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roslynn777 · 1 year ago
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i got diluc instead but let’s not talk about that
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nekojetto · 1 year ago
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Some archon quest spoilers!! /!/
I wasn't ready for so much angst ;;w;;
I find it so funny that the two are overworking mystical creature who only dream of a big vacancy break /o/ I think they deserve a beach day together (maybe with the Duke and Sigewinne hehe)
And a scene I really miss into the story, Iudex appologies for seeing nothing during all these years and Furina forgiving him.
(I don't ship them btw, I just see them as siblings energy, the duo is so funny x) )
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kujousaramybeloved · 1 year ago
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fontaine part three :3
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seuhgi · 1 year ago
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"Thank you, Furina, for all you've done."
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anemovisionuser · 1 year ago
Okay this ain't an Archon quest it's a whole ass movie
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bloomangie · 10 months ago
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There are things I can not hear.
There are things I can not see.
There are things I can not tell.
Three archons, three godesses. Always a cruel fate.
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percylynx · 8 months ago
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some Furina doodles I made today cuz I love her
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hisui555 · 2 months ago
A thought about the Archons, Mavuika included (spoilers under the cut)
Outside of all the Archons, the most well-adjusted, ironically, is Mavuika - and that's because she's human to begin with.
Venti (as Barbatos) formed from a wind sprite, lost his bard friend, and is very hands-off with his people, basically not acting like an Archon. He has guilt feelings and is an alcoholic (even if it's mostly for laughs), implied to be to cope with everything that happened. He also hides his divinity to be able to interact with people normally, as he wishes to, as the god of Freedom.
Zhongli (as Morax) is an Adepti dragon-like entity (his Exuvia) and lost countless friends, Guizhong amongst them, is very tired of his role and has officially retired from Archonhood , fearing Erosion and leaving the humans to deal with it as independent people, but not without having put them in danger first as part of his bet. Again, in the end, he wants to live like normal people and as such doesn't reveal he is the very god scholars are discussing about, in front of him no less.
Ei (as Beelzebul and replacement of Baal) is an embodiment of lightning (the shadow to Makoto's glow), a shell-shocked shut-in from battle, literally retreating in her inner world after having lost her sister and companions, and has completely left her puppet to deal with Inazuma's problems, until the Traveler makes her realize she became too complacent with it. There's also the whole Vision Hunt Decree to begin with. She's the "Almighty Shogun", and her learning to socialize again is part of her learning process, but she's still put on a pedestal.
Nahida (as Buer and second to Rukkhadevata) has big shoes left to fill, got abused for 500 years, is suffering from crippling self-doubt, a form of Impostor Syndrome, and is practically a doormat to her people until the Traveler and the Sumecrew step in. Her being restored into her rightful role is still fresh and while wise, her grip on the people's trust to her is still shaky. She has also quite the odd understanding of more common things, and her morals, while very compassionate, aren't fully human (given she's born from the purest Irminsul branch).
Furina (as split "humanity" from Foçalors' divinity) has no powers whatsoever, is actually a humanized Oceanid (like Foçalors was) turned fully human at the end of Fontaine's arc, suffers from tremendous depression and exhaustion due to being forced to play a 500 years long masquerade, literally had to act by the seat of her pants for just as long to carry Fontaine on her own, and Foçalors herself shows lack of empathy and bits of inhuman morality too as a god. Furina is either the "mascot" to the people of Fontaine, or revered for her acting skills, but rarely respected as a person : compare to Neuvillette, who's interacted and respected more as a person (and the Iudex) than her. When she tried a more humble approach as the "new" Hydro Archon, people outright started to reject her.
The Tsaritsa is unknown as of yet, but Mavuika is the sole Archon that, like the other Pyro Archons, is human to begin with and interacted with as an equal to her people : she's hot springs buddies with Atea, Iansan talks with her on equal footing, and when she goes to restaurants to buy food, she's treated as a good customer and old pal, and not really as a revered Archon. People don't worship her, but they TRUST her, and she managed to unify Natlan - 6 different tribes - as a whole over 500 years, appealing to human connections and a desire to protect land and loved ones, instead of authority.
Mavuika is the sole one walking out of Archonhood without resentment of the position, nor suffering BECAUSE of the position : Venti would rather not act like a god. Zhongli is tired of it. Ei played double for her sister and then let her puppet handle it, because it was too much for her. Nahida has abysmal self-esteem thinking she's not enough of a god. Furina is a complete mess, since she had to play the role. Mavuika never really cared about being the Archon, she cared about being a good person able to be a trusted leader. She USED the position to rally her people, instead of HAVING to rule because it's a divine position and a cosmic order - like the other gods/non-humans (Furina was an Oceanid and incomplete human, even if "perfectly human" in Foçalors'eyes, she also had to pretend to be an Archon her whole life). It's also telling that Neuvillette's life takes a turn for the better when he manages to empathize with humans after living with them for so long.
Mavuika had what the others lack : humanity, and the capacity to enjoy being herself as a human, connecting with her people on a personal level and understanding them.
It's almost as if gods or godlike entities aren't fit to rule over people, in the long run.
Added edit : Mavuika is the sole one actively working WITH her people, to boot. True, she's the one with the plan, but she's fully aware she can't pull it off alone - she literally needs at least 6 other people (the Heroes of the Tribes) and the whole of Natlan at her side.
Venti due to being the god of Freedom has to work on the sides, and can't mingle in as an Archon. Zhongli literally betted that it's either humanity or him taking the leading role, and his "seconds", the Yaksha are themselves godlike entities - take a good look at General "I work alone" Alatus, aka Xiao, who is himself learning to rely on others. Ei crushed Inazumans under her rule and simultaneously was too complacent, letting the humans do their thing until it required her intervention, which openend the door to the Fatui. Nahida was the one crushed by her people and literally had to be saved by humans. Furina (and Foçalors) literally had to carry everything on their own back with even the Hydro Sovereign none the wiser.
And again, Neuvillette's life turns for the better because he learned to work with the people of Fontaine : Clorinde and Wriothesley often exchange with him and are crucial in handling things, Carole and Vautrin in his backstory, the Melusines as a whole, and Furina shouldered the prophecy for him. Their common point ? They all talk to him as a good old and respected pal. Foçalors' plan literally banked on the Hydro Dragon learning to empathize with people.
Each god or godlike entity makes it out or gets their "happy end" by forming human connections on equal terms, or leaving their godly role to live under a human disguise. Mavuika never hid she's human from the start, and while suffering great loss too, she isn't isolated and still has people at her side.
In Natlan, no one fights alone; not even an Archon.
All the other gods were or are mentally, socially or physically alone or lonely due to their mindsets or the circumstances, and make it out by bringing themselves to a more human level.
As equals.
Funny how that works.
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maddiespadez · 8 months ago
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Noelle geo dragon form for future fic
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fufunufu · 11 months ago
It drives me up the wall how Focalors is “the sinner” as we’re told in Furina’s drip marketing while Furina is “the innocent” as presented through the whole Act V of the AQ. It’s just… so good, and tragic.
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eternal-moss · 1 year ago
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Idk what this phenomenon of ‘Mihoyo finally releases a female character without their boobs exposed and then proceeds to make a version of them that does’ is. It doesn’t even look good from a character design perspective. Pretty please could we have 1 (one) singular woman who isn’t created with sex appeal considered first and foremost in the design I beg
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bouquetexquis · 1 year ago
I feel truly sorry for Furina.
The quest shows just how much of a lost and terrified child she is. Yes, she is an archon. But one that was born* merely five hundred years ago.
She is clueless as to how to navigate the situation. Nevertheless she is the 'all-knowing, ever righteous' hydro archon and is expected to behave as such.
I won't expand here on the mirror-like existence of the archons (Venti/Zhongli & Nahida/Furina, Ei being somewhat of a transition), but she is basically the exact opposite of Nahida : a child who has been put in a position of absolute power, regarded as the savior of her nation, glorified to the point of ridicule. She is lost. Would it not be for Neuvillette, I do believe she might not have been able to maintain such a façade.
Not so much because she is incompetent (that much has yet to be addressed in the storyline) but because she has no clue nor key on how to even begin to comprehend how to tackle all of that.
She is catastrophicaly ridiculous, but she is also just a child put in a position she is not fit for.
*I know that, much like Venti, she was an elemental spirit before that but I think that such a change in position can be seen as (re)birth
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osteichthyens · 2 years ago
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kujousaramybeloved · 2 years ago
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fontaine sillies part 2
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mathildearts · 11 months ago
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Cottage Furina 🫶
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mollycoddle707-archive · 6 months ago
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