Tabbar Pin With Header In Flutter  :
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Header scroll animation in flutter :this type of header scroll called sticky header scroll animation.
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Stack Layout Shadow Background In Flutter 
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Wrap Edit Button In Flutter : In this flutter tutorial i will show you how to wrap edit button in flutter .in this flutter tutorial i will provide you the code of wrap edit button in flutter
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Badge Counter In Flutter : Today We Will Discuss About how to create Budge counter in flutter.this flutter tutorial is very important.
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IntrinsicHeight Widget In Flutter: when unlimited height is available and you would like a child that would otherwise attempt to expand infinitely to instead size itself to a more reasonable height.
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CupertinoAlertDialog is  An iOS-style alert dialog. In this tutorial we want to look at a popular style of dialog in flutter called CupertinoDialog. Generally we utilize an alert dialog to tell the user about situations that need user attention or acknowledgement. AlertDialogs can have the following: Title(Optional) – displayed above content Content(Optional) – displayed between content and list of actions. List of actions(Optional) – displayed below the content The title is displayed above the content and the actions are displayed below the content.
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New item Indicator In Flutter : New Item Indicator In Flutter Name You may have understood what this flutter tutorial is about today. You can use the New Item Indicator to display a new arrival. If you are developing an online shopping app, you must use the compulsory New Item Indicator because if you want to display a discount, you can use the New Item Indicator. You can use Item Indicator.
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Fancybar In Flutter :today i will show you how to create beautiful fancybar in flutter.this is a fancy and animated  widget for the flutter app. in this app we can add some costomization option like. items : items that appear in the bottom.it require more than one item and less than six item that means you can add maximum six item in the bar.
in this flutter tutorial i am adding four item in the bottombar 
selectedindex :it return the current item. index.use it to change the selected item. default value is zero.
title : the title is display after the item is selected. you can see in this example when i press the home icon the title of home is displayed
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UI Design In Flutter : you can create beautiful ui design in flutter which is looks very attractive.flutter has a special library for design an ui which name is material.the ui design in flutter work smoothly.flutter has a rich set of material design.
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Search in List View In Flutter : Today we Learn about how to create search In list view in flutter.using flutter you can design a beautiful and attractive ui of search in list view in flutter simply for the search type any word o the search box if any matching word or character found then it display it. in this flutter tutorial i set the icon color blue with slide able search.if any matching character found then you can see it as a red color. the final result and the code for design search in list view in flutter is given below.to know more study continuously this flutter tutorial
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Horizontal Time Picker in flutter: the time picker is used for get the time in flutter .you can choose the date and time in multiple language.
you can design the time picker horizontally or vertically in this flutter tutorial we use horizontal design.
the demo of horizontal time picker is avilable in this post.
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Some Of The Most Important Flutter Interview Questions Are Included In This Post For Information Visit This Post By Clicking The Link.
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Menu Button In Flutter
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User Profile Design In Flutter
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