#fnv fan fiction
dykedvonte · 4 months
Benny would be thrilled by Nick Valentine. Like I know the concept of synths and replacing people would initially shock him but I don’t think for long.
He’s not a technology guy by any means but he certainly appreciates it and understands what it can do. He’d be pro-synth and synths at people for purely pragmatic reason at first but seeing some noir detective would have him thinking of all the ways he could improve on his plan if he had that tech for Yes-Man.
If Yes-Man could pass as human he’d have no reason to hide him and could even have him buddy up with the rest of the Chairmen! Even if he’s found out and House wants him and especially synth Yes-Man out their is a loyalty to them that is only made stronger that Yes-Man looks like them now. It’s also such a complex thing for Yes-Man too now to struggle with “humanity” in a new context and his teacher tragic being Benny Fucking Gecko.
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demonessopower · 4 months
Did Courier 6 write Grognak the Barbarian fan fiction?
Ok so context, I was replaying the Fallout NV DLC Old World Blue (as one does) and I had recently found of the holotapes from the DLC which let you craft skill books, and as my fellow Fallout enjoyers would know the skill book assigned to Melee weapons in Grognak the Barbarian which was an in universe comic series, so I get back to the sink with this skill book recipe in tow and once I crafted it a question dawned on me. Did Courier 6 just create Grognak the Barbarian fan fiction, or was it just that the skill book recipe contain like scraped Grognak concepts? Like did the courier 6 from the same one who got shot in the head, survived, and then went on to permanently decide the fate of the Mojave just write fan fiction for a comic which hasn't been in print for over two centuries? What did they write about and why did reading their own fan fiction give them a plus 3 to melee weapons? (plus 4 if you have the comprehension perk)
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jinglyjangly · 5 months
Major spoilers
So shady sands got nuked by a random vault dweller because his wife took their kids, and he wanted his kids, and he was mad his wife found a settlement when vault tec was supposed to be the ones settling the surface…he was mad the ncr “did vault Tec’s job before they could” so he blew…the fucking ncr’s main settlement up
I wonder if it’s like “oh yeah he was a protag of his own mind pretty much” kind of jab but even then it leaves a bad taste in my mouth? Because it is insane video game writing and it’s definitely insane bethesda video game writing, but it fucks up a very integral part of two major games
And I hate how much like…yeah the BoS is back to being technocratic and more cult like in the show but it’s also still praised kind of? And the random, and I mean RANDOM, nonbinary BoS member that’s there for like, 20 minutes was just…a waste. A nonbinary person that really does nothing but just be there and hurt themselves to forward the narrative of the cis het protag. Honestly they’re there to piss of the conservative gamers but I’m not conservative and I’m pissed shady sands and the ncr got did dirty like that so in the end every fallout fan is mad
Like…the ncr went from a huge mega power that is basically a country, to being blown up by a dude? And they don’t mention the hoover dam and how maybe they were weakened from the legion/ncr conflict…which would’ve made it believable. Nada. They just say it this guy blew up shady sands so I guess it happened. It’s canon.
They just made the ncr seem so small after fnv made it feel so big and menacing in its own way with hundreds of named npcs with stories and it was so gooooood and they made it feel like a shitty dinky settlement comparable to fucking…like…diamond city
Idk it’s like 5am and the final episode just pissed me off. They should’ve just set it in New York or Florida and made up new factions instead of establishing canon endings to the most favored game in the series. Or they could’ve done a prequel to fo4 if they wanted it to tie in the games so bad.
The ghoul also has the best scenes and story but I’m…idk the drugs suppressing the “feral” disease is also a weird thing. It’s new to the tv series and what only in la? What’s it made of that no one else makes? And why the fuck did he have to eat someone. I liked the scene because it was kinda just neat to watch in a way… but it’s like “oh he’s a ghoul so he eats people whoOoOo” They never really…explain…if he like…needs meat or something and idk. I dunno. And cold fusion? Like what. Wha…uh. I fucking hate the idea of power being harnessed from tiny object. It’s just a lame McGuffin they can pass around. I would rather it be like…they’re fighting over a wind farm to harness power and they need like a scientist/engineer to fix it. Something that feels big and really.
Anyway, I’m fine with watching it until I think about it, and then I don’t like the plot. So it feels like fo4 all over again but I’m more mad because I feel like it ruined fnv’s ending. Which sucks. So personally I do not see the show as canon but as like, fan fiction to like…maybe a independent/house/legion ending for fnv when the ncr is super week and some guy just bombs it…because he’s mad at his wife.
Big ooof, a 8/10 until episode 8 and then it’s a fat 2/10…one star for goggins making another badass ghoul in the series and one for the dog
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lelelego · 1 year
hiii your art has made me recently get back into new vegas after originally playing it in highschool and your ocs and art make me really want to make a nv oc as well, do you have any tips or pointers for making ocs in the fo world?
hiya! that's so cool i'm glad to hear you want to make an fo oc as well!!!!!
TIP WISE i'm not sure how helpful i can be because honestly i just borrowed eli from his og universe and just. put him in situations and tried to think like him as i was playing the game so he was already an established character in my brain, but i can try from a character design perspective!
ultimately your oc doesn't have to be the protag (lone wanderer, courier, or sole survivor) if you don't want them to be. they can be some guy the protag encounters on the road or something (and therefore not fully restricted by the fiction bethesda created for the protag characters). you can make up any story you want within the world! the beauty of fan fiction!!
if they are the protag then it helps to think of how they came to be that protag. what made them fall into that role? with what thoughts do they leave vault 101? what were they doing before getting the platinum chip? before being a courier? what do they think about revenge; does the world's circumstances change how they might think of it? did dying change them fundamentally, exacerbate flaws, elevate strengths, or do absolutely nothing? etc.
if you're an artist, how does the character's clothes fit them and their situation? for example, eli's a small guy + he's also a mechanic + his leg is busted + is courier + also needs supplies to survive = leg brace that looks homemade, tight fitting gloves, a too-big Robco jacket, a bag, ft. a companion who will carry all the supplies LOL
if you want your character to "fit" into the fo universe, i would say it's all about understanding what about fallout excites you. what excites me about fnv is the characters... the free wandering and exploring... the drive of curiosity... having to survive... the potential to use barter and speechcraft instead of a gun (which would be normal in fo for obvious reasons)... how characters would react to in-game scenarios... etc. i'm very character-driven so in my head it's about what the world can do for the character (within reason) instead of the other way around, but you might be the opposite! the circumstances of the world might instead be a priority and your character can reflect that.
be cringe. be free. your character is your character. do what makes YOU happy! make ocs how you want! you're not getting paid, so why should act like you're getting paid?!?! do it how you like!!!
i hope this ramble helps in some way! the most important tip is #5 btw - none of this matters unless you're having fun in some way :>
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# 1
Hey there House nation! So, I've been working on a little something for my courier this past week that's taking longer than I thought it would (—as things usually do—) and to offset that, because this blog is a bit barren and my main account went a little wild on a piccrew a couple days ago (—and still might—), I thought I might just upload some coloured sketches of our favorite evil capitalist man in different outfits. Pin-ups (—basically—). Because we need more of that (—do we?—).
So here's the first one based off of this:
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I probably should have added the flowers somewhere on the design and I changed the shirt to a more simple dual toned checker (?) design. Also, keep forgetting that my default canvas color comes off darker because of the paper texture I have on top of everything, so yeah he's a bit washed out. I'll have the link to the piccrew in a reblog if y'all wanna try too.
(—also he's a skinny skinny bitch just becuz and only in my specific courier Iosif's iteration of what goes down in FNV. what he looks like at any given moment to me outside of that, be it fan fiction or actual cannon tends to bounce. It's a similar thing to the crossover I'm plotting for them with Bioshock where Andrew Ryan is wildly not himself looking. Going to post the design process for that sometime and yes I know it's silly that I hadn't done that before I made my smaugust post, but hindsight is 20/20.—)
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papakhan · 8 months
People wanna fuck a character the fandom generally don’t give a fuck about and get so obnoxious about it truly the worst kind of people
I mean like hey man I wanna fuck Regis and I know no one gives a fuck about him, and like I truly don't mind if someone finds a fictional character hot. There's nothing I can do about it beyond rolling my eyes at Another female courier who vulpes is obsessed with and who's the exception to the legions "no girls allowed" rule because she's just sooo badass. It's dumb but what am I gonna do? I'm the king of being cringe and free. And tbh I think Boone fuckers are just as bad sometimes when it comes to being obnoxious about their child murdering fave who they write as getting over the wife he murdered just in time to fuck their fem courier.
All that said, I don't think I've ever seen someone using right wing dogwhistle terms like "woke mob" when talking about shipping or talking about how hot they think fictional men are, which is what makes the blog I mentioned highly suspicious in my mind. Also like tagging ALL these posts with the three main fnv tags as well as popular characters like arcade and just the constant spam as well as plastering all their posts with "don't like? Don't interact!!" even tho like I'm sure the last thing you'd want is reach if you're expecting people to react poorly. They're either an actual right winger who just made a fake account and is trying to get into fights with "woke fnv fans" for kicks or an actual child who's using every Internet term they know from twitter to try and achieve some kind of weird clout? That's just my personal speculation anyway I've already blocked them and have no intention of looking them up again
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acroagoraphobe · 7 months
literally i have too many fnv blorbos to even ramble on about but recently i've been obsessed with vulpes inculta (even though hes a very very bad person and hes mean). like i love the "character raised to be an emotionless cruel soldier archetype in general but i have become obsessed with this fictional misogynist and his stupid fucking hat. also im obsessed with the idea of ceasar and joshua graham being child vulpes' divorced dads who share custody of him
please forgive if this is incomprehensible.
Hell yeah, bad people blorbos!!
I can get the appeal of him, he gives off the vibes of "fan favorite in a really specific corner of the internet."
Also Joshua definitely gives off divorced dad vibes.
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vilevexedvixen · 4 months
Like OG Fallout? Play Pathologic!
I've been a fan of various things for literal decades now, but not really participated in any fandom communities until literally this year. I've just been making cosplays, watching videos, drawing fanart and writing fan theories / fiction in my own time. So the very heated aspects of fandom flew me by until now ^^' I do completely get the more angry fellow FNV fans for what Bethesda has done to Fallout (regarding all entries after FNV), and some of the aspects I see people praising most about OG Fallout and FNV are mainly the roleplaying, writing, and bleak setting / vibe.
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And to that I can't help but go "Have you heard of our Lord and Saviour Icepick Lodge?"
Pathologic classic HD and Pathologic 2 are the closest games (in my opinion) that capture the same aspects of OG Fallout and FNV the more angry fans feel they've lost.
You play as one of three healers in an isolated Russian town ravaged by plague. This is going to be more of a ramble of me gushing about various aspects of the game, so I've included a less popular review (love this guy's stuff) to more concisely discuss the game in a more structured way and give an accurate picture of gameplay (which I only really discuss in terms of combat, which is frankly a really small part of it compared to the resource and survival stat management, semi-present fast-travel (at a cost, which changes as circumstances get worse and forces the player to choose between loss of time, energy, money, or risk of infection, when deciding how to get from a to b by forcing players to only fast travel between certain points if they have the right resources, or walk through infected or ransacked districts).
Never before have I sympathised so much with a certified twat (The Bachelor), or been so genuinely excited to discover my character's bf-turned-bitter enemy isn't dead but finally taking a nap.
Admittedly, Classic HD is more linear but that doesn't detract from the story for me, but I definitely think 2 actualises the player freedom classic HD pretended to have.
Also both soundtracks are bangers, but quite different (tribal electronica versus shamanistic horror).
An aspect of gameplay that took a hot minute to learn but is very engaging is the hobo economy bartering system, which subtly changes as time goes by. Different resources such as medicine (which are obviously used up a lot in a plague) become more scarce and expensive. As people get more desperate for essentials like food, they start trading more valuable items like jewellery for it. Kids want seemingly valueless things like marbles and nuts for very valuable items (food and meds - yeah, besides the pharmacies, children carry the most drugs and knives; take that as you will). Inflation goes through the roof, money is no longer accepted in some shops later on. The economy is extremely dynamic, but not overly difficult to navigate so forces the player to adapt alongside it. You can never be certain what resources will be accessible the next day, which further makes when and where you decide to use what resources you have on others an engaging moral and practical decision. Unscripted, might I add!
Leading players to act like this when rare things like Schmowder (a near-fatal cure to the plague) show up by chance:
And if you don't stay on top of your stats and resources (which is very easy to do) you end up in binds like this:
The diagnostic and treatment system is also fairly intuitive, in that there are humor-specific tinctures, and others that can be used to treat two different humors. The more resources you use trying to diagnose where the infection has settled, the more pain you'll caused the patient, which you can lower (to prevent death) by using vials or morphine. Accurate diagnosis is important to avoid wasting resources by using the wrong antibiotics (which is less effective). You can't be in two places at once, so every patient you treat is a drain on time and resources you could be using somewhere else. Sometimes it's better to let a patient be if the risk of death is too high for your treatment to have a worthwhile impact on their chances for survival.
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Given how stretched thin your time and resources always are, even if the opportunity for tender downtime catching up with old friends arises it is all to easy to pass up because you're too busy. A cruel reality most people face these days irl. What's more, if you happen to die before deciding to go to this meetup, there is a chance that Mark Immortal will tie your character's hands behind their back which then prevents you from being able to hug you friends when you meet them.
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Oh yeah, forgot to say but death has permanent consequences across all saves so reloading to before you died doesn't undo any penalty Mark curses you with unless you start a whole new run. Early on, you may be asked to help with a task which ends up not helping in the way expected (to help solve Burakh's father's murder or to help cure the plague) but does act as a small tutorial on how to listen / look for herbs you can use in remedies. You still feel irritated that a child wasted your time / was just playing with you, at least initially, so you learn to really consider what's worth chasing up and what might be a waste of time / red herring when deciding what trails in your mind map task menu to chase up. Especially since if you don't pursue them, they WILL happen without you and the consequences of your intervention or not remain uncertain until they crop back up in unexpected ways.
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Admitedly, the endings in 2 are binary (though what you do in the wider world and story do effect the ending / what happens to specific characters) which I found very disappointing, especially given how much less effort it takes to do one over the other, like the game is encouraging you to pick the diurnal ending. The game is also a bit janky, but no moreso than FNV. Combat is not satisfying mechanically, especially if you opt for using guns, though that's kind of the point. You're a doctor (admittedly Artemy was a military medic, so he has some combat training, but still). Though sometimes it can seem (but isn't) unavoidable in the early game when you're public enemy number one. The combat feels like if OV Fallout's combat was in first person.
There aren't technically "factions" per se, but rather bodies of power in the town the approach both its running and the crisis at hand from different angles. To be honest, I completely sidestepped the Saborovs for my first two playthroughs entirely. Bad Grief says I'm a fool to try and clear my name to the man who effectively runs the police force? Sure! Unless you take interest in investigating your father's death, or frequently save babies (long story), I didn't cross their path except in the town hall meeting. Which is a shame, but honestly the other families interested me more. The Kains have a lot going on and are the most philosophically driven family both in their architectural choices and in how they utilize the polyhedron. The Kains and the Olgimskies are more interlinked than the Saborovs are with anyone, especially regarding the town's children and their seperate factions (Notkin's Soul-and-a-halves and Khan's Dogheads, whom you'll likely encounter early on to help settle some gang warfare). In fact the town children functionally operate a seperate society divided between the town and the polyhedron.
I quite like the fact that the Olgymskies (responsible for the town's main / only industry of slaughterhouses, which repeatedly overlap with the older practice of bull worship and sacrifice by The Kin - wait, I haven't even mentioned them yet wtf) aren't just treated as evil robber barons (though Big Vlad absolutely partakes in corruption and prioritising the health of his children over the town / his worker, especially when investigating The Termitary and the circumstances around its closure), but people navigating stopping the spread of plague while still trying to meet the very real problem of food scarcity now that the Town's been effectively cut off from the rest of the world and their lifeline industry has been halted.
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Something I really appreciate is that they show the children have agency and act by their own judgement, and that the adults of the town aren't inherently wiser. Early on in the game the leaders of the town main child gangs will go in search of a way to help stop the plague's spread and WILL get infected unless you intervene. They also keep track of the plague's spread, for their own sake but the player can take head of what they learn to plan their routes through the town ahead of time. They also aren't treated like untouchable saints either. Death is very much a reality for EVERY character, no matter how young, both by natural and unnatural causes from the get-go. There are several occasions where the player character will be taught by child characters, such as Sticky, about how to survive in ways they've had to as orphans. I also love how the main child factions have their own distinct philosophies that help (alongside more specific characters that play carer / leadership roles outside of the Doghead and Soul-and-a-half factions, like Capella and Maria Kaina) inform your late-game decisions, since the children are very much the town's future, and how you endorse them will inform how the town operates going forward. I especially love the dogheads, and how they see themselves as not quite fully human yet. Striving for humanity and to be better, such as the utopian future promised by their home The Polyhedron. Meanwhile Notkin's soul-and-a-halves are far more grounded in the here and now, and the fact we need to rely on each other (and our animal companions) to be whole. The two aren't a dichotomy either and work together on a few occasions since, at the end of the day, surviving the plague is a shared goal.
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Good luck trying to save everyone! It is genuinely difficult and just deciding who to use resources on and choosing what to use resources for actively effect the story and roleplaying, not just dialogue. Supplies are limited and sometimes it's better to focus on self-preservation just to live another day because it's better others die than the town to go without a doctor. The game mocks and derides players who engage in combat, but you're never barred from it and there are very good reasons to engage in it (obtaining more medical supplies to keep people alive, saving babies from infected buildings, self-defence, protecting people who would otherwise be wrongfully executed, etc.)
I think it's important to seek out the good that still exists in the world rather than stew over the bad. Ironic, I know, given I'm recommending a bleak tragedy of a game / story, but my point that it's good still stands.
So yeah, if you're a disgruntled Fallout fan please give Pathologic (especially Pathologic 2) a shot. I really think you'll like it!
Edit: I keep adding stuff to this post. Originally tried to keep it brief but kept thinking of stuff worth talking about that it's beginning to get bloated ^^'
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fallout2282 · 5 years
New California Republic Information Disk, 2282 Edition
We’re Here! Why not join us? 
There’s a wonderful future ahead - and it could be yours with the...
New California Republic!
But, what is it? Do you want to know?
Founded over one hundred years ago, the NCR is now comprised of the states of Shady Sands, the Hub, Angel’s Boneyard, Dayglow, and Redding. The NCR also maintains jurisdiction over the city of New Reno, the Special Autonomous Community of Vault City, and the territories of Arroyo, Klamath, and Baja. Hundreds of thousands of citizens are pleased to live under the Bear Flag. 
This proud state is home to the namesake, and the capital, of our fair republic, and the largest urban center constructed from the ground up since before the Great War. It is home to the Hall of Congress, housing the Senate and the Council, as well as the office of the President and the rest of the country’s levers of power. New citizens are encouraged to take in NCR’s history for itself by visiting the town of Vault 15, home to the very vault that housed the ancestors of the Republic’s founders. Witness firsthand the progress brought about by the NCR by visiting Darkwater City and its historic Junktown district, built centuries ago by pre-war scrap. 
The heart of the NCR’s mercantile spirit, and the headquarters of most of New California’s most successful business ventures such as the Crimson Caravan and the Far-Go Traders. Nearly as large as Shady Sands, many in the Hub value their freedoms as having been the source of their initial prosperity in the years before the Republic, however all citizens can agree that it was the union with Shady Sands that allowed the city state to rise to truly immense levels of wealth. To the newly inducted citizen, if it’s work you’re looking for, the Hub will surely provide, and maybe a slice of that success will be yours. 
Just like the Hub is the heart of all business ventures in New California, Angel’s Boneyard is the industrial heartland of the NCR. Scavenging ventures turned into proper factories, as technology transfers from the NCR under President Tandi’s program of economic revitalization brought skills and work to the good people of the Boneyard. The government’s partnership with the Gunrunners has helped further refine manufacturing techniques, and have provided the army with a technological edge on the battlefield. The state capital of New Adytum is home to the Angel’s Boneyard Medical University, operated by the Followers of the Apocalypse, providing subsidized and free health care to the city’s residents. The Republic’s Reserve is also located here, further underscoring the importance of the state’s economic potential. 
Another of the NCR’s founding states, it has experienced its own booms and busts as New California has evolved. All citizens are advised to steer clear of the Refrain Zone of the Glow, as its proximity to the state has always made traveling east difficult. And any salvage left in the blasted and radioactive ruins of the old world, is likely best left untouched. However, the Republic has offered better opportunities by offering to grant land in the Baja Territory to any who would settle there, which has proven to be quite tempting for many of the state’s residents. To any newcomers who would seek to make themselves at home in the state, it would be wise to pick up a pre-war Spanish dictionary, if one can afford it, as the old world tongue remains quite popular amongst the denizens of the Republic’s southern reaches.
The most recent addition to the union, having risen to statehood in 2267 in the years following the Ravaging of Maxson, is the NCR’s anchor in the northern lands of New California. It proved a vital base in many of the NCR’s military operations against the rogue Brotherhood of Steel terrorists, and so was rewarded with statehood for its efforts and to demonstrate its importance as an NCR territory. While the mines have lessened in importance since the war, some have begun to call Redding the Shady Sands of the north thanks to its successful ranches and farms that serve as a bread basket for the north, much as Shady does in the south. 
The New California Republic is dedicated to bringing peace, security, and justice to the people of the old Pre-War American southwest, be they of New California or Nevada. Raiders, slavers, cannibals, and lawless mutants are all prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. The NCR Army guards the borders against outside marauders, such as the Legion. To ensure liberty and justice for all, citizens have access to the NCR’s courts, and are also guaranteed the right to vote for a representative of their choice to sit in the Hall of Congress. As President Tandi once said, “A safe people, is a strong people”.
To the prospective citizen, the NCR might seem a bit different from what you’re used to. There are no dictators or despots in New California, our leaders are elected by the people! Every state has the right to send representatives to the Hall of Congress. These representatives then select the President and Vice President to head the Senate and the Council, who in turn provide advice to insure the Republic takes the best course of action. Currently, the Office of the Presidency has been filled by Yulia Arteaga, one of the Senators of Angel’s Boneyard. Her popularity in her home state quickly spread to the rest of the republic, and the council has full faith in her ability to transition the NCR to peace time. 
All law-abiding and peaceful people, human or mutant, are eligible to become citizens of the NCR. Legislation in place guarantees protections to all; discrimination is forbidden. All you have to do is move to any of the NCR’s states of affiliated territories and present your claim for immigration at the local government office. After receiving citizenship training and processing your application, you will be notified as your new status as a PC (provisional citizen). From there, it’s only a short step to full citizenship!
Of course, the NCR’s not for everyone. Slavers, unreformed mutants, known raiders, anarchists, and other known undesirables need not apply!
The NCR welcomes petitions by villages, towns, bases, and city states for annexation. Once the necessary police and army presence is in place, and the rule of law established, settlements that petition for annexation are granted the status of Territory, and are then free to apply to the NCR Congress for full statehood in the NCR. It’s that simple! 
So remember - WE’RE HERE. WHY NOT JOIN US?
Prepared by the New California Relations Advisory Panel
NCRAP Pub. #A9-6852c This page was left intentionally blank. 
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readerimagines · 6 years
Prideful (Vulper Inculta x Female Courier pt.1/?)
“What do you mean that women can’t fight in the arena? How do you think we survive out there?“
Six asked Otho with enough curiosity in her eyes to surpass the offence she took, eager to understand more of that parody of the roman Empire everyone was so terrified about. Something tells her she should be too, deep down, but maybe losing her memory to a bullet in her brain wasn't so bad if she could be useful to the Mojave as a whole. But before that, it was imperative she understood who she was dealing with and, finally devoid of any prejudice, matter-of-factly form an idea around the tribes and different political positions the various factions brought to the desert.
“I’m doing you a favor, refraining you from traumatizing yourself or getting killed by a mere recruit, woman.“
She can feel her hands tingle with so pleasing desire of punching that smug and stupid smile off of his face, but before she could even open her mouth, another voice added to the exchange.
“Otho, that’s not the best way to accomodate our favorite guest, is it? Choose your words carefully, Caesar puts his faith in this woman, no matter what you may think of others of her kind.“
Six turned to the source of that too familiar voice, ready to give him a piece of her mind with indignation written all over her face. What did "others of her kind" even mean?! But as Vulpes stood right there, his perfect figure and pose almost fiery and elegant only accentuated by his sharp traits, all the big words or intentions fled her with their tails between their legs. A small consolation was found in the fact that he least never once actually berated her just for being born a woman, instead asking for her aid in spreading the message of the Legion, back at Nipton.
“Vulpes Inculta, right?” She asked carefully, in the attempt of remembering that name without butchering the pronounce. “You are correct, Courier. May I lead your way to Caesar’s tent? It’s been a while since we met back in Nipton. And I wanted to make sure you don’t make one of your funny tricks inside the camp.“
“It wouldn’t be so smart of me, would it? If I really had to do such thing I certainly wouldn't accept for an official invite that would alert everyone in the camp of my presence-. “ She slightly dragged her words towards the end, looking away as if some grand plan nobody could have thought of escaped her lips. Reality was she couldn't help but feeling nervous and pretty stupid around Vulpes. That guy was creepy, from the way he delighted of the suffering he brought to the lands he conquered, to his calm and friendly demeanor so evidently cold and constructed to cover his most twisted and sick desires of serving the Legion in ways nobody could execute better.
Vulpes smirked so slightly in reply as he spoke with such a calm and soothing tone, yet the way every single hair on her skin jumped was anything but pleasing or comforted, adding to the situation the fact she was in a camp of slavers built of athletic and capable men raised and trained as way too methodical butchers.
“I still cannot believe a small woman like you was capable of such disturbance for the Legion. Hadn't I've seen it with my own eyes, I wouldn’t rely on my closest informant about it. However, time is short, we can leave our little conversation for later. Follow me.“ He concluded without leaving space for any more words, not that Six had any of any sort in that moment.
She was capable, could also be somewhat smart, but was not a complete fool. She understood her boots were stepping in what was basically a minefield. She just followed next to him as he lead her to Caesar’s tent, all while her eyes wandered around with finality. Every tent, every bonfire, woman, man, locker, bedroll. It could all be used with purpose if she mapped enough in her brain to form a general understanding of the encampment's layout.
At least until she was standing in front of the man himself, surrounded by his closest men and guards, and every thought left her mind.
    After the talk with Caesar, all she could feel was an impending and unshakeable sense of doom.
Wasn’t a bullet in the head already enough of a sudden and unwanted turn of event? She was fine helping locals as best as her job could assure her to do and a bit more in her way of trying to gather her life and memories back, but that was something else. The Legion wasn't asking for a mere package delivery or a simple task in a nearby town. It demanded she destroyed her only way out of any future obligations with any of the major factions in the Mojave without even knowing it. One thing she had to give Caesar was his terribly good intuition. 
Not that a choice was still made, but time was needed to understand, to decide and carefully review what the best way to act would have been. Who would have been sacrificed, who would have survived, who could be allowed to remain.
And the more Six rejected that choice to make, the more the collective seemed to push it more and more upon her with each passing day, for some damn reason.
She found herself yawning after a long staring she gave to the camp, speechless and motionless, head full and heavy as her eyes scanned the area and found disciple and humanistic knowledge etched in the very fabric that composed the Legion as an unit, surely stabler and deeper rooted than virtues of the NCR, a bunch of spoiled and corrupted idiots who used unknowing and patriotic people as mere meat to grind for the biggest picture only a handful of assholes could picture, direct and enjoy. But if virtue and discipline were the only presences it wouldn't have been nearly as a chore to make a decision.
Violence ran rampant between the ranks of those who stood under the Bull banner, slaves in pain carrying weights that even a brahmin could feel after a few hours strolling in the scorching sand of the Mojave, the laments of those who were exhaling their last breaths crucified along the paths around the rusty, iron walls and connecting the lower and upper camps, not mentioning the cages, kids in rags or armors depending on their gender, the comments the legionaries constantly made of any female of any age.
Not worth a tidy and disciplined civilization, if the foundation was pure and unfiltered suffering laid upon those who simply chose to live differently. Her eyelids started to give up, too intoxicated by the exhaustion catching up on her after a whole day of walk to the meeting point where Lucullus lead her to the Fort, so maybe retracing her way out of the camp and back to Novac wasn't the brightest of ideas, she thought.
“So you really are as delicate as you seem, aren’t you?” Condescension dripping from each word that reached her ears, waking her from wakeful slumber.
This time too tired to hide the roll of her eyes and the disgust in her guts at hearing those words directed at her from the likes of him and those who resided in the camp, Six didn't even turn to see who spoke them, already aware of his presence.
“Did I forget anything of use to Caesar? “
“No. I simply spoke the truth when said that you are our favorite courier. Just kept an eye out for our guest. Also, I sent one of the women to prepare a tent for you. I will personally guard it for the night, so you can rest comfortably, isn’t that delightful? “
“You can just say that it’s to check I won't pull any of my "Funny Tricks" on you people, you know? “ Bitter mirth on her lips as a small, dry chuckle left with her words.
“I figured that was a better way to put it.“
“So, what do you want to check? All my weapons have been confiscated already, does a tube of lipstick pose a threat to you people?“ She asked eyeing her own deflated bag laying on the ground at her side, almost empty after the seizure of every ammo and weaponry it carried before. 
“That’s a bit rough, don’t you think? I was just curious and eager to know how can this little Courier with short-span memory eliminate a team of veteran legionaries if at nine of the evening she is yawning and almost sleeping on the spot she sits on.“
It was hard to deny those claims for Six, who remained silent and hid the lower part of her red face on her arms with a frown, finding purchase on her knees to rest on. As harsh and unforgiving the Mojave could be, embarrassment never left her person, no matter how little space shyness had on the dry lands she traversed everyday.
“Tell you what, just lead the way and stop speaking nonsense, will you?“ She finally spoke up, doing very little to hide her disdain, a little cherry on the top of a cake made out of her hurtful pride.
With a soft laugh, the man waited for her to get up from the ground and walk beside him, this time not finding her gaze wandering around anymore, evidently worn out from the day and the sunburns littering her exposed skin.
She just wanted to clean herself and go to sleep. “Can I please have a bucket with water too? I need to wash myself. “
“Of course, our guests are to spoil.“ He theatrically replied as he stopped a slave by and asked her the bucket with warm water and a clean cloth. “See? Smooth and unproblematic. No need to be so guarded around here, if you carry no ill intentions that is.“
“I can see.“ Was the only dry reply she gave, adjusting the bag that nearly slipped off of her sore shoulder.
“Excellent. Rest well, Courier. I’ll make sure those voices about trying you out will remain such.“
“Pft, if you say so. Thank you for the hospitality.“ Why was she always so damn formal? She smacked herself mentally, the cringing at her own words showing in the way her sun-slapped nose crinkled immediately after.
“Caesar’s merit, you should thank him, not me. You've been smart enough to not try anything back at Nipton or you wouldn't be here to tell the story.“
"That’s what you say.“
“That’s what I mean.“
“I'd like to turn in for the night, Vulpes. “
“Goodnight, Courier. “
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keepitnuclear · 2 years
My fnv OC - Meet Claret!
Claret ( named after the claret cup cactus and later named, Romola for obvious reasons) is a Kahn descended girl who becomes courier six. 
After Claret’s parents died in the Bitter Springs Massacre, she had little desire to continue her life of drug running. Around her 18th birthday, (3 years after her parents died) Claret ran away in the night with what little caps she had and took up work with the Mojave Express. 
I cannot draw, but I will be writing self indulgent stories of Claret’s childhood growing up in the Kahns, her present life as courier six, and her future as it slowly becomes tangled in the Legion. 
If you are interested in such tales, I will be posting them in the coming weeks at https://archiveofourown.org/works/39355872
CONTENT WARNINGS: Legion alignment, deffo sexual content with dubious legionaries I’m sure, parent death, stupid ships and head cannons. etc
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nonopiimagines · 4 years
Fandom: Fallout: New Vegas Pairing: Veronica x f!Courier Warnings: n/a Word Count: 467 Author Notes: wrote this for femslash february and never posted it :P
“I can’t believe you found something like this! And what’s even more incredible is you found someone to fix it up! I didn’t think there was anyone who could sew and seam and taper like this anymore.” Her smile didn’t falter, even as words tumbled out of her mouth. “I guess I just thought people would think it was frivolous. But it makes me happy.” 
“Being happy isn’t frivolous,” there was no hesitation in her voice. “Wanting to be happy isn’t frivolous.”
Veronica shrugged in response, slipping the wide straps up her shoulders as they dipped down. She turned her head, looking around for a moment, her eyes refusing to pause on the other woman as her cheeks turned darker. “Would you mind?”
All she could do was smile. Veronica’s impromptu bashfulness would never get old. She placed a firm hand on her hip to stop the fabric from bunching as she carefully pulled the zipper up, hiding skin untouched by the sun and freckles that she had already memorized a hundred times over. She felt lucky. She felt real. She felt alive.
“Thank you.” She turned around to face her courier, her skirts flaring up slightly with the movement, another grin lighting up her expression. “How do I look?”
The courier never knew what to say in this situation. Words weren’t appropriate, they couldn’t contain or even allude to what she was feeling. The way her heart thumped up against her rib cage every time they looked at each other, Veronica’s hair pinned out of her face with a barrette she had fashioned out of an old wire hanger, her eyes so big and bright and wonderful she had to look away before all of her secrets spilled out into the open, but it was that adrenaline that kept her coming back for more. She wanted Veronica to know everything about her, even if it was hard, even if it was too much. And she would kneel before her at the end of it all and pray that she deserved her attention, deserved her affections, and deserved to be with her forever.
But that was a lot to articulate. So she just had to settle with something simple. “Radiant.” Maybe that was weird. “Beautiful.” Too generic, too boring. “Awe-inspiring.” That would have to do. 
She took her hand, twirling her around again just to see her face light up, grabbing her other hand to steady her when she was done. “Coral is definitely your color.” 
“You think so?” Veronica’s eyes met the courier’s for a brief second and she watched as indecisiveness turned into resolve. “I do look good in coral.” 
“Are you ready to go?” 
Veronica nodded, slipping her hand into hers, the soft skin of a scribe melding with that of a gunslinging courier.
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coolwolfvegas-blog · 6 years
Eyesight To The Blind part 1
Psycho Blindness - https://coolwolfvegas.tumblr.com/post/175234000127/psycho-blindness
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Approaching the New Vegas strip I am happy to leave the unforgiving Mojave behind if only for a little while. This place they call Freeside is made of sheet metal and sectioned off by large gates; I enter by the East one. Inside the place is broken and crumbling; decimated, bleak and poor. Impoverished people stand on the street with vacant expressions. A child chases a giant rat in and out of empty buildings - it's either a pet or dinner. Across the road a drug dealer named Dixon pedals Jet, he tries to make eye contact but I just keep walking.
As I near the next gate a raider named Morbus steps out from the shadows, speaking quickly enough to avert a gunfight that would have no doubt cost him his life. The confrontation instead cost me 20 caps which bought me a syringe of Psycho that apparently would get me to the strip in one piece.
The resulting shot of Psycho had me snarling and growling like a beast but euphoria quickly turned to dysphoria as a crescendo of pressure swept through my head becoming instantly intolerable. Leaning over to retch in the street, a panic swept over me as my vision began to fade. I fear that I'm about to die on these dismal streets, my bloated body left rotting in the burning sun once my pockets have been picked clean.
Some time later I become aware of a sharp, stabbing pain in my armpit; someone is trying to pick me up off the ground. My eyes refuse to focus on the face but I recognize the voice - It's that little kid who works for Mick and Ralph, he's telling me to go to the Old Mormon Fort, I can make out his arm pointing.
He helps me to my feet and I stumble towards the fort, my vulnerability hanging silently in the air above the scuffing of my feet. Unable to differentiate between sky and road in the grey blur that is now my vision, I rely on directions shouted by the kid to arrive at a large door that feels like it's made of wood. I try to open it but am unable to even grasp it. I give in to the heaviness in my head and close my eyes.
I awaken laying stretched out on a bunk bed inside a white tent, a young woman with a black Mohawk and a white doctor's jacket sitting beside me, needle in hand. Hopefully she is a doctor but nonetheless, I'm very happy that I can see her. We discuss my predicament (and the wisdom of using cheap Psycho bought from mysterious raiders) and she comes to the conclusion that I'm suffering from the rare brain disease "Superior Collictis" aka Psycho Blindness, and although the RadAway she has given me has helped improve my symptoms, I will be dead within weeks. Huh. Unless of course she can intervene. She tells me of a device that Dr Henry in Jacobstown has manufactured known as a "Sight Boy" that she feels certain she could adapt and use to repair my damaged brain.
Taking a little time to recuperate (very much aware that it is not on my side) I then depart for the Super Mutant town of Jacobstown, armed with as many RadAway as I can carry. My vision cloudy, I have never been so eager to remain alone and undetected in these harsh Mojave wastes.
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xxleondraxx · 7 years
I’m incredibly bored and could use some positive feedback so here’s a Fallout: New Vegas fic chapter I did.
Chapter 1
   Tesla got up with the alarm from her Pip-Boy. The whole time she’d been in Novac, she’d spoken to nearly everybody, gathering as much information as she could about the man in the checkered suit that had shot her in the head a couple weeks ago.
   Manny Vargas had turned out to be the jackpot when it came to knowledge on the guy. He told her his name was Benny, and the people he was with were the Khans, members of the gang he once ran with before joining the NCR.
    She stood and dressed in her reinforced leather armor and gingerly tied her bandana around her head to hide, or at least somewhat cover, the wounds on her from the gunshot that should ave ended her life. The wounds had closed well and no longer bled, but they were still tender, red and inflamed. Under the gauze they certainly didn’t look too pretty. She wasn’t exactly self-conscious, but she also didn’t like having people stare at the large, white pads of gauze when she was trying to talk to them.
   She strapped her rifle, pistol and shotgun into place and habitually packed as many bullets into her pockets as could fit before stepping out of the hotel room, only to let out a groan moments later. Every time she left the room the first thing she saw was the ass-end of Dinky the Dumbass Dinobitch, as she’d started calling it.
   The town itself wasn’t bad. The people were nice and it had a hell of a lot of traders running through, most with different guns and armor she loved to barter for.
   But that stupid ass dinosaur.
   Were she a bigger bitch than she was, she’d burn the stupid thing to the ground.
   Even so, she had to admit it was a half decent sniper’s nest, even if one could only see about 180 degrees from it unless sitting outside on top of its head.
   Regardless, the dinosaur was where she needed to go. It was 10 at night, and Manny, the daytime sniper and all around great guy, had told her a few days ago that there was a sniper that took over around 9 pm when he left the perch in the dinosaur’s mouth. He’d said the man’s name was Craig Boone, or just Boone, and he was thus far the only person she’d yet to talk to.
   Wanting to make sure she could get together every last scrap of evidence on Benny that she could, she’d resolved to go talk to the man when she had the time. She’d exhausted the needs of the townsfolk for help, and had taken a day to herself, so now was the time.
   Plus Manny had mentioned that Boone, like himself, was an ex-NCR sniper, and that Manny had been his spotter back when they were enlisted. Though he also mentioned that he and Boone weren’t exactly on speaking terms anymore since Manny had apparently highly disliked Boone’s wife. And apparently things had gotten worse since his wife, Carla, had mysteriously disappeared.
   Tesla still couldn’t help but wonder if she’d somehow been involved with the NCR before being a courier. The things she could do just didn’t seem… average. Any time she ran across NCR soldiers of status or rangers, she asked if any of them recognized her. If they knew her. She’d done the same with Manny, but Manny was certain that he didn’t know her. And since he’d been Boone’s spotter, it was unlikely that Boone knew her either. Still, she had to ask.
   Tesla decided to forgo the stairs. Instead she hopped over the railing, landed crouched on the railing of the stairs below her then jumped off and landed on the ground. After about a week of being conscious and in a stint of boredom, she found she had amazing balance for things like this. She’d decided to do it whenever she could, hoping that it might jog more memories, or at least muscle memories, left over from before she’d been shot.
   Readjusting her hunting rifle, Tesla made her way to the stairs leading up, quite literally, into the ass of the dinosaur. “Hey, Cliff,” she greeted when she saw the older man standing behind the counter. Why the hell he was still tending the souvenir shop in the wooden dinosaur’s lower intestines at 10pm, she had no idea. Most people liked to sleep, but apparently not Cliff.
   “Welcome back. Can I get you anything?” he asked.
   “Actually I’m looking for the night sniper. Boone?”
   “Uh, yeah. He’s up there already. Though I should warn you, he’s not exactly friendly,” Cliff said, a strange, uncomfortable note in his voice.
   Tesla shrugged. “He’s the only one in Novac I haven’t spoken to yet. Can’t just leave without making an attempt. He might know something important.”
   “Well then I wish you good luck. A lot of good luck. And patience.”
   Tesla waved at Cliff before ascending the stairs and walking through the door into the sniper’s nest. She saw a man in a white-ish shirt, brown pants and a red beret. Manny wore a similar beret, but staring at this man, she realized she’d seen him before in passing when she was in the motel courtyard at night. She took a step closer, the man seeming completely oblivious to her presence.
   “Are you Craig Boone?”
   The man spun around, startled. “Goddamn it! Don’t sneak up on me like that.” he snapped at her, his tone short and venomous.
   She raised an eyebrow at his tone. “Sneak up on you? I walked through a door four feet from your backside. I wouldn’t exactly call that sneaking,” she said, pointing to the door with her thumb. “Still, I’ll take that as a yes.”
   The man gave her an impressive scowl. “What do you want?”
   “What? Expecting company?” she asked, the slightest teasing tone in her voice. Most people probably wouldn’t poke at a guy that didn’t seemed thrilled at their presence and who was also packing a rather large rifle, but she was by no means not armed herself.
   Plus, if he did something stupid, she could always kick him out of the dinosaur. Boone was a pretty big, muscular guy, but she knew how to knock an enemy off balance, no matter their size.
   “Yeah. I guess maybe I am. But not like you,” he said, his tone quick and evasive. The man paused as he looked at her. “Huh. Maybe it should’ve been you I was expecting all along,” he then said, his tone going from angry to thoughtful, as though his mind was half elsewhere. “Why are you here?” he asked, his tone short once again.
   “Easy, tiger. Look, if you’re looking for someone in particular, I could tip you off if I see them.”
   “Yeah, well if you see anyone wearing Legion crimson or a lot of sports equipment, you just let me know,” he half growled. From the tone of his voice, this man clearly had a beef with the Legion.
   Tesla snorted. “If I don’t paint the rocks with their inner crimson first, I’ll be sure to point you their way,” she replied intensely. Ever since she’d woken up she’d felt like she had some issue with the Legion, though didn’t know what. Then again, what she saw in Nipton had given her plenty of reason to shoot on sight. She didn’t care how muddied in debauchery a city was, no one deserved what Nipton had received. Not even the Legion.
   “You still haven’t answered my question,” he said.
   “If you must know, I’m meeting new people. And since I’ve met everyone in Novac save for you, you’re the only new people left. Plus, the view from inside the dinosaur’s mouth is much nicer than seeing the stupid thing from the outside.”
   His raised his head a bit, as though looking at her down his nose. “I think you’d better leave,” he said, his tone a clear warning.
   “Calm down, Hostile Magoo,” she said, her hands raised in front of her. “Just making friendly conversation.”
   “I don’t have friends here,” he said, a hint of sad resignation in his voice.
   “Well, technically, I’m not from here,” Tesla replied with a wry smile, shrugging her shoulders.
   “No. No you’re not, are you?” He paused for a moment, clearly contemplative as he stared at her through his tinted glasses. The tilted his head the slightest bit to the side. “Maybe you shouldn’t go. Not just yet.”
   Her eyes drifted to the rifle in his hands. “Gonna try and kill me now, big guy?” she asked, though she smiled when she did so.
   “Not unless you give me a reason,” he replied back.
   “Ah. Good. Because I’d advise against it. Someone already tried that a couple weeks back. Didn’t work well. And he had the advantage of having me tied up in an open space. That rifle you have there would be pretty cumbersome in a small space like this unless you have a pistol hidden in your pants.”
   He scowled anew at her mocking tone.
   “Well if you don’t want to shoot me and throw me out of Dinky like a regurgitated meat chunk, then I assume you need something. Seems like most people in this town do, and I’ve helped them all so far. Wouldn’t mind helping someone with such impeccable taste in berets as you.” She crossed her arms across her chest, crossed one leg over the other and leaned her shoulder back against the wall. “So what d’you need?”
   Boone paused and stared at this strange woman. She seemed so easygoing. And he knew that she had been helping the people of Novac. He’d heard of her arrival a week or so ago, and ever since she’d been helping. She killed a nightkin master that’d been killing the McBride’s Brahmin, checked on Ranger Station Charlie for Ranger Andy, and even cleared out the REPCON building of ghouls and nightkin, all without being killed in the process. She’d also rented a room and had been trading with Cliff and the merchants that came through. Even drumming up business for the local doctor.
   This woman had breezed in out of who-knows-where and seemed to fix every problem she had found in her short stay here.
   Maybe, just maybe… he could trust her with his problem….
   “I need someone I can trust,” Boone finally said, making up his mind. Though he remained tense, he eased a little bit. “You’re a stranger. That’s a start.”
   “Ok. So solitary night-time sniper man who shoots unsavories on sight only trusts strangers, then?” she asked, amusement in her tone.
   “I said it was a start,” he replied in that short tone of his. “This town… nobody looks me straight in the eye anymore.”
   “Well judging by your demeanor they probably think even a sideways glance will land a bullet in their cranium,” Tesla replied. “Still, I think someone once said familiarity breeds contempt. So what do you want me to do?”
   “I want you to find something out for me,” Boone replied, fire entering his voice. “I don’t know if there’s anything to find, but I need someone to try.”
   Tesla’s smile faded. His tone was… dark. Vengeful. Angry. “What needs to be found?” she asked.
   “My wife was taken from our home by Legion slavers one night while I was on watch. They knew when to come, and what route to take, and they only took Carla. Someone set it up. I don’t know who.”
   Tesla started to gnaw unconsciously on the inside of her cheek when she heard that. No wonder the guy was so hostile. If he didn’t have a good reason to be, then nobody did.
   To have his wife taken from him while he stood watch over the city, trying to keep those very people out. And suspecting that someone in the very place he protected had set her up….
   If it were her in his shoes, she’d want blood. Rivers of it.
   “Are you trying to track her down?” Tesla asked. “Any excuse to hunt down and kill some of those cactus humping ba….”
   “My wife is dead,” he said curtly. “I want the son of a bitch who sold her.”
   She stopped short. There was no sadness in his voice. Just the quick reply of someone who wanted to drop the subject immediately. She opened her mouth to say something, then closed it again. For a moment she thought better of asking, but she had to. “How do you know your wife is dead?”
   Boone let out a slight sigh, his grip on the hunting rifle in his hands tightening. “I know, alright? That’s all you need to know.”
   Ok. Consider the subject dropped. “Alright. Say I find the person responsible for her sale. What do you want me to do to them? Or, rather, what do want me to do? I assume you’re the one that wants to ‘send them along their merry way’,” she replied, malice in her voice.
   “Bring him out in front of the nest here while I’m on duty. I work nights.”
   Him? Tesla thought to herself.
   He shifted his rifle into one hand and took the beret off his cleanly shaven head. “Here’s my NCR beret. It’ll be our signal, so I know you’re standing with him.” His tone dropped to a seething note. “And I’ll take care of the rest. I need to do this myself.”
   Again, ‘him’. Sounds like Boone has his suspicions on who done it. Tesla took the beret from his outstretched hand and looked down at it, running her thumb contemplatively over the fabric. “Alright, Boone. I’ll see what I can do to help.”
   “Good. I’ll make it worth your while,” he said, his tone picking up.
   “No. Gratis. This one’s on me,” Tesla replied, holding a finger up at him.
   More than he was surprised with her reply, Boone was surprised with the look in her eyes. Her blue eyes burned with fire, as though she herself had been the one who had been wronged. She looked like she wanted the blood he had craved since the disappearance of his wife.
   “Then there’s one more thing,” he added, watching as she tucked the beret into the chest of her armor to keep it concealed from view. “We shouldn’t speak again. Not until this is over. No one in town knows that I know what happened to my wife. Best they never know. Or the Legion will be after me next.”
   “Not a problem,” Tesla replied once she finished stuffing the beret into her armor. She looked down at her Pip-Boy. The two of them had been talking for a bit. It was now around 10:30. “Most people will be asleep right now and I think barging into their homes and hotel rooms in the ass crack of night to ask them about your wife might seem… oh, what’s the word I’m looking for… pretty damn suspicious.”
   “That’s three words.”
   “He can count. Lovely. At any rate, I’ll start first thing in the morning. Besides, I still have to go scope out HELIOS One. Word is NCR is having some issues with the plant and I’m putting it upon myself to see if they need a hand.”
   Boone furrowed his brow at that. “You’re helping NCR?”
   “Been helping NCR,” Tesla corrected. “Stopped at Mojave Outpost a bit before I got here and helped out there too, but that’s a story for another day.” She turned to leave, but stopped with her hand on the door handle. She looked back at him. “By the way, you sound like you have a sneaking suspicion on who’s behind what happened to your wife.”
   Even through the tinted lenses of his glasses she could see the fire that flared in his eyes. “Yeah, but it’s not important. Not unless you find out it’s who I think it is.”
   I think you think Manny did it, Tesla thought, this time managing to hold her tongue. She inclined her head to Boone. “’Til next we meet,” she said.
   “Yeah,” he replied.
   This time, his tone had taken a noticeable drop into the depressed, and he turned his back on her to look out through the mouth of Dinky before she even left. Tesla hesitated for just a moment. Something about this man made her want to gently rub his back and tell him things would be fine. But she resisted the urge. He didn’t seem like the type for physical contact. From anyone.
   Tesla opened the door to leave, but paused. She turned back to him.
   “One more thing,” she said.
   Boone half turned to look at her.
   “Do you… recognize me at all?” Tesla asked uncertainly, her brow furrowed. “Not from around Novac, but from somewhere else.”
   Boone tilted his head a bit at the odd question. Usually people said, “Do I know you from somewhere’, not ‘do you know me from somewhere’. And she had this strange tone in her voice that he couldn’t place. “No,” he replied curtly. “Should I?”
   He watched her turn her eyes down at his reply, as if disappointed by it. “’Suppose not. See you later,” she said.
   Boone turned back around and waited until he heard the door close behind him before he let out a long sigh. He’d never told his suspicious about his wife being set up to anybody. He’d kept them bottled up inside, not knowing who to trust with the information. If he told someone, and that someone happened to be linked to his wife’s abduction, chances were good he’d never get his revenge.
   It was only after she was gone that he realized he hadn’t even asked the woman’s name.
Could super use some positive vibes right now. Reblogs with stuff written either in the reblog or in the tags about what you thought about this would be great. Send asks if you want. All reblogs appreciated. Lemme know if you like it. I have like 100 unpolished pages written for this fic so I could post more.
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nightingaelic · 3 years
I hope you know you're not helping with my attachment to fictional characters with your companions react posts! I absolutely love them! I didn't expect there to still be a active fan base for a 11 year old game im just now playing for the first time but im so happy there is, im usually really late to the party a lot of the time. I especially love how you write Boone, I love that poor broken man lol have a wonderful day <3
Awww, welcome to the fallout community, anon! We're happy to have you 💙💛 I'm also a patient gamer, I didn't play FNV until it was 7 years old. I'm glad I can add to your experience, even if it's just fleshing out sad boy sniper a little. Don't forget to save often 😉
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mitsybubbles · 4 years
Hey really dumb question but why does a group of people like the families from fnv need to be descended from native groups to be considered a tribe? Can’t you just form tribes?
Well, they are called “tribes that were civilized” by House. And are now owning casinos. Which sets them up as being coded as based off of stereotypes of indigenous tribes in the US. It is common to see people refer to Native American tribes as “owning casinos”, which while that is true for some tribes, isn’t for others. Also the idea of “civilizing” tribes brings up a LOT of generational trauma regarding how the US and European countries committed genocide against these people.
The families almost all being portrayed as irredeemably villainous (one group being cannibals and another one sex traffickers) doesn’t help at all with the unfortunate implications. Or the racist stereotypes. 
Also tribe is a word that is coded around indigenous people. People who are not indigenous can’t just “make tribes”. They can make gangs or groups, but not tribes. Tribe is a word that doesn’t only refer to the group of people but also to the cultures of people who are often stereotyped and misrepresented in media.
Multiple indigenous fans have complained about how tribes are depicted in New Vegas and while the developers have said that they didn’t mean for them to be based off real tribes, that does not erase the racism that is in their portrayal. If you do wanna read more about this subject and also how to properly portray tribes in fiction I suggest reading some of those posts! ^^ 
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