#fnaf ask game
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bloodyraremedium · 9 months ago
Making a FNAF ask game for questions I haven't seen!
💜👨‍👩‍👧‍👦- What was William's childhood like?
🧡👨‍👩‍👧‍👦- What was Henry's childhood like?
👥- Are any side characters related?
❗- Jeremy Fitzgerald headcanons?
🐰👨‍👩‍👧‍👦- What was Vanessa's childhood like?
📼- Tape Girl headcanons?
🔌- Phone Dude headcanons?
🐻🍦- Did the Bite of 83 or Elizabeth's death happen first?
🐰🔪- How moral/willing to murder is Vanessa/Vanny?
🛌- Who is the protagonist of FNaF 4?
🛌🌫- Is FNaF 4 a nightmare, hallucination gas, illusion disks, or something else?
🔦- Why was Gregory in the Pizzaplex?
👬- What exactly is William and Henry's dynamic/relationship to each other?
🗜- What is the Mimic and who made it?
🔩- How common were springlock failures?
🔩💜- Did William have a previous springlock failure before the one that killed him?
🎭🔪- How premeditated was Charlie's death and what was the motive?
💲- How successful were the restaurants/attractions?
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muffin-gods · 1 year ago
FNAF ask game
I was bored and decided to put this together. Here's 20 Fnaf themed questions to put in someone's inbox. Feel free to ask me any of these questions (infact please do) or reblog for your followers to ask you.
Who's your favorite animatronic in general?(That you love all or most forms of)
Who's your favorite Fnaf 1 animatronic?
Who's your favorite human character?
Who's your favorite glamrock animatronic?
Who's your favorite Dca?
Who's your least favorite animatronic?
Which game is your favorite?
What's your favorite Fnaf song?
Have you played any fan games? If so which is your favorite?
What's your favorite music from Fnaf official soundtrack?
What year was it and what game got you into fnaf?
How well do you understand the lore?
What theory do you believe on how glamrock Bonnie was destroyed?
Do you read the Fnaf books?
What's your favorite ship? (Please nothing gross lol)
Do you have any aus? If so what are they about?
Have you ever written a fanfic?
Who's your favorite rabbit character?(Bonnie, Vanny, M.X.E.S, Springtrap, etc?)
Are you planning to watch the movie?
Do you have any Fnaf merch?
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idswolf · 3 months ago
For the ask meme
Revamped: 💥,🌈,🌑, and 🌀!
Hi hewwo! Sorry this took a bit for me to answer, I really wanted to make new lil drawings to go along with my answers but my irl job has been kicking my ass recently but I will add some drawings I’ve made in the past couple of years to still have that pizzazz I originally wanted, anywho let’s get into the answers :D!
💥- So there’s a big overarching “main” conflict that lasts basically the whole story which is Jeremy ever evolving relationship with the animatronics and ghosts, they start off on the wrong foot and throughout the rest of the story Jeremy and the gang become friends and then eventually like a weird lil family-like unit, but this “main” conflict takes the backseat in some of the different story arcs in the AU. These story arcs will sometimes have their own mini conflict that acts as the main conflict but just for that arc, they do get solved by the end of the arc they appear in
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🌈- There’s one definitive ship and that is Freddy and Bonnie, fun fact when I first started making the Revamped AU they weren’t together at all I had no plans on adding any ships. There are two other ships that almost sail in the AU tho which are Goldie (golden Freddy/fredbear) with Spring (Bonnie) and then Spring with Moxy (mangle), Goldie and Spring are almost a ship in the au but during that period in the AU they didn’t know what dating or love really was so it’s like they were dating but didn’t know it, now for Spring and Moxy they end up becoming really close friends and I just haven’t decided if I want them start dating or just stay as really close friends
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🌑- I personally like fluff much more than angst so there’s not much but there’s a good handful of moments that are really angsty if my friend’s reaction to hearing them is anything to go by
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🌀- Well based off of the answer to the previous question, yes there’s definitely fluff in this AU, heck in this AU the crying child never dies from the bite, William Afton isn’t in the majority of the story, and there’s no dead kids. Yes there’s two ghost characters and one possessed animatronic but they’re pretty chill, the story of this AU is meant to be a more upbeat and happy one where the characters bond and overcome their struggles together as well as learning the truth of other character’s past. These type of AUs are the some of the one I love the most and because they bring me joy and I wanted to make one of my own to give others the same joy I get :]
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nightmaretherabbit · 1 year ago
☠️ - How They Died
Charlie Emily:Stab wound,bled to death outside of Fredbear's Family Diner's back alley after her "Friends" shut her out
Susie Williams: Decapitated, was thrown against a wall and hit her head, went unconscious and William wanted to make sure she wouldn't get back up
Gabriel Ralston: Throat slit and left leg broken so William didn't have to worry if he had strength to run while he went after the last 3 kids.Blood filled his lungs.
Jeremy Edwards: Impaled with a rod of an animatronic Endo through the heart when he wouldn't stop kicking, punching,and biting at William preventing him from stabbing Jer,so he got Impaled.
Fritz Baker: stabbed in the abdomen by William when he tried to run then had eye plucked out and arm sliced off
Cassidy Ralston: Strangled and mutilated by springlocks in the Fredbear model 2 suit(Golden Freddy) after William put them inside
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goblin-the-clown · 3 months ago
Mother Dearest
I did a post about her and Michael's mother a while back and drawings of the both of them!
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clartidk123 · 3 months ago
⤷ Protagonist?
In my heart Elizabeth is the protagonist. Buuuuut really its Michael.
Hes not a hero. Not even a anti hero. I would say hes a anti villain. Guy has the right intentions he just fucks them up extraodinarily
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lets-ignore-that · 1 year ago
For the ask game!! What's your opinions on Cassie?
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shes great and im so glad they updated her model bc the first one was shite
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cobalt-axolotl · 1 year ago
I want people to send me their fnaf 4 head cannons so I can expand my own
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valleyfthdolls · 7 months ago
🎂 (the MCI victims)
First of all, I wanna specifically talk about Cassidy as he relates to the missing children. I don’t think I really believe that Cassidy was one of the five missing children. Not only have I said my piece about Charlie being more aligned with them, but also in the movie, Garrett seems to be the fifth missing child, not Cassidy (see: Abby’s drawing.)
Secondly, I do think that the whole “the withereds represent how the missing kids died” thing is a cool headcanon, not so much a theory though. It could also be maybe how the missing kids’ bodies were mangled by the animatronics when they were stuffed inside. It could explain things like Bonnie having no face, Chica’s arms being torn off, etc. Things I struggle to understand why Afton would bother doing. I guess just to make their death painful? For agony purposes? Idk.
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chloesimaginationthings · 4 months ago
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How Jeremy Fitzgerald survived the FNAF bite
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bloodyraremedium · 8 months ago
sorry guys I'm literally addicted to making fnaf ask games sorryyyyyy
👬- How did William and Henry meet?
☎- Literally what was even going on with Phone Guy?
💄- Who is Cassie and how does she relate to the story?
💫- Triplestar trio headcanons?
🐻🧟- Did Henry and Mike stay in contact after Mike got zombified?
🗓- What was happening during the 30 years with no story?
📸- How much did regular Hurricane citizens know about the supernatural stuff?
🤖👧- How obvious was it that Robo Charlie wasn't human?
🐻⁉- What happened in the aftermath of the BO83?
🦊- What was Mike like as a teenager?
😰- Did Jeremy survive the BO87?
🗜🐻- What caused the BO83?
😭🧸- Why was CC so afraid of the animatronics?
🧸👻- Was Psychic Friend Fredbear's voice a spirit, William's voice, CC's own imagination, or something else?
👬📚- Headcanons for William and Henry in college?
🔩👩- Robo Charlie headcanons?
💜💛- Did Mike and Jeremy know each other?
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noodles-and-tea · 4 months ago
I politely ask for more of the vague modern AU art :3 they're so silly I LOVE them
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They’re playing sister location, specifically night 4
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idswolf · 2 years ago
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Send me an ask :D!
So I think I’ve been doing a terrible job of talking about my various fnaf aus so I created this ask game! So just send me one or more of these emojis and one of the names of my aus which are: Revamped, Won’t Die, and Second Chance
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🌟- Who’s the main character?
💥- What’s the main conflict?
🌈- Any ships?
🌙- What games are in the au?
💧- How much of the games lore is in there?
❄️- Favorite character?
☄️- Least favorite character?
🌪️- Hardest character to draw?
✨- Easiest character to draw?
🌑- Is there angst? How much?
🌀- Is there fluff? How much?
☀️- What’s a small spoiler?
🔥- Who’s all in the au? (The cast of the au)
⚡️- Random headcanon? (If you want one of a specific character then please specify)
💫- Interesting background information?
🎉- Any fun character dynamics?
🫧- Free space (ask any question)
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nightmaretherabbit · 1 year ago
(Hi ignore I'm late-)
For all the kids, 🐇
(you aren't late at all)
🐇 - How they were lured
Susie was lured with the promise that springbonnie (William) had found her puppy and that the dog wasn't really dead like her parents said .
Gabriel and Jeremy were lured with the promise of a cake (It being Jeremy's birthday when they were at Freddy's)
Fritz just wanted to be included in whatever the others were doing
Cassidy followed Gabe because they were told to stay with their big brother
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goblin-the-clown · 3 months ago
Leave the demon?
So old man consequences is an entity, a bit like a god I guess, that talks to people about their life after they die. He's not very powerful at all and no living person knows he exists so he doesn't have any followers but he is sort of all-knowing in a way. After they're the done talking, he puts the souls to rest, for adults he leads them off into a glowing light and I actually had a very nice idea for kids.
There's a big tree (like the one at the end of pizzeria sim) surrounded by a bunch of beds, each belonging to their own child. Old man consequences leads them to their bed and tucks them in before they drift off into their eternal rest.
If you're wondering what happens to William and all of the other scumbags in this world, they sit in a dark room with nothing but a mirror to stare at their own reflection. They're forced to think about what they've done and only when Old man consequences knows they truly understand what they did does he let them rest.
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piercethearataka · 1 year ago
6 for the fnaf ask game
i dont think i have a least favorite to be honest?? i kinda like all of them :'D
actually probably like. one of the fnaf ar skins. like piranha plushtrap
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