#flavor anon
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starbright-sunset · 1 month ago
(flavor anon)
Because a lot of them are very dumb [/silly /aff]
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stargazers-paradise · 21 days ago
you're gorgeous but in a platonic way <- putting this here so i don't get hunted down
(flavor anon) (hi hi its me!)
-> The prince laughs softly, a charming smile spreading across his face. "Why thank you, my friend! I'm sure you look quite beautiful yourself!"
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smoke-and-blasters · 7 days ago
gives you a box of chocolates for you and your boyfriend!
(flavor anon hi hiii)
-> Buster snorts and takes the box of chocolates from you. "Thanks pal. Appreciate it."
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amethyst-acolyte · 23 days ago
kidnap them! kidnap them!
(flavor anon)
"Excuse me?"
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bonebabbles · 8 months ago
Toshiro Dungeon Meshi really said "I am an autistic man and I've suffered quietly my whole life, the way I'm supposed to, the way that's expected of me. The way you're supposed to, the way that I expect of you. It infuriates me that you don't. It envies me that you don't. I've never expressed this before because I don't know how and I snapped and all of my emotions came tumbling out and I said it in a way I don't actually mean, just like how you never mean it."
And then he said, "And then we fought. And you won, of course you did, and now we're talking openly because you're someone I CAN talk to. I always COULD talk to you. I just never DID. Of course you're taking this seriously. And you know I take it all seriously. Why are you like this? Why do I RECOIL every time you speak to me, even when you aren't doing anything wrong? How can a person even be like this?? Why do I sometimes wish that I could be like you?"
AND THEN HE SAID, "Wait. Please. I need you to know I do care about you. I can't tell you that directly because I have been taught my whole life that to love someone is to lessen their burden, to BE less of a burden, shrink yourself, don't have demands, don't have needs, don't eat more than the bare minimum to sustain yourself. I'm working on that now, because of my family, because of her, and because of you, but I still can't bring myself to settle the full weight of my being onto another person. Here is a magic bell that will let you safely become my burden. I will not lose you too."
The magic bell rolls around in Laios' bag and rings constantly because Toshiro didn't think to stuff it with a piece of paper before giving it to the most physically active fighter in the group who does all the runnining aroundening.
The one he JUST brawled for being imperceptive.
Blurting out that he would help him escape the Elf Cops took priority. He NEEDED Laios to know this so bad. I just know he was thinking about putting that bell in his hand as soon as he started sharing how he wished that he'd told Falin how much she meant to him sooner but was trying to think of the right moment. He was absolutely BESIEGED by the autistic swagger of the Touden siblings. How can you not start scratching the furniture thinking about it
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linddzz · 2 months ago
Jayce is literally a guard dog from the moment he met Viktor and I just know that he can be wayyy worse in fics if people weren’t playing it safe
So small disclaimer that I can't say much about how he's portrayed in fics or if I have any thoughts there. Tbh when I'm first getting into writing my own stuff for a ship I don't read or seek out a lot of other fics for a mix of weird brain reasons. A mix of a lot of doubts from comparing myself, but also I like getting a solid feel of my characterization without too much general fandom influence getting in there or end up accidentally stealing a concept/dialogue that just sticks in my brain.
(exceptions tend to be made for mutuals who I know are excellent writers already in which case I will psych myself up to not fall into the self comparison issue dkdjdkdk)
ANYWAY!!! Tbh I'm not surprised that there's not a lot that goes super dark on the possessive Jayce OR possessive Viktor just because they are such a weird little mix of legit fun and goofy and dreamy eyed for each other, AND canon pretty much laid out the dark side of their relationship I think. Jayce had already been confronted with Viktor's impending death, they already had their conversation where he had to promise to destroy the hexcore, which was them both in a way accepting Viktor's death. And he immediately broke that the second he was actually confronted with that death.
It's not dark to me as in "grr no one can touch you but me I'm going to lock you up in the lab to make sure you can never leave me and nothing can ever hurt you" which is how most dark possessive fics/romance lit tend to go. And I guess it can be hard to tap into what IS very dark and fucked up about Jayce and Viktor's codependence in a way that doesn't erase how wholesome they can and do come across in canon.
The dark is in the devotional romance of it, the almost instant codependence, it's in how beautiful it all is (like how Viktor's evolved forms are both beautiful and deeply unsettling for all their elegance). It's in thinking for just a liiiittle bit and realizing that Mage Viktor is knowingly dooming timelines by sparking Jayce's fascination with magic (and by making himself the thing that starts Jayce's obsession).
The dark possessiveness for Jayce is best captured when the partner he broke his biggest promise to, whose heart he replaced with the hexcore, stumbled out as something metal and inhuman. The dark side of Jayvik is; when Viktor's voice came out warped and mechanical as he stared at his own hand with confusion and fear, asking "What am I?"
Jayce smiled, laughed with that bright loverboy earnestness, and said "You're alive!"
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daily-basil · 10 months ago
Basil finds out about sunny (bad ending)
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Oyasumi~ ^0^
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nobleriver · 8 months ago
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TWD: The Ones Who Live - Finale Opening Scene + Blurred/Faraway
Requested by Anonymous
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forgetful-river · 9 days ago
omg vrisrezi pls 🙏🙏🙏🙏
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Here you go anon!! You get the tragic vrisrezi >:)
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illtrytobegood · 7 days ago
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starbright-sunset · 1 month ago
i’m saying cause they DO have a team bigger than phighting’s.. was it really that hard to make something for the collab? if you squinted hard enough i guess the subspace tripmines in one of the floors could be counted but then again i don’t think it’s level to a skin
(flavor anon)
I think the tripmines have been there for a while, haven't they??? I remember them being there before the whole Phighting x Regreg collab
Unless my memory is absolute dogshit and I'm gaslighting myself. But yeah, I agree with you, they could've done a little more than just one item when they did a whole floor for another collab
Although I do think it's funny that Pressure really only gave their side of a collab a fucking like- Expendable suit and I THINK there was a poster or something
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garbagechocolate · 7 months ago
You’re pretty cool
i need an excuse to post this and i choose this ask
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teethcake · 10 months ago
Well they mean human Slenderman and Zalgo, and imagine two of them are pretty boys with long hair. 😅
i dont know if im the right person to ask but ill give it my best.... shot.. if you can even say that. cover your eyes tho
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amethyst-acolyte · 24 days ago
(flavor anon)
"That's what I'm doing."
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mari-lair · 11 months ago
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YES!! Absolutely! Everyone sleeps on them.
They are so funny.
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The way Kou is very judgemental of Akane is wonderful to me, he really just assumes shit about him?? He has a "my senpai is weirdo" view on Akane.
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Which makes sense considering the kind of talk Akane has with him off manga?? Like bro, please -
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But at the same time!!
Kou looks up to Akane, sees him as a dependable senpai, considering he was an option for guidance, putting him on the same panel as the brother he idolized and the supernatural whose power is knowledge, only stopped from asking for help because Akane was being crazy about Teru's bet.
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So on a normal day he would see this "weirdo upperclassman" as someone helpful.
Which leads me to how Kou called Akane when Teru locked himself. HE CRIED TO AKANE OF ALL PEOPLE FOR HELP.
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I also genuinely believe he thinks Akane is so cool! He got some awe going on considering how flustered he gets near him.
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Honestly this mix of concerned cause he assumes Akane is a weirdo with insane tastes, and flustered cause he genuinely respects him/wants Akane to think he is cool, makes for a really funny dynamic.
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Bro really blasts Akane while simultaneously having a kind of admiration for him.
And Akane? Akane also judges him a lot.
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He looks down on Kou at times too, cause to be fair, Kou is very spaced out, and their world view does not align.
I will never forget the scene where Akane had to REMIND Kou that "Hey, your friend is dead. Get your priorities straight kid."
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But he likes his spunk too, he is inspired by his determination, he wants Kou to succeed. I'm glad Kou goes to him for help cause Akane does like him, if he can help, he will.
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He sucks at pep talks though, he comes off as very awkward when he tries to cheer him up.
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He also understands Kou extremely well despite barely interacting.
He only scowled Teru after the brothers fought because he ALREADY KNEW Kou would protect Hanako.
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Akane could also sense he has some kind of connection with Supernatural MItsuba, who I doubt Kou ever mentioned to him, he is always very silent about Mitsuba. So Akane must have noticed from body language alone?? My boy-
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He sees him as a good kid, so much so he goes "you sure you're related to Teru?"
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He also appreciates Kou's cooking skills.
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bonus: this wonderful panel
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toxintouch · 4 months ago
hii!! I just read cold spots and it was AMAZING!!! Im not sure if you wanted to continue the fic, but if you don’t mind could you continue with Veres part? I don’t know what you would write about but I just feel like that fic has so much potential to be a little 3 part series or something 🙏
<- Cold Spots TYSM ANON!! I put the Vere End at the beginning for ease of reading. For the sake of folks who would like to read this as a stand-alone... I think u can? With the knowledge that the premise of Cold Spots is that Mhin and MC/Sparrow went ghost hunting. Vere is said to have been responsible for a handful of local ghost stories, so…of course he makes some mischief.🦊 Also MC needs some Winter wear, stat.  A very light Possessive Vere warning in this btw, though perhaps in a roundabout way.  Plausible deniability is so important to him.
You putter around in your room at the Wet Wick as you go about your nightly routine. The occasional cheer or thud from below only accentuates your nervous energy, punctuating your reluctance to settle down and get into bed. You smooth the covers with your bandaged hands and fluff the pillow before extinguishing the lamplight. You tug the bedding up above your shoulders, fighting to get comfortable. As your eyelids finally start to droop, the flicker of a shadow catches your attention.   It dances and sways and bends and grows until suddenly it is right in front of you.  On top of you. Silken, blood red drips down onto your face, a knife gleam smile too close for comfort.  You breathe in a gasp, wondering if you should scream. “Vere, what–” “Shhh,” he coos, pressing a finger lightly to your lips.  His breath is hot against your skin. “I only came to keep you warm, pet.”
Heat Signature
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“Poor thing.” Vere purrs.  “Your lips are so cold.”  He leans ever closer, his mouth hot over yours–hovering.  His other hand reaches for your face as well, nails trailing against your cheek in a teasing caress.
You feel even the thought of being cold leave your body, replaced instead by the unusual thrill he commands, that strange enthralling sway.
That heat you’ve come to associate with Vere; sweet tendrils of want that nestle in your bloodstream.
You squirm a little, though you can’t move much with him looming over you.
(You should probably do more to protest his intrusion into your room, you think to yourself, though, the majority of you is–curious, daresay even far too eager to–)
“Whatever trouble did you get up to that left you in such a state?”
At this you scoff, tilting your head back into the pillow and effectively knocking Vere’s finger from your lips.  
“As if you don’t know,” you accuse.
Vere looks entirely unperturbed by you shaking him off, his lithe fingers traveling freely along the newly displayed skin of your throat, making your pulse jump.
Vere chuckles at that, dark and silky.
“Being tight lipped about your adventures, hm?”  He angles your face just so, ensuring you meet his sharp eyes, his nose brushing up against yours.  “Not that it matters.  It so happens I do know what you’ve been up to.  Trespassing in places that don’t belong to you.”
“...It was an abandoned building.  I don’t think it really belonged to anyone.”
“And that’s where you’d be wrong,” Vere says, “everything in this city belongs to someone, darling.  You just don’t know what belongs to who yet.”  He peers down at you with laughter in his expression, though there's a distinct edge to it that you can't quite place.
“So, you're here because that building belongs to you...?”
“Hmm, amongst other things.  However shall I make you apologize to me for this most egregious offense?”  He asks airily, shifting until he’s beside you rather than perched over you, resting his cheek in his hand and letting his eyes slip closed. He's the absolute picture of unbothered leisure.  
(You’re not fooled–he’s simply waiting for you to let your guard down before he pounces.)
You open your mouth to deny any debts on your part (though, if your ghost hunting spot was indeed Vere’s hideout, you really do feel guilty) but Vere cuts you off before you can speak.
“Alas, I suppose it’s not mine anymore.  Within a week it will reek of wet dogs and cheap booze. It's a lost cause now that those drooling reprobates know it's inhabitable.  A pity.  By Eridia's standards it really was divine in its heyday.  Good wine, music, dancing.  There was this portrait artist who would paint the performances…”
His tone remains light as he reminisces.  But the look he pins you with is dangerous: his eyes gleaming bright, his canines bared in an irreverent grin.
“I had such hopes and dreams of reviving the place myself.  Some of the dances were very scandalous.  You never did share with me your stance on dancing, did you?”
You stumble out an approximate answer.  It’s…harmless information to give, isn’t it?
Though, judging by how pleased Vere looks, you wonder if you should have refused to say.  He looks positively wicked as he ponders your answer aloud.  “Oh, I’m sure you’ve got plenty of talents to share.  In another life, perhaps I'd have put you on stage.  Though, I admit.  I find myself partial to a private show.”
And–as expected–the moment you let your guard down, he's in your space again, crowding you.  Heat and proximity and the softest brush of his lips against yours, light enough to send a thrill down your spine, curiosity and a want so deep it surprises you.
“Well?”  He purrs.  “Care to audition?”
You can't hide behind the excuse of supernatural sway or charm or the thrall of hypnotic sunglo eyes.  It's not Vere's power that controls you. It's your own gnawing desire; starvation and longing that draws you to him despite all sense.
Kissing Vere is heady.  Dizzying.  
Kissing Vere is like being in conversation with Vere–a constant of giving and taking, being chased after and running to keep up.  It’s enticing and alluring and decadent and never quite enough, over too soon even as you feel yourself losing air, the rush of blood and sensation threatening to overwhelm you.
He gives a parting nip to your bottom lip as he pulls away.
Then another one, playful, to your jaw.
When he presses his face into the side of your neck, you expect him to bite again.
What you don’t expect is for him to nuzzle into you, inhaling deeply before heaving a great sigh, his tail flopping lazily to land across you with a thump.
He’s officious as he rearranges the covers, ensuring your arms are tucked carefully away from him before he’s willing to fully settle into the bedding, pulling the blankets up around the both of you like a den.  He hums something low in his chest as he tucks himself up alongside you, long tail curled around your waist. 
It’s rhythmic–
And it’s…soothing, actually.
The weight of him, the warmth.  The incessant lamplight of the Amaryllis District, shining ever present through your window, is dim–tolerable, even, courtesy of Vere's magnificent shadow manipulations and the blankets sheltering you. 
The constant noise seems to fade away as well, obscured by the sound of purring. “Falling asleep when you have me in your bed, pet?  You really do try your luck…”
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