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siegfriedmichaelwagner · 2 years ago
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Gittarrenbauer - Friedemann Beck
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vintageguitar-world · 4 years ago
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Incredible guitar from Jose Ruiz Pedregossa - it sounds as good as it looks and is an extraordinary guitar through and through! Pedregossa's heavily decorated guitars are perhaps most immediately recognizable by their bold construction details and overall unique style. His excellent training in carpentry and furniture making was not lost on Pedregossa's guitars, just look at the elaborate woodwork on the bridge and headstock. Even the ebony inlay on the back of the neck is a hand-carved pattern. The sound of this guitar is powerful, thick and dark - as elegant and majestic as its appearance. It impresses with a huge volume and a very distinctive tone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #FlamencoGuitar #GuitarraFlamenca #FlamencoMusic #SpanishGuitar #Guitar #GuitarMusic #FlamencoGuitarist #GuitarPlayer #HandmadeGuitar #Meistergitarre #handgemachteGitarre #FlamencoGitarre #フラメンコギター #弗拉门戈吉他 #FlamencoGuitare #Chitarraflamenco #Flamenco_guitar #GuitarforSale #SpanishGuitar #jeronimopena #joseruizpedregosa (at Vintage Guitar World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFcLlG_imhL/?igshid=137uucbor886t
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rodolfocucculelli · 5 years ago
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8-stīgu Flamenko Blanca ģitāra, Skalas garums 650mm. Grifa galva Dalbergia retusa_kaula slieksnītis.. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UaKE_haIP0g #ФламенкоГитарасы #FlamenkoĢitāra #FlamenkoGitara #ФламенкоГитара #FlamencoGitaar #GitaraFlamenco #FlamencoChitară #ГитараФламенко #SalvettiDiegoGuitarist #FlamencoKitara #GuitarraFlamenca #GuitarraFlamenco #FlamencoGitarr #FlamencoGitarre #FlamenkoGitar #ГітараФламенко #FlamencoGitár #FlamenkoGitar #FlamencoGuitar #FlamencoGuitare #RodolfoCucculelliLuthier https://www.instagram.com/p/B3ZweSfIl4O/?igshid=lf9bro3fne9i
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rcucculelli · 6 years ago
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 Ebony kop gitaar met clavijas. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VlBL3Nmrk7E #GuitarraFlamenco #GuitarraFlamenca #FlamencoGuitar #FlamencoArt #ფლამენკოსხელოვნება #弗拉门戈艺术 #플라멩코아트 #フラメンコアート #فنالفلامنكو #FlamencoGuitare #CustomGuitare #ViolãoFlamenco #GuitareFlamenco #弗拉门戈吉他 #GuitareFlamenca #FlamenkoGitarı #RodolfoCucculelliGiaarbouwer #FlamenkoGitar #FlamencoGitarre  #ChitarraFlamenco #фламенкоКитара #ФламенкаГітары #ГітараФламенко #ChitarăFlamenco #FlamencoGitara  #FlamenkoGlazba #گیتارفلامنکو (presso Argentina) https://www.instagram.com/p/B04tjBXA6ps/?igshid=1o5zrfcx5s0ze
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arsmusica · 4 years ago
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Flamenco und andalusische Volkslieder
Mitwirkende: Ricardo Volkert - Gitarre
Jost-H.Hecker - Violoncello
Datum: Do, 10.09.2020, 19:30 Uhr
Ende: 20:30 Uhr
Veranstalter: ars musica e.V.
Eintritt: VVK € 16,- / erm. € 13,- (Ermäßigung nur im Musikladen erhältlich)
Mit rassiger Flamencogitarre, virtuosem Violoncello und spanischem Gesang begeben sich die beiden Musiker auf eine Tour, die vor allem durch den Süden Spaniens, durch Andalusien führt. Im Gepäck: traditioneller Flamenco (Soleares, Alegrías), andalusische Volkslieder (Zorongo Gitano, Sevillanas) und bezaubernde Vertonungen berühmter spanischsprachiger Dichter wie Federico García Lorca, Pablo Neruda oder Rafael Alberti. Orte und Zeiten werden musikalisch durchquert, von den Tavernen und Gassen der Dörfer und Städte, von Granada, Cádiz und Sevilla geht es an die Strände und in die Sierras, die Gebirge Andalusiens. Weit jenseits ausgetretener Touristenpfade von Sonnenanbetern und Pauschalangeboten treffen sie dabei auf eine magisch-poetische Bilderwelt, auf spannende, interessante Geschichten über Land & Leute. Mit seinen Zigeunerromanzen (Romancero Gitano) betreten sie die poetische Welt eines García Lorca, „eine Welt, die der Mond beherrscht und in der der Mensch einer von vielen Fäden ist im kunstvollen Gespinst des Lebens“.
Cuentos del SUR, das sind Geschichten über Poeten und Banditen, Heilige und Sünder, Geschichten über Andalusien und seine Bewohner – Geschichten aus dem Süden. Daraus formen sie mit ihren Romanzen, Rumbas und Balladen ein Klanggemälde aus bittersüßer Sinnlichkeit, purer Lebensfreude und Leidenschaft.
Der am Ammersee lebende Gitarrist Ricardo Volkert ist Preisträger internationaler Songwettbewerbe. Er ist Gitarrist und Sänger der bekannten Münchner Flamencoformationen SHURANO und Locos por la Rumba.
Jost-H.Hecker ist ein virtuoser Cellist, der über zwei Jahrzehnte mit dem Münchner Modern String Quartet um die Welt tourte. Das MSQ gehört zu den prägenden Ensembles der europäischen Crossover-Szene und arbeitete u.a. mit Musikern wie Joan Baez, Mercedes Sosa, Konstantin Wecker, Charlie Mariano, Klaus Doldinger zusammen. Die bekannten Schauspieler Gert Anthoff und Michael Lerchenberg begleitet Jost Hecker bei ihren aktuellen literarischen Soloprogrammen. Des weiteren hat er feste Engagements auf den Bühnen des Residenztheaters und der Kammerspiele in München.
Die virtuosen Akkorde auf der Flamencogitarre, die durch das grandiose Violoncello-Spiel eine angenehme Erdung erfahren, spiegeln die gesamte Gefühlspalette wieder(...) In perfektem Spanisch und der für dieses Genre goldrichtigen Singstimme nahm Ricardo Volkert seine Zuhörer mit auf einen sehnsuchtsvollen Wunschtraum (…) Die Erzählungen und Geschichten, die Volkert seinen Liedern vorausschickt, bieten tiefen Einblick in die Seele der Flamenco-Musik. Man verliert sich in seiner schönen Sprech- und Singstimme und spürt, daß er tatsächlich meint, was er sagt und singt. (Traunsteiner Tagblatt)
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cawamedia · 6 years ago
Efter den senaste slutsålda succén på Scalateatern återkommer skivaktuella Cecilia Thorngren med en ny föreställning. “I Rosenrött jag drömmer” 22 Oktober 2018
Biljetter och info: http://www.scalateatern.se/forestallning/cecilia-thorngren/
Cecilia har etablerat sig på den svenska musikscenen med flertalet goda recensioner.
”Olle Adolphson skrev i cd-återutgivningen av En stol på Tegnér att kabarén i Sverige skog igenom samtidigt som rödvin, vitlök och pommes frites. Precis så doftar och smakar Cecilia Thorngrens musik. Hon sjunger nummer av Olle Adolphson, Charles Aznavour, Anita Lindblom och Zarah Leander. Dessutom har Thorngren och hennes A&R Kjell Andersson fått Peter LeMarc och Staffan Hellstrand att skriva nya sånger i samma ”rykande cigg under en spotlight”-tradition. Allra starkast är de egna monologerna hon reciterar till varsamt jazzkomp. Där hör man skrapet från stolarna på Tegnér.” – Jan Gradvall, Dagens Industri
Blomstrande tack till vår blomsterflicka Saga för finfin insats på Scalateaterns stora scen! Cecilia framför sånger som bedårar och berör. Hon rör sig musikaliskt mellan olika genrer och tidsepoker.
Hennes skiva Svart Katt finns till försäljning i samband med föreställningen.
Den fantastiska orkestern bestod av: Piano: Claes von Heijne Dragspel: Erik Fridell Kontrabas: Olle Steinholtz Pedal Steel och Banjo: Jesper Lindberg Gästartister: Lasse Lindbom Erik Steen på Flamencogitarr
#ceciliathorngren #sångerska #blommor #drömmar #ceciliathorngrenartist#scalateatern #irosenröttjagdrömmer #claesvonheijne #erikfridell#ollesteinholtz #jesperlindberg #musik #visskatt #sångskatt #eriksteen#lasselindbom
I rosenrött jag drömmer – Cecilia Thorngren Efter den senaste slutsålda succén på Scalateatern återkommer skivaktuella Cecilia Thorngren med en ny föreställning. "I Rosenrött jag drömmer" …
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meinhausamsee · 7 years ago
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The amazing Peia is coming for her first show in Berlin! Here's a taste: https://youtu.be/D7os9V-n7rs https://soundcloud.com/peia-1 Einlass 19 Uhr | Programm 20 Uhr **After-Party with Alma ∞ Omega** Early-Bird Tickets: 17€ (+Gebühr) Vorverkauf: 22€ (+Gebühr) Abendkasse 26€ http://peiasong.com https://www.facebook.com/PeiaSong https://www.instagram.com/peiabird/ https://youtu.be/D7os9V-n7rs https://soundcloud.com/peia-1 Als archivalische Sängerin hat Peia Volkslieder aus alten Traditionen gesammelt, die sich über den ganzen Globus erstrecken über die Berge Bulgariens an die Küste Irlands, berührt von den Geschichten und Kämpfen der traditionellen Völker von Nord- und Südamerika, auf der Suche nach dem Zauber des mittelalterlichen Gesangs bis hin zur indischen Raga. Sie ist viel gereist, um die mit der Zeit zerknitterten und immernoch weisen Melodien aufzudecken, am Wahren dran zu bleiben, um deren Sprache, Geschichten und Essenz wiederzubeleben . Gelobt für ihren kristallinen Ton und hohe Sopranstimme durchdringtPeias Musik das Herz mit glockenartiger Klarheit. Begleitet wird sie von Charangon, Harmonium und Gitarre. Ihr revolvierendes kollaboratives Ensemble verwebt satte Vokalharmonien, mit Streichern, vielseitigem Perkussionsspektrum und dem Sound der Flamencogitarre. Ihre hypnotisierende Darbietung bietet authentische Neuinterpretationen von traditionellen musikalischen Schätzen zusammen mit einem atemberaubenden Repertoire von ihren eigenen Originalsongs. Freudig blicken wir auf diesen Moment schon sehr bald Anfang Juli & laden diesmal zu einem familienfreundlichen frühen Abendkonzert ein. Pura Vida! Early-Bird Tickets: 17€ (+Gebühr) Vorverkauf: 22€ (+Gebühr) Abendkasse 26€ http://peiasong.com https://www.facebook.com/PeiaSong https://www.instagram.com/peiabird/ https://youtu.be/D7os9V-n7rs https://soundcloud.com/peia- **** As an archival songstress Peia has gathered folk songs from ancient traditions that span across the globe, from the mountains of Bulgaria to the shores of Ireland, touching upon the stories and struggles of the Native peoples of North and South America, and drawing upon the enchantment of medieval chant & Indian Raga. Sh (hier: Mein Haus am See)
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vintageguitar-world · 4 years ago
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Domingo Esteso 1922 - fine flamenco guitar. Domingo Esteso is one of the most important guitar maker of the last century. He is the teacher of the Hermanos conde and widely recognized as a foundational builder in the history of the Spanish guitar. . . . . . . . #FlamencoGuitar #GuitarraFlamenca #FlamencoMusic #PacoDeLucia #SpanishGuitar #Guitar #GuitarMusic #FlamencoGuitarist #GuitarPlayer #HandmadeGuitar #Meistergitarre #handgemachteGitarre #FlamencoGitarre #FlamencoGuitare #Chitarraflamenco #Flamenco_guitar #GuitarforSale #SpanishGuitar #SpanischeGitarre #플라멩코기타 #Domingoesteso #hermanosconde #condehermanos (at Vintage Guitar World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE6oQKCibLE/?igshid=ag8s0g7olnvz
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vintageguitar-world · 5 years ago
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A Flamenco guitar is built by the prestigious workshop Conde Hermanos of Madrid, in 1999. This model is very rare, because it’s a “Paco de Lucia” special model with a signature of Paco de Lucia on the label and the signature of Conde. See more details of this great guitar: www.vintage-guitar-world.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #FlamencoGuitar #GuitarraFlamenca #FlamencoMusic #PacoDeLucia #SpanishGuitar #Guitar #hermanosconde #condehermanos #HandmadeGuitar #Meistergitarre #handgemachteGitarre #FlamencoGitarre #フラメンコギター #弗拉门戈吉他 #FlamencoGuitare #Chitarraflamenco #Flamenco_guitar #SpanishGuitar #SpanischeGitarre #플라멩코기타 https://www.vintage-guitar-world.com/shop/conde-hermanos-paco-de-lucia-special-2009/ (at Vintage Guitar World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD_6eO6i1hv/?igshid=qmge63giwuay
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vintageguitar-world · 4 years ago
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Incredible guitar from Jose Ruiz Pedregossa - it sounds as good as it looks and is an extraordinary guitar through and through! Pedregossa's heavily decorated guitars are perhaps most immediately recognizable by their bold construction details and overall unique style. His excellent training in carpentry and furniture making was not lost on Pedregossa's guitars, just look at the elaborate woodwork on the bridge and headstock. Even the ebony inlay on the back of the neck is a hand-carved pattern. The sound of this guitar is powerful, thick and dark - as elegant and majestic as its appearance. It impresses with a huge volume and a very distinctive tone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #FlamencoGuitar #GuitarraFlamenca #FlamencoMusic #SpanishGuitar #Guitar #GuitarMusic #FlamencoGuitarist #GuitarPlayer #HandmadeGuitar #Meistergitarre #handgemachteGitarre #FlamencoGitarre #フラメンコギター #弗拉门戈吉他 #FlamencoGuitare #Chitarraflamenco #Flamenco_guitar #GuitarforSale #SpanishGuitar #jeronimopena #joseruizpedregosa (at Vintage Guitar World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFCxllBizTR/?igshid=ulug3isi7zva
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vintageguitar-world · 4 years ago
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Incredible guitar from Jose Ruiz Pedregossa - it sounds as good as it looks and is an extraordinary guitar through and through! Pedregossa's heavily decorated guitars are perhaps most immediately recognizable by their bold construction details and overall unique style. His excellent training in carpentry and furniture making was not lost on Pedregossa's guitars, just look at the elaborate woodwork on the bridge and headstock. Even the ebony inlay on the back of the neck is a hand-carved pattern. The sound of this guitar is powerful, thick and dark - as elegant and majestic as its appearance. It impresses with a huge volume and a very distinctive tone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #FlamencoGuitar #GuitarraFlamenca #FlamencoMusic #SpanishGuitar #Guitar #GuitarMusic #FlamencoGuitarist #GuitarPlayer #HandmadeGuitar #Meistergitarre #handgemachteGitarre #FlamencoGitarre #フラメンコギター #弗拉门戈吉他 #FlamencoGuitare #Chitarraflamenco #Flamenco_guitar #GuitarforSale #SpanishGuitar #jeronimopena #joseruizpedregosa (at Vintage Guitar World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CE7CD11iZ2b/?igshid=ekqd50s1ssb2
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vintageguitar-world · 5 years ago
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... Faustino Conde, Manuel Reyes, Gerundino Fernandez, Francisco Barba, Marcello Barbero, Miguel Rodriguez and many more. We have a huge collection of incredible flamenco guitars. Check them out on our website: www.vintage-guitar-world.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #FlamencoGuitar #GuitarraFlamenca #FlamencoMusic #PacoDeLucia #SpanishGuitar #Guitar #GuitarMusic #FlamencoGuitarist #GuitarPlayer #HandmadeGuitar #Meistergitarre #handgemachteGitarre #FlamencoGitarre #フラメンコギター #弗拉门戈吉他 #FlamencoGuitare #Chitarraflamenco #Flamenco_guitar #GuitarforSale #SpanishGuitar #SpanischeGitarre #플라멩코기타 (at Vintage Guitar World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CCacvPGCz-c/?igshid=1hyjalpli6602
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vintageguitar-world · 4 years ago
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... Manuel Reyes 1961 - highly coveted guitar from the best builder of Spain at the end of the 20th century. The spruce/cypress combination on it is pure magic. Manuel Reyes of Cordoba (1934-2014) is considered to be the greatest and most sought-after guitar builder of the latter half of the 20th century (and beginning of the 21st). For more than half a century he was known for his superb workmanship and authentic Andalusian sound - he always constructed his guitars in the heart of the old quarter of Cordoba, in the deep south of Spain. His guitars have been played by dozens of professionals internationally, perhaps most notably being Vicente Amigo and Paco Serrano. At the time of his passing, his waitlist for new instruments had been closed for years due to its enormous size. A Reyes is a very rare treat and we are happy to have this magnificent instrument here in our showroom. It has a wonderful, dark sound with bold basses and strong trebles. Along with an elite handful of other builders from this time (including Miguel Rodriguez and Arcangel Fernandez) these guitars are prime examples of the mid-century Spanish style at its apex. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #FlamencoGuitar #GuitarraFlamenca #FlamencoMusic #SpanishGuitar #Guitar #Flamenco #GuitarMusic #FlamencoGuitarist #HandmadeGuitar #FlamencoGitarre #FlamencoGuitare #Chitarraflamenco #Flamenco_guitar #manuelreyes #Flamencoguitars #Gitarre #guitarmusic #guitarra #guitarsofinstagram #vinatgeguitarworld #guitare #Gitarre (at Vintage Guitar World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGhHLrhp1Ib/?igshid=epc2ns0pstt4
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vintageguitar-world · 5 years ago
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...its Media Luna time ... Hermanos Conde Flamenca Negra This Flamenco guitar is built by the prestigious workshop Conde Hermanos of Madrid. It is built with excellent woods in the style of Paco de Lucia's guitar ... . Now available in our online shop: . www.vintage-guitar-world.com . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #FlamencoGuitar #GuitarraFlamenca #FlamencoMusic #PacoDeLucia #SpanishGuitar #Guitar #hermanosconde #condehermanos #HandmadeGuitar #Meistergitarre #handgemachteGitarre #FlamencoGitarre #フラメンコギター #弗拉门戈吉他 #FlamencoGuitare #Chitarraflamenco #Flamenco_guitar #SpanishGuitar #SpanischeGitarre #플라멩코기타 (at Vintage Guitar World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CC-bkn_C8_6/?igshid=abupo9rrnpey
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vintageguitar-world · 4 years ago
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Incredible guitar from Jeronimo Pena - it sounds as good as it looks and is an extraordinary guitar through and through! This guitar was built for the famous guitarist Quique Paredes, who has owned and played this guitar for many years. Jeronimo Pena Fernandez' heavily decorated guitars are perhaps most immediately recognizable by their bold construction details and overall unique style. His excellent training in carpentry and furniture making was not lost on Pena's guitars, just look at the elaborate woodwork on the bridge and headstock. Even the ebony inlay on the back of the neck is a hand-carved pattern. The sound of this guitar is powerful, thick and dark - as elegant and majestic as its appearance. It impresses with a huge volume and a very distinctive tone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #FlamencoGuitar #GuitarraFlamenca #FlamencoMusic #SpanishGuitar #Guitar #GuitarMusic #FlamencoGuitarist #GuitarPlayer #HandmadeGuitar #Meistergitarre #handgemachteGitarre #FlamencoGitarre #フラメンコギター #弗拉门戈吉他 #FlamencoGuitare #Chitarraflamenco #Flamenco_guitar #GuitarforSale #SpanishGuitar #SpanischeGitarre #���라멩코기타 (at Vintage Guitar World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFcgf1HCVIQ/?igshid=1bxinzm256dwo
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vintageguitar-world · 4 years ago
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Incredible guitar from Jeronimo Pena - it sounds as good as it looks and is an extraordinary guitar through and through! Jeronimo Pena Fernandez' heavily decorated guitars are perhaps most immediately recognizable by their bold construction details and overall unique style. His excellent training in carpentry and furniture making was not lost on Pena's guitars, just look at the elaborate woodwork on the bridge and headstock. Even the ebony inlay on the back of the neck is a hand-carved pattern. The sound of this guitar is powerful, thick and dark - as elegant and majestic as its appearance. It impresses with a huge volume and a very distinctive tone. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . #FlamencoGuitar #GuitarraFlamenca #FlamencoMusic #SpanishGuitar #Guitar #GuitarMusic #FlamencoGuitarist #GuitarPlayer #HandmadeGuitar #Meistergitarre #handgemachteGitarre #FlamencoGitarre #フラメンコギター #弗拉门戈吉他 #FlamencoGuitare #Chitarraflamenco #Flamenco_guitar #GuitarforSale #SpanishGuitar #SpanischeGitarre #플라멩코기타 (at Vintage Guitar World) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFTfBh1ib3N/?igshid=176p9kmuoowsm
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