#fit to print desktop
fozmeadows · 11 months
the older I get, the more the technological changes I've lived through as a millennial feel bizarre to me. we had computers in my primary school classroom; I first learned to type on a typewriter. I had a cellphone as a teenager, but still needed a physical train timetable. my parents listened to LP records when I was growing up; meanwhile, my childhood cassette tape collection became a CD collection, until I started downloading mp3s on kazaa over our 56k modem internet connection to play in winamp on my desktop computer, and now my laptop doesn't even have a disc tray. I used to save my word documents on floppy discs. I grew up using the rotary phone at my grandparents' house and our wall-connected landline; my mother's first cellphone was so big, we called it The Brick. I once took my desktop computer - monitor, tower and all - on the train to attend a LAN party at a friend's house where we had to connect to the internet with physical cables to play together, and where one friend's massive CRT monitor wouldn't fit on any available table. as kids, we used to make concertina caterpillars in class with the punctured and perforated paper strips that were left over whenever anything was printed on the room's dot matrix printer, which was outdated by the time I was in high school. VHS tapes became DVDs, and you could still rent both at the local video store when I was first married, but those shops all died out within the next six years. my facebook account predates the iphone camera - I used to carry around a separate digital camera and manually upload photos to the computer in order to post them; there are rolls of undeveloped film from my childhood still in envelopes from the chemist's in my childhood photo albums. I have a photo album from my wedding, but no physical albums of my child; by then, we were all posting online, and now that's a decade's worth of pictures I'd have to sort through manually in order to create one. there are video games I tell my son about but can't ever show him because the consoles they used to run on are all obsolete and the games were never remastered for the new ones that don't have the requisite backwards compatibility. I used to have a walkman for car trips as a kid; then I had a discman and a plastic hardshell case of CDs to carry around as a teenager; later, a friend gave my husband and I engraved matching ipods as a wedding present, and we used them both until they stopped working; now they're obsolete. today I texted my mother, who was born in 1950, a tiktok upload of an instructional video for girls from 1956 on how to look after their hair and nails and fold their clothes. my father was born four years after the invention of colour televison; he worked in radio and print journalism, and in the years before his health declined, even though he logically understood that newspapers existed online, he would clip out articles from the physical paper, put them in an envelope and mail them to me overseas if he wanted me to read them. and now I hold the world in a glass-faced rectangle, and I have access to everything and ownership of nothing, and everything I write online can potentially be wiped out at the drop of a hat by the ego of an idiot manchild billionaire. as a child, I wore a watch, but like most of my generation, I stopped when cellphones started telling us the time and they became redundant. now, my son wears a smartwatch so we can call him home from playing in the neighbourhood park, and there's a tanline on his wrist ike the one I haven't had since the age of fifteen. and I wonder: what will 2030 look like?
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dungeonmalcontent · 9 months
I fixed alignment!
Link to the document in question if you don't care to hear the tale of it.
That's a really ambitious thing to declare. I even already went to the trouble of making this because I've been planning on announcing like this.
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But, yeah.
Maybe I didn't fix it, per se. At worst, you can call this an alternative system to traditional alignment. And it all started because people were getting a little too complicated talking about the "nuance" of the standard alignment system and things like the MTG mana color system.
And my response was going to be "what ya'll are trying to get at is a spider graph." But that extended response post got annihilated because I didn't save it as a draft before switching tabs. So I started writing it up as its own post. And that lead to me making some demonstration graphs, and that lead to me going ahead and just writing up a whole essay. And then I adapted that essay into a variant rules module for 5e d&d.
So. Yeah. That's how I ended up making Re:Alignment. (get it, it's like a pun, because "re:" is the default header for a reply email and I'm responding to the trash state of alignment in 5e, but it's also read as "realignment" like repairing a misalignment.. it's clever, just trust me)
The document is 11 pages and can be read in its entirety as a preview on DMsGuild if you follow the link to it (easier to do on desktop). The doc outline how this approach to alignment changes how alignment works, the actual alignment system itself, and describes what I have essentially replaced good, evil, lawful, chaotic, and neutral with. I also included a print friendly PDF sheet to fit into a character sheet where you can track your spider graph alignment and other important alignment based RP information. Also also, there's a standalone graph jpg that you can slap onto a modified character sheet or other RP tool of your choice.
The doc is priced as "pay what you want", so if you want a downloaded copy or one you can print (though hopefully not the last page, because I make those all black) you can get it for free. If you want to throw a little money my way or if you really like the system, you can pay however much money you want. It was like 48 hours of work, so a decent amount of effort went into this.
If you're wondering "what did this moron replace the alignments with?" I'll answer that right now. I replaced alignment with this:
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If you want to figure out what that means and how it works, read the doc. It's not that long and it describes it pretty thoroughly.
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leiawritesstories · 1 year
I saw the below prompt and could easily imagine Aelin running a black market of printing services and I would love to see what kind of favors she’d take from a certain buzzard who is pressed for time.. especially if they’ve maybe been secretly pining after one another this whole time? 👀
Prompt: You’re the only one in our college dorm building that owns a printer so you run a black market of printing services for favors/money/food/etc. I don’t have time to walk twenty minutes across campus to the library, please help me.
Congrats on 500!
Okay so.....this is actually real-life me at my college 🤣🤣🤣 I own a desktop printer so I don't have to use the campus printing service all the time and half the people in my building want to use it. Naturally I charge a fee--either money or food or coffee, i'm not picky lol. Anyway this is literally me in real life except for the secretly pining part bc i'm very very single and I adore this prompt, thank you so so much 😁
Here you go!!
Word count: 870
Warnings: maybe some swearing
"Hey, Galathynius! Do me a solid?"
Aelin glanced over her shoulder to find Fenrys jogging after her, catching up to her before they made it to the dorm building they both lived in. "What do you want, Moonie?"
The blonde huffed a dramatic sigh. "First of all, stop calling me that, you know it doesn't fit my mature persona." Aelin snorted so hard she almost coughed. Fen just rolled his eyes. "Secondlyyyy," he groaned dramatically, "I need to print a paper. Lemme use your printer? Pretty pretty please?" He widened his big brown eyes irresistibly.
"Your sad puppy face isn't gonna get you free printing, Moonie," Aelin drawled. "A dollar a page, or $30 flat if it's more than 20 pages."
"Highway robbery!" he gasped.
She rolled her eyes. "It's the same price I've always charged and you know it."
"Ugh, fiiiiine," he grumbled. "Unless...how about I cover your coffee for the next week?"
"Hmm." She pretended to seriously think about it, knowing full well that she'd accept. Who was Aelin Galathynius to turn down free coffee, especially when she spent somewhere around 40 dollars a week on her precious caffeine. "All right, I accept. I'll text you my drink order, and I expect it delivered every morning as I leave for my first class."
Fen saluted her. "Yes ma'am!" he chirped.
She smacked his shoulder teasingly. "Cut the flourishing, drama queen." Fen flashed her a grin and jogged off towards his next class, while she swiped her student ID in the building's card reader and walked into the dorm. She, Elide, and Lysandra shared a triple room with an ensuite bathroom on the fourth floor, so she had to climb three flights of stairs to get to her room. As she opened her door, she noticed a sticky note stuck to the wood. It wasn't uncommon; people who wanted to buy her printing service often left notes stuck to her door. She gave the note a cursory glance.
HELP! Need to print 30 pages for 2pm class! -RW, #350
Aelin glanced at her phone. It was 1:15 pm, meaning whoever had left that note was probably pacing around their room in distress right about now. So of course, she decided to go pay Room 350 a little visit.
"Ah, shit!" yelped a male voice from inside the room when she knocked. There was a flurry of noise and stumbling, and a tall guy wearing a UTerr Hockey sweatshirt opened the door, his pale blonde hair a frazzled mess. "Um, hi?"
"Well hello there, Whitethorn," Aelin smirked, delighted to see the normally perfectly put-together Rowan Whitethorn, star defenseman of UTerr Hockey, all flustered over not having printed materials for class.
"Aelin, thank the fuckin' gods," Rowan gasped. "Did you get my note?"
"Mhmm," she hummed, intentionally vague.
"Ae," he groaned, his desperation showing, "can you print my articles? Please?"
"Got payment?"
"I--yeah, gimme a sec." He vanished into his room and banged around for another couple of minutes, rummaging through drawers and probably his closet as he tried to find cash. He reappeared with a sheepish, embarrassed blush staining his chiseled cheeks. "Uh..."
"No cash?" Aelin clicked her tongue softly. "Sorry, Ro. I don't take credit cards."
"Please," he begged, dropping right down to his knees in front of her. "Fuck it, Ae, I'm desperate! I'm fucked if I don't come to class prepared, the professor already thinks all athletes are dumb jocks who pass classes on daddy's money." He clasped his hands together and stared imploringly up at her, his deep green eyes wide and pleading.
A very naughty part of Aelin wanted to tell him all the sinful ways he could pay her for printing his articles. But because she was a mature woman, she kept that part of herself quiet.
"Well," she mused, "I suppose you could offer me a favor, but it better be worth thirty pages."
Rowan closed his eyes and tipped his head back, a soft groan slipping from his lips as he frantically tried to think up a worthy favor. That gods-damned little groan of his did bad, bad things to Aelin's naughty little inner voice.
Or maybe that was just her enormous little crush on him.
"Dinner." Rowan's voice broke through her traitorous wandering thoughts.
"I'll buy you dinner," he repeated. "Anywhere you want, as much food as you want. I swear."
Aelin couldn't have stopped her response no matter how hard she tried. "Like a dinner date?"
Rowan's face flushed a surprisingly endearing shade of vibrant pink. "Um...yeah?"
A tiny, pleased smile curled the corners of Aelin's lips, blooming into a full-blown smile the longer she made him squirm. "Okay, I accept. It's a date." Without waiting for his response, she waltzed off.
When she returned to his room, his articles in hand, he was waiting by the door. He took the papers from her with a slow, relieved smile that made a dimple in his left cheek pop out.
"Thanks, Ae."
"Of course." She waved him off. "Better not be late, Ro."
"You too." Her brows furrowed in confusion, and he winked. "Our date, darlin'. Seven o'clock tomorrow. I'll pick you up."
Gods help her, she could not wait.
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raining-tulips · 8 months
hi! i just found your blog :) love your commonplace book scans! if you don’t mind me asking, could you give a more in-depth explanation of what commonplacing is exactly and what your process is? i’m intrigued and considering getting into it but i wouldn’t even know where to start! thanks a lot xx
Absolutely! So my commonplace is specifically all movies, qoutes, articles, tumblr/Instagram posts, book excerpts, etc. that either resonated with me or I think I'll want to reference later. That is the heart of what common placing is - saving things for later physically rather than digitally.
Some of these just pop up in my feed, and I'll hit the like or save button. If it's an article, it usually first pops up as a preview on my Instagram and I'll open the full article on my desktop than bookmark it in a specific folder for common placing.
Sometimes, when I want to actively find something out (say, about if perfume is really bad for the environment, or I want to look at author interviews because I just loved a book) I will go out and search for that information.
Then, usually once a week I compile everything I'd like to print - i print the sources bc my handwriting is messy - into a word document formatted for two columns. I try and hold off printing until i have a full page worth, or two full page worth.
For images, I have another word document (these are printed in color, and i usually have to jigsaw to fit as many images on the page as possible, so different word document). Same thing, I try and wait until I have a full page to print. Usually x2 a month. I sometimes will print with an HP sprocket but the quality is really bad and the pictures are thick so, it's for when I'm out of printer ink or I think a photo will look okay with a sorta...uneven look.
I use just a Staples brand journal, TruRed. Cheap and easy. I draw a line at the top so I can write the date, and in the future if I want to tag it with a colored sticker or something, I can. My layouts usually include divided space on either the left or right of a page. The article goes in the bigger open space, and then the source (always write your source!!) and any commentary goes in the smaller margins.
Commentary is usually why I wanted to print it, what it reminds me of or makes me think about, etc. What I think the argument was missing, etc. Can be as little or as much as you like. As emotional and deep or as plain-jane as you like. There are no rules!
I trim printed text and images with a 12 inch trimmer bc I've got wobbly hands, but some people just use a little (blanking on the name) exacto knife? Any 12 inch trimmer will do mine is expensive but I also scrapbook so I use it all the time.
I paste things in using a tape runner (again, because I scrapbook and found a tape runner and my mom sells scrapbook supplies they're very accessible to me). Some people use tape, washi tape, glue sticks (liquid glue I've never seen).
And yeah, then I just decorate and play around. It doesn't have to be pretty. It can be really pretty if you want - I'm motivated by aesthetics, so, I like mine to be a little pretty.
If you'd like to see how I actually put it together and why I print certain things, my YouTube channel is the place to go.
Some people tape in movie tickets, receipts from where they shopped or ate, pictures from daily life. Some people mix common-placing and journaling, so including diary entries about their day or about a topic they love, or their thoughts and feelings (I keep mine in a separate journal, explained in this video). Some people mix common-placing with bullet journal or planning. Some combine all three!
At the end I just use a printer scanner (HP Envy 5500, cheap) and post them online that way bc I love the look.
People who have other styles you might try and look at are @petite-gloom (an OG who inspired me and many others) @fakelavender , @teddybearsticker .
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beekeeperspicnic · 1 year
Beekeeper's Picnic Stretch Goals!
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£6000 - New Print
Hopefully you've been enjoying the beautiful cover art for the game be amazing Sherlockian artist @gooolabatooo - whose dreamy paintings fit so well with the tone of this game and I feel complement the in-game artwork so well! I've put a few more examples of their work above, and you can also find them on Instagram
At £6000 I'd like to commission some more Beekeeper's Picnic specific artwork which will be given to all backers either to print, or to use as a desktop/phone wallpaper.
(If you've got any ideas for what Beekeeper's Picnic specific thing illustration you'd like to see, feel free to let me know on this post! I have thoughts but I am open to ideas :D)  
£7500 - Dress-Up Tilda
I'm ridiculously excited about the cut-out dressup dolls which come with the Creative Crafter tier and above, but I'm aware that between Sherlock Watson and Mycroft, we really only have a bunch of old men! (Although, this is Tumblr, so...)
If we reach £7500, I will add Sherlock's young neighbour Tilda, showcasing her trendy 1920s wardrobe lovingly made for her by her Aunt Violet. Advanced warning though, she's probably covered most of her dresses in mud in her endless quest to document the world's flora and fauna. 
At time of writing we're only £500 away from that first stretch goal!
Back the campaign here!
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queenpolyweek · 2 years
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Welcome to the annual event of poly!Queen featuring our favourite Brits as special guests. No entry fee, no small print. Just a celebration of your creative outpour!
From 5th through 8th May! (Fri-Mon)
Post your fanfic to our Ao3 collection Queen Poly!Week 2023 and @ us on tumblr on any of your creations so we can reblog and share! Additionally, you can use the tag #QueenPolyWeek2023.
Anyone! We applaud any form of artistic creation and will take a good look at all of the entries. Fanfic, art, mood boards, edits, playlists, you name it. You have an old sketch you’d like to include? Do! A fic idea miraculously fitting one of the prompts? Share! Write an epic or a haiku, we’ll love both! As long as it focuses around polyamorous Queen, it’s welcome here.
Note: if you would like to stay anonymous during the event, worry not. We’re here to answer any (further) questions in our inbox, respecting your boundaries. Ao3 and tumblr Asks both have an anonymous function, easy to be utilised. Discreetness is a given.
Find this quick guide on how to post anonymously on Ao3. If you prefer tumblr, you can always DM us and we will share your creations on your behalf, top secret.
We want the event to be respectful towards all, which means being mindful of the nature of polyamorous relationships. That being said, any pairing that includes three or more partners is more than welcome. See more information and guidance, kindly provided by last year’s organisers.
Our rule: your work must circle around a minimum of one of the Queen boys.
OT4 is a classic. But it’s not a must.  Feeling ambitious and you’re good at juggling multiple characters at the same time? Throw in the roadies and maybe even canon lovers and see where that wild road leads you. Or maybe you’re more of a OT3 person. If you want to write a Dom/Debbie/Roger, you totally can. Draw that Brian/Tim/Crystal you've been thinking about for ages now. It’s called niche for a reason.
However, be mindful of your audience. Focus lies on Queen and the entourage.
Note: platonic or friendly themes are naturally as strongly encouraged as romantic ones. Give us a solid poly narrative to feast on and we’re sold.
You bet. We have fashioned a few amazing categories into prompts for each day, there to inspire or give direction if you're lost for ideas. Follow them, don’t follow them, combine different days or all six at once — the world lies at your feet.
Day 1: Fri, 5th May
London/Trident Studios
When you’re young and you’re poor and you’re crazy
Style: Urban fantasy
Poly prompt: Last one to join
Hanahaki disease*¹ AU
Moving a piano
*¹ need a crash course in Hanahaki disease to refresh your memory?
Day 2: Sat, 6th May
Countryside/Ridge Farm Studio
Couldn’t sleep at night ‘til you were mine
Style: Magical realism
Poly prompt: Polyamory negotiations
Bakery AU
Getting sunburnt
Day 3: Sun, 7th May
Munich/Musicland Studios
We’ll give you grounds for divorce
Style: Cyberpunk
Poly prompt: Feeling left out
Zombie/(Post-)Apocalypse AU
Receiving flowers
Day 4: Mon, 8th May
Montreux/Mountain Studios
We went to Bali, saw God and Dali
Style: Noir/Mystery
Poly prompt: Confusing people with unorthodoxy
Art dealers AU
Feeling old
To ensure a fun environment surrounding this event, we kindly ask you to mind the following set of rules:
Support creators! They provide you with their lovely skills and do it for free. Make an effort to leave kudos, comment, like, reblog — play your part in keeping fandom alive.
Tag your work appropriately! If necessary, include trigger and NSFW/18+ warnings. Ao3 provides you with their information and tagging system upon creating a new draft. Find this helpful guide for more detailed explanation.
The same applies to tumblr posts! By manually adding a :readmore: cut on mobile or clicking the "Add read-more link" symbol that appears on the far right of an empty paragraph on desktop, you make sure readers can evade any triggers or NSWF/18+ content. Please also use this function if you post a longer fanfic.
Do not engage with hateful feedback! You don't owe them a minute of your life. If you find ugly comments under your work, delete them. If you feel you want to inform us about it, please do and we'll support you through it. For prevention, Ao3 has options for comment moderation and visibility to users under "Edit My Works"/"Post New" > "Privacy". You can always choose to moderate your comments. 
As the audience, do not supply negativity of any sort! We do not tolerate hateful feedback or comments about anyone involved in the event (i.e. creators, Queen and associates, specific pairings/tokens). Do yourself a favour and read tags and warnings before opening any work. If necessary, click away. Don’t Like, Don’t Read is an easy way to coexist in fandom. Self-govern your consumer experience on any such platform and your life will be less stressful, promise.
Do not interact with NSFW/18+ content if you're a minor! If you want to consume it regardless, we can’t stop you. However, please do not leave any comments or feedback, or otherwise announce your presence to the creators as it might make them feel uncomfortable.
We encourage all of you to participate. No need to feel shy to share, after all, it’s a judgement free zone! Don't worry if you don't manage to finish your contribution in time, we also accept late entries. The Ao3 collection will stay open for a while and you can always find us here. Just don’t forget to @ us!
If you don’t have time to create, you can still participate in the event as a patron of fine arts. Trust us, your feedback is as important part of the successful event as are all the creations. 
We wish you all the motivation and inspiration! Have fun and be active!
If you have any further questions, feel free to contact us!
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Hosted by @carrrothead-vol2 and @of-streetlightfancy
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legacieszine · 2 years
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Three of a Kind is a gen, SFW charity zine focused on Kyle Rayner, Wally West, and Connor Hawke as Green Lantern, The Flash, and Green Arrow. Read more about all the bundles below the cut!
♠️ Kyle Rayner Bundle - $10 ♣️
With this bundle, you get the zine PDF! Travel across the universe and discover yourself alongside the trio as they explore how they fit into their legacy roles!
One copy of the TOAK PDF
♣️ Wally West Bundle - $20 ♠️
With this bundle, not only can you go on adventures with the boys, but you can also take them with you on yours in the form of digital and physical merch!
One copy of the TOAK PDF
Two phone wallpapers
1 desktop wallpaper
1 vinyl sticker from three tarot inspired designs
1 Wally keychain
1 Kyle print
+ All unlocked stretch goals
♠️ Connor Hawke Bundle - $30 ♣️
With our last bundle, you get everything! You get the zine, the digital merch, and ALL the physical merch!
One copy of the TOAK PDF
Two phone wallpapers
1 desktop wallpaper
1 Wally keychain
1 Kyle print
All three tarot inspired vinyl stickers
1 sticker sheet
1 explosion sticker sheet
+ All unlocked stretch goals
♣️ Stretch Goals ♠️
We’ll be announcing our stretch goals on Wednesday, October 26th! All unlocked items will be added to all merch bundles!
Preorders will be closing on November 18th so make sure you place your orders HERE in a flash!
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lolliputian · 20 days
Writer Interview Tag
Ooh, fun! Thank you to @graysparrowao3 for tagging me in this; I find talking about my process fascinating but am never sure if folks are interested in this kind of thing.
I'm bad at keeping up on my dash, so apologies if you got tagged and did this already and I wasn't aware: @rainyssafespace @queen-of-cats @trashcritter
On y vas!
When did you start writing?
I've always been an extremely imaginative person, so I've been composing scenarios and stories in my head for as long as I can remember. The earliest I actually remember being really into writing was in third grade, and--don't laugh--a Magic School Bus fanfic (where my classmates and I turned into the characters on the show, I guess nine-year-old Lolli was into isekai?).
From then on, I've always been writing and world building to some degree. I finished my first "novel" at age 11, which was stylistically very Babysitters Club inspired, about my friends and me putting on a school production of The Sound of Music. It was seventy pages on WordPerfect, I was very proud, and every use of "definitely" was misspelled "defiantly".
Come to think of it, my fifth grade best friend was also very into writing. We'd sit around and alternate between one of us drawing and one of us writing in her room. From what I can tell, she's kept up with the drawing whereas I've kept up with the writing since then.
Are there any specific themes or genres that you enjoy reading other than what you write?
I enjoy reading futuristic or science fiction works but have no desire to write it myself. I like my swords and magic!
In terms of fanfic, I usually tend to gravitate toward stuff I'm not writing as a rule of thumb. Part of that is because I get so immersed in what I'm writing that I don't want to confuse myself, but part of it is the fun of exploring characters or ships I know I won't in my own writing.
Is there a writer that you want to emulate or get compared to often?
That I want to emulate? No. I want to show my readers who I am through my writing as a way to express myself in a way I usually don't allow myself.
That I get compared to often? I'm not aware of any. But I'm also not sure how many writers in the BG3 space are writing chaptered post-game ensemble fics with a rotating third person POV that heavily feature OCs outside of Tav. It's, errr, a specific niche.
Can you tell me a bit about your writing space?
I write on my laptop. It's almost always in my living room in a specific chair, with a cup of coffee on one side and cats curled up with me. Occasionally, I'll write in my home office or at my dining room table. Sometimes, I'll also write on my desktop, depending on what's going on. Or, if I'm writing at work, I have a little "lunch nook" in my office that I'll sit in to type away.
Editing is exclusively done on my desktop computer. In lieu of printing out work to proofread, having a different space and a different monitor help immensely to catch errors.
To note, I absolutely cannot write on my phone. Outside of roleplay tags, it drives me insane. I don't know how people do it.
Every once in a while, I write things out physically with pen and paper as a treat.
What is your most effective way to muster up a muse?
I don't have a great or awe inspiring answer for this. The fact of the matter is, when inspiration hits, I know I have to run with it or it's lost.
If I'm struggling, what I will do in lieu of writing out sentences and paragraphs is to put what I want to say into note form. Then, when I go back to actually write, a lot of it is out there for me to take and use as I see fit. It helps a LOT.
Are there any recurring themes in your writing? Do they surprise you?
There are! I get teased for being the angst queen on one of my servers. But I love stories where people band together to overcome adversity. You'll find particular with my ships where, if the couple can't overcome things external to their relationship together, I get bored writing them really fast. This is partially why I struggle with smut and where I outright can't write readers.
Along the vein of readers: I can't write those or generic Tav fics at all. If I can't deep dive into characterization, my interest flies out the window.
I love running gags ("it's under new management"), well placed references, and call backs. Also, I tend to enjoy writing platonic relationships over romantic or sexual relationships.
What is your reason for writing?
I write what I want to read. Outside of that, my major motivation is wanting to explore things no one else is writing. While walking the well-trodden path might get me more interaction, it also isn't going to make me happy; I'll sacrifice smaller numbers for writing what makes me happy.
Is there any specific comment or type of comment that you find particularly motivating?
Anyone who takes the time to comment on my fic has my utmost appreciation, especially in this age where people don't comment often. It means a lot you take the time to leave one.
But my favorite is when people engage me in conversation about my fic. I have a friend who recently read throughout all of Time and Again and is working on my other fics, and they are excellent at pointing out specific characterization and narrative beats. Moments like that make me feel like the readers really get me.
How do you want to be thought about by your readers?
Well-spoken and able to execute concepts well. I put a lot of time and thought into most of what I write, and I hope that shows.
What do you think is your greatest strength as a writer?
Worldbuilding and connecting the dots. I haven't gotten a whole lot of comments from people recognizing the return of things foreshadowed chapters ago in longfic, but I do it quite a bit. My brain is naturally wired for long form content.
If I can toot my own horn, bringing characters to life and making them feel like actual people, flaws and all. I'm extremely picky about characterization and try to hold myself to a particular standard there.
When you write, are you influenced by what others might enjoy reading, or do you write purely for yourself, or a mix of both?
I answered this above: I write for myself. In my opinion, when I write what others want over what I want to write, it is absolutely apparent in the quality of my work. I'll sacrifice the numbers for what makes me really happy any day.
How do you feel about your own writing?
As someone who is typically extremely self-critical about everything I do: Writing is the one area where I am not. I'm a good writer, and I love to reread my own work.
I spent a long time practicing and writing privately and am only recently showing it to the world, and I think that makes all the difference in terms of my self-confidence.
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skellymom · 10 months
hello, i noticed you have "elder goth" written in your bio and im like. an infant bat. do you have any tips on anything (music, makeup, clothing, ect?
(srry if this sounds awkward, im just a very nervous person)
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Whew! I DIDN'T FORGET YOU!!! It was an INSANE weekend at work...and I'm burnt. Plus, I like to write my fics and answer asks at my desktop computer and not my phone (fat fingers are clumsy).
Ahem...ok for the Goth Thing:
It's really just about the music. That's it. I mean SO MUCH has evolved and developed since the first wave of that "genre" music appeared on the scene back in the 1970's (Post Punk) underground. Even some bands labeled as Goth now didn't see themselves as such back in the day.
This next list has a lot of good Goth music, with some songs not necessarily in that genre, but close enough that MANY in the community love them. And, some of them showed up before the movement even started (a few after to help with it's evolution), but definitely helped to establish the genre later on (ahem...David Bowie). Btw Marilyn Manson is NOT Goth. However, a LOT of us still love his music as it fits with our dark aesthetic...and remember when I mentioned David Bowie? Well, I am quite sure he helped inspired Marilyn Manson. His Mechanical Animals album certainly looks as it was influenced by Bowie. But, I digress, again... This is just a start on your musical journey...a stepping stone.
People will tell you that if you don't dress or present physically a certain way that you aren't Goth. NOPE. You can dress dark and spooky and edgy but not be Goth. You can dress like a pink princess or "normie" and be Goth at heart. When us older Children of the Night were coming up we did a LOT of DIY (do it yourself) and wore a lot of things you might not consider even Goth. There wasn't the depth, breadth, and easy access of things available on the market like today. We were poor, felt different, non conformist, and just looking for community. That's another hallmark of being a Goth: community. Because back in the day someone might do a violence on you for looking weird (Wearing all black back in the day was seen as extremely socially deviant. ESPECIALLY in small town US or conservative UK/England. People literally were afraid of or hated us. Our brethren: The Punks, Rastafarians, Metal Heads, Rappers, New Wavers (prejudice was doubled if you were a person of color, a different sexuality/gender, poor, etc.) experienced the same thing in society. Then came along The Satanic Panic and OH SHIT what a pain in the ass that was! And The "Moral" Majority crap...) I digress: we were looking for people like us, BUT THEY DIDN'T HAVE TO LOOK EXACTLY LIKE US. Just a bunch of nice, supportive people who got together to listen to music, dance, support the local bands/talent, and try to make it another day. You will find this in the FANDOM, LGBTQ+, and Communities of Color as well...and they overlap.
The presentation is secondary and up to you on how you want to look. You can do it up the max or just be simple in black. My favorite person from back in the day, who really doesn't specifically identify as Goth, but hung heavily in the scene back in the day: Neil Gaiman. The guy who gave us the character of Death from The Sandman Series, published as I was coming into my own Baby Bat phase (based on a real person named "Cinnamon"). Yeah...the character everyone aspires to look like (next to Siouxsie Sioux). He wears just plain black clothes and a long black coat. (Pic of him as a youngin')
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Me, I go for "Lazy Goth". Everything black (even at work-black scrubs) with occasionally printed tee or a dark jewel toned piece of clothing. Usually I also mix in the Punk aesthetic too (I love the music and put patches on every damned thing). Punk is scruffy and imperfect, not fussy. I like comfort and ease of dressing. Especially in hot weather. And, I don't do a lot of face makeup, especially being older. Plus, I rather like my olive toned skin. Not every Goth needs to be pale. Google Goth People of Color. Beautiful and amazing looks.
Beware of Gatekeepers. Gothier Than Thou's. Don't let them crush your spirit. There is room in this subculture for everyone. If a particular club, group, or individual sets that tone, just move on. That shit ain't worth it.
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Dropping a quote from my (sort of) GothFather creative Neil Gaiman:
"Go and make interesting mistakes, make amazing mistakes, make glorious and fantastic mistakes. Break rules. Leave the world more interesting for your being here. Make. Good. Art."
This can also be read as the journey to "create" yourself. You are on a journey, my sweet Child of the Night. It will take a while to find your stride, whatever that is, and that's totally ok. Spread your bat wings and FLY!
Leaving you with one of my favorite songs:
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loanonlife · 5 months
fujisaki creature :]
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(ignore the printer lines... or don't... they add character...? maybe.)
you can also make them using this pattern!
some troubleshooting i had to do under the cut if you're having any issues :]
i used cardstock paper because regular printer paper was too flimsy, if you can't feed cardstock into the printer i suggest trying to glue the printer sheet to a piece of cardstock before cutting the pieces out, if you don't have cardstock you might be able to glue multiple pieces of paper together, although i have also not tried either method.
if you don't own a printer your local library probably has one.
if you can't print in color mess around with the image in a photo editor (i suggest picsart for mobile and something like krita for desktop) until the inside bits are mostly white so you can color it in with marker/color pencil once its printed :]
i do not own a knife fine enough to cut out the tabs so i glued everything instead of fitting the pieces together (except for the hair bits which i stabbed with craft scissors)
i glued the hands together, they kept flapping around separately otherwise
you can find videos of people assembling graphigs on youtube if you aren't sure what to do! just search グラフィグ
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ruemxu · 1 year
HI sorry to not ask a silly question via here but i coukdnt find a non business email so sorry!!!recently got back into the newsprints world after i reread it for ghe first time since 6th grade a few days ago(i am now a junior☹️ and decided to purchase headlines but noticed that the quality on all the pages except for the first and last one isnt the best;;which sucked while trying to see the little notes and text next to concept art,,was wondering if there was any other way to view headlines in better quality??ive tried exporting it to google drive and files to no avail im so sorry to bother😭 but if not totally ok i understand!! i get that 1:1 fan issue stuff shoildnt be discussed on your Tumblr Page so if i have to be redirected to someone else my dms r open!!if youre not comfortable with that i completely get it either way thank you for making one of the defining books of my preteen years!!!!!<33
Hi there! I'm glad you like the NewsPrints series enough to support the little indie artbook I self-published over half a decade ago! I super appreciate it!
I don't think it's a silly question! This is actually kind of a semi-interesting story in book production, if you're interested in the backstory...
HeadLines was originally a limited print run (only 100 were sold), so it was easier to see the notes and art as spreads in a book you could flip through. After they sold out, I was asked to release it in digital, so I did. It sounds like the font size relative to the images is annoying in digital, though, which is a fair critique!
Unfortunately, 2015-16!Ru decided to use That font in That font size because it Looked Nice in print. I didn't even considered digital at the point, so this book is kind of a time capsule of my aesthetic decisions at that point of my life, the good ones and bad ones. x'D
(That reminds me, I remember the physical edition was $30 and personally signed and sealed. I'd be curious to see if any popped up on ebay over the years.)
The digital version is at screen resolution rather than print resolution to prevent someone from printing bootleg copies at the same quality as the official physical book after buying the PDF for $9. The best view size is around 100% in any PDF viewer, ideally on tablet or desktop. You might still have to zoom in a little to read it, though.
Sorry, let's keep the blame on past!Ru. I'm a new person. :'DDD
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(The reason that the covers look like they're 2x higher in resolution is that they're actually twice as wide as the interior pages. The covers are 2-page spreads, but I didn't split them like I did the interiors. When the PDF viewer shrinks them to half their size to fit the PDF viewer's format, it does make the resolution seem twice as high, if that makes sense.
I should have probably also halved them so they looked like the interior spreads. You live and learn!)
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TLDR: Sorry. The text-image layouts of the book were intentional for print reading, but they require some zooming in and out in digital resolution, but not too much past 100%.
Thank you again for the words of encouragement! I'm glad that Blue's world stuck with you for so long! Looking back at this project does evoke some ~Feelings~ and memories of growing pains. Next time I make another proper artbook like HeadLines, I'll use bigger fonts and/or get someone else to help me do the layouts!
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spacemaverick · 1 year
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PAUSED FOR UPDATES as of june 22nd 2024! changing what i offer and how i do payment :3c
this is everything i currently have available on my ko-fi! cats are my strongest skill, but i'm a little flexible.
get 'em HERE!
completed commissions tag
reblogs appreciated! <3
TOS under cut:
GENERAL: All drawings will have my signature on them that may not be removed. Prices are subject to change, and I have the final say on the price. I have the right to reject an order for any reason.
PAYMENT: Payment is accepted exclusively through Ko-fi. Prices are listed in USD.
RIGHTS AND USAGE: I, spaceMaverick (the artist), have the rights to the drawing I create. I am allowed to use my art however I want, including: promoting myself, and displaying it anywhere (social media, personal websites, etc). The buyer is allowed to use the commission for personal use (profile picture, desktop wallpaper, downloading the image, etc), to use the image on their own website or profile layouts WITH CREDIT TO ME AS THE ARTIST, and to use the image in monetized content (YouTube videos/channel layout etc) as long as it isn't the main focus of the content. The following is considered copyright infringement: using the copyrighted work to make money, claiming the work as your own, removing my signature, posting my art without my explicit permission and credit, or altering the work without my explicit permission.
PROCESS: I will let you know via Discord, e-mail, or another method of contact you've provided when I have started your commission. The amount of time will vary depending on the complexity of the drawing and events in my life such as health and other obligations. I will check in and update you on my progress; these are the times to request changes/fixes. If anything comes up that slows the progress of your commission, I will let you know as soon as possible. Once the drawing is finished I will send you the full-resolution file. There is no physical product, and I do not sell prints.
REVISIONS: You have three chances to request changes to the commission, including my progress updates. Any changes made after the initial three, and changes to things that you originally approved, are considered “extra changes” and will add to the original price depending on how much work it will take to change, and will be discussed in the event this happens.
REFUNDS AND CANCELLATION: If for any reason I am unable to start your commission (including me rejecting your order), I will refund you immediately. If you wish to cancel before I have started your commission, you will get a full refund. If I have already started your commission and/or have already sent the first progress update, you cannot get a refund. Do not request a PayPal chargeback to get a refund; I will refund you myself. If you request a Paypal chargeback at any point when you were not allowed to ask for a refund you will lose all rights to the commissioned piece and I will have the full right to profit further from it in any way. I will decline the chargeback and supply Paypal with our conversations in which we talk about the commission as evidence that I have completed work for you. You will also be blacklisted from commissioning me again.
If the buyer breaks any of the points stated above they will lose all the rights to the artwork commissioned by me, spaceMaverick (the artist), and I will have the right to profit further from the commissioned artwork in any way I see fit.
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lifestyleandbusiness · 6 months
Digital Entrepreneurship: 10 Zero-Cost Ideas to Kickstart Your Online Business
Discover how to turn your skills and passions into profitable ventures with these 10 zero-cost digital product ideas. From customizable templates to online courses and mobile apps, explore lucrative opportunities in the ever-expanding digital marketplace. Whether you’re an artist, educator, or tech enthusiast, there’s a niche waiting for your unique offerings. Start your journey to digital entrepreneurship today without breaking the bank
1. E-book Guides: Create informative ebooks on topics of interest, such as self-improvement, cooking, or DIY projects. People are always looking for valuable information, and ebooks can cater to their curiosity and desire to learn new skills.
2. Printable Planners: Design printable planners for daily, weekly, or monthly organization. With the increasing demand for productivity tools, individuals are constantly seeking ways to manage their schedules effectively. Printable planners offer a practical solution while allowing for customization based on individual preferences.
3. Digital Art Prints: Showcase your artistic talents by creating digital art prints that can be downloaded and printed for home décor. In today’s visually-driven culture, people are drawn to unique and aesthetically pleasing artwork to adorn their living spaces, making digital art prints a lucrative business idea.
4. Customizable Templates: Develop templates for resumes, business cards, social media posts, and other professional documents. Many individuals lack the design skills or time to create polished documents from scratch, making customizable templates a valuable resource for professionals and entrepreneurs.
5. Online Courses: Share your expertise by offering online courses on platforms like Udemy or Teachable. With the increasing popularity of e-learning, there is a growing demand for courses on various subjects, ranging from photography and graphic design to personal finance and entrepreneurship.
6. Stock Photography: Curate a collection of high-quality stock photos that can be licensed for use in websites, blogs, and marketing materials. Businesses and content creators are always in need of visually appealing imagery to enhance their online presence, presenting a lucrative opportunity for photographers and digital artists.
7. Digital Calendars: Develop digital calendar templates for desktop and mobile devices. In an age where digital organization is paramount, customizable digital calendars offer users a convenient way to plan and manage their schedules efficiently.
8. Mobile Apps: Create simple yet useful mobile apps to solve common problems or cater to niche interests. Whether it’s a fitness tracker, budgeting tool, or language learning app, there is a vast market for mobile apps that provide practical solutions and enhance users’ daily lives.
9. Webinars and Workshops: Host webinars or virtual workshops on topics related to your expertise or interests. With the rise of remote work and online learning, webinars and workshops provide a platform for knowledge sharing and networking opportunities.
10. Digital Music Albums: Produce and distribute digital music albums featuring original compositions or royalty-free tracks. With the increasing popularity of streaming platforms and content creation, there is a demand for high-quality music that can be used in videos, podcasts, and other digital projects.
By leveraging your skills and creativity, you can embark on a digital products business with zero upfront costs, catering to the diverse needs and preferences of today’s digital-savvy consumers.
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Author’s Notes: based on this post
poppet [pop-it] noun: A doll (such as a voodoo doll) made in witchcraft to represent a person, used in casting spells on that person.
                - also a British term of endearment or diminutive, much                                      like the words "dear" or "sweetie."
Content Warnings: tiny whump, faerie whump, magical whump, captivity, manhandling, torture, stomach/abdominal whump, blows to the stomach, pain, bruising, stomach ache, nausea, dizziness, illness, exhaustion, internal bleeding, medicine, painful caretaking
-day 1-
"He always...commented on my stomach. It wasn't flat enough or whatever."
“I’m so sorry, dear. We could starve him if you like? Or give him nausea?”
“I actually thought...something more external. Punch him in the stomach or - or something.”
The client sits sheepishly on one side of the desk. At the other sits Jade, a witch who has made a living by fulfilling the vengeful wishes of others.
Surrounding Jade on all sides are tables and shelves with an array of items: plants, herbs, spices, jars of liquid, stones, bowls and jars, fabric and string, tools and utensils of all sorts, dozens of books.
And a row of metal birdcages.
Only one is occupied - that is, until the witch plucks Shae from it and lays him out on his back on the surface of the desk. She waves a hand over him and whispers a spell. A tingling sensation fills him, like static in his veins.
“We can do something like that. But we can drag it out, if you like. Since you’ve booked the whole week.”
The client’s eyes glimmer. “Yeah? How?”
“Well, for example...pressure, applied over time.” She puts her thumb on Shae’s bare belly and presses. He jolts even though it doesn’t hurt - yet. “Just uncomfortable at first. Then we increase it - “ She presses and Shae’s breath catches. “And increase it...” Now it hurts. “...until it becomes unbearable.”
The client is nodding along. “And then?”
Jade smiles and removes her thumb. Shae breathes a sigh of relief too soon.
“Then we punch him.”
She demonstrates with several sharp flicks to Shae’s body that make him cry out.
By the third cry the client is already writing a check.
Just as promised, the torment is delivered slowly. That same day, the witch and her client simply sit across from each other, leaning over the faerie while Jade presses her thumb to his stomach just enough to make him squirm, releases him long enough for him to catch his breath, and then does it again.
It doesn’t take long for a mild bruise to form on the fragile faerie’s skin. When Jade presses on the print she left, Shae inhales so suddenly that it sends him into a coughing fit.
“I think that’s enough for today,” she decides, removing her hand quickly. “Don’t want it to be over too quickly, do we?”
While the witch sees her client out, Shae rolls onto his side with a groan and loosely wraps his arms around his aching stomach.
-day 2-
The next day the client doesn’t come in; Shae is foolish enough to believe he is safe. With a sigh he turns his face away from the light of morning and brushes his fingers over the painful thumbprint. I don’t think I could take anymore...
So it is a jarring, unpleasant surprise when Jade scoops him up. Groggy and stiff, he grumbles out quiet protests as he’s set once again on the desktop. He opens his eyes and looks around for the client.
“I bet you thought you got out of this,” she says with a smile. She has a calm, confident aura about her that would be a comfort if it didn’t hide a cruel streak.
“Wait, not - not again?” he rasps, still struggling to wake.
“No not again.”
He closes his eyes with a sigh of relief. Maybe she’s going to make it better.
“Something else today.”
“H-huh - “
She uncurls his body and pulls his arms away from where they try to shield his injury. She presses them out to his sides with her thumb and pinky, leaving him flat on his back and helpless.
With her other hand she reaches for something beside her - a one pound hand weight. Almost nothing for a human to hold, but the sight of it it sends a chill through the faerie. He knows exactly what that’s for.
“If you don’t move your arms they’ll be trapped,” she warns.
Shae moves them just in the nick of time, saving them but leaving his poor stomach defenseless as she settles handle of the weight across his body. The sudden pressure knocks the air from him. Shae hyperventilates - a big mistake.
His movements pull at his bruised skin, now pressed beneath the unyielding weight, indented by the curve of the handle. It hurts, which makes it hard to breathe, which makes it hard to stay still, which makes it hurt and hurt. The faerie pushes uselessly against the object with his little hands; of course, it doesn’t budge.
After a while he is too exhausted to panic anymore. Shae lies there panting with his arms sprawled out. His head droops to one side and he opens his eyes.
Only then, peering through his mop of hair, does he notice that the witch is gone. Instead of her face watching him closely there is a camera set up on top of a stack of books with a red light on.
Shae stares miserably into its dark eye and somehow knows the client is looking back.
Late that evening he weight is finally removed. The unconscious faerie lets out a sigh but doesn’t wake. The witch returns him to his cage, where he spends the night in a fitful sleep.
-day 3-
“She liked that one,” is how Jade greets him.
Shae has dragged himself to the back corner of the cage. He is sitting slumped back against one of the bars, staring down at the damage he has sustained - a new band of discolored bruising across his abdomen, slightly darker at the center where it has layered atop the thumbprint bruise. Whimpering, he hovers a hand over the inflamed skin, wanting soothe it, to give himself the comfort no one else will. He can’t bring himself to touch it for fear of worse pain.
Jade has no such qualms. She reaches in and lifts him with a hand around his torso, then lays him on his back on the desk. The camera is on.
The witch examines him carefully, clinically. She takes his pulse and his temperature, gives him droplets of water and juice. Shae gasps and claws at the desk when she rubs a minty-smelling ointment onto the tender bruising.
“We should take it easy today,” she tells the client over the phone. “Or this little guy isn’t going to make it until Friday...yeah, I know, but trust me, it will be worth it...yes, you can see closer.”
Jade holds Shae up, turning him this way and that. When the client is satisfied, they begin a short ‘session’, as the witch calls them. Shae lies there unrestrained but powerless nonetheless while, much like on the first day, Jade presses on various parts of his stomach and he cries and pleads.
-day 4-
The client is back. She watches while, at her request, Shae is forced to remain standing. His stomach muscles twinge. His legs wobble. He holds his sore belly and breathes through waves of nausea.
Occasionally he’ll open his teary eyes and peer up at the client, hoping she’ll decide to show mercy. But she is focused, watching him closely, waiting.
Shae holds out longer than the witch or her client expected, but there is only so much one little body can take. He collapses onto the desk.
At the same moment, all the way across town, the client’s ex collapses at work and is rushed to the emergency room.
-day 5-
“Last day. Any special requests?”
“What we discussed is perfect.” The client chews on her lip before adding, “I want him to feel like he’s dying, but not actually die.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll be careful. I’ve been doing this for ten years and I have never killed a target.”
The same cannot be said for the faeries who have stood in for her targets. Most she heals and keeps to reuse session after session. However, a few died moments after the spell was lifted, before she had the chance.
Jade retrieves the faerie and lays him out on the desk.
Shae is beyond exhausted from restless nights spent searching for a comfortable position - an impossible task for a badly bruised body lying on the floor of a metal cage. 
His arms remain curled protectively over his stomach but the witch easily moves them out of the way so the client can see the damage that has built over the week.
“There are no breaks, no organ damage,” she assures the client. “Only severe bruising and maybe a fractured rib.”
Reassured, the client writes out a final check.
Shae remains flat on his back with his arms out and his eyes closed. He almost manages to drift off when a shadow falls over him, blocking out the lamp. Fear forces his eyes to open.
The witch’s hand hovers about a foot above him. She is looking right at him and speaking quickly, words Shae doesn’t understand but he tenses with fear all the same.
And he is right to.
No sooner has the last word left Jade’s lips than some invisible force slams into Shae’s tender stomach. It knocks the breath from him.
She speaks the same final word again, and a third time, and a fourth, and each time it is followed by a swift blow. His body spasms with each impact.
When the blows cease Shae is left coughing and wheezing, sparks in his vision. The longer he lies there the worse he feels. This time it doesn’t just hurt; this time something is very wrong.
He feels lightheaded, clammy, nauseous. His little heart is pounding fast. He can hardly breathe. When he holds a trembling hand to his stomach the touch is so excruciating that he almost blacks out.
He feels like he’s dying - but he doesn’t die.
Shae doesn’t remember turning onto his side but somehow finds himself doubled over and coughing until he tastes blood. He’s so sick, so delirious with pain that he doesn’t notice the final conversation between witch and client, nor the satisfied look the client gives him before she leaves.
The next thing he knows he’s being held in a cool hand. A steady voice whispers to him and in an instant the tingling feeling of the spell has disappeared, breaking the faerie’s connection to the human victim. If only the pain would disappear along with it.
Jade lifts a dropper to Shae’s lips and gives him something something bitter and syrupy. He swallows it, coughs raggedly, grimaces at the taste.
“You’ll be good as new by morning,” she promises.
The witch dotes on the faerie methodically, efficiently, but not gently or with care. She rubs more of the mint-smelling ointment onto him, gives him water, even dresses him in new clothes.
She is about to put him back into the cage when, Shae utters a breathless little, “wait.”
To his surprise she stops and looks at him. He is draped over the curve of her thumb and forefinger, half-conscious and limp in her loose grip.
“What is it?”
“Could - could I - “
He has to stop to cough. The witch waits, curious, while he catches his breath.
“C-could I - have a - a blanket - a pillow - anything. Please?” Shae practically sobs the words; he can’t bear another night seeking rest on cold metal.
“Yes, alright. I think you’ve earned it.”
Maybe he shouldn’t feel grateful given what he’s been through, but when a few moments later Shae is settled onto a washcloth, and a second just like it is draped over him, it reduces him to tears. He sinks into the soft, clean cotton; he sighs as the medicine starts to kick in, just a little, dulling the edge of his pain.
He sleeps well for the first time all week. In the morning, just like she promised, he is healed - as though none of it ever happened.
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thegeekyartist · 1 year
for the choose violence ask meme 😘: 9, 10, 16, 17, 18, 19, 22. if this is too many, feel free to pick and choose 💌
OOH okay!!!! I, of course, will answer every single one of these, I have Opinions and am always waiting for any opportunity to share lmao. (These are all for wwdits, and also I am on desktop so please imagine my usual unhealthy amounts of emojis for emphasis/joking cadence, thank u)
9.worst part of canon
The lack of consistency/follow through with pretty basic plot points. For example, Laszlo literally says "God" in the pilot, but then also flinches when Guillermo crosses his fingers in the same episode? Nandor can turn into vapor but can't escape the cage in Animal Control? (we can assume that one is because they're all Big Dumb). Colin Robinson has parents - that are still living??? And of course the glossing over of the year abroad. (but that's my television-wide gripe. I HATE time skips, no matter the show. They're lazy and tell me that you didn't actually know what to do with your plot). I could go on, there are lots.
I will accept the girl wives/guy wives change. That was pure Nandor and I loved it.
10. worst part of fanon
Listen. I love the drama. I LOVE the angst. This is a *comedy show*. We are never going to get the huge, dramatic, heart-wrenching love confession and hour-long sex scene that some fans are actually expecting. Like it can *absoluely* have serious moments, but please lower your expectations. This show averages like 4 shit jokes per episode.
16. you can't understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc)
Forgive me everyone, but Jackie Daytona. Hilarious episode, I love Laszlo so fucking much and Mark Hamill as a vampire is everything I didn't know I needed. But I really do. not. need. another. episode. It was perfect as is. Let it lie.
(also Laszlo has some WAY better lines/arcs outside of his one episode where he was essentially someone else)
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art
Ooh, for fic... I love when people play with the characters/situations from canon a bit. Not necessarily a full AU, but taking some element and asking "what if this happened instead"? I love that.
And there are absolutely no personal biases here, absolutely none, but I would love to see more traditional media fanart. Gimme some paintings, some linocut prints, watercolors, anything! I love to see it.
18. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
22. your favorite part of canon that everyone else ignores
I'm combining these two, since they're kind of similar. I feel like there's SO MUCH that everyone appreciates, it's hard to come up with something that people have fully ignored.
But I think one of my FAVORITE parts of the show is when they combine actual artwork with images of the characters. My whole life is art history, so I geek out a bit every. Single. Time. I LOVE the attention to detail, and every time I go to an art museum (which is fairly often) I can't help but wonder where the characters could fit in.
It ALSO makes me OBSESS over what contemporary artist would paint vampire Guillermo. I've definitely already made a post about this, but my current bid is for Alejandro Pasquale.
(EDIT: Another artist I think would be great is Ben Ashton. His visuals with the classical style would be so interesting to see hanging next to the actual old artwork in the mansion)
19. you're mad/ashamed/horrified you actually kind of like...
I'm not ashamed about it, but since I somehow still see hate over a year later, I want to voice my support for s4. The lighting? GORGEOUS. The costumes/practical effects? STUNNING. College-me that thought I was going to be a theatre set designer could write BOOKS on the changes they made to the house, let alone the club and night market.
Yes, the time skip pissed me off. Yes, there's the entire Marwa/Freddie can of worms. But literally everything else was incredible and the characters had SO MUCH growth. They are so much closer to the family we've been desperate for them to be since s1 because of s4.
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bjsmall · 1 year
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Ice Age 2 The Meltdown game.
On the 31st July 2023, I installed Ice Age 2: The Meltdown onto my system to test-run it on Microsoft's Windows 11.
I connected a portable Liteon DVD-ROM optical drive to my Mini-PC to install it using the 2 CD discs.
Here is a picture of me with the game box!
Ice Age 2: The Meltdown, based on Blue Sky Studios 2006 film of the same name, was developed by Eurocom and published by Vivendi Universal Games (Sierra Entertainment).
The game works on the latest versions of Windows and also works on Linux using Wine (PlayOnLinux).
I put Disc 1 in first and opened the auto-run from the disc. I clicked the 'Install Ice Age 2: The Meltdown' option from the list. The game uses InstallShield software to install itself onto Windows. I switched the discs around towards the end of the install. Once it had finished installing onto the system, I chose to launch the game.
After going through the intros, I pressed the enter key to go to the main menu. Firstly before starting the game, I configured my favourite keyboard layout. Afterwards I then started a new game and selected a save game slot (Slot A).
As I was playing Ice Age 2, I got to the Forest 2 stage, shortly after going through this stage, Windows 11 asked if I wanted to run the game in 'Compatibility Mode', I chose to run the game with this. It offered this as it knew the game application running was intended for an older version of Windows. However compatibility mode didn't work and the game crashed to the desktop.
The app process name for the game is 'IceAge2pc.exe' (32-bit) when running. The CD (Disc 1) is required to play the game.
I re-launched the game and had to re-configure everything and start from the beginning again, however the game seemed to work much better without running it in the legacy mode Windows offered.
I tried again and successfully played the game up to the end of the Maelstrom level, completing this stage which in my opinion is the best level in the game! Here are the in-game pictures I took with the camera of some of the stages. I had to use HDR camera effect for some of the pictures. The levels shown in the pictures are the Waterpark, Forest, Ice River and Maelstrom.
I had to use my camera for the pictures as the game doesn't allow for print-screening due to Windows copy protection. When running Ice Age 2 in windowed mode, if you click out of the game it will darken the game screen and pause everything until you click on it again.
The game defaults to a screen resolution of 640x480, so I changed it to the maximum resolution of 1024x768. Interestingly the game didn't scale to full screen as when I tried it previously on another PC running Windows 10, but stretched to fit the screen instead. This was because of the 'Gaming Mode' function which is enabled in Windows 10. This mode is disabled by default in Windows 11 and the game worked perfectly without it. However, the game always runs in the 4.3 aspect ratio, but uses a fisheye lens effect which defaults to the 16.9 aspect ratio, so changing that fixed the gaming experience on this monitor. You can read more about display settings for the game in my write-up.
Audio played through my Mini-Rig Bluetooth speaker, which sounded great! The game uses a stereo sound set-up, which can act as surround through headphones.
Back in 2020, Dad gave me a copy of the Ice Age 2: The Meltdown video game which he found on eBay. I did a detailed review of the game and an unboxing review.
See my reviews in the links below:
There are a number of cheat codes you can enter in the pause menu, these include unlocking all the bonus content and the ability to unlock the 'Level Select' menu, plus more.
See all the cheat codes for the game here:
Playlist featuring all the levels:
A link to the complete in-game music composed by Jim Croft:
Overall despite being 17 years old, running the game on Windows 11 worked a treat! It was great fun playing Ice Age 2: The Meltdown again as it is fun, humorous and challenging. Its music is memorable, vibrant and colourful just like its movie soundtrack!
However, I think that both Ice Age 2: The Meltdown (2006) and its Activision sequel Ice Age 3: Dawn of the Dinosaurs (2009) should be made available as a digital download through game distribution services such as Valves Steam alongside Ice Age: Scrat's Nutty Adventure (2019) to keep them running into the future without the need for a disc.
For a full list of all the Ice Age video-games see:
See my video below. See videos underneath for the in-game bosses and also bosses in Scrat's Nutty Adventure on YouTube.
Scroll down to see my write-up on Cretaceous and Maelstrom!
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