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Αλλαγή σελίδας για τον κολοσσό του αγροδιατροφικού τομέα Mars που, έπειτα από μήνες στοχασμού και μετά τη θύελλα που προκάλεσε στις ΗΠΑ η δολοφονία του Τζορτζ Φλόιντ τον Μάιο στη Μινεάπολη, αποφάσισε τελικά να αλλάξει το όνομα και το λογότυπο της διάσημης μάρκας ρυζιού του Uncle Ben’s. Στην απόφαση αυτή συνετέλεσαν οι κατηγορίες που δεχόταν ο όμιλος ότι με αυτό το λογότυπο της μάρκας ρυζιού αναπαράγει στερεότυπα σε βάρος των Αφροαμερικανών. Από τον Ιούνιο, ο όμιλος είχε παραδεχθεί «ότι έχει φθάσει η στιγμή για να εξελίξουμε τη μάρκα Uncle Ben’s, περιλαμβανομένης της οπτικής ταυτότητάς της» αφού προηγήθηκαν εβδομάδες μαζικών διαδηλώσεων με τις οποίες καταγγελλόταν η αστυνομική βία και ευρύτερα ο ρατσισμός στις ΗΠΑ. Ωστόσο, τότε δεν είχε γίνει κάποια αναφορά στις σκέψεις για τις επερχόμενες αλλαγές, που αφορούν στην αλλαγή του ονόματος αλλά και του λογότυπου. Συγκεκριμένα, η εταιρεία Μars θα αλλάξει το όνομα σε “Ben’s Original” ενώ παράλληλα αποσύρει την εικόνα με το πρόσωπο ενός ηλικιωμένου Αφροαμερικανού, η οποία μπορούσε να ανακαλέσει στη μνήμη τις φυτείες ρυζιού που καλλιεργούνταν χάρη στους σκλάβους. Μία εκ των επικεφαλής του ομίλου, Φιόνα Ντόσον ανέφερε σε δελτίο Τύπου: «Ακούσαμε τις τελευταίες εβδομάδες χιλιάδες καταναλωτές, τους ίδιους μας τους υπαλλήλους και άλλους ενδιαφερόμενους σε ολόκληρο τον κόσμο. Κατανοούμε τις ανισότητες που συνδέονται με το όνομα και το πρόσωπο της προηγούμενης μάρκας». Τα πακέτα ρυζιού που θα φέρουν το νέο όνομα και το νέο λογότυπο θα βρεθούν στα ράφια των καταστημάτων το 2021. Επιπλέον, ο όμιλος προβλέπει να χρηματοδοτήσει προγράμματα στήριξης στις κοινότητες των μαύρων στο Γκρίνβιλ, στο Μισισίπι, πολιτεία στις νότιες ΗΠΑ όπου το ρύζι “Ben’s Original” παράγεται για περισσότερα από 40 χρόνια. Υπενθυμίζεται πως τον Ιούνιο, αρκετές εταιρείες δέχθηκαν κριτική για τα λογότυπά τους στον απόηχο της δολοφονίας του Τζορτζ Φλόιντ, με τους χρήστες των social media να στοχοποιούν τη μασκότ της Chiquita, του Uncle Ben και της Aunt Jemima. Η Aunt Jemima’s, που έχει στις συσκευασίες της μια Αφροαμερικανίδα υπηρέτρια του Νότου ανταποκρίθηκε στις διαμαρτυρίες. Η ιδιοκτήτρια εταιρεία, Quaker Oats, της περίπου 131 ετών μάρκας Aunt Jemima, το αποκάλεσε “ρατσιστικό στερεότυπο” και ανακοίνωσε τον Ιούνιο ότι θα αποσύρει και το όνομα και θα αλλάξει εντελώς και τη συσκευασία των προϊόντων. Το ίδιο αναμένεται να κάνει και η “Mrs. Butterworth’s”. Φυσικά, όλες οι εταιρείες γνώριζαν εδώ και καιρό τα θέματα που εγείρονται με τα ξεπερασμένα πλέον λογότυπά τους, αλλά δεν είχαν αποφασίσει να κάνουν κάτι δραστικό. Πριν από λίγα χρόνια η Quaker αφαίρεσε τo μαντίλι της Aunt Jemima μετά τις σφοδρές επικρίσεις και πρόσθεσε μαργαριταρένια σκουλαρίκια και ένα λευκό γιακά. (πληροφορίες απο το makeleio)
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Machines used to verify component performance are quite powerful and can present safety risks along with them. As a manager, you don’t want to see any members of your team hurt. As an operator, you want to make it home every night as healthy as you were when you left. This is why we are highlighting the most important safety functions to have built into your testing equipment.
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New Post has been published on https://toldnews.com/lifestyle/the-chic-octogenarian-behind-barbies-best-looks/
The Chic Octogenarian Behind Barbie’s Best Looks
LOS ANGELES — Carol Spencer, 86, may be the most influential fashion designer you’ve never heard of.
In the mid-1960s, she made a red pencil skirt with a white sleeveless blouse that had red stitching and three red buttons down the front. Short white gloves came with it. Thousands sold.
In the 1970s, well aware that the counterculture’s loosening dress code and mores had made it to the mainstream, Ms. Spencer designed a red bandanna halter maxi-dress and a matching leisure shirt for men. Those designs were popular, too.
In the Nancy Reagan 1980s, Ms. Spencer aimed for high-end appeal, making a one-shouldered ball gown in blue jacquard with an organza flower at the nipped-in waist and a cape. One of Mrs. Reagan’s go-to couturiers personally approved the gown to be sold under his name: “Oscar de la Renta for Barbie.”
Ms. Spencer has made wedding dresses, saris, go-go boots and caftans. All in miniature. From 1963 to 1999, she was Barbie’s fashion designer, a career celebrated in her new book, “Dressing Barbie” (HarperDesign).
Ms. Spencer also made her own clothes, and had an easy time working with the doll’s famously unusual proportions, she said, because they weren’t so far from her own. “I have shrunk but in those days, I was tall and skinny,” she said. “I had a 16-inch waist and something on top, too, I sure did, but Barbie’s legs were better than mine.”
She was sitting in her dining room, wearing a blouse in a shade that can only be described as Barbie pink, with a Barbie brooch and a Barbie digital watch that legions of girls probably begged to get for Christmas in the 1990s.
It was a different body part that was most important for her job, Ms. Spencer said: “I have small hands.” She set down the Barbie teacup filled with lemonade she had been clasping to show her fingers. They are small and jut out at angles from the joint, a disfiguration likely caused by years of grasping little needles and bottles of glue.
In creating a wardrobe for Barbie and the entourage (Skipper, Ken, Midge, Big Jim, Baby Sister Kelly, Cara, Stacey, Christie, P.J., Steffie and Miss America), Ms. Spencer was part of a team that has inspired the work of designers including Bob Mackie, Nicole Miller, Jeremy Scott and Jason Wu, who once said he played with Barbie dolls when he was a child.
For a Moschino fashion show in Milan in 2014, Mr. Scott had a Barbie waiting on front-row chairs and sent models down the runway in blond bouffants and pink skirt suits.
Last month, to celebrate the doll’s 60th birthday, Mattel hosted a profusely pink Barbie bacchanal in New York City with Instagram-friendly Dream House backdrops, intended to draw in a new generation of fans who are too young to know that Barbie was the original influencer.
1. Ms. Spencer designed Ski Party Pink for Barbie in 1982. The sweater had Dolman sleeves and a cowl neck. In her ankle-strap high-heels, she was ready to hit the bars, not the slopes.
2. Released in 1979, this City Sophisticate outfit had a faux-fur-trimmed coat and skirt accented by a yellow soutache braid.
3. A Mattel employee accidentally ordered 2,500 yards of gold-and-white striped fabric, instead of 250 yards. Ms. Spencer’s 1965 Country Club Dance fashions made use of the excess.
4. The 1992 Totally Hair Barbie was one of Mattel’s best sellers. Ms. Spencer designed a Pucci-inspired mini.
5. Ms. Spencer wanted to create an “evening pajama” look for Barbie after Barbra Streisand wore a Scaasi version when accepting an Academy Award in 1969. Ms. Streisand’s outfit was see-through, so Ms. Spencer made Barbie special panties.
Saving the Dune Buggy
Even since her retirement, Ms. Spencer has devoted her time to Barbie. Inducted in 2017 into the Women in Toys, Licensing & Entertainment Hall of Fame, she has spent her golden years attending Barbie collectors events, doing research and amassing artifacts.
For years she has worked on “Dressing Barbie,” which is sized for a coffee table and subtitled “A Celebration of the Clothes That Made America’s Favorite Fashion Doll, and the Incredible Woman Behind Them.” Laurie Brookins, a writer and stylist, helped Ms. Spencer with the project.
The book combines styled vintage fashion photography with memoir. Born in 1932 and raised in Minneapolis, Ms. Spencer rejected the wife-and-mother path that prevailed in the American midcentury and instead made a career for herself. “I truly fell in love with Barbie the first moment I created her clothes and accessories,” she writes in the book.
Barbie has been a go-to emblem of all that has ill-served girls and young women in American culture. Living in a world that is almost exclusively white, the doll has breasts that are disproportionately large compared with her hips, and her feet are contorted into a permanent “floint” (short for flexing your toes back as you point the rest of your foot).
Her hair seems to be bleached blond, never with dark (or gray) roots. At times she dressed the part of a doctor or politician but has seemed unable to hold down a job. And there’s the place in Malibu. Does it come from a trust fund or Ken?
But Ms. Spencer would like to counterpunch the Barbie bashing. She points out the doll’s humble origins, with her proportions modeled after paper dolls cut from newspapers. She also defends Barbie as a healthy alternative to video games; an engine of imagination for girls and boys, who can project onto a Barbie doll whoever they may wish to become.
“It’s wholesome play,” she said, as she pulled from a case one of the many hundreds of dolls in her home. This one was wearing a yellow chiffon-like pleated tunic with see-through pajama pants, inspired by the Arnold Scaasi transparent ensemble Barbra Streisand wore to the 1969 Oscars when she won a best actress award for “Funny Girl.”
Ms. Spencer’s house is filled with books like “Barbie: Her Life and Times” and “Dream Doll: the Ruth Handler Story,” about Ms. Handler, who, with her husband, Elliot, and Harold Matson, founded Mattel in 1945. The Barbie fashion doll was released in 1959.
Over a cluttered desk are posters of Barbie, like one showing the same image of the original 1959 doll, displayed against four different bright backgrounds, à la Warhol. (It was made to celebrate Mattel’s 35th Anniversary Barbie Festival, in 1994.)
Ms. Spencer is a scavenger for treasures in a toss-everything world. One day at the Mattel offices, then located in Hawthorne, Calif., she noticed someone was about to throw away an important piece of Barbie memorabilia.
“It was the prototype for Barbie’s dune buggy,” she said. “They were tossing it, and I said, ‘Would you toss it my way?’”
She learned thrift as a child. “During World War II, things were scarce and I remember the family would get the Sunday paper,” Ms Spencer said. “When they’d get through with it, they’d hand me the comic pages so that I could cut out the paper dolls.”
She began to create paper fashion for these paper dolls. Soon she was making her own clothes. But being a fashion designer didn’t seem like a realistic goal in those days, she recalled. “You could be a teacher, nurse, secretary or clerk,” she said. “But wife and mother were the big ones.”
She was engaged to a medical student but when she realized she was expected to work to help pay for education before quitting to be a “doctor’s wife,” she broke the engagement. Then she enrolled at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, where she got a bachelor of fine arts with a focus on fashion design.
In May 1955, as she was about to graduate, she received a telegram from New York letting her know that her application for a “guest editor” slot at Mademoiselle magazine had been approved. Instead of sticking around for her commencement ceremony, Ms. Spencer took her first plane trip and moved in to the Barbizon Hotel for Women, for a month.
During her time in New York, she attended a reception at the home of the cosmetics entrepreneur Helena Rubinstein, visited the recently opened United Nations, danced with West Point cadets at the St. Regis hotel and interviewed the designer Pauline Trigère in her studio.
Ms. Spencer was in the same class of Mademoiselle guest editors as Joan Didion. “It was about as far from Minneapolis as you could get,” she writes.
She returned to her hometown to work, designing children’s wear for Wonderalls Company and then moved to Milwaukee to become a “misses” sportswear designer.
In late 1962, Ms. Spencer spotted an advertisement in Women’s Wear Daily. “A national manufacturer who leads its industry with annual sales in excess of $50 million seeks a cost-conscious fashion designer-stylist for its suburban Los Angeles facility.”
She sent a résumé and heard nothing back. Still, sensing this mysterious job was her destiny, she and her aunt packed up their 1959 Ford Fairlane and drove across the country to California.
In April 1963, she saw an ad in the California Apparel News for the same job, and this time her application got a response. It was from Mattel, the toymaker already known for the postwar bombshell: Barbie.
Ms. Spencer went to the company headquarters for an interview and was asked to make a suite of outfits for this creature. She made a halter-top-and-boy-short bikini, a one-piece in the same shade of orange-pink. There was a cover-up and a wrap skirt. She got the job.
Pink Pills Nixed
At that time, Mattel made about 125 different outfits a year for Barbie, and the fashion department, run by Charlotte Johnson, could be cutthroat.
“Charlotte had a theory,” Ms. Spencer said. “If you have four designers, you put them in four corners. And it was always competitive and you were pitching your product. Sometimes the competition was kind of dirty.”
How so? She wouldn’t say. “I’m out of it, I’m retired, I’m enjoying life, I’ll put it that way,” she said, and she took a sip of lemonade from her Barbie teacup.
Some of her early successes, all of which she has cataloged, included Country Club Dance (a white and gold striped gown), From Nine to Five (a midcalf blue dress with an embroidered vest and hair scarf) and Debutante Ball (an aqua satin gown with a fur stole).
Ms. Spencer took her cue from the culture around her. As the Jane Fonda aerobics craze of the 1980s took off, Barbie got a purple leotard and leg warmers. When NASA’s space shuttle exploration was in full tilt, Barbie became an astronaut (albeit one in thigh-high boots and silver capes).
And there was inspiration from her own life as well. When she needed a biopsy on her breast, Ms. Spencer was transfixed by the white coats doctors wore. The biopsy was negative, but the fashion was positive. Guess who became, however briefly, a surgeon?
There were missteps too, like when she gave Dr. Barbie a case of pink pills without knowing that at that time pink pills were known to be methamphetamines. “Let me tell you, that caused quite a stir,” she said. (Her faux pas was caught before Meth-Head Barbie made its way to children’s dollhouses.)
There are hundreds and hundreds of designs that are Carol Spencer originals, with only a small portion bearing her name. Until the mid-1990s, Mattel didn’t put designer names on Barbie’s packaging.
But Ms. Spencer remembers each of her creations, and many of them are in her home, which her sister, Margaret, 88, will be moving into soon. But even though Ms. Spencer gets out less these days, and relies on a walker to take more than a few steps, she said she feels surrounded by good company.
“You’re never alone when you have dinner at my house,” she said. “Barbie is always with you.”
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He’s even got the floint going my god I love him so fucking much!!!
stephythetinyd: Skaters with no skates getting pretty damn smooth ⭐️ @liamfirus @scottmoir14
#@ anon who asked me why I’m in love with him I promise I’m getting to it#this is one of the reasons tho#crime of the century we don’t have more of this footage#sorry other guy no one is watching you#but I can say that he is no where Scott’s standard#Scott’s dance ability is serverly underrated#I we didn’t not need hip hop from VM we deserved a 10 min off ice contemporary pdd#*did not#my teeny tiny dancing boy#my dancing bbys#scott moir
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#Tbt @citymuseum two years ago before I did yoga toes. The reason I “floint” my toes is because it engages leg muscles so I’m more balanced in yoga poses. At first it feels unnatural but eventually it becomes second nature. Give it a try! . .capture by @debby_yogogirls (at City Museum, St Louis, MO)
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Ιστορική στιγμή: Ο αρχηγός της αστυνομίας γονατίζει για τον Τζορτζ Φλόιντ
Ο Μόναχαν είναι μέχρι στιγμής ο ιεραρχικά ανώτερος αστυνομικός ο οποίος συμμετέχει επίσημα στις διαδηλώσεις Ο αστυνόμος Τέρενς Μόναχαν, διοικητής του NYPD (του αστυνομικού τμήματος της Νέας Υόρκης) έπεσε στα γόνατα και ένωσε τα χέρια του με άλλους διαδηλωτές στο Μανχάταν, σε ένδειξη διαμαρτυρίας για την άδικη και φριχτή εκτέλεση του Τζορτζ Φλόιντ από συναδέλφους του στη […]
The post Ιστορική στιγμή: Ο αρχηγός της αστυνομίας γονατίζει για τον Τζορτζ Φλόιντ appeared first on Kastoria Fm 9.15.
from Kastoria Fm 9.15 https://kastoriafm.gr/istoriki-stigmi-o-archigos-tis-astynomias-gonatizei-gia-ton-tzortz-floint/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=istoriki-stigmi-o-archigos-tis-astynomias-gonatizei-gia-ton-tzortz-floint
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ΤΖΟΡΤΖ ΦΛΟΙΝΤ: Εντυπωσιακές σε όγκο οι διαδηλώσεις στις ΗΠΑ για 13η ημέρα
ΤΖΟΡΤΖ ΦΛΟΙΝΤ: Εντυπωσιακές σε όγκο οι διαδηλώσεις στις ΗΠΑ για 13η ημέρα
Ειρηνικές ήταν οι δεκάδες μαζικές διαδηλώσεις σε Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες και σε άλλες χώρες ενάντια στην αστυνομική βία και τον ρατσισμό με αφορμή τη δολοφονία του Αφροαμερικανού Τζορτζ Φλόιντ, ο οποίος κηδεύεται σήμερα στο Χιούστον.
Σε μια κίνηση εκτόνωσης ο Αμερικανός πρόεδρος Ντόναλντ Τραμπ ανακάλεσε την Εθνοφρουρά στην…
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The Chic Octogenarian Behind Barbie’s Best Looks
LOS ANGELES — Carol Spencer, 86, may be the most influential fashion designer you’ve never heard of.
In the mid-1960s, she made a red pencil skirt with a white sleeveless blouse that had red stitching and three red buttons down the front. Short white gloves came with it. Thousands sold.
In the 1970s, well aware that the counterculture’s loosening dress code and mores had made it to the mainstream, Ms. Spencer designed a red bandanna halter maxi-dress and a matching leisure shirt for men. Those designs were popular, too.
In the Nancy Reagan 1980s, Ms. Spencer aimed for high-end appeal, making a one-shouldered ball gown in blue jacquard with an organza flower at the nipped-in waist and a cape. One of Mrs. Reagan’s go-to couturiers personally approved the gown to be sold under his name: “Oscar de la Renta for Barbie.”
Ms. Spencer has made wedding dresses, saris, go-go boots and caftans. All in miniature. From 1963 to 1999, she was Barbie’s fashion designer, a career celebrated in her new book, “Dressing Barbie” (HarperDesign).
Ms. Spencer also made her own clothes, and had an easy time working with the doll’s famously unusual proportions, she said, because they weren’t so far from her own. “I have shrunk but in those days, I was tall and skinny,” she said. “I had a 16-inch waist and something on top, too, I sure did, but Barbie’s legs were better than mine.”
She was sitting in her dining room, wearing a blouse in a shade that can only be described as Barbie pink, with a Barbie brooch and a Barbie digital watch that legions of girls probably begged to get for Christmas in the 1990s.
It was a different body part that was most important for her job, Ms. Spencer said: “I have small hands.” She set down the Barbie teacup filled with lemonade she had been clasping to show her fingers. They are small and jut out at angles from the joint, a disfiguration likely caused by years of grasping little needles and bottles of glue.
In creating a wardrobe for Barbie and the entourage (Skipper, Ken, Midge, Big Jim, Baby Sister Kelly, Cara, Stacey, Christie, P.J., Steffie and Miss America), Ms. Spencer was part of a team that has inspired the work of designers including Bob Mackie, Nicole Miller, Jeremy Scott and Jason Wu, who once said he played with Barbie dolls when he was a child.
For a Moschino fashion show in Milan in 2014, Mr. Scott had a Barbie waiting on front-row chairs and sent models down the runway in blond bouffants and pink skirt suits.
Last month, to celebrate the doll’s 60th birthday, Mattel hosted a profusely pink Barbie bacchanal in New York City with Instagram-friendly Dream House backdrops, intended to draw in a new generation of fans who are too young to know that Barbie was the original influencer.
1. Ms. Spencer designed Ski Party Pink for Barbie in 1982. The sweater had Dolman sleeves and a cowl neck. In her ankle-strap high-heels, she was ready to hit the bars, not the slopes.
2. Released in 1979, this City Sophisticate outfit had a faux-fur-trimmed coat and skirt accented by a yellow soutache braid.
3. A Mattel employee accidentally ordered 2,500 yards of gold-and-white striped fabric, instead of 250 yards. Ms. Spencer’s 1965 Country Club Dance fashions made use of the excess.
4. The 1992 Totally Hair Barbie was one of Mattel’s best sellers. Ms. Spencer designed a Pucci-inspired mini.
5. Ms. Spencer wanted to create an “evening pajama” look for Barbie after Barbra Streisand wore a Scaasi version when accepting an Academy Award in 1969. Ms. Streisand’s outfit was see-through, so Ms. Spencer made Barbie special panties.
Saving the Dune Buggy
Even since her retirement, Ms. Spencer has devoted her time to Barbie. Inducted in 2017 into the Women in Toys, Licensing & Entertainment Hall of Fame, she has spent her golden years attending Barbie collectors events, doing research and amassing artifacts.
For years she has worked on “Dressing Barbie,” which is sized for a coffee table and subtitled “A Celebration of the Clothes That Made America’s Favorite Fashion Doll, and the Incredible Woman Behind Them.” Laurie Brookins, a writer and stylist, helped Ms. Spencer with the project.
The book combines styled vintage fashion photography with memoir. Born in 1932 and raised in Minneapolis, Ms. Spencer rejected the wife-and-mother path that prevailed in the American midcentury and instead made a career for herself. “I truly fell in love with Barbie the first moment I created her clothes and accessories,” she writes in the book.
Barbie has been a go-to emblem of all that has ill-served girls and young women in American culture. Living in a world that is almost exclusively white, the doll has breasts that are disproportionately large compared with her hips, and her feet are contorted into a permanent “floint” (short for flexing your toes back as you point the rest of your foot).
Her hair seems to be bleached blond, never with dark (or gray) roots. At times she dressed the part of a doctor or politician but has seemed unable to hold down a job. And there’s the place in Malibu. Does it come from a trust fund or Ken?
But Ms. Spencer would like to counterpunch the Barbie bashing. She points out the doll’s humble origins, with her proportions modeled after paper dolls cut from newspapers. She also defends Barbie as a healthy alternative to video games; an engine of imagination for girls and boys, who can project onto a Barbie doll whoever they may wish to become.
“It’s wholesome play,” she said, as she pulled from a case one of the many hundreds of dolls in her home. This one was wearing a yellow chiffon-like pleated tunic with see-through pajama pants, inspired by the Arnold Scaasi transparent ensemble Barbra Streisand wore to the 1969 Oscars when she won a best actress award for “Funny Girl.”
Ms. Spencer’s house is filled with books like “Barbie: Her Life and Times” and “Dream Doll: the Ruth Handler Story,” about Ms. Handler, who, with her husband, Elliot, and Harold Matson, founded Mattel in 1945. The Barbie fashion doll was released in 1959.
Over a cluttered desk are posters of Barbie, like one showing the same image of the original 1959 doll, displayed against four different bright backgrounds, à la Warhol. (It was made to celebrate Mattel’s 35th Anniversary Barbie Festival, in 1994.)
Ms. Spencer is a scavenger for treasures in a toss-everything world. One day at the Mattel offices, then located in Hawthorne, Calif., she noticed someone was about to throw away an important piece of Barbie memorabilia.
“It was the prototype for Barbie’s dune buggy,” she said. “They were tossing it, and I said, ‘Would you toss it my way?’”
She learned thrift as a child. “During World War II, things were scarce and I remember the family would get the Sunday paper,” Ms Spencer said. “When they’d get through with it, they’d hand me the comic pages so that I could cut out the paper dolls.”
She began to create paper fashion for these paper dolls. Soon she was making her own clothes. But being a fashion designer didn’t seem like a realistic goal in those days, she recalled. “You could be a teacher, nurse, secretary or clerk,” she said. “But wife and mother were the big ones.”
She was engaged to a medical student but when she realized she was expected to work to help pay for education before quitting to be a “doctor’s wife,” she broke the engagement. Then she enrolled at the Minneapolis College of Art and Design, where she got a bachelor of fine arts with a focus on fashion design.
In May 1955, as she was about to graduate, she received a telegram from New York letting her know that her application for a “guest editor” slot at Mademoiselle magazine had been approved. Instead of sticking around for her commencement ceremony, Ms. Spencer took her first plane trip and moved in to the Barbizon Hotel for Women, for a month.
During her time in New York, she attended a reception at the home of the cosmetics entrepreneur Helena Rubinstein, visited the recently opened United Nations, danced with West Point cadets at the St. Regis hotel and interviewed the designer Pauline Trigère in her studio.
Ms. Spencer was in the same class of Mademoiselle guest editors as Joan Didion. “It was about as far from Minneapolis as you could get,” she writes.
She returned to her hometown to work, designing children’s wear for Wonderalls Company and then moved to Milwaukee to become a “misses” sportswear designer.
In late 1962, Ms. Spencer spotted an advertisement in Women’s Wear Daily. “A national manufacturer who leads its industry with annual sales in excess of $50 million seeks a cost-conscious fashion designer-stylist for its suburban Los Angeles facility.”
She sent a résumé and heard nothing back. Still, sensing this mysterious job was her destiny, she and her aunt packed up their 1959 Ford Fairlane and drove across the country to California.
In April 1963, she saw an ad in the California Apparel News for the same job, and this time her application got a response. It was from Mattel, the toymaker already known for the postwar bombshell: Barbie.
Ms. Spencer went to the company headquarters for an interview and was asked to make a suite of outfits for this creature. She made a halter-top-and-boy-short bikini, a one-piece in the same shade of orange-pink. There was a cover-up and a wrap skirt. She got the job.
Pink Pills Nixed
At that time, Mattel made about 125 different outfits a year for Barbie, and the fashion department, run by Charlotte Johnson, could be cutthroat.
“Charlotte had a theory,” Ms. Spencer said. “If you have four designers, you put them in four corners. And it was always competitive and you were pitching your product. Sometimes the competition was kind of dirty.”
How so? She wouldn’t say. “I’m out of it, I’m retired, I’m enjoying life, I’ll put it that way,” she said, and she took a sip of lemonade from her Barbie teacup.
Some of her early successes, all of which she has cataloged, included Country Club Dance (a white and gold striped gown), From Nine to Five (a midcalf blue dress with an embroidered vest and hair scarf) and Debutante Ball (an aqua satin gown with a fur stole).
Ms. Spencer took her cue from the culture around her. As the Jane Fonda aerobics craze of the 1980s took off, Barbie got a purple leotard and leg warmers. When NASA’s space shuttle exploration was in full tilt, Barbie became an astronaut (albeit one in thigh-high boots and silver capes).
And there was inspiration from her own life as well. When she needed a biopsy on her breast, Ms. Spencer was transfixed by the white coats doctors wore. The biopsy was negative, but the fashion was positive. Guess who became, however briefly, a surgeon?
There were missteps too, like when she gave Dr. Barbie a case of pink pills without knowing that at that time pink pills were known to be methamphetamines. “Let me tell you, that caused quite a stir,” she said. (Her faux pas was caught before Meth-Head Barbie made its way to children’s dollhouses.)
There are hundreds and hundreds of designs that are Carol Spencer originals, with only a small portion bearing her name. Until the mid-1990s, Mattel didn’t put designer names on Barbie’s packaging.
But Ms. Spencer remembers each of her creations, and many of them are in her home, which her sister, Margaret, 88, will be moving into her house with her soon. But even though Ms. Spencer gets out less these days, and relies on a walker to take more than a few steps, she said she feels surrounded by good company.
“You’re never alone when you have dinner at my house,” she said. “Barbie is always with you.”
Sahred From Source link Fashion and Style
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#Repost @yoga_international with @get_repost ・・・ Upavistha #hanumanasana (modeled by @diannebondyyoga) is a #splits variation that is often more accessible for yogis with tighter hamstrings. Here's how to do it (once you're warmed up of course!): Come into a long #lunge with your left foot forward. Lower your right knee to the floor. Walk both hands to the inside of your left foot. Walk your left foot out to the left a little, and turn your left toes out so that they point toward the upper left corner of your mat. Then, shift your hips back so that they're stacked over your back knee as you walk your left foot forward (still in the direction of the upper left corner of your mat), straightening your left leg, and peeling the sole of your left foot up off the floor. Keep your toes active, back toes tucked under, and either maintain a flexed front foot or point your front foot and flex the toes back toward you, often called a "flointed" foot. (If your hamstrings tend to be pretty flexible, you may find that the "floint" makes the pose feel more stable.) Press all of your fingertips into the floor (both hands remain inside the front leg) and lift up through your low belly. You can stay in this #halfsplits variation, or you can begin to stretch your legs apart from each other, descending your pelvis closer toward the floor. Stay on your fingertips, or lower to your palms or forearms. Remain here for several breaths. To exit the pose, press into your fingertips and draw back up into the half split variation (if you're not already there), then bend your front knee to come back into the lunge. Walk your left foot back toward center, so it's between your hands, and turn your toes to point straight ahead (i.e., a "regular lunge"). Change sides.
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13 Ιουλ. 2020, 12:04 Τη δολοφονία του Τζορτζ Φλόιντ και τις διαμαρτυρίες που ακολούθησαν στην Αμερική περιγράφει το νέο τραγούδι, με τίτλο American Reckoning του συγκροτήματος Bon Jovi. Συγκινήθηκα πολύ γράφοντας το "American Reckoning" ως μάρτυρας της ιστορίας, δήλωσε ο Jon Bon Jovi. Πιστεύω ότι το μεγαλύτερο δώρο ενός καλλιτέχνη είναι η ικανότητα να χρησιμοποιεί τη φωνή του για να μιλήσει για θέματα που μας κινητοποιούν. Ακούστε το τραγούδι των Bon Jovi για τη δολοφονία του Τζορτζ Φλόιντ. Τα έσοδα της μπάντας και της Island Records από τις πωλήσεις του American Reckoning θα δοθούν για να υποστηρίξουν την πρωτοβουλία Equal Justice Initiative του Bryan Stevenson. Το τραγούδι ακολουθεί τις κυκλοφορίες των Unbroken και Limitless και όλα μαζί θα συμπεριληφθούν στο άλμπουμ Bon Jovi 2020, το οποίο θα είναι το δέκατο πέμπτο κατά σειρά του συγκροτήματος. Ακούστε το Unbroken. Η αρχική ημερομηνία κυκλοφορίας του LP, είχε οριστεί για τα μέσα Μαΐου, αλλά αναβλήθηκε εξαιτίας της πανδημίας και επαναπρογραμματίστηκε για την 2α Οκτωβρίου. Πηγή: iefimerida.gr
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#HumpdayHanumanasana 🤸♀️ To flex, floint or point... (See below) ༄ But first, I'm sharing two pictures here. They are set up differently. The second one is the same set up with the blanket roll supporting the lower part of the back leg. The first one is a simple set up- two blankets and two blocks. Please keep in mind not to let the blanket in front to slide away to fast 💨 Stay engaged. Take your time. Please don't push. Avoid seeking perfection. ༄ I received a request to talk about feet... To flex, floint or point? Basically your feet are at the end of your legs so if the legs are engaged you also need to address the feet. It is very common in yoga to flex the front foot because it allows for easier access to engage the legs. The back foot however gets forgotten about pretty regularly because of the difficulty in general of the posture. The top of the back foot spreads into the floor- toenails down. HOWEVER given some time and practice it is completely possible and just as safe to point- but see, you will need to figure out how to point BOTH🤷♀️... yeah, it's a different engagement of the legs. I personally don't point unless I'm all the way or close down- BUT THATS ME- if you are working with ardha hanumanasana you can try out the front foot (the back foot I'd say not unless you're not putting too much weight on the knee- DEFINITELY pad it- but truly work front first) • 💙join in... I am inviting you to join me and other yoga practitioners in IG to fly over the middle of our week like beloved Hanuman... ༄ Each week we will share ⭐️ our progress ⭐️ in #Hanumanasana > The Pose Dedicated To Lord Hanuman. ༄ Known for his mighty flying leaps - His greatest task- reuniting Sita & Ram- flying through the sky he secretly provided Sita with a ring and she knew Ram was coming... ༄ Asanas take time, lots and lots of time patience and more time. Keep in mind there is no prize when the hips touch down- so please be where you are🦋 ༄ Be Kind. Encourage each other. Ask questions. Have fun! ༄ I will share different variations from time to time and some different prop uses for all levels. ༄ Cont... (at FAERN.me)
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Φλόιντ: Νέα βίντεο αποκαλύπτουν τι προηγήθηκε του θάνατού του
Ο δήμαρχος της Μινεάπολις, της πόλης των ΗΠΑ που τα τελευταία 24ωρα βρίσκεται στο επίκεντρο της δημοσιότητας λόγω του τραγικού θανάτου ενός άοπλου Αφροαμερικανού μετά από ακραία αστυνομική βία εις βάρος του, κάλεσε τις εισαγγελικές αρχές να διατάξουν τη σύλληψη και τη δίωξη του λευκού αστυνομικού που εμφανίζεται σε viral βίντεο να «γονατίζει» στο λαιμό του Τζορτζ […]
The post Φλόιντ: Νέα βίντεο αποκαλύπτουν τι προηγήθηκε του θάνατού του appeared first on Kastoria Fm 9.15.
from Kastoria Fm 9.15 https://kastoriafm.gr/floint-nea-vinteo-apokalyptoyn-ti-proigithike-toy-thanatoy-toy/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=floint-nea-vinteo-apokalyptoyn-ti-proigithike-toy-thanatoy-toy
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Did you today is national wiggle your toes day? As yogis, we depend on our toes in our practice. Whether they are rooting into the earth or flying high in the air. The activation of the toe-spread, the ‘floint’, and flexing our feet helps us ground into our mats in standing poses as well as increase our balance while inverted. A lot of people tell me to point my toes or ask why I spread my toes and some have suggested that I’d look more graceful with pointed toes - to each his own. My toes were born to spread, they are my #yogitoes!
#yogitoes#toes#feet#floint#yoga#yoga toes#YOGALOVE#yoga tips#yogi#YOGANONYMOUS#yogaeverydamnday#feeltheyogahigh#forearm balance#me#debate#point toes#spread toes#love
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Αδελφός Φλόιντ στο Κογκρέσο: Βάλτε τέλος στον πόνο των Αφροαμερικανών (vid) 10/06/2020
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Πριν από λίγες εβδομάδες ένας αφροαμερικανός, ο Τζορτζ Φλόιντ δολοφονήθηκε από αστυνομικά όργανα στη Μινεάπολη της Μινεσότα – μεσοδυτικές ΗΠΑ. Ξεσηκώθηκε θύελλα διαμαρτυριών στο εσωτερικό και διεθνώς για την εν γένει συστημική βία εις βάρος μειονοτήτων στη χώρα. Το θύμα κηδεύτηκε με φέρετρο που πήγε στην εκκλησία με ιππήλα την άμαξα. Προσκλήθηκαν περί τα 500 άτομα συγγενείς, οικείοι του και παρακολούθησαν την εξόδιο ντυμένοι στα μαύρα, ή φορώντας ρούχα με το σύνθημα I can’t breathe, ο δε ιερέας που την τέλεσε, είναι γνωστός ακτιβιστής για τα πολιτικά δικαιώματα των Αφροαμερικανών. Έξω απ’ την εκκλησία, είχε επίσης συγκεντρωθεί κόσμος, ενώ κατά μήκος της διαδρομής, είχαν τοποθετηθεί αμερικανικές σημαίες. Το κακό δε σταμάτησε, μέχρι κι ένας ομογενής έπεσε παρόμοια θύμα τις τελευταίες μέρες. Στην έξαψη επάνω, τα μέλη του δημοτικού συμβουλίου της πόλης όπου έχασε τη ζωή του ο Τζορτζ Φλόιντ, δεσμεύθηκαν να διαλύσουν την αστυνομία, γεγονός που πυροδότησε κι άλλες διαδηλώσεις στις ΗΠΑ και σε όλο τον κόσμο εναντίον του ρατσισμού των δυνάμεων επιβολής της τάξης.Δεσμευόμαστε να διαλύσουμε τις υπηρεσίες της αστυνομίας όπως τις γνωρίζουμε στη Μινεάπολη και να οικοδομήσουμε από κοινού με τους πολίτες μας ένα νέο μοντέλο δημόσιας ασφάλειας, που θα εγγυάται αληθινά την ασφάλεια του πληθυσμού μας, δήλωσε η πρόεδρος του δημοτικού συμβουλίου. Πήραν σειρά τα αγάλματα, προσώπων συνδεδεμένων και με δράση τον καιρό της αποικιοκρατίας, καταστροφές κι απομακρύνσεις, δε γλύτωσεν ούτε ο Κολόμβος. Κάποιοι πιο ψύχραιμοι μίλησαν για ένα θάνατο, που όσο τραγικός και περιττός κι αν υπήρξε, δεν ήταν τελικά μάταιος, φέρνοντας πιο κοντά στη δικαιοσύνη όλους τους Αμερικανούς! Κι ο κυβερνήτης της Νέας Υόρκης εκπόνησε μεταρρυθμιστικό πρόγραμμα, όπου μεταξύ άλλων, προβλέπεται η απαγόρευση χρήσης, εκ μέρους των δυνάμεων ασφαλείας, τεχνικών οι οποίες δεν επιτρέπουν την αναπνοή, η απαγόρευση ψευδών καταγγελιών προς τηλεφωνικό αριθμό έκτακτης ανάγκης στηριζόμενο σε φυλετικές διακρίσεις, η πρόσβαση σε αρχεία για τυχόν προηγούμενα πειθαρχικά παραπτώματα των οργάνων επιβολής της τάξης κι ανάθεση στο Γενικό Εισαγγελέα της ιδιότητας του ανεξάρτητου κατηγόρου για τις περιπτώσεις θανάτου πολιτών. Προσδοκία όλων αυτών: μια διορθωτική παρέμβαση σε τομείς της αστυνομικής πρακτικής, που οδήγησαν στην κακοποίηση ή ακόμη και στον θάνατο πολιτών. Ποιος συνέδεσε με τα συμβάντα την είδηση και το γεγονός ότι: το 2016-17 ήταν η περίοδος με το μεγαλύτερο αριθμό δισεκατομμυριούχων που έχουν καταγραφεί ποτέ! Ένας καινούριος ξεπηδούσε κάθε 2 μέρες! Οι 8 πλουσιότεροι άνθρωποι του πλανήτη καρπώθηκαν τόσο πλούτο, όσο και το φτωχότερο μισό της ανθρωπότητας. Σύμφωνα με την έκθεση μιας ΜΚΟ (Oxfam) για την κατανομή του πλούτου πριν από 2 χρόνια, το πλουσιότερο 1% του πλανήτη απέκτησε το 82% του παγκόσμιου πλούτου. Ενώ το φτωχότερο μισό του πλανήτη δεν είδε καμία αύξηση στο εισόδημά του! Η ακατανόητη αυτή ανισορροπία της αγοράς αποδίδεται στη φοροδιαφυγή, την επιρροή του κόσμου των επιχειρήσεων στους νομοθέτες, την καταστρατήγηση των εργασιακών κεκτημένων, αλλά και τις περικοπές των πανίσχυρων ανωνύμων εταιριών. Τον πλούτο τον παράγει η εργασία, αυτών που δεν τον καρπώνονται και η κλοπή αυτή, δεν έχει κάποια σχέση με συστημική βία, το ρατσισμό κ.τ.ό.; Κι η κατάσταση είναι ακόμη εφιαλτικότερη απ’ τα νεώτερα στοιχεία. Η τάξη των εκατομμυριούχων αύξησε πέρυσι κατά 1,1 εκατ. τα μέλη της, κυρίως χάρη στη συμβολή των συνήθων υπόπτων ΗΠΑ και Κίνας. Οι πολιτικές Τραμπ και της ακραίας εργασιακής εκμετάλλευσης, ενισχύουν περαιτέρω τη συσσώρευση πλούτου στα χέρια των λίγων. Ο συνολικός πλούτος του πλουσιότερου 1% του παγκόσμιου ενήλικου πληθυσμού 4πλασιάστηκε μέσα σε μια 20ετία: από 39,6 τρισ. δολάρια το 2000 σε 158,3 τρισ. δολάρια το 2019. Το 43% των μελών αυτής της ελίτ κατοικεί στη Β. Αμερική, το 28% στην Ευρώπη ενώ το 16% σε χώρες της Ασίας και του Ειρηνικού (πλην της Κίνας και της Ινδίας). Αυτές οι ελίτ χρειάζονται φύλαξη του κλεμμένου πλούτου και προφύλαξη των άδικων κατόχων απ’ τους φτωχοποιημένους και τους εξωθούμενους στην παραβατικότητα για προφανείς λόγους. Κι η αστυνομία γι’ αυτό κι γι’ αυτούς ενεργεί. Η αντίδραση κι η αντιπαράθεση όμως δεν είναι με την αστυνομία. Η αντίδραση το μόνο στόχο που μπορεί να έχει, είναι η ταξική συνειδητοποίηση της κλοπής και της εκμετάλλευσης και η ανάγκη για πάλη, ώστε να υπάρξει δικαιότερη κατανομή των αγαθών στον κόσμο. Γιατί να ακουστεί το σύνθημα της αντιστροφής της σημερινής κατάστασης: το 82%, τουλάχιστον, του παγκόσμιου πλούτου να πηγαίνει και να το καρπώνεται το 99% των κατοίκων του πλανήτη;!!! Σε κάθε άλλη περίπτωση, θα μας μένουν οι πολυτελείς κηδείες θυμάτων αστυνομικής βίας και τα συντρίμμια αγαλμάτων για εκτόνωση… Δείτε τα tweets της επικαιρότητας: Όλα τα νέα για την επικαιρότητα εδώ - ειδήσεις από την Ελλάδα
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