floydsglasses · 2 months
𝙄𝙩𝙨 11 𝙖𝙩 𝙣𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙢𝙤𝙧𝙚 𝘿𝙖𝙜𝙜𝙚𝙧 𝙎𝙦𝙪𝙖𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨
( I was like half asleep making these)
Bradley if being a naval pilot didn't work out for him he would have joined up to be a major leaguer
Natasha hates horses, she went saddle backing one time as a kid, got bucked off scarred her for life
Javy is always snacking on something, it calms him to have something to chew on (proof Hard Deck Bar scene)
Rueben is the one to ask where is a good place to eat, he has taste and will tell which place is worth trying and which is a skip
Mickey has those little car tree smell things, he likes the strawberry smells because it reminds him of his grandparents
Bob has only ever gotten into one physical fight his entire life, he was in Middle School and was still a quiet kid then, his friend was being beaten up so he stepped in fucked the kid up so bad people looked at him like he was hurt them next (Allah Perks of Being a Wallflower type beat)
Jake is the kind of person who says he isn't picky about his food and yet he will still not let his food touch certain ones
Bob collects Funkos, only ones from like movies he actually enjoys and if had the money would go to conventions
Javy or Bradley, was a lifeguard at a public pool when they were teenagers, and they had little girls trying to "get their attention" like if you know you know they found it amusing
Natasha is a health nut, like she will not leave her local whole foods with out checking every fruit or product she bought without weighting them.
Rueben when he was a kid growing up in Georgia ( he gives me those vibes) he would always sneak out to a park at night watching planes take off from the nearby air force base, inspiring him to join up.
Mickey is a total sports fanatic, like tailgates and front row tickets, he is there and will desperately try to get his friends into game (much like real life)
Javy has the best taste in clothes, like the best style out of the daggers, doesn't matter if he is in sweats and a plain jersey he still has charisma falling from him
Jake was never properly taught how to do certain manly things from his dad like change a tire or check his own oil, so he taught himself how to.
Bradley after losing his dad, he would sneak into his closet and take Goose's bomber jacket, sometimes falling asleep with it in his bed, Carole eventually gave it to him when he was old enough. He wore it out that he had to retire it, never selling it though
Mickey can't shoot whiskey, doesn't matter how much someone tries to get him to do it he can't stand the taste, however tequila and beer he is good with
Rueben is a secret F1 Fan, and secretly checks the stats if he is on a detachment with his phone.
Bob when he was a kid would go to a dude ranch as a kid, and he can still ride a horse better then anyone in his family
Natasha is a great cook, and food is her love language of sorts, recommending what would be better for her friends/partners
Jake used to be artsy when he was a kid, but he grew out of it when his dad took his picture off the fridge even after his mom said not too
Bradley can't really swim well, he can stand shallow water or pools but like lakes and stuff is a no go
Javy was a swimmer in college, he would have gone to the Olympics if not for his love for the navy and his mom encouraging him to chase his dreams
(okay like I said I was half asleep making this so if they don't make much sense then oh well)
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delopsia · 2 days
Heyyy! For the fic asks?! ✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
I hope you're doing good and you have kicked some serious ass today 🫶🏼💜
Fic ask game! Hiiiii! *waves*
✦ what was your easiest fic to write & your hardest?
I love that everyone is asking me this specific question, haha. I have so many different answers to this, and it's fun to remember all of my previous horrors 💃🌷
Easiest? I'm still saying Almost Ecstacy or Better. I feel like I blacked out during both of those and just came out the other side with a fully complete fic.
Hardest? I cannot believe I forgot this one, Flowers In November. For no reason other than she was MASSIVE, and I had no right to be tackling a 45,000-word fic when I was still rediscovering my own skillset. I think I'd only been writing for three months at that point? After a multi-year hiatus? I remember sitting there, 20k words in, wondering what the hell was wrong with me 😂 I'm glad she exists now, but wow, that was a rough one
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bobgasm · 4 months
Heyy! How is your day going so far! Mediocre or could be better?
hey! it could be better 😩 it’s 3:20am and i should still be asleep 🫠 how is yours going?
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bobfloydssunnies · 3 months
Heyy! Aims! for the weird asks 94 and 96!! 💜 96. desktop background? 94. favorite season?
Hiii Grace!! ❤️
94. favorite season?
my favorite season is probably fall that’s when i thrive best i get to wear all my cute outfits then too (the dean winchester outfit comes out and my carhartt clothes)
96. desktop background?
i don’t have my laptop with me but i found a picture of it in my camera roll on my phone. it’s icemav art from an artist i really like on instagram and i follow them on patreon (there handle on instagram is ohmsnwattsonart )
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jungle-angel · 2 months
Four Generations (Bob Floyd x Reader)
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Summary: Imagine everybody's surprise when four generations of Floyd men suddenly show up at the base one day and Jake's shock that Bob has a wife
Warnings: Pregnancy, parenthood, the Floyd men definitely fuck, Bob's mom is a MILF etc.
Tagging: @floydsmuse @floydsglasses @withahappyrefrain @rhettabbotts @callmemana @attapullman
"Dumbest training exercise ever!" Natasha groaned.
"And of course this is where our fuckin taxpayer dollars are going," Rooster complained.
"At least it's over and we can go home," Hangman told them.
"Yo guys, check this out," Coyote said suddenly.
The sight of two older men making their way up the tarmac with a small, bespectacled child came into view. Beside them was a very obviously pregnant young lady, no doubt the mother of the child that one of the men carried.
"Who the hell are they?" Natasha wondered.
"Beats me," Rooster answered. "Maybe somebody's relatives?"
The four of them caught sight of Bob, still in his flight suit, hurrying to meet them. The younger of the two men set the small child right down on the ground, the little guy running right to Bob who scooped him up and threw him into a fit of giggling.
"No.......fucking.......way......." Hangman chuckled.
"So does that mean.......?"
"Yep," Natasha laughed.
Bob soon made his way over with the small group, smiling at the bemused faces of his fellow pilots. "Ya'll look confused," he said to them.
"I just.......we didn't think that......" Coyote stammered.
"What?" Bob chuckled. "That it was just me?"
The sheepish looks on their faces said it all.
"Well," Bob said. "Maybe this is the time for introductions. This is my dad, my grandpa and my lovely, lovely wife (y/n). And this little guy, is August Robert."
The four pilots were surprised to say the least, Bob's father and grandfather? A wife and kids? Bob had never talked about any of them before.
As soon as the day was done, everyone had met at The Hard Deck for dinner and a beer. Getting to know each other had been interesting to say the least.
"You Goose's kid?" Joe Floyd asked him.
"Yes sir," Rooster replied.
"I used to fly with your old man," Joe explained. "Flew with Mav and Iceman and all the rest of'em, callsign 'was 'Rabbit'."
"Why'd they call you Rabbit?" Natasha asked.
"Take a guess," Bob chuckled, munching on his fries.
"Bob's Ma and I already had a mess of kids by the time I was stationed out here," Joe explained. "I'd get back from a deployment and the next thing I knew, she'd tell me she was pregnant. Starting to think the boy's taking after me."
Everyone laughed but Bob was blushing with embarrassment. "How many siblings does he have?" Natasha asked.
"Eight," Joe said with a shit eating grin. "Four boys, four girls. Bob's the youngest."
"Jeez Bob!" Hangman exclaimed.
"Oh that's nothing," (y/n) told him. "Lowell, which one is Joe again?"
"Seventh of thirteen," Lowell answered with a laugh.
"Holy shit!"
"Yep, his Ma and I had thirteen," Lowell laughed.
A woman walked into the bar, catching the eyes of the Daggers, her white sundress swishing against her knees and a denim jacket tied around her waist. Joe got up to meet her, placing a chaste kiss right on her lips.
Coyote was the next to get up, asking to see Bob in private for a minute. The two of them slipped into the men's room where hopefully no one would hear them.
"Dude ya'll didn't tell me your mom was a MILF!!!" he whispered sharply.
"And why would I tell you that?" Bob questioned.
"Bro ya'll could've warned us!" Coyote told him. "I was not expecting to get half a stiff at the dinner table when she walked in."
"AW FUCK! WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?!" Bob exclaimed.
"I'm sorry dude."
"Man that's my mom!!!!" Bob groaned in disgust. "You're a sick motherfucker Javy."
When everyone had finished and were heading home for the night, you and Bob buckled Auggie into his little carseat and made your way home.
"Did he really?" you asked when Bob told you about the bathroom conversation.
"Oh yeah, it was pretty gross," Bob chuckled.
You laughed. "I know your mom well enough," you told him. "She's sweet and innocent and all, but man. I remember when you and I got married and she gave me so much info that I thought she was Stifler's Mom."
You and Bob laughed the whole way home, Auggie still asleep in the back and your unborn son kicking away in your belly. You were glad to have met the rest of the Daggers, hoping with all hope that the family bonds would deepen and become unbreakable.
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bullet-prooflove · 6 months
Something Else: Bode Leone x Reader (NSFW)
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Tagging: @jeysbae @cloveroctobers @dizzybee03 @a-porcelain-gir1 @missy203 @floydsglasses @@alixw22x @shelbygeek @muligatorrr @jaybae @yousigned-upforthis @kmc1989 @brenobikenobi @mini-bee-bee @timmybradford @zippeylay @rhilee91 @switchbladeclub @itzkiarabxtches @girlinwounderland @choppedgalaxynerd @drunkangels @freecreationpost @stefani-topaz @chlo-lo14
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One of Bode’s favourite things about being out on parole is the upgrade in shower facilities.
In prison you get ten minutes in the company with at least one other person, you try not to look but it’s incidental. The water was always freezing cold or scalding, there’s no in between. It was different at fire camp, you get fifteen minutes to yourself but the water pressure was shitty and the temperature tepid at best.
At home with you he gets as much hot water as he wants for as long as he wants, and baths…
They are a game changer after a hard day working construction or volunteering with Cal Fire.
Another thing he enjoys is the aromatherapy aspect. He’s used to relying on the shit they have in commissary and then what Cap was able to source from the General Store. It was always nameless, scentless, rough on his skin.
When he comes across the Wild & Sage stall at the Farmer’s Market he’s overwhelmed, he’s always liked the idea of natural products he’s just never been able to try them due to his legal predicament.
“I don’t know what to choose.” He says softly to you, his fingertips trailing over the silver reuseable containers. “There’s so many…”
“That’s what samples are for.” You say quietly, taking his hand in yours. You dab your fingers into the moisturising cream before spreading it across the back of his hand. He raises it to his nose inhaling it and that scent, the woodsy overtone, it makes everything feel a little lighter. His skin feels softer, less tight, less dry.
He spends over thirty minutes in front of that stall, talking with the vendor, trying all the samples. He works out what he likes, what he doesn’t like. He ends up spending a small fortune on toiletries, something he’s never done in his life.
“It’s nice to see you investing in yourself.” You tell him, when you come back from the florist with a bouquet of sunflowers tucked into the crook of your arm.
He smiles when the bathroom door clicks open, he sees your shape beyond the frosted glass, hears the sound of your clothes falling onto the tiles. This is the other thing he likes, the company.
“Hi.” He murmurs as you step underneath the stream of water with him.
“Hi.” You say, your fingers threading through his damp hair as you press against him.
“God you feel good.” He whispers against your lips, your fingers wrap around his cock and he inhales sharply because the sensation of your hand working him over, it’s bliss.
“But this is better right?” You tease, your thumb tracing over the tip of his cock.
He moans into your mouth because you, you have magic hands. He’ll never get tired of the way you touch him, the light brush of your fingertips, the steady intense pressure of your palm. The ecstasy, it builds in the base of his spine, searing through his synapses as you stroke him a little faster, a little harder. His breathing becomes ragged, his kisses messy, he’s right there at the edge of the precipice when your pussy envelops him.
He can’t think, he can’t breathe, all he can do revel in the sensation of that tight wet heat as it grips him.
“Baby.” He drawls as you clench around the tip of his dick. “Fuck baby, fuck!”
He comes so fucking hard that he sees stars, his release spilling into you. When he pulls out, it coats the head of his cock. You grasp his shaft, smearing his spent all over your pussy and he almost loses it all over again. You kill him with this shit, he swears to God, you do.
“You are something else you know that?” He murmurs, his forehead coming to rest coming to rest upon yours. “Truly you are.”
Love Bode? Don’t miss any of his stories by joining the taglist here.
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eternalsams · 2 months
I'm about to start writing a Tyler Owens x reader thing and I wanted to know who wanted into the taglist
edit: it's posted
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people who might be interested:
@sailor-aviator @hardballoonlove @senawashere @floydsglasses @djs8891 @goldenseresinretriever @callsign-magnolia @blue-aconite @books4ever03
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sugarcoated-lame · 1 month
WIP Wednesday
thank you sm for the tag! @pearlessance 💗💗
so… i don’t really have a ton written for any of these 🥲 so instead of a snippet, i’m just gonna list the fics i’m currently working on!
• pre-outbreak/no-outbreak joel x baker!reader
• no-outbreak joel x reader series based on the book/movie ‘safe haven’
• jackson joel x pregnant widowed!reader (will probably be a miniseries with 2 or 3 parts)
• pre-outbreak tommy miller x sarah’s teacher!reader (one shot) based on this little blurb
• older bf!frankie morales x inexperienced/virgin!reader (might be a miniseries)
• on the road (the title is probably gonna change lol) - post-outbreak tommy miller x virgin!reader
​i also have an idea written down for a grumpy x sunshine dave york x barista!reader fic, but idk if i’m actually gonna end up writing it lol 🫣
no pressure tags: @sebsxphia @hangmanssunnies @joelsdagger @joelsgreys @sunlightmurdock @mrsmando @guiltyasdave @floydsglasses @floydsmuse @rhettabbotts @honeyedmiller @desert-fern @startrekfangirl2233 @itsokbbygrl @tonysopranosrobe @joelslegalwhre @joelsgreenflannel @inthe-dark-tonight (ik i’m a bit late to this, so sorry if you’ve already been tagged) ❤️
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sorchathered · 6 months
Bob had been back on North Island from the uranium mission for about a week when they got the news the dagger squad would become a permanent fixture at Top Gun. Anticipation thrummed through him all day as he waited for her call, he hadn’t seen her in weeks and he couldn’t wait to have his family back. After a long day in the air he stepped out of the jet and onto the tarmac, hearing the sweetest voice he’d ever heard calling to him from the hangar. There in the doorway was a gangly 13 year old girl, red hair, freckles, braces and frames just like Bob’s, tearing across the tarmac with squeals as she ran into the arms of her father. He and Ellie had been in their senior year of high school when she got pregnant with Nora, both just terrified kids themselves but they had thrived under the pressure, completing their respective universities and starting their careers with their little one in tow, and now here she was, his little angel all grown up, sometimes it broke his heart how fast the time had flown. The remaining squad members on the tarmac all gawked at him, they knew he had kids but they’d all assumed they were toddlers, not a teenager who was nearly as tall as her 6’1” father. Not too far behind her were 3 more kids, Nathan who was 7, Wyatt who was 4, and little 2 year old Brady, toddling behind as fast as his tiny legs could carry him. He scooped all of them up with Nora’s help, peering behind them to find his beautiful wife, 6 months pregnant with their newest addition and glowing like an angel sent from heaven. God he loved his life.
I’ve mentioned Bob and Ellie a little in SNB but here’s a preview of what I’ve got in the works 👀
Tagging- @attapullman @bobgasm @sebsxphia @floydsglasses @floydsmuse @roosterforme
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sebsxphia · 2 months
how does pinterest see you? search these and pick the first photo: celebrity, shoes, outfit, aesthetic, purse and makeup look.
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thank you so much for the tags: @sugarcoated-lame @roosterforme @floydsglasses @auroralightsthesky! 💌
no pressure tags: @sunblchdfly @floydsmuse @oncasette @unmistakablyunknown @sorchathered
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bradleybeachbabe · 19 days
fall/spooky season blurb sleepover!
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hi everyone! i’m hosting my annual fall/spooky season blurb sleepover! i have been doing this for the past three years <3
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as long as this post is pinned, you are welcome to send requests but as soon as it is unpinned, please refrain from sending more
spam me with requests, i don’t mind at all!!
here’s the list of everyone i write for!
if you don’t want to use a prompt from below, you can always send in your own concept/scenario. i’m totally okay with that :)
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prompt lists:
list a
list b
list c
list d
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tagging some lovely moots to start off this blurb night!! @auroralightsthesky @fluentmoviequoter @sarahsmi13s @glenscowboyhat @cevansbaby-dove @lovinglyeternal @floydsglasses @fiction-is-life @dracculaura @desert-fern @katsu28 @fairyheart @sebsxphia @cherryobx @callmemana
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floydsglasses · 3 months
Wanted Dead Or Alive - Jake Seresin
(I had so much fun splicing this audio in the words of another famous green eye man "Bon Jovi Rocks...on occasion" ugh this man been running my life since January)
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fairyheart · 1 month
post your picrew and the most recent song you listened to!
Thanks for the tag @sugarcoated-lame!! 💜😘
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No pressure tags: @peachystenbrough @floydsmuse @lewmagoo @floydsglasses @bobfloydssunnies @sweetandsour18 @withahappyrefrain @bradleybeachbabe @becks-things @likearolloftape @callmemana @ereardon @hederasgarden @bradshawswife @nouis-bum @rhettabbotts @hangmanapologist @spidervman @cumholland And anyone else that wants to!
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alwayschasingrainbows · 8 months
Okay, so. Rules. Shuffle your on repeat playlist and post the first 10 tracks, then tag ten people.
@autumnrose thank you so much for the tag!!! <3
I know it is going to look like I listen only to Taylor Swift's songs, but somehow that's how my 10 first tracks look like...
(I also like other kinds of music, I promise, but it is what it is):
Ivy by Taylor Swift
Champagne Problems by Taylor Swift
The Ballad of Lucy Baird by Rachel Zegler
The Old Therebefore by Rachel Zegler
Willow by Taylor Swift
Long Story Short by Taylor Swift
Gold Rush by Taylor Swift
The Lakes by Taylor Swift
Peace by Talor Swift
Wildest Dreams by Taylor Swift
So it is only fair to finish off this question with this:
Taylor Swift on my playlist be like: ME!!!
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Thank you again for the tag, @autumnrose11 ! Here is a heart for you:
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@smolgreybunny , @floydsglasses , @winniebell , @zyrafowe-sny , @sparklepink12k , @alexanaraxadel , @thesweetnessofspring , @the-lily-blooms-late , @kerrymoncherrie , @moonlightredfern
And everyone who feels like participating!
If they want to participate and haven't been tagged already;)
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bobfloydssunnies · 8 months
For the Soft Asks,
23:favorite piece of clothing?
okay i have two things because i couldn't choose between them the first one is a hoodie but specifically my niall horan on the loose hoodie and the second is just this one plain oversized black shirt i have cause its just a comfy staple piece
soft asks
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jungle-angel · 3 months
Hot And Bothered: Part 2 (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: With a heat wave still hanging over Wabang, you and Rhett find a way to make the best of it
Warnings: SMUT (no minors allowed in the treehouse)
Tagging: @floydsmuse @floydsglasses @bradleybeachbabe @sebsxphia
Another hot day, muggy and sticky with temps pushing 90. The skies above Wabang, though blue, were hazy with the heat, everything blurred by the humidity in the air.
Rhett heard his phone vibrating on the bedside table, rolling over and reaching for it, answering as soon as he saw your contact photo. "Hey baby," he yawned.
"You slept in?" you chuckled.
"Yeah, Dad said no work today," Rhett groaned. "Too fuckin hot. Him and Ma went out."
"Just for the day?"
"Nope, they're outta town," he answered. "They're up near Uncle John's place."
He scrunched his eyebrows together when you were silent. "Babes?"
"You still there?"
"Gimme about twenty minutes and I'll be home," you told him.
Rhett smiled and wriggled a little bit under the sheets. "Alright sweetheart, love you," Rhett said before hanging up.
"Love you too."
As soon as the call had ended Rhett smiled and chuckled to himself, once again wriggling his hips a little.
You quickly entered the house and shut the door, kicking off your sandals and dropping your stuff near the couch. "Rhett?" you called. "Rhett are you home?"
Sure enough, he came right down the stairs in nothing but his tight black boxers, pulling you close to him. "Daddy's home baby," he laughed, planting a kiss right on your lips.
You laughed as he kissed you, pressing himself against you and pinning you against the wall. You moaned a little as he trailed his lips from yours, across your cheek and down the curve of your neck. He nipped at your collarbone and at the little sliver of cleavage as your hands grasped at the curls on the back of his neck.
"Mmmmm baby you smell so good," he purred, his big hands grasping your waist.
"Bed......Rhett, bed."
"Bed, now."
Rhett laughed a little as he scooped you up, bridal style and carried you upstairs to your bed where he placed you. He crawled right on top of you, fervently kissing your lips as he helped undo your sundress. Rhett's nimble fingers unhooked your bra before sliding off your underwear, tossing them both to the corner. Your own hands slid down his back as he kissed you, dipping into his shorts.
"Oh woah! Hey there darlin!" he suddenly blurted out. "What are ya'll doin?"
You delivered a sound, hard smack to his ass, causing him to yelp. "Get those shorts off cowboy," you told him.
"Yes ma'am," he chuckled.
Rhett stripped off his shorts and slid his stiff cock right into you, the squelching audible along with the gasp that escaped your throat. Your moans were music to his ears as he thrust in and out of you, your hands roaming along his back as the two of you kissed each other deeply.
You both released at the same time, out of breath and burning from the effort. "Fuck....." Rhett sighed heavily.
It took you both a minute before you could get up and run a cool bath in your shared bathroom. You got into the bath with Rhett, the two of you cleaning each other off and enjoying each other's company.
"S'fuckin hot," he groaned.
"Yeah but at least you're hear with me," you chuckled.
You both enjoyed the coolness of the bath and each other, never minding the heat that hung heavy outside. Always at times like this, you had been glad to have Rhett as your husband.
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