mt10lt20 · 1 year
Pt 2 of the Ace Combat 067 reference panels - HC designs of the Flightleads.
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And because I am still in a Ace combat/ Mortal Kombat mood. Doubles. For the fun of it. Trouble comes in pairs right?
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forblazes · 2 years
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oh, zelot, i am no child. i am the ex-flightleader of the pegasus knight fleet, you know. | juno stimboard for @elwindss!!
x x x / x x / x x x / x x / x x x
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transillusionisms · 5 months
to expand on the "some sorta sci-fi worldixure" i would make a GREAT teenage starfighter pilot. i would be a fantastic fucking flightleader. i would be THRIVING. i would do soooo good
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brechtian · 3 years
btw for jorgen and kimmalyn being wingmates we are severely deprived of conversation between the two
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hitorimaron · 4 years
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Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
“When a planet-destroying Delver suddenly appears in the sky of Detritus and vanishes just as suddenly, FM knows that the last free human society got lucky. Her Skyward Flight companion, Spensa, figured out how to draw this Delver away, but it won’t be so easy next time.
The forces of the Galactic Superiority will be back—and if the Defiant Defense Force can’t figure out a way to escape the planet, humanity’s destruction is only a matter of time. Spensa’s mission to infiltrate the Superiority unveiled the secret to their hyperdrives—a cytonic slug species called the Taynix. Now FM’s flightleader, Jorgen, has found a large group of Taynix hiding in the caverns far below Detritus’s surface.
FM and Jorgen must work together with the engineer Rig to awaken the mysterious alien Alanik and unlock the powers of the Taynix, or humanity will be trapped. With Spensa’s friend Minister Cuna of the Superiority stranded at the outpost of Sunreach, they need to figure out how to rescue them—or the Superiority government will be in the sole clutches of those who want to wipe out Detritus once and for all.”
This takes place between Starsight and Cytonic. It definitely feels a bit different than Brandon Sanderson’s writing style, but that could be because of it being him and another author. I still enjoyed this too and liked that they took the information the team learned in Starsight and was trying to figure things out with it in Sunreach. I loved all the slugs and their personalities and what they could do. It was very interesting and definitely important for Cytonic and Defiant.
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the-demi-jedi · 4 years
I can’t help but headcanon Spensa Nightshade from the Skyward book as demi. She meets her flightleader for the first time. He’s a hot, influential guy and kind of an asshole. Other female YA protagonists would immediately swoon, go on a three-page rant about how HOT and FLAWLESS he is and then hopelessly fall in love. Spensa? She was like “I have NEVER wanted to PUNCH someone so badly never I SWEAR.” I think that’s very cool of her. Plus a bonus: she’s obsessed with stars and her lifelong dream is to be a starfighter pilot. SPACE ACE!
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libralita · 3 years
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Title: Sunreach
Author: Brandon Sanderson and Janci Patternson
Summary: When a planet-destroying Delver suddenly appears in the sky of Detritus and vanishes just as suddenly, FM knows that the last free human society got lucky. Her Skyward Flight companion, Spensa, figured out how to draw this Delver away, but it won’t be so easy next time. The forces of the Galactic Superiority will be back—and if the Defiant Defense Force can’t figure out a way to escape the planet, humanity’s destruction is only a matter of time. Spensa’s mission to infiltrate the Superiority unveiled the secret to their hyperdrives—a cytonic slug species called the Taynix. Now FM’s flightleader, Jorgen, has found a large group of Taynix hiding in the caverns far below Detritus’s surface. FM and Jorgen must work together with the engineer Rig to awaken the mysterious alien Alanik and unlock the powers of the Taynix, or humanity will be trapped. With Spensa’s friend Minister Cuna of the Superiority stranded at the outpost of Sunreach, they need to figure out how to rescue her—or the Superiority government will be in the sole clutches of those who want to wipe out Detritus once and for all.
Rating: 5/5
Vile ships of vileness? Sounds like someone is related to Breeze with his evil force of evil.
“Jorgen dropped the slug and jumped back as ribbons of red opened up on his forearms and cheeks and across his nose.”—Page 54
I really want to know what songs FM is listening to.
“I feel I should tell you that I now have a slug on each shoulder and three on my lap, all seeming vaguely uncomfortable that I’m touching them. I blame you, FM.”—Page 126
Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa. God I can’t believe we have to wait until December for the Jorgen novella. Crimes!
“‘Yes, actually,’ I said. ‘We designed an experiment.’
‘Is that what they’re calling it now.’
‘Shut your mouth,’”—Page 148
Jorgen is best boy fight me.
If you told me this novella ended with a giant tentacle star monster, I wouldn’t have believed you and yet here we are.
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astraseason · 4 years
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@sireneia​ sent... could klein spare a kiss for thea mayhaps ( prompt. )
“i’ll admit i was a little concerned that you would freeze up...”
   but you knew, deep down, that your parents would take to your beloved much more quickly than clarine had. under your father’s rule, house reglay has always marched to the beat of its own drum; they would never disallow you to marry the woman you love over such a trivial thing as her upbringing or place of birth-- father chose mother for love; it would be hypocritical to disallow you to do the same.
   you were, of course, worried for thea. she’s seemed rather nervous ever since arriving at the reglay estate, despite your ( and clarine’s, surprisingly enough; has she finally decided thea earned the younger sister seal of approval? ) reassurances that everything would work out. you suppose you felt much the same upon being properly introduced to lady juno and lord zelot; whilst not nobility like your own family, you’re well aware that the flightleader of the ilian pegasus knights -- retired or no -- is just as important a figure in ilian society as the generals of etruria. to make a bad impression not only reflected upon house reglay and your parents, but etrurian court as a whole.
   ( then again, given the fiasco with arcard and roartz, you suppose that the besmirching of etrurian honour has been done for you already. )
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“but you’re handling yourself wonderfully,” thankfully alone upon a balcony overlooking mother’s roses, you can’t resist the urge to take your beloved’s hand and tug her in close. you brush your lips lightly over her knuckles, and then press them to her lips softly. you don’t linger long, deeming a smile the thing thea needs to see right now. “mother and father love you. there’s no need to worry, my heart. if they’re overwhelming you, however, i’ll speak to them. they’re likely just excited.”
   ... ‘my heart’? by saint elimine, you’re turning into your parents...
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cynicaldesire · 5 years
Finished reading Skyward by Brandon Sanderson. Boy did I not want to read it, but I made a resolution to read more books this year.
It’s the first book in a series and boy did it make me feel like I wasted a bunch of time on an arc that won’t mean anything. Like the entire book was just a big prologue. I’ve found what really engaged me was Jorgen, the flightleader boy. And how the protagonist girl was beginning to actually like him and confide in him. I was enjoying the potential shipping between them than the rest of the entire book.
Overall, it was fine.
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page-of-tales · 6 years
Frontier Medicine II
2k words
sequel to box clinic
The Ents and Zygaroon had never been friends. They had enough biological differences that they would rarely come into contact. Zygaroons breathed oxygen while the Ents metabolized fluorine. This distinctive difference alone kept them sequestered to different star systems. In addition, fluorine isn’t a particularly common element in an atmosphere so the Ents rarely colonized planets beyond constructing simple enclosed habitats on a few resource rich planets. Another contributing factor to the Ent’s general aversion to space travel
There is one exception to that notion, and that is the Progenitors as the Ents call them. Humans call them the Libenters for reference. From what remains of their civilization the latest hypothesis is that the Progenitors were a space faring race some millenia ago that eventually faded out into extinction. For the Ents the Progenitors are akin to religious icons. Half of their colonies are constructed on planets holding trace remains of the Progenitors for the sole purpose of archeological research. As the name suggests the Ents view the Progenitors as having a key hand in their history, the details of which are unclear to outsiders.
You can imagine the Ents delight when they heard news that an ancient Progenitor city had been discovered by miners. They rapidly set off en masse in a large fleet to investigate the ruins, in the process they chased off the miners. In short summary the planet was in a star system claimed by the Zygaroon. The Zygaroon didn’t take kindly to the intrusion and attacked. The Ents dead set on the Progenitor ruins declared war. Skirmishes erupted along their borders, and neither side yielded the other any advantages. Both parties had attempted to ambush the other by circumventing through Federation space, and instead ended up spotting each other in a surprise encounter and having a running space battle that stretched across several star systems. As a human observer would put it, “The neighbors were having a tussle in my yard.”
Davi had to fight back a guffaw. The embellishment to the memo had caught him off guard. The line sounded familiar, maybe a quote from a drama. A timer notification popped up on his screen and he minimized the files. Davi took a moment to take a glance to his left and to his right as he sat upright behind the desk. On his right sat the Provincial Supervisor Theseus, leaning back in his chair to stretch long lanky arms. On his left sat the military liaison, Lieutenant Commander or was it Lieutenant Colonel, Akers was sitting reviewing some data on her screen.
Around the three a cadre of staff and aides milled about. There was a quiet buzz as they passed notes between themselves and the door to the room was swinging open constantly. The lights began to dim as the meeting began and the voices died down. One by one a projector beamed images of the System and Planetary leadership figures from across the province onto the far wall as communication was established. Light years of distance cut to a few microseconds of lag, a miracle of hyperspace communications. Yet even with that convenience came the hassle of arranging the schedules of 15 individuals who had widely varying day and night cycles. That aspect of conferences would never change.
The last connection was made and for a moment the room was silent giving Davi time to look at the profile’s of the gathered leaders. Of the 12 local leaders 1 was non-human. 8 star systems were represented, for star systems that didn’t have more than 1 significantly populated planet the Planetary leadership and System representative were usually the same. Supervisor Theseus issued greetings and the transcriber began tapping on his keyboard signaling the start of the meeting. Sparing everyone’s time the topic of discussion was brought up immediately, the Ent-Zygaroon war, specifically the recent battle that had careened through Federation space. First off the broad strokes presented by the Lieutenant Major. A star chart was projected into the room and the liaison highlighted the intrusion points of the alien forces. Noting that the initial intrusions had been too far from any Federation force to prevent either fleet’s movement. Davi took his turn to note the Federation had logged a strong formal complaint to both governments, and was now moving to secure its border with both species. Elements of the Federation Fleet would be mobilized throughout the region, and further intrusions would be met with force. There was muted approval and easing of worry from the leadership.
Supervisor Thesues took the reins again and listed out some prepared guidelines for the leaders to follow. In general all they were asking was for inspection of current defenses, and for certain systems to prepare for disruptions as the Federation fleets moved through and about. The Ents military were to be given non-military assistance if requested, the Zygaroon to be ignored unless an emergency presented itself. The meeting was adjourned after a special communication line was established for any further requests or notifications in regard to the matter. After the last leader had logged off Davi let out a breath. The Lieutenant Captain flashed a grin at him, “You thought that was hard, here comes the media.”
The door to the office open and a surge of reporters with cameras flashing rushed in. Davi groaned under breath. He still had that Zygaroon to call. Today should be the day she was discharged from the clinic.
Flight Leader Tara stood at attention in front of the graves. It was a clear day, the sun high in the sky. At her request her flightmates had been buried in an open field. The tall yellow grass shorn to create a clearing in the center. Fresh turned dirt marking the site of the dead. Above the graves a pyramid of branches marked the site. The humans had made a good faith effort in the burial. Her flightmates had been cleaned, dressed in violet garments, and laid to rest with their weapons. A warrior’s burial. Tradition stated she wear battle wear, however only her survival suit had survived intact. At the very least her weapons, her pistols and blades, had been returned to her. For the moment it would do. Around her with heads bowed stood several dozen humans, friends of her rescuers. With the final resting rites intoned Tara lit the pyramid aflame.
As the pyramid burned itself down the humans came up to giver her condolences. This was a human tradition and she accepted their words silently. Last were her rescuers, the father and son. They didn’t say anything, merely standing beside her. Tara averted her eyes from the embers to look around. It was a good place to lay her comrades to rest, however momentary. When the war was over the bodies would be retrieved and laid to rest on their homeworlds. The humans had promised to watch over them until then and she knew they would hold to that debt.
At last she settled herself. She spoke through the translator. “We can go.”
Clark Woods waited for Tara in the waiting room of the Box Clinic. Today there were a few other individuals sitting around, waiting for appointments or here to have a doctor examine a weird mole on their back. Clark made small talk with the grocery manager, and to a parent of his son’s classmate. They were eager to ask questions about his new occupant, despite their inquiries he waived off any questions on his guest.
Tara in the meantime was stripped down and doing stretches for the holo doctor. Evaluating her today was one of the nurses from the team that had treated her that first night. The nurse was making some notes and asking questions about her health. Tara gave succinct answers. “Yes, her chest ached. It was a 4 on the pain scale. No, she wasn’t drowsy. No, she wasn’t allergic to anything on the planet yes. Yes, she was washing her wounds.” Fairly standard medical processing.
The nurse seemed satisfied and told her as much. There had been no complications with the surgery. At the end the nurse recommended Tara maintain a low level of activity making sure not to overexert heerself. She could pick up a package of various medications from the dispensary.
After the nurse disconnected there was only a brief pause before the diplomat stepped back into the room. He said hello to which Tara ignored as she put back on her clothes. He wasn’t put off by her silence and continued. The full script of the blood debt had been written up by the lawyers and he was here to orate the terms. She initially listened dutifully, however as he droned on she stopped listening. The stipulations were common sense and water tight, preventing her from inflicting harm or being deceptive in regards to her imprisonment. Tara hadn’t been looking for loopholes in her debt, and wouldn’t have taken advantage of them if she found any. To do so would have dishonored the spirit of the agreement and bring dishonor to herself. The diplomat finishes and apologizes for the delay, he continues by saying they have connected a communication to her people as promised. He points out that there is a minute delay because of the signal lag. He leaves the call button on the screen for Tara to initiate, before leaving the room. After taking a moment to groom herself Tara connects the call. An image screen opens on the wall, after a few minutes of silence the connection clicks and a Zygaroon voice comes in.
“This is Grand Overseer Maga. Report.”
“Flight Blue-243, Flightleader Tara. I was shot down in an Ent ambush and am being held prisoner on the Federation world Naranja.”
There was a long pause.
“I see. Are you being treated well?”
“Yes, the humans have provided medical treatment and adequate shelter. I owe them a life debt.���
Another long pause, one which seemed to keep going.
“Very well. Stay strong and persist Flightleader.”
With that the call disconnected leaving Tara feeling suddenly very isolated. Frankly the reaction of her people wasn’t surprising. Given her individual status as a prisoner of war her people couldn’t offer her much. Nor could she offer much to them in her wounded state. Fighting off the feeling of abandonment Tara turned and left the darkened room.
The drive back to the farm was quiet. Clark had seemed aware of her disconsoled mood, yet as always remained silent. Tara took the moment to look out at the passing scenery. Fields of crops. Of what nature she couldn’t quite determine. The fields seemed rather like an endless ocean, stretching to the horizon and with only the occasional copse of trees to differentiate the landscape. The quiet and monotony had an enchanting effect on the Zygaroon who only realized they had arrived at their destination when Clark pulled the truck into the driveway.
Tara’s cell was to be the unused spare bedroom. The bed had been modified to accompany her larger size and it now made the rest of the room look awkwardly small. The survival packages from her escape pod had been brought here and placed in the closet. Not that she needed anything from them. Clothes had been custom modified for her distinctly non-human appendages. The environment did not have any elements that were averse to her physiology. Bottles of vitamins were left untouched as her dietary needs were compatible with the humans.
Tara knew she should count herself lucky. Rather than being imprisoned she was essentially on vacation. It was… a conflicting thing to try and think about. Her schedule as a prison was loose, but regular. She rose a little after the sun had filled her room through the room’s sole window. In the morning she spent much of it maintaining the grooming standard of a warrior. She ate two meals with the humans. She would spend the day either walking the perimeter or resting in bed depending on the level of pain she was experiencing. In the evening she might play a game of Lilp against Clark or otherwise watch the sunset before heading to bed. The boredom felt much more in line with a prison camp.
She had asked how long Clark could expect to keep up this charade. His response had surprised her.
“The war won’t last more than a week.” Clark said with unwavering certainty.
“How long is a week?” Tara inquired, unable to bring herself to challenge the declaration.
“10 days.”
6 days had already passed since then.
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markoftheasphodel · 7 years
Not-So-Brief thoughts on the FE Power Couple (+1) in the wake of FE15:
I have shared my thoughts on this before but with FE15 out, here we go again. While not really an archetype, the Happy Power Couple is one of my favorite recurring motifs in Fire Emblem. I used to call ‘em Pre-Promote Power Couples but they’re not necessarily 100% pre-promotes. Power Couples often come with a third wheel, either a wingman sort of adult friend or tagalong kiddo. Power Couples actually tend to be POWER couples, and their presence in the hero’s army adds some luster or even legitimacy to the hero, who may be from a middling state (Altea, Pherae) or raised in a humble village away from the levers of power. Here’s a brief rundown of Power Couples I like and their assorted Plus Ones:
Note: playable characters only. No Hilda/Bloom or whatnot, sorry. Expect character-relevant spoilers for FE15 and everything prior.
Marth Saga: 
Power Couple: Midia and Astram. Plus One: Jeorge. The original pre-promote power couple; Midia is a highborn paladin serving Princess Nyna and Astram is her dumbass boyfriend (sorry, he is). They are VERY much in love. Meanwhile wingman Jeorge is Midia’s fellow noble and was supposed to marry her except Astram happened but Jeorge seems totes OK with that. They all hang out after the war together in Jeorge’s Rangers, kind of a freelance Justice League outside King Marth’s actual chain of command. All three got a lot of development in FE12 plus Midia and Astram got commemorated with their own expies (see below). Jeorge meanwhile founded not one but two expy lines of his own, the gameplay&storyline Snarky Sniper/Asshole Sniper and the storyline Wandering Noble.
Jugdral Saga:
FE4 Power Couple: Quan and Ethlyn. Plus One: Finn. So bound together they arrive as a trio. Quan’s the only pre-promote here, but he and Ethlyn are canon-married with one kid apparently extant and another arriving in a few years, and Finn in this case is Quan’s apprentice, which gives Quan the chance to do one of the most consequential mentoring jobs in Fire Emblem history. All three of them are among the very first characters in the franchise to have plot armor; if either Quan or Ethlyn gets KO’d as a playable character, the other retreats with them. They’re a package deal. Quan and Ethlyn come to a bad end but they had fun while it lasted, and then Finn gets to spend the next two decades taking care of their son and upholding their legacy.
FE5 Power Couple: Selphina and Glade. Plus One: Finn, again. Another couple who arrive canon-married, with Glade in this case the pre-promote. Selphina is a bow knight, the daughter of old-guard Leonster noble count Dorias, and mentors quite a few younger knights including standout unit Carrion. Glade is apparently low-born (seen this cited a lot, never seen it with my own eyes) but was one of the most talented young knights of Leonster’s pre-apocalypse trainee pool. Anyway, dude married up. He’s also Finn’s BFF and essentially written as a foil to Finn, who fits uneasily in the mix thanks to some weird tension with Selphina. Double dates are hard when your wife is a lawn ornament. Glade becomes the Great General of the new Thracia after the war and turns it into an innovative war machine. Selphina steps down from her position as a knight to care for orphans, becoming the legendary “Mother of Thracia.” Not bad for the Least Loved Character in FE History ™ and his bride.
Elibe Saga:
FE6 Power Couple: Zelot and Juno. Married pre-promotes with a newborn daughter. Zelot (Lord of Edessa) leads the Ilian mercenaries, Juno used to be an Ilian squad leader. After the war Zelot becomes Ilia’s first king while Juno retires from public life and is proclaimed Grand Flightleader only in death. Note this “retires from public life” thing is gonna be, well, A Thing. Anyway, they don’t have a specific Plus One that I see; Juno has two younger sisters in Shanna and Thea, with whom Zelot supports. Zelot also supports junior knights Treck and Noah; Noah’s conversation line is the more substantial of the two IMO but then again I think out of the FE6 gang Noah comes closest to the sort of “Baby Cavalier” role who often gets mentoring from a senior unit (see: kiddo!Finn and Carrion above). 
FE7 Power Couple: Isadora and Harken. Pre-promotes engaged to marry. Obvious expies of Midia and Astram except not happy. They’re both knights of Pherae, Harken’s REALLY messed up, and unlike all previous examples who are fixed canon they only actually do marry if they reach an A-support in the game. If they don’t reach A-support Isadora can instead fall in love with the Black Fang member Legault, which does NOT end well, or she can A-support with Renault and eventually enter the clergy.
FE7 Power Couple: Pent and Louise. Plus One: Erk. Ah, back to normal. Canon-married pre-promotes with an apprentice along for the ride and a baby on the way. Pent’s the Mage General of Etruria who adds some real luster to Eliwood’s oddball army. They’re deeply in love tho there are signs Pent’s a little too distracted to be the world’s best husband. Since FE7 is the prequel to FE6 and their kids Klein and Clarine are running around in FE6, they have “retreat” scenes VERY similar to the ones used by Quan and Ethlyn if they get KO’d. On the other hand apprentice Erk has no FE6 presence and thus either is of little consequence or meets a very bad end, and Pent is succeeded as Mage General by Cecilia, who ain’t in FE7. 
Magvel Saga:
As though to compensate for FE7, the small and tight-knit cast of FE8 has no canon-marrieds or canon-engaged adults. You can opt into Gerik/Tethys and Tethys comes along with her irrepressible little bro Ewan, so there’s your Plus One if you want it, but they don’t really add any authority to the dream team of royal heirs that Eirika and Ephraim have assembled to take on the Demon King. 
Tellius Saga:
I haven’t finished either of these games so I’ve seen arguments for Calil/Largo that are pretty compelling and also I’ve had friends put in a word for Lucia/Bastian. Lucia/Bastian would fit the pattern nicely ‘cause they’re pre-promotes who, like all their predecessors, are VERY well-connected and influential people and they have a definite Plus One in the form of Lucia’s brother Geoffrey, but apparently their torrid affair only comes out if you A-support them in FE10, which isn’t that easy to do, so eh. Tellius mixed up a lot of patterns anyway, like in not handing you the Xmas Cavs as a set. YMMV.
Ylisse Saga:
No canon marrieds we’re all here to bang the Avatar, right? But dueling Khans of Ferox Basilio and Flavia are pre-promotes with a wonderful dynamic and you could view them as a platonic version of the pattern. Their Plus One is all too likely to be you, the player. 
Fateslandia Saga:
Didn’t play it but there’s an Avatar involved so nobody’s canon-married.
Valentia Saga:
Power Couple: Mathilda and Clive. Plus One: Lukas, although Forsyth is jumping around & waving his hand going PICK ME SIR CLIVE! Mathilda and Clive were a thing from the get-go in FE2; Mathilda as a beloved and legendary paladin echoed Midia, while Clive as a cavalier seemed a little less illustrious than his future bride. Then surprise, he leads the knighthood post-game while she retires from public life (AGAIN)… unless Clive dies, in which case beautiful and tragic Mathilda leads the knights. Got it? Anyway, FE15 keeps both Mathilda’s legendary awesomeness (as a founder of the Deliverance) and her “good” ending away from the public eye intact while building up Clive a great deal more. This golden couple has a slew of potential Plus Ones vying for their attention– Clive’s sister Clair, their friend Fernand, Clive’s lieutenant Forsyth– but all of those three have something else going on (boys, betrayal, Python) in their lives whereas Lukas, as Clive’s most trusted advisor and the guy on whom Clive offloads his emotional burdens per Rise of the Deliverance, appears to be the actual wingman here. The support chain between Clive and Lukas is more of a mentoring opportunity gone sideways, though, and if Clive kicks the bucket and leaves Mathilda in charge of the knights, it’s Forsyth carrying the torch for him ever after.
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brechtian · 3 years
"The third one’s about Jorgen. And it’s taking place between books 2 and 3 of Skyward." I'm crying again I'm going crazy. Jorgen and the girlies (his teleporting slugs)... Jorgen mushroom hunter.... Jorgen flightleader mr I can feel the world's heartbeat or whatever he said... I love him so much I can not wait for this I miss my neurotic high strung socially awkward bestie. If jorgen has a million fans, then I am one of them. If jorgen has ten fans, then I am one of them. If jorgen has only one fan then that is me. If jorgen has no fans, then that means I am no longer on earth. If the world is against jorgen, then I am against the world.
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hitorimaron · 4 years
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Listen, Dudes, if you need a Wingman, DON’T USE YOUR BEST FRIEND!
Yes, I know you’re confused. This is the dude you can trust with your life, but they’re just as bad as you are with your target.
Find a girl. 
Better yet, find your Target’s BFF and make them your wingman.
Unless they’re LGBT+, you don’t have the risk of them falling in love with your target.
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Many of you hear me talk about one of my mentors frequently, who is an Ancestor now - P/B upon him: Master Coach Ron "M.F.'ing" Davis!!!!!!!! The middle name should give you an idea of how hard he went in the paint! - - Here we were Officiating a Wedding together. Im grateful my girl Roz got this pic but it's bittersweet b/c I wish that there were MORE. - - This man, my brother SAW ME before I could see me. Do you know what it means when someone can see your purpose & STAND for it! He spoke into my future & still is. He coached, counseled & covered me from the moment our spirits met. He set me up to understand Spiritual Principals that I didnt get at the time but I am so glad for those early morning calls, accountability beyond a program & care. On this #TBT I honor this Angel who knows my name & many other lives he touched & called to #Ascend. ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #RonDavisLIVES 💗 #LaToniaTaylorLIVES If you were in the room, then you KNOW what this declaration means. Just Post your decree below!!! ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ #ANCESTOR #AncestralCovering #TakingFlight #TheFlow #Freedom #FlightLeaders
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