redtoondevils · 9 months
Talk reference FNAF. From The Prince Of Egypt. Lines. Re written.
Freddy enters into the empty theatre by the daycare. Walking in, to find a lonely animatronic he knows. But hadn't known closely.
He walks down the steps looking for him, the theatre is spacious. With the wide screen in the middle, and the cushions scattered up close of the front stage.
He approaches up to the stage. "Sun?" he called out, standing in the spot. Freddy looks around to find him "Where could he be hiding?" He asked. Then he hears a distant voice talking from up top. "Oh, so you finally decided to show up in here again, have you?" Freddy spins around, and looks up at the projection platform above.
And spotted Sun at the far end of the platform, looking away from the ground, with his back against the wall, with both of his legs criss crossing each other, and arms crossed.
Freddy sighed slowly, he smiles softy feeling sad, but relieved that Sun hadn't left. He walks up to the projection balcony, and stops right Infront of it. "I... Thought I would find you here..." Freddy said.
"Goodie for you, you found me! Now get out!" Sun snapped. Then Sun throws a toy block down, in a downwards direction and it bounced down past Freddy.
Freddy looked at Sun again, then said "Sun please...Talk to me! We could always talk here!" Then he looks around the empty place that reminds him for it's good old day's how it used to run. "This place...So many memories! I remember the time when you...switched the tickets by the ticket booth, before the next show came on!"
After Freddy finished, he waited a reply from Sun. He didn't reply, Freddy sighed and was just about to give up then Sun replied, now turning to look at Freddy. "If I do recall, you were there precipitating right along with me!" Freddy grabbed the bottom of his chin thinking back on it. "No, it was you. I don't remember doing that!"
"Oh yes you did! You were standing nearby the shutters distracting the maintenance into a conversation to give me some time!" Sun say's now positioning his feet down the platform beginning to jump down. Reminding him before jumping down "Oh yeah I remember doing that!" Freddy said, looking at Sun.
"Yes! But, we just so happen to get carried away while the cameras were watching us! The security reported the crime, and we were ordered to go back into our rooms! The ticket booth had to be put out of order for refining for two months! The security was furious! You were always getting me into trouble!"
Sun finished letting the rest of his frustrations out at Freddy. Then he walked past him down near where the seats are, and calmed down. "But then..." He started with a small giggle.
"You were always there to...Get me out of trouble, again? Hm?" Sun, then walked up to Freddy and placed his hand on his shoulder gently, then say's "Why can't things be the way they were before?" Sharing his honest thoughts, with Freddy. "Those were good times..." Freddy replied, agreeing with him.
"Yeah...Those times really were! It's so painful, Freddy!" Sun said. "Indeed it is." They both agreed. Then Sun takes his hand off, then suggested. "So...Since you are here, and we got nothing else to do. Do you want to hang out with me?"
"I'd love to!" Freddy agreed gleefully. "Okay then! Let me show you my world!" Sun presented, waving his arm open to the stage. "I am Interested to know!" Freddy obliged, then Sun took Freddy to show him the rest of the theatre.
Sun takes Freddy to the back end, just past the Theatre, up to the gated section where it was blocked off. "Where does that lead to?" Freddy asked. "My other Room before I've been replaced!" Sun tells him a little bitterly, but happy that Freddy was with him.
Sun pulled out a key from his pocket, and put's the key in the lock to unlock it. "Hang on-Where did you get those key's?" Freddy pointed out surprised. Sun replied snickering with no hesitation.
"Well, I summoned Moon to nick them out of the guards pocket while he wasn't looking. He's much better at doing that than me! Never saw it coming! I've been waiting for this!"
Then he unlocks it, and shoves it open. Sun stepped to the side, then said. "After you!" Freddy steps past him, then curiously looked around the hallway, when he slowly walked down it, then Sun followed after.
Then they appeared into a bigger room, full of red curtains, the star shaped beams, in sparkling patterns lights bolted up on 4 sides of the walls.
The room itself is as big as Freddy's, but it's design was a little different than that of the Glamrocks. The room was decorated with the archaic theme between the 70's-80's style.
There was an old styled table top, organized with the planned out blue prints that shows the graphical designs of the attendant. With old photos spread out over the top of their performances, they took when they were posed.
With a classical brown wodden frame that holds the mirror in front. That had the light bulbs screwed on beside each other, that gives it a stage look. There are those classical stage torches that stood right next to the table, that were very bulky and hard to lift, with extra wire ring that were left open on the floor.
With some circus accessories left on the floor. The middle of the room has a set of velvet red cushion seats neatly positioned that makes a seating section in the room.
And on the other side shown a big photo booth umbrella standing beside the wall, and other circus properties Including the uni cycle sitting right next to it. Against a dusty cubored that has a award certificates, and a few endeavor trophies.
Then on the wall on the far left, stands an even bigger, glass cupboard that display's a whole collection trophies and awards etched on their names at the bottom of them, sparkling in Silver, Bronze and Gold, dated on the years that they have performed.
"Woah...! That's beautiful!" Freddy breathed astounded with the sight of the trophies. He walks up to it breathless. Examining each award dated on the years that it's been written. He's Impressed, with how many trophies he won. "You were amazing! This was here all of this time? How come they kept it here? It's just too valuable to be kept aside like this!"
Freddy contemplated, concentrating on them to not notice Sun walking over to the desktop. "Because...They. Were. CARELESS!" Sun barked slamming his hand on top of the desktop hard, startling Freddy, "O-Oh!?" that he turned suddenly, and flinched. Shocked, and saddened to hear Sun react, also a little scared.
"S-Sorry..." Freddy started. "No, no it's okay! You didn't mean to start anything. You were just curious! Come here!" Sun say's, softening his voice, and pulling up the chais and cusions, from the middle of the room.
Freddy took a nervous sigh, and walked up to Sun, then Sun patted a hand onto the seat cushion. "Sit down." Sun politely told Freddy. Freddy slowly sit's down, then Sun.
Freddy sat down with his ears down, feeling ashamed of speaking out of term, without thinking about Sun's feelings. He nervously rubbed his arm, before asking. "U'm, so...What happened?" Sun took a deep sigh, and adjusted himself to lean forward to explain his situation "For what you probably didn't know...I used to be a stage animatronic, set in the festival for the circus. I used to be a practice robot for presentation for my first 6 years of training. My AI was really good, so they started to get creative.
They wanted to try something else, then they came up with an Idea to give the animatronic a 'Character' to play on stage. Who occasionally switches to become the hero, and villain. I was given no name, so they gave it a shot." Freddy nods, while Sun continued, "So, they developed Moon and wanted to launch him into my system. But then they turned it down, temporary...Just to give him more testing.
Once they were done with it, they decided to download him into Me. And coded his name as 'Moon.' That's how he was born. Then years later, myself and Moon were placed onto the circus show for the first time. And it turned successful.
We've been performing for many years, till they signed a contract to move us to the Super Mega Pizza Plex. To present more shows, and make more money for the supporting company for this place. We were still happy, because we felt like we were at home." He went on taking a small break, sitting back a little then carried on. "The children and their parents were our crowd. Our audience, we didn't mind performing for them, I enjoyed entertaining them. Because, that's my passion. All was going well, then one day the company decided then, in a meeting they saw how the children idolized us from a distance.
Then they decided what would be a good idea to bring us closer to the kids, with no clue on how to look after them. Was to remove us from the place we know, and loved..." Freddy looked down, trying to understand where he is coming from. With a growing hint that, it was not something they wanted. Then he looked at Sun when he continued. "So just before the start children school holidays. At the end of their semester. They started to gather together the resources to prepare the transition from the Theatre to the Daycare.
A location that both me and Moon knew nothing about. Notheless we were so confused. Then the day rolled around, we had a long day ahead of us. They moved us to the Daycare.
It felt so different...For the first few weeks they scheduled a test with activities they designed for me to calibrate my intellectual and cognitive skills, to prepare for a variety of activities for the kids, after the holiday season.
I had the idea of it, but my original coding found it hard to go with it. They marked it that I was compatible for the care and handling in children.
But, I was worried of my progress when handing them. I learnt how to handle them more, but I couldn't do the procedures that I was given to do them properly. I struggled a lot, I still tried to get it right, but dealing with them took a toll on me.
Moon's coding was confused, when he was placed in the new environment, his 'Villain'' character would get carried away, and he thought it was play. I thought I got to push harder, so all I did was practice, and got frustrated when they couldn't do the thing I've strifed on.
But I couldn't blame them. I knew it was not their fault. I tried to work with them, and their needs I couldn't do correctly. But, some of the children that I've worked with, gave me more compassion than what the company gave to me.
In those moments, felt like I haven't before for some reason. I felt it deep I found that I can talk, find it in my feelings to listen to their problems and give them advice, the best I can. When they replaced my position with a bot, and placed me in a cramped dusty broom closet!
With only a few traces of my familiar belongings. It felt so alien to me, it doesn't feel like my home. That when I was taken from my theatre, a piece of me was taken out of it too. It isn't the same..."
He finished, and slumped back taking a deep breath letting out a heavy burden he's been holding in, to a trusted person who he felt like he could talk to, and understand him.
Freddy felt sympathy for Sun and Moon. His story was complicated in ways that he knows he can't explain.
At first he thought that the Daycare attendant was some animatronic that was brought here to cause trouble. He didn't like him, but he wasn't that mean to ignore him.
Now, after listening to his story, he started to feel like he unlocked this bond, that he wouldn't normally have with anyone. Because, he had also been used as a copy.
And he felt like, he isn't original. But now since he found someone that he could relate with, he realized that he was exactly the same as him. Now, he sees him as a somebody.
"That was...Unfortunate that you had to go through something like that. Once I found out there's a copy of me, I thought what is my true identity? Like am I the original Freddy that everyone knows? Or another copy?
For you...It sounds like Moon is Important to you. I mean...I don't know what it's like to be removed from a home you love and missed dearly. But I respect your lives. Your originalities as their only person."
"Hevin knows what they are planning with that. I will admit!" Sun said agreeing, and they both nodded. "But yes that's right. Even though Moon shares my body, but he does exist. If he ever get's deleted, It would be like I lost somebody!" Sun explained, holding his hand onto him meaningfully.
"You are not alone Sun. You have your friends! If there's someone you need to talk to, then just know that I will be available to talk to me. And I will listen to everything you tell me. Okay? Even Moon. My offer is open to him too." Freddy added, admitting towards Moon.
"He is a complicated guy for sure. But, I'm positive he'd appreciate that very much! Thank you!" Sun replied happily. "Anytime!" Freddy replied, and squinted a happy look at Sun. Then Sun reached out a hand, and open his fingers. "Will you be my friend? Freddy!" He asked. "Friendship accepted!" Freddy agreed, and shook his hand diligently. Sun kicked off the couch, and shouted "YIPPIEEEE!!! I have made a new Friend!!"
Then Freddy stood up, and clapped his hands cheering "YAYYYY!!!" Then once Sun calmed down, he faced in front of Freddy, with lifted spirits and said, "So...You wanna chill out in here for a bit? Of course, you are allowed to turn down the offer!" Sun suggested chuckling. "Yeah! For a little while. I don't mind! What do you want to do?"
"Oh! Wait there! I got the perfect thing! Hee hee!" Sun exclaimed, hopping over the couch, and shimmying himself up to the draws, then opened it up.
Then reached a hand in there, and picked up a box with his hands and some pieces cluttered inside the box. He looks at Freddy over his shoulder. "Do you want to play a board game?" "Ooh! I'd love to! What kind?" Freddy agreed, intrigued. Sun lifts the box in his arms, and turned around. "Chess?" He guessed, grinning inside his mask.
"Good choice! That's one of my favorite classic games to play!" Freddy exclaimed excited to play the game. Sun walks over to the couch and lops over his leg over it, then the other one then sat down. He held the box over the seat, and he looked at Freddy holding the box somewhat awkwardly, but his attitude is fun about it.
"Could you go, and pull up the desk chair to be used as a table?" Sun asked. "Sure!" Freddy agreed. Then he got up from the couch, and walked past Sun up to the small wooden desktop. And grabbed the chair, and carried it over to their sitting spot. Then he turned it to the side, to make it stand like a table.
And placed it in the middle of them. Then walked beside his side, then sat down on the couch, the cushions making a fluffing sound. Then Sun plopped the box on top, with the pieces making cluttering noises inside.
"Okay then! Let's set up the pieces, and play some Chess! Me first!" Then he popped open the top, and begins to assemble the pieces from their boxes to set up their game of chess.
This fanfiction, for the first half is based on the lines From the Prince of Egypt. By Dreamworks. The top half may seem a little senseless with Sun's and Freddy's lines. Their friendship doesn't have much material from the top bit.
I wrote the top part, typically for fun. And was about to leave it there. But then I figured it wasn't satisfying enough in forming a friendship in this story. So, I added some additional stuff with lore, for their friendship to make this short fic Interesting. So, if some parts doesn't seem to lead up to anything. Again, I typically wrote the lines for fun, till I worked on it a bit more.
Hope you still enjoy!
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