#fluflly hair
katgeckost · 4 months
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The best team🥺💙🧡
thank you Syd🫶🏻
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pterodach · 2 years
I've drawn them xd
My hc for their lipses shape. With some illustration of course
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So in my mind Tartaglia's shape is more strict and geometric same as his features. When Diluc is more soft. Even his hair is silky and fluflly (so childe loves touching him all the time) Meanwhile Childe has thin and stiff hair. The reason why his hairstyle looks so chaotic is bc he doesn't care about his appearance(you know same thoughts about food, it doesn't matter). Cutting hair with a dagger. Mmm yeah is his choice, only practicality no time to fashion
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gangrenados · 4 years
Can I request prompts 6 and 15 from your recent prompt list that you reposted with Jason Todd?
6: Can you get dressed, please?
15: You’re cute when you’re asleep.
It makes so happy fing the right gif 😫 anyways hope you like it!💕💕
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You stopped dead in your tracks when you put a foot on your dorm. The dim lights reflected perfectly on the muscular back covered in bruises, it was weird to see him so calm and  peaceful. It was like a dream having him sleeping fondly on your bed with the fluflly covers over his legs, keeping you from seeing more than his lower back.
You dropped your purse beside the door and walked up to him slowly, hoping you could change and not waking up Jason in the process. He deserved the nap after the rough week he had been through, seeing so streesed and sleep deprived was only making you grow worry for his wellbeing.
However, the sudden sound of your phone ringing didn't got the memo to be quiet."What the hell?" Jason muttered and you cursed under your breath, wishing your friedns could be more patient with you.
"I thought you'll be out today" Jason asked, rubbing his eyes tiredly before sitting up. The covers fell down to his things, revealing his fresh bandage on his abdomen alongside old cuts.
He looked cute with his dark hair falling down his eyes and plump lips, you only wanted to crawl nex to him and stay there, but you knew that your phone would buzz againg and againg until you went back to meet your friends at the new club in Gotham.
"Well, yeah" you ran your fingers through your combed hair, looking for a way to put in words how much you didn't wanted to go back."I was supposed to go out, but I don't really want to..."
Jason hummed, still knock by the sleep as he tilted his head to the side."Then don't go, it's not too hard." he said as it was the most obvious thing in the world. He patted the empty space next to him, signing you to come."Here..."
And so you did, kicking of your shoes before lying down next to your dear boyfriend. It was nice to be able to be with him, like the whole world was more calmer and not even the buzzing of your phone could ruin this moment.
"Jay..." you called him in the moment you notice his happy trail full on display and looking more to him you notice the absent of shorts or boxers at all." Can you get dressed, please?"
Your plea just made him chukle."But I'm more comfortable like this, babe." Jason pouted as he rolled on top on you, trapping you under his weight and attaking you with kisses all over your face but your lips.
Your giggles only made him happier, melting down his heart in an instant; he was amazed with how much he changgd when you were around. Jason kissed your nose before pulling away, contemplainting your blushed face.
"You're cute when you sleep, you know that?" you blurted out, sourronding his waist with your arms. Jason stood silent for a moment, taken back from your sudden compliment.
Jason wished he could tell you something nice in return, maybe about how cute you looked now or about how pretty your hair was, but nothing came on his mind and that dissapointed him a bit.
"Thanks" he said awkardly, leaning down on you and carefully resting his head on your chest."You can still enjoy how cute I look." he muttered before closing his eyes once again, enjoying the soothing feeling of your fingers caressing his scalp.
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Tag list: @nervousfandom @la-femme-lupita @c0-77 @violettessuniverse @jasontoddismyhusband @jasonsballsack
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fxllxnbx · 3 years
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Byun Lee Baekhyun
Date of birth (fell) : May 6th. Blood type: heavenly. Species: (Fallen) angel (Abilities: Come from the runes on his right arm. His power’s source is light. He can manipulate it, can create shields, and protection with it. Empathy. He can see through lies and hallucinations. One of his runes can trigger creativity and bring comfort to people. His light can form wild horses that will chase away the demons and monsters. Dimensional travel, He’s allowed in heaven and hell and he can fly with his wings. Size manipulation: can make his wings huge to a limit.. or tiny.) From: Heaven, but currently in Seoul. Languages: Can speak any language. Height: 174cm Weight: 69kg Relationship status: Married to Bae on 14.08.2020 Working as: Tattoo artist at his own shop called The Archangel. Tattoos/Piercings: 4 Tattoos, a labret piercing. Hobbies: Drawing, spray painting, flying, traveling. Likes: Art, music, dancing, singing at karaoke, french fries, fast food, motorbikes, people with a kind and caring behavior, people that have a strong faith in God, the color red, and blue, sunflowers. Dislikes: Cucumbers. Bullies, traitors, liars, cheaters…….. Pets: Darth ByunLee (a black rabbit), Luke SkyByunLee (a hedgehog)
A big no for this muse: People that cause any harm to another being by utter pleasure.
Must know before interacting: He smokes. He cusses every five words. He gets loud out of nowhere. Baekhyun is empathetic. He can sense emotions from others and feel them as if they’re his own. And that gives him a short temper. He might react aggressively if his buttons are pushed (I’ll talk to the mun first). Low alcohol tolerance.  While yes, he is a fallen angel, he is still strongly devoted to Father. Which allowed him to keep his powers and wings. 
Important people: Bae ( @frczenpcetry ) his husband. Baekhyun ( @blueskybaek ) his twin. Somin ( @blkjkr ) his best friend. Chan ( @humminxbirds ) his adopted child. Hyunseung ( @89xhshb ) his best friend. (and all his friends and family tbfh)
Story:  (tw for mentions of suicide attempts, depression) This is messy and will be fixed later.
Created by the hands of God, made of light. Baekhyun was made a guardian angel almost 5 centuries ago. The angel with fluflly white wings, blonde hair, blue eyes, dazzling halo. He started with important tasks right away as to be taught the importance of responsibility. He took care of people during Joseon Dynasty. From non catholics, to people that would take pleasure in hurting others, and so on. Baekhyun had always been taught to keep a distance, for his own sake. He learned to fight, learned that he had abilities to see through people, and find who they truly were despite the masks they wore. His light guided him, God guided him. 
As of 1973, he was sent to take care of a girl. and Baekhyun had been told many times to be careful with her, to remember that God had a plan for everyone, and that some things were to not be interfered with.  As time passed, Baekhyun grew more and more worried with the woman he was a guardian angel to. She was lonely, she was sad, and even when he tried to comfort her, to bring her creativity to be distracted from her emotions, the emotions were still there. They enhanced the creativity even. Baekhyun couldn’t understand that.  One of his siblings had once more warned him, please be careful. Keep a distance. Angels never felt anything other than the peace and sense of responsibility.
The day had been rough on the woman, for reasons that had Baekhyun almost losing faith in humanity. She stood in front of the by the sidewalk, gaze longing at the road in front of them, but the lights were green. She couldn’t cross it.  The angel knew of her plan, it wouldn’t be the first time he saved her from taking her own life. It was considered a sin. She would be condemned. He stopped in front of her, trying to search in her eyes something that he could work on. Was he too close? She looked at him, deep in his eyes, as if she could see the angel in front of her. And that was when Baekhyun felt it for the first time, that deep sorrow that seemed to be eating him from inside out. A despair so big that took his breath away, the feeling of loss. He fell to his knees as those emotions took over him, and the woman took her step forward.  Now he understood how she felt, why she wanted everything to end. And still, the angel made himself visible to human eye, even if in his mind, Baekhyun remembered clearly of the words “God’s will”, and he lauched forward and grabbed her elbow, pulling her back in time to save her from a car that was speeding up. 
….. 2012.
It is morning, the sun is shining way too bright in his eyes. He doesn’t remember falling asleep, but he also doesn’t remember waking up. His mouth is dry but his body is still soaked, the waves breaking at the shore, and at his feet. He could taste the sand, the sun, and the salt from the ocean in his tongue. Someone, something had pulled him out of the water, somehow his wings were broken. After a good moment breathing, trying to remember what happened, trying to understand where he was, and what happened, he sits up, his whole body shaking. He can tell he is alone, but why? He forces himself to think, and notices that the more he tries to keep himself sitting, with his arms supporting his weight, more his arm, his right arm burnt in a specific spot. His eyes land on it and he sees a mark, a rune lighting up. He knows it, what it means… Honor. His memory returns like a harsh slap in the face, bringing tears to his eyes, fingers run through his hair and along with the water dripping from it, there’s blood. Panic starts rising in a way that he never, ever felt before in his life, and to make sure this isn’t just some sick game, he unfurls his wings and looks at them… Black like the night. And he screams.
For years Baekhyun lived his life in search of a purpose, he felt guilty and neglected himself, ignored the mark of honor that had been given him. He felt as if he had to prove himself still worthy of trust, even when sacrificing himself for his human already made him a being of honor, it granted him heaven. 
But he felt unworthy.
He opened his own tattoo studio, and made his name famous among tattoo artists.
It was only when he met Bae, and this person that looked like him and had his name, his human twin, that he felt like he was given another chance instead of being punished by being sent to Earth.
he understood, he had been given a chance of being happy again.
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otomelavenderhaze · 4 years
Unsolved business - RayanxCandy (mclul-mclll) 
I fixed it. 
Now Melody knows that Rayan and Candy are a couple. You guys can thank me later. This one is fluflly and me, finally, washing over my soul after everything that Melody put me through on mclul. So Candy hates Melody in this one, I’m sorry, but I needed closure. I do think this one came out a little bit funny tho. 
It was only a month since my internship in another city started, but away from him, it felt like six. Even with the non-stopping texting, the video calls, and the normal calls every day, at the end of that first month, I was dying to be in his arms again.
That’s why I took the first train running on Saturday, 9:30 am, bags on hands and so excited that I couldn’t stop the stupid grin stuck on my lips. Nothing could keep my mind distracted while I saw the landscape passing through my window. I tried to hear some music, but my mind was all over the place.
Before the train even arrived at its destination station, I was up, the first in front of the door. I jumped off, soon as I was allowed to. On my tiptoes, tried to spot his casually messy hair, his tall and handsome figure.
When I finally saw him, Rayan was already making his way towards me, with a smile as huge and silly as my own. 
Soon I was running, the station not that full, not waiting for him reach me.
Not giving a single damn to all the people around us, let out an overjoyed sound and I threw myself at him, being caught skillfully by strong arms in the air. I had dropped my bag on the floor, my arms and legs around him, safe and sound with him supporting my weight.
Before we could catch our breath, my lips met his, kissing him hungrily. He let out a muffled moan, biting down on my bottom lip. One of his hand going at the back of my neck, griping, keeping our mouths together. My hands went to his soft hair, pulling them back, savoring his warm, his taste and the feeling of having him like that.
I could feel the eyes of others, probably seeing a young adult girl acting like a crazy teenager and holding at a man almost 10 years older than her, little did they knew that he used to also be my teacher. But it was none of their business.
Rayan seemed to think the same, because he didn’t let me go, not even when I finally gave him space to breath.
“I missed you too.” He told me, green eyes melting on mine. Our noses nearly touching.
“Stop reading my mind.” I laughed, so happy, so complete again. “And of course you missed me just that much.”
He shook his head at me, “Not as much, I missed you way more than that.” His honesty making me beam. “I can’t wait to take you home.”
Home. Our home. Our apartment.
“I can’t wait for that either.” I kissed him again, more tenderly this time.
When we stepped out from the apartment, it was already noon.
I nearly convinced him that we didn’t have to leave at all, that we could spend the rest of the day on bed, but Rayan insisted that we should go out, grab something to eat and then come back home. It was an excuse. I knew that. He wanted us to go out for a little date, so we wouldn’t spend that whole weekend cloistered inside home, just the way he knew I was expecting things to be.
Before my graduation, going out to somewhere nearby to grab anything to eat together or even enjoying a proper date, without worrying with who we could bump to, was impossible, too risky. At that time, we had too much to lose; his job, my place as his student, our reputation.
Now, with his hand holding mine, walking down the street at his side, all those fears from just few months ago got forgotten, and I knew, that was the reason why he insisted for us going out. That sense of normality, freedom, that was so new but real now between us.
We talked about the new article he was writing, about a new series he started watching, from my part he asked me about my interns, about what I was learning and my new experiences. I told him about my crazy boss, about her swing moods and how I was starting to miss Clement. His laugh warming my chest, god, I missed his laugh so much.
We were in our little bubble, even when we absentmindedly entered our favorite cafeteria, so distracted that we didn’t saw her at first.
“Professor! Candy!”
I would recognize that voice anywhere. The voice that was by itself enough to annoy me, so girly and full of adulation. By reflex I tried to let go of his hand and give a step at side, but Rayan didn’t let me. He kept our hands together between us, still too close to be casual.
As if summoned from the depths of hell, Melody stopped in front of us, her perceptive blue eyes dropping at our hands only to give a polite smile and quick to ignore it.
“What odd a surprise! Did you two ran into each other outside?”
Like it wouldn’t be possible that he has asked me out. I rolled my eyes.
“Not exactly.” It was my short response, my tone clear: it isn’t your business. Rayan was watching me, but I didn’t meet his eyes. “We’re in a hurry, Melody, now if you could excuse us.”
“Oh, no! Don’t say that Candy.” She was playing nice, innocent round eyes on me. “We need to catch up.” Saying that, she turned all her attention to Rayan, giving him a dazzling smile. “Professor, it’s so good seeing you. I was waiting for you to answer my texts.”
My body tensed up at her words, Rayan noticed and was quick to reply:
“I didn't got any from you. You must have sent it to the wrong number.”
I could tell he was lying, but apparently that little mattered for Melody, because she was pulling out her phone from her purse still with that annoying smile.
“Then, give me your number again, I promise to keep in touch.” When I heard the edge of flirt on her voice, I shook my head in disbelief. She held out her cellphone for him, but Rayan didn’t move to take it.
“I still have your number. If you haven’t change it, then all I need to do is send you a text myself.” He told her, giving her a polite smile, far more in control of the situation than I was. “Now if y…”
But she interrupted him, getting close of us. I was too speechless to know what to do.
“I heard from Alexy that you got really lucky with your internship, Candy. Congrats.” But Melody still had her eyes on Rayan. “It’s on another city isn’t it? Are you staying at Rosa’s?”
“No.” I smiled, feeling too little generous to measure my words. “I’m staying at my own place, I have a new address here.” Go on, ask about it.
“Oh, really?” She didn’t gave me more than a glance, clearly not interested. “Isn’t that too expensive? Keeping two places in two different cities? Are you parents still paying for your bills?”
“Nah, I moved in with my boyfriend.”
That finally brought her attention full at me, she saw my big smile and raise one of her brows. Confused with my change of mood.
“Moved in? Didn’t you just move out? Did you and Castiel finally got together?”
Rayan clicked his tongue at Castiel’s name, not happy with it. I laughed at that, finding it funny how she was trying so hard to deny what was just in front of her.
“You’re not making much sense, Melody.” I told her, casually leading on Rayan’s side and embracing him, my head on his chest. He took me in, his hands resting in my hips. “I never was with Castiel. Not even close. No” I looked up, studying Rayan’s face “Castiel isn’t my type, I’m more into older, wiser man with a fine ass.”
Rayan laughed, leading in to kiss my forehead. But I wasn’t done, I turned my head to her, still resting it at my boyfriend’s strong chest. His heartbeat against my cheek, I gave her a smug grin.
“And he is not sending you any text.” I told her, letting my possessiveness take over. “He is too busy texting me every day to do that.”
Her mouth hang open at my words, her eyes nearly popping off from her face.
I saw her try to articulate an answer, but before she could make any other annoying observation or sound of any sort, I pulled away from Rayan and took his hand, this time showing it clearly at her. Try to ignore that, bitch.
Rayan followed me out, still amused but trying to pretend he wasn’t.
“That was unnecessary. I had everything under control.” he pretended to scold me, ruining it when he let out another laugh and hugged me by the side, while we walked together. My smile now more genuine than ever. “And that was very immature as well.”
I glanced over him, suspiciously.  
“How many other female students still have your cellphone’s number?”
“Some few.” He dared say, the joke clear by the arc of his lips, his green eyes shining, even at the dim light of the post lights, his hair still a mess from early. Didn’t even bother fixing it when we left the apartment, knowing that soon I would make another mess out of them.
“We’re going to block them all later.” It wasn’t a question.
“Gosh, my girl is so bossy.” He mused, giving a quick kiss on my neck. “I thought we would be too busy for anything else.” his words like a caress, low and tentative.
“If you do it quickly, we won’t have to change our plans.” My voice matched his, promising all sorts of things. He groaned with appreciation and I knew he would do anything that I wanted him to do later.
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yoonswan · 5 years
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Icons Fluflly especial Jungkook Hair Pink
⋆Não edite eles;
⋆Não retire meu user;
⋆Caso for repostar em algum lugar me de os devidos créditos;
Todos são de 200x200estou disponibilizando eles pelo drive para que a qualidade deles não caia.
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remadoras · 8 years
Hi! Just wanna say I love, love your kabby gifs! They're all so pretty:) and I was wondering if you read any kabby fanfiction? I'm new to the fandom so I'm really hungry for some fics, but it's been hard for me to find good ones because the majority of them on ao3 are actually c***a or b******e fics (kabby as side pairing in them) so I'd really appreciate it if you could recommend me some good kabby fics! Thank you in advance!
Hey there! tysm for the compliment I don’t deserve it >3 and yes, I do read fanfic. I can’t say I’ve read every single one of them but definitely 80% of them. below are some of the fics that I like. please know that I’m not into au fics soooo if you like au you probably need to ask somebody else😂
 (since I don’t know every writer’s url here I’m gonna link their ao3 account page)
literally everything written by lelawry. She’s my favorite writer in the kabby fandom and i like everything she writes (yes even the au fics) my favorites are The things you said, 15 Ways to Build a Life and Downpour
also everything written by EllanaSan. Ways To Salvation is her kabby fics collection and every fic in it is fantastic. This, this, and this are my faves of the collection. also Five Facets Of Abby Griffin by her is one of my favorites!!
Maegfen also writes great fics. Lessons, Three times Marcus and Abby were interrupted and one time they weren’t, Five times Marcus kissed Abby (and one time he didn’t) are all amazing. also remember I said I’m not into AU fics? well this soulmate au fic by her fucked me up bye
fics by enigmaticagentscully are all so good and fluflly shalkfjklfjalkf!! especially Hair Today, Gone Tomorrow, Everyone Can See It, Kom Skaikru and Thunderstorm
High on love (and other things!), Let’s call it hope and Caught by CharminglyyEvil; !!!
Plunge and The Generals by anextrapart; so cute I nearly died
all we know and unfinished business by victorias; I LOVE THE LATTER SO MUCH YOU HAVE NO IDEA
i’m wondering (if you’d come wandering my way) and gust of a rosebush, wheat of wind by erudite (noblydonedonnanoble)
A Million Things I Haven’t Done, Look Around, Look Around, and What Should Be, Will Be by Amethystkitten; cuteness. overload.
I found love where it wasn’t supposed to be by convenientmisfires and daylightfalls; gREAT FIC
a voice straight to god by glitteration; seriously, so good
this world is gonna break your heart by convenientmisfires; another amazing soulmate au fic 
for every matter under heaven and The Mortician by simplyprologue; so well written❤️
The Letter and Losing Your Memory by Miss_Peletier both fucked me up real good lol
I Need You So Much Closer by CaroltheQueen (always_1895); I’m not really into smuts but this one is so good👌🏻👀 her other fics are good as well
and that’s pretty much it! I know there are still a lot of amazing fics but it’s impossible to find them all:( these are the ones I like the most so I hope you’re satisfied with this answer and thanks to all these amazing writers >33 
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