pynews200 · 4 months
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hand-face-chan · 1 year
Thinking about iphone jailbreaking and the whole flappybird scandal, I just know for a fact that some people (who weren't Lila) went bonkers when she got replaced on the alliance by Kagami. There's absolutely a group out there with jailbroken alliances so they could keep the old digital assistant and like 15 sketchy websites with tutorials on how you can do it to.
(5 people put their non-updated alliances on ebay for 5000 euro, but none of them recieved any bids.)
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hackernewsrobot · 6 days
Flappy Bird for Android, only C, under 100KB
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weak-password-haver · 7 months
Truly, this is how flappybird was meant to be played
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laguna-lesbian · 2 years
petition to change gretsons ship name to flappybird
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despelled · 2 years
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       ⇢            GILDEREY    ‘   REYHAN   ’    LOCKHART        ✶        aslihan    malbora    ,        22    ,        ciswoman    ,        she    /    her    ,        halfblood    ,        fourth    year    ,        healing.    member    of    the    hufflepuff    quidditch    team      ,        aurelius    choir      ,         and     s.p.e.w.    can    be    described    as     reticent   ,        enduring    ,        timid    ,        and    impressionable.
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*               &            ◞                     𝐢                        .                  𝐁𝐀𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐒         .
 full name : gilderey  ‘  reyhan  ’  lockhart  nickname(s) : rey  ,  reya  age / dob : twenty  two  /  june  25  ,   2000  zodiac : cancer  blood status : halfblood
 gender : cis  woman  pronouns : she  /  her  sexuality : pansexual
 house : hufflepuff  year : fourth  specialization : healing  extracurriculars : hufflepuff  quidditch  team  (  seeker  )  ,  aurelius  choir  ,  and  s.p.e.w.  wand : willow  ,   white  river  monster  spine  ,   11¼"  ;  rather  flexible  patronus : brown  bear
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*               &            ◞                     𝐢𝐢                        .                  𝐁𝐀𝐂𝐊𝐆𝐑𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐃         .
 birth place : belfast  ,  northern  ireland  home region / school : north  ireland  /  o'eallaigh.  social class : upper  class  father : gilderoy  lockhart  mother : unknown  sibling(s) : none  pet(s) : a  barn  owl  named  flappybird.
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*               &            ◞                     𝐢𝐢𝐢                        .                  𝐏𝐇𝐘𝐒𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐋         .
 face claims : aslihan  malbora  eye colour : honey  gold - brown.  hair colour / style : chest  length  curly  ,  brown  hair.  usually  worn  down  or  in  a  multitude  of  half  up - do’s  or  braided  out  of  her  face.  much  of  her  childhood  was  made  up  of  endless  stylists  straightening  her  hair  into  total  submission  ,  and  so  she  only  does  so  nowadays  on  the  very  rare  occasion.    height : 163cm      /      5′3″  build : has  a  classical  ballerina  build  ;  lithe  and  long  legged.  very  much  bird - boned  and  tender ,  there’s  times  where  she  appears  almost  too  soft  ,  as  if  on  the  verge  of  crumbling.  clothing style : sticks  to  neutral  colours  ,  with  an  emphasis  on  creams  ,  browns  ,  and  beiges.  tends  to  favour  the  comfortable  over  the  trendy  ,  with  plenty  of  oversized  knit  cardigans  and  layered  turtlenecks.  skirts  ,  wide -  legged  pants  ,  and  mom  jeans  fully  worn  in.  tattoos :  none.     piercings : double  lobe  piercings.  scars :  a  rather  large  scar  over  her  right  knee ,  that’s  faded  with  time.  notable features : dimpled  cheeks  and  wildly  tousled  curls  ,  smiles  that  fall  from  her  face  the  instant  she’s  turned  away  ,  nervous  hands  that  tend  to  wring  and  clench  ,  caved  in  shoulders  and  smothered  laughter.
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*               &            ◞                     𝐢𝐯                        .                  𝐓𝐋;𝐃𝐑         .
   —  childhood   for   reyhan   is   a   wound   that   never   stops   bleeding.   stolen   from   her   mother   only   days   after   her   birth   ,      the   both   of   them   are   left   with   nothing   but   memories   ⸻   ones   that   slip   between   the   fingers   like   sand.   intangible   ,      untouchable.   time   and   tutelage   are   what   leave   reyhan   gasping   at   the   maw   of   motherhood   ,      but   it   is   her   father's   spells   that   have   her   mother   grasping   at   straws   ,      left   in   a   constant   state   of   niggling   discomfort.   (   you   are   forgetting   ,      you   are   forgetting   ⸻   YOU   HAVE   ALREADY   FORGOTTEN.   )
   —  raised   by   a   nanny   and   a   handful   of   house   elves   ,      the   days   pass   slowly   with   neither   hide   nor   hair   of   her   father   ;      a   man   far   too   busy   chasing   fame   and   fortune   to   bother   with   a   daughter   he'd   never   even   wanted.   (   at   least   ,      if   reyhan   had   been   a   boy   ,      a   son   to   carry   on   the   lockhart   name   ...   )   but   her   father   is   forced   to   swallow   the   bitter   truth   of   her   failures   ,      and   reyhan   learns   to   live   with   disappoint   as   her   constant   companion   ,      one   that   weighs   heavy   on   both   mind   and   spirit.   
   —  the   burden   of   being   her   father's   daughter   begins   to   bury   her   young.   finally   turning   old   enough   to   become   useful   in   his   eyes   ,      the   lockhart’s   grow   to   become   a   household   name   across   the   wizarding   world.   a   modern   day   hero   ,      and   still   the   perfect   father   ,      reyhan   becomes   a   simple   ,      yet   solid   prop   to   her   father's   eternal   desires.   commended   endlessly   ,      both   high   and   low.   he   drags   her   across   tabloids   ,      and   bares   every   inch   of   her   life   for   public   viewing.   raising   her   to   be   perfect   ,      the   standard   for   easy   consumption   ,      and   she   never   forgets   to   further   praise   her   father   above   all.   
   —  she's   already   fifteen   by   the   time   she   learns   the   truth.   her   father   is   a   fraud   ,      and   she   is   entirely   complicit.   there   is   no   version   of   the   story   where   reyhan   can   claim   innocence   (   where   her   father   would   allow   for   it   )   and   besides   ⸻   what   would   she   do   ?   where   would   she   go   ?   turning   in   her   father   is   not   a   betrayal   she   can   stomach   ,      and   neither   one   she   would   be   brave   enough   to   ever   pursue.   instead   ,      she   remains   :      accessory   to   his   crimes   ,      another   fraud   born   to   fraud.   she   pushes   on   ,      living   in   constant   fear   of   discovery.   
   —  her   entire   world   is   one   made   of   her   father's   intricacies   and   delights   ,      a   pretty   prison   of   his   own   making.   to   go   where   he   tells   her   ,      to   do   as   he   commands.   aurelius   becomes   both   desperation   and   sanctuary   ⸻   reyhan's   first   breath   of   fresh   air.   abandoned   by   a   father   who   knew   she   could   never   betray   him   ,      their   only   interactions   over   the   next   few   years   are   for   the   occasional   shoot   and   cover   spread.   he's   out   there   :      her   father   the   hero   ,      and   all   she   begs   for   is   her   own   quiet   ,      mundane   corner   of   the   world.   
   —  it's   almost   achievable   too.   blending   in   and   keeping   her   head   down   ,      the   years   pass   just   enough   for   reyhan   to   believe   ⸻   to   even   hope   that   her   life   will   calm   past   the   tumultuous   seasons   of   her   father.   but   of   course   ,      how   would   he   ever   allow   for   her   her   freedom   ?   why   would   he   ever   be   so   kind.
   —  the   summer   over   reyhan's   third   year   starts   off   explosive   with   the   reveal   of   her   father's   lies.   revelation   in   the   form   of   her   father's   wrongdoings   ,      dragged   ugly   and   unrelenting   into   the   light.   and   where   reyhan   would   never   dare   to   take   on   the   successes   of   her   father   ,      it   is   his   flaws   that   she   had   learned   to   take   on   too   well.   highly   publicized   and   sensationalized   before   the   masses   ,      the   lockhart   name   ,      which   was   once   built   up   so   high   and   mighty   ,      takes   on   a   steep   dive   off   the   deep   end.   falling   falling   falling   they   go.
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*               &            ◞                     𝐯                        .                  𝐌𝐈𝐒𝐂         .
   — so   my   girl   has   truly   been   put   through.   the   absolute   shitter   with   gilderoy   as   a   father</3333   he   definitely   has   a   narcissistic   personality   disorder   to   the   extreme   ,      and   rey   was   on   the   receiving   end   of   that   bullshit   for   the   entirety   of   her   life.   which   has   led   to   ....   an   abundance   of   her   own   issues   ,      but   mainly   :      a   near   non   -   existent   self   -   esteem   ,      the   inability   to   trust   themselves   (   but   also   the   absolute   fear   of   trusting   others   ??   )   ,      a   constant   need   to   please   ,      and   the   tendency   to   over   -   attach   themselves   to   anyone   who's   willing   to   stick   around   </33   just   to   name   a   few   !   she's   definitely   an   enigma   ,      to   both   herself   and   others   but   she   is   trying   !!   very   hard   !!!   
  —  her   first   few   years   at   aurelius   were   probably   spent   keeping   herself   safely   distanced   ,      but   also   attempting   to   reach   out   and   actually   create   some   real   relationships   for   herself   !   unfortunately   ,      she   was   never   actually   taught   how   to   make   friends   ,      without   it   coming   with   all   sorts   of   conditions   and   underlying   schemes   ,      so   the   result   was   her   coming   off   as   entirely   too   standoffish   and   probably   being   known   as   the   shittest   friend   ever   (   rip   akjnfawefa   )
  —  only   ever   truly   comes   out   of   her   shell   with   a   select   few   people   ,      and   even   then   rey   feels   like   she   has   to   like.   bend   over   backwards   and   mould   themselves   into   the   easiest   and   most   preferred   version   of   herself   to   that   person   specifically.   (   a   chameleon   ,      some   say   ?   two   faced   ,      is   what   others   call   her.   but   it   always   comes   down   to   rey   not   really   knowing   who   she   is   when   she's   not   being   perceived   and   dictated   by   others   to   a   certain   extent   !   )   
  —  she   doesn't   particularly   love   her   specialization   ,      but   she's   never   brought   home   anything   less   than   perfect   marks   and   the   image   of   being   a   perfect   student.   and   it's   not   like   she   has   anything   better   to   do   than   what   her   father   instructed   ... ?   : (   most   of   her   club   activities   were   probably   also   joined   because   someone   dragged   her   along   to   one   of   the   meetings   and   told   her   to   sign   up   akefjnawef
  —  BUT   !!!   her   one   real   passion   was   discovered   first   year   when   she   joined   the   hufflepuff   quidditch   team   !   and   whereas   she   will   in   fact   die   of   embarrassment   if   anyone   even   acknowledges   her   talents   as   a   seeker   to   her   face   ,      she   truly   does   love   the   freedom   of   flying   ,      and   playing   a   game   where   she   feels   involved   and   important   as   a   team   member   <333   like   that   is   ....   her   only   passion   ,      and   she   will   perhaps   wither   away   if   you   try   to   take   it   from   her   </333
  —  but   her   life   atm   is   currently   ,      in   shambles   because   of   the   ongoing   case   against   her   father   not   only   being   a   fraud   ,      but   the   endless   damage   he's   caused   by   stealing   and   memory   -   wiping   the   successes   of   other   wizards.   she's   been   cleared   of   any   charges   herself   ,      at   the   defence   of   having   been   a   minor   for   the   majority   of   her   involvement   ,   and   having   been   raised   so   thoroughly   under   her   father's   thumb   her   entire   life.   but   the   case   is   in   fact   ,      as   public   as   it   is   abhorrent   ,      and   so   rey's   been   having   a   Terrible   ,      Horrible   ,      No   Good   ,      Very   Bad   Day   ,      since   the   news   broke   a   month   ago   </3
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*               &            ◞                     𝐯𝐢                        .                  𝐖𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐃         .
  —  𝒇𝒓𝒊𝒆𝒏𝒅(𝒔)   :    embarrassingly   tentative   ,      and   probably   not   numbering   that   high   ,      i'd   like   to   imagine   she's   been   able   to   befriend   at   least   a   couple   people   that   have   been   able   to   see   past   the   worst   of   her   !!   and   also   want   to   encourage   her   to   be   her   best   or   at   least   better   self   <333
  — 𝒆𝒏𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒆𝒔    :    so   this   could   be   for   all   manner   of   reasons   ,      whether   rey   was   just   a   shitty   friend   and   probably   threw   y/m   under   the   bus   to   safe   herself   previously   ,      or   just   everything   about   her   being   two   -   faced   has   rubbed   y/m   the   wrong   way.   another   interesting   possibility   could   be   y/m   having   a   connection   to   one   of   the   poor   mfs   that   rey's   dad   stole   the   accomplishment   of   before   memory   wiping   them   ....   who   knows   : ~ )
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subtotechno · 1 year
do you think voidza could learn how to play flappybird
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fresh2definitely · 2 years
1, 31, 42, 49 ✌️
hiii em my fav aussie mutual :)) 1. who is/are your comfort character(s)? - hmmmm thinking on this more i think Ellis from left 4 dead and maybe lee from twd game orrr kiki from kiki delivery service, I-block from tetris, saul goodman, jonesy from fornite, angel from buffy, gus from psych, goku, austin powers okay thats all i can think of off top but there are a lot :) 31. what type of music keeps you grounded? - love songs when i feel like i have no one to love 42. an app you frequently use besides this godforsaken site? - ummmmmmm flappybird snapchat and apple musac and spotify, tinder bumble and hinge but im weening off those 49. can you skip rocks? - i am like 30% the time the rock skipping GOAT and the rest of the time i am one ploop chump :\ but i still have fun and i never give up till i get a good skip
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gslin · 3 days
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allthenewzworld · 16 days
'FLAPPY BIRD' is officially returning.
A group named The Flappy Bird Foundation Group have acquired the official Flappy Bird trademark & rights for the original game.
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Returning to iOS and Android in 2025.
Read more at link in our bio.
#news #viral #gaming #flappybird #allthenews
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modradarcom · 2 months
Download Geometry Dash Mod Apk 2.2
Are you ready to take your Geometry Dash experience to the next level? With the Mod Apk 2.2 version, you can enjoy unlimited resources and enhanced gameplay features. Dive into the exciting world of Geometry Dash with everything unlocked and push your skills to the limit! Features of Geometry Dash Mod Apk 2.2: Unlimited Resources: Enjoy infinite resources to customize and upgrade your character. All Levels Unlocked: Access all levels from the start and explore the game without any restrictions. No Ads: Play uninterrupted with an ad-free experience. Enhanced Graphics: Experience improved visuals and smoother gameplay. Exclusive Content: Get access to special features and levels not available in the standard version.
#modradar #geometrydash #flappybird #modyolo #apkpure #apk #modapk #modcombo #apkcomco #happymod #apkmody #apkdone #apktodo #lmhmod #game #gaming #hackgame
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buraidragon · 1 year
Why am I denied the ability to just sit down and do things.
Making a bootleg Flappybird clone to grasp the basics of basics for Unity isn't hard, I've done it before.
Yet despite that it's herding cats on fucking zoomies to get myself to sit down and even open the damn project.
NGL I almost miss the depression I had before these new meds as I could at least hate myself enough to force myself to do work. But now that fog is gone, and I'm too happy to hate myself to the point of willingly hurling myself into the work mill. Ugh.
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flappybirdca · 1 year
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ao3feed-sambucky · 1 year
I Accidentally Texted My Idol...
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47904022
by Skeletonchocolate
A DC/MCU crossover literally nobody asked for. KEY~ Spooderboi - Peter Parker ILikeBats - Bruce Wayne Potaytoe - Harley Keener Feliney - Selina Kyle JesusChrist - Bucky Barnes FlappyBird - Sam Wilson IAMSOVERYOLD - Steve Rogers TheBestCEO - Pepper Potts TinCan - Tony Stark BillNye - Bruce Banner Myownuniverse - Wanda Maximoff AuntySpooder - Nat Romanoff Ventie - Clint Barton Ventress - Laura Barton LadyLightning - Jane Foster GodOfThunder - Thor MiniSuperIsGay - Jon Kent AssassinsCreed - Damian Wayne FriendInChair - Ned Leeds SarcasmRules - MJ
Words: 1036, Chapters: 2/?, Language: English
Fandoms: Marvel Cinematic Universe, DCU
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M, Multi
Relationships: Harley Keener/Peter Parker, Selina Kyle/Bruce Wayne, James "Bucky" Barnes/Sam Wilson, Pepper Potts/Tony Stark, Wanda Maximoff/Natasha Romanov, Clint Barton/Laura Barton, Jane Foster/Thor, Jon Lane Kent/Damian Wayne, Michelle Jones & Ned Leeds & Peter Parker
Additional Tags: Crossover, Texting, Double Dating, Popcorn, Crack, Crack Crossover, Fluff and Crack, This Is STUPID, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Post-Episode: s01e06 One World One People (The Falcon and the Winter Soldier TV), Not Canon Compliant, Tony Stark Lives, Peter Parker is Tony Stark's Biological Child, I Can't Believe I Wrote This, no beta we die like men, chatfic, I love shipping people too much, Gonna get stupider, And the chapters will be longer, GIVE ME SOME BREATHING SPACE UNIVERSE, Insomnia-induced, My friends forced me into writing this, i'm sorry in advance, lol
read it on the AO3 at https://archiveofourown.org/works/47904022
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lotf-shitposts · 1 year
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laguna-lesbian · 2 years
Get to Know Me 🍑
Tagged by @cordeliaspaulson ty ty <3
Relationship status - single </3
Favourite colour(s) - green brown and red
Favourite food - coco pops
Song stuck in my head - Mein Herr (Cabaret)
Last thing I Googled - the KFC menu sjdjdkd
Current time - time isn't real
Dream trip - I really wanna go back to Loch Ness and New York, we didnt do enough the first times
Comfort movie - I dont really watch movies, probably Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them (I know, I know, I'm not proud of it)
Comfort food - I'm into soup rn, a good spicy lentil concoction from the halfwit caf' fucks hard (thats not it's real name ajsj)
Comfort clothes - in an autism way, pyjamas, in a transmasc way, my 1940s tea dress
Comfort song - Man in Black (Johnny Cash, I KNOW, I KNOW)
Comfort book - any of the Mallory Towers books
Comfort game - Lemoncake (and The Last of Us, but I've only ever watched playthroughs)
3 ships - FLAPPYBIRD (gretson), Miss Stacey x LITERALLY ANY WOMAN EVER, crimewives
1st ever ship - I thinkkk remadora?? NO, NO IT WAS CAT X JADE
Last song - Lazing On A Sunday Afternoon (Queen)
Currently reading - A Tree Grown in Brooklyn (IF I COULD MARRY A BOOK-)
Currently consuming - a HEFTY tuna sandwich and some French Fries
Currently watching - Anne With an E (anual rewatch), ALOTO and The Crown
Currently craving - MY FUCKING TEACHER ANSWERING MY EMAILS- (jkjk shes lovely)
Idk anyone on here very well?????? Do it if u want, idk sjdj
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