caesarsbuddy · 7 years
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Thank you so much, and I hope this is kind of what you were asking for?!
Don’t forget to check out the links at the top of my page, or my commissions page<3
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misayuhki · 8 years
Tag Games
I was tagged by @flinnybillymoonexplosion.  Thank you! and I'm patiently waiting for you to come back to tumblr ;)
Rules: complete the survey and say who tagged you in the beginning. when you’re finished, tag people to do this survey. have fun and enjoy!
1: Are you named after someone?  No.  My real name (misa yuhki is my internet name) consists of two kanjis and each means beauty and harmony.   
2: When was the last time you cried?  Yesterday, when I was re-watching (for how many times??? I lost count) Person of Interest.
3: Do you like your handwriting?  Yeah. Though I wish my handwriting would be more beautiful but mine is OK, I think.  
4: What is your favourite lunch meat?  Oh... I don't think of any.  I'm not a vegetarian but I'm sort of eating meat less and less in recent years.  But if I am to choose one it will be a hamburg steak. 
5: Do you have kids?  No.  And I'm not a pet person.
6: If you were another person, would you be friends with you?  I think so.  But if this another person wants to hang out, call, and text with me everyday, you will be disappointed.
7: Do you use sarcasm?  Yes!  But people around me consider one who uses sarcasm not witty but mean and awful, so I try not to be sarcastic so that I wouldn't get into problems. 
8: Do you still have your tonsils?  Yes.  I wonder who doesn't and for what reasons you get rid of it, to not get throat cold often, I suspect.  
9: Would you bungee jump?  Right now in my room comfortable, warm and peaceful in front of my computer typing the answers for those questions, I will say yes!!  But I don't know how I will be when I'm right there to bungee jump ;p
10: What is your favourite kind of cereal?  I don't have any.  I don't eat cereal a lot.
11: Do you untie your shoes when you take them off?  Yes, but time to time I tie my shoes loosely so that I don't need to untie them.
12: Do you think you’re a strong person?  No. Especially physically I'm not strong.  My mentality used to be very very strong but past several years I'm indulging myself with easy-going.
13: What is your favourite ice cream?  Anything with dark chocolate.  Chocolate and cherry or any other berries would be perfect.
14: What is the first thing you notice about people?  I look to one's eyes and sort of assess whether this person is honest or not. 
15: What is the least favourite physical thing you like about yourself?  My thighs; they are so big that people who don't know me usually assume that I'm an athlete, which I am definitely not.
16: What colour pants and shoes are you wearing now?  I found this question very interesting because it eliminates the possibility of one's wearing skirt!  Oh!  This question might be originally aimed to men or try to be gender neutral.  Anyways I'm in grey (with a hint of purple) pajamas sort of stuff and a pair of slippers.
17: What are you listening to right now?  Jamie Cullum's Out of This World 
18: If you were a crayon, what color would you be?  I don't know...  I just don't want to be a crayon I think.  But if I need to turn into a color, it would be orange or gold.
19: Favourite smell?  I really love the smell of roses.
20: Who was the last person you spoke to on the phone?  My father about how to use USB. 
21: Favorite sport to watch?  It used be baseball but now I don't have enough patience to watch any sport for those long hours...
22: Hair color?  Black
23: Eye color?  Black
24: Do you wear contacts?  No, my eyes are so screwed for contacts.  I wear glasses.
25: Favourite food to eat?  Noodles.  I love noodles.  With lots of veggies.
26: Scary movies or comedy?  If scary means horror, I prefer comedy, but if scary means suspenseful psycho drama, I will go for scary movies. 
27: Last movie you watched?  That would be Constantine for treating myself on last new year's eve with tons of booze. 
28: What color of shirt are you wearing?  Dark purple.
29: Summer or winter?  Summer, if I need to choose from these two, but autumn is my favorite.
30: Hugs or kisses?  I like giving hugs and kisses to those who I love.  But I'm in Japan where physical contacts are scarce in even between family members, so then I would go hugs.
31: What book are you currently reading?  Prince Lestat, The Goldfinch, and others.  I read several books at the same time.
32: Who do you miss right now?  I miss my grandma and my friend from high school who passed away four years ago from long term illness, her anniversary day is in the next week.
33: What is on your mouse pad?  No... because I stopped using any mouse pad after mouse didn't have that ball thing in it.
34: What is the last TV program you watched?  If it means that I watched any TV programs on TV, then nothing.  I don't watch TV programs on TV anymore but I watch those dramas that I love.
35: What is the best sound?  All of my favorite music and voices of my nephews and nieces.  And the waves of ocean, god I miss it so much. 
36: Rolling stones or The Beatles?  The Beatles; they have this artistic-ness that developed their musicality into different stages.  Actually about Rolling Stones I have listened to only some pieces of them because their music isn't my thing. 
37: What is the furthest you have ever travelled?  If it means "where" (sorry I'm not a native speaker so I may be misunderstanding this question), it would be Paris for only seven days trip, but if it means really "what", I would say some strange cosmic world while I was meditating. 
38: Do you have a special talent?  Teaching; I can teach whatever I can do.  I've never had any training for teaching but it's very natural to me. 
39: Where were you born?  Osaka, Japan.
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heart-lit · 5 years
Song Tag:
I was tagged by: @flinnybillymoonexplosion thanks, this one was super fun
Rules: Using the song titles of an artist you like, answer the following questions
Artist/Band? Megadeth
What’s your gender? Shewolf
How do you feel? Sweating bullets
If you could go anywhere? A secret place
Favorite mode of transportation? Train of consequences
Your best friend? Mastermind
Favorite time of day? Foreclosure of a dream
If your life was a TV show? Have cool, will travel
Relationship status? Sin
Your fear? Countdown to extinction
Who wants to play? @xfeathered-serpent @fairyofthefriz @metalliocalypse @jai-sri-george @thefeatherofhope @thequeenofhades @necro69mancer @livinglifelessordinary @badhandful @ridethecyanide Thought you might have fun with it, cheers yall 🎶
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captainflirt · 5 years
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better
Tagged by: @olincino & @farahbobbi-blog-blog
1. Favorite color: Black
2. Top 3 ships: Flinthamilton, Flinthamiltons, Silverflinthamilton
3. Last song: Summer 3rd Movement by Antonio Vivaldi
4. Last movie: Onegin (1999)
Tagging: @flintsfancyscaffcaff, @zwergenmaedchen, @char7, @solraneth, @anarfea, @ciel62, @danab14, @gaygingerpirates, @flinnybillymoonexplosion
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jj-blackwood · 8 years
Tag game (Show characters)
I was tagged by @flinnybillymoonexplosion Rules: tell us one favorite character from ten shows & tag ten people.
1. Billy Bones (Black sails) 2. Tom Barnaby (Midsomer murders) 3. Spencer Reid (Criminal minds) 4. Chandler Bing (Friends) 5. Jack Benjamin (Kings) 6. Boone Carlyle (Lost) 7. Xena (Xena: warrior princess) 8. Harvey Bullock (Gotham) 9. Brett Talbot (Teen wolf) 10. Peggy Carter (Agent Carter)
It was very cruel! T_T I have too much favorite characters.:D
I’ll tag @musemm
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char7 · 8 years
                                                                                                   flinnybillymoonexplosion replied to your photo post                                                 Could you tell me what interview is this?? I don't know it and I want to see it... even if it's a shitty interview, thanks!        
@flinnybillymoonexplosion  It’s from here
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heart-lit · 5 years
Put your entire music library on shuffle and choose the first 10 songs, then tag 10 people
I was tagged @xfeathered-serpent cheers xxoo I played this once before from my old ass playlist, so I’m gonna do this from my YouTube list... it’s super random!
1. Mungo Jerry - In The Summertime
2. Quarterflash - Harden My Heart
3. Pentangle - Let No Man Steal Your Thyme
4. Brak- I Love You Baby
5. Orange Marley - Why You Always Lyin
6. Jamiroquai - Canned Heat
7. Suck The Honey - All Hail Having Failed
8. STUFY - Grow 1000 Pairs
9. The Black Crowes - Thick N Thin
10. Janis Joplin - I Need A Man To Love
Tagging @flinnybillymoonexplosion @fairyofthefriz @livinglifelessordinary @alkeino @theblindcatmeows @jackievonawesome @judas-had-a-crown @gracespent @tigereyes45 @voodoomarie
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heart-lit · 5 years
21 Questions Game
Tagged by @fairyofthefriz and @anotherwaywarddreamer Thanks ... I didn’t forget :)
RULES. Answer 21 questions and tag 21 people you want to know better.
Nickname: bee 🐝
Zodiac Sign: Sagittarius ♐️
Height: 5’5.5
Hogwarts House: GRYFFINDOR!!!! 🦁
Last Thing Googled: haha it was “Emma 2009 pink dress”
Favourite Musicians: i can’t decideeee but john, paul, george and ringo have been in my car CD player for like 3 weeks (anti road rage tunes)
Other blogs: @babybeegarden @metal-jane @fallen4reylo and one somewhat anonymous rant blog... guess who?
Song Stuck in Head: 🙈 imagine me and you, and you and me, SO HAPPY TOGETHER!!!!! (Can you guess why?)
Following: 421
Followers: 396
Do I Get Asks: sometimes i do!
Amount of Sleep: i go about 6 a night
Lucky Number: 3
Wearing: black skinnie jeans, black with tiny gray polka dot peasant top, black sketchers, black sunglasses 😎
Dream Job: my own cooking show
Dream Trip: something like a tour of Celtic pagan sites, get like a blue woad tattoo, idk
Instruments: acoustic guitar
Languages: merican english with a specialty in southern twang ... i can sort of get by in a Spanglish conversation if were patient
Favorite Songs: er... that’s too hard so I’ll tell you my favorite song from the cd in my car is we can work it out
Random Fact: i have a flaming hula hoop and i know how to use it
Aesthetic: cozy cottage, dark wood and earth tones, pots in the garden, a ginger cat, two cappuccinos side by side, and the sun from a bright hot day
Tagging: if you want to play along, if you haven’t already ☺️ @xfeathered-serpent @flinnybillymoonexplosion @worst-shit-in-seven-kingdoms @yamidinklage @iamthegoodchina @livinglifelessordinary @eliaequense @killedbymyowninvention @luvclassics @doodlerach i know this has been going around a lot
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misayuhki · 5 years
Song Tag:
I was tagged by @flinnybillymoonexplosion. Thank you ♪
Rules: Using the song titles of an artist you like, answer the following questions
Artist/Band? David Bowie in the second half of 1970s 
What’s your gender? Sound and Vision
How do you feel? Move On
If you could go anywhere? Station to Station
Favorite mode of transportation? Red Sails
Your best friend? V-2 Schneider
Favorite time of day? Golden Years
If your life was a TV show? A New Career in a New Town
Relationship status? TVC 15
Your fear? Always Crashing in the Same Car
I won't tag anybody this time (again)....
i did similar music tag way back and i did it with Goldfrapp. if you got interested in it, you can see it here ;)
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misayuhki · 5 years
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better
Tagged by: @flinnybillymoonexplosion. thanks dear!
1. Favorite color: orange
2. Top 3 ships: blint, sherstrade, merwine
3. Last song: Right by David Bowie 
4. Last movie: a Korean movie called "Secret Reunion (의형제)" 
I tag no-one. sorry about that :))
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misayuhki · 6 years
I was tagged by the lovely @bryonyashley ! thanks :)))
Rules: bold which you prefer and tag ten people.
coffee or tea  (sorry for bending the rule, i just cannot chose one, i need both of them)
early bird or night owl
chocolate or vanilla
spring or fall
silver or gold
pop or alternative
freckles or dimples
snakes or sharks
mountains or fields
thunderstorm or lightning
egytian or greek mythology
ivory or scarlet
flute or lyre
eyes or lips
witch or fairy
opal or diamond
butterflies or honeybees (sorry again. i really don't like any bugs at all, they scare me)
macaroons or eclairs
typewritten or handwritten notes
secret garden or secret library
rooftop or balcony
spicy or mild
opera or ballet
london or paris
vincent van gogh or claude monet
denim or leather
potions or spells
ocean or desert
mermaid or siren
masquerade ball or cocktail party
i will tag @flinnybillymoonexplosion, @ton-cats, @classicmoviesandseries, and @wktn. but if you don't feel like to, just ignore it ;)
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misayuhki · 7 years
ABC's of me
was tagged by @bryonyashley.  Thanks always <3
A - age: too old to spend my time on tumblr, or so they say. (I'll use bryonyashley's comment here.) B - biggest fear: losing my beloved nephews from whatever the cause of it. C - current time: 15:56. D - drink you last had: coffee. E - every day starts with: want to sleep more. F - favourite song: at the moment Goldfrapp's Anymore. G - ghosts, are they real?: I saw some before. H - home town: Osaka, Japan. I - in love with: currently Billy Bones of Black Sails. J - jealous of: maybe those who are very fluent with 5 or more languages. K - killed someone: never as far as I know. L - last time you cried: a couple of days ago while watching a Korean movie. M - middle name: I don’t have one. N - number of siblings: three (two younger brothers and one younger sister). O - one wish: live in a good heath. P - person you last called/texted: my nephew, he got his first mobile today. Q - question you’ve always asked: so you are the dancer? whenever I am with dancers and musicians, people almost always assume I'm a dancer, which I am absolutely not. R - reason to smile: good drink (I mean alcohol) apart from my nephews. S - song last sang: Jimmy Scott's Am I Wrong? T - time you woke up: around 12:00.  I'm a night person. U - underwear colour: grey and faded orange. V - vacation destination: Greece or Hawaii apart from the outer space. W - worst habit: I have this tendency of, if it's used in a good way perseverance but if it isn't, persistence. X - x rays you’ve had: chest (to check up some illness I had years back). Y - your favourite foods: noodles of all sorts. Z - zodiac sign: libra.
I tag @classic-movies-and-series, @flinnybillymoonexplosion, @musemm, @shinmaya-aka-fred, @jj-blackwood, @norseislander, @ohhhownice.  If you don't like to, just ignore it! :)
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misayuhki · 7 years
some questions on Billy Bones
After reading @flinnybillymoonexplosion's post, those questions which I have been having regarding Billy Bones popped up in my head.  (Some questions of mine overlaps hers.)
1. Why does Billy has two names?  It was revealed at his funeral in S1 that the fact that Billy Bones was a pirate name and his real name was William Manderly.  It maybe because Bill in the book TI said Bones was not his name to the Doctor after he had the first stroke.  
And later in S2, we learned Flint also has two names and there's a story behind for him to choose this name.  But we don't know why Billy named himself Bones because there is no explanation in the BS universe.
2. Why did Billy need to be (presumed) dead and come back from the dead?  It may be to foreshadow Thomas Hamilton's return in the very final episode.  If so, Billy's death must have meant to captain Flint in some way and to some degree (I'm try not to go into the sphere of Blint here). 
3. Why was Billy's backstory like that?  He is a son of levellers from Kensington.  And according to captain Flint he may easily have been known by Abigail back in London.  This suggests that Billy is a son from a family in some social status.  
And levellers: A member of a group of radical dissenters in the English Civil War (1642–9) who called for the abolition of the monarchy, social and agrarian reforms, and religious freedom. (from English Oxford living Dictionary)  
These points make him, not very much but somewhat, similar to Thomas Hamilton, a son of a noble family and he himself is an idealist.
4. Why was the change of Billy's appearance in S4 needed?  Maybe to show us the viewers S4 Billy is different from previous seasons.
5. Then why were the hairstyle and beard of Billy and Thomas almost the same?  Thomas' appearance was also changed form S2 Thomas.  It can easily be said that to depict he had a rough and hard past years at the plantation as a farm-hand.  yes, I understand that.  But my question here is that why his hairstyle and beard had to be almost the same as Billy.   
S4 Thomas is like, for me, a little smaller and very much sweeter and softer version of Billy.  (I've never thought Thomas and Billy similar in S2.)  
Is this reunion a foreshadow of Billy and Flint somehow meet up together and reunite in the future?  So that this Black Sails universe will be connected to the book TI and Black Sails will really be a prequel of the book?  I love to think this way as a Blint shipper and as a fan of Black Sails itself.  
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onlyonewoman · 8 years
Bad poetry to cope with the pain Black Sails' creators insist on putting us through. Our pirates are NOT pleased. For @flinnybillymoonexplosion (and others in need of comfort) <3
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misayuhki · 8 years
Tag Music Meme
I was tagged by @musemm.  Thank you always <3
Rules : We’re snooping on your playlist. Set your entire music library to shuffle and report the first ten tracks that pop up ! Then choose ten additional victims.
1. Moon Gut Samul 문굿 사물  (a shaman ritual music of Korea) - there's no description about the performers  [in case you get interested in it: staged performance and real life ritual.]
2. Take The 'a' Train by Duke Ellington & His Orchestra
3. Cradle song by Anthony Way (from the soundtrack of The Choir)
4. Conditioned Soul by Eurythmics
5. Into The Void by Nine Inch Nails
6. Aladdin Sane by David Bowie
7. Every Day is Exactly The Same by Nine Inch Nails
8. Sons of The Silent Age by David Bowie
9. Symphony No.5 In C Sharp Minor :4.Adagietto by Mahler 
10. Black Noise by Nine Inch Nails
(11. You Don't Have To Say You Love Me by Dusty Springfield)
I tag @classic-movies-and-series, @flinnybillymoonexplosion, @vincisomething, @ohhhownice, @norseislander, @lizzmeijers, and @acompesdivision (I know you don't do this tag game, but I would love to know what you will have.  But you can ignore it as usual).  
If you have done it, or don't feel like to, or are not a music person, feel free to ignore it :)
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misayuhki · 8 years
Five Things Meme
Tagged by @bryonyashley​, thank you always <333
Five things you’ll find in my bag:
1. phone 2. wallet   3. lip balm/lipstick  4. earphones 5. water bottle
Five things in my bedroom:
1. electric stove (for it's winter) 2. cushions 3. TV  4. some books (haven't read decently for a month or so, tho)  5. my MacBook Air
Five things i’ve always wanted to do in life:
1. be able to speak English (done) 2. learn two more foreign languages (nope, I was defeated by German) 3. live in abroad (done) 4. kinda wanted to meet David Bowie in person and talk a little (now it's literally impossible) 5. travel to space (let's see... hahaha )
Five things that make me happy:
1. Billy Bones from Black Sails (including blint moment) 2. music that I love 3. singing 4. my beloved nephews 5. good night sleep
Five things people may not know about me (and maybe they didn’t want to lol):
1. I remember person's voice better than the face 2. I grind my teeth, so I use a bite guard when I sleep 3. used to draw manga type of illustrations 4. my right foot is one centimeter smaller than my left foot 5. I am old.  Old as in I vividly-remember-Madonna-singing-"Like-a-Virgin" old. 
I tag @shinmaya-aka-fred, @flinnybillymoonexplosion, @musemm, @ohhhownice, and @classic-movies-and-series.  If you don't feel like it to, or you've already done it, just ignore it ;-)
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