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happy 10 year anniversary to myself. I can't believe we did it

cold [2013]
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Join Metz & Matteo at this wonderful event in historic downtown Three Rivers, Michigan. FRIDAY, AUGUST 12, 2022 AT 5 PM – 8 PM We will have a selection of Matteo Fine Photography and Metz & Matteo merchandise so come visit our booth! #art #artexhibition #artforsale #artwork #artfair #seashells #canvasprints #sassinthecity #threeriversmichigan #flowers #photography #filmphotography #filmisnotdead #flatbedscanner #threeriversmichigan (at Three Rivers, Michigan) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cghx5E7vbHZ/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Need to scan some pages? The library has two large flatbed scanners! Scan books and documents into: searchable PDF, Word doc, or JPEG. You can send files to email, smartphone, tablet, or Google Drive at no cost. (Fees for printing apply)⠀ .⠀ .⠀ .⠀ #pgcc #pgcclibrary #scanner #flatbedscanner #libraryservices #librariesofinstagram (at Prince George's Community College) https://www.instagram.com/p/BtBmF9dneXb/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=16jfyvtu8qv5a
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HP J7Z09A#B1H PageWide Enterprise Color 780dn Inkjet 2400 x 1200 DPI 45 ppm A3
👉 HP J7Z09A#B1H Page Wide Enterprise Color 780dn Inkjet 2400 x 1200 DPI 45 ppm A3 ✅Brand: Hp ✅SKU: J7Z09A#B1H ✅Condition: New ✅Delivery: Can Ship Today* Contact Us: 👇👇👇 📧[email protected] 🔗https://miatlantic.us/j7z09a-b1h

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A Quick Overview of Flatbed Scanners
When there is space-crunch, looking for devices that can assist in daily work-needs, without adding up to the place, is the need of the hour. Flatbed scanners, unlike sheet-fed scanners, don’t require movement of pages or documents but need the documents to be laid on the flat surface. They are super compact for both home and office use, and are known to be swift in scanning, with great precision and clarity. Some flatbed scanners come with impressive features, like fast multiple page scans and innovative lids that allow fast-scanning of thicker books, magazines or document stacks, making it a must-have scanning device for the millennials.
Scanning on-the-go
The flatbed scanners are sleek and compact by design. They can easily sit on shelves at homes and offices. Some scanners with upright scanning option can help you scan almost every document in an upright position. This adds to the versatility of flatbeds even in extreme space crunch making it a perfect fit for all kinds of offices.
Impressive Time-Saving Qualities
Some flatbed scanners have impressive scan speed and can support multiple page PDF scanning. One-touch access to frequently used operations makes the procedure less time-consuming. To add, pictures and documents can be scanned quickly with a touch of a button. Features like auto scan mode and auto document fix have further added to the high-speed and good resolution scanning that flatbeds are known for.
Effortless Scanning in Good Resolution
Flatbed scanners do not compromise with the quality of outcome they generate. Some of them come with advanced image correction features that allow instant, good-quality PDF and media scanning. With grain and scratch-reduction qualities, flatbed scanners can create good quality photos. Reverse side show-through is common with scanning thin papers and gutter shadow is also a real issue with flatbeds. However, the unique technology present in some flatbed scanners help eliminate dark shadows that occur due to lack of penetration of light along the mid-part of the book. The advanced Z-lid technology further adds to efficient scanning of thick books and magazines by reducing the chances of gutter shadows.
Flatbed scanners are a viable option if one is looking for instant, effortless, good-quality scanning. With hi-speed scanning and space-friendly features, flatbed scanners are becoming the office-favourite that could also double as a personal-scanner anytime, anywhere.
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Water Color Painting by David Feldman Scanned by Chica Prints David Feldman is a graduate of the Pratt Institute school of Architecture. He is a licensed registered architect in both the state of New York and New Jersey. #watercolor #watercolouring #artistsofinstagram #artforsaleby #watercolor_painting #boats #art🎨 #chicaprints #artdrawings #artsale #art #watercolorist #paintingart #painting🎨 #artprint #paintingoftheday #ilovepainting #artofinstagram #watercolorart #flatbedscanner #flatbedscanning #artscan (at Holbrook, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B1EZLPeHNsL/?igshid=y9c8l5x3gztk
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$29.99 Epson Perfection 3490 PHOTO Color Flatbed Scanner 3200 x 6400 DPI jerrysvintage.ecrater.com #forsale #flatbedscanner #epson #epsonscanner #photoscanner #bookscanner #photography #scanner #scanners #flatbedscanners https://www.instagram.com/p/Bo9kud3hUjh/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1lulmb79a2inj
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More scanner art. Sometimes called a "scan-o-gram" or "scan-o-type" #scannerart #scanogram #scanotype #flatbedscanner #scanner #highresolution #macro #macrosfoucus #hyperwideangle #shallowdepthoffield #shaloowdof #dof #igkansascity #kansascity #kcartist (at Independence, Missouri)
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Acute Growth of FlatbedScanner Market Size, Industry Analysis Report, Regional Outlook, Application Development Potential, Price Trends, Competitive Market Share & Forecast, 2019 – 2024
Overview of the Report FlatbedScanner Market:

FlatbedScanner Market Insights 2019, Global and Chinese Scenario is a professional and in-depth study on the current state of the global FlatbedScanner industry with a focus on the Chinese market. The report provides key statistics on the market status of the FlatbedScanner manufacturers and is a valuable source of guidance and direction for companies and individuals interested in the industry.Overall, the report provides an in-depth insight of 2014-2024 global and Chinese FlatbedScanner market covering all important parameters. Global
FlatbedScanner Market
research report from Acquire Insights covers market overview. The worldwide “FlatbedScanner” statistical surveying report is an inescapable research report that contacts the most imperative parts of the FlatbedScanner platform that is important to be gotten a handle on by an expert or even a layman. The report analyzes the global market scenario, including the product pricing, production and consumption volume, cost, price, value, volume, capacity, supply, demand, and market growth rate
ASK FOR SAMPLE REPORT @: https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/sample-request/190417/
The Global FlatbedScanner Can Be Segmented As:
For competitor segment, the report includes
At least 10 companies are included: * Fujitsu * Canon * HP * Epson * Brother * Plustek For complete companies list, please ask for sample pages.
The information for each competitor includes:
* Company Profile * Main Business Information * SWOT Analysis * Sales, Revenue, Price and Gross Margin * Market Share
For product type segment
* 2000 dpi * 2000-4000 dpi * 4000 dpi
For end use/application segment, this report focuses on the status and outlook for key applications. End users sre also listed.
* Financial * Government * Business * Household
Market Summary :
This research is conducted to understand the current landscape of the market, especially in 2019. This will shape the future of the market and foresee the extent of competition in the market. This report will also help all the manufacturers and investors to have a better understanding of the direction in which the market is headed. The report evaluates the growth rate as well as the market value based on the key market dynamics and growth inducing factors. This study is based on the latest industry news, growth potentials, and trends. It likewise contains a profound analysis of the market and the competitive scenario, along with the complete analysis of the leading pioneers. The leading players are focusing mainly on technological advancements in order to improve efficiency and shelf life. The long-term development patterns for this market can be captured by continuing the ongoing process improvements and financial stability to invest in the best strategies.
Get this report at beneficial rates @ https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/discount-request/190417/
The contextual investigation helped give an overall examination of the FlatbedScanner market business in order to help comprehend its clients focused examination, budgetary support, future formative degree, and mechanical systems. For understanding the worldwide market, right off the bat information in regards to the piece of the overall industry, size, and its anticipated conjecture patterns are of most extreme significance and all these are referenced with extraordinary lucidity in the present report. The complicated information in regards to the market given in the report is effectively reasonable for any individual perusing the report. The report gives an individual a visit over the globe regarding the point by point showcase examination. Also, even the classification of the geological fragments is included in the report.
Detailed Index of Research Study @ https://www.acquiremarketresearch.com/industry-reports/flatbedscanner-market/190417/
Furthermore, the report studies the production shares and market product sales, as well as the capacity, production capacity, sales, and revenue generation. Several other factors such as import/export status, demand, supply, gross margin, and industry chain structure have also been studied in the Global FlatbedScanner Market report. The information provided in this report has been accumulated using a blend of primary and secondary research assumptions and methodologies. The gathered information is then verified and validated from industry specialists, which makes the report a valuable source of repository for anyone interested in purchasing and assessing the report.
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•turns out flatbed scanners can be used for more than just film•
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Absolutely gorgeous day in downtown Three Rivers. Come join Metz & Matteo's at the Art on Main fair! We will be here intimacy 7pm. #art #artexhibition #artforsale #artwork #artfair #seashells #canvasprints #artonmain #threeriversmichigan #flowers #photography #flatbedscanner (at Downtown Three Rivers) https://www.instagram.com/p/CfzQ06UOnrV/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Jannemarein Renout onderzoekt de door haar zelf ontdekte techniek voor het genereren van fotografische afbeeldingen met aangepaste flatbedscanners. De lichtbron is uitgeschakeld en de scanner reageert daarom op daglicht. In FOAM Magazine # 49, vraagt Taco Hidde Bakker zich af of we het proces 'renography' moeten noemen - zoals de Man Rays fotogram, de rayograph.
Mijn werk is vooral de uiting van het onvermogen om daadwerkelijk van toegevoegde waarde voor de wereld te zijn.
De kleurige beelden zijn overblijfselen van een praktijk waarin ik kantoorscanners in de buitenlucht plaats. Het weer en het verstrijken van de tijd bepalen het resultaat. Het algoritme van de scanners vertaalt de kleurtemperatuur van het natuurlijk licht naar pixels van een bepaalde kleur. Het duurte enkele minuten tot ruim een uur voordat de scanner het te scannen oppervlak heeft afgelezen. Het verloop van de tijd samengevat in een enkel beeld. Met haar lopende project SCAN_2400 experimenteert Jannemarein Renout met het zichtbaar maken van dingen die eerder onzichtbaar waren. Licht, beweging en tijd zijn de enige ingrediënten voor elk beeld. Het apparaat vertaalt daglicht in verschillende kleuren en patronen, visualisaties zonder intentie of compositie. Vrij van de hand van de kunstenaar. Het is een beeldtaal waarvan de oorsprong buiten de betekeniswereld valt. Het uiteindelijke doel van Renout is om haar invloed als maker van de afbeelding tot een minimum te beperken. Licht, beweging en tijd zijn niet alleen de ingrediënten, maar ook de makers
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Brother DCP-J315W multifunctional Inkjet 33 ppm 6000 x 1200 DPI A4 Wi-Fi
Brother DCP-J315W Printtechnologie Inkjet Printen Afdrukken in kleur Maximale resolutie 6000 x 1200 DPI Printsnelheid kleur standaard A4US Letter 28 ppm Kopiren Kopiren in kleur Maximale kopieerresolutie 1200 x 1200 DPI Scannen Scannen in kleur Optische scanresolutie 1200 x 2400 DPI Maximale ISO A-series papierformaat A4 Standaard invoercapaciteit 100 vel Standaard uitvoercapaciteit 50 vel Wi-Fi Kleur van het product ZwartpbiDraadloze all-in-one kleureninkjetprinter met media card centreibbrbrMet de DCP-J315W beschikt u over een compacte en multifunctionele machine waarmee u kunt printen kopiren en scannen Eenvoudig draadloos te verbinden met uw reeds bestaande draadloze netwerk zodat alle functionaliteiten gedeeld kunnen worden met meerdere gebruikersbrDankzij de gebruiksvriendelijke software maakt u eenvoudig en veilig verbinding met uw draadloze netwerk en heeft u geen last meer van rommelige snoeren De DCP-J315W beschikt over een 48 cm LCD kleurenscherm waarmee u snel en overzichtelijk toegang heeft tot het bedieningsmenubrbrScan zowel losse als gebonden documenten met de flatbedscanner en bespaar tijd door direct te scannen naar e-mail bestand of geheugenkaart Print uw fotos enof afbeeldingen direct vanaf diverse geheugenkaarten zonder tussenkomst van uw computerbrVia het media card centre kunt u de afbeeldingen die u wilt afdrukken selecteren op het 48 cm LCD kleurenscherm en direct afdrukkenbrbrDCP-J315W voldoet zowel aan het ENERGY STAR als het Duitse Der Blaue Engel milieukeurmerk Dit milieukeurmerk staat voor een laag energieverbruik een lage geluidsproductie en een recyclingvriendelijk ontwerp Alle Brother all-in-one inkjet machines gebruiken individuele inktcartridges Dit betekent dat u alleen de cartridge die leeg is hoeft te vervangen een voordelig systeem waarmee u minder afval creert en het milieu ontlastbrVoor de beste printkwaliteit en 100 jaar vervagingbestendigheid in een foto album adviseren wij om gebruik te maken van de originele Brother LC985 Innobella inktcartridges in combinatie met Brother BP71 Premium plus fotopapierbrbrbuKenmerkenubbr- Afdruksnelheid tot 3528 ppm monokleurbr- Randloos printenbr- Afdrukresolutie 1200 x 6000 dpibr- Geheugen 32 MBbr- USB 20 Full speedbr- Netwerkklaar draadloosbr- Papierlade voor 100 velbr- Kopieersnelheid tot 2320 ppm monokleurbr- Kopieerresolutie tot 1200 dpibr- Scanresolutie 1200 x 2400 dpibr- Photocapture Centrebr- Full Color 48 cm LCD-displaybr- Gratis app iPrintScan voor smartphonesbr- Afmetingen 390 x 368 x 150 mm http://dlvr.it/RKv5PJ
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#dasebasstianphotography #showmethemoney #flatbedscanner #1999 https://ift.tt/2GnIWTa
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Oil Painting by @hillaryserotaneedleart A self taught emerging artist, Hillary's work in oils is reflective of architecture, flora, landscape and street scenes that she has photographed in her travels, especially during a trip to Ireland. #oilpaint #artforsaleby #oilpaintingart #canvasartwork #butterflyartwork #artistsofinstagram #oilpainters #colorfulart #artwork #artistsoflongisland #femaleart #artoil #artforsale #oilpaintingartist #canvasart #chicaprints #flatbedscanner #artscan #artpainting #artscanning #artfloral #art🎨 #oiloncanvas #oilpaintingoncanvas #oilcanvaspainting (at Holbrook, New York) https://www.instagram.com/p/B0gZ-i1nOhI/?igshid=1xe6257p6oww3
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Finally getting round to playing with my new toy! Not quite the same as what I had at UCA Farnham but it's the next best thing to get me going at home. Can't wait to start archiving the family photographs! #epson #flatbedscanner #personalproject #gettingstarted
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