#flower shop pos system
tech9856 · 15 days
What are the costs associated with the Floral POS system?
Owning a flower shop means handling a lot of tasks like taking orders, keeping track of inventory, processing payments, and more. It can get busy trying to do everything manually or with basic cash registers. A specialized computerized system called a point-of-sale or POS system is meant to help with all of this. A floral POS organizes your business and helps run it smoother. It makes checking out customers, tracking what you have in stock, and learning how sales are going much simpler than before. These systems are an investment though, so florists need to think about the costs that go along with getting one. 
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oreramar · 5 months
Florist Talk: daily tasks
I recently made a post with bullet points talking about some of the common aspects of being a florist (caveat: at a mom n pop shop in a small town in the US, not all points apply universally). This time I'm going to narrow down on the normal sorts of everyday, week to week aspects. This is written as though it's a guide for the writing of Florist AU fiction/fanfiction, so occasionally I'll refer to the example Florist as your Florablorb, or, now, Florbo for short.
May this be of use to anyone writing such a story in order to simply ground your character in everyday tasks when plot/characterization needs to happen.
Opening tasks: I'm sure you can imagine. Doors open, lights on, computer/POS logged into and till shift opened, any ambient music turned on. Extra details can be added such as dragging out sandwich board signs or those outdoor flags or maybe even an outside display stand/cart (only in warmer months) or shoveling/salting a walkway (if in a snowy time/place).
Then Florbo goes into the walk-in flower cooler and removes any flower arrangements premade for delivery on this day. Maybe delivery slips are organized now, maybe left for when a delivery will actually be made. Anything that was ordered in day(s) before this one should be delivered on the first run of the day if possible.
If there's a florist website it's possible web orders came in after previous day's closing/before opening this one. They might autoprint and simply need to be collected off the printer. If they exist they get sorted into same-day or put into whatever organization system is used for future orders. The shop I work at has a series of cubbies labeled Monday through Saturday; order sheets are folded in half and put into whatever day it's meant for.
Start working on whatever flower orders came in for this day. If they're done before first delivery time then they can go out with the others. If not, they'll go out later. On a busy day, an unspecified or "designer's choice" arrangement can be chosen from the display cooler for speed. It'll be replaced by a design of similar price when more time is available.
If calls or walk in customers happen during any of this then they're handled in between the rest of it.
Usually in my experience there's minimum two deliveries per day: one mid morning / before noon, and one after lunch breaks are taken / mid-afternoon. Rarely are there fewer runs, and occasionally more orders come in during or after the second run so a third (or fourth, or sometimes, rarely, even a fifth) are needed. This might be very modest given the size of the shop/town I work in; more may be normal (especially with a dedicated driver) in a larger or busier city.
Again, usually I can get any same-day morning orders done either before or just after lunch breaks conclude. Again, this might vary place to place, and definitely varies day to day.
Lunch breaks can be half an hour to a full hour depending on your place and person and how busy it all is. I've got a near-retirement boss who likes to go out to lunch and takes a full hour. I usually only do half an hour unless for some reason I need to run home for lunch in which case I can typically have an hour as well.
If and when same-day orders are finished, Florbo will get into the cubby/other organization and find anything already there for the next day and start working on those orders. Floral arrangements go into the back cooler (not the display one, to avoid confusion/people walking in and wanting to buy things already made for others). Any live plants or gift-type items go on some sort of shelf or counter or other out of the way surface. Confusion can happen if Florbo doesn't pay attention to dates: an order for Monday the first will be in the same cubby as an order for Monday the eighth. Gotta try to stay on top of that but mistakes can happen.
If a same-day order is made while working on next-day orders, it gets priority.
Obvious is obvious but orders that go to schools have to get there comfortably before school lets out. If that is just not feasible because someone up and ordered fifteen minutes before the final bell they'll need to be told that it's gonna be a tomorrow thing now. This usually isn't an issue.
There's usually a same-day delivery time cutoff, usually sometime in the afternoon. How strictly it is followed may vary by the day and store. If someone tries to skirt this cutoff by ordering online they may or may not need to be called and informed that it's not gonna work this day. There will be a separate post on Delivery Protocol later because that gets a bit long.
Make any arrangements needed to refill the display cooler. Every few days or so, recut and rewater any arrangements left in the display cooler to give them more longevity.
Normal cleaning chores might be done during lulls as well. Dusting shelves or watering live plants is occasional, but sweeping the work area and cooler floors is daily. No matter how careful you are in cutting leaves and flower stems stuff will end up on the floor. Some of those stems will ricochet wildly when clipped.
Flower deliveries come about twice a week. They could arrive any time of day, even overnight (warehouse drivers will usually have a key shop to put them inside for you) depending on your suppliers and their routes. Flowers arrive bundled in big, long boxes, and must be trimmed and put into water treated with flower food.
Flower food comes either in big buckets of white powder (mixed into water) or big buckets of liquid concentrate (again, mixed into water, and a handy hose that connects it to the water source through a special nozzle makes this much easier. The nozzle is squeezed like a gas pump and can be used to fill buckets/vases/jugs directly).
Closing bits are just what you'd expect. Sometimes someone calls or walks in five minutes before closing, and Florbo must unfortunately suffer this.
SATURDAY SPECIAL: any and all of the above needed, but this tends to be the slowest day for orders and deliveries, so instead some of the time is filled by removing literally all flowers from the walk in cooler, sweeping and mopping the floor, and recutting/reorganizing/refreshing all the water buckets. This includes emptying a bucket used to collect cooler condensation water via a hose. There's never much in the winter but in the summer this has to be done two or three times a week otherwise it gets too full to lift or carry and your poor Florbo, if they have floppy arms, might be forced to drag it across the floor to tip it outside.
Of course things can vary depending on the day and vary even more if there's some kind of holiday altering the flow of business, but that bit's for a later post. This one's gotten long enough.
So go now, and couch your Florbo's dialogue and narrative in actions such as processing a fresh order of flowers from the wholesaler, or in resorting to dusting shelves for the third time that week because business has been so slow and they've run out of normal things to do and space in the display cooler to make things for. There is much variety to be had beyond writing them arranging yet another dozen roses every time plot rears its head!
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jcmarchi · 10 months
AI’s influence and the future of privacy
New Post has been published on https://thedigitalinsider.com/ais-influence-and-the-future-of-privacy/
AI’s influence and the future of privacy
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The influence of AI 
The modern consumer is shrouded in an invisibility cloak of influence businesses need to see through: the hunger for efficiency, affordability, and loyalty, however, creates a flower garden of opportunities for those who crack the code.
Artificial Intelligence’s (AI) sizeable influence since its inception has sent waves across the globe across a vast array of industries. In addition, the introduction of ChatGPT (Chat Pre-Trained Generative Transformer) saw the public across all walks of life, policymakers, and tech leaders scramble to understand its unicorn-like potential. And it hasn’t stopped there. 
Looking at the numbers, the projected economic potential – whether it be global or local – is sizeable. On a global scale, for example, McKinsey is forecasting Generative AI adding $4.4. trillion to the economy per annum [1] and on a local level, projecting a boost in Gross Domestic Product (GDP) by 26% [1].
In other words, AI is mighty. And it’s only going to get mightier. However, big numbers and breakthroughs aside sheds light on an important consideration: how can companies educate the consumer about the benefits and pitfalls of AI whilst continually innovating their practices? Before looking into this, let’s look at AI’s immense influence. 
Influence of AI across retail 
With AI blending Engineering, Psychology, Computer Science, and Linguistics, tones of simplicity form on the surface and undertones of enormous complexity on the underside. As a result, AI hasn’t just been delivering groundbreaking solutions but also has created entire industries. 
Retail is just one of many sectors where significant developments in AI have and continue to occur. Whether it be utilizing Computer Vision (CV) to understand how and where consumers are browsing in-store, offering personalized shopping guidance on in-store Point-of-Sale (POS) systems to implementing Virtual Dressing Rooms (VDRs), AI services in the retail sector are predicted to increase to over $31 billion by 2028 [2].
Contrast this to back in 2016 when only 4% of retail companies were utilizing some form of AI and in 2021 where this number had climbed to 28% [3]. With COVID-19 acting as an incredible catalyst in the world of E-commerce, the future of online shopping is set to be a rollercoaster ride with AI in tow, but do consumers really understand what they’re getting themselves into?
So, how much do consumers understand AI? 
AI has very much been a mixed bag when it comes to both understanding and trust. Generally speaking, interactions with AI chatbots are popular with a Consumer Data Platform Resources survey finding 53% of respondents have interacted with an AI chatbot of some form [4].
Healthcare, in particular, is one such industry where chatbots are becoming invaluable for administrative tasks, namely reordering prescriptions and booking appointments. 
Aside from the popularity of AI chatbots, AI’s holistic impact has its good and bad points: consumers find AI helpful in the likes of shopping (63%) and customer service (53%) [4].
However, from the same survey, only 34% of people find AI chatbots helpful and an additional 43% feel they need improvement [4]. What’s more telling, however, is the desire to access human support – something wished for by 64% of people [4]. In other words, chatbots can be useful but like any piece of technology, they can have their moments!
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Data privacy: Earning customer trust
Numbers and usefulness aside, turning to how consumers currently accept privacy communications is where things become a maze: messages ranging from “Accept”, “Ask app not to track” and “We value your privacy: we use cookies to help give you the best experience on our site..” have become the norm on both desktop and mobile browsers, so much so they’ve become buzzwords.
With 81% of people having privacy concerns about the use of AI in recommendations, customer service, and support, questions are emerging about how companies can ensure their privacy policies aren’t alien statements to purely tick compliance boxes [4].
The language used in informing customers about the privacy angle, for example, is becoming increasingly important. Nowadays many website privacy policies are written in extensive jargon, creating a blur for consumers on what data is being and why it’s being collected.
Put it another way: imagine a consumer signed up for a loyalty program with a retailer that had over the last few occasions delivered excellent service. The message wouldn’t be filled with corporate legal dictionary-like speak: it’ll combine a carefully curated selection of marketing buzzwords to draw the customer in.
Linking to the above, another angle to earn customer trust is to look at the contents of the privacy policy. It’s important to have the essentials covered and the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) provides guidance on this, but going a step further in explaining why the data being collected is an important angle to keep in mind.
The backbone of education is explanation: being able to tell the consumer the advantages of sharing specific data. For example, having information in the prompt before simply accepting is a great way of helping the consumer feel comfortable with the destination of their data. Imagine then the consumer shares that experience with others about how well that company has respected their data: it builds loyalty, a wider customer base, and more importantly, trust.
Ultimately, whether it be adjusting the language in a privacy policy or working towards improving a chatbot’s reliability, the many tentacles of AI will continue to inspire, test, worry, and excite all who use the tools.
With no doubt some interesting innovations yet to come, data privacy and educating the consumer will be key in winning their long-term trust. For those in charge of data initiatives – whether it be a Sole Trader or the Chief Data Officer at a multinational corporation – look at your organization’s privacy policy and ask yourself: do I understand what I’m being asked to share and why? If not, there’s your starting point.
[1] McKinsey Tech Outlook: Chui, M., Issler, M., Roberts, R. and Yee, L. (2023). McKinsey Technology Trends Outlook 2023 | McKinsey. [online] www.mckinsey.com. Available at: https://www.mckinsey.com/capabilities/mckinsey digital/our-insights/ the-top-trends-in-tech#new-and-notable.
[2] Retail Sector AI Services: Yili, W. (2023). Here’s how artificial intelligence can benefit the retail sector. [online] World Economic Forum. Available at: https:// www.weforum.org/agenda/2023/01/here-s-how-artificial-intelligence-benefit-retail sector-davos2023/.
[3] Retail Success with AI: Kovalenko, O. (2023). Unlocking Retail Success with Artificial Intelligence (AI) | SPD Technology. [online] Software Product Development Company. Available at: https://spd.tech/artificial-intelligence/ai-for-retail/ [Accessed 14 Nov. 2023]. 
[4] Customer Data Platform Resource: Getting Personal: Consumer Perspectives on AI in Marketing and Customer Service. (n.d.). Available at: https:// get.treasuredata.com/rs/714-XIJ-402/images/Consumer-Perspectives-on-AI-In Marketing-and-Customer-Service.pdf [Accessed 15 Nov. 2023]. 
[5] KPMG Consumer Insights: Gillespie, N., Lockey, S., Curtis, C., Pool, J. and Ali Akbari (2023). Trust in Artificial Intelligence: A global study. Trust in artificial intelligence. doi:https://doi.org/10.14264/00d3c94. 
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ibrinfotech · 1 year
Importance of Shifting your Florist Business onto Ecommerce Platform
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Online florist businesses are currently expanding across the globe. As everything has become digital, people too prefer to access digital platforms for shopping.  Whether you are a start-up into the florist business, or already have one, but not experiencing much success in your business, switching to an ecommerce website Development Company will definitely help your florist business grow.
This blog covers the benefits of having florist ecommerce software development.
Operational cost is lower than physical shop
The cost of running an ecommerce website for a florist is significantly lower compared to maintaining a physical store. By installing a florist POS system, you can automate numerous tasks, such as showcasing products, processing orders, and accepting payments, which may have required hiring additional staff otherwise. Additionally, you can save a significant amount of money by avoiding expenses like rent and utilities that come with having a physical shop.
Operate from anywhere
The most significant benefit of the online business model is that it allows you to operate from any location and target a global audience. Geographical or physical barriers are non-existent in an online business, and you can manage your e-commerce website for a florist from your beach house in Florida while customers from Maine order an anniversary bouquet.
Round the clock operation
Your online flower shop is always open, unlike physical shops, which have closing times. This means you have the opportunity to increase your sales and profits. Your potential customers can browse your website, check out your products and services, and make orders at any time that suits them.
Upsell and cross sell
Up-selling involves selling customers additional products that are related to their recent purchase, while cross-selling involves suggesting other products for them to buy. For florists, both up-selling and cross-selling are highly effective marketing strategies, with online transactions showing particularly high rates of success.
Impactful Marketing Results
Ecommerce has a critical advantage in the form of data analytics. Hana POS, a Florist POS system, provides analytics tools that capture and store all your sales, marketing, outreach, customer, and other data. These analytics tools enable you to easily monitor the efficacy of your marketing campaigns. You can track your traffic sources, purchases, high bounce rates, top-selling products during specific times and seasons, and more. This data will help you enhance your products and services and improve your marketing strategies.
Convenient for Users
Online florist eCommerce businesses have a significant advantage when it comes to convenience. Customers can easily explore various e-commerce websites and choose the one that best suits their needs. They can compare various factors such as price, quality, service, delivery time, and more. This enables them to make informed decisions that are more satisfying. As a result, it's no surprise that many local florist businesses are turning to online business.
Google review integration
For an ecommerce business to thrive, ratings and reviews are crucial. Since customers can't touch or see the products in person, they depend on feedback from other legitimate customers who have made purchases on your site.
Adding Google reviews to your website is a simple process. All you need to do is visit your Google business page and embed the reviews onto your webpage. This feature helps establish authenticity and clarity with your customers. Positive reviews can attract more customers, while negative ones provide valuable feedback to help you improve your customer experiences.
Florist ecommerce allows you to Sell More
As a wholesale florist, selling your stock online can increase your sales. Your website enables retail and event florists to place orders at their convenience and explore your complete product range. This accessibility may prompt them to purchase additional items they may have missed otherwise.
Florist ecommerce software helps in digital marketing
Floral eCommerce website development on wholesale florist websites offers a significant benefit in terms of digital marketing and SEO. The online catalogs can be shared through social media and PPC, which can help promote the website. With e-commerce, customers can place orders without the need for any physical interaction, which increases the chances of a purchase.
You get sales data and insights
Floral e-commerce platforms offer wholesale florist websites with valuable sales data and insights, which they can leverage to their advantage. This information allows them to identify the popular flower types and promote them more effectively. Additionally, they can offer discounts on bulk orders to encourage more sales. By staying up-to-date with the latest floral trends, they can cater to their customer base more efficiently.
In Final Words
The market for on-demand flower delivery is growing at a large scale with an enormous customer base. With the help of florist ecommerce software solutions, you can connect with a wide range of customers and have high profitability of increasing your sales. As a florist business owner, you must put efforts to ensure your business thrives online in such an extremely competitive market.  
IBR Infotech can be your florist ecommerce software solution partner
If you are stepping into the eCommerce business or already in existence seeking for an eCommerce web design and development solution, IBR Infotech is a leading eCommerce web development company to assist you in your eCommerce project.
If you want to find out more about working with our accomplished team of project managers, web designers, and developers, schedule an online meeting with us and we would be glad to assist you.
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blooms12 · 1 year
Florist Delivery Blackburn North
Florist Delivery Blackburn North offers a wide range of flowers and gifting options including hampers. They cater for events like birthdays, congratulations, anniversaries and a new baby. You can also add a teddy bear or some chocolates to make your gift more special.
A floral wire service affiliate is a third-party agent that displays arrangement and bouquet product images for sale on behalf of local florist suppliers. The selling agent receives a commission of the sales price and local delivery charge minus service fees.
Local florist
If you want to surprise a loved one with flowers, you can get them delivered by local florist delivery blackburn north. They offer a wide selection of flower arrangements for any occasion, including birthdays, anniversaries, congratulations, new baby, and sympathy. You can also get personalized gifts, like personalised cookies or a bottle of wine. They are sure to make your special someone feel extra special.
Blossoms of Blackburn is a bespoke floral and gifting shop located in Blackburn Square that offers same day delivery in the local area. They are renowned for their fresh blooms and stunning range of plants, gift and home wares. You can even order a gourmet hamper or a newborn baby basket to send as a special treat. These gifts can be sent to corporate offices or private homes.
Relay florist
A floral relay service is a company that facilitates the ordering and delivery of flowers and gifts by local florists. It often offers a website where consumers can browse an online catalogue of floral arrangements and bouquets that are available for local delivery. It can also provide a variety of additional services, such as gift wrap and card writing.
Florist order gatherers, also known as floral wire services or flower relay services, started out almost a century ago solving a very real problem for customers. While the technology has changed a lot over that time each of these companies are still providing their customers with the same basic solution.
FloristWare makes it easier than ever for FSN shops to accept and manage their eCommerce orders. When an existing customer places an order through your website FloristWare automatically presents you with a list of possible matches. If you select one the order will be linked to that customer in your POS system and any production documents (worksheets, enclosure cards, super/hyper tickets) will print out according to your settings.
Wire service affiliate
If you’re thinking about sending flowers to a loved one in Blackburn North, consider using a florist that specializes in gifting. They’ll take care of all your flower needs, from delivery to the recipient. You’ll also be able to add special treats like personalised cookies or doughnuts, along with a bottle of Prosecco and sweetsmelling soy candles. These are sure to make the perfect present for any occasion. You’ll also be able to choose the flowers for your gift based on their suitability for the place it will be sent. For example, different flowers are best for birthdays and anniversaries, while others are better for congratulations or new baby gifts. They’ll even be able to deliver flowers to restaurants, yachts and hotels.
You can also order your flower delivery online, allowing you to easily select and pay for the bouquet you want.
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blackrockbusiness · 1 year
If you manage a floral shop, you are aware of the difficulties in keeping track of sales and inventory. Shopify POS is an all-in-one point-of-sale system that can assist you in streamlining your operations and expanding your business in this situation. We'll go over four main advantages in this video for adopting Shopify POS in your floral store. You'll discover how Shopify POS can help you save time, cut expenses, and improve customer service, from its user-friendly interface to its potent inventory control capabilities. Shopify POS can help you grow your company, whether you run a big flower shop or a tiny boutique florist. Let's explore the advantages of Shopify POS for your flower store now. [fusion_button link="https://www.clkmg.com/UltimatePeter/BRBlog" text_transform="" title="" target="_self" link_attributes="" alignment_medium="" alignment_small="" alignment="" modal="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" sticky_display="normal,sticky" class="" id="" color="blue" button_gradient_top_color="" button_gradient_bottom_color="" button_gradient_top_color_hover="" button_gradient_bottom_color_hover="" accent_color="" accent_hover_color="" type="flat" bevel_color="" border_width="" border_radius="10" border_color="" border_hover_color="" size="large" stretch="default" margin_top="" margin_right="" margin_bottom="" margin_left="" icon="fa-store-alt fas" icon_position="left" icon_divider="no" animation_type="" animation_direction="left" animation_speed="0.3" animation_offset=""]Get Started With Shopify POS[/fusion_button] Intuitive and user-friendly interface. The simple and user-friendly interface of Shopify POS is one of the main benefits for your floral business. As a business owner, you are aware that time is money and that you cannot allow your workers to struggle with difficult or perplexing software. Fortunately, Shopify POS has a straightforward interface that is simple to use and understand. Your staff can manage sales, inventory, and customer data quickly and easily, resulting in fewer mistakes and time savings. Because of the user-friendly design, you can train new hires more quickly and effectively, ensuring that your floral business is always operating at its best. Additionally, by cutting down on wait times and minimizing mistakes at the point of sale, the intuitive design can serve to enhance the overall customer experience. Customers may become more dependable and loyal when they observe your team handling their orders in a confident and timely manner. This can encourage repeat business and positive word-of-mouth recommendations. In conclusion, your floral company may benefit from streamlining processes, lowering errors, and improving the client experience with the help of Shopify POS's straightforward and user-friendly interface. Advanced inventory management. The sophisticated inventory management solutions offered by Shopify POS are another benefit for floral shops. As a florist, you are aware that managing inventory may be difficult, especially when working with seasonal and perishable goods. Shopify POS has a number of strong inventory management capabilities that may assist you in managing your supplies, keeping track of your stock levels, and guaranteeing that you always have the goods that your consumers desire. For instance, you may watch the expiration dates of your perishable products, set up low stock alerts to make sure you never run out of vital supplies, and use product variants to handle things with varied sizes or colors. Managing sales and promotions is made simpler by the ability to change prices and offer discounts to individual products or groups of products. By ensuring that you always have the products that your consumers desire, these inventory management systems can help you decrease waste, minimize expenses, and improve customer service. Shopify POS also offers real-time inventory updates so you can see which products are doing well and which are not, enabling you to make data-driven decisions about what to stock in the future.
In conclusion, Shopify POS's extensive inventory management tools can help your floral store manage its supply more effectively, cut down on waste and expenditures, and improve customer satisfaction. Customizable and flexible features. The customizable and adaptable capabilities of Shopify POS are a third incentive to adopt it for your flower business. Each florist shop is different, therefore you need software that can adjust to your particular needs as a company. Shopify POS has a number of programmable options that you may use to customize the application to suit your needs. For instance, you may add custom fields to your products to monitor extra details like the occasion or the sort of flowers, enabling you to give your consumers a more specialized shopping experience. Also, you may alter price and discounts for particular products or groups of products, as well as create product variants like several floral arrangements in varying colors or sizes. With this freedom, you can develop a price strategy that works for your company and boosts sales. In order to better serve your consumers, Shopify POS also provides a variety of payment alternatives, such as credit and debit cards, gift cards, and contactless payments. Customers will have a more personalized and seamless purchasing experience with you if you tailor your Shopify POS to the specific requirements of your florist store. This will increase customer happiness and loyalty. Seamless integration with Shopify online store. The seamless connection of Shopify POS with your Shopify online store is the fourth reason to adopt it for your flower business. You can manage sales, inventory, and customer information from a single platform by linking your in-store and online sales. By streamlining your processes and reducing manual data entry, you may save time and eliminate errors. Furthermore, the integration enables you to provide your clients with a more seamless and practical purchasing experience, whether they want to shop in-person or online. For instance, if a consumer places an online order for in-store pickup, the order will automatically sync with your POS so that your team can swiftly and effectively complete the order. Customers can choose home delivery for their online orders, which opens up a new revenue stream and improves their shopping convenience. You can acquire important insights into customer behavior and sales performance by connecting your in-store and online sales, which will enable you to make data-driven business decisions. In conclusion, the seamless connectivity between Shopify POS and your online store can assist you in streamlining your operations, cutting down on errors, and giving your consumers a more unified and convenient shopping experience, ultimately increasing customer happiness and revenue. [fusion_button link="https://www.clkmg.com/UltimatePeter/BRBlog" text_transform="" title="" target="_self" link_attributes="" alignment_medium="" alignment_small="" alignment="" modal="" hide_on_mobile="small-visibility,medium-visibility,large-visibility" sticky_display="normal,sticky" class="" id="" color="blue" button_gradient_top_color="" button_gradient_bottom_color="" button_gradient_top_color_hover="" button_gradient_bottom_color_hover="" accent_color="" accent_hover_color="" type="flat" bevel_color="" border_width="" border_radius="10" border_color="" border_hover_color="" size="large" stretch="default" margin_top="" margin_right="" margin_bottom="" margin_left="" icon="fa-store-alt fas" icon_position="left" icon_divider="no" animation_type="" animation_direction="left" animation_speed="0.3" animation_offset=""]Get Started With Shopify POS[/fusion_button] Conclusion In conclusion, Shopify POS is a great option for florist companies seeking to improve consumer shopping experiences, increase income, and streamline operations. It is a potent tool for managing your business because to its user-friendly interface, sophisticated inventory management capabilities, customizable features, and easy connectivity with your online store.
Using Shopify POS, you can increase employee productivity and efficiency, cut costs and waste, give clients a more tailored shopping experience, and learn important information about the success of your company. In addition, Shopify POS is scalable and can grow with your company, enabling you to add more items, locations, and employees as your company grows. You may advance your floristry business and keep up with the competition by switching to Shopify POS. Why then wait? Start growing your flower business by registering for Shopify POS right away!
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hederasgarden · 2 years
Do you think Six would start a new career after escaping with Claire? What job do you think he would go for? Like he's done with the whole assassin thing and just wants to distance himself from it so he works at a flower shop or something lol
This is a great ask. I feel like he might end up doing a job with some manual labor because that's just what he's used to. Maybe working in construction, at a sawmill or lumber yard? I could also see him at a plant nursery where he lugs around heavy stuff and does odd jobs. Although I imagine Claire giving him a hard time about those types of jobs.
"You're getting old. Isn't that bad for your joints?"
“Thank you for that Claire, yes I am."
I could also see him working after hours at a place since I suspect he doesn't want to be around a lot of people. He could be a janitor or night guard somewhere. Though…he'd probably want to be home with Claire in the evenings so maybe not.
He'd want to do something very different from his old job. Oh, maybe he gets hired at a bakery and is just hopeless in the kitchen so they put him on the register, which would be hilarious. He can handle spy work and assassinations but he'd struggle so much with rude customers and a difficult POS system.
You watch Six hunt and peck at the keys of the old cash register, glaring down at it like it personally offended him somehow. The line of customers is growing longer by the second and you sigh when you hear the chime above the door jingle again, announcing a new customer.
"You said you had previous experience in the customer service industry," you remind Six, coming to stand beside him.
"Different type of service," he says, exhaling heavily when the register doesn't open. You jump when he pounds his fist on the side of it. The drawer flies open and he smiles. "That will be $10.95," he tells the elderly woman who has been waiting patiently for the last five minutes.
Her eyes widen when he grimaces at her; you're fairly certain he thinks it's a smile, bless him. Even though he's a hard worker, taking care of all the heavy lifting and cleaning after hours, your aunt still wants you to fire him because he's hopeless with customers. He was patient with them sure, but also slightly terrifying at times when he'd just stare at them without any expression on his face.
You know he's now what people expect when they stop in at the bakery you co-own with your aunt. Not even the bright pink apron he wears with the shop logo and cartoon cakes and cookies can hide the fact that Six looks like an extra from a John Wick movie.
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kashaflare · 3 years
What did they (Rih and ASAP) do sis??
ASAP Rocky's just an all around dusty man. He's a colorist for that remark that dark skin women cannot wear red lipstick when he's darkskin himself, also said in one interview that women should buy him flowers and take him shopping and on dates and lastly said that the Ferguson riots for Michael Brown was none of his business because he lives in Beverly Hills and so he therefore ''cannot relate''. For Rihanna to even be associated with a man like this when her best friend is a darkskin woman herself (Melissa) just speaks volumes on her values and morals as a person.
Rihanna herself is a whole other story: she praised Slave Play and the director even though the play makes a mockery of slavery and the chattel system and she supports Rachel Dolezal and Cyn Santana who also made ignorant colorist remarks on DSBW. They both are two peas in the same pod and I don't really fuck with either of them like that. Rihanna's fashion is cute I guess and I reblog her sometimes here and there but she comes off as ignorant at times when it comes to racial circumstances. I guess she's with him because of being in an abusive household and her father being a colorist and abusive POS so she embarks on that same toxic pattern with the men she's chosen but yeah I just don't agree with her actions nor her being with ASAP.
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tech9856 · 15 days
How to Choose the Right Floral POS System for Your Flower Shop?
Owning a flower shop involves many responsibilities like managing inventory levels, taking customer orders, processing payments, and keeping accurate financial records. With so much to juggle daily, it is important to have reliable business tools that assist operations rather than add more tasks. One of the most critical systems for any retail outlet is the point-of-sale or POS setup. This is what allows ring up sales and handle customer checkout.
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deerixiie · 4 years
haikyuu flower shop oneshots ~ tsukishima (affection)
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description: a tsukishima x fem!reader oneshot where you try to complain to your unaffectionate boyfriend but end up saying something you regret (part of the haikyuu x reader flower shop oneshots series)
warnings: none!
genre: fluff, humor, angst but not really
word count: 1,343
a/n: this is long, but it’s one of my favorites. also, thank you for 100 followers! i’m thinking of something for you guys dw
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Some people cried when they reached their breaking point. Some screamed. Some gave up. 
Others snuck into the storage closet during their shift at work and whined to their boyfriend.
Oh wait, that was just you.
“Today has sucked, babe,” you said as soon as he picked up. (He answered on the first ring, so romantic of him.)
“And here I thought you had died or something.” Tsukki’s voice was flat, even over the phone. “You’re in the middle of a shift, Y/N.”
“I’m hiding in the storage closet,” you retorted. “It’s the middle of January, so the flower shop isn’t getting any customers. But that’s not the po-”
“If you get fired, don’t come whining to me,” Tsukki scoffed.
You huffed at your boyfriend. You’ve been dating Tsukki for almost three months, though you had to admit you wondered why he was even with you; or why you were with him. While you were clingy, emotional, and touch-starved, Tsukki was aloof, salty, and independent. 
Long story short, random calls in the middle of a shift to rant to him weren’t really his thing.
But you really were having a terrible day. The flower shop’s heating and cooling system was messed up, so it was freezing cold. Plus, your manager was turning down all of your suggestions for the flower shop and favoring your coworkers instead. You admit, it was a petty thing to risk everything and complain about. 
(You also admit that you might’ve been doing it to hear his soft, dark voice, but Tsukki didn’t have to know that, did he?)
“I just wanna go home,” you sighed. “Can we cuddle tonight?”
“Stop whining, and I’ll consider it.”
“I’m not whining!”
“You’re so immature.”
“Am not!”
“I’m not even going to respond to that.”
You scowled. “Kei, can you pretend you care about me for one second?”
And another thing—when you weren’t being clingy, emotional, or touch-starved, you were saying things you regretted.
But in this case, you didn’t regret it—yet.
“What?” Tsukki snapped. “That’s ridiculous.”
“I just wanted to hear yo-to have someone to rant to,” you corrected yourself smoothly, and Tsukki was too confused to notice. “I wanted comfort from my boyfriend.”
“Well at least—you know what, never mind.” You heard him sigh. “Sorry. What do you need me to do?”
Tsukki’s apology was what sent the inevitable regret. It was as if someone flipped a switch, and the regret that was bound to come from your words earlier crashed down onto your heart like a pile of bricks.
“No,” you sighed. “I’m being whiny and stupid. I’ll let you get back to your work, Kei. See you at home.”  
You hung up before Tsukki could manage any type of response and throw your phone onto a shelf.
“Can you pretend you care about me for one second?”
Why the heck did I say that? you wondered in frustration. Am I really in such a crappy mood?
You were too wound up in your thoughts to realize that you tossed your phone at a rather precariously—stack of flower pots. They crashed to the ground loudly, making you jump.
Unfortunately, your manager was standing right in front of the storage closet.
You somehow managed to not get fired, but you did put him in an even worse mood, which meant everyone was in a bad mood—and it was your fault.
You dragged your feet as you finally left the flower shop once your shift ended. In one day, you had managed to piss off your boyfriend, your boss, and your coworkers. 
Oddly, you were more worried about the fact that you had pisssed off Tsukki. 
You pushed open the door, already thinking about what you would say to him that night, when you looked up.
And stopped in your tracks.
A car was parked right outside the door. Tsukki’s car.
Tsukki was supposed to be at work until 7.
The driver's window slowly rolled down, revealing no other than your boyfriend staring at you blankly. “Get in.”
His words kicked you out of the shocked daze you were in. “I thought your shift didn’t end until-”
“I left early. Get in.”
You rushed into the passenger side before he could change his mind. To say you were shocked was an understatement. Tsukki didn’t pick you up from work unless his shift ended early—he never left early. 
You stared out the window, squirming in the uncomfortable silence that filled the car. You wanted to apologize, but you thought you would have more time to prepare. How would you even start?
A warm hand slowly slipped into your own. You jumped and turned around, shock ripping through you once you realized what happened.
Tsukki’s free hand was entangled in your own. Tsukki himself wasn’t looking, his eyes set on the road and his mouth set in a firm line.
Was that a brush of pink on his cheeks?
You swallowed your words of shock—you learned from previous experiences that he’d just take his hand away and deny everything—and smiled to yourself. 
Tsukki was holding your hand. Without you telling him to.
The stress of the day was beginning to wear off, and even though a small voice in your head was nagging at you, you were content with just staying quiet.
Not for long, though.
“So how was work anyway?” said Tsukki, glancing over in your direction.” You never got to tell me.”
Thinking of work made you think about your conversation on the phone, bringing a sick feeling to your stomach. You rested your head against the cool window and closed your eyes. “It doesn’t matter.”
“Yes it does,” Tsukki responded, sounding a little annoyed. The annoyance in his voice awakened a tiny thought in your mind: He’s doing this because of what you said earlier. 
You frowned. Did your words really affect him that way? You thought they just made him upset. You didn’t think you would benefit from them.
But you did say that he wasn’t showing he cared. In a really rude way, in fact. He was doing this—leaving his shift early, going out of his way to be physically affectionate, asking about your day—because you were mean to him. 
You might be clingy and desperate for attention, but you weren’t selfish enough to let that happen. “Kei, you don’t have to be doing all of this,” You said. “I shouldn’t have said what I said earlier. I’m sorry.”
Tsukki opened his mouth and closed it repeatedly, thinking of a response and choosing not to say it. “I’m doing this because,” he said finally, “even though you’re really annoying and get on my nerves a lot-”
You pouted. “Hey!”
“-I do love you, dork. I know you were in a bad mood, so I’m cheering you up.” His cheeks were bright red. “So be happy, idiot.”
A goofy smile slowly spreaded across your face. Tsukki only said “I love you” first when you were about to part ways, and even then, you were more likely to say it first. Hearing him say it now was a small thing, but it filled your heart with a giddy, bubbly sort of feeling. 
But again, you remembered your words from before, and the goofy smile on your face slowly faded into a small frown. “Kei, about what I said before-”
“I get it. You were in a bad mood,” Tsukki interrupted.
“That doesn’t excuse what I said.”
“It doesn’t matter, Y/N. You can get over it now.” The corner of his mouth quirked up in a smirk. “Unless you don’t want to watch the movie I was going to have us watch.”
Your eyes widened. “Wait no, I want to watch a movie!”
Tsukki’s laughter was a pure, beautiful thing. It wasn’t the usual mocking laugh you’d hear when he was making fun of you or one of his friends. It was a genuine laugh. 
He turned and softly smiled at you, and you realized with firm certainty that his smile was better than any type of affection he could give you.
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hfso masterlist ✼ gen. masterlist
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forbidding-souda · 4 years
Hi!! If its okay could i get Mondo, Sakura, Kazuichi, and Kaito with a short S/O (Think 4'11 to 5'0) who's the SHSL Florist? Bonus ponits if you you give me their reaction to their S/O giving them a large bouquet of flowers as a gift? NB pronouns if that's okay!
Mondo Oowada, Sakura Oogami, Kazuichi Souda, and Kaito Momota with Short SHSL Florist S/O
‘Bonus’! How cute is that :D /pos
Also also I use the word bumblebee bc once I thought of it I thought it was really cute. Bc get it?? They are small and also flowers yeah <3
Do I get ten points now? =D
-Mod Souda
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Mondo Oowada
He thinks you are like a little bumblebee.
So nice and small! Adorable.
Short jokes all the time.
He definitely thinks flowers are a little lame.
But is definitely impressed by your knowledge of them!
So when you pile together a purple toned bouquet, you’re honestly a little curious on how he would react.
Or if he would even react at all. Does he know to put them in water? Maybe these should be your flowers too.
The roar of the engine is a comfort noise. So when it abruptly stops outside, you can just feel how the butterflies hatch in your stomach.
So you travel to your almost garden in the guest room, picking up the bouquet. It still looks beautiful. That’s good. Admittedly, you do get quite impatient at times.
Ah, the front door! And his welcoming voice telling you he’s home. How nerve-wracking. Your whole plan has a lot of questionable details, but as long as the response isn’t negative then what’s the harm in showing him your love?
“Mondo!” You call out with a bubbly tone before walking down the hallway searching for where he might be.
Your boyfriend, who you are terribly unimpressed with, lays slumped on the couch, tired from the heat. 
Again, you speak, interrupting his decline into sleep. “I made you these!”
He opens one of his eyes. “You got me flowers?”
A bit of heat crosses your cheeks, and you squeeze them harder. “I thought maybe you would like them.”
“Of course I fucking like ‘em,” he says while sitting up. His think fingers brush against yours when he takes them from you. “These are some cute ass flowers.”
Cute ass flowers. How romantic!
Sakura Oogami
She can give you piggy back sides whenever you want and likes to carry you around.
Definitely lets you put flowers in her hair.
Flowers in her hair sounds so cute I am crying.
A part of her actually is jealous of your talent. She wants to know everything about flower patterns, too.
And so she listens every time you explain things.
You pick together the pinkest flowers you can, trying to make it as aesthetically pleasing as you can rather than focusing on intent.
A few white roses find themselves in the batch, too.
The shop around you is cold. The layers of warm clothes aren’t going to help you when you go outside.
But the flowers always need special things that are not convenient for you.
While you contemplate whether or not you can leave clothes here, the bells attached to the door ring out.
A customer! Or maybe Sakura is here to bring you lunch. 
You pop your tiny head towards the main shop, looking left and right. 
She holds a styrofoam box in her hand, holding god knows what meal. 
Horrible for the environment, by the way, how embarrassing.
“Sakura!” You exclaim. And then it surprises you. You got so excited over something as simple as seeing her.
Even in the way your heart pounds at her soft eyes.
“I brought you a meal,” she says. You dip into the back room, and she follows your lead.
But before she comes through the door, you offer her the flowers, almost shoving them into her face. “Flowers!”
“Flowers... What a thoughtful gift, thank you very much.”
She looks nothing more than flattered. Her face usually sports a content look, often a light flush on her face, so seeing her smiling so wide feels special. 
“Oh,” you snap yourself out of your admiring gaze, “and thank you so much for the food!”
Kazuichi Souda
Kazuichi is definitely the sexiest man alive when he’s working on a car. His jumper will be tied around his waist, his hair slicked back.
He never wears his beanie when he’s working. It’s probably the best thing about him.
I just wanted to get that out of my system.
You like to surprise him whenever he’s working. Even though he doesn’t mind the work, you’re sure he’d have a better time being together with you.
The optimism is definitely appreciated.
Especially when it’s easy to scare him. You’re tiny and he gets over concentration. Just sneaking under the car and grabbing his ankle is your favorite.
But for Valentine Day, you didn’t want to be cruel like that. 
So while puffing your cheeks, you hop on downstairs, carrying a bouquet of different shades of yellow flowers. A few pink ones are thrown in for his hair. 
And so you approach him, trying your best to shrink yourself even shorter.
You don’t even know what he’s doing. What do cars need when they get fixed? A new engine? Something about a gas tank? You have no clue.
But whatever it is, it takes a lot of hard work.
And it’s your job to distract him.
You are almost an arms distance away until, and it scares the shit out of you, he immediately turned around screams as loud as he can.
The flowers run too close to slipping from your fingers. God, that was about to be the worst day of your entire life.
Before anger can crack through your demeanor, the sense of humor the both of you have came back. So you started laughing, placing a weary hand to your chest.
You were laughing because you noticed his hands holding a plastic container of sweets. 
“Ah, you nut head!” You call out. “I got you flowers!”
“Why did you get me something? You were supposed to come and scare me!”
Kaito Momota
You hum underneath your breathe while you pick together the best array of flowers you can. Purples and dark colors, just for him.
The moon shines through the school’s window. With the dorms downstairs, every night has became a game of who is going to catch you this time?
Every night you’ve been sneaking up to the garden, trying to raise these flowers just for this occasion.
For the last few months, all you’ve ever wanted was to be with Kaito Momota, Luminary of the Stars!
And now is your time to impress him! The flowers are all ready!
You wrap them together in green tape. The trembling of your hands makes the job quite difficult. And then the white ribbon to top it all off, but you have to take a deep breath while wrapping it.
There’s no backing out of this.
The fight to continue raged on while you walk upstairs, going up the many of them. It gives you time to think.
To think about how much you love him.
Horribly sickening how much you love him. His positive outlook on life motivates you all the time. If you ever feel like giving up, you just remind yourself that Kaito Momota wouldn’t want you to!
The door to the roof is unlocked, as you assumed. No - as you knew. You’ve watched him climb up here every day when he first interrupted your gardening. “I’ll be up on the roof whenever you need me, I tend to go every night.”
You never forgot about it.
Pulling open the door comes with a click. A pang of anxiety rings through you. But why? Should you really be sneaking if your intention is for him to notice you?
He lays on his jacket, arms behind his head and one of his feet crossed over his knee. And he pipes up when he sees you.
“Bumblebee! It took you long enough.”
The flowers in your hands don’t even cross his mind until after he stands up. There’s a nervous blankness as your expression. 
When he steps closer, he can even see the way your pupils dilate. “Are these flowers for me?”
It feels as if your words are trapped inside your mouth. He’s actually in front of you, towering, and flattered. So you shove the flowers against his chest.
Your body feels like it’s in front of a fire.
“I grew them for you. And I tried to make it look like space, you know? With all the dark colors.” You whisper. 
He smirks with satisfaction that only he could portray. To say he is proud is an understatement. You have always been obvious about your interest in him. It was just a matter of when you would gain the confidence to make a move. That’s why he invited you to join him on the roof all those months ago.
Still, he looks a bit smug. But that doesn’t last long, as his face falls to contentment as he turns back around. “Come, come.” He beckons.
You follow him up to his jacket, where he places the flowers down. His eyes are cast upwards, at the sky. You follow his gaze.
How can he gaze up for hours? It’s almost unbelievable. 
You sigh. “Can you explain to me - woah!” 
His arms grip onto your thighs as he lifts you up. The lack of struggle terrifies you, in more than being in the air.
“Kaito, what are you doing?” 
“Look up at space! Tell me what colors you see.”
A small noise escapes your lips. You relax a bit, accepting your position while placing your hands on his shoulders.
What colors? There are a lot. Not exactly the purple you thought it was. Maybe a dark blue, light blue, too. 
You haven’t thought about what color space is.
“Blue.” Is the only word you let yourself say.
He lets you down slowly. “Blue is a good answer. I’d like to think space is every color - Eh? Why are you looking at me like that?”
You blink, once... and maybe a dozen more times. “No reason, I just like you.”
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anjalis-ennui · 3 years
gooood morning/evening/night or where ever you are! heard your celebrating 50 followers good job lovely! hope im not too late for the festival 👐😊 i found you from mintigiyuu and your event sounds adorable! /g
🍄 i had a hard time picking either the song list or the matchup cause both sound so damn cute, is it alright if i request a matchup please lovely?
🍄 I'm a libra, but i've been told im way to introverted to be a libra. My mbti is INFJ-T, i had to check because i keep forgetting ._. I love harry potter! A proud slytherin right here
🍄 Currently im into kny, i do prefer the adult characters but they all are fine! Am a pan so i really don't mind any gender you pair me up with, go nuts love!
🍄 I love pastels and soft colours, coral and bittersweet pinks are my favourite.
🍄 My social battery is terrible. Currently me and my friends have this system of if we ever talk or hangout in person, they'll just not see my for the next three days cause i need to recharge. They way i recharge differs from time to time, it's usually spending time binge reading fanfic or my favourite books, or drawing or maybe testing out a new recipe for baking.
🍄 I'm a sucker for physical affection, some could say i'm touch starved and i wouldn't argue with it. If you decide to befriend me I'm latching on to you, with you consent of course. Unless you'd let a tiny human cling to you then i won't do it.
🍄 Talking is a no go, if you won't start a convo then i won't say anything. However if i see that you'd be nice to talk to then i'll take over and talk nonstop, it gets annoying because i stutter a lot when i get excited ://
🍄 Loud noises hurt me, so it's to a rare sight for my friends if they see me huddling under their arm during a thunder storm or a loud movie
🍄 I forget things, and that includes eating. Which is ironic cause i love cooking. So if no ones asks if i have eaten yet then i would simply forget. Lunch? What's that?
That was much too long i'm so sorry. Congrats again on reaching 50! Don't be afraid to celebrate the little achievements! Cause that's still your hard work and they should also be appreciated /g /pos
aww hello darling!! you made it just in time!! the event is closed now, since i have many, MANY requests to fulfill, but be on the lookout for more soon~
credits to @vernilon for the amazing edit!!
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kimetsu no yaiba ;;
your matchup is...mitsuri kanroji!!
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you and mitsuri are two darlings of a kind. this relationship is one of trust, safety, and respect. mitsuri adores your talkative nature (once you've been reached out to) and she respects your boundaries and need to recharge. similarly, you admire her strength and personality, and respect her insecurities and need to pass as "normal". this love is like a bee kissing a soft flower petal, and the dewy sweetness of honeysuckle nectar.
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© jades-tea-shop 2021. please do not modify, edit, copy or reproduce any of the works published.
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writerofshit · 4 years
Jeremy/Alfredo for the ship meme, gotta get that rarepair content
send me a ship and i’ll tell you:
  who reaches out to new neighbors
They're both pretty good about interacting with neighbors, but Alfredo is the one to notice that someone new moved in. Plus he can be a paranoid motherfucker, so he's gotta check them out and make sure they're not like... serial killers or something.
("Alfredo you're literally the sniper for the most notorious gang in the country, and I've taken more hit jobs than the average person has jobs."
"Ok but that's work, that's different."
    who remembers to buy healthy food
They both make a conscious effort to eat healthy, try to eat at home, etc. It's mostly Jeremy though, because he's usually the one shopping for groceries.
    who remembers to buy junk food
Alfredo, because a treat now and then is good for you, actually, it's motivation-
"You bought three boxes of Ring Dings!"
"Listen you asked me to come shopping, not my fault if some things jumped in the cart."
    who fixes the oven when it breaks
They work together to accidentally break it even more before they call Michael to come help.
    who waters the plants/feeds their pet(s)
Jeremy is the plants guy, because they tend to blend into the background for Alfredo.
Alfredo's got a whole system for the pet food though. It mostly involves keeping the dog from the cats because he'll eat all of their food if given the chance.
    who wakes up earlier
They usually get up at the same time, and often because of Trevor's incessant phone calls.
    who makes the bed
Alfredo. Once upon a time he didn't care, but Jeremy was the one to really introduce him to the wonderful feeling of climbing into a nicely made bed at the end of a long day. There's no going back now, even when Jeremy's not as worried about it anymore.
    who makes the coffee
Alfredo starts it. Jeremy is oddly hopeless when it comes to a coffee machine. He's either got way too many scoops of coffee, or not enough. He does make the individual cups though.
    who burns breakfast
Jeremy, although it doesn't happen often. He's a fairly good cook, even if his pancakes get a little over done sometimes.
Inserting this because I do what I want:
Their morning really boils down to routine, order of operations. They wake up to some crew notification, while Jeremy showers and gets dressed Alfredo makes the bed/starts the coffee/feeds the pets. They switch off, Alfredo goes to shower and get dressed while Jeremy makes breakfast, pours the coffee, tells Trevor they're totally on their way (they're not.)
    how do they let each other know they’re leaving the house
By yelling each other's names at the top of their lungs like idiots. They've gotten more than one noise complaint.
    how do they greet each other when one of them gets home
Also by yelling, but a little more subdued. It's no wonder they get new neighbors so often, actually.
    who brings home little gifts like flowers/chocolates more often
They both do pretty equally! Jeremy likes to bring home dumb souvenir type t-shirts as a 'i was thinking about you' type thing. Alfredo will bring back beanies to keep Jeremy's bald head warm.
    who picks the movie for movie night
They trade off! They don't really have a set night, so it's usually born out of "hey we should watch this tonight!"
    their favorite kind of movie to watch
Pretty much anything that's not horror or scary at all. There was one night they got about half an hour into the original It, and then Alfredo got too freaked out and they watched Disney movies the rest of the night.
    who first suggests a pillow fort
Alfredo, because "man I just want to be a kid again, forget about clowns and all that shit"
"Oh, like the kids in The Losers Club?"
"Jeremy why"
    who builds the pillow fort
Jeremy, as both an apology and because Alfredo refuses to turn his back on any dark shadows in the apartment.
"Fredo it's not even real, the closest we're gonna get to a murderous clown is Fiona in the Po costume."
"But what if we're wrong? I'm not taking chances dude."
    who tries to distract the other during the move
Alfredo, out of payback for making him watch even part of a scary movie. He makes numerous attempts to scare Jeremy, grabbing his shoulder or yelling suddenly. It backfires, because he somehow ends up scaring himself more.
Jeremy still throws popcorn at him to make him feel a little better about it.
    who falls asleep first
Jeremy, because by the time Fredo gives up on the jumpscare thing, he's fuckin exhausted. Turns out building a fort takes a lot of him. Plus like... He's had a few beers, he's nice and warm, and Alfredo is tucked into his side like he still needs protection from Hades on screen. He could not be more content and relaxed.
    who is big spoon/little spoon
Other than nights like these, when Alfredo is still picturing Tim Curry's face, they kind of alternate. One of them will roll over in bed, reaching out for the other. Just this little moment of 'hey we're here together, I love you, I want you close to me.'
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div713-blog · 6 years
Best Flower Shop POS Software for your Florist business and Flower Shop Software system helps to track your delivery and retain your customers
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poscad-blog · 6 years
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flower shop pos system
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