#first time doing drugs and its with valentino??? SWOONS <3
valentinoappreciator · 7 months
Doing hard drugs for the first time with Valentino 💞
Valentino grins at you as you enter his living room. You're visibly nervous; tugging at your earlobe and biting your lower lip. Yet, for all your nerves, if not downright fears, your steps are measured and confident as you walk over to sit next to him on the massive, overly spacious, red leather couch. Your high heels click against the polished floor.
"Good girl," he grins, immediately grabbing your chin to force you to look at him. He kisses you roughly, and the taste of his cigarettes lingers on his tongue as he shoves it down your throat. It makes you moan without even thinking, without even needing a script.
Your eyes close, and only when Valentino laughs mockingly, do they open again. Realizing you must've looked comically blissful, you blush a bit.
"So, baby cakes," he purrs and strokes a long, clawed finger down your cheek, "I hear from... reliable sources, that you've never done drugs. Are my sources to be trusted on this? Have you really never tried anything fun?"
You shake your head.
"N-No, I haven't. Some guy at my previous job offered me weed, but I... refused."
Valentino tilted his head slightly, grinning, but clearly confused.
"And why did you refuse, honey?"
"Well, I... he was a colleague. I wanted to remain professional with him. I didn't know him. If I'm to do drugs, I want it to be with someone I trust not to hurt me."
"Aawww, and you chose me to do drugs with for the first time? Darling, you flatter me," he purrs, tilting your head back with a finger under your chin. He kisses you again, but this time without tongue. There's not tenderness to it, because Valentino doesn't do tender, but, you think to yourself, if it was anyone but Valentino, it would have been tender.
But you don't want anyone but Valentino.
No, you want him. With all his deranged talk, all the debauchery he has you put up with. It's all him, and that's who you want. It's who you desire.
"Yes," you breathe against his lips, closing your eyes a sliver once more.
"Well then," he grins and pulls back, simultaneously pulling out a small bag of white powder from a pocket in his long coat.
Your heart skips a beat, and you suck in a breath. Valentino hears, of course, and skewers you with his sharp gaze.
"Yes," you repeat.
He grins.
"Aaww, baby, no need to be. Daddy will take good care of you. Don't I always?"
"Yes, Daddy. You always take such good care of me."
His grin widens, pulling his eyes into narrow, red slits. From another coat pocket, he withdraws a folded stack of bills. They're as crisp as a winter morning back on Earth. Probably as new as they come, too. Hot off the press.
"Now, doll," he begins in a sultry drawl, removing the clip from the money, and puts the notes on the coffee table. "You just let Daddy take care of this, okay? Don't want nothing to happen to my favorite girl, now do we?"
You giggle nervously.
"Of course not, Daddy."
"That's a good girl."
He shakes out a - to you - sizeable amount of coke. When you had said that you had never tried hard drugs before, you had assumed you would start out with a small dose. Not... this much. This looks like it could and would put you six feet more under the ground.
But, being a good girl, you don't say anything. Nothing to disturb Valentino as he uses some of the bills to line up the coke in several neat lines. Nothing to suggest that you're getting cold feet. Because, oddly enough, while it is scary, you aren't getting cold feet.
No, you're actually... excited about the idea of doing drugs with Valentino.
So, when he pulls you between his long, skinny legs, asking if you're comfortable, you snicker and nod.
"Yes, Daddy. Very comfortable." As if to emphasize just how comfortable, you snuggle back against him with a loud, dramatic sigh of content. He purrs, kissing your cheek.
"There's a good girl," he murmurs. With his insane height, he can easily loom over you, and he does. His body towering above yours, two of his hands help yours to grab a bill.
"Here, baby," he coos. "You want to do it like so." He shows you how to fold the bill to form a sort of tube. For once, he is actually gentle with you as he guides you.
"That's it. And then you just sniff it up into your pretty, little nose."
You're trembling - quite a lot, actually - by now, but Valentino is stroking your back and hair soothingly.
"All.... all of them, Daddy?"
He laughs. There's no mocking undertones this time.
"God no, baby! I don't want you to die again, however temporary that might be. No no, you start with this one," he points out a small, thin line in front of you, "and then you can do this one, if you're feeling brave." He points to another line, roughly the same size as the first one, but maybe a bit thicker.
You nod and swallow heavily.
He squeezes your shoulders before letting go of them again.
"No rush, baby doll. You can take your time," he purrs into your ear. "Daddy won't be mad. Promise."
You smile weakly.
"Thank you, Daddy," you mumble.
Squeezing the crisp bill a bit tighter, but without crumbling it, you lean down over the table. You position the hole of the tube over the start of the line, the other end of the tube at your left nostril.
"Remember, move quickly. Don't give the scary thoughts time to settle, baby." He sounds... excited.
You nod slightly and let out a deep, careful, shaky breath.
Then you do it. Moving quickly, while sniffing deeply, you end up snorting the entire line without difficulty. However, it stings something awful, and you wince once you sit back up.
Valentino is instantly over you, pushing you on your back and shoving his tongue in your mouth once more. You moan excitedly, grabbing the front of his coat, and return the kiss as best you can.
"That's it. I knew you could do it, baby," he purrs once he pulls back. "I knew I did right by making you my favorite."
The coke isn't kicking yet, but you know that Valentino has access to, and only dishes out, the purest drugs. Something tells you it won't take long before you're high out of your mind.
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