#floarea albastra
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This is, perhaps, the best translation I could find of the poem from Romanian, although I'm still not the happiest with it. I guess one should expect it when translating something from 150 years ago. Alas, I find the poem quite beautiful, and I can think of Henry in it due to something I'd like to call "Stoicism as a form of self-proclaimed superiority", as it is found in the poem. At first glance, you'll find two characters: the lover, a fair-haired woman, and the man, who has very few lines compared to the said lover. This is how I will adress them from now on.
Now, it is not needed, for our scenario, for Henry's lover to be fair-haired; it is simply a motive found in Eminescu's prose - the angelic woman, with fair hair, blue eyes, and delicate form. What would be needed, though, is for the lover to have a dionysian character. What I mean by that? The Apollonian and Dionysian concepts found in philosophy, where, in this case, the dionysian attributes would be represented by pleasure, party, passion, emotions, carpe diem, where the lover would be the the likes of a, so to say, common person. In contrast, the man, and thus Henry, would be the apollonian, the rational, logical and prudent. This, combined with the first few lines: „You again wonder on moon/ And through clouds, in high sky?" and "In vain sunny rivers, see/ Come together in your mind/ Knowledges of every kind/ And the darkness of the sea;/ The old pyramids so clear/ Hurl in air their peak" would bring forth the genious, the contemplative, that we can agree Henry is.
In addition to this, I'd like to add a little commentary over the title itself (If you'd allow me to indulge): Sapphire Flower is, in itself, a contradiction or an opposite of one another. Sapphire, here, represents the colour of the sky, of the out of reach and celestial bodies. (The mot a mot translation would actually be Blue Flower) The flower then should represent the earth, the closeness, what we know and are sure of, concept-wise. If we take this and add the traits of our lovers mentioned above, we see a clear contrast: Henry the Sapphire, the unknown, absurd, the genious, and the lover the Flower, the known, the comfort, the common. I do not mean to make the lover a lesser of the two, but, with the poem and perhaps a bit of Henry's true character, it is inevitable. Let us continue.
After our lover's reproach ("You again wonder…"), we find our first and brief interference from the man, who says: "Little girl told me her thought/ When she sweetly smoothed my head/ Yes, indeed, the truth she said;/ I shut up and laughed a lot." This "little girl" can be viewed in two ways: either as a pet name, or as a subtle form of mockery. We see he does not even attempt to argue with them, and why? Because he knows they simply wouldn't get it. This is where the superiority I mentioned in the beginning rises. Could we not say that is a way Henry would act, especially in a scenario in which his lover wouldn't necessarily be part of the Greek class? Even if they were, his ego, his stoicism would make him feel superior no matter what. But, out of love, he agrees with them; yes, he spends too much time deep in thought, too much time trying to make sense of it all, and too little time spent with them. He knows it, but cannot find it in himself to even try and explain to their little head why. Quite rude, don't you think?
Now, we are found once more in the lover's chants, and this time, they ask of him to join them in nature. Here, as it is the largest portion of the poem (5-12), we could talk for a long while of the nature, it's virgin aspects - "And to fall the rocks do try/ On the gap’s magical scene." (it makes more sense in Romanian, so you shall put a little trust in me) - and how it is the perfect space for the Edenian couple or the Androgyne, whichever you fancy, to reconnect. That, unfortunately, is a bit too much explaining to do for my aching mind. The idea is that they would represent the primordial couple. What I'd like to mention here is the brief game the lovers play, an erotic, teasing game, which in my mind I can perfectly envision with Henry; the beautiful, serene, hidden corner of nature Henry and his lover would find themselves, the talks, the stories he could tell - "Lies and stories tell me thee/ With your tiny mouth while I/ Helped by flowers and the sky/ I will search if you love me." - and how the day would pass to night, and they couldn't find it in themselves to care, until, finally, they shall find their way back to the lover's home, and they shall share one final kiss, one final moment, touch, until…
"After one more kiss she leaves… Like a post I stood in moon! How playful, how beautiful My sapphire flower is."
"And you’re gone my holly magic, And it’s dead this love of our’ Sapphire flower! Sapphire flower!… For all that the world is tragic!"
The man's voice is once more heard, and we know the lover is gone. Had they died, had they left is unimportant to the man, for he knows he's lost them forever. Finally, after taking everything for granted, Henry realises what he's lost, and suddenly, the ancient cannot fill his heart how they once did before.
This would be my unnecessary commentary on romanian prose which I somehow managed to link very weakly to Henry Winter. Hope you enjoyed it if you read it, and I hope even more it made sense.
#the secret history#tsh#henry winter#hmn#donna tartt#floarea albastra#romanian prose#thought i should put it as a post instead of a reblog
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Ah, am uitat sa menționez ca la română în a 9-a am făcut doar Floarea albastra. În a 10-a doar Harap Alb și a 11-a Moara cu noroc. Toate celelalte opere de bac le-am întâlnit prima oara în a 12-a
in a 9-a stiu ca nu am avut materie de bac (poate s-a schimbat usor programa si calendarul)
in rest in a 10-a am bagat la greu, in a 11-a ne-a frecat la icre cu toata istoria lb si lit romane, iar in a 12-a doar am recapitulat
again, tipa nu ne preda nimic si facea crize de isterie cand omiteam ceva pe la argumentari, dar dat fiind ca ne descurcam pe cont propriu...
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Bro tre sa faci un comentariu la romana despre floarea albastra, iti pune nota!!!!
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Pagini din literatura Volohistanului
Omagierea Șugar. Un pod din Slovacia nu poarta numele unui mare poet Morosan, pt. ca autoritatile volohe s-au cacat pe dumneavoastra de la inceputurile Evului mediu tarziu, pana in prezent, in floarea varstei Evului mediu foarte tarziu.
Daca aveti nedumeriri sau nelinistiri, datorita bunului mers al lucrurilor in stat, avem confirmarea ca cetatenii din Volohistan vor face trecerea doar in cativa eoni in Evul mediu absolut.
In about a thousand pages, grouped in two parts, redrawing, over about twenty years, the slow and deep dissolution of an ordinary peasant family living in the village of Siliştea-Gumeşti (Teleorman), in the Wallachian Plain, Preda aimed to fulfil his credo ("without notions like history, truth, reality, prose would make no sense"). Sa mori tu :D
Daca ne bazam si pe data publicarii 1955 & 1967 si situatia Volohistanului de atunci, cat si a calitatii oamenilor care urmau sa se impuie... Ii clar! Forta Marin Preda, acest parinte al plagiatului
Balena albastra, Mona 4x500ml: „moartea lui Marin Preda a fost violentă și s-a datorat asfixiei mecanice prin astuparea orificiilor respiratorii cu un corp moale, posibil lenjerie de pat, în condițiile unei come etilice” [...]10. "Cu prilejul împlinirii a 90 de ani de la nașterea lui Marin Preda, Banca Națională a României, la 10 august 2012, a pus în circulație, în atenția numismaților, o monedă comemorativă din argint, cu titlul de 999‰, având valoarea nominală de 10 lei. Moneda este emisă de calitate proof, într-un tiraj de 500 de exemplare. Marginea monedei este zimțată. Diametrul monedei este de 37 mm, iar masa ei este de 31,107 g. Monedele sunt ambalate individual, în capsule transparente de metacrilat, și sunt însoțite de broșuri de prezentare redactate în limba română, limba engleză și în limba franceză și de certificate de autenticitate semnate de guvernatorul B. N. R. și de casierul central al acestei instituții. Moneda are putere de circulație pe teritoriul României. Prețul de vânzare a unui exemplar al acestei monede, inclusiv capsula de metacrilat și broșura însoțitoare, este de 340 de lei." ... si cu moneda zece
Omagierea lui Marin Preda 1. Un liceu din București îi poartă numele, Liceul Teoretic Marin Preda (București). 2. Un liceu din Odorheiu Secuiesc îi poartă numele, Liceul Marin Preda (Odorheiu Secuiesc). 3. Un liceu din Turnu Măgurele îi poartă numele, Liceul Marin Preda (Turnu Măgurele). 4. O filială a Bibliotecii Metropolitane București îi poartă numele, Filiala Marin Preda. 5. O stradă din Cluj-Napoca îi poartă numele, strada Marin Preda. 6. O stradă din Turda îi poartă numele, strada Marin Preda. 7. O stradă din Oradea îi poartă numele, strada Marin Preda. 8. O stradă din Mangalia îi poartă numele, strada Marin Preda. 9. O strada din Râmnicu Valcea ii poartă numele, strada Marin Preda
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Floarea albastra is so Henry Winter
#the secret history#tsh#henry winter#hmn#i will come back with explanations#and try to find a translation#hear me out people#hear me out
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