#fnf g/t
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notbandu · 6 months ago
Came back for the only reason that I wanna keep making g/t stuff and here is the only place I can post it
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Hold tiny gay gently
(I'm not weird about this btw, I just like this kind of size difference because I can make really cute things abt it)
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sapphiretheharpy · 11 months ago
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 1 year ago
Something's wrong with painty?
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yami-yomiel · 2 years ago
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No comment i just rlly like her design hehe
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darkforest-bandu · 2 years ago
Df ask blog real
Mainly centered on DF!Bandu but you can ask the others!
H-hello! Don't be weird or too personal with your asks please... :3 -df!bandu
Whatever... I don't want to be here... -_- -df!bambi
Hello. Pleasure to meet you! I'll gladly respond to your asks. :] -df!dave
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breadsandwishes · 1 month ago
Unfair Rap Battle
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vgtrackbracket · 8 months ago
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Moondown/Digital Sundown (Theme II) from Rain World
M.I.L.F from Friday Night Funkin'
No propaganda was submitted for either track.
If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
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yon0mgamerz · 2 years ago
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Eugh,, I'm so sillyyyy,,, uwu
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jackssillystories · 2 years ago
//angst I think
Comforted by a god's hands
Expendu g/t fic
(using orange text for Bendu cuz there's no yellow)
It was one of those days on the 3D realm, sometimes Bendu coped to himself thinking that he wasn't enough for Expunged, just a little mexican boy, a nobody, perhaps. He covered up his face and sat down thinking about that daily, and Expunged wasn't having it.
"c'mon Bendu, this is like the 7th time this week, tell me what's going on already!"
"it's- it's complicated, b-but, I just don't think I'm well- enough."
"that's ridiculous! You're perfect for me!"
"are you sure? I- I almost do nothing for you."
"you do! You're like,, one of the only thinks that can make me genuinely feel happiness!"
"... I am?"
Bendu looked confused. And then looked down once again.
Expunged sat closer to Bandu thinking what could comfort him.
"(this is a very bad idea, but I guess I could try)"
Expunged grew 10 times her original size and placed their hands around Bendu. Then proceeded to lift the little guy up and gave him a kiss on the forehead.
"feeling better? My love?"
".... Yeah :]"
Expunged placed Bendu on their shoulder and Bendu gave Expunged a cheek-hug
The end
Holy zhit my handz hurt
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notbandu · 1 year ago
Felt silly
Giant chaos gods and their little partners! X3
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Bendu and Cameo still have to get used to it tho... Poor scared little guys :P
(If anyone says this is a kink or something I will personally go to your house and slap you /HJ)
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sapphiretheharpy · 9 months ago
Hey. You. Giant Hex be upon ye.
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kaiju-wolfdragon · 1 year ago
Kaiju monster bf: hello!
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yami-yomiel · 10 months ago
I got my grubby hands all over an fnf fangame
'Alright, but you better bring him back by 5:30" Cyan grimaced. Her face softened when she saw her player two, CD-boy, clutching his head in pain. 
Now on a time limit, Dude grabs the robot and runs off to the arcade leaving Lady and Cyan behind. The metal doors of the arcade swung open as he dragged the broken bot to the counter, operating it was his best friend, Buddy!
'BUDDY BUDDY BUDDY, YOU GOTTA HELP ME!' Dude yelled, his eyes were the size of dinner plates. 'Lemme guess, CD-boy?' Buddy figured- a slight British twang in his voice. He was the one watching it all go down with Cyan, so of course he should know! 
Dude was amazed, he had no idea his bestie was there, he'd think the Brit was some sort of psychic or something.
'I'll take that look in your eyes as a yes, then?' The youth asked, waving his hand in front of him.
'Y-Yeah of course!'
'Right this way then.' Buddy walked from the counter into the corner where a secret door was hidden. To Dude, it just looked like a regular employees room, but inside it was filled with crtvs and wires, the heat made his face flush a bit as they both set CD-boy on the table in the middle; despite his human appearance he was quite heavy - but that's what you should expect from a sentient robot after all.
'So this is where the magic happens?' Dude asked while wiping his forehead with his pink shirt. 'Yup! All my free time is spent here, practicing to be a mechanic!" Buddy pats the computer conveniently next to the table 'I plan on taking over the world one day after all.' There was a smug look on his face like he's been waiting to announce that for ages now. His friend could only imagine Buddy with a giant throne and crown, holding the globe between two fingers. 'Well.. could I get a cool job if that happens?' The teen said mid-daydream.
The mechanic stuttered for a bit, then finally settled on 'royal toilet scrubber". Dude could only pout at this idea...
CD boy was hooked up to the computer, turns out he didn't have a trace of antivirus in him whatsoever, which of course is like letting a toddler run wild outside, you're bound to get germs - er viruses- all over you. Not to mention he wasn't connected to the internet, so Buddy did Cyan the favor of fixing all of the little bugs. 
'Isn't Lady supposed to be with you right now?' Buddy asked as he adjusted his headphones.
"Nah, apparently her mom visited and she's super upset cuz she hasn't seen her in forever." Dude sat on one of the TVs laying around, due to how short he was - just sitting down he could reach the top of his friend's midriff. "Did you ever tell her about the thing?"
Dude shook his head frantically 'Heck no! Her parents would kill me if they found out she was dating a bum, I can't tell her that!' He started to tug on his cap a bit, loosening it and then fastening it once more '-I mean, I don't wanna burden her with my problems. She already has enough going on." 
Buddy interrupted him 'You already sleep on the streets, that'd worry anybody. I mean, I let you sleep in my van when it's cold; even then I have to convince you to stay!"
"You have your own problems going on, you shouldn't have to do that!" 
Dude froze upon hearing his real name. The way Buddy shouted it made tears well up in his eyes, he felt like he was drowning in his misery. Joey took a shaky breath, shaking his head.
'Can we...can we talk about something else?' He squeaked.
Buddy sighed, wrapping his casted arm around Dude 'Alright, but you can't keep putting this off, Imagine how she feels knowing that you lied to her.'
'You're right.'
while Buddy and Dude were having a heartfelt conversation CD-boy fell off the table with a huge thud - unplugging him from the computer.
'Hey!' Buddy yelped 'The anti-virus isn't done yet, help me get CD-boy back up!' Both of them got to work, Buddy taking most of the weight that was on the robot's torso. But just before Dude could pull his legs up the robot's leg suddenly winded him! It was like he was flung halfway across the room, Sure he was small but he had some weight to him.
Was CD-boy...growing?!
But that's impossible, at least that's what Dude Thought. Catching his breath he watched as Buddy got squished under the giant. Now CD boy was about as tall as the door.
The little guy quickly ran up to Buddy, grasping his hands tightly.
'I'm alright-' the Brit said 'You should get outta here while you still can!' Before Dude could argue ...
Just as stated he stopped growing.
Wiping the sweat from his brow, Buddy managed to wiggle his way out from under the giant with help from Dude.
'You good?' The shortie asked, patting his friend's shoulder, the [slightly] taller one nodded 'Yeah!'.
The excitement died down as the both of them looked at the mini giant in front of them, trying to assess the situation. What was Cyan thinking when she added this feature, DID she add this in the first place?
CD-boy looked at the other two, since he couldn't fit on the table he just sat in the middle of the floor. His mechanical breathing filled the room as he looked around, he couldn't comprehend how much space he took up now. He pressed his palm against the ceiling, CDB could easily break through and do whatever he wanted.
But the number 1 rule of robotics is to not harm other humans, besides, it wouldn't be in character for him. 
'//So I'm just stuck like this?' The giant asked.
Buddy shrugged 'Not sure mate, you'd have to ask Cyan.'
CDB looked at his hand and flexed it, seeing his hand be bigger than someone's head was certainly a surprise for sure.
'//my internal clock Is offline. What time is it?' 
Buddy checked his wrist '5:35'
Dude's eyes went wide just like earlier -arms flailing as usual. 'AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA CYAN IS GOING TO KILL ME!! OK CD-BOY TIME TO GO!'
In one fluid motion, Dude was scooped up into CD-Boy's hand. 
'//This will be faster, trust me'
' scr_setTime( ‘to go’): '
Dude was amazed, he'd never been held by a giant before. unless you count his girlfriend, but she is just tall at the end of the day. He could've sworn he heard a ticking sound coming from CDB's chest, maybe that was the clock he was talking about.
Or maybe that was his heart..?
Regardless, this way of transportation is much faster, though it probably could be safer, given how the big guy broke the door off the wall before stomping off - hopefully, Buddy doesn't mind.
However, all he cared about was selling a t-shirt about the whole event
'I survived getting hacked, grew up to 10 ft, and all I got was this stupid t-shirt'.
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spampai · 5 months ago
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As they say, “An artist can draw a n y t h i n g.”
50 likes and I’ll draw them again idfk
Got inspiration from a FNF song (Catfight)
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asherashedwings · 9 months ago
Chat. I spent 34 hours in this canvas. I am so tired.
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Anyways, when I began working on Connected Universe AU, I already knew I'd be making line ups. Cuz I love making line ups and I also love suffering.
Close-ups and lots of yapping under the cut
Alternate Universe Boyfriends
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So all these guys, unlike the other BFs present on this line up, are actually BF but from different universes. They're the same dude.
I thought it'd be neat to display the fact that they're from different universes by drawing them all in different art styles. It was also a fun exercise to test my art style range.
So starting from the left, we got Base Game BF. The main universe one. He's drawn in my usual art style. Not much special about him. Boyfriend.XML my beloved. I will note here though that I did take some of the elements form my own BF design and threw them onto the AU BFs. So that's why they all have some sort of jacket/hoodie etc.
Then we got Yourself. I reverted to old tactics and used my sketch for his line art, which results in him having thicker line art in general. I also further distinguished him by giving him harsh black shading. He always has that. He already had it on his face, so I just gave it to the rest of his body too. Cuz silly. You. You could even say. Silly Billy- 💥💥💥
Then we have Funkadelix. Him and a few other BFs make use of the Blackburn brush for their line art, cuz idk I like that brush. I referenced the Mutant Mayhem style when making him, since in the Connected Universe, he's in the same universe as those turtles. His colors are mostly yoinked from the actual Funkadelix sprite. I think. I may have tweaked them a bit/eyeballed them idk. I prolly eyeballed them.
Then we got Monday Dusk Monolith (MDM). I really went with the mentality of "NO ROUND SHAPES" with this fucker. Just wanted him to look super sharp and scratchy, since that AU is literally dealing with an apocalypse. So sharp shapes just made sense in my brain.
I had a lot of issues settling on a style for Mix, so I just chose to take inspiration from the FNF loading screens, cuz it just fit in my brain, idk. His design also features present in my Pico design, like the stupid cleat shoes and stray hair lines. Yknow, since he's literally a mix of BF and Pico. He also uses Blackburn
Finally, HD. I decided to try and go for a semi realistic style for him, proportion wise at least. Cuz. Yknow. HD. He also uses the blackburn brush, but I also pulled an old tactic for him and made his sketch visible over his coloring. Cuz idk, I think it lends towards the vibe.
"Side" BFs
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Okay, now we're REALLY getting into AU territory.
So from here on out, all the BFs are separate people from THE BF, and have their own names and shit.
So staring off, we got Blake. I was reading through his wiki trivia and saw them say his style was more "radical and funky" than base BF's. I saw the word funky and ran with it dawg. So that explains this clothes. I also tried my darndest to get rid of a lot of the BFs caps, cuz dude, I can't have that many fuckers having cubic backwards caps. So I gave Blake a pair of star shaped sunglasses cuz funky, chat, FUNKY. We decided that his stage name is Love Bird, and he chose that cuz that's a pet name his GF has for him, and if he had a band it'd be called The Birds of Paradise.
Then we got .XML. I immediately knew I wanted to give him a mullet. Look at this man and tell me he wouldn't have a mullet. Besides that, not much changed. Since he kept the name of .XML, I imagine he is actually related to BF in some way, and he just goes by his last name. They might be cousins or brothers or something idk. There's also more dumbass info on him here:
Then there's River, or G-Sides BF. I took a lot of inspiration from his teaser designs, cuz they were silly. Literally named his river after the dumbass river design on his sweater. I don't got much info on him besides that. I can't talk about River without including this image so here:
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The New Yorkers
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This group is literally named after the fact that they all live in NY in my AU. Technically, the Minus BFs should also be here, but they're their own group.
Starting with Bartholomew, or B3, I just took the shape of his glasses and ran with it. Chat I needed to get that shape language from somewhere. I actually drew him twice, since the first time around I really was not digging how I drew him. He's fine now tho. His ass only got brim, cuz he had to be different somehow. Other than that. not much changed for him.
Now Evan.. Evan gave me so many issues. Like, dawg I drew him three times. I kept on trying to make the orange in his upcoming design WORK but I just COULDNT chat i COULDNT
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So, per @braveboiart 's request, I ended up getting rid of it entirely and replacing it with his blues and grays. They also gave me the advice of brightening the colors a bit, which was very easy for me to do, I love bright ass colors. I also touched up his design shape wise, since that was also lacking the first time around. So boom, zippers on the pants and baggy ass sleeves. I'm content with how he came out. Chat I did all his design touch ups while I was exhausted out of my mind. Sometimes you gotta be delirious with sleep deprivation in order to cook, kids, trust me (please do not be like me-)
Benjamin was pretty simple. Kept him soft, kept him round, kept him pastel. Got rid of the caution sign on his hoodie since .XML already had that, and just replaced it with paint splatters. Not much more to say.
With X's design, I got a lot of help from my good good friend @minxtheeenby , mainly when figuring out his hair style. Those braids are not actually his hair, and are fuckass cords that connect to his headphones and can move independently. Don't ask about the logic, I will not be thinking about it. He was born in Philly cuz of his fuckass white eyes. White eyes means Philly, I don't make the rules here.
Minus BFs
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The colorful critters, these guys are.
So. Beta. I had actually drawn him before this point, and he didn't change much from then
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He has arrow shaped top surgery scars cuz I love giving constantly shirtless characters top scars and I just. HAD TO once I had the idea to make them arrow shaped. Main things to change since that drawing are some details on his pants and some of his colors; notedly the fact that his hat is a darker color compared to his skin to further distinguish it. Also Brave kept trying to get me to make parts of his design the same color as his nipples. So that happened /lh
Chat. I let my furry show with Blue. BUT CHAT HEAR ME OUT. On the wiki it's stated that he's a "Dog??". You think I could look at that and not go all the way? So yeah. Dog. He's silly and he got his weird ear ring things from his sister (Minus Miku).
Not much to say on Mean, he barely changed. I just drew him in my style and added a few details. He might also be an alien, idk.
Now, I posted about Golden a bit, but for those who didn't see that insanity: I made him an Alien Hominid. Cuz small yellow alien=Alien Hominid in my brain. Flawless logic. (Don't worry chat, I sat down and extensively researched the AH series to the best of my ability to check if it made sense. And I didn't see anything that would make it not make sense?) But yeah, silly. Him and Otis might be buddies, cuz goofy.
Who Fuckin Knows
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These guys are just all the guys I had nowhere else to put. Miscellaneous group.
So first we have Bonnie, or Saturday Night Swappin' BF. He's another one that I had to go back and touch up. I actually touched him up the same night/morning as Evan. He ended up turning purple. The name we assigned him was an omen /j Chat I swear he was originally blue, I don't know what happened
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HC that he just got really into FNaF when he was younger and has just been cosplaying a humanized Bonnie the Bunny ever since /hj
BIDU GAVE ME SO MANY ISSUES AND IDK WHY. It's prolly cuz by the time I got to him I was getting SUPER burnt. But I prospered and was able to finish him. And I don't hate how he came out, so bonus points there. Main change was replacing the prohibition sign on his shirt with a lightning bolt, cuz no one but BF is allowed to have that symbol, and Bidu already had lightning bolt imagery, so eh why not. His eyebrows being green, at least in my style, implies his hair is naturally green, and he just added the blue and pink, and I find that slightly humorous, idk.
Keith (StarCatcher) was another one I had to go back and touch up, but that's due to the fact that I was informed that him and his GF got a redesign before the creator deleted their FNF stuff. So I had to go back and fix my design according to that. I also leaned into the scape suit direction cuz SHAPE.
Now, you might be wondering, why is Flippin BF here and not with the other alternates? He was grouped with him in a previous post? Well, that's because after more assessment, I decided that Friday Night Flippin' is in fact, in the same universe as Base FNF and not an alternate universe like I had previously decided. So I changed his design a bit (mainly just getting rid of his hat and changing the color of his shoes) and boom. Different guy. He is staying pixel art tho. I do still need to come up with a different name for him tho.
Now this next one, Heath, is not from a currently existing mod, but from an FNF AU my friend Minx is making.
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I decided to include him cuz he's silly and I love him. Their AU is canon to the Connected Universe.
Okay, so Cam (Hellbeats BF) changed A LOT. I let my furry slip out again. BUT I HAVE ANOTHER REASON FOR IT. See, in this connected universe, it's not just Newgrounds stuff that is canon. I also made other fandoms I'm in canon. So that means the Hellaverse is canon (specifically my rewritten version of it), and Hellbeats has to fit in with that. So I had to assign the characters species from that universe as well. So I made Cam a cherub, cuz I wanted him to stay short as fuck. He's also a raccoon cuz he's a lil shit and I thought it'd fit If ur curious, this is what everyone else is:
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Okay I'm done yapping now. Gonna be doing the GFs next.
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vgtrackbracket · 8 months ago
Video Game Track Bracket Round 2
Pico from Friday Night Funkin'
Memoirs from Nancy Drew: Curse of Blackmoor Manor
Propaganda under the cut. If you want your propaganda reblogged and added to future polls, please tag it as propaganda or otherwise indicate this!
Amazing introduction track for the three bangers that come in Pico’s set in FNF
it's so beautiful and gentle
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