ketchuplaser · 1 year
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“Tell me of your homeworld, my Padawan,” asked Master Fizzguise as the pair meditated.
“Where I was born? I’ve always considered Coruscant to be my home.”
“Yes, your planet of birth. Apologies for not being clearer.”
“I was born on a registered but unnamed Class M planet. My parents were part of the colonial exploration team.”
“From where did they hail?”
“Oh, all over. My parents met during the expedition, from what I was told. More than a dozen planets were represented.”
“Yes. In homage to them, I’ve been working to learn many languages. I’m up to five now, six if you count Basic.”
{Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.}
“It seems there is more to learn. It’s a saying from my people: ‘Rivers know this: there is no hurry. We shall get there some day.’ Through patience and perseverance you will attain your goals.”
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ketchuplaser · 1 year
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Spirituality, Philosophy, Ideology, Religion
"Master, what are we doing on Arami?"
"Remember Diel, just call me Guise. We're undercover."
"Apologies Ma- Guise."
"And we're here because of bacta smugglers. With the crowd coming for the Boonta Eve, they think they'll be able to blend in."
"Do we have a plan to find them?"
"Same as always, follow the living Force. Listen to it's call and be fluid."
This is probably the highest variety of species that I’ve ever drawn! Can anyone name them all? There are nine, not counting our heroes.
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ketchuplaser · 1 year
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"This blue milkshake is great, but what's the real reason we're here?"
"Well, for one, a greasy spoon diner is a great place to pick up information. The Force led me here years ago."
"And the other reason?"
"They make a gumbo that tastes just like surri from my homeworld."
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ketchuplaser · 1 year
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Music & Art
“My Padawan, do you see?"
"The grafitti, Master Fizzguise?"
"Art. Art from the streets. It is the language of the beings around it."
    Meet Master Fizzguise the Tynnan and his Padawan Diel Kyrr
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ketchuplaser · 1 year
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Life & Death
“Master, why don’t you draw your lightsaber? Don’t you want to spar?”
“Of course. However, my people are semiaquatic. There’s a lot to learn from water when it comes to fighting. ‘Be Water, My Friend. Empty your mind. Be formless, shapeless, like water.‘ The best way to defend against an attack is to not be where it lands.”
Diel took another swing, straight down to his master’s head, pouring his strength into it. His muscles strained as his blade flickered above Master Fizzguise’s up stretched arms.
“Using the Force, I can shift your blade to either side, or stop it entirely.”
“That seems so risky! What if you hadn’t caught it in time?”
“What is the final tenet of the Jedi Code?”
“Death, yet the Force.”
The Tynnan nodded. “When it is my time, I will join the living Force. Willingly.”
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ketchuplaser · 1 year
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"Still your mind, Diel. Listen to the rustle of the leaves, the splash of the water, the myriad of voices around us. Huttese, basic, others you can't recognize.
Feel the gentle mist, the breeze, the vibration of the ground as the children play."
Open your eyes, my Padawan. See the texture of the stones, the colors of the market.
Smell the food stalls, the foods from a thousand different worlds.
Feel the living Force as it tugs you along. Follow its flow.
"Yes, my learner?"
"What about taste? We covered all the other senses."
Master Fizzguise chuckled, "Remember those smells? When we pinpoint them, we will find the taste."
  @starwarscultureweek thanks for putting this on!
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ketchuplaser · 1 year
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"Master, I thought that Tynnans didn't wear clothing."
"True, well normally so, but it’s mainly due to being furred versus a cultural thing. The fact that you don't typically see us with clothes means they can be an excellent means for disguise. Much like your poncho."
“Have you done this before?”
“Oh yes. I was undercover for a month on Navarro as a Jawa. Hated having to stink myself so much for that role.”
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