apricote · 1 year
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hi hello, this is mia! she’s ren’s new girlfriend!
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potionhero · 11 months
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Some rare pictures of me~
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teknikolor-walters · 6 months
Umm just realized I may be losing interest in all my fixations ahahaha that's so silly brain can we go back now ^_^
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artkotaro · 1 year
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Finally Flet drawings and others that are not my Metal AU.
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There will be no drawings for several months, the university is strict.
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mangaka-devotee · 4 months
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jaedoesart · 1 year
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So guess which OC finally got a proper backstory <333
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ultearlight · 1 year
arthur lester 🤝 slimecicle qsmp
accidentally killing their own daughter
Both being "...well, better then the alternative" by will wood coded
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abba-enthusiast · 9 months
@ jemand der gut in Mathe oder Physik ist: wie kann ich Aufgabe 9 lösen? 😭
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Ist die Streuung die Standardabweichung S oder σ? Oder überhaupt keins von beidem?
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aroace-number-eight · 9 months
Drawing Five according to his canonical UaO epilogue description is so messy and saddening because there's so much to account for that got him physically fucked up and you know the writers were hammering in this whole disfigurement as punishment thing with him
Because first you have the eye hole where Marina pierced him, and I'm not sure if he's still wearing that gauze eye patch on the island because eventually it'll get dirty and he'll have to toss it
Then you have the scar marks from when Setrákus Ra clawed right through his metal skin "like butter" and it's not mentioned whether those marks are still there or they disappeared when he returned to his flesh skin (and it's doubtful those were healed at all, we don't even know if Marina had a proper visit and talked to him and possibly healed those away)
Then you have the goop that created some patchy spots all over his skin and show up all web-like on him
And then how it's implied he starved on the island because he lost weight so fast and is described to have flaps of skin on his arms and torso and a body so skinny you could see an outline of his ribs and spine
Bro he has so much physical trauma on him, like they did the most on him and left it like that till the very end
#number five#not sure whether to put the main ll tag on this#don't wanna put it out there to see but a friend hasn't read ll yet and blocked the main tag for now#well i already told em about five so i think this is fine#hmmm rereading the epilogue and i wanna write an analysis on the justifications of harm without closure#on everyone toward five but especially marina#because she had the most personal reason to hate five but she never got any closure or chose to move on#and it left her character arc hanging because she never found a conclusion to her moral dilemma#how to handle five and what do with her grief if it's painful and no one can relate to her on an empathetic level#because she was the 'moral compass' yet flet that title fleeting her sometimes and didn't know how to process these changes#and then john literally whisked her away from that instead of helping or letting her find a conclusion#and we never hear from her again until the very end of the series without any answers#she was literally the only other person to question these moral changes and aspects and the writers took that from us#similarly to five and his questioning of lorien treating the garde and their lack of will or identity beyond child soldiers#both had the questions but no one heard an answer#if that's intended by the writers I don't buy it because those are really cruicial to the themes of the series and it sucks to leave it out#they just punished and humiliated and disfigured five again and again and again to an excessive degree#dude what that's a lot to throw on him
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vibing-voidy · 2 years
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kaijuerotica · 8 months
i love the idea of aragorn as simultaneously a bisexual alut and a wife guy. just leaving a trail of heartbroken lovers across middle earth
he's completely upfront with them all. like hey, i have a wife and she's cool and if ur down for some fun, let's go for it
and he's so earnest and also down for a good time than people basically never turn him down and then wake up the next morning like "fuck. im gonna think about this guy for the rest of my life, huh"
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kairunatic · 2 years
So I just read Flet Secert Scene and I can never look at him the same way ever again.
The CG made him a even bigger Slut than Equus and Bashkar combined
I thought he was shy and innocent but nope he was mind break in his Secert CG
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izartn · 10 months
Thinking about the setting of CFC again, and I know I said on my first post after reading the book that Meatbun should have just gone urban fantasy to get her kick with the more out there elements more plausibly, the scifi plot elements were the weakest on the book but...
You can tell she really wanted to go full on scifi, bc thinking about it, I think going full on 100-200 years on the future with he technology (no aliens or space travel super avaible except for like, maybe the moon or Mars) would have really aided both what she wanted to explore re:technology and the ways we use and abuse it, and her commentary on arts and fictional worlds.
Plus the pseudo superpowered He Yu and Xie Qingcheng and their resulting mental illness and infection by RN-13 would have fit better; maybe even targeting the way humanity has started to openly play with modifying genes and neuroplasticity.
Mandela as an ideology widespread and having to fight it. Making the matrix plan much more scary and plausible.
Like. The distopian sci-fi film noir of it all would have fit like a glove to what she's trying to do in the novel, and to her protags.
Come on, distopian scifi serves to amplify the worst and the best the same way historical fantasy does, and Meatbun loves to go to extremes from what we've read of her.
He Yu being raised by robot nannies that he loves until he realises/is explained they're just unfeeling programs and getting a bit of that real human connection with Xie Qingcheng? Poor wire monkey kid.
Realising "nobody" "real" cares for him would hit weirder here, if not harder. Getting a complex about having to program his own behaviour if he wants to fit and be loved by others! Pushing himself to master coding (he's a hacker in canon! Tie that even tighter to setting and plot and his emotional journey dammit), almost falling but then ruthlessly dismissing the false fantasies created by technology! In the way he does by the end of the book but hitting harder in this setting bc that unreality it's an element that's been there from the beginning.
He Yu having to deal with his hallucinations when he's on his lower moments in this version would also be even more also even more oomph, given people giving in to the technological ghosts would be something he's used to seeing. And then realising his own brain is creating that trap when he thought he was above deluding himself. Like he does in canon but you know. Tying it with the plot and setting better, which makes it hit harder.
You also just know the elite He Yu is born feom are on some hunger games almost capitol bullshit. HY deciding to study cinematography and arts in this kind of culture. Meatbun ripping apart the abuse of AI, tying in with her criticism of the lower common denominator re:fluffy simple stories.
Compare that to a Xie Chengqing even more determined that science has everything studied about human behaviour and emotions are just silly hormones that can robe one of control. At the same time rejecting the frivolous use of technology; finding unsuspecting common ground with He Yu despite it all. Mmm. His brand of condescending old fashioned machismo and general internalised homophobia (and He Yu's if we're talking about it) (although in He Yu case it could just be denial of XQC in specific though which would be hilarous/sad considering. all of the story) would be maybe more difficult to translate but honestly humanity is such a shit show that I would buy we having regressed and then progressed again on the human rights front. Anyway it's more about his unhealthy repression, controlling tendencies, and trying to be good at being human by societal standards, for his sister and master/prpfessor/adopted father. That can be explored perfectly on this setting regardless.
Maybe it's the aftermath of a conflict and that's why people are so crazy about Mandela! Collective trauma around incomprehensible loss. Human nature at his most basic need for love and companionship vs survival, like Meatbun likes.
The more I think about this the more I like it. Mmm. Did censure prevent Meatbun of going all out with the scifi? Because it really really fits.
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artkotaro · 1 year
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Flet knows the original Fleetway, but never speaks to him and turns a blind eye to his insults.
Fleetway has never heard Flet speak so he takes him for an embittered old man
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actually my stomach has felt so weird layely its jot even funny
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jaedoesart · 1 year
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How the fuck did I get here...?
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