#flower spotlight
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+ georges rochegrosse 'le chevalier aux fleurs' (1894)
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books · 10 months
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Writer Spotlight: Jamie Beck
Jamie Beck is a photographer residing in Provence, France. Her Tumblr blog, From Me To You, became immensely successful shortly after launching in 2009. Soon after, Jamie, along with her partner Kevin Burg, pioneered the use of Cinemagraphs in creative storytelling for brands. Since then, she has produced marketing and advertising campaigns for companies like Google, Samsung, Netflix, Disney, Microsoft, Nike, Volvo, and MTV, and was included in Adweek Magazine’s “Creative 100” among the industry’s top Visual Artists. In 2022, she released her first book, An American in Provence, which became a NYT Bestseller and Amazon #1 book in multiple categories, and featured in publications such as Vogue, goop, Who What Wear, and Forbes. Flowers of Provence is Jamie’s second book.
Can you tell us about how The Flowers of Provence came to be?
I refer to Provence often as ‘The Garden of Eden’ for her harmonious seasons that bring an ever-changing floral bounty through the landscape. My greatest joy in life is telling her story of flowers through photography so that we may all enjoy them, their beauty, their symbolism, and their contribution to the harmony of this land just a bit longer. 
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(Photograph: Jamie Beck)
How do your photography and writing work together? Do you write as part of your practice?
I constantly write small notations, which usually occur when I am alone in nature with the intention of creating a photograph or in my studio working alone on a still life. I write as I think in my head, so I have made it a very strict practice that when a thought or idea comes up, I stop and quickly write the text in the notes app on my phone or in a pocket journal I keep with me most of the time. If I don’t stop and write it down at that moment, I find it is gone forever. It is also the same practice for shooting flowers, especially in a place as seasonal as Provence. If I see something, I must capture it right away because it could be gone tomorrow. 
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(Photograph: Jamie Beck)
You got your start in commercial photography. What’s something you learned in those fields that has served you well in your current creative direction?
I think my understanding of bridging art and commerce came from my commercial photography background. I can make beautiful photographs of flowers all day long, but how to make a living off your art is a completely different skill that I am fortunate enough to have learned by working with so many different creative brands and products in the past. 
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(Photograph: Jamie Beck)
Do you remember your first photograph?
Absolutely! I was 13 years old. My mother gave me her old Pentax 35mm film camera to play with. When I looked through the viewfinder, it was as if the imaginary world in my head could finally come to life! I gave my best friend a makeover, put her in an evening gown in the backyard of my parents’ house in Texas, and made my first photograph, which I thought was so glamorous! So Vogue!
You situate your photographic work with an introduction that charts the seasons in Provence through flowers. Are there any authors from the fields of nature writing and writing place that inspire you?
I absolutely adore Monty Don! His writing, his shoes, and his ease with nature and flowers—that’s a world in which I want to live. I also love Floret Flowers, especially on social media, as a way to learn the science behind flowers and how to grow them. 
How did you decide on the order of the images within The Flowers of Provence?
Something I didn’t anticipate with a book deal is that I would actually be the one doing the layouts! I assumed I would hand over a folder of images, and an art director would decide the order. At first, it was overwhelming to sort through it all because the work is so personal, and I’m so visual. But in the end, it had to be me. It had to be my story and flow to be truly authentic. I tried to move through the seasons and colors of the landscape in a harmonious way that felt a bit magical, just as discovering Provence has felt to me. 
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(Photograph: Jamie Beck)
How do you practice self-care when juggling work and life commitments alongside the creative process?
The creative process is typically a result that comes out of taking time for self-care. I get some of my best ideas for photographic projects or writing when I am in a bath or shower or go for a long (and restorative) walk in nature. Doing things for myself, such as how I dress or do my hair and makeup, is another form of creative expression that is satisfying. 
What’s a place or motif you’d like to photograph that you haven’t had a chance to yet?
I am really interested in discovering more formal gardens in France. I like the idea of garden portraiture, trying to really capture the essence and spirit of places where man and nature intertwine. 
Which artists do you return to for inspiration?
I’m absolutely obsessed with Édouard Manet—his color pallet and subject matter. 
What are three things you can’t live without as an artist?
My camera, the French light, and flowers, of course. 
What’s your favorite flower to photograph, and why?
I love roses. They remind me of my grandmother, who always grew roses and was my first teacher of nature. The perfume of roses and the vast variety of colors, names, and styles all make me totally crazy. I just love them. They simply bring me joy the same way seeing a rainbow in the sky does. 
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(Photograph: Jamie Beck)
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akihirokurata · 1 month
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玉島にて|Tamashima, Kurashiki
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🍉𝑃𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑆𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡🍉
💐We adore @fihella's words on the history of nature for bkdkbk & just how beautiful it is for the pair! With art as beautiful as hers, we know our zine will have a lovely natured history too!💐
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silverscalestudios · 7 months
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You feel like I'm watching you. What if it was true?
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Our little dance soon became a losing battle. ---
I heard this audio on tiktok and had to make something inspired off of it
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the-unconquered-queen · 9 months
With Blades 2 coming to an end, I just wanna get it off my chest that I'm really not a fan of how they wrote Nia for a great part of this one, particularly vis-à-vis the way they wrote MC. I know I've been saying some stuff along those lines for ages now, but it hasn't left my mind so now I'm gonna actually get into it.
For starters, I think a lot of the issue with Nia's writing was captured pretty well in the tags of this post, particularly on point 2. Like I've said, Nia unfortunately falls into the category of a Mary Sue in that every "flaw" she's given just serves to elevate her to perfection. Hell, even when corrupted—when a person is supposed to be in their most volatile state—the worst she does is be snarky that first chapter (she is aggressive toward MC at one point before this, but it's neither acknowledged nor repeated later). After that, she is entirely normal, just not as much of a pushover, and while I much preferred shadow!Nia, I do think that this really undermines the whole gravity of corruption and b2's emphasis on shadow-light balance, since shadow!Nia comes off as quite balanced already, especially compared to other corrupted characters we've seen.
But here's the thing, that post that got me thinking is months old, and we have gotten more story since then, and what I have noticed is that Nia does, in fact, have one real flaw in canon, but it's the one flaw she's absolutely not meant to have: Nia in canon can at times come off as self-absorbed. She either makes things about herself or doesn't stop people from doing this, and there are multiple examples of it. There is the instance in Riverbend when MC is taking a moment to finally try to process Kade's capture (which, following their own capture, they never got the chance to process) and Nia derails the conversation and makes it about her own grief and is comforted by MC and Mal. Another example is the moment on Gerhard's ship when she vents about the pressure she's been under and lets MC comfort her without at any point considering that MC might have been under similar pressure.
And don't get me wrong, there is nothing wrong with a character putting themselves first. But when the book doesn't waste a single chance to tell us that Nia's character is the complete opposite and that she is chronically incapable of not being considerate 25/8, it's quite contradictory. I mean, you can even call out Ethan Ramsey, PB's golden boy, on making things about himself at some point in OH, but because, unlike Ethan, Nia is written for you to consider her super sweet and wholesome and perfect, the Blades MC actually contributes to this by performing mental gymnastics to turn something around to be about Nia.
Which brings me to my final point: Blades 2 pushed MC to the side to revolve around Nia, but MC is exactly the person they meant for Nia to be, by virtue of the dissonance between showing and telling. They tell you that Nia is selfless because she always puts everyone else first. Well, I can and did name examples showing the contrary, meanwhile, MC is the one who was been through the most traumatic ordeal and is constantly checking in on everyone else without expecting and without receiving much of the same courtesy in return, even apologizing to Nia because she was "carrying all that weight on her own", never mind that MC always has the weight of the world on their shoulders. They tell you that Nia is the heart of the party, but they both told and showed us that everything fell apart without MC.
Even some of Nia's most defining character traits, MC has in similar measure. Nia sees the best in everyone? MC can be the #1 believer in Aerin's redemption after all the shit he pulled. Nia is trusting to the point of naivete? MC literally trusted Valax while she outright told them at every turn she would turn on them at the first opportunity, and was genuinely hurt by the betrayal. Miss me with MC calling Nia "our better self".
Every trait that they've gone out of their way to tell you Nia has they've shown twofold in MC, which is why it's so exasperating to me that they reduced MC to the conduct through which other characters' (particularly Nia's) stories get told while their own is an afterthought. I am by no means saying that two people can't have similar traits or that two people can't be good people at the same time, but there is something about praising these traits in Nia when, based on these, MC should be held to a similar standard. Instead, they relegated MC (main. character.) to a supporting character in Nia's story, elevating every trait that MC possesses only in Nia while ignoring them in MC to the point that many scenes felt frustrating to play.
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k4ema3 · 4 months
Roses can symbolize love & beauty !!
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Petal Series - LUKA
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nordicbananas · 29 days
yay I'm tech!! (one of the four) (there are five tech roles) (there are only four tech people) (for all 4 mini shows) (one person is the entire deck crew one person is all custume and make up crew one person is the entire sound board I'm the entire light board) (we don't have enough people for a spot light op)
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Only other thing I've got to say about the spring broken is
Boyfriends of all time💖
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vocaloidcurated · 1 year
“I’d kiss you goodbye countless times.” Song title: Shama Producer: Nilfruits Voicebank: flower Mood: bittersweet, heart-wrenching, betrayal Why you should listen: what price would you pay for the joy of being loved as yourself for a moment, even if it was your downfall? Content warning: gun violence
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thegirlivealwaysbeen · 9 months
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the emoji 😔😔 not funny babes
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endlessolo · 3 months
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are you normal or do you think about the cruel irony of lakelight lillies being found in the 4.8 fairytale map given how erinnyes's story is heavily romanticized in fontaine literature
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🍉𝑃𝑎𝑔𝑒 𝐴𝑟𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡 𝑆𝑝𝑜𝑡𝑙𝑖𝑔ℎ𝑡🍉
💐With @doodlejoops's art in our pages, it's guaranteed that we'll feel like we're blooming right alongside bkdkbk in the most beautiful way!💐
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yulia · 2 years
HAPPY CI FLOWER RELEASE DAY!!! I tested her and gotta say im in luv ^-^
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criitterbug · 1 year
APOLLO!! (they/them pronouns)
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apollo is a grumpy solar flower with a snippy attitude and prickly words to match. they lash out at others defensively first and reason second. as a result, they're very good at standing their ground, but not.. very good at communicating with people they even slightly dislike.
they're silly!! their self-preserving demeanor stems from being poked fun at for being a stationary robot, but they're slowly learning to be a bit more open now that they're surrounded by nicer people.
their dream is to explore the world. and their best friend is literally a robot that can float, who is willing to help them explore everywhere and achieve their dream!! this sharp flower LOVES seeing sights
their toyhouse can be found here!
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