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fruit-clans-clangen · 7 months ago
Moon 1
Flightsky chased Cobrakit around the camp. Cobrakit laughed as he chased her. Flightsky tried to focus on playing with Cobrakit but his mind was somewhere else. His dream he had a couple days ago is still fresh in his mind. 
He caught up to Cobrakit. “Tag!” He said, trying to sound happy for her sake. 
“Nooo!” Cobrakit screamed, playfully. “Okay, it’s your turn to hide!”
Flightsky sighed. Greenpaw, who was staring off into space, was sitting near them. Behind her he could see Waterpelt and Strawberrystar talking. He listened in on their conversation. 
“Are you sure that’s a good idea?” Waterpelt asked. “No clan has ever done it before.” 
“That’s why I want to try it.” Strawberrystar insisted. “If we don’t try we’ll never know if it works.” 
“Got you!” Flightsky turned and Cobrakit leaped on top of him. “Why didn’t you hide?” She asked him. Greenpaw walked over from where she was sitting. 
“How ‘bout you leave Flightsky alone, I’ll play with you instead.” She told Cobrakit. Flightsky got up and smiled at her gratefully. He shook out his pelt and walked over to Waterpelt and Strawberrystar to join their conversation. 
Strawberrystar saw him coming and raised his tail in greeting. “Hey, Flightsky.” He said. 
Flightsky sat down and asked “What are you guys talking about?” 
“My idea about marriage.” Strawberrystar responded. “Waterpelt doesn’t seem to think it’s a good idea.” 
“I’m just saying there are many flaws in it.” Waterpelt growled. “It just complicates things.” 
“What do you find to be flaws?” Flightsky asked in a calm voice. 
“Well, to start.” Waterpelt thought for a minute. “What if the cats break up? What do they do then?” 
“They can get divorced.” Strawberrystar responded. 
“And how would that work?” Waterpelt asks. Strawberrystar thought. “They would tell the leader they want to be divorced and then silently spread the news around the clan. And that’s that.”
“How do they get married?” Waterpelt asked next. This time Strawberrystar was quick to respond. “Well, first, one cat proposes to the other. If the other cat says yes then they tell their leader and the ceremony will be scheduled for sometime the next moon. At the gathering they can invite the other clans to come too. The leader will officiate the wedding and they get married. They can also choose to take one of the others' name.”
“How does changing a name work?” Waterpelt asked, confused. 
“So, say you have two cats named, um,” Strawberrystar thought for a minute. “Frostwhisker and Leafpelt. When they get married they can choose to keep their names the same or change them. When they change their names their prefix stays the same, but Frostwhisker can change to Frostpelt or Leafpelt can change to Leafwhisker. If the two have kits they can also choose to have their kits take the name too.” 
“And how does the kit taking the name work? What if they have five kits? Do all of them take their name?” Waterpelt asked. 
Strawberrystar was ready to respond, expecting that Waterpelt would ask that. “I imagine that before their warrior ceremony the family talks and the kits can decide if they want to take a name. If their parents didn’t take each other's names then nobody would take another name.”
“What if the kits don’t have married parents?” Waterpelt asked next. 
“Then they don’t take a name either.” Strawberrystar answered. 
“What about leaders?” Waterpelt continued. “Their names have to end in 'star, so would their mate take ‘star as a name?”
“That’s the only exception. When the leader gets married both cats keep their name.” 
“What if there’s another cat in the clan with the same suffix, do you just change their name too?” Waterpelt asked with a smug expression on his face, hoping to catch Strawberrystar this time. 
“No, they get to keep their name. It doesn’t really matter if another unrelated cat has the same name. It’s basically just a gesture to show how devoted they are to each other or if they want a legacy name, you know?” Strawberrystar told him. 
There was a pause for a heartbeat until Strawberrystar asked, “Anything else?” 
Waterpelt shook his head. “It’s settled then.” Strawberrystar puffed his chest. “I’ll ask the other clans about it at the gathering!”
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444names · 10 months ago
Names generated from Warrior Cats character names and common flowers, common herbs, and animals
(Sadly finding any database list of "plants native to England" wasn't possible, so I try next best thing).
Adder Adderheart Addock Aldenfur Algernstar Alkit Amblekit Amblepaw Anderpaw Anglin Annose Antsquinch Aphining Arcissum Aspelt Asterchkit Azale...
Badge Balderkit Ballow Baracker Barkstream Beetfur Beflower Belight Bellfur Benner Betshining Birchestar Birdstar Blackal Blacken Blackenwing Blacker Blizard Blossumacat Bluewhisker Bluewhite Boulderpaw Brambleft Branchface Brane Branefur Branilla Breefrost Breek Brightfoot Brightwish Bristle Broot Brooth Brushwingal Bushtail Butis Butted Buzzlybush Buzzypelt Camen Cardenfur Carleg Catfur Cattle Cedawnclaw Chammall Cheep Chickenwing Chicklenose Chickory Chilis Cinnon Clowfeather Cockinktail Cockster Copper Coppy Coria Corilla Coster Crabbitle Creefrong Creefrost Crick Crook Croutstar Crowankit Crowl Crysan Cucklekit Curledum Curlypelt Currel Currelshine Curry Cyclaw Dapple Dapples Darrook Deagle Deerpelt Dewspot Doverstar Downose Duckly Eaglestar Echfur Egremleap Elkit Emberch Emberry Errelflint Fallow Falon Fenner Fenugreeze Fernclover Fernose Fernson Ferrel Ferry Fidge Fincefish Firchicken Firchkit Flamelepaw Flampkit Fleaf Flightsky Flowflight Flowhenry Flowspotfur Flutted Flytainfur Foxglorang Foxleafpool Frecklefang Freckoo Frist Fristle Galings Garomseed Giantsqueak Gibbonobo Gibbony Glade Goosematien Goosepazote Gopheart Gorseedley Gorset Grassar Grayfern Graying Grout Guana Guanatter Guine Harelfur Harveymoose Hattail Hattletail Hawkfoots Heddarheale Hollowtail Hollus Hollyleap Honeyes Hoodsong Horning Hosong Hover Hoverbillow Hummine Hummint Hundsha Hussestones Hydrage Hyssomkit Hyssus Iceclaw Irise Jaguan Jasmintfur Jayfeath Jonquickens Jumpkit Jumpytail Junip Kenfury Keshine Kestnut Lapple Lappleclaw Lapplenose Leadow Leapigeon Leechosong Leekwhisker Lemminter Lemonksha Leonflorang Light Lilyoftwig Limeflight Limpes Lionkey Littail Litter Lobstep Lonstar Loonlight Loose Lower Lupineart Macacia Macat Mackdawn Malleaf Mantipe Maple Maplefoot Mapletail Maright Marsley Meade Meadeerled Meadepelt Melope Mineaf Mingfish Minnatis Minnowtuft Minteather Minter Mistle Mistlesky Mitestone Mitewater Mitewistfur Moleaf Moleg Molepowdrop Mollow Monmyrtled Moonfoot Mornclaw Morntana Mosspardaw Mossusander Mouseface Muddley Muskkit Mustpaw Namint Narchpaw Narwhale Neclaw Neeze Nettleap Nicooby Nightclaw Nightfoot Nightning Oakster Oatwhist Oneylerfoot Orchpaw Orrel Overstar Paleaf Panca Pandynose Panthyme Papriketail Parrel Patchen Pebblekit Pepperkit Percreek Peret Petail Petvine Picewhisker Pikefur Pikenhear Pinestep Pingbird Pinkfur Pinkit Pipede Poletsy Poppear Popper Porpion Prain Prawberry Prick Pring Pumpestar Quirrel Ragon Rainleaf Rainstar Rainwingo Rairit Rascarlower Rattail Redpaw Redthisker Reindleap Riper Rives Robinkfur Robinsplate Robinswept Roomhear Rowtail Rubblebee Rumperch Runner Safflowclaw Salade Sanderher Sandy Sassparkson Scoutstar Screed Scresurry Seale Seaselwing Sedgehog Sedgeranium Seedstar Shanot Share Sharept Sheept Shopwhisk Shredingo Shrush Shrushwing Shyheathe Silipkit Silkweevil Singstar Sistep Skyhearwing Slashheart Sleeds Slipkit Smalamant Smilanthyme Smint Snailstar Sneeze Snipekit Snook Snowtail Soleg Sorretle Sorring Spardkit Sparksong Sparrooth Speaf Spelt Spick Spide Spiket Spirebalm Splashhear Spotterhear Spotters Sques Squick Squiet Squitorm Stile Stonefoot Stoneyfur Stoneyleap Storty Straway Streather Strika Sunber Sunny Swanbeam Sweed Sweedtoot Sweet Swifteart Swoopinks Sworm Talder Talnose Talongtail Tanacle Tangutana Tanstep Taylily Thearnosa Thisper Thorty Thrimrost Thrus Thunter Tinyclaw Treeze Tuniaalen Tunipede Twolf Vinchid Viole Violetail Volepazote Volewhisker Volewing Vulturtium Waffe Waffrose Wasan Watcher Waterfallo Waterpaw Weaslug Weetail Whaleshade Whalfallia Whiskerkit Whitetain Wildcater Wilder Wildfish Willender Willheart Winderpelt Wingetmeg Wisterfish Woleclaw Woodpelt Yarrot Zacket Zebreek Zinnamon
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mysquiggles · 6 years ago
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Sidney is meeting me with gorgeous skies!⁣ ⁣ Сидней встречает меня красивенным небом :)⁣ ⁣ #mysquiggles_australia⁣ ⁣ #travel #flightsky #sky #fromtheplane (at Sydney) https://www.instagram.com/mysquiggles/p/BrV2sREguPB/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=10t6nspqsggis
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warriorcatsfakefacts · 3 years ago
evil meds pt. 2
again was only read over once
dont read if your sensitive to gore that goes above canon (such as cannibalism). i actually originally was gonna keep this a discord exclusive due to that
Flightsky followed Runningstar out of camp.
It was the dead of night. After Dewstar's sudden... Disappearance, and his deputy; Rosestream's, death, the leaders agreed amongst themselves to meet and discuss what had happened, what could of happened. It was meant to be kept a secret, but Flightsky overheard.
He climbed onto a nearby tree, jumping after the leader, then getting ahead of him. Flightsky sat, his tail curled, and then, at the right moment...
He jumped.
Flightsky bit Runningstar's throat as soon as possible, he couldn't let Runningstar make any noise. He couldn't risk being found out.
As the scent of blood entered his nostrils, something primal awakened in him, something that was buried deep away. Flightsky decided to feed into that something.
Runningstar was barely alive, his breath shallow.
"Why?" The leader barely managed to speak.
Flightsky looked at him, then turned his gaze towards the toms torso.
What would a beating heart taste like?
He wanted to find out.
He tore into Runningstar's chest, into his stomach, not even bothering to spit out the fur in his mouth- He swallowed it all. He bit Runningstar's rib bones as hard as he could, and swallowed the shattered pieces. It hurt, but he didn't care.
He clawed Runningstar's chest cavity. The tom's heart was no longer beating, and Flightsky felt disappointed. He wanted to feel it beat in his mouth.
"Flightsky? What are you doing?"
Flightsky looked up. The moon was beginning to set. How long had he been at it? His head then jolted to the cat speaking to him, Bigclaw. The deputy.
Flightsky's amber eyes glimmered. "Do you really wanna find out?"
He then leapt.
Runningstar's mangled corpse was left behind.
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lukevanski · 7 years ago
I had to follow you. Not just because of Luke Evans, but because my best friend and I say "no flightskis tonightskis :(" all the time together. How is this man even real.
fffffff this is the best thing to wake up to, thank you! I don’t think anyone had ever sent me an ask or messaged me about my url before! The whole ‘ski’ twitter exchange was Iconic and I couldn’t pass that chance. Thank you for following! :D
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taptraveler · 7 years ago
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Trying out a "flightski" today! Finally made it to the open and airy taproom of @utepilsbrewing. Can't wait to dive into these German style beers. Hopefully they will bring up some good memories of my last trip to Munich! What's your favorite German style beer? #beerflight #german #kölsch #pilsner (at Utepils Brewing Co)
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fruit-clans-clangen · 8 months ago
Moon 1, The Lemon Dream
01/05/01 - Newleaf
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Flightsky padded along the edge of the river, searching the riverbed for some watermint. As he searched for the green, leafy herb, he felt the mud squish under his paws. He looked over to the other side of the river to see if there was anything and saw three lemons sitting in the grass across the river. That’s strange. He thought. I didn’t know there were lemon trees nearby. 
He saw some watermint poking out of the mud and ran over to it. The watermint was growing right next to the Lemonclan border. I hope they don’t mind me being this close. He plucked the leaves from the plant and placed them next to him on the dry land. 
He picked up his haul of herbs and turned to leave. He glanced one more time at the lemons. The yellow fruit was shriveled and rotten. That’s strange. He glanced over at the Lemonclan border. I wonder if it’s an omen about Lemonclan. 
He turned away and kept walking back to camp. As he walked he noticed the sky getting dark. He looked up expecting to see the day turn into night but to his surprise the sky was split half-and-half. The left half of the sky was dark with night and the moon glowing and the right side of the sky was still day with the sun high in the sky. He turned to look back at the lemons. The lemons were slowly becoming fresh again, the rotten and shriveled skin changing back to smooth yellow skin. 
His jaw dropped, the watermint leaves falling out of his mouth. He ran forward and stepped in the water. He tried to swim across to get a closer look at the lemons. He struggled to swim against the current. He turned his head to see a giant wave over him. 
He tried to scream but the water filled his mouth as the wave pushed him down. He opened his eyes to see endless water all around him and dark shadows of cats floating next to him. His lungs screamed for air and gasped in water. His vision faded to black.
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fruit-clans-clangen · 8 months ago
Moon 0
The founding of the clans
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All the cats gathered in the center of the small clearing. The clearing was next to the twoleg place with trees going south. To the east of the cats there were plains. In the center of all of them were four cats. Mumblefire, a medium furred white and pale ginger tom, Elkfoot, a long furred white and light gray rosetted tom, Minkwhisker, a medium furred pale ginger and blue tabby she-cat, and Doethroat, a medium furred blue-gray tom. 
Minkwhisker, being the youngest of the four, stepped forward to speak. “We all know we’ve all been traveling for a long time. Starclan has contacted us saying this is where we are to stay. Since the lake flooded and we are a long way from home it is time for a new era of the clans.” She paused to breathe. “Thunderclan, Skyclan, Windclan, and Shadowclan no longer exist.” 
This caused an uproar from the cats. “Why must the clans change?” A voice called. A medium furred, dark gray marbled tabby she-cat named Thriftgrass was standing. “The first time the clans moved the names didn’t change.”
“This time is different.” Said Doethroat. “This is the best thing for the clan.” 
“And how do you know that?” Thriftgrass’s tail was swinging back and forth. “Did Starclan tell you?” She said Starclan as if it was a joke. 
“Yes.” Doethroat responded coldly. Thriftgrass sat back down, appalled. “You can continue, Minkwhisker.” He told her. 
“I will take Windclan as the new Blueberryclan.” She continued. All the cats that traveled from Windclan hesitantly stepped forward to stand behind Minkwhisker. The group was really small, only having eight cats. Mumblefire stepped forward next. “I’ll take Thunderclan as the new Strawberryclan.” Another group of seven cats stepped forward and walked behind the elder. Elkfoot spoke next. “I’ll take Shadowclan as the new Lemonclan.” This time seven cats stepped forward to stand behind their guide. It was then Doethroat’s turn to speak. “And lastly, I’ll take Skyclan as the new Bananaclan.” Nine cats fell in behind Doethroat. 
Mumblefire spoke to the newly named Strawberryclan. “Mossytail please step forward.” A really young tom walked up to Mumblefire. “Mossytail, you are to be the leader of Strawberryclan.” The ginger tom’s fur prickled in surprise. He was only made a warrior last moon! “Everyone please welcome Strawberrystar of Strawberryclan!” 
There were few cheers for him as the rest of the cats started murmuring to each other. Elkfoot stepped forward to name the leader of Lemonclan. “Pikelight, please step forward.” A young she-cat stepped forward with her head held high. The gray bengal point she-cat’s fur was prickling with excitement this time. “Everyone welcome Lemonstar of Lemonclan!” This time there were more cheers but there were still cats murmuring questions to each other. 
Minkwhisker then named Frostfur as Blueberrystar of Blueberryclan. The pale gray rosetted she-cat smiled nervously as cats cheered for her. Doethroat named Slightbloom as Bananastar of Bananaclan. The silver torbie point looked around, locking gazes with everyone, trying to show her importance. Slightbloom was the oldest cat to be chosen as leader, being 112 moons. 
“Why aren’t you guys being leaders?” Strawberrystar asked in a shaky, nervous voice, just loud enough for everyone to hear. He took a deep breath. “You seem to know what you’re doing.” He said in a clearer voice. All the cats murmured and nodded their heads in agreement with Strawberrystar.
Minkwhisker chuckled. “Oh, my dears. How naive you are.”
“We are Starclan spirits. We were sent and reborn just for this purpose. Even though some of us had to wait very long to fulfill our destiny.” She told all the clans calmly. The other three stood next to her, gazing around at all the cats. 
Some cats in the audience gasped, but others laughed. “Haha! Yeah right!” Lemonstar laughed uncontrollably. “That’s the dumbest thing I’ve ever heard. You just want to avoid responsibility.” She accused them. 
Elkfoot rolled his eyes and stepped out of his living body, emerging as a Starclan spirit. The others followed his actions and all the cats were flabbergasted. Lemonstar looked dumbfounded as he laid his ears all the way back and stepped away, scared. “Oh…” Was all he managed to say. 
“Find the Moon Tree to speak with us and gain your nine lives, leaders.” Minkwhisker spoke before disappearing into the sky with the others. 
All the medicine cats were wandering the territories. The camps, the borders, and the full-moon meeting place have already been found and figured out. Countless patrols have already gone around mapping out the territory but none have found the Moon Tree that the Starclan guides had talked about. 
It was time for the first half moon meeting on the new territory. Having no communication with Starclan, the medicine cats decided to search the territory surrounding the clans to see if they could find anything. 
“My paws are tired.” Blinkpaw complained. 
“I’m sure we’re almost there.” Her mentor, Droughtwatcher, told her. Lemonclan is lucky to already have a medicine cat apprentice. Flightsky thought to himself. Droughtwatcher was really old and needed an apprentice. Blinkpaw is lucky to have a mentor like him. Flightsky thought back to his own mentor who had been very strict with him. 
“Guys, I think I see something!” Scorchsplash called back to the rest of the medicine cats. They all ran to catch up. They were right along the border of Bananaclan and Strawberryclan. 
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Flightsky’s breath was taken away at the sight. There was a tall tree with a bunch of white flowers on its branches with some leaves. In the moonlight it looked as if the tree was glowing. “This is definitely the Moon Tree.” Doveshine said, amazed. 
“Well come on!” Flightsky laughed, running toward the tree. Even though Flightsky was getting old he still had the spunkiness of a kitten. 
All the medicine cats settled around the tree and touched their nose to it as they fell asleep to dream.
Hey! Welcome to my blog! Thank you to everyone who read all the way through! It is kinda long lol. This clangen blog will follow the story of Strawberryclan and its surrounding clans Lemonclan, Blueberryclan, and Bananaclan!
I will accept any questions and any comments you guys have! If you have the chance could you reblog so my blog can reach more people so my blog can grow? It would help a lot! Thank you for reading and make sure to follow to get more updates!
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fruit-clans-clangen · 7 months ago
Moon 1, Half-moon Meeting
Flightsky sat in his den preparing some traveling herbs for himself. This was the first half-moon meeting for the medicine cats and Flightsky was nervous. He really wanted to talk to the other clan's medicine cats about his dream and to speak with Starclan. 
He left his den into the quiet of the camp. All the cats were in their dens for the night. Fallowspirit was guarding the camp entrance as he left. “Safe travels, Flightsky.” Fallowspirit called after him. Flightsky nodded his head and continued for the grassfields. He dreaded the long walk ahead of him to the Moontree. He had only been the clan's medicine cat for eight days but he was already tired. 
He walked through the forest, past the double tree, across the thunderpath, crossing the river on the twoleg bridge, and lastly climbing down the rocks into the grassfields. He saw Droughtwatcher, Blinkpaw, and Scorchsplash already waiting there. He inspected Droughtwatcher. The Lemonclan medicine cat was already 180 moons old. I wonder how long he has left. He then looked at Blinkpaw. She was already 8 moons old but looked so young next to Droughtwatcher. Good thing Droughtwatcher already has an apprentice. He then remembered his own age. He was getting old and should try to find an apprentice soon. It’d be the safe thing to do. 
The medicine cats exchanged greetings with each other as they waited for Doveshine. She climbed down the hill from the Blueberryclan side of the border a few minutes later. 
“I hope you didn’t have to wait too long.” She nervously giggled.
“Not long at all.” Droughtwatcher responded. 
The medicine cats started their trek along the river to the Moontree. After they crossed the thunderpath Flightsky said “I need to tell you guys something.”
All the medicine cats turned their heads to listen. “I had a dream from Starclan a few nights ago.” He told them. “I was gathering herbs along the river by the Lemonclan border and there were three lemons and then rotted after a minute. The sky then split half and half with day and night and the lemons changed back to normal and not rotten.” He was talking so fast and forgot to breathe, the image still clear in his mind. 
Blinkpaw looked scared. “What does that mean for Lemonclan?” She asked in a quivering voice. 
“Well, clearly something bad is going to happen to Lemonclan that makes the clan rotten.” Scorchsplash said in a matter-of-fact voice. 
“So does something with the day and night have anything to do with saving Lemonclan?” Doveshine chimed in. 
The medicine cats nodded their heads. “I think it’s too soon to tell what the omen means.” Droughtwatcher told them. “If Flightsky only had the dream a few days ago it means it’s something that will happen in the future, but not yet. So keep it on your minds but don’t worry yet.” 
All the medicine cats nodded again. Flightsky trusted that Droughtwatcher was right. He was the wisest of them all and knew the most about how Starclan worked. Flightsky felt as if a weight was lifted off of him. He was glad for the advice the other medicine cats had given him.
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fruit-clans-clangen · 7 months ago
Moon 1, Watermint
Strawberrystar padded out of Flightsky’s den. He breathed in the fresh, dawn air. He looked around, searching for his apprentice, Greenpaw. He spots her grooming herself outside the apprentices den. He calls her over. Greenpaw looks up and stretches before walking over to him. 
“What are we doing today?” She asked. 
“Flightsky told me he needs some watermint, so we’re going to search the riverbed for some.” He flicked his tail, signaling for her to follow him and they exit the camp. 
“How are you liking the clan so far?” Strawberrystar asked her, making small talk. He hoped he set a good impression as leader in the first five days of the clan. 
“It’s fun here.” She responded. “Mostly everyone here is nice.” 
Good. “If anyone’s ever bothering you you can always tell me and I’ll deal with them.” He told her. Greenpaw smiled at Strawberrystar. 
“Why did you choose Waterpelt to be your deputy?” She asked Strawberrystar. 
Strawberrystar was taken aback by the question. Why did I choose Waterpelt to be deputy? “I, um.” He started to say. “He seemed like he’d be a strong head for the clan, especially since I’m way too young to be leader. I respect his judgment, you know?” Greenpaw nodded understandingly. 
They walked in silence for a heartbeat. “I bet I can beat you to the river.” Strawberrystar teased Greenpaw. Greenpaw pretended to be offended, over exaggerating. “I bet not!” She exclaimed. Greenpaw bolted away, getting a head start with Strawberrystar quickly running behind her. 
Greenpaw skidded to a halt in front of the river. Strawberrystar stopping a heartbeat after her. “Told you.” Greenpaw said, puffing her chest with pride. 
“That wasn’t fair.” Strawberrystar said, panting. “You got a head start.” 
“I still got here first.” Greenpaw turned away. Strawberrystar laughed. He trotted to catch up with her. They walked along the riverbed searching for the green, leafy herb. 
“Hey, isn’t that watermint?” She asked Strawberrystar, pointing to a plant poking out of the mud. Strawberrystar padded over to inspect the plant. “Yeah, I think so.” He said. They worked together to pluck some leaves from the plant. They picked up the leaves and walked back to camp. 
They entered camp and Waterpelt was walking out of camp with his patrol. He raised his tail in greeting when he saw them. Strawberrystar returned the greeting, also raising his tail. They entered camp and saw Cobrakit playing with a leaf. She looked up and her eyes grew big when she saw them. 
They walked over to the medicine den. When they entered the den Strawberrystar dropped the herbs. “Flightsky?” He called. The black and white medicine popped his head out of a crevice in the rock where he had his herbs stored.
“Thank you.” He quickly padded over and picked up the leaves to put in his herb stores. He walked back out and asked them in a hushed whisper, “Did you see anything weird? Perhaps, three lemons across the river?” 
Strawberrystar shook his head. “No, why do you ask?” 
Flightsky shrugged. “No reason.” 
They exited the den. Three lemons across the river, that’s oddly specific. He then remembered Flightsky had mentioned he had a dream earlier that day. I wonder if it has anything to do with the dream he had.  
Cobrakit ran over to Greenpaw and Strawberrystar. “Can Greenpaw play?” She asked hopefully. Greenpaw looked expectantly at Strawberrystar. He chuckled. “Sure thing. We’ll train some more later, okay?” 
“Okay! Thank you!” Greenpaw chased Cobrakit around camp, their laughs filling the air. 
Strawberrystar walked over to the Tallstone and leaped on top of it. He laid down and watched Cobrakit and Greenpaw chase each other around. He was proud of his clan, even if it was really small. He hoped to keep the good energy within the clan.
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fruit-clans-clangen · 7 months ago
Moon 1, The Lemon Dream 2
01/05/01 - Newleaf
Flightsky woke in his nest, startled. He gasped for air, grateful that this time he breathed real air. He looked around his empty den. That must’ve been a dream. He thought to himself. Was it a dream from Starclan? He sat up and shook the moss from his nest out of his fur. 
Strawberrystar burst through the den entrance. “What’s wrong?” Flightsky asked him. 
“I had a dream!” He exclaimed, his pelt prickling with excitement. 
“Really?” Flightsky said. I wonder if he had the same dream. “So did I.”
“Okay, I’ll say mine first.” Strawberrystar told him. “I dreamed of the idea of marriage.” His eyes sparkled with excitement. 
“Yeah…?” Flightsky said, trying to sound happy. “And what’s that?” He asked. So it was not the same dream. 
Strawberrystar took a big breath. “So, basically, after two cats have been mates for a while one can propose to the other and they get married. Basically just to show that they’re serious about each other and want to spend the rest of their lives together. A cat could also say no to the proposal if they’re not ready. And if the tragedy of two married cats breaking up happens they can get divorced. A cat could also take the last name of the other, an exception being made for leaders since their names have to end with ‘star.” Strawberrystar looked expectantly at Flightsky. 
“Seems like you put a lot of thought into that.” Flightsky commented. 
“Oh yes!” Strawberrystar bounced. “It’ll be an idea that lasts for centuries!” 
Flightsky nodded his head and there was an awkward silence. “So, what was your dream?” Strawberrystar asked, breaking the silence. 
“Oh, it was nothing important.” Flightsky responded. He’s too young to know what it means. 
“Oh, okay!” Strawberrystar stood up. “See you around!” Strawberrystar turned to the den entrance. 
“Strawberrystar, wait.” Flightsky stood up too. 
“Yes, Flightsky?”
“Can you go get me some watermint?” He asked.
“Sure thing!” Strawberrystar chuckled and left.
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fruit-clans-clangen · 8 months ago
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Here's the guys in charge! We got the leader, deputy, and medicine cat of Strawberryclan!
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fruit-clans-clangen · 8 months ago
Welcome to Strawberryclan!
Hey! Welcome to Strawberryclan! This blog follows the journey of the cats of Strawberryclan with their surrounding clans, Lemonclan, Blueberryclan, and Bananaclan. Join these fruit themed clans as they try to rebuild and survive in brand new territory.
Last moon posted: Moon 1, The Gathering
The clans come from the lake territories, all of them originally named Thunderclan, Windclan, Shadowclan, and Skyclan. Unfortunately, one day the lake started flooding and wouldn't stop, leaving no room for the clans to live. Some cats decided to flee together but most stayed behind, saying that this was their home and they weren't leaving. The cats that did leave found new territory and created new clans.
(See more lore from the moon 0 post)
(Spoiler warning as this will stay up to date with the current moon posted)
Strawberrystar - A medium furred rosetted ginger tom
(Apprentice: Greenpaw)
Waterpelt - A short furred pale gray tom
Medicine cat:
Flightsky - A long furred white and black ticked tabby tom
Fallowspirit - A medium furred dark brown rosetted point tom
Rainlilac - A medium furred silver rosetted point tom
Greenpaw - A medium furred silver tabico she-cat
Cobrakit - A long furred pale ginger ticked tabby she-cat
Lemonstar - A medium furred pale gray bengal point she-cat
Thriftgrass - A medium furred dark gray marbled tabby she-cat
Medicine cat:
Droughtwatcher - A medium furred light brown ticked tabby tom
Blinkpaw - A short furred light brown bengal she-cat
Darkspots - A long furred brown rosetted tom
(Apprentice: Tawnypaw)
Tawnypaw - A medium furred ginger rosetted tom
Codkit - A long furred white tabby she-cat
Blueberrystar - A long furred pale grey rosetted she-cat
Ramblingheart - A short furred golden marbled tom
(Apprentice: Shimmerpaw)
Medicine cat:
Scorchsplash - A medium furred pale ginger and white she-cat
Ducklake - A medium furred dark brown tabico she-cat
Redblossom - A long furred dark ginger ticked tabby tom
Lotustail- A long furred dark brown tabico she-cat
Shimmerpaw - A medium furred dark ginger and white tom
Whitekit - A medium furred white tom
Bananastar - A long furred silver torbie point she-cat
(Apprentice: Lizardpaw)
Peatdrop - A medium furred black speckled she-cat
Medicine cat:
Doveshine - A medium furred silver tabby she-cat
Iriswhisker - A short furred light brown speckled tom
(Apprentice: Sandpaw)
Batnight - A short furred silver tom
Greyfur - A medium furred silver tom
Sandpaw - A medium furred pale ginger she-cat
Lizardpaw - A short furred dark gray and white she-cat
Bushheart - A medium furred silver tom
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fruit-clans-clangen · 7 months ago
Moon 1, The Gathering
It’s finally the day of the gathering. Strawberrystar has successfully made it through her first moon of being leader. Strawberrystar leaped onto the Tallstone. “Every cat old enough to leave camp please gather here for a clan meeting!” His voice rang across the clearing. 
The clan slowly left their dens and got up to gather under the Tallrock to listen to Strawberrystar. “Today is the first gathering as Strawberryclan! We must make a good impression on the other clans so I expect all of you to be on your best behavior. I would allow everyone to go to the gathering but someone has to stay behind to watch Cobrakit. I will not choose anybody because I don’t want it to seem like I’m punishing them so if someone would offer to stay behind that would be great.” He surveyed the clan. 
“I can stay behind.” Flightsky offered. 
“No, you’re the medicine cat. We might need you there.” Strawberrystar told him. 
“I’ll stay.” Fallowspirit offered next. Strawberrystar nodded. “Alright, that’s settled then. Let's go.” He leaped off the Tallrock and exited camp with his clanmates following him. 
He led his clan through their territory, crossing the thunderpath and the twoleg bridge across the river. They finally arrive at the Grassfields and climb down the cliff. Strawberrystar looks around and noticed they were the last clan to arrive. Strawberrystar hurried to the rest of the leaders. They all greeted each other and they prepared to jump onto the Tall Tree to start the gathering. 
“Wait, before we start,” Strawberrystar hurriedly said. All the leaders turned to him. “Later, could you guys ask your clans if they like the idea of marriage?” He then went on to explain what it was. All the leaders nodded and agreed to ask their clans and hold a vote. If most cats vote for marriages then it will commence. The leaders jumped onto the Tall Tree. Bananastar yowled to start the gathering. 
The cats from all four clans gathered around to listen to their leaders. Bananastar was the first to speak. “We have had a good first moon. This moon we welcomed Sandfur as a new warrior of Bananaclan!” The clans cheered for Sandfur. Once the cheering died down Bananastar spoke again. “On her assessment patrol Sandfur was able to drive a dog off the territory all by herself!” Bananastar stepped back to let the next leader speak as there were more cheers from the crowd. Strawberrystar spotted the pale ginger she-cat in the crowd of Bananaclan cats sitting tall, puffing her chest with pride. 
Strawberrystar was next to speak. His pelt prickled at all the cat's stares. “Strawberryclan’s first moon has been good too.” He reported in a shaky voice. He took a deep breath and made himself stand taller to look more like a leader. “We’ve only found one rogue on our territory but other than that the clan is settling in well.” He said more confidently. He stepped back and Blueberrystar stood up to speak next. 
“Blueberryclan is doing well as well.” Blueberrystar sighed. “We did lose an apprentice this moon. Shimmerpaw was taken by twolegs after being caught in a twoleg trap. He is a white cat with dark ginger spots. If you see him please lead him back to Blueberryclan.” She looked at each cat and turned back to the leaders. Bananastar put her tail on Blueberrystar’s shoulder. “Don’t worry, we’ll find him.” The long furred she-cats nodded to each other. 
Lemonstar stepped up next, head high with authority. “Lemonclan has had an excellent moon! A patrol chased off a dog and we’ve been settling in well.” 
Bananastar stepped back forward. “That concludes this part of the gathering, if you guys would like to mingle you can.” All the cats sat awkwardly as silence fell over the clearing. The clans stared at each other but no one moved. Lemonstar leaped down and called for his clan to leave after a few minutes. The rest of the leaders followed and the clans left the gathering.
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warriorcatsfakefacts · 3 years ago
evil meds part 5 baby!!!
only read over once.
Brightshadow flicked his tail in annoyance. Silentpaw was being... Uncooperative with the plan.
He stood over Smoothstar's corpse, blood staining his paws and leaking into the lake, dying the water a sickening red.
"You were supposed to kill Darksun," the old tom hissed. "What came over you, what made you defy me like that? Are you a kit?"
Rage could be felt in his voice.
Silentpaw backed up as Brightshadow turned to look at him. His orange eyes glittered as he glared down at his apprentice. Silentpaw's fur stood on end.
"I... Brightshadow, this isn't right..." Silentpaw was shaking. He had to try and get Brightshadow to realize that what he's doing is wrong, is evil, as soon as possible, or else... He shuddered. His mentor could easily kill him, and nobody would know. He found himself looking at the scars dotting Brightshadow's pelt, back from the time he was a warrior.
"Do you really believe what you're saying, kit?!" Brightshadow moved closer to him. "Are you unaware of what happened to Dewstar, to Whitestar and Runningstar?"
A realization dawned on Silentpaw. On the same day that Dewstar died, Brightshadow forced him to stay at camp, claiming to be worried about an epidemic breaking out while he's gone. And then when Runningstar died... Brightshadow quickly mewed defense of SkyClan, suggesting that a fox must of killed their leader and deputy. As he was such an elderly, respected medicine cat, nobody felt they had reason to doubt him, so they took his words as a fact. Silentpaw's eyes widened.
"They... Did you kill them?" Silentpaw was scared out of his mind.
Brightshadow let out a snort. "How foolish. I didn't get the honor of killing them, little one."
"So... So... Did Peregrinesong and Flightsky..?"
Brightshadow moved towards him in response. "Leaders rot the warrior code, changing it to fit their whims and ambitions, letting crimes go unrepented if it helps them and their agenda. The four of us - Peregrinesong, Shatterstone, Flightsky, and I - had planned to put this to an end."
"I..." Silentpaw's ears were pinned to his head. "I'm going to WindClan! You..." Silentpaw felt like he had to run now. Brightshadow lifted a paw, and viciously striked the younger tom's face. Silentpaw let out a howl as he felt blood stream down his face.
"Fine then!" He taunted, eyes focused on Silentpaw's face. "Run!"
Silentpaw listened, and ran as fast as he could towards the WindClan border. Surely, Mouseflower wasn't involved in this, right? She was such a kind cat, she wouldn't hurt a fly!
But he faintly heard a voice call after him.
"Just keep in mind, kit, there's no place that'll welcome you."
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warriorcatsfakefacts · 3 years ago
evil meds part 4!!!
only read over once
Peregrinesong watched as Graypaw snuck up behind Whitestar, filled with pride.
She knew what happened to Runningstar and Bigclaw - Flightsky told her. She dropped Twistedtail's corpse off near the border, deciding that she'd let Flightsky dispose of it.
She had spent the past moon digging a hole barely outside of ShadowClan's territory - Her plan was to slit Whitestar's throat, then drop him in said hole, leaving him to suffocate as many times as needed. This wouldn't be her murder.
Shortly before Graypaw became an apprentice, one apprentice named Redpaw came to her & He was a frequent visitor, constantly covered in cuts. Peregrinesong worried for him, and sat beside him one day, alone in the comfy medicine den. Feeling secure, Redpaw spit out everything that was happening.
His mentor and uncle, Spottedtail, would train him too roughly, brutually attacking Redpaw until he'd scream and cry, blood running down his pelt, which would cause Spottedtail to laugh, degrade him, and deliver a final slash.
Peregrinesong hated that.
The day after Redpaw told Peregrinesong about what his mentor did to him, Spottedtail was severely wounded by a cat he couldn't quite get the appearance or scent of. The day after, he caught greencough and was quarantined.
He was found dead at sunhigh.
Peregrinesong smiled to herself. Only she knew what truly happened to Spottedtail, and she'd keep it a secret for as long as she lived. That event made her hate leaders, made her hate deputies. Twistedtail and Whitestar noticed Redpaw's wounds, but did nothing, only offering the most pathetic attempt at comfort. She would get revenge on them, for Redpaw. She'd ensure that no one else would ever go through what he did.
She shared those thoughts with Graypaw, who ended up having the same feelings. So, the mentor and apprentice set out to become leader.
Graypaw lunged at Whitestar. As he was pinned down, Peregrinesong padded towards him.
"Nighty-night," She whispered to him, before raking her claws across his throat.
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