#flood in rovaniemi
xtruss · 9 months
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Rovaniemi, Finland 🇫🇮!
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Cheshire, UK 🇬🇧!
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Cricklade, UK 🇬🇧! A rainbow rises over flooded fields after the rivers Thames and Churn burst their banks in western England after Storm Henk brought strong winds and heavy rain to much of the country. Photograph: Adrian Dennis/AFP/Getty Images
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Central Gaza, Occupied Palestine 🇵🇸! The Crimes of the Bastard Child of the United States and the West, the Illegal Regime of God’s Fucked-up Terrorist Zionist Cunts, Isra-hell. Buildings destroyed by Terrorist Isra-helli bombardment in Gaza Strip, Photographed from across the border in southern Isra-hell Illegal Regime. Photograph: Jack Guez/AFP/Getty Images
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Genocide of Innocent Palestinians! Arura, West Bank, Occupied Palestine 🇵🇸! Aisha, the mother of Saleh al-Arouri, holds a picture of him at the family home in the occupied West Bank. Arouri, one of Hamas’s most senior officials, was killed this week in an Israeli drone strike in Beirut that threatens a dangerous escalation of Israel’s war against Hamas, the Freedom Fighters. Photograph: Jaafar Ashtiyeh/AFP/Getty Images
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jargonius · 4 years
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Ihmisiä ihmettelemässä tulvaa. Tai mistä minä tiedän, mitä he tekevät, eivät välttämättä yhtään ihmettele, saattavat vain paistatella päivää tai ihan kiusallaan hillua ympäriinsä. Sellaista on tämä nykyaika, ikinä ei tiedä, mitä tapahtuu, aivan on hullu meininki!
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nanoland · 3 years
drowstiel fic in progress
title: Clean Hands
fandom: Supernatural
pairings: Crowley/Castiel, Crowley/Dean Winchester, Castiel/Dean Winchester
blurb: In which Crowley is no one's first choice and he's totally fine with that! :) Really! :) :) :)
warnings: smut, cannibalism, demons getting themselves Extremely murdered
Trumpets sounded. Mortar cracked. The ceiling collapsed, squashing half of Crowley’s court, and holy, horrifying light flooded into every corner.
“We are going,” Castiel growled, storming up to the throne and grabbing him by the scruff, “for a drink.”
Crowley’s tail twitched, wordlessly instructing his bodyguards to stand down. “Um. Fine?”
“Alright, alright. Where?”
“I don’t care.”
So Crowley teleported them to a cosy little nook in Finland, highly ranked among his personal favourites and unknown to any colleagues or enemies. It had a roaring fireplace, generously padded chairs, thick faux fur rugs, and a table by a window through which one could watch snow gently blanketing the city of Rovaniemi.
They ordered Koskenkorva and cider and Salmari and beer – or rather, Crowley did, while Castiel stared broodingly into the fire – and competed to see who could get totally hammered first.  
Castiel won. Castiel always won.
“Coke?” Crowley offered.
Scowling, the angel mumbled, “No. Nnn-o. Dean drinks Coke. Dean bought me a Coke once. Said I should try it. He always wants me to try things. Bacon and Star Wars and cowboy paraphernalia. Human things. Never wants to recipra… recipe… recital… never wants to try my things. Angel things. One-way street. Always.”
“Mmm. I can understand how that might feel invalidating, kitten. However, I was in fact offering you cocaine. Top-quality stuff, of course. Or weed?”
“Oh. Uhh – no. Thank you. Can I sit in your lap?”
With a put-upon sigh, Crowley settled back into his chair.
A woman seated across the room tutted disapprovingly as Castiel clambered onto him, twisting this way and that until he’d made himself comfortable with his legs dangling over the arm rest and his tousled head heavy on Crowley’s shoulder.
Looking her way with a pleasant, if carnivorous smile, Crowley said, “Your husband’s name is Verner. Your sister’s name is Aurelia. They’re currently having sex in your kitchen. Her bare, perky arse is resting on your oven mittens – the nice ones with the canary pattern. If you leave right now, you can catch them at it.”
“You are an abomination,” Castiel murmured into his neck as she bolted.
“You’re an absurdity,” he countered, sniffing his hair. Cheap shampoo. Cheap conditioner. Wood smoke, presumably from the boys’ latest hunt. Traces of blood. Traces of God.
The fire crackled. They drank some more.
“I gave Dean a feather,” Castiel said. “One of mine. It’s what we do to show loyalty. Admiration. When I served Heaven, I received feathers from various admirers every week.”
He sounded smug.
“It wasn’t sexual, mind,” he added, quickly.
“Of course.”
“Nor romantic. We don’t engage in such things. Nonetheless, it was meaningful. Is meaningful.”
“And Dean, I imagine, didn’t realize that.”
“Obviously not. I wasn’t expecting him to. He’s a human; why should he understand our customs? But I thought… I thought he’d at least ask. I was prepared for him to ask. I had an explanation ready to go. And then he didn’t. He took the feather, looked embarrassed, smiled, thanked me, and returned to doing Sam’s laundry.”
“I’ve never been so humiliated.”
Crowley gave him a consoling kiss, which he returned hungrily, though not cruelly. In this, Castiel was never cruel. Only demanding. Which was fine; Crowley liked being in demand.
When Castiel withdrew his questing tongue, he looked unsatisfied. (Brattish.) “Why must you always lurk so deep? Come forward. I want to see you.”
Huffing, like it wasn’t something he was asked to do and gladly did every time, Crowley let himself slide from his host’s brain into his eyeballs, turning them crimson; from his chest to his tongue, causing his breath to stink of petrol and graveyard dirt; from his veins to his extremities, prompting his fingernails and toenails to adopt a distinctly claw-like appearance. His expensive black socks would be ruined. “Better, birdy?”
Immediately, Castiel returned to kissing him. (Really, it felt as though he was trying to suck Crowley from his host’s mouth into his own.
Like he wants to eat me.
Crowley shivered happily.)  
Drawing back, Castiel said, “Take us to a hotel room. I want to touch your penis.”
“I live but to serve.”
It had taken Crowley a while to work out what Castiel’s odd sexual ministrations made him feel like; a stim toy. The angel liked nothing more than to fiddle with him. To tug at his chest hair, to pluck at his nipples until they were plump and rosy, and yes, to poke and pat and play with his cock until Crowley whimpered.
“I don’t understand why he’s so reluctant to open up to me,” Castiel sighed, breath-taking on black silk sheets and settled between Crowley’s thighs, twirling grey-streaked pubic hair around his index finger.
“I like opening up to you,” said Crowley, and demonstrated.
Castiel lowered his head and peered appreciatively. “Your vessel is so much furrier than mine. Like you’ve glued a badger’s pelt between your buttocks.”
Some might have found a fuckbuddy who had only two settings – i.e. ‘the worst dirty talk conceivable’ and ‘pining for another man’ – frustrating. Crowley had long since put such petty grievances aside, because he was emotionally mature. Worldly. Smooth. Definitely not because he craved Castiel’s presence all day long and whispered his name to the stars at night.
“Hurry up and stick it in me, you twat.”
As Castiel hoisted Crowley’s legs over his shoulders, he stroked the hair there too. “Mmm. So fluffy. Honestly, with all this to keep you warm, I don’t see why you have to cover yourself in so many layers.”
“You’re one to talk! You’d wear that trench to the scorching outback if you got half the chance.”
“Temperature isn’t a factor for me. Besides, Dean likes me wearing it. It gives him a sense of continuity that he lacks in other areas of his life.”
Castiel couldn’t tell the difference between a groan of pleasure and a groan of exasperation. That was for the best.
Afterwards, Crowley arranged his host such that the majority of his weight rested on Castiel’s chest. So far, it was the only reliable way to ensure he didn’t get dressed and leave the moment they were done.
“Were you busy?” Castiel asked, panting. “When I entered Hell? You probably were. You’re always busy. You work even harder than Raphael used to.”
“Never too busy for you, pet,” he purred, punctuating his assurance with a saucy wiggle.
Castiel’s phone rang.
Castiel actually answered it (rather than his usual reaction to ringing phones – his or Crowley’s – when they were in bed, which was to narrow his eyes at them until their screens cracked and they leaked smoke), which meant it was Dean.
“I am needed,” he announced, rolling Crowley off him.
With a mocking salute, Crowley slithered into the warm spot his body had left. “Godspeed, mighty warrior. Try not to lose any more feathers.”
Fumbling with his tie, Castiel said, “I’m planning to give him one more. A second chance. If he doesn’t react appropriately, I’ll…”
“You’ll what?”
The tie was abandoned, flopping half-knotted against his crisp white shirt. “I’ll be back for more sex. Goodbye.”
With that, he was gone.
Under his stolen skin, Crowley curled into a smoky ball and cursed the whole world. 
‘Never too busy for you,’ he’d told Castiel.
‘My door’s always open,’ he’d promised Dean.
But surely they both understood that if they were going to summon him in the middle of the working day, they would, occasionally, be interrupting something?
“Is that a kidney?” said Dean, staring at the bloody lump in Crowley’s hand.
Flustered, Crowley popped it into his mouth and swallowed it. The thought occurred, a second later, that his instinctive, perfectly normal as per demon etiquette attempt to make the situation less awkward might have been ill-advised.
“I’ll just go, shall I?” he muttered dejectedly.
Dean shook his head, sighing. “Nah. Won’t make me unsee it. But we’re not kissing.”
“Could brush my teeth? Suck on a mint?”
“No. Now get your pants off. I don’t have all day.”
Dear boy. He wasn’t always like this. Often, Crowley appeared in the circle to find him red-eyed, puffy-nosed, and at least slightly drunk, and he’d touch Crowley without saying a word all evening. Other times, he’d be wound tight, buzzing with frustration after a hunt gone wrong or a fight with Castiel or Sam. On such occasions, sex would be more like a wrestling match, Dean’s quick reflexes and pickpocket cunning pitted against Crowley’s ability to lift a car with one hand, and after they’d brutalised one another for a few hours Dean would slide off Crowley’s cock with a bone-deep groan of satisfaction and sleep like the dead. Those times tended to be Crowley’s favourites.
But this was nice, too. Brisk, rude, faux-impatient – today, Dean was in a good mood. And Dean in a good mood meant one thing and one thing only.
“Jesus fu-aaah,” Crowley exhaled, having barely slipped his 100% virgin wool trousers down his thighs before the hunter entered the circle, dropped smoothly to his knees, and latched onto the waiting erection like there was a panel of judges mere metres away and a million dollar cash prize on the line.
Dean Winchester wasn’t nearly as good at sex as he thought he was. But he always, always tried his best, and sometimes that raw enthusiasm was erotic enough all on its own.
“So,” said Dean, pulling back to study his work with that critical mechanic’s eye. “Something weird happened the other day.”
“Really? To you?”
“No, not normal Winchester-brand weird. No new apocalypses brewing, far as I’m aware. Just… y’know. Odd.”
Abruptly, he stood up, wiping his lips, and took Crowley by the arm. Sweeping the edge of his shoe through the circle, he all-but-frogmarched him across the room to the old mattress he’d set up in a corner specifically for these occasions.
(They didn’t always have sex in a grimy abandoned shed three miles from the nearest road. Sometimes they had sex in grimy abandoned cars with wheels buried in knee-deep weeds or, when Dean was feeling unusually romantic, dive bar bathrooms. Crowley didn’t care. He’d fucked Napoleon III in a haystack once.)
Absentmindedly arranging Crowley to his liking, Dean said, “Cas gave me a feather.”
Unnoticed by Dean, every microorganism within a seventy-foot radius – excepting those within his own body – died in a flash of hellfire. “Oh?”
“Yeah. And not, like, a pigeon feather or whatever. One of his. Weird, right?”
“Mm. Very.”
Dean thrust into him, business-like. “You read a lot, yeah? Probably even more than Sammy. Ever found a book that analyses – I dunno – weird angel shit? Or ancient prophecies involving angel feathers?”
Goddamn rotten bloody humiliation kink, he thought moodily, feeling his cock begin to leak. Probably done more to damage my reputation than that time Lilith caught me sneaking into David Cameron’s bedroom wearing a silk chemise and a British Lop. “Not that I can recall, no.”
Giving his arse a friendly smack, Dean said, “C’mon. You gotta know something. Or, if you don’t, you gotta have a theory. I know that nasty li’l brain of yours never stops working. Why would an angel give a human a feather?”
The deranged, beautiful monster hadn’t stopped buggering him.
Even worse, Crowley hadn’t stopped liking it.
“Alright, alright,” he groaned, fingernails surreptitiously sharpening as he dragged them over the mattress. “Stop. Lemme think for a moment. No, no, scratch that. Absolutely do not stop. Oh fuck, fuck, please don’t stop.”
“Crowley,” Dean whined, and while he’d have loved to think that he was whining in passion, he knew better.
“Look, it’s a gift, yeah? He gave you a gift. Use – fuurgh – use your brain, squirrel. Why do people usually give gifts?”
A big, calloused hand wrapped around his cock. “Birthdays. Bribes. To say thank you. To say sorry. Hey, could that be it? Has he… aw, shit, has he done something stupid behind my back? Again? And he doesn’t want to admit it but he’s feeling guilty so he’s giving me weird presents? I bet that’s it.”
Crowley wasn’t certain what language he used to say, “Jesus Christ, you’re both beyond hope,” in the seconds before he came. He was only just mentally present enough to make sure it wasn’t English.
After finishing off with a hearty grunt, Dean belly-flopped onto the mattress next to him. “Fuck yeah, man. That was great. Wonder if I can use it for something? A bona fide angel feather’s gotta have serious mojo, right?”
Facedown and breathing into the pillow, Crowley made a ‘who knows?’ gesture.
“Maybe it could be made into a weapon,” Dean murmured, gently stroking Crowley’s scalp. “There’s precedent. The First Blade was a mule’s jawbone. Or maybe I could write with it – like a quill. Heh, imagine a devil’s trap drawn with an angel’s feather. That would fuck you guys up, right?”
“Sure,” Crowley rasped, lifting his head. “Why not?”
Dean yawned. “So how’s Hell? Been about a month since we last did this, so… what’s that… about a decade down there? Had any problems? Moved the furniture around?”
“No. Hell doesn’t change much these days. Lilith was the innovator. Always installing a new lake of fire here, a new torture chamber there; slaughtering her political opponents en masse; throwing out promotions and demotions and beheadings left and right. Not my style. I prefer stability. Behind my back, they say that I’m the most boring monarch Hell’s ever had. Well, no – they say that wherever they want. When they’re behind my back, they try to stab me.”
He rolled over, wincing at a twinge in his well-used arse.
“Stability’s great and all,” Dean mumbled, sounding half-asleep. “And for real, I think it’s cool that you’ve made Hell so much less… torture-y. But y’ever think about aiming higher?”
“Making Hell not suck, I mean. You know? Not just stable but actually tolerable for everyone who’s gotta live there. Now and then when I’m ganking some demon dickbag, I start thinking that maybe they wouldn’t always be causing so much trouble on Earth if they liked being in Hell more.”
Crowley laughed. Long and loud. “Where’s this coming from? Is this a Sam idea? It sounds like a Sam idea. Your bleeding-heart centrist of a brother going through another introspective phase, right? Bless.”
Scowling, Dean said, “Wow, someone’s defensive. What’s wrong? Pissed that the Boy King could run the place better than you?”
“Come off it, Dean. You don’t believe that for a second. Sam’s no leader. Much less a leader of demons. And the notion of ‘fixing’ Hell… it’s Hell. It’s not meant to be fixed. It’s not meant to be tolerable, it’s not meant to be endurable. It exists to break people. Horror is its bedrock. Sure, I can tidy up, I can replace the Gitmo vibe with the good ol’ eternal queue, but I can’t make it nice.”
“Huh. Okay, I get it,” said Dean, stretching, slyness in his eyes. “It’s not that you don’t want to – it’s that you don’t think you can. You’re not powerful enough, or smart enough, or whatever. I guess that’s fair. Surprised to hear you admit it, though.”
Like a blowfish, Crowley’s smoke puffed up to thrice its usual size, spilling from his eyes, ears, and lips as he pounced on Dean and pinned him to the mattress.
“Watch your tongue, brat,” he hissed, tail manifesting with its point aimed at Dean’s throat. “I’m not your pet pigeon. Had I the magnanimity of Saint Francis himself I’d not sit here and listen to some cunting mortal question my leadership. What in the name of God’s greasy bollocks do you know about ruling anything? You’ve never so much as managed a fucking corner shop. You’ve never even been employed.”
Dean grinned. “Damn, did I touch a nerve? Sorry, sweetcheeks.”
A canine rumble poured from Crowley’s thick throat. He felt Dean’s wrist bones creak under his grip. “Arrogant little rat.”
They glared at one another, unblinking.
“You ready to go again?” Dean asked.
“Me too.”
In a violent flurry, they competed to see who could jack the other to completion first. Dean won. Dean always won.
“Same time next month?” Crowley enquired, watching him get dressed afterwards.
“Maybe. It’ll be coming up on Halloween and that’s always the worst time of year for us.”
“Mmm. Same. You’d be amazed how many false alarms we get; idiot teenagers deciding to summon a demon for fun and not actually wanting to make a deal or not letting them out of the trap afterwards. Last year, my secretary found them waiting for her with SuperSoakers full of salted holy water. Still – unless I’m busy – and, obviously, I probably will be busy – I’ll only be a phone call away if you poor lost lambs get yourselves mixed up in something you can’t handle.”
“Cool,” Dean said over his shoulder, already halfway out the door. “Catch you later.”
Crowley waited until his footsteps had faded and his scent had cleared. Then he grabbed the pillow, pressed it to his face, and screamed for forty minutes. 
(to be continued) 
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toogalaxyflower · 4 years
Lonely Christmas In Santa’s Homeland As Tourists Stay Away
Lonely Christmas In Santa’s Homeland As Tourists Stay Away
In Finland’s snowy far north, international visitors normally flood the Santa Claus Village amusement park, in search of reindeer rides, snow castles and a meeting with the jolly man himself. Under the pandemic travel restrictions, however, crowds in the Lapland town of Rovaniemi have dwindled to just a trickle and the joyful winter wonderland feels ghostly and abandoned. “It’s been an…
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alotoftrips · 5 years
How Christmas is celebrated in different parts of the world
Every country on the planet marks the birth of Christ differently from other nationalities. We could say that dinners, gifts under the tree or family parties that happen to us is the most authentic way to celebrate Christmas.
Christmas Customs and Christmas Traditions, The History of ...
How many Christmas Traditions and Christmas Customs came into being and how they are celebrated. The History of Christmas.
Santa Claus comes to the beach in Australia We all know that Santa Claus delivers gifts in Romania with a large sled pulled by reindeer. Obviously the climate , because virtually every winter, Christmas snowing. Well, there are situations where respite from Santa sleigh in favor of other means of transport. Such as, for example, boat. Every year at Christmas, Australia's beaches are full of people who come to meet Santa Claus and enjoy the gifts transporting motor boat in the ocean waves. Of meeting and banquet is missing Australians bringing with them the best food that we prepared in the kitchen. Instead of Christmas tree, decorated mango In the tradition of Christians in India there is the idea of ​​adorning trees. Thus, the more Christianized gave up all fir tree with green, for others closer to their warm climate. It's about mango or banana trees. These trees every year on December 24, are adorned with colorful lights and globes. Children gather around the tree and sing carols. Also in India, and oil lamps are used to decorate the outside colored housing. "Dun Che Lao Ren" comes to China "Dun Che Lao Ren" is the Chinese name of Santa Claus. As in other countries around the world, he comes every Christmas Eve to all good children and give gifts. Christmas party in China organize always dressed in numerous houses lights, paper lanterns and garlands. Christmas dinner is composed of fine cuisine and portraits of ancestors are brought into the main room of the house so that they can participate in the feast. Furthermore, children receive no sweets but clothes and new toys.
Christmas traditions - Wikipedia
Christmas traditions vary from country to country. Christmas celebrations for many nations include the installing and lighting of Christmas trees, the hanging of  ...
Bag with gifts, buried in snow If other countries Santa Claus give gifts that you carry the bag under the tree decorated, well not the same thing happens in Sweden. According to local traditions, Christmas Day, children discover the gifts in a bag that Santa bury it in the snow. Lighted in magic, Christmas is celebrated differently in different parts of the world. Some rituals date back centuries, while others were taken or invented much later. If Jewish families around the world are lighting candles in Hanukkah's eight nights, oak branches are burning in Serbia to boost fortune, and in Nice, many courageous sinks into the cold water of the river, wearing Santa Claus hats, says BusinessInsider. com Rovaniemi, Finland, is a gateway to the north of the Arctic and "the official Santa Claus city." The old man can be visited 365 days a year. Here, children all over the world come to personally deliver their letters with desires. In Croatia, the inhabitants release thousands of lanterns, so that their wishes are fulfilled. Pastorelas, a centuries-old tradition in Mexico, is a biblical scene where shepherds follow the Star of Bethlehem to find Christ. During the Orthodox Christmas, the clergy are leading a procession on the streets of Tbilisi, Georgia, where the participants give gifts and sweets to children and the needy. In the village of Martsiyanauka, Belarus, people gather around a tree to mark the end of an ancient Pagan feast known as Kolyada. It is believed that rituals bring rich harvest. Christmas in Russia promotes a venerable Santa Claus, which is known in Slavic folklore as Father Frost. He is often seen with his daughter, Snow Maiden. Jewish families around the world light candles in the eight nights of Hanukkah. Hanukkah is a celebration that celebrates the miracle of Menorea oil, which burned for eight days with just one cup of pure oil that would normally arrive for a single day. The ceremony takes place at home, but also in synagogues. Christianity is the third religion in India, with millions of people celebrating it with lit candles and birth scenes, gathering at the church at midnight. Young people in Spain also receive gifts on January 6, Epiphany. During this period the Three Kings parade takes place. In Munich, Germany, men dressed in Krampus, a creature that punishes the children on Santa Claus's "naughty list", scrolls through the city to scare the little disobedient. You might be surprised to see dry oak branches, not fir trees, over the cars in Serbia. They are burned to bring good luck in the new year. In the Netherlands, children leave their shoes near the fireplace or window sill, so Sinterklaas and his help, known as Black Pete, leave gifts and sweets for them. In Nice, France, numerous courageous sinks into the cold water of the river, wearing Santa Claus hats. Tradition has been preserved for over 70 years. Alternative Christmas destinations It's been a year, as if we had beaten our hands, and the winter preparations were beginning to go on. If you feel that Christmas holidays resemble each other, that you would like to turn family gatherings or kneeling cakes into a movie adventure, maybe it's time to do something different this year. To give you a helping hand and inspiration, the team behind the trips global search engine offers alternative destinations to major European cities and reveals a number of reasons why it is worth going down the threshold during Christmas. The old city center of Tallinn, with its colorful roofs, seems to have frozen between the borders of the Middle Ages, carved in Baroque architecture. If you twist the key in the box of imagination, you can almost hear the sound of hooves in the cobbled streets. It is heard that Tallinn was the host of the first Christmas tree installed in the streets of a European city. The legend says that in 1441 the Brotherhood of the Black Heads, an association of celibate German merchants, erected the first fir tree in the town hall market, starting to sing and dance around it. Although the Brotherhood has disappeared, a few things are still preserved, including Christmas celebrations around the tree, one of Europe's largest Christmas markets. Here you can find craft products, stands with everything from woolen hats and ceramics to scented candles and wooden decorations. And, of course, local snacks such as "sauerkraut" (a cabbage variety with linseed), sausages in the blood and boiled wine. Get ready for a longer trip to Estonia and an average cost of 223 euros for a return flight. Gastronomy that goes mad at the papillum, representations of Jesus' birth scenes and story decorations, welcome to Provence! The cold weather and the red nose have no chance to make the French feel the joy of living or "joyful". The city's streets in the region are decorated with decorations, including the highest store windows. Here you will find the famous "santons", small clay figures made by local artisans. Originally, "santons" represented scenes of the birth of the Lord, but in the nineteenth century, creations were diversified to portray ordinary people, from bakeries and butchers to priests or singers. As for local cuisine, the Christmas table includes seven light dishes, symbolizing the seven Virgin Mary's pains, served alongside 13 rolls of bread, followed by 13 desserts. Number 13 represents Jesus' Last Supper with the 12 Apostles. To get here, look for a flight to the largest city in the region, Marseilles, and wait for a cost of about 145 euros for a round trip. If you want to get rid of the crowd in December, run for gifts in the late-groomed shops, post-party cleaning and dough work, we suggest you hide in a charming little town in the heart of England. Here, Christmas lights rise every corner of the street and announce that the Christmas season has begun, and each store offers an inviting decoration for both locals and tourists. Most of them leave open doors over the program and compete in events, competitions, craft workshops and games for the little ones. The four caves between Castleton's boundaries set the shoulder to create the atmosphere of Christmas. At La Peak Cavern, for example, candle-lit candles are a tradition, alongside the mug of mugs and minced meat pies. Although Santa Claus is expected and received in all corners of the world with open arms, the same can not be said to happen in the small town of Küssnacht on the northern shore of Lake Lucerne near Zürich. Here, the locals wake up early in the morning on December 5 to hunt the old beard with the bag full of gifts. The event, called "Klausjagen", that is, "In the hunting season", is one of the oldest Christmas celebrations in Europe, with a tradition since the Middle Ages, when the pagan communities tried to drive the evil spirits with noisy explosions. In the end, it was banned in 1700, but only to be reintroduced a century later, under a new Christian form, this time having a direct target on St. Nicholas. The parade takes place on the eve of Santa Nicholas and consists of 180 horn blowers, 200 gunmen and 700 percussionists who call the bells, all searching for and hunting down the rebellious Santa and the four black spirits . On a plane trip from Bucharest to Zurich, she considers an average cost of 197 euros per flight during Christmas. Where can the winter be more in shape than the Arctic Arctic Circle? Closed in the dark all winter, the island town of Tromsø is full of splendor when it comes to December. The smell of clementines, spruce branches and sweet ginger are kept behind you, and the carols will flood the enchanting Arctic Cathedral. The locals reunite in the markets and enjoy traditional delicacies, including sweet gingerbread and hot homemade tea. Here you have the chance to see the northern lights of the sky, known as boreal aurora. Watch them in the afternoons from 18.00 until midnight, and while you wait to appear, take advantage of the games on the snow: just take a dog-sled, sleds, or just swear at a classic snowball beating. You can get to Tromsø first by landing in Oslo, the Norwegian capital where you can fly directly from Bucharest, with an approximate cost of 130 euros between December 20 and 27.
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Santa Claus Holiday Village is a place full of magic, and for us, really comes into its own in winter when snow begins to fall.  When we first brought the girls to meet Santa Claus in December 2016, we immediately fell in love with all that is Finnish Lapland.  On that occasion, our stay was a brief Christmas encounter with a one night/two day winter break, staying at Santa Claus Holiday Village; in one of the spacious Classic Cottages.  Our 2019 winter trip initially had us staying at Ruka and Rovaniemi, with just a day trip planned for Santa Claus Holiday Village.  But when Inga and Marco (owners) kindly offered us the opportunity to try out the new Santa Claus Holiday Village Holiday Suites, as an early 2020 Christmas present; we were more than thrilled to accept.
Santa Claus Holiday Village reception and restaurant
The Arctic Circle in Santa Claus Village
LOCATION – Santa Claus Holiday Village, Rovaniemi
Santa Claus Holiday Village is right in the heart of the action in Rovaniemi, Finnish Lapland.  If you fly direct into Santa Claus Official Airport, Rovaniemi there’s no need for a car as free airport transfers are available if you are staying at Santa Claus Holiday Village.  Beside Santa Claus Holiday Village is Santa Claus Village (different entities, different owners) where you can have a truly magical experience.
Santa Claus Holiday Village – 3.5km from Rovaniemi Airport (5 mins by free airport transfer)
Santa Claus Village – 1 minute walk (reindeer, husky, snowman world, sledding, snowmobiles etc)
Rovaniemi Train Station for the overnight Santa Claus Polar Express – 8km (9 mins by taxi)
Rovaniemi Town Centre – 9km (10 mins by taxi)
On your door step, in one convenient location, you have everything needed for a magical winter holiday; reindeer sleigh rides, husky sled rides, snowmobiling, Santa’s Post Office, Snowman World, Moomin Snowcastle and of course, the Arctic Circle crossing; plus a whole lot more.  All activities can be booked through Santa Claus Holiday Village.  And, if you’re really lucky, you may even get to see the Northern Lights dance flirtatiously above your Santa Claus Holiday Village Holiday Suite.
Santa Claus Holiday Village Reception is situated in the beautiful new building directly in front of you as you drive into the Santa Claus Holiday Village compound.   A magnificent building with fine Finnish architecture and beautiful Lappish furnishings within.  The reindeer hides on the walls were personally sourced by Inga from her own family’s reindeer farm.  When we arrived the Reception area was exceptionally quiet…one can imagine that it would be very busy during peak season.  The wonderfully structured building is large enough to accommodate busy periods with 4 check in desks to ensure a smooth check in process.  Opposite the Reception is the Safari Booking desks for booking your excursions.  There’s also the splendid 3 Elves Restaurant and bar, new for 2019.
PROPERTY – Santa Claus Holiday Village Holiday Suites
Each Santa Claus Holiday Village Holiday Suites building (that’s a mouthful) houses eight Holiday Suites;  four to a floor.  Access to the building is gained with your contactless room key.  A small flight of stairs takes you to the upper level and there’s also a spacious lift to enable easy access to wheelchair users.
Holiday Suite Entrance/Porch
Hanging space for your outdoor clothes and a small bench seat to sit at whilst you remove your snow boots.
Open Plan Lounge
In the lounge a comfy easy-fold sofa bed, tow luxury armchairs and a coffee table.  A small square dining table with three chairs.  TV and WiFi throughout.
Just off from the lounge is the small but adequately fitted kitchen.  Of course there’s the usual refrigerator, stove, coffee maker, electric kettle, microwave and kitchen utensils for four persons.  We were on our holidays so didn’t frequent this area too much (if you get what I mean…restaurant and takeaways).
Large double bed with bedside cabinets and lamps.  Large spacious wardrobe with plenty of coat hangers and hanging space.
Stunning and very large bathroom with superb lighting.  A spacious shower area and of course, as with all Finnish properties, a Scandinavian Sauna.  For the ladies, a powerful hairdryer and all important hair straighteners.  Snow + Moist Air = Mummy looks like Leo Sayer on a bad day…not a pleasant sight!
Outside, entry through a large sliding door (one in the bedroom, one in the lounge); is a more than ample sized balcony.
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It is very clear to see that Inga and Marco have put a lot of time, energy, effort and love into the development of the Santa Claus Holiday Village Holiday Suites.  The Holiday Suites are of exceptional quality and have more of a hotel feel but with the added benefits of being an individual apartment.  The high ceilings and large windows give the room extra depth and allow light to flood in.  Finnish furnishings, coverings and wall art finish (or should that be Finnish?) the Holiday Suites off to perfection.  Take our word for it, the Holiday Suites at Santa Claus Holiday Village are truly stunning.
Reindeer Art
Tricky question…would we go back?  You can bet your bottom dollar we would!  In fact, we’ve already booked to return to Rovaniemi in 2020.  Spacious and decorated with beautiful Finnish accents, the Santa Claus Holiday Village Holiday Suites are of exceptional quality.  Perfect for families or those wishing to stay in hotel quality apartments.
With a very special THANK YOU to:
Inga and Marco – for your warmth in a cold climate, your generosity and kindness, but most of all, for your friendship.  See you in 2020, dinner is on us.
We are eternally grateful to you for allowing The Callaghan Posse to stay in your new Holiday Suites.
LILY-BELLE SAYS (10) Santa Claus Holiday Village is my favourite place to go in Winter.  It was really nice seeing Inga and Marco again and I hope we go back time and time again.  In 2016 there was snow on the floor but none fell when we were there, this time there’s was lots and lots of snow falling.  I’ve honestly never seen snow as deep in my life.
MATILDA SAYS (4) The snow was soooooo deep and I loved sledding down the big pile of snow with Lily-Belle.
Travel Itinerary
Date of visit:  8th March – 10th March 2019 (3 days / 2 nights)
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              Information, currency and prices are correct at the time of publishing. Views, opinions and experiences are that of The Callaghan Posse and are correct at the time of publication. Photos, unless credited, are taken by The Callaghan Posse for use and distribution by Around The World In 18 Years. Images and content may not be used or copied (private or commercial) without obtaining prior permission.
[disclaimer:  The santa Claus Holiday Village Holiday Suite was given to The Callaghan Posse as a gift from our friends Inga and Marco, owners of the Santa Claus Holiday Village.  Although not required or asked for, to thank them both for their generosity, we have provided this review of the accommodation]
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REVIEW: HOLIDAY SUITES SANTA CLAUS HOLIDAY VILLAGE Santa Claus Holiday Village is a place full of magic, and for us, really comes into its own in winter when snow begins to fall. 
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jargonius · 5 years
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