#five nights at whoopee's missing children incident
Meet the Characters: Part 2
So, I decided to focus this on a background character! (mostly since they will show up again, but of course- I'm not sharing everything-)
I'm honestly doing this for @skippudippu who sent the first ask, and with that being said- let's get right to it!
Howard Weinerman had been Randy's best friend first; before Ellis had come into the picture, Randy and Howard were to the hip- they had met through a playdate set up by their parents when they were still pretty young. Life had almost felt like a dream back then when Cunningham foolishly believed the folktales of a hero in the ancient days of Norrisville.
"I'm going to be a ninja," Randy had declared with the same level of enthusiasm a young child could have. He was beaming, grinning at Howard who just slightly rolled his eyes at the other's antics.
Life had been so much simpler back then.
Of course, Whoopee's Pizzeria opened- it was still being established as a new restaurant and everyone was in awe over its technology; animatronics weren't exactly common yet, and Howard found himself being dragged over there by Randy who was ridiculously fast for someone his age. In the end, it had become almost tradition to go there with the Weinerman's as Randy's parents were almost always busy- too focused on their work to notice their own children.
Howard only really cared about the food, but he also found himself in awe with the band; maybe one day he and Randy could form their own band- it would have a cool name, and they would get to perform and have their own songs and everything! That was how things should've gone, in some other life.
When Ellis came into the picture, Howard was admittedly a little miffed but Randy still made time for them both- and going to the pizzeria was part of their routine, he liked it. They would play the games, win some prizes, and wait until they could go again but then that day happened.
It had been Randy's birthday.
Howard and Ellis knew just how excited he had been- to bring them to their favorite restaurant and watch the animatronics perform, but then things got weird. Really weird.
He remembered faintly Randy telling him about a cool new mascot that had something special planned, and he didn't recall if he went with him- he does remember the color yellow, that it had looked shiny.
Only the next second, Randy and some of their classmates - Bucky, Julian, Rachel, just to name a few - were gone. They went missing. Despite the attempts to find them, they just vanished without a trace, and Howard felt like his entire world was spinning.
This couldn't be happening.
Randy would return. He had to come back.
Only Howard didn't quite understand, that Randy just couldn't come back; the friendship he had with Ellis completely fell apart- they still saw each other every once in a while, but it wasn't enough. He didn't want to see Ellis.
He wanted Randy, and as he got older- the reality of the situation hit. He became angry at the world, deciding to shut people out; he wouldn't let himself get fully close with anyone ever again. Nothing could fill the empty feeling in his chest, nothing could change the fact that his biffer was just gone and the rumors that he and the other kids simply ran away was nothing short of a mockery.
He managed to pass his classes; he began frequenting the Game Hole, knowing it was something Randy would've enjoyed- he picked up playing Grave Punchers and the other video games- fighting games, imagining he still had Randy beside him. (it was all a lie- Randy just wasn't coming back)
Leaving high school, he almost contemplated getting out of Norrisville but he just couldn't- and soon enough, he became a game developer; he still was angry, but at least he knew how to do business, and people were of course, fascinated- the younger crowd especially.
Howard continued life- it's not like he had any other choice, but then Debbie came around, asking questions: if he remembered anything from the day Randy went missing. He denied everything - he has weird flashes sometimes, faintly recalls a weird smell but before he can figure out what it is- it vanishes. He wanted answers.
Debbie is a news reporter- she's a professional journalist now, and she gives him an offer.
After that, things are never the same...
(If only he had known the web of lies and dark secrets, it would come to unfold)
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The Missing Children's Incident
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Well, this is going to be the first of many official posts (also please ignore older reblogs, i have no idea what happened there, jeez)
Anyway, this post is going to be covering the missing children incident that went down with Five Nights at Whoopee's; good luck with the chaos I am about to create because you're going to need it /lh
The Missing Kids
Bucky Hensletter / ????: Bucky was one of the youngest when the incident happened; it was a chilly afternoon in fall- everyone had been bustling with excitement, and the young boy remembered feeling happy and energetic at the sight of the pizzeria's animatronics. Things were going to plan. Bucky was completely enamored with them, especially the patterned yellow-and-black tabby. It was a rare sight to see an animatronic that played the triangle, one of Bucky's favorite instruments.
But after that, everything fall apart-
Bucky only faintly recalls a furry paw on his shoulder, guiding him to one of the empty party rooms and then nothing. (but he does remember a scream- terror gripping at him right before blackness claimed him)
Now, he just longs for peace...
Julian Davis / The Bat: No one expected Julian.
Julian was such an oddball of a kid. He loved the weird- above all else, he was such a huge fan of magic; it wasn't a surprise when he had been there for Randy's birthday party. He was fascinated by the animatronic bat, a magician.
It had called to him- the same way he remembered following like a puppy in pursuit of his interests. It should've been an amazing day, but he does remember something sticky (it was the color red); he tries to forget the sound of someone's scream- having wanted nothing more than getting away.
Unlike the others, Julian isn't angry. He's just tired- but he's still scared, and that can always be a dangerous thing.
(author's cut: currently, his animatronic is known as 'dark wing' but even then- this might change)
Bash Johnson / ????: Bash was next.
Bash's disappearance shook Hannibal McFist and his wife. The tiger animatronic looked so strong, and well- he was deeply excited to cause some mischief at the party. He was always a bit brawny, always wanting something to prove and so he, too, followed the mascot that day.
Sure, the mascot was yellow. Not red. It was supposed to be a kid's dream, and then everything fell apart.
Bash is one of the angry ones. He will stop at nothing until he can get his revenge.
Randy Cunningham / Randy Red Panda: It was his birthday.
Randy was certainly excited; the pizzeria joint had been his favorite place- he always was a daydreamer. He could feel like he could be anything. That chilly fall afternoon, he and some of his classmates (his friends) made their way Whoopee’s and boy had he been fascinated by the new animatronic - still in its prime, the red panda.
(In some other life perhaps, he might have been a hero; someone who did good and fought against monsters but unfortunately- this is not that story)
He hadn’t meant for any of it to happen. Not really. Only that friendly mascot was promising them free games and a party room all to themselves!
(He’s not entirely sure what happened next, but he remembers fear- it had gripped at him, knocking the air right out of him; a cry - a scream - rang through the air)
One day, they were just gone.
The missing children’s incident that devastated an entire city; despite the attempts to find them, it was eventually dismissed as them running away (as if anyone would ever believe that), or at worst: dead - taken.
Whoopee’s denied any involvement, and even with that- it still continued as a beloved establishment; eventually, it expanded into an amusement park, but the survivors- those who had made it into adulthood- were about to unravel dark, hidden secrets no one ever saw coming…
(author’s cut: as you can tell, some information is not in the post yet- because i genuinely cannot come up with names; it is late and i am tired but i regret absolutely nothing)
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Meet the Characters: Part 3
so, due to apparent popular demand- i am going to be writing about the security guard next! i did place this up to poll, and i genuinely wasn't expecting Heidi Weinerman to win but here we are- i do plan on setting this up differently because if i get myself burnt out from my own fixations, i might actually cry so,
Heidi was honestly chosen because I thought she had the most connection to our boys; and yes, Nomi is still there (also to clarify right now, he is not nomirandy- he's the Nomicon but i decide to be self indulgent that's it)
I will say this, she does not get to have a good time- even if she isn't directly tied to the missing five incident
General Background;
Heidi is still the oldest of the Weinerham siblings- they have roughly two years of age difference in this universe because I said so. Of course, due to this the relationship between her and Howard is a little bit strained but overall, it could be worse. I honestly headcanon Heidi to be born somewhere in summer or fall, but we'll get right to the point- there is no favoritism in the Weinerham family, not a single bit. Mort is not that kind of parent and specifically for this universe, he is divorced! He values both his children equally, but of course Mort is a busy man and he still had to leave Heidi to care for her younger brother
Things at first, they were fairly normal. Heidi was fine helping out around the house, though somewhere around the time Howard turned three- a new addition was made to the family so to speak. Mort Weinerman and one of the neighbors, Ayumi, had arranged a playdate between their two sons: Howard and Randy. Almost immediately, the boys had it hit off and Heidi honestly felt glad that her brother could make friends this way. It wasn't uncommon to see Randy over at the Weinerman household (Heidi could never fully remember his name but oh well, if it made Howard happy-)
As the years passed, Heidi discovered her love for media- doing mostly home videos before ShoobTube truly kicked off in popularity. Her family had always been modest with their money, and Heidi certainly didn’t ask for much. She tended to film using an older camera (if anyone’s genuinely curious, i can share the model of the camera later!) and would do narration videos!
Though it was on Randy’s eighth birthday party that everything fell apart- Heidi was only ten but she was far from dumb and seeing Howard’s panic when no one could find Randy was heartbreaking (she still remembers when the police showed up, talking to the guests and trying to make sense on how multiple kids had suddenly gone missing) After that, Heidi found herself in a strained rivalry with her brother- more so than before and she couldn’t blame him. Randy had been a constant in their lives, except now he was gone and Heidi didn’t know what to think
As the years passed, Heidi continued using media and film- becoming one of the most watched people on ShoobTube within her high school. She began doing other forms of content: viral videos, ‘exclusive’ interviews, gossip received from students. It wasn’t out of the ordinary, and it was what led her to going to college for Media Production but with still trying to find a good agency to work for and deciding she needed something to do with her time- well, things certainly got interesting
… and we get to the present
Current Information;
Heidi is currently 28 (which makes Howard about 25/26-); despite still having a presence on ShoobTube- she was hoping to do more with her life, but it was proving a lot harder than it needed to be. Nothing would have prepared her for choosing to be a security guard at Whoopee World- it had been an ad on a streaming site and the next thing, an idea formed in her head. Perhaps it might never work but if she didn’t, no one would
She might be able to get answers; make sense of the missing children case from nearly thirty years ago, and well- she felt she owed it to Howard and to Randy, and let Norrisville rest after the devastation. Heidi was quick to make an appointment for an interview and strangely enough, she got it almost right on the spot. This would be easy; simply make it through the week, gather as much information as she could and if need be- work for a little longer, if it meant putting an end to this entire mess
Nothing prepared her for the strange call she got on the first night- Heidi blinked, not understand as the warning of the animatronics’ free-roaming mechanism. She was even more startled when it claimed that the animatronics wandered, that they would attempt to stuff her into a suit… but she pushed through and things got even weirder
Was she dreaming? It had almost sounded like a cry, a child’s scream but it couldn’t have been- and that was made her come back. Heidi had no idea what she was getting herself into, what this would unravel in the end but of course, nothing was ever that simple
Heidi Weinerman was going to solve the mystery. No matter what
🎬 Heidi is ADHD. She has a fixation on media and film, and hopes one day to become a professional producer but for now- she has a job as the security guard at Whoopee World
🎬 Heidi is feisty- she stops at nothing to get what she wants, but even then she is very protective of those she cares about! She has intervened when Howard was being bullied in high school, and is too stubborn to quit when attempting to uncover the truth
🎬 She tends to keep her hair loose or in a ponytail
🎬 Heidi isn’t one to fully believe in the paranormal (but she also has heard the wails- the weird childlike screams; to ‘save them’ and she’s begun to question)
🎬 She is friends with Debbie Kang in present times. Heidi and Debbie weren’t fully close during their high school years but at the same time, similar interests call for friendships! They are both equally as determined for the truth
🎬 The relationship she has with her brother strengthened once more in adulthood, but they both lead different lives
🎬 Heidi doesn’t have dreams of the incident like some of the others do- (at least not in the current moment)
There will be more to come soon! I hope you enjoyed this because ohhh I am just getting started- stay safe, everyone and happy Pride!
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HIIII this is my main blog but my rc9gn sideblog is @mrfartpowered so u might see me reblogging stuff onto there — just wanted to say this whole concept you’ve put together is SOOO INTERESTING, I cannot wait to see what u do with it :33 as a Howard lover I havvve to ask….will he return ? or was Randy’s disappearance & losing touch w El the last this crossover/AU will see of him ?
First ask! Okay, so- to begin, I got ridiculously excited when I saw this popping up and I spent like, several minutes just trying to calm down from my glee!
Now to answer your question- i don’t want to give away too much, but to put it simply, Howard will be returning! I don’t know how well I’d be at writing him, but he’s going to be something of a recurring character. Howard was friends with Randy before El joined the party (pun not intended), and from what I talked about in a previous post, he feels responsible I mean, angry at Randy’s disappearance
This isn’t as much of a spoiler, but Howard was there when Randy went missing- for some unknown reason, Howard wasn’t one of the missing children and his life got spared. In present day, he’s a game developer - part homage to the show and the rest because it just fit him - who’s determined to make sense of what happened to Randy. Let’s just say he’s not exactly going to the police for answers and leave it at that for now!
Trust me, this isn’t the last you’ll see of him! Howard’s just gotten into the habit of pushing people away following what happened because this is Howard we’re talking about- (don’t get me wrong, he’s a great character but analysis wise, he has his temper) but he’ll make his appearances later on!
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Lore Updates
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So, when I wrote the post last night- I may have forgotten to consider the Bite of ‘84 which leaves me in something of a dilemma. I had originally made Bash part of the missing children’s incident, but I was given a little suggestion that he could be part of the Bite of ‘84- by doing that, it would leave a sudden slot open for the missing children incident.
As mentioned in the past, this is not a direct copy of the Five Nights at Freddy’s storyline as that would be completely boring to say the least; Bash is not a substitute for Mike Afton though, as he’s not the security guard- he doesn’t fit. Plus the poll votes are still happening, so!
We still would need someone to be the victim of the Bite of ‘84 and I’m coming up empty- so if anyone at all can give this ghosty any ideas because there are only a handful of characters.
Also you can’t convince me otherwise: Mac Antfee was either another security guard, but I can easily see him knowing something about the bite- (it would be interesting if he was one of the bullies but the problem is his age unless i just chuck that out the window-)
I do have other options for someone else who could take over Bash’s spot- and technically, I only have about four kids at the moment; be patient with me, please. Now if you do have suggestions on the rest of the missing kids- that would be amazing. My mutual aster definitely made this AU possible, and I cannot thank them enough!
The confirmed missing children are Randy Cunningham, Bucky Hensletter, and Julian who currently has the fanon last name ‘Davis’ but that may change later on (the last name, not the kids’ roles).
I look forward to sharing more details!
~ Mod Danny [🐺]
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Introductory Post [Meet the Mod + Rules]
Okay, good timezone, everyone!
I figured I might as well introuce myself and the blog. This is mostly meant to be an interactive blog regarding a crossover known as “Five Nights at Whoopee’s” - ft. Randy Cunningham: 9th Grade Ninja and Five Nights at Freddy’s. I may also refer it to as an “alternate universe”, but even then!
My name is Danny, I use they/them and neopronouns. I am bodily an adult and have auDHD (autism and ADHD); I am also a system, as well as suspected BPD. I also do have a life which is one of the main reasons I get on tumblr at odd hours of the day- I tend to sign off my posts with “Mod Danny” but if we do ever bold one who’s fronting, this may change!
Now to get onto the subject of business, these are the rules and guidelines of the blog.
Guidelines of Five Nights at Whoopee’s
~ Be respectful and courteous when interacting with the blog. Throwing around insults or using slurs will not be tolerated; I do not take kindly to unnecessary disputes.
~ Keep drama out of the blog! Please. This is meant to be a fun, interactive space; any issues you have with people shouldn’t be brought into this! I don’t want to deal with others’ personal problems- I apologize if that sounds harsh, but sometimes a fandom space should simply be a fandom space and nothing else.
~ Political matters will not be brought up on this account. That is what my main blog is for- at least in part, but please- I am asking you kindly to leave this space for the crossover.
~ Anyone is welcome to interact with the crossover. As long as you are not going to be causing problems, you are more than welcome to talk here!
~ When it comes to asks, you can either speak directly to me as the owner of the blog or you can also ask questions to the characters. (Once I figure out how to manage the asks that is!)
~ Do not ask me to make you part of the mod team unless I am actively ‘hiring’ for that! Details are still being worked out in regards to not only lore, but how this blog properly works!
~ This is not meant to reflect the full canon of Five Nights at Freddy’s, and any attempt to be rude about how ‘accurate’ it is will not be tolerated.
~ Due to the mature content of the crossover, I do ask that you tread with caution- NSFW themes will not be breached, at all. (there are other spaces for that); However, there will be talks of any of the following subjects: murder/death, child neglect, discussions of serial killings, and more.
~ There will be times when asks about lore might not be answered, and this is purely to avoid spoilers ahead of time. After certain points, they absolutely will get talked about but I’d hate to give early spoilers!
~ Guidelines will change as the blog expands! For now this is all I have
Now to get onto the main order of things, I’m going to briefly talk about what to expect from the blog itself! Once more- this is the summarization of the plot!
Five Nights at Whoopee’s follows an alternate timeline on Norrisville; almost thirty years before the current timeline, Whoopee World was a pizzeria joint- it was a family-friendly establishment, bringing fun and joy to adults and children alike. That was until a missing children’s incident devastated the city. No one knows what happened to the missing five, but somehow love for Whoopee World continued, leading to the expansion of the company and created an amusement park.
In current times, young engineer Ellis Winslow is hired to Whoopee World; they handle the repairs and technical support of the mascot Whoopee, and the other animatronics- that is until things start going strangely. Following the disappearance of her childhood best friends, Ellis and the current night guard (who I’m currently keeping private until the poll ends on my main-blog!) are about to uncover what really went down all those years ago…
The blog is not only meant to dive into headcanons, lore, and characters but also acts as an interactive ask blog. You will be able to ask questions both to myself- and the characters within the crossover! Certain characters will more than likely be kept omitted for obvious reasons, but since things are still being developed- I do prefer asks be kept to me and not the characters!
(author's cut: as soon as i have a few things squared away, i'll open asks to the characters!)
Until next time!
~ Mod Danny (They/Them)
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i think it’d be hilarious if canon! rc9gn met their five nights at whoopee’s counterparts; also, to any interested parties (gonna did a lil tag here so, @aster-saturn) i’m going to be making a side blog for the crossover! details will likely be released later tonight!
~ 🐾
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so let’s talk bite of ‘84-
as you already know five nights at whoopee’s is a crossover between fnaf and rc9gn where randy takes on the role of one of the missing children- but i’m sure you’ve already this blog’s lore! which brings me to the next point!
we all know the bite of ‘84- (or is it ‘87- the lore is so confusing sometimes- but this is when one of the afton kids was being bullied and was bitten by an animatronic in the process-)
though because five nights at whoopee’s is more of an au-ish crossover and not a direct copy, i decided to mess around with the information. bash johnson has been decided that he will be one of the bullies, not one of the missing children (yes i will post an updated version ft. the changes!).
it had originally been intended to be a joke- but bash didn’t know when to quit and it resulted in another kid nearly dying at the hands of an animatronic; though of course, his stepfather - hannibal mcfist- attempted to cover up the incident: a malfunction on the animatronic’s part, and bash’s involvement in the entire affair remained carefully under wraps. bash however, was downright horrified- even for him, it was too much.
the identity of the kid right now remains unknown, and i would highly appreciate suggestions but if not- i’ll try and work this already incredibly shoddy lore pfft. what i will say is this: mac antfee was the security guard around the time the incident took place! what this means, well, guess we’ll just have to see and find out~
bash didn’t fully change his attitude until he was close to graduating- though he never tried to go as far as he had that day in the pizzeria.
if this lore is somewhat unstable in the timeline and characters’ ages, well- that’s a little intentional because there’s only so many characters that are actually within the same time period, but this is my au and what i say goes /lh
i will be trying to come up with my own timeline at some point- but bash is not supposed to take the place of mike afton. he’s just one of the bullies, didn’t quite learn his lesson until much later-
but this is all i have for now, see you on the flip-side!
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