bndair · 5 months
✏️ <3
meme tag // always accepting
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zuko: How the hell are you still alive? aang: Honestly, I’m just as confused as you are.
zuko: *holds a gun out to aang* aang: I-I don't believe in guns. zuko: Well, trust me, they're very real. Now take it.
aang: I can't believe you've done this..... zuko: I'm sorry I didn't know-! aang, on the verge of tears: YOU CAN'T JUST BUY ME A GIFT OUT OF NOWHERE NOW I FEEL LIKE A HUGE ASSHOLE!
zuko: aang, you need to calm down. aang, slamming their fists on the table: BUT HOW CAN IT BE "BIRTHDAY CAKE" FLAVOR IF A BIRTHDAY CAKE CAN BE ANY FLAVOR?!
aang: Do you know the best way to respond to disagreement? zuko: With tears? aang: No. zuko: *tears up*
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heirscrchd · 5 months
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" Now I certainly know I shouldn't if little ZuZu is telling me to. "
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sifutoph · 6 months
❝ everyone's growing up, huh. ❞ and it isn't as though toph isn't aware. she could see it. or, well — see as much as a blind person who could see through the earth could. she experiences it too. she's grown leaner, she thinks. packs muscles much easier, though there is a certain shape to her body now that she knows she didn't possess when she first started out her journey as the avatar's master. toph can't say she hates changes, except ...
well. it sucks that it happens.
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and that's only on the physical aspect. she knows things are changing quickly on a... how would katara say it, social-economically as well. the world's going forward and that's fine, but it sits in her guts all ugly and small anyway: how much would she have to lose when she's only just gotten used to how things are ... ? having friends, being recognised for her skill, having her school, mending things with her parents... or maybe, it's like aang said, she's just being avoidant and nitpicky.
it isn't changes that scared her. it's changes concerning the statuses of her friends. when they'd all be married off, where would that leave her ? ❝ so had the council decided on your fire-bride, or what ? ❞
@flamend — starter call.
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fanfought · 6 months
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ZUKO SAID :         ❛ you look like you've got something to say. ❜
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" who , me ? i don't know what you're talking about . " keen eyes observe @flamend across the room from her perch on the plush settee , legs tucked up and her skirts gathered overtop . the fire lord is a busy man , expected to attend so many events every year that is makes suki's head spin sometimes ; and every time , zuko is the picture of elegance and authority in resplendent robes , hair done up and looking his part . but only she gets to see him beforehand , hair down and robes only half-tied , far more relaxed behind closed doors and more open with his thoughts as well .
" i'm just taking you in before i have to share you with all your adoring citizens . " she slides off the settee with a warrior's grace , approaching zuko with intent , bringing his robes in properly and tying the sash off neatly with a practiced flourish . she glances up at him through her lashes with a wisp of a smile , reaching up to brush silky raven hair out of his face . " want me to put your hair up for you ? "
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warriorled · 7 months
being the only nonbender of the group sucked. while his friends could usually train with each other, element against element, he mostly had to do it on his own, especially when it came to fighting with weapons. so naturally, it had been a while since he last had someone to train sword fighting with. then zuko joined their team, &&. suddenly he had someone to go against. [ even if that someone did kick his butt in the past already. ] space sword at the ready, he approached the other with a grin. ❝ hey, zuko! up for a little swordbending? ❞
@flamend // starter call.
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lghtyear · 6 months
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⁽ ᴿᴼᴳᴱᴿ ⁾       . . .     ‘    requested by @flamend :       still accepting !    ⁽ ᴼᵁᵀ ⁾
" my lord . " it's said loud enough to establish formality , to say to everyone else that her conversation was one of a business - only situation , and that others need not listen . and it was done entirely for that fact , because suki and zuko's working relationship wasn't that of fire - lord and bodyguard , but of bodyguard constantly harassing fire - lord over every decision he made . volume is brought lower , tone now more of a personal twist as she speaks . " you did well in there . stood your ground . it was nice to see . "
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fanfabled · 6 months
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“ not to be crass , but there’s a vein in your forehead that is bulging quite spectacularly right now and it’s giving me the feeling that you’re tired and frustrated . so maybe it’s time to put the paperwork down , hmm ? ”
@flamend liked !
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lunarduties · 5 months
( @flamend / ♡
❛ i don't think i'll ever be over how absolutely darling they are,       ❜ yue is clearly speaking to him, but she refuses to pry her eyes away from the turtleducks she's currently playing with. ❛ we don't have them in the north. plenty of wolves and pups, but no turtleducks. ❜ the princess moves to stand, but instead of falling back into step beside the fire lord, she gives him a pleading look. ❛ i know we're on a schedule, but . . . could we feed them ? ❜
yue hopes her curiosity will be forgiven. never did she ever think she would enjoy spending time in the fire nation this much. she gestures to a string of shops bordering the fountain where the ducks play. ❛      please, zuko ? pretty please ? ❜
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arcanetrivia · 2 months
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Phatt Island (b&w) and King André's lair on Skull Island (b&w) by Corentin Flamend on Flickr
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avatarcensus · 5 months
New Update:
Added a handful of rp blogs as the ATLA/LOK rp community continues to grow:
@flamend - zuko @hookedswords - jet @thiefed - OC Yumi Tanaka @banishmark - zuko @chiblockd - ty lee @trueprcdigy - azula @meteorswrd - sokka @nagititiis - Haru @didymousrising - Desna and Eska @revearies - katara, korra, mako, suki, yue, zuko @sandamdin - sokka, zuko, amon, korra, nianzhen, ghazan, kuvira, the boulder, aiwei, mako, kai, maly, baatar jr, master piandao, OC tenaka @lghtyear - suki
Want to be added to or removed from the directory? lmk ^_^
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bndair · 5 months
meme tag // always accepting
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Send me ⊙ and my muse will bold all that applies to yours I think you are:
| Admirable | Attractive | Absentminded | Amusing | Abrasive | Aloof | Arrogant | Brilliant | Bizarre | Bland | Caring | Charming | Clever | Confident | Courageous | Creative | Cute | Careless | Childish | Clumsy | Cowardly | Cruel | Dignified | Dramatic | Desperate | Devious | Disrespectful | Elegant | Energetic | Emotional | Excitable | Faithful | Forgiving | Friendly | Flamboyant | Foolish | Frightening | Generous | Gloomy | Greedy | Gullible | Helpful | Honest | Hateful | Intelligent | Ignorant | Impulsive | Insensitive | Irresponsible | Lovable | Lazy | Mature | Malicious | Misguided | Monstrous | Narrow-minded | Optimistic | Obnoxious | Peaceful | Persuasive | Protective | Power-hungry | Quirky | Reliable | Romantic | Ridiculous | Sexy | Sophisticated | Selfish | Trusting | Treacherous | Understanding | Unpredictable | Unstable | Vulnerable | Witty | Weak |
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heirscrchd · 4 months
🐭 (but also im an anxious idiot soooooo)
How Intimidating Am I?
Send 🐭 for slightly intimidating
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okay I'm joking 100%, I totally feel you and because of you being open and honest I'm going to be open and honest back
you fucking terrified me when I first made this blog. I legit was so scared cuz im like "they have connections. they have graphics. they have really cool-looking icons. im a derp who is trying to RP being a good blog PRing azula. how do i make myself look cool enough to follow and interact with???"
because a lot of people i feel are already pre-established with friends and companions but im new here. ive never been in this fandom, i know nothing and im like 15 years late to the party-- I don't want to force myself into places but i also can be really passionate and excited to do stuff!!
especially considering our muses, you having Zuko and Ty Lee both characters that im like more than hyper to write with and bash Azula into with threads so I'm trying not to like jump everyone i see hfjkwehfwk but yeah.
You're not the only anxious one, its literally spider man meme of being anxious of one another i guess?? maybe??? listen my DMs are open, my discord open, if you just want to break the ice by sending me some memes i got a few locked and loaded to share if it helps the anxiety.
i do hope you have a good day tho dude <3 <3 and im glad you weren't so anxious as to send this in too <3 <3 <3 <3
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sifutoph · 5 months
❝ must be nice — ❞ she'd hopped along when sokka had visited her school and offered her a quick trip to the fire nation which, you know, is nice of him. it's also—it still sucks maybe, a little, that the reason he's visiting the fire nation at all, delivering diplomatic messages aside, was because he'd wanted to see suki.
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which toph is definitely not sulking over. nope. though she reclines as much as she could on the zaisu, and turns her head away even though she couldn't physically see the reunion happening by the entrance. ❝ — to be loved. ❞
earthended an awkward teen toph for @flamend ♡
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fanfought · 6 months
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ZUKO SAID :         "you're lucky you're cute."
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" i've been told it's one of my best qualities , " suki teases , popping the piece of sizzle-crisp that she had snatched off of @flamend's plate into her mouth . only years of living in the fire nation and eating their traditional foods could have prepared her for the tingle of spice that dances across her tongue ; she doesn't even want to think about the fact that this isn't even the spiciest it could possibly be . spirits , she may never get to the point where she can safely consume the dragon's breath , which were so aptly named for his uncle .
she curls her arms over zuko's shoulders and around his neck , gently embracing him from behind ; the smell of his soap and fragrance drifts to her nose when presses her cheek to his . suki recalls how startled she had been the first time he held her ; she had relaxed almost instantly into him , against her own will , defying her own instincts . he's always warm , as she would come to find out - even on days that are cold , zuko is the fire that warms her every day . the early days of their relationship had been torture , when she had to keep a respectful distance from him in public after he had cradled her to his chest that morning behind closed doors . she had never realized how cold she was until he let her go . she did not know how badly she needed him until she had him .
" we're engaged , so what's yours is also mine , right ? " she cups his jaw to tilt his head back slightly , fixing her fiancé with a cheeky grin and a hair's breadth of a kiss upon on the bridge of his nose . " that includes your snacks , you know . i think it's written in the rules of marriage , actually . "
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chiblockd · 5 months
IF IT MEANS SOMETHING TO YOU  ━━━━ FIGHT FOR IT ! an   independent,   friends - only & low activity writing blog for ty lee from avatar : the last airbender . written by  sabs, 26, they / them. rules under the cut.
01. basic rp etiquette applies : don’t reblog my stuff unless you're involved, no godmodding, dni if you are a weirdo. i have a zero tolerance policy regarding discrimination or any type of behavior deemed inappropriate. you know what i mean. respect each other and we'll be fine.
02. this is a sideblog, therefore all follows will come from @ flamend --- since i intend to keep this blog as friends only, chances are we are already mutuals over there. please don't take it personally if i choose not to follow, i promise it's nothing against you, just what makes me comfortable.
03. mature content will be present, included but not limited to : mental and physical abuse, murder, suicide ideation, war & the aftermath of it, etc. i won't write anything too explicit but please take that into consideration and follow at your own discretion.
04. shipping is not a priority, but i write ty lee as a lesbian. i don't write smut.
05. main verse is post - war where ty lee is a kyoshi warrior. i can write her in canon as well. as a general rule, i am canon divergent and i base my interpretation on the animated show, the live action and comics, as well as headcanons.
in terms of formatting, i use a mix of small and normal text, color and double spacing. if this is hard for you to read, let me know.
ooc. my name is sabs, i'm 26 and i use they / them pronouns. :)
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uizado · 2 years
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@flamend​.  ‘  my  heart  feels  uneasy,    although  i  am  free.    is  it  supposed  to  ?  ’
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he  should  have  been  ruthless.    that  was  what  howl  t̲o̲l̲d̲ ̲ ̲h̲i̲m̲s̲e̲l̲f̲  of  prince  zuko.    the  rumours  &.    words  of  mouth  :   all  spoke  of  a  pitiless,    stone-hearted  boy  who  had  fallen,    corrupted  by  the  very  bonds  of  life  &.    duty  themselves,    to  chaos,    to  hardship,    to  travelling  the  world  on  his  search  for  the  avatar    (  the  latter,    too,    howl  had  only  heard  about  by  gossip  ).    but  he  wasn’t  now,    which  perplexed  howl  more  than  ever.    he  was  on  his  guard,    e̲v̲e̲n̲ ̲ ̲k̲n̲o̲w̲i̲n̲g̲ ̲ ̲t̲h̲a̲t̲.̲    there  could  be  no  telling  when  zuko  might  suddenly  flip  &.    take  him  back  to  the  fire  nation  for  daring  to  run  from  that  army.
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❛  my  heart  felt  uneasy  when  i  first  left,    too.  ❜      he  looked  into  the  fire,    arms  crossed  uncertainly  over  his  abdomen.      ❛  that  just  means  you’re  finally  doing  what  you’re  meant  to  be  doing,    i  think.  ❜      that,    or  zuko  was  a  c̲o̲w̲a̲r̲d̲  too,    just  like  howl.    one  of  the  two.
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* .゜ scenario  prompts  !                𝚌𝚕𝚘𝚜𝚎𝚍  𝚏𝚘𝚛  𝚗𝚘𝚠.
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