling downtown Boston. The Goodneighbor strays know him as the guy who always has mirelurk jerky in his pockets. His favorite is a rough-and-tumble, black-and-white spotted cattle dog descendant that he cheekily calls King George.
Robert MacCready: He’s not quick to trust dogs, but once he’s sure they’re not a threat, they’re one of the few critters around which he’ll relax completely. He’s still a little wary of them around Duncan, but any dog that’s a part of his family is more or less his son’s permanent babysitter.
Nick Valentine: Dogmeat is also basically his dog. The two have a history of working cases together, with Dogmeat just turning up whenever a trail goes cold and leading Nick to the evidence he needs to reopen his investigation. Nick doesn’t know how or why Dogmeat does it, but he’s not about to ruin a good thing.
Strong: I don’t think he would turn down a ferocious mutant hound as a friend. He’d probably feed it mole rats and call it something like Killer.
Beckett: This former raider has a love-hate relationship with a fox that keeps going through his trash. He affectionately calls him Lil’ Bastard.
Sofia Daguerre: Having crashed back to an earth she doesn’t recognize, I think Sofia would be tickled that the foxes of Appalachia have basically stayed the same despite the bombs. I can see her leaving dinner scraps out on her porch for one that she sometimes spots in the foliage, and slowly coaxing the critter to come into the light. She names her Scarlett once she finally convinces her to eat out of her hand.
Mega sloths
Settler forager: I would not be at all surprised if this man ran into a mega sloth in the Mire and decided to try befriending it. The creature, probably surprised at this old guy’s nerve, decided to accept the handful of leaves he offered and grew slowly more fond of the guy’s persistence. It doesn’t know its name is Fergus but it does know that if a human is wearing overalls, it’s probably not a threat.
Mole rats
Deacon: Alright, hear me out. Deacon has a fondness for underdogs, and mole rats are about as underdog as they come. I think Deacon thinks these little guys are cute despite their wrinkles and buck teeth, and I think he sees the value in having a tunneling pet that likes to collect shiny things. One of his deep cover hideouts is in an old tunnel system in the northern Commonwealth, where he hangs out with a young mole rat named Henry.
Raider punk: This radio operator got wind of an abandoned nest of owlets in Appalachia early on in his career and, being the nearest to the report, decided to rescue the little guys. Now he has three owls that occasionally drop in at his camp to hoot and accept handouts: Nona, Decima and Morta. While he’s still fond of them, he’s usually disappointed that they aren’t the Mothman coming to visit.
Rad chickens
Yasmin Chowdhury: Ever the opportunistic cook, she picked up the practice of raising chickens from the settlers at Foundation and has four hens of her own: Parsley, Sage, Rosemary and Thyme. The “ladies,” as she refers to them, give her a constant stream of eggs for omelets.
Settler wanderer: This gal has an affinity with birds, who are always on the move like her. She admires their ability to be untethered and let the wind take them far and wide. Nevertheless, she likes to scatter corn when they come close to her on the road, and formed a sort of friendship with a particularly handsome specimen that she calls Tornado.
Old Longfellow: This guy is the epitome of the meme about dads not wanting pets and then instantly falling in love with whatever animal enters their life. He probably found an injured wolf pup in his travels around the island and took pity on it, nursing it back to health in his cabin. It’s still got a bit of a twisted paw, but follows him around and listens like any other dog and answers to the name Lamoine.
Yao guai
Porter Gage: I bet this guy adopted an orphaned bear cub and raised it by hand. Now it’s so big that even if Gage thinks he’s an easy target for other raiders due to his age, he’s much less likely to get singled out than he thinks because he has a yao guai following him around like a puppy. The bear’s name is Fuzzy Wuzzy. It has no hair.
No pets, thanks
Charon: Too likely to accidentally wind up in the line of fire.
Sergeant RL-3: Too easily corrupted by Communist influences.
Arcade Gannon: Too much time spent getting in your way.
Codsworth: Too likely to make messes.
Paladin Danse: Too many wasted resources.
X6-88: Too much of a liability.
Ada: Too easy to lose when on the move.
Solomon Hardy: Too unsanitary.
#fallout#fallout 3#fo3#fallout new vegas#fnv#fallout 4#fo4#fallout 76#fo76#fallout 3 companions#fo3 companions#fallout new vegas companions#fnv companions#fallout 4 companions#fo4 companions#fallout 76 allies#fo76 allies#this was a hell of an ask shotce#solomon hardy#ada#x6-88#paladin danse#danse#codsworth#arcade gannon#sergeant rl-3#charon#porter gage#old longfellow#settler wanderer
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Been meaning to redesign the allies you can get on fallout 76, and since season 7 is ending tomorrow I am gonna do my fav ally from it very quickly. Xerxo is a ghoul who believes he is an alien and I really wanted to give him more? Like he looks.. Boring but he has funny lines and he is VERY committed to his role.
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figures that the only time I come across the settler wanderer is on ptr that has zero effect on the real game
#sofi plays fo76#amazing. incredible.#i've wanted her as an ally for so long and never found her until now
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#sentinel#responders#fallout 76#fallout#bethesda#west virginia#fo76#f76#ss: ally#sentinel ally#lol#she's a healer now
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todd howard made fallout 76 specifically so i could live out my dream of being a bisexual farmer out in the appalachianas and if any of u god damn cowards disrespect that by nuking me he’s going to clip directly into ur homes and arrest you for homophobia
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I thought the allies in fo76 would travel with you but nope. Beckett is just chilling on my house’s balcony. Kinda disappointing.
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It's a lovely morning in the village, and I am in the mood to make 'Fallout companions react' posts.
Myself, five minutes ago
Send me your reaction requests and I’ll do my best. Please specify which game (Fallout 3, New Vegas, 4, 76) and if there are any characters you’d like included that aren’t necessarily companions.
#fallout#fallout 3#fo3#fallout 3 companions#fo3 companions#fallout new vegas#fnv#fallout new vegas companions#fnv companions#fallout 4#fo4#fallout 4 companions#fo4 companions#fallout 76#fo76#fallout 76 allies#fo76 allies#reactions#fallout reactions
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Not much to say except that I’m still enjoying Wastelanders.
SPOILERS are likely below here...
I’ve just finished the Wayward/Crane/Duchess storyline. It was an interesting choice of setup - just the right amount of black humour, and also a finite, focused story. The world isn’t at stake here - it’s just a random pub that someone’s set up in Appalachia. But somehow, that makes it more compelling. You can relate to the people in it and their worries. (In my head, my daftly-high-level character was mostly going along with Duchess, Sol, Polly and co mainly because they’re just enjoying being around other people again.)
The Ally quests seem interesting too. I’m currently working through Commander Daguerre’s story, and it’s surpisingly-compelling; it’s about someone trying to deal with loss, disorientation and waking up in a world that they don’t recognise. Also, by implication, it sheds some light on some things from Fallout 4 (Vault 101′s deep-freeze technology? there was prior art in pre-War America).
So this is all proving quite refreshing. Also, a couple of other things I’ve noticed - post-Wastelanders, server stability is far better in Fo76. I haven’t had a single disconnect since it dropped. Also the graphics have improved - visual depth is better, colours feel sharper, and everything just generally feels “fresher” somehow.
Also, they seem to have tweaked the drop-rates - I’m finding that rare items are turning up more often, and legendary drops seem to have got better. (I’m finding legendaries that are actually useful now, rather than the previous one-star junkie’s pipe pistols and so on.)
So at least so far, Wastelanders is refreshing and welcome. Fo76 finally feels like it actually is a Fallout game.
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someone come get knocked out in front of me on fo76 so I can get the scout badge for stimpaking an ally
#this game is not made for loners lol#i still havent finished the main quest bc you cant do it alone
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just hung out with a player in fo76 with “veronica” in her username and she mained a power fist. also had nuka cola rocket girl as her icon so im not meaning to jump to conclusions but its possible this chick was not straight and therefor the actual real veronica santangelo. she didnt have voice chat or else i couldve made a powerful friend and ally today
#fallout 76#fo76#fallout#i feel bad when im not able to properly communicate with people#i know most girls dont like to use mics because of harassment issues but
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I need to go to bed because I have work at 3:30am but real quick I want to list a couple reasons why I’m personally excited for FO76, since the negativity is fucking unbearable and I’m getting tired of this kind of fandom culture everywhere I look
Roleplaying opportunities. A game this open-ended in terms of character customization, crafting, etc. leaves a lot of room for roleplay that you really just don’t often see in online games. Your role in a party isn’t dependent on a class like in MMOs, it’s the skills you bring to the table, the perks you choose, the things you personally bring forward, etc. Beyond combat, it gives opportunities to really, finally roleplay as a trader, a raider, and any number of things that exist on the periphery of Fallout’s universe. I can see player factions developing, much like guilds in other online games but far more diverse in capabilities; you can shoot and loot and dungeon crawl together, sure, but you can actually, physically set up trading posts, go raiding other players, cater specific goods or services, act as mercenaries for hire, and so on.
PvP and anti-griefing. FO76 offers a lot of rewards for actively participating in PvP, from satisfying roleplay opportunities to cold hard caps, but its anti-griefing measures for those who absolutely don’t wish to participate are fucking STELLAR. No PvP at all until level 5, giving people time to get their bearings and leave the Vault; attacking players do only a slight amount of damage until the attackee reciprocates and combat formally begins; pacifist mode can be enabled so that your attacks do not cause combat, preventing griefers from jumping in front of your bullets to draw you into PvP to circumvent the system; players who do kill a player who won’t reciprocate combat are labelled as a murderer for the whole map to see, and a bounty is put on their head which comes out of their own cap stash. This is all extremely user-friendly, allows everyone to get the experience they want out of the game, and boots out all the undesirables who make other games into rank dumpster fires
The focus on you living in the world. Bethesda have stated this a few times, but really made a point of it at QuakeCon: They want you to immerse yourself in your player character, and really think about how your character would exist in the world. “It has to feel real” to the player, which is the core pillar of why I enjoy Bethesda games so much. The fact that they’re keeping this mindset in FO76 makes me happy, but then, it’s the opportunities that arise for this pillar of game design when you take all the singleplayer crutches out of the equation that really sing to me.
I’m just excited to meet unpredictable characters in a Fallout game. It’s why I like online multiplayer to begin with. I don’t play it a lot, at least not anymore, but it’s a big part of why I used to play Halo 3 and Reach for hours upon hours, weeks upon weeks. I like seeing different strategies, forming my own in response to them, and treating every match like its own narrative. I build rivalries over the course of every match, and close allies, too. I love those little bits of organic gameplay that you just can’t develop in singleplayer games no matter how hard you try. Every session is gonna feel different in FO76, and I’m giddy about that.
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My FO76 character. An apeshit raider addicted to chems and alcohol trying to turn a new leaf and be more for the people than just for himself. Unfortunately, that's really hard to do, and he's verrückt... I like to imagine that he befriends allies who help make up for his shortcomings, helping innocent settlers and such understand that he's there to help, not to raid.
... Mostly.
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