#florence jacques
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septemberlikestea · 10 months ago
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dang girl you got the whole squad uncomfortable.
deceive inc turned 1 year old yesterday and i did a meme redraw of all the agents :o)
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this is who theyre looking at. yu-mis haircut sucks so bad.
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diioonysus · 1 year ago
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men's fashion + art
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arutai · 5 months ago
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Florence Morin by Michael Jacques
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bourbon-ontherocks · 4 months ago
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Et l'on n'y peut rien
for @ficuscircus
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odettecarotte · 9 months ago
"What would Jacques Lacan say about my fear of topping? I wonder. Or another psychoanalyst -- I'm not picky, any vapid degradation will do."
Florence Ashley, Gender/Fucking
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presslakay · 3 months ago
Sept des neuf membres du CEP prêtent serment sur fond de crise persistante
Alors que la crise multidimensionnelle persiste en Haïti et que les autorités concernées n’ont toujours pas trouvé les bonnes formules pour y remédier, un Conseil Électoral Provisoire de sept membres sur neuf a été installé, ce vendredi 18 octobre 2024, pour entreprendre les démarches visant à organiser les élections dans le pays. Malgré le fait que la nouvelle structure électorale mise sur pied…
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poesiecritique · 10 months ago
REBOTA REBOTA, Y EN TU CARA EXPLOTA, performance de Agnès Maéeus et Quim Tarrida, avec Agnés Matéus, 1h15, 2018 - et vu en 2024 au Théâtre de la Bastille, Paris.
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Commençons par dire que ce spectacle, vu en 2024 a été crée il y a 6 ans, à Genève (selon le site théâtre contemporain). En septembre 2018, quelle était la place du féminisme dans nos discours, dominants et dominés ? C'était un an après, à deux semaines près, qu'Alyssa Milano propose de partager, suite à la révélation de l'affaire Weinstein, sous le hashtag #metoo, les violences sexistes et sexuelles subies par les femmes par des hommes. Cette création a aussi lieu dans un contexte espagnol où la prise en charge des violences sexistes et sexuelles aurait permis une baisse du nombre de féminicides selon les médias généralistes nationaux et internationaux. Dans un bref entretien, Agnés Mattéus conteste cette prise en charge effective quand, en 2017, le travail sur la pièce commence - tandis que certaines sociologues féministes, dont par exemple Gloria Casas Vila, critiquent davantage un effet de comptage (quel meurtre est effectivement compté comme féminicide ?), permettant de donner alors l'impression que le nombre de féminicides décroît alors qu'il n'en est rien. En 2023, certains médias généralistes soulignent une ré-augementation des chiffres espagnols de féminicides, se réalignant sur ceux de 2008, soulignant que dans la moitié de ces meurtres, les plaintes avaient été déposées contre les agresseurs, devenus meurtriers et/ou que les agresseurs étaient récidivistes, parfois déjà meurtriers. Si ce type de média souligne cette inversion, on peut donc supposer qu'il ne s'agit que de la partie emergée d'un iceberg bien fat, bien réel, bien patriarcal, et qu'en dessous grouille une bouillie dégueu mais bien organisée du féminicide - à l'instar de l'inceste, comme le montre par exemple Dorothée Dussy dans Le berceau des dominations.
Dire également que je m'interroge sur le travail de collaboration entre Quim Tarrida et Agnés Matéus. Dans le même entretien, qu'elle et il donne au théâtre de la Bastille, la langue française, que parle Agnés Matéus et que ne parle pas Quim Tarrida, donne le primat à Agnés Matteus. Mais j'avoue avoir eu ce réflexe de me demander ce qu'un homme pouvait bien avoir à faire dans la mise en scène d'une femme parlant de féminicides, dont la plus part sont commis par des hommes. Et si tous les hommes ne sont pas des meutriers, des violeurs, etc, la quasi-totalité des hommes de son âge et de sa nationalité (Quim Tarrida est né en 1967) ont été socialisés dans un monde où la masculinité était valorisée, et hiérarchiquement instaurée supérieure au genre féminin. Si l'on comprend que le travail naît d'une précédente collaboration sur les violences policières, et que ce travail précédent naît d'une rencontre lors de leurs engagements militants, malgré tout : comment s'articulent les regards, différemment socialisés, de Agnés Matteus et Quim Tarrida pour aboutir à REBOTA REBOTA, Y EN TU CARA EXPLOTA, notamment sur le corps de Agnés Mattéus ? Cela pourrait informer ma lecture, mais je n'y ai pas accès, pas directement, seulement par supposition critique (car, d'expérience, fréquenter un milieu politisé, quand il ne s'agit pas directement de cercles féministes engagés, ne permet pas une déconstruction du regard, d'un regard dominant)
Et maintenant, décrivons ce que propose Ca rebondit ça rebondit et ça t'éclate en pleine face. Cela sera moins qu'une description linéaire et exhaustive, ne m'arrêtant que sur certains tableaux et détails qui m'ont paru particulièrement signifiants. Dire peut-être cela, d'abord : REBOTA REBOTA, Y EN TU CARA EXPLOTA est une succession de tableaux au centre desquels se trouve Agnés Matéus.
L'âge. La pièce commence par Agés Matéus dansant masquée, d'un masque de clown horrifique. Ainsi, c'est son corps que l'on voit et regarde. En 2024, le corps de Agnés Matéus, serré dans son pantalon strassé or, son ventre rebondi, a peine dénudé au dessus du nombril donne l'image d'un corps butch, ou d'un corps vieilli, ne répondant plus aux standards patriarcaux d'une certaine minceur. Qu'en est-il de son corps d'il y a 7 ans ? A-t-il changé, et comment ? Vieilli pour sûr, Agnés Matéus dans le texte, et dans les possibles endroits d'improvisation le signale, insiste sur la question de l'âge. Si je suis particulièrement sensible à cette question d'âge, dans les rapports de genre, c'est qu'elle me concerne : les regards changent, le crédit à la parole dans certains contextes aussi. Qu'est ce que faire tourner une pièce pendant 6 ans ? Qu'est-ce qu'expérimenter les changements physiques ? D'autant qu'est soulignée l'énergie de Agnés Matéus, qui tient l'heure quinze que dure Ca rebondit quasi seule sur scène. Mais là aussi, des questions se posent, techniques : quelle place de repos permettent les interludes filmés ? Sont-ils là pour leur qualité intrinsèque, de séquences filmées introduisant un autre rythme à la pièce, et/ou sont-ils présents pour permettre que Agnés Matéus tienne ? Cette question peut se poser, mais pas de la même manière, en fonction de la catégorie d'âge à laquelle l'acteur.ice appartient, car les contingences et les nécessités ne sont pas les mêmes, et donc ne disent, in fine, pas les mêmes choses sur les questions posées par la pièce elle-même. Ici, les premières séquences filmées m'ont moins conduit à regarder les états de délabrements de certaines scènes urbaines qu'à penser au délabrement, en cours mais encore à venir, du corps de Agnés Matéus. Et ces figurations de ruines, par leurs lents travellings dont on sait qu'ils vont, à un moment ou à un autre, figurer une morte, ne m'ont par renvoyées en tant que tel au corps de la performeuse. C'était un autre espace, un autre temps qui se raccorde à l'âge seulement par le comptage, le listage qui vient à la fin de la pièce des femmes mortes, dont l'âge à chaque fois est indiqué. Aucun âge n'est épargné, pas davantage les petites filles que les grand-mères, les jeunes femmes ou les femmes dans la fleur de l'âge. Aucune. Alors, cette question de l'âge se pose pour moi à nouveau dans l'espace où justement d'autres âges que celui de la performeuse, son âge réel, aurait pu être figuré : dans les séquences filmées. Pas d'enfants, pas de jeunes filles, toujours des mortes anonymisées, sans visage, dont on voit qu'il peut s'agir du corps de la performeuse - dont l'âge, là, varie encore par l'absence du visage.
La chute. Après la danse, il y a ce moment que j'ai trouvé très beau, de la chute du corps de Agnés Matéus. La beauté terrifiante de la chute sous les coups. Encaisser les coups et se relever. Être cueillie par les coups. Ne pas répondre, ne pas frapper. En miroir négatif, les poings des hommes pauvres qui apprennent à frapper contre un sac de sable dans la moiteur de salles de sports, à Chicago ou ailleurs, en France, pour se maintenir dans une dignité - je pense à ce qu'en écrit, par exemple, Loïc Waquant, ou encore Jérôme Beauchez (mais moins, ici, et à regret ne les ayant pas (encore lu) aux sociologues ayant travaillé sur les femmes dans les sports de combat, comme Christine Mennesson ou encore Natacha Lapeyroux). L'apprentissage de la chute n'est pas corrélée à l'apprentissage du coup, j'y vois plutôt la réponse de deux précarités, l'une sociale, l'autre de genre, où celui féminin est économiquement, symboliquement plus précaire, vacillant. Mais que penser de la beauté de ces chutes ? Que penser de la beauté dans une telle performance ? Comment la beauté peut se conjuguer à l'horreur de ce qui est dit ? A l'extrême, on pense au texte de Rivette dénonçant l'abject du travelling dans Kapo. S'en détache malgré tout cette chute par ce que permet de percevoir sa répétition, dans ce que l'on perçoit par ce corps, et ce malgré ou grâce à la beauté, ce que permet la répétition c'est de percevoir précisément ce qui n'est pas figurer : la force qui pousse à terre Agnés Matéus, cette lumière qui la pousse, c'est insaisissable comme le patriarcat et au moins aussi éblouissant, ça fait cligner de l'oeil mais malgré tout, on continue à regarder, à accepter. C'est ce déplacement du corps qui chute, par la répétition de la chute, qui permet que l'on perçoive notre propre fascination, la fascination qu'impose la domination, biche en plein phare, notre stupéfaction, notre immobilité face aux coups que l'on sait, même si on ne les voit pas.
Le one-woman show. J'ai pris plaisir à ce one-woman show grinçant, en robe de mariée saupoudrée de paillettes d'or (interdites désormais), comme d'une femme sous cloche, dans une boule à neige, une boîte à musique dont la danseuse dit avec le sourire des insanités. Simple, drôle, jusqu'à et avec son craquement Frida Ka(h)lo. J'ai trouvé malin que les références connues se tissent progressivement avec celles inconnues - mon coup au cœur quand Bessette se fait invisibiliser, inconnue. J'ai trouvé pertinent le moment de réflexion sur l'arbre Kahlo qui cache la forêt des femmes : combien de fois avons-nous vu la vie d'une qui devient emblème de toutes, effaçant les spécificités de chacune, un féminisme non intersectionnel, encore que Kahlo pose la question du validisme, une intersection non négligeable. Agnés Matéus m'a fait penser à une Blanche Gardin, une Elodie Poux, une Florence Foresti. Ce sont des ressorts similaires : montrer ce qui est dit en le confrontant à la réalité. Analyse de l'écart du symbolique, du discursif et du réel pour en montrer l'absurde - et l'absurde faire rire, à tout coup, même si c'est déjà connu, même si c'est jaune.
Le lancer de couteaux. La mise en danger, réelle, m'a glacée. Je n'ai pas voulu, je ne voulais pas. La tension. Qu'en dire ? Que le spectacle est bien rôdé ? Que je n'ai jamais été au cirque (ou plutôt une seule fois) ? Que ce n'était pas une scène de cirque dont on sait que tout est maîtrisé, y compris le danger ? Que le danger venait là davantage de la peur de Agnés Matéus que du lanceur ? Que je l'ai imaginée à chaque fois défaillir de peur, et se précipiter sous le couteau pour le fuir ? Qu'à cet endroit quelque chose se renverse du rapport au danger ? Est-ce une métaphore du féminicide : le danger pris dans le sang-froid du meurtrier (n'en faisons pas un fou) est de bouger, et de provoquer, et de fuir seulement après ? Il faudrait disparaître à soi-même pour ne pas disparaître tout court, mourir ? Mais le danger passé, est-il possible de sortir de l'état de mort dans lequel il nous plonge (et qui se traduit, assez littéralement, par la tête de Matéus dans une brouette de terre) ? Il n'y a pas de résolution de cette question, car elle est irrésolvable. Insupportable ? Une dame au premier rang s'est levée pour sortir du théâtre, un peu avant la fin de la pièce, quand les noms des femmes tuées défilaient, trop vite pour qu'ils soient lisibles. Matéus et Tarrida ne donnent pas de réponses, ni au pourquoi ni au comment, il s'agit d'une performance de constats, fragmentés et parfois rendus sensibles.
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queer-ragnelle · 1 month ago
can you tell us more about gingalain? he seems intriguing but i don't know much about him
I sure can! Here are the texts that center his story.
Le Bel Inconnu (French)
Gilglois (French)
Wigalois: Knight of Fortune’s Wheel by Wirnt von Grafenberg (German)
Carduino (Italian)
Sir Libeaus Desconus (Middle English)
Vidvilt (Yiddish)
His name differs depending on the text (as shown with the titles) but in Le Bel Iconnu [The Fair Unknown] his baptismal name is revealed to be Guinglain; varied spellings of that name appear in other texts so, I'll adjust my spelling accordingly.
Anyway the gist of his origin [most of the time] is that Gawain meets and falls in love with a mysterious woman but has to leave her to return to his duties at King Arthur’s court, only to discover he can no longer return to his lady/wife who lives in an impenetrable Otherworldy bubble. Years go by and their child grows up. The child eventually leaves home in search of his father. He ends up at King Arthur’s court but remains anonymous, so Arthur dubs him “The Fair Unknown,” for he’s handsome and skilled at arms. He goes on adventures with ladies, fighting giants and dragons, eventually revealing to Gawain that he's his son by the fairy/Otherworld lady.
"Guinglain’s" coat of arms in French Le Bel Iconnu is a lion...
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In German Wigalois it’s a golden wheel of fortune...
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In Middle English Sir Libeaus Desconus it's a griffin...
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But when you google the character by name, Guingalain or Gingalain, it's this shield which pops up:
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Now it's a pretty badass shield, but where does it come from? It doesn't appear in The Manuscripts and Patronage of Jacques d’Armagnac, where Gawain and his brothers first got their coats of arms. Evidentially this image comes from Le Blason des Armoiries by Jérôme de Bara, published in 1604, from which many knights received their coats of arms including Sagramore, Kay, and Bedivere.
Gawain's son appears in the supporting cast of many other texts. He's called "Gyngolyn" at the end of The Wedding of Sir Gawain and Dame Ragnelle.
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And "Gangalayne" shows up again in Le Morte d’Arthur alongside his father, Gawayne, half brothers, Florence and Louel, and uncles, Agrauayne, Gaherys, Mordred, and Gareth.
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Sometimes he keeps the title "The Fair Unknown" even after his relation to Gawain is known, as in the 2nd Perceval Continuation.
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Some texts develop him into a fully fledged character beyond his origins, such as in the Prose Tristan, where "Giglain" fights Tristan and then reports back to a grieving Isolde that Tristan still lives.
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And in the Post-Vulgate, "Guinglain" guards a bridge and challenges any who try to pass, including Galahad, Arthur the Less, and Palamedes.
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He also appears in some retellings.
The best example is Gillian Bradshaw's trilogy. He's called "Gwyn" and his parents are Gwalchmai and Elidan. Their romance covers book 1, Hawk of May, then Gwyn is discovered in book 2, Kingdom of Summer, and his paternity revealed to Gwalchmai on Elidan's deathbed in book 3, In Winter's Shadow. These books are fine, but so slow, and started the trend of replacing Lancelot with Bedwyr to keep it more "historical/Welsh," meanwhile Agravain is still a character and Medraut is a bastard of incest and all the Orkney bros are actually Irish. So what was the point of that? I'd rather Lancelot had been there, particularly because Gwyn's death occurs when Bedwyr comes to rescue Gwenhwyfar from her fate and Bedwyr kills him, unarmed, to get her. So it follows the French storyline anyway. I do adore how much everyone loves Gwyn. Afterwards, Cei is acting as lawyer to work out Bedwyr's story against Medraut's, and they have this exchange:
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Gwyn was everybody's baby boy. Then Cei describes the extent of Gwalchmai's grief, including having the horse he gifted Gwyn slain and burning all his belongings.
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Cei likens it to the grief felt at Agravain's passing. So this is good food for Gawain and family enjoyers, but as I said, not a huge fan of Bedwyr/Lancelot hybrid as Gwyn's murderer.
In Persia Woolley's third book, Guinevere The Legend in Autumn, introduces the character. But she's so unpleasant about her characters of color...
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Yeahhhhh. Long story short, Ragnelle is a fey nomad that lives among the animals she herds. She was unable to be made "civilized" and left court, evidentially sending her son "Gingalin" to be fostered by Bertilack, then given to Gawain after his Green Knight quest. There's so much unnecessary emphasis on their skin-tone coupled with the way their culture's framed it's just. Ick. I hate it.
In Howard Pyle's fourth book The Story of the Grail and the Passing of Arthur, "Gingaline" is mentioned in the line up of knights who join Agravaine and Mordred in the ambush of Launcelot and Guinevere. Ironically, he isn't mentioned as Gawaine's son, but his half brothers, Florence and Lovel, are.
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Since Ragnelle and Gromer Somer Joure are both present in Pyle's series, I'm going to assume "Gingaline" is Gawaine's son. I know it, in my heart.
Lastly, in The Green Knight (2021) movie, Gawain has an unnamed son who dies in battle. He's Guinglain. To me. If I squint.
So what do I recommend reading? Of the Medieval stuff, the French story Le Bel Iconnu is the origin, so it's a great place to start. The English Sir Libeaus Desconus is short and sweet, with a really great scene of his kinsmen, Gawain, Agravaine, and Ywain, plus friends Lancelot and Perceval, arming him. Yiddish Vidvilt is also fun, it resembles the German Wigalois the most, which is my favorite.
And that's everything I got. As you can see there's a lot of Gawain's son in Medieval stories and not very many in modern ones. I love him! Let's includes him in more stories, shall we? :^)
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the-golden-comet · 5 months ago
✨⛵️Story/WIP Tour Tag ⛵️✨
Oh, what a fun concept! Thank you for tagging me, @theink-stainedfolk !!
I’m not sure I can convince you about the lovely landmarks in Peter Hart , but— there’s a rope around me. Oh. We don’t have a choice in this adventure, do we?
Peter: Clever. You catch on quick~!
Ahoy, mates. Captain Hart at the helm now. I’ll be your tour guide for the voyage. Please keep your arms on the deck at all times. Do not lean on the railing; if you go overboard we’re not coming to fish you out….unless you’re Benjamin.
Benjamin: HEY!! 😡
Right, let’s get started:
✨🇬🇧Port Mayor🇬🇧✨
On your left, you will notice we are passing by Port Mayor, Great Britain. A lovely fishing port run by an absolute bastard of a person. Make sure on your stop you steal a hearty handful from the Royal’s pockets, and try their regional specialty: Port Plum Pudding. Great for the season.
🌋Isle of Talon Rock🌋
Oh, this one’s a lovely sightseeing adventure! Talon Rock is an inactive volcano in the center of thick jungle. Do watch your feet for snakes; they are quite venomous here. The igneous walls of the lava tubes are home to a variety of rich gems, but make sure you vacate before high tide if you don’t want to get your clothes wet.
We arrive at another port. Excellent tailor at this location; this is where I picked out most of Benjamin’s fashion.
Benjamin: I didn’t ASK for—
—You’re welcome. If you get a chance, make sure to piss in the rose garden of the sovereign that governs this port.
✨🪨Echoing Cove🪨✨
This one looks deceptive at first glance, but a trove of valuables rests deep enough inside the many underwater cave systems. You’ll have to do a little spelunking, but if you reach deep enough the treasures are ripe for the taking~
Benjamin: Peter…why do I hear voices?
—AAAAAAAND we are getting the fuck out of here~🏴‍☠️✨
✨🇬🇧Port Florence🇬🇧✨
Aye, Florence. Another posh port with a castle loaded in riches. A very prosperous port town with a king that is all too eager to throw lavish parties and get drunk off of centuries aged wine.
Benjamin: You’re one to talk, captain…
They hold a Regal Ball every year, with a dance competition. The winners take home 50 grand. Ah, a great memory indeed~
Benji: (blushing furiously)
☠️🩸Bloodwater Bay🩸☠️
….Oh shite. This place. Right, well…..some more dense jungle, a thin strip of beach, the waters are red, but don’t be too alarmed…Davey tells us that’s the iron deposits that give more of that rusty hue. There’s a tall waterfall in the center……
Benjamin: …..Peter? Peeeeeeeter?
O-Oh! Well, moving right along…don’t want to linger in this wretched bay….
✨🇮🇪Gregory’s Point🇮🇪✨
Another lovely island between the mainland and Ireland. This is a developed hotspot, turned into a small port town where all are welcome. Pirates, naval officers, merchants, the like. Between the two main countries, this place has its own governance. So, you better have a good reputation if you don’t want to be murdered in your sleep ✨
Benjamin: you say that so nonchalantly, Captain
Mmmmhm. Also home to one of the best doctors this side of the equator. So, if you get wounded, make sure it happens close to Gregory’s Point.
✨🐋Giverny Gulch🐋✨
Another island made of basalt, home to a naval shipwreck. Do watch your step for broken glass, sharp rocks, reanimated corpses—
Benjamin: —I beg your pardon?
—fish and shark carcasses….oh right. Lots of sharks. Be careful of those.
Benjamin: ….Do I hear a whale?
We’re arriving near France! Jacques: lead us in the singing of the French National Anthem
Jacques: Oui, oui, Capitaine~! ✨
✨🎵 Allons enfant de la patrie,
Le jour de gloire est arrivé! 🎵✨
Benjamin: 😑
✨🎵….Contre nous de la tyrannie,
L'étendard sanglant est levé
L'étendard sanglant est levé
Entendez-vous dans les campagnes
Mugir ces féroces soldats?
Ils viennent jusque dans vos bras
Égorger vos fils et vos compagnes!
Aux armes, citoyens! (Formez)
Vos bataillons!
Marchons! Oui, marchons!
Qu'un sang impur
Abreuve nos sillons! 🎵✨
🏔️Arctic Archipelago🏔️
Benjamin: …..Peter?
…..Let’s be off…..I wish not to be here too long.
✨🏝️The Caribbean🏝️✨
Ah, much better~! A nice, warm climate. Benji, love, remind me to acquire a bottle of Ron de Barbados 🇧🇧✨
Benjamin: Trust me, Captain; you won’t forget.
We’ve reached our final stop, but we have a whole tied-up tour group of witnesses. Mmmm…Right, I got it! Men, start hauling them over the rail—
Benjamin: —PETER!!
I’m joooooking~. Start untying them and drop ‘em off at the next port. Thank you for….“choosing”….The Golden Phoenix as your cruise. I’ve been your captain, and have a magnificent stay in Barbados. Jones knows I will~
Benjamin: P-PETER!! 😣
Leaving this open because man I had a lot of fun here ✨
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vish-the-wanderer · 1 year ago
CoTE opening quotes
a list of the opening quotes in classroom of the elite:
What is evil?- Whatever springs from weakness. -F W Nietzsche, The Antichrist It takes great talent and skill to conceal one's talent and skill. -La Rochefoucauld, Reflections or Sentences and Moral Maxims Man is an animal that makes bargains: no other animal does this - no dog exchanges bones with one another. -Adam Smith, An Enquiry into the Nature and Causes of the Wealth of Nations We should not be upset that others hide the truth from us, when we hide it so often from ourselves. -La Rochefoucauld, Reflections or Sentences and Moral Maxims Hell is other people. -Jean-Paul Sartre, No Exit There are two kinds of lies; one concerns an accomplished fact, the other concerns a future duty. -Jean Jacques Rousseau, Emile or on Education Nothing is as dangerous as an ignorant friend; a wise enemy is to be preferred. -Jean de La Fontaine, Fables Abandon all hope, ye who enter here. -Dante Alighieri, The Divine Comedy, Inferno Man is condemned to be free. -Jean-Paul Sartre, Existentialism and Humanism Every man has in himself the most dangerous traitor of all. -Kierkegaard, Works of Love What people commonly call fate is their own stupidity. -Schopenhauer, Philosophical Writings Genius lives only one story above madness. -Schopenhauer, Parerga and Paralipomena Remember to keep a clear head in difficult times. -Horace, Odes (Carmina) There are two main human sins from which all the others derive: impatience and indolence. -Franz Kafka, The Zurau Aphorisms The greatest souls are capable of the greatest vices as well as of the greatest virtues. -Rene Descartes, Discourse on Method The material has to be created. -Florence Nightingale, subsidiary notes (female nursing into military hospitals in peace and war) Every failure is a step to success. -William Whewell, Lectures on the History of Moral Philosophy in England Adversity is the first path to truth. -G G Byron Don Juan To doubt everything or to believe everything are two equally convenient solutions;  both dispense with the necessity of reflection. -H Poincare, Science and Hypothesis The wound is at her heart. -Vergil, Aeneid If you make a mistake and do not correct it, this is called a mistake. -Anonymous, Analects People, often deceived by an illusive good, desire their own ruin. -Niccolo Machiavelli, Discourses on Livy A man who cannot command himself will always be a slave. -J W V Goethe, Zahme Xenien Force without wisdom falls of its own weight. -Horace, Odes (Carmina) The worst enemy you can meet will always be yourself. -F W Nietzsche, Thus spoke Zarathustra
lmk if you'd like explanations as to how these epigraphs relate to the story
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camisoledadparis · 18 days ago
based on: The White Crane Institute's 'Gay Wisdom', Gay Birthdays, Gay For Today, Famous GLBT, glbt-Gay Encylopedia, Today in Gay History, Wikipedia, and more … January 12
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1564 – Queen Elizabeth I reinstates the buggery law in England which makes sodomy illegal.
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1706 – Pennsylvania eliminates the castration penalty from its sodomy law.
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1751 – On this date the Baltic German writer of the Sturm und Drang movement Jakob Lenz was born (d.1792). Lenz is remembered as the most creative and original of Goethe's Strasbourg friends and, because of failures in his personal life, as a figure of pathos. The son of a Lutheran pastor who received a theological education at the University of Koenigsberg, Lenz was a religious thinker who saw himself as prophet as well as poet.
In 1771 in Strasbourg, he met the young Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, who at this time happened to be in Strasbourg, and whose acquaintance Lenz made, as well as that of Johann Heinrich Jung-Stilling. Goethe now became Lenz's literary idol, and through him he made contact with Johann Gottfried Herder and Johann Kaspar Lavater, with whom he corresponded.
In the following year, 1772, Lenz accompanied his literary masters to the garrisons of Landau, Fort Louis and Wissembourg. He also fell in love with Friederike Brion, once the beloved of Goethe, but his feelings were not reciprocated.
Recent scholarship has has revealed Lenz's relationship with Goethe. In books like Karl Hugo Pruys' "The Tiger's Tender Touch: The Erotic Life of Goethe" and Alice Kuzniar's "Outing Goethe and His Age" Lenz's full character and sexuality has been revived. Lenz was deeply in love with Goethe. Indeed he wrote countless love letters to the writer in which he professed his desire to be Goethe's wife.
Historians of Goethe have always been puzzled by an incident in Goethe's life. In April 1776 Lenz followed Goethe to the court of Weimar where he was at first amicably received. But in early December, on Goethe's instigation, he was expelled. The exact circumstances are not recorded; Goethe, who broke off all personal contact with him after this, refers only vaguely in his diary to "Lenz's idiocy" ("Lenzens Eseley"). Historians seem puzzled by this strange rejection of Lenz. A clearer reading of their relationship or Lenz's desires for Goethe make the situation a bit more clear. The rejection may have been a break in their relationship or a spurning of Lenz's attentions.
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1856 – John Singer Sargent American portrait painter, born (d.1925) was the most successful portrait painter of his era, as well as a gifted landscape painter and watercolorist. Sargent was born in Florence, Italy to American parents. He studied in Italy and Germany, and then in Paris under Emile Auguste Carolus-Duran. Among the artists with whom Sargent associated were Dennis Miller Bunker, Carroll Beckwith, Edwin Austin Abbey (who also worked on the Boston Public Library murals), Francis David Millet, Wilfrid de Glehn, Jane Emmet de Glehn and Claude Monet, whom Sargent painted.
He developed a life-long friendship with fellow painter Paul César Helleu, whom he met in Paris in 1878 when Sargent was twenty-two and Helleu was eighteen. Sargent painted both Helleu and his wife Alice on several occasions, most memorably in the impressionistic Paul Helleu Sketching with his Wife, 1889. His supporters included Henry James, Isabella Steward Gardner, (who commissioned and purchased works from Sargent and sought his advice on other acquisitions) and Edward VII, whose recommendation for knighthood the artist declined.
Sargent was, as they say, "extremely private regarding his personal life," though the painter Jacques-Émile Blanche, who was one of his early sitters, said — after his death — that Sargent's sex life "was notorious in Paris, and in Venice, positively scandalous. He was a frenzied bugger." Was the bugger refernce as in "buggery"?. As homophobic scholars put it, "the truth of this may never be established." Some have gone so far as to boldly suggest that Sargent was homosexual. He had personal associations with Prince Edmond de Polignac and Count Robert de Montesquiou (the model for Des Esseintes in Huysman's A Rebours, and even more famously, the Baron de Charlus in Proust's A la recherche du temps perdu, and, in real life, if you will, Prince Polignac's life-long lover, as well), two of the most notorious homosexuals of the age.
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Sargent's male nudes reveal complex and well-considered artistic sensibilities about the male physique and sensuality; particularly evident in his portrait of Thomas E. McKeller but also in Tommies Bathing (both above), nude sketches for Hell and Judgement, and his portraits of young men, like Bartholomy Maganosco and Head of Olimpio Fusco .
There were friendships with women, as well, and a similar sensualism informs his female portrait and figure studies (notably Egyptian Girl, 1891). The likelihood of an affair with Louise Burkhardt, the model for Lady with the Rose, and the first wife of author J.R. Ackerley's father is accepted by Sargent scholars. Sargent's friends went so far as to wonder if he and Burckhardt had formed a romantic attachment. His enthusiasm while creating the picture of her probably instigated the rumors, but a mutual friend learns from Sargent in 1882 that "he does not care a straw for her." Despite numerous friendships with women throughout his life, this is the only episode to cause associates to doubt his status as a "committed bachelor." His sensuous, unparalleled appreciation of male beauty leaps off the canvas to this day.
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1941 – On this date the pioneering British bluesman Long John Baldry was born (d.2005). Born John William Baldry in England, he grew to 6' 7" which resulted in the nickname "Long" John. Gifted with a deep, rich voice, he was one of the first British vocalists to sing blues in clubs.
In the early 1960s, he sang with the seminal band, Alexis Korner's Blues Incorporated, with whom he recorded the first British blues album in 1962, "R&B at the Marquee." At stages, future Rolling Stones members Mick Jagger, Charlie Watts, Keith Richards and Brian Jones played in the band. The Rolling Stones supported Baldry in their first concert at the Marquee Club. Later, Baldry was the announcer introducing The Stones on their US-only live album, "Got Live if You Want It!," in 1966.
Baldry became friends with Paul McCartney after a show at the Cavern Club in Liverpool in the early 1960s, leading to an invitation to play on one of The Beatles 1964 TV specials. In 1963, Baldry joined the Cyril Davies R&B All Stars with Jimmy Page on guitar and Nicky Hopkins playing piano. He took over in 1964 after the death of Cyril Davies. It became Long John Baldry and his Hoochie Coochie Men featuring Rod Stewart on vocals and Geoff Bradford on guitar. Stewart was recruited after Baldry heard him busking a Muddy Waters song at Twickenham station after Stewart had been to a gig at Eel Pie Island.
In 1965, the Hoochie Coochie Men became Steampacket with Baldry and Stewart as male vocalists, Julie Driscoll as the female vocalist and Brian Auger on Hammond organ. After Steampacket broke up in 1966, Baldry formed Bluesology featuring Reg Dwight on keyboards and Elton Dean, later of Soft Machine, as well as Caleb Quaye on guitar. Dwight adopted the name "Elton John" (taking his first name from another member of the band, Elton Dean, and his surname from Baldry).
In 1967, he recorded a pop song "Let the Heartaches Begin" that went to number one in Britain, followed by a 1968 top 20 hit titled "Mexico", which was the theme of the UK Olympic team that year. "Let the Heartaches Begin" made the lower reaches of the Billboard Hot 100 in the US.
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Baldry was openly gay during the early 1960s when homosexuality was still criminalised and medicalised. Baldry supported Elton John in coming to terms with his own sexuality. In 1978 his album Baldry's Out announced his formal coming out, and he addressed sexuality issues on A Thrill's a Thrill, a song on the LP.
Bluesology broke up in 1968, with Baldry continuing his solo career and John forming a songwriting partnership with Bernie Taupin. In 1969, Elton John tried to commit suicide after relationship problems with a woman. Taupin and Baldry, who was by now openly Gay, found him, and Baldry talked him out of marrying the woman, helping make John comfortable with his sexuality. The song "Someone Saved My Life Tonight" from "Captain Fantastic and the Brown Dirt Cowboy" was about the experience.
In 1971, Elton John and Stewart each produced one side of "It Ain't Easy" which became Baldry's most popular album and made the top 100 of the US album charts. The album featured "Don't Try to Lay No Boogie Woogie on the King of Rock and Roll" which became his most successful song in the US. John's first tour of the US was this time. Baldry's 1972 album "Everything Stops For Tea" made the lower reaches of the US album charts.
After time in New York City and Los Angeles in 1978, Baldry settled in Vancouver, British Columbia, where he became Canadian. He toured the west coast, as well as the U.S. Northwest. Baldry also toured the Canadian east, including one 1985 show in Kingston, Ontario, where audience members repeatedly called for the title track from his 1979 album "Baldry's Out!" - to which he replied, "I'll say he is!"
He played his last live show in Columbus, Ohio, on July 19, 2004.
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1951 – Mark Segal is an American journalist. He participated in the Stonewall riots and was one of the original founders of the Gay Liberation Front where he created its Gay Youth program. He was the founder and former president of the National Gay Newspaper Guild and the founder and publisher of Philadelphia Gay News. He has won numerous journalism awards for his column "Mark my Works."
Segal was a participant at Stonewall in 1969 and help found the Gay Liberation Front that same year. He was also a member of The Christopher Street Gay Liberation Day committee, which organized the first Gay Pride parade in 1970.
In 1972, after being thrown out of dance competition for dancing with a male lover, Segal crashed the evening news broadcast of WPVI-TV, an act that became known as a "zap" and that he helped popularize. He repeated the action during many other television broadcasts.
In 1975, he went on a hunger strike on behalf of the passage of a law to guarantee equal rights for homosexuals. In 1976, he founded the Philadelphia Gay News, a lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender (LGBT) newspaper in the Philadelphia area. The publication was inspired by activist Frank Kameny, whom Segal first met in 1970. In 1988, Segal had a televised debate with a Philadelphia city councilman, Francis Rafferty, about Gay Pride Month.
Segal partnered with the Obama Administration to create and build the nation's first official “LGBT Friendly” Senior Affordable housing apartment building. The 19.8 million dollar project known as The John C. Anderson Apartments opened in 2013.
Segal is Jewish and originally from Mount Airy, Philadelphia. He attended school at Germantown High School and Temple University. His friends include several prominent gay activists like Barbara Gittings, Frank Kameny, Harry Hay and Troy Perry.
On July 5, 2014, Segal married his partner of 10 years, Jason Villemez. At the time, Villemez was 29 and Segal was 63. The ceremony was officiated by Judge Dan Anders, Philadelphia’s first openly gay judge.
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1954 – Today is the birthday of Felipe Rose, better known as "the Indian guy from The Village People." He was born in New York and grew up in Brooklyn. He's part American Indian (Lakota) and part Puerto-Rican (on his mother's side). He actually studied dance with the Ballet de Puerto Rico and was later discovered by the music producer Jacques Morali while working as a bartender and dancing in a New York gay club and recruited for a new disco group he was forming.
While the producers were busy recruiting and preparing the other members of the group, Rose was sent to Paris where he choreographed a native dance number for the Crazy Horse Saloon. When he returned to the U.S., he suggested that the other members of the group wear uniforms representing different "manly" occupations in New York's Greenwich Village.The rest as they say is history. His hits with the Village People hits include Macho Man (1978), YMCA (1978), In The Navy (1979), Go West (1979), Can't Stop the Music (1980)
In 2000, Rose began to work on his solo career. His single "Trails of Tears" was nominated for 3 Native American Music Awards for Best Historical Recording, Song of the Year and Best Producer. In 2002, Rose was the opening act of the 5th Annual Native American Music Awards and won a NAMMY Award for the Best Historical Recording.
In 2005 Rose called up the Smithsonian National Museum of the American Indian in Washington, DC to offer them his framed gold record for the disco group's 1978 megahit "Y.M.C.A." The staff of the new museum had never received such a call but were delighted to accept the items into their collection. The Washington Post's writer Hank Stuever opined that the museum accepted the record "on the precept that sooner or later they might need such an artifact of a bygone era, perhaps to flesh out a future exhibit on the folkloric value of disco, and native cultural responses to it."
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1973 – Joel Derfner is an American writer and composer. He is the author of three gay-themed books: Gay Haiku (2005), Swish: My Quest to Become the Gayest Person Ever and What Ended Up Happening Instead (2008), and Lawfully Wedded Husband: How My Gay Marriage Will Save the American Family (2013). His articles have appeared in publications including the Huffington Post, The Advocate, Time Out New York, and Between the Lines. Derfner and his works have been cited as references on gay culture, and he has been noted as one of "today's best-known gay writers".
He is the composer of several musicals, and he teaches musical theater composition at New York University’s Tisch School of the Arts. Derfner was also co-star of the first season of the 2010 reality television show Girls Who Like Boys Who Like Boys, along with his close friend Sarah Rose.
Derfner was born in 1973 in Washington, D.C. and grew up in Charleston, South Carolina. His parents were civil rights activists, and were active in Mississippi during the Civil Rights Movement. His father, Armand Derfner, is a civil rights lawyer, and his mother Mary Frances Derfner (née Seddon) met Armand when she became his legal secretary in Washington, D.C. in 1967. Joel's father is Jewish and his mother was Christian; he was raised Jewish and converted to Judaism at the age of seven His mother, who suffered from type 1 diabetes, died in 1992. Joel came out to his parents as gay when he was 15.
Derfner lives in New York City with his husband, Mike Combs, a psychiatrist who runs an inpatient unit at a New York City psychiatric hospital. He and Combs became engaged in 2007.[88] The couple were legally married in Iowa in May 2010 and had their formal wedding ceremony in October 2010 in Brooklyn Botanic Garden.
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1974 – Chinese Gay Rights Pioneer,GLBT activist and attorney Zhou Dan came out to his friends in 1998 and the media in 2003. A champion of GLBT rights in China, Zhou writes articles on Chinese gay and lesbian Web sites. Although many GLBT Chinese use pseudonyms, Zhou uses his real name. After revealing his sexuality to a Shanghai newspaper in 2003, Zhou appeared across China in newspapers and magazines and on television. Earlier that year, he established the Shanghai Hotline for Sexual Minorities.
One generation removed from the persecution of gays under the People's Republic of China, Chinese gays encounter different obstacles than their American counterparts. Many Chinese believe that homosexuality exists only in the western world. The absence of legal protection and the threat of social isolation keep most Chinese GLBT individuals in the closet.
Zhou also fights for rights of people living with or affected by HIV/AIDS in China, by advocating a human-rights-based approach to the epidemic.
In 2004, Zhou attended Yale Law School's China Law Center as a visiting scholar. In 2006, he taught China's first graduate class on homosexuality at Fudan University in Shanghai.
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1986 – Kieron Richardson, born in Eccles, Greater Manchester, England, is an English actor and Presenter best known for playing the role of Ste Hay in Hollyoaks.
After appearing briefly in the late night Hollyoaks: In the City, Richardson was offered the role of Ste Hay in the early evening Hollyoaks where he appeared for 19 episodes. The character was written out of the show after stealing a car, which resulted in a spectacular crash and his character getting sent to prison. He returned to Hollyoaks on 25 September 2007, and has been a regular cast member since.
Richardson has also made appearances in Holby City, Heartbeat and the feature film Fragments, as well as the pantomime Cinderella as Prince Charming at The Embassy Theatre, Skegness in 2006.
Richardson took part in 2010 series of ITV's Dancing on Ice and was paired with series newcomer Brianne Delcourt. He reached the final, finishing in third place.
In 2011, Richardson and his Hollyoaks ex co-star Bronagh Waugh started presenting on radio station Gaydio.
On 15 September 2010, Richardson revealed on television programme This Morning that he is gay, and accepted it at the age of 20. He was inspired to come out by X Factor winner Joe McElderry. In July 2014, Richardson received a torrent of homophobic abuse via social networking site Twitter. That month Richardson announced his intention to marry long-term partner Carl Hyland the following year. In April 2015, the couple were married in a star-studded ceremony in the Peak District.
In December 2016, Richardson announced they were expecting twins via surrogacy. They have twins born in 2017, a boy and girl.
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2009 – On this date a landmark of sorts occurred on American daytime television when after months of teasing and steamy kisses, the soap opera As The World Turns featured the boyfriends Luke and Noah finally having sex in a breakthrough episode for daytime television.
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2012 – A firestorm was set off by the revelation that a Canadian government lawyer had filed a document in a divorce case stating that same-sex marriages entered into by foreign couples who reside in jurisdictions that do not recognize same-sex marriage are not valid in Canada.
The statement was at first widely regarded as an attempt to undermine same-sex marriage by the Conservative government of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. After the legal brief had been denounced roundly both in Canada and abroad, the government announced that it had no intention of reopening the question of same-sex marriage and that it recognized as valid the same-sex marriages of foreign nationals.
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ripempezardexerox · 10 months ago
Dices Merzbow, yo digo Justin Beiber
Dices Boredoms, yo digo Katy Perry
Dices Gerogerigegege, yo digo Skrillex
Dices Coil, yo digo Lady Gaga
Dices Throbbing Gristle, yo digo Black Eyed Peas
Dices Whitehouse, yo digo Taylor Swift
Dices Nurse With Wound, yo digo Bruno Mars
Dices Einstürzende Neubauten, yo digo Maroon 5
Dices Brainbombs, yo digo Drake
Dices Egor Letov, yo digo One Direction
Dices Death in June, yo digo LMFAO
Dices Current 93, yo digo Beyonce
Dices La Monte Young, yo digo Carly Rae Jepsen
Dices Moondog, yo digo Kelly Clarkson
Dices Lou Harrison, yo digo Coldplay
Dices Henry Cowell, yo digo PSY
Dices Luigi Russolo, yo digo Imagine Dragons
Dices Popol Vuh, yo digo Lana Del Ray
Dices Fishmans, yo digo Ellie Goulding
Dices Jean Jacques Perrey, yo digo P!nk
Dices Les Rallizes Dénudés, yo digo Owl City
Dices Rainbow Caroliner, yo digo Carrie Underwood
Dices Taj Mahal Travellers, yo digo Christina Aguilera
Dices Fushitsusha, yo digo Ariana Grande
Dices Peter Brötzmann, yo digo Rihanna
Dices John Cage, yo digo Jennifer Lopez
Dices Scott Walker, yo digo Ed Sheeran
Dices Unwound, yo digo Mumford & Sons
Dices Dead, yo digo Tyga
Dices Frank Zappa, yo digo Shakira
Dices Morton Feldman, yo digo Macklemore
Dices Captain Beefheart, yo digo Big Time Rush
Dices Pharoah Sanders, yo digo Akon
Dices Albert Ayler, yo digo Foster the People
Dices Ornette Coleman, yo digo The Weeknd
Dices Alice Coltrane, yo digo Panic! at the Disco
Dices Arnold Schoenberg, yo digo Florida Georgia Line
Dices Pierre Boulez, yo digo Big Sean
Dices György Ligeti, yo digo Gym Class Heroes
Dices Karlheinz Stockhausen, yo digo Miley Cyrus
Dices Nang Nang, yo digo The Lumineers
Dices Thinking Fellers Union Local 282, yo digo Jay-Z
Dices Nara Leão, yo digoCharlie Puth
Dices Basic Channel, yo digo Mac Miller
Dices Raymond Scott, yo digo Twenty One Pilots
Dices Delia Derbyshire, yo digo Harry Styles
Dices Daphne Oram, yo digo Charli XCX
Dices Noah Howard, yo digoBTS
Dices Terry Riley, yo digo Iggy Azalea
Dices Peter Sotos, yo digo John Legend
Dices Lula Côrtes e Zé Ramalho, yo digo OneRepublic
Dices Boyd Rice, yo digo Migos
Dices Mahmoud Ahmed, yo digo Logic
Dices Henry Flynt, yo digo Bastille
Dices Kazumoto Endo, yo digo Five Seconds of Summer
Dices David Tudor, yo digo Pentatonix
Dices Aporea, yo digo The Chainsmokers
Dices Half Japanese, yo digo Fall Out Boy
Dices Mega Banton, yo digo David Guetta
Dices Secret Chiefs 3, yo digo Greta Van Fleet
Dices Keiji Haino, yo digo Alicia Keys
Dices Ramleh, yo digo Kanye West
Dices Otomo Yoshihide, yo digo T-Pain
Dices John Zorn, yo digo Lizzo
Dices Joe Meek, yo digo WALK THE MOON
Dices Robbie Basho, yo digo Cardi B
Dices Phil Spector, yo digo EXO
Dices Faxed Head, yo digo Solange
Dices Harry Partch, yo digo Lil Nas X
Dices Wesley Willis, yo digo Disclosure
Dices Fred Frith, yo digo Sam Smith
Dices The Residents, yo digo Michael Buble
Dices Sun Ra, yo digo Paramore
Dices Sun City Girls, yo digo Linkin Park
Dices Hans Krüsi, yo digo Florence + The Machine
Dices Royal Trux, yo digo Rascal Flatts
Dices Jandek, yo digo Eminem
Dices Yat-Kha, yo digo Chance the Rapper
Dices Loren Mazzacane Connors, yo digo Mariah Carey
Dices Pärson Sound, yo digo Snoop Dogg
Dices The Dead C, yo digo Adele
Dices Comus, yo digo Shawn Mendes
Dices Cromagnon, yo digo Chris Brown
Dices Eliane Radigue, yo digo Camilla Cabello
Dices Arthur Doyle, yo digo Halsey
Dices Shizuka, yo digo The 1975
Dices The Red Krayola, yo digo Billie Eilish
Dices Henry Cow, yo digo A$AP Rocky
Dices Magma, yo digo Dua Lipa
Dices Opus Avantra, yo digo Kendrick Lamar
Dices Pan.Thy.Monium., yo digo Nicki Minaj
Dices Murmuüre, yo digo Madonna
Dices Ksiezyc, yo digo Britney Spears
Dices Gong, yo digo Post Malone
Dices Cukor Bila Smert', yo digo Jonas Brothers
Dices cLOUDDEAD, yo opino que te calles
Dices Muslimgauze, ¡¡ YO GRITO POP!!
Dices Kaoru Abe, y te parto la madre
El 92% de la juventud está escuchando Avant Garde Noise. Si eres parte de ese 8% que aun escucha música de verdad, comparte este post a tus contactos de facebook.
¡¡¡¡ No dejes que el espíritu del POP muera !!!!
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The contenders have been chosen! A whopping 256 characters have been sent to me. Brackets will take awhile to be made but the tournament will start when I'm ready.
Achilles Agravain Altera Altera the Santa Amakusa Shirou Amor Anastasia Andromeda Anne Bonny & Mary Read Antonio Salieri Aoko Aozaki Arash Archimedes Arcueid Arjuna Arjuna Alter Artoria Artoria Alter Artoria Caster Artoria Lancer Artoria Lancer Alter Asclepius Ashiya Douman Asterios Astolfo Asvatthaman Atalanta Atalanta Alter Angra Mainyu Avicebron Baobhan Sith Barghest Bartholomew Roberts Bazett BB Bedivere Beowulf Bhima Billy the Kid Blackbeard Boudica Bradamante Britomart Byrnhild Caenis Calamity Jane Carmilla Ceil Circe Charlemagne Charlotte Corday Chen Gong Chevalier d'Eon Cleopatra Constantine XI Cu Cu (Alter) Cu (Caster) David Daybit Demon King Nobunaga Diarmuid Dioscuri Dobrynya Nikitich Dorothea Coyett Durga Duryodhana Dust of Osiris Edmond Dantes Emiya Enkidu Ereshkigal Europa Fergus mac Roich Fionn mac Cumhaill Fiore Forvedge First Hassan Florence Nightingale Francesca Prelati Francis Drake Fujimaru Ritsuka Fuma Kotaro Gareth Gawain Georgios Gilgamesh Gilgamesh Caster Goetia Goredolf Gorgon Hassan of Serenity Hassan of the Hundred Faces Hildr Hector Henry Jekyll & Hyde Hephaestion Hercules Hippolyta Huang Feihu Huyan Zhuo Ibuki Douji Iskandar Ishtar Ivan the Terrible Izumo no Okuni Jacques de Molay Jacques de Molay Foreigner Jalter Jason Jeanne d'Arc Jinako Carigiri Jing Ke Kadoc Kama Karna Kato Danzo Katsushika Hokusai Kiara Kiichi Hogen Kijyo Koyo Kintoki Kirei Kiritsugu Kirschtaria Wodime Kischur Zelretch Schweinorg Kishinami Hakuno Koyanskaya Kriemhild Kukulkan Lanling Wang Leonardo da Vinci Leysritt Locusta Luviagelita Edelfelt Mandricardo Mash Mata Hari Medea Medusa Meltryllis Mephistopheles Merlin Merlin Prototype Mikiya Kokutou Miss Crane Miyamoto Musashi Miyamoto Iori Mordred Mori Nagayoshi Moriarty (Archer) Moriarty (Ruler) Mozart Muniere Murasaki Shikibu Mysterious Heroine XX Nagkura Shinpachi Neco Arc Nero Nezha Noah Noel Aizome Night of Wallachia Nitocris Nitocris Alter Nrvnqsr Chaos Oberon Oda Kippoushi Oda Nobunaga Odysseus Okada Izo Okita Souji Ortlinde Osakabehime Ozymandias Passionlip Patxi Penthesilea Percival Perseus Phantom of the Opera Proto Arthur Ptolemy Qin Liangyu Queen Himiko Queen Medb Queen of Sheba Quetzalcoatl Quetzalcoatl Samba Raikou Rama Richard the Lionheart Riesbyfe Stridberg Rin Tohsaka Roa Robin Hood Romani Saber (Fate/Samurai Remnant) Saint Martha Saito Hajime Sakamoto Ryouma and Oryo Salome Sasaki Kojiro Scandinavia Peperoncino Scathach Scheherazade Sei Shonagon Semiramis Shakespeare Sherlock Holmes Shi Huang Di Shiki Tohno Shiki Ryougi Shirou Emiya Shuten Douji Sieg Siegfried Sigurd Sisigou Kairi Skadi Souichirou Kuzuki Spartacus Suse Ritsuka Suzuka Gozen Taiga Fujimura Taigong Wang Taira-no-Kagekiyo Takao Dayu Takasugi Shinsaku Takechi Zuizan Tamamo Cat Tamamo no Mae Tenochtitlan Theseus Thrud Tiamat Tomoe Gozen Touko Aozaki Tristan Ushiwakamaru Van Gogh Vlad III Vlov Arkhangel Vritra Watanabe-no-Tsuna Waver Xiang Yu Xuanzang Sanzang Yamanami Keisuke Yan Qing Yang Guifei Yu Mei-ren Yui Shousetsu Zenobia Zeus
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eretzyisrael · 21 days ago
Moroccan Jews recall the Egoz disaster
At this time of year Moroccan Jews recall the disaster of the Egoz, in which 44 passengers hoping to reach Israel  drowned off the coast of Morocco.  Raquel Levy-Toledano wrote up their story for l’Arche ‘s special issue on Morocco in November 2023.
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Monument to the Egoz disaster in Ashdod, Israel
The collective memory of the Moroccan Jewish will forever be marked by the wreck of the Pisces, renamed the Egoz, which occurred on Wednesday 11 January 1961.
The Pisces was an old star of the British army, converted into a smuggling boat. On board, ten families of Moroccan Jews going  to the Promised Land with a Mossad envoy. They mostly perished during the shipwreck: the families Edery (Nissim, Mordekhay, Rosa, Annette, Marcelle, Shaba, Haim, Albert), Azoulay (Hnina, Gisele, Shalom, Pierre, Meyer, Rachel), Elmaleh (Isaac Alya, Albert, Simon, Messoda, Suzanne), Benarroch (Raphael, Tamar, Jacques, Denise, Jacqueline, Gabriel), Dadoun (David, Judah, Danielle, Jacky), Benlolo (David, Marie, Yochoua, Alice, Rachel), Mom (Henry, Gisele, Haim, Florence, Rebecca), Elkouby (David), Gozlan (Freha) and Librati (Esther).
Jacques and Denise Benarroch had married the day before. David Dadoun had been arrested and turned back at Casablanca airport with a fake passport. With his two children, he was excited  to join his wife and two other boys already in Israel. Henry Mamane, a Casablanca bartender, his 80-year-old mother Hannah Azoulay, and his children were looking forward to being reunited with two of his daughters. The first had left on January 2. The list of victims also included Haim Sarfati, a 28-year-old Israeli born in Fez, sent by the Mossad as a radio operator, on a last mission before returning to marry in Israel.  Francisco Pérez Roldán (Paco) was the Spanish machinist.
To divert the suspicions of  any possible inspectors, the group  had pretended they were going on a pilgrimage to Ouezzane, to the grave of Amram Ben Diwan and attending a wedding in the Al Hoceima region. The journey had been exhausting since they left Casablanca. At  Al Hoceima the group was boarded into tugs  by armed  and hooded men and led to the main ship.  Despite the favorable weather forecast, the sea was rough and the ship pitched and rolled violently. Only ten miles (16 km) from the Moroccan coast and after sailing for  thirty minutes,  the hull split and the boat sank within minutes. Three crew members embarked on the only  lifeboat, leaving the passengers to their sad fate. Only the machinist Paco Perez refused to abandon the passengers, mostly women and children.
On 11 January 1961, 42 passengers perished, despite the rescue efforts of  Spanish and Moroccan trawlers, a Coast Guard, a Rapid Star and a British aircraft and two French Navy escorts. Twenty-three corpses were found floating on the surface with life belts. The wreckage of the boat and the bodies of the other passengers, including 16 children, were never found.
This tragic event raised a global tide of emotion.  A  leaflet and poster campaign in Morocco and Israel, deploring the disaster, provoked the anger of the Moroccan authorities. Negotiations followed between the future King Hassan II and a committee of prominent Jews consisting of Doctor Léon Benzaquen, former minister and personal friend of Mohamed V, David Amar, president of the Jewish Community of Morocco and the Chief Rabbi Shalom Messas who wanted areligious burial for the victims. The Prince conceded to the burial of the 23 bodies in a remote corner of the Al Hoceima cemetery. The ceremony was discreet and relatives absent. After years of negotiations, King Hassan II authorized the repatriation of the remains of the  shipwrecked victims. They  received  a national funeral at Mount Herzl in Jerusalem on 14 December 1992.
In the early 60’s the tragedy opened the gates to massive legal emigration  of Jews from Morocco to Israel.
In the early 60’s the tragedy opened the gates to massive legal emigration  of Jews from Morocco to Israel.
More about the Egoz
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cafeleningrad · 2 months ago
Get to Know the blogger
received a tag by the @harrowscore. Alright, this has been sitting way to long in the drafts. Thank you so very much, dear!
name/nickname: Leo or Lewis for nickname middle name: I have one pronouns: she/her. gender: female sexual orientation: Bi age: 27 zodiac sign: Aries birthday: 5th April relationship status: 5+ years relationship work field/studying: Student. Previously translation, now law. Side job to finance my studies. favorite colors: Teal, Yellow, Malachite, Burgundy
some of your favorite movies: The Cairo Conspiracy the Handmaiden Border (original Swedish title: Gräns) Porco Rosso L'enfant qui voulait être un ours the Devils Good Fellas Some like it hot Politiki Kuzina Bad Genius the talented Mr. Ripley Kaguya-hime no Monogatari
some of your favorite bands: Mano Negra, Red Hot Chilli Peppers, Dire Straits, Mashrou' Leila, Buena Vista Social Club, ABBA
some of your favorite singers: Natalie Lafourcade Florence Welch KOKIA Amy MacDonald Jacques Brel Zolani Mahola
some of your favorite books: Candide by Voltaire the Glass Castle by Jeanette Walls Tyll by Daniel Kehlmann Reading Lolita in Teharan by Azar Nafisi Butter by Yuzuki Asako Miss Smilla's sense for Snow by Peter Høeg - Tycho Mrsich multiple works on law in in the Mediterranean area in antiquity which is absolutely fascinating [non-fiction] - almost anything by Cingiz Aijtmatov - although the subjects caused discomfort in me Murata Sayaka captured me in her literary quality
some of your favorite songs: (my current favourites, changes alway with time) Chasing Twisters by Delta Rae, Sinnerman by Nina Simone unravel by Ado Rain by freshly ground Sono mama deii by KOKIA You want it darker by Leonard Cohen Scarborough Fair in it's traditonal iteration (pre-Simon and Garfunkel)
some of your favorite actors/actresses: Paul Dano, Tony Leung, Sara Martins, Peter Lorre, Marlene Dietrich, Willem Dafoe, Tatiana Maslany (still underrated as Orphan Black was a tour de Force), Natalya Arinbasarova, Kati Outinen, Brandon Gleeson, Alain Chabat (the best and only casting of Julius Cesar in television 5eva)
some of your favorite tv shows: the Sopranos Drops of God We are Ladyparts Lilyhammer Blue eyed Samurai Äkta Människor (original Swedish, not the terrible BBC adaptation - as if it would kill Anglos to read subtitles) Samurai Champloo the Bear Sunny Revolutionary Girl Utena Odd Taxi Midnight Mass Reservation Dogs Michiko and Hatchin
celebrity crushes: Sara Martins, Manny Jacinto, Cillian Murphy, Willem Dafoe, Monica Belucci, Jung Eun-Chae
alright, tag for some dears but only if you feel up to it: @pontipines, @mrs-storm-andrews, @starlightstew, @bigre-fichtre, @patrocles, @bookwyrrn, @thewitch-2077, @harlothane, @nikita-not-nikola, @ante--meridiem
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rafaeltheraven · 3 months ago
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I'm bored in the train and I've had various songs from The New Sound in my head for the past week so I'm just going to ramble into the void a bit.
There's a "genre" of music I call "women music". It feels like a pretty denigrating title but I don't intend it as such, I just can't come up with a better one. It involves artists like Fiona Apple, Florence and the Machine, Wende Snijders and probably more I don't know. A type of introspective, slightly experimental music that to me feels unmistakably feminine, but not in a fun poppy way like for example Taylor Swift. I can certainly emphasize with the music, I love a lot of it, but it always feels like I'll never fully understand it. There's some essence, some experience I don't have which permeates the music and makes it in some way alien.
Discussing this with a friend a few years ago (after having seen Wende live), we wondered whether such music exists for the masculine. In some ways, most music is that way we pontificated. A lot of music is made for the male perspective for various reasons, but it doesn't feel masculine in the same way "women music" feels feminine. I've considered perhaps Bowie's Station to Station would count, but it's themes are quite universal.
The New Sound feels like the answer to this question. To me, there's something quite unmistakably masculine about the album, in all the terrible ways that implies.
The album really feels like it was made for me. Being a 25 year old single man who grew up on Jacques Brel and musicals and developed a love for Prog, Zappa and latin music, Greep seems eerily similar to me. I can certainly emphasize extremely with the characters depicted here. Though I've never gone to a sex worker (my nightmare was long distance), the desperation that permeates As If Walz and the Magician is deeply known to me. Someone on Reddit asked whether the album was inspired by Disco Elysium (for which they got rightly clowned), but I think the album and the relationship between Dora and Harry just come from very similar, dark places.
People keep calling it an incel album, but it's clearly not right? I mean, the character(s) clearly have sex. They're not celebate. I feel like the term incel has kind of dilluted into just meaning any bad man who has issues with women, but the inability to have sex feels like a major part of the definition to me. Andrew Tate isn't an incel, he's just a misogynist cunt.
It is, however, a sadboy album. A term I feel like we've sadly forgotten. I think it's much more interesting to view in that lens. Sadboys have something pitiable about them. They're not as outwardly misogynist, not as directly aggressive, they're just sad. I know I can be something of a sadboy myself.
internet-sentences has posted (at least as I see it) at length about the danger of this. It's also what femitist bob comes from. I try to catch myself whenever these feelings arrive, but they arrive nonetheless.
Not that women (or nonbinary folk) can't feel this way of course, but it seems to me, again, undeniably masculine. And Greep has really tapped into that well.
Anyway, the instrumentals fucking slap and the lyrics make me feel things. I look forward to being in my 30s together with Greep and seeing what unknown feelings he'll put on display then.
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