#first time doing anything latin hetalia related
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pixigels · 8 months ago
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fem latin hetalia designs
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asitrita · 4 years ago
Personal rant
This is a personal rant about Spain’s history and some people’s interpertation of it, mostly regarding some of the “nations”, or “ethnic groups” that are sometimes considered Spain’s parents. If you think it can affect you personally, don’t continue reading.
I really do not understand people who consider Spain’s father figure anyone other than Rome. Like... literally, no one makes any sense other than Rome. I could buy Visigoth acting as Spain’s father figure, or as his “tutor”, and I could even understand (though in no way share) the idea of Castile and Aragon being Spain’s “parents”. Though, again, I would not share that hc either, because even if the current nation-estate of Spain is “younger” than the many different medieval kingdoms, the notion, the “idea”, the “identity” to some extent, of Spain is way older than any of those medieval kingdoms which, technically, were not nations nor modern estates either, so acting as if Spain came to be out of the blue in the 15th century, as if there had not been already a clear Spanish identity and notion of unity and nation prior the 15th/16th centuries is just... ignoring all the evidence. What I trully do not understand is when people have Al-Ándalus, Umayyad, or even Carthage, as Spain’s father figures. It is true that history can be interpreted in many different ways, more so when it comes to Hetalia, but there are some interpretations that... they just make no sense. Not from a historical point of view, at least. Guess you can have whatever headcanons you want, but historically speaking, they may make no sense whatsoever. And that is exactly the case with these interpretations. For Al-Ándalus and Umayyad the reason why it is utter nonsense for any of them to be Spain’s father figure is that they are literally everything Spain is not (and did not want to be). In the first years of our lives, until we become adults, we all build our identity against the others. Something similar happens with the different nations. They build their identity partially based on not being like the neighbour next door. We could say that Spain built itself against precisely these two guys up there, Al-Ándalus and Umayyad. One could think, “okay, but as we all know, in many cases, the first ones we try to build our identity against is our parents, so that could further emphasise the role of those two as Spain’s paternal figures”. Well, no, and here’s why. Maybe it all comes to what I understand as a father figure, but to me, in the case of nations, the father figure, or the “father” or “mother” of a nation should be the one the nation receives more influences from. It should be to some extent the “origin” of most, or a big significant part of the nation’s culture, identity, and overall, idiosyncrasy. Either that, or it should have left a very deep impact and long lasting effect in the character and identity of that nation. And what I mean is that the nation must have adopted transcedental aspects from that “father nation” that are now rooted deep in its character. Otherwise, a deep impact could be a traumatic event like a war that people from the nation have built their national pride upon, but that’s not what I mean. I mean that the nation has actively acquired, integrated, and assimilated, deep and transcendental elements and aspects of its “father nation” culture and identity, so the “father nation” identity has, to some extent, become the identity of the “new nation”. Examples of some of these transcedental elements could be religion (and overall, spirituality), sense of justice, moral values, or even lexicon related to abstract concepts and emotions such as love, passion, fear, desire, hate, regret, etc. So here’s the thing. Neither Al-Ándalus nor Umayyad did, in any way, affect Spain in this respect. Mind, I am not saying they didn’t leave any influence in Spain at all, what I am saying is that they did not have a transcedental influence in Spain’s identity. Or they did, but just in the opposite way. Spain takes its culture, society, values, and spirituality from Rome, and builds itself against Al-Ándalus and Umayyad (quite honestly, Spain’s relationship with these two is more similar to the “traumatic” event some nations have built their national pride upon I mentioned earlier than to any father-son type of relationship). If anything, they only helped to exacerbate Spain’s loyalty to its “indigenous hispanoroman” identity. Again, not saying they left no influence, for example, some architecture in southern Spain (though, tbh, it’s more like a couple buildings people visit while ignoring the hundreds of christians and roman buildings lol), some cities, some influences in the food and some traditional dishes, some new agricultural and destillation techniques, etc. And it is well known that up to 8% of the Spanish vocabulary is of Arab origin, even though, to be honest, much of that percentage are toponyms and half of the lexicon is no longer used in Spanish today (most people don’t even know half of these words, and some have their Latin counterpart). However, none of these influences affects Spain’s psique and identity to a transcendental level. Not only that, but the people who identified as Spaniards and all its old variants (derivatives of Latin’s hispanus/hispanicus) were the Northern Christian people, never the Muslims who lived in Al-Ándalus under Umayyad rule. It was northern Christians who talked about Spain, who considered Spain their “lost” nation, and who identified with a Spanish identity, not the people nor the rulers of Al-Ándalus (for a short time, Northern Christians would actually refer to Christians living under Muslim rule in Al-Andalus as Spaniards, to distinguish them from the Muslims). And in no way am I justifying the following, I’m just stating a fact, which is that Muslims were expelled. All of them. Which means that Spain, as a nation, as the people it represents, literally has almost no link whatsoever with the people of Al-Ándalus, Arabs, nor Muslims, other than its people, the “Spanish people” fought them for centuries. Obviously, they lived in the same piece of land, though borders were never an easy place to live in, they were not 24/7 killing each other (impossible to do that nonstop for almost 8 century), they often traded, and there were Christians living in Muslim territories who adopted some Arab or generally Middle Eastern/Oriental traditions and practices that they preserved even under Christian rule (they were called Moriscos), hence the influences. But these influences are so superficial and “materialistic”, they affected so little the Spanish way of understanding the world, that I trully think it is unrealistic to make any of these two Spain’s father figure. It is almost a bad joke when you get the Northern Kingdoms singing to Spain and identifying as Spanish, getting ripped of their representation and identity, and instead, associating this identity and representation (their identity and representation) to those who never identified as Spanish and fought those who did with the intention of conquering and subduing them. And I guess you could argue that most of “Spain” (the land) was under Muslim (Umayyad) control, but as I understand Hetalia, and modern states today, it is not about land, but about nations and ethnic groups, and the people they represent, and it just makes no sense to make Spain’s father figure neither Al-Ándalus nor Umayyad, because given history, they would have probably tried to kill Spain had they got the chance, and the same goes for Spain, as it certainly would try to kill them as well. Plus, friendly reminder that the muslim territory of Spain was, for the most part, independent from the Umayyad Empire, so even if members of the Umayyad dinasty ruled over Al-��ndalus, it was not part of its empire (again, for the most part, there was a short time it did belonged to the empire). Plus  Al-Ándalus was cut into pieces during the 11th century and the Arab “Umayyad” elite expelled from the Peninsula. I mean, neither the Umayyad dinasty nor Al-Ándalus lasted for 7 centuries. The Arab rulling elite (Umayyad) were expelled, and Al-Ándalus destroyed, by the end of the 11th century. So it is not true Spain received direct influence from these particular people for almost 800 years, that’s an extreme oversimplification of Medieval Spain, as Arab rule in part of Spain, as well as the existance of Al-Ándals, in reality, lasted for around 350 years, as opposed to Roman presence in Spain, which lasted for over 600 years, plus, they were never expelled and their identity completely permeated the indegenous inhabitants of the Iberian Peninsula.
About Carthage... what can I say? This just makes no sense. It may not be as ironic (and almost offensive) as the other two choices, but in some way, it makes even less sense, if that’s even possible. Not much to say about this one, I just can’t even think of one thing Spain has inherited from this guy, can’t think of any influence from Carthaginean culture or whatever in Spain. The little I can think of slightly related to Carthage is actually Phoenitian so... I mean, Cartagena, in Murcia, is a great city, but... can anyone think of any significant influence, any significant link Spain as a nation, or Spaniards as an ethnic group, have with Carthage? I’m sure people from Murcia may come up with something but... in general, I really don’t think we have anything to do with Carthagineans, as much as I like Carthage. I’m sorry, but I trully can’t think of anything Spaniards, Hispanics, even Portuguese if you want (though I’m no expert on Portuguese history so I may be wrong on this one) have “inherited” from Carthage (guess you could link the Portuguese Empire based on trade with Carthage, but realistically speaking, there’s no historical corelation there either). I guess they may have introduced some new techniques and whatnot, but, really, that happens all the time, that does not affect the identity of a group nor their way of looking at the world greatly, unless it supposes a radical change in their way of life, which did not happen, since Carthage barelly controled some strategic cities. Yes, it got to the northern part of Spain, but did not have actual control over all that territory, and there was no cohesive rule nor anything I can think of... In any case, I’m no expert on Carthage either, but I trully cannot think of any Carthaginean influence in Spain at all. In conclusion, a nation’s “father figure” is the one that has, to some extent, “built the nation”, or “mould it”. Just like if we were talking about a human being, we should ask “how does it behave? how does it think? how does it see the world? how does it communicate? what are its values? what are its traditions?” Then ask about the origin of all those answers. And there you get the “father figure”. Spaniards speak a Latin-based language/s (but the Basques and some people from Navarra who speak a pre-Roman language), they are Christians, Roman Cahotlics to be more precise, and Spanish justice is based on Visigothic and Roman laws. Spanish culture is overwhelmingly based on Roman culture, as is its society, values, etc. The way Spanish interact with the world and others is based on a Roman perception of the world. They may be others who have influenced Spain, I’m not denying that, but none of them has, not by a long shot, defined Spanish identity as much as Rome has. The only event in history that had a significant importance in defining Spain’s identity other than Rome and getting to America, is the war against the Muslims, which includes the two listed above. But they never “added” to the Spanish identity on significant levels, for the most part they just reinforced it by acting as its antagonists, which is not exactly what I would represent as “parenthood”. Carthage... I don’t even know how that happened. And that’s it. This is not a personal attack to anyone who has any of these headcanons, it may seem like it is, but it is not. If anything, it is an “attack” to these ideas, simply because I don’t think they accurately portray Spain’s history at all, on the contrary, they distort Spanish history based on 18th and 19th century foreigner’s ignorant and orientalist crazy theories and assumption (and anti-Catholic propaganda, tbh), and Hetalia, at the end of the day, is about history. If any one has these headcanons,you do you, go with it, but please be aware that they are not historically accurate, that’s it.
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his-talia · 6 years ago
Important before we start!
Welcome dear friends!
I’m so happy that you’re joining me on this blog. It has long been a dream of mine to make it, and I finally feel like I’ve done enough research to get this project going! Please read this to ensure you can enjoy this blog to it’s fullest. If you need to revisit this post it can be found under https://his-talia.tumblr.com/FAQ post under read more:
1. This blog is an ask blog
You can send in good oldfashioned Tumblr asks and the characters reply in character, almost always accompanied by art! Please keep in mind that asks that are inspiring / easy to provide art for get prioritized, also just saying hi doesn’t make for interesting blog content- not saying you shouldn’t do it- please say hi- but understand that it might not get published.
2. This is not an RP blog
These characters exist within my own personal extended hetalia universe, expanding further than just the Italy boys. This means that things you assume about characters might not be that way- so if you come into my askblog rp-ing with them… it’s hard to answer. In some cases it’ll work but most likely it won’t.
3. This is a history blog
Don’t worry you don’t have to be super informed about history to enjoy it! i hope you can take some new information away from it. However please understand that on this blog history, rather than hetalia canon is leading! again because of this might not be as you expect or assume them to be!
If you’re curious about a certain character, or a certain event the best approach is to ask in an open way! Example:
✔ Hey Venice, what happened exactly during the fourth crusade?
X Hey Venice, why did you kill Byzantium during the fourth crusade?
In my story Byzantium doesn’t die until 1453- if you fill in for me that he died earlier I’m afraid I can’t answer your ask! Try not to assume! Don’t worry if it happens by accident though! I’ll send you a PM or the characters will be amused by you haha.
4. This is not an advice blog
It may be fun to talk to these characters… But they’re idiots. No matter how good they are at mathematics, they’re idiots. They’re a bunch of teenage boys with no idea about the modern world… If you ask Florence for a tip for your depression he’ll probably tell you to stand next to blondehaired people and eat an orange. This is a fun and in character reply. But please don’t follow his advice in real life. (unless oranges make you very happy)
on a related note. I’ve done a lot of research into the ‘history of thought and idea’s’ these characters will represent idea’s that are outdated to say the least. Thus they’ll sometimes come to very strange conclusions. Please know that had they lived in modern times they probably would’ve thought very differently. So bear in mind that their utterances reflect in no way mun’s personal beliefs!
5. Scope of the blog
While the boys are wearing their pretty renaissance clothes in their introduction pictures, the scope of this blog is by no means limited to that! It’s meant to tackle various time periods across Italian history. Other characters and events will appear when they intersect with Italian history. As for the time period, it’s a broad late antique, medieval to 19th century scope. Mun is simply not that well versed in the world wars and doesn’t feel capable to speak on them! To have Feliciano or Romano nowadays reflect back on their past however is a possibility
6. Mun’s credentials
I shouldn’t have to have credentials to run a historical hetalia blog… but I have them. So for whoever cares about this: I have a BA in History of Art, with a specialisation in the middle ages and a minor in religious studies. A BA in philosophy with a specialization in history of science and an MA in Medieval art.
However, that doesn’t make me automatically right on things or an authority! Doing your own research is always important and as an accademic i’ll be the first to tell you not to just accept anything you read because a girl on the internet claimed it was the case. Evenso, I hope you take something from this blog! Even if it’s a strong desire to do research and prove me wrong.
Please note though that this blog is what I do in my leisure, and that sometimes I’ll take some artistic license.
7, Language
Mun can speak: Dutch and English fluent, German French and Latin well enough and can read well/write a little in Italian. However the preferred language of communication for this blog is English!
If you managed to make your way reading all the way to the end of that you deserve a little kiss!
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the-letter-horror-lover · 2 years ago
Smile Like You Mean it: A Kuroshitsuji Hetalia Story
Adrian Crevan or Undertaker has a teenage daughter, Alice-Jayne Creavan who takes her in after her mother Regina Kirkland dies from cancer. The mad as a hatter legendary Shikigami, has the girl become an apprentice to the Crimson reaper, Grell Sutcliff.
Also yes Regina is related to the Kirkland family of Hetalia.....let's just say that Alice is the grandchild of Alistair Kirkland seeing as Regina was the representation of Badbea village, she decided to become human after she and Adrian had Alice-Jayne.
Chapter 1: Chapter 1: Smile like you mean it!
Chapter Text
A/N; My twists are Undertaker is the father of Vincent Phantomhive, not Vincent's sister Francis. Francis is the daughter of Claudia Phantomhive's
husband Cedric K. Ros-. Alice-Jayne is not related to the Midford family .
I am going by the canonical theory of the Phantomhive twins as canonical in my book they are named Ciel(real Ciel)and Astre (Boochan)The boys meet her only once when they were 3, Vincent introduced her as their cousin, she looks 17, but is 19 and Grell is around 23. Both Grell and Alice are genderfluid so they both use male and female pronouns interchangeably
My four shippings of my book
Grell and Alice-Jayne, Lizzy and Ciel(Astre), Mei-Rin and Sebastian, Will and Undertaker.
Edited Mat 16th 2021
Alice-Jayne Crevan pov
AJ I ask you to please remember these four things
1) Your father is somewhere in London and known as Undertaker, not many will know of his true name, seek him out by age seventeen .
2) You will try your hand as a vocation you wish. If you decide to reveal yourself to your brother's sons Astre and Ciel let your father help and try to help protect them.
3) If you and those who you care for are in danger, think of the name Alistair Kirkland and your grandfather will appear by your side. The last time you saw him you were two, and he gave you the nickname Poppet.
4)Trying to be happy with yourself, but try to socialize and consider courtship with women or men.
I once again read the note Mum gave me a week prior to her succumbing to cancer, I was only fourteen at the time and I managed to find my first job at the time the courier of Elliott Renton the town librarian. I was educated by him and Mum, who was the town teacher, the woman who replaced her was her assistant Sarah O'Brien. I always called my employer Mr. Renton seeing as he had been one to ask me to do so, I knew that I could probably make it as tutor in London from everything that I studied and was taught when in school. Mr. Renton supported me in my studies in anything and everything that was available in the library. I learned to speak French, Dutch, Latin,and Italian, I knew Gaelic and English since I was a baby. I learned about animals, playing chess, sword fighting, how to dance, to assemble a gun and about various medicinal plants, and how to detect poisons.
Ever since Mum died I was looked after by Mr. Renton, the Branson family, and the Sullivan family. The Bransons were siblings the oldest is Davis the brother he is an inventor and he still runs the family's general store. The youngest is Abigail she is a seamtress who often will crochet dolls, scarfs, and blankets for peers and to sell during holidays. The Sullivans were Devon the head of the family he runs the livery and stable I learned about horses and fixing carriages from him. Siobhan who is Devon's wife who owns the bakery and confections shop, she showed me how to bake, cook a bit, and how to make several candies. Thier son is Elric, my best friend he teaches music and is an amateur boxer. I think that for now I would try my hand either a tutor or an apprentice confectioner, as a vocation.
I head off to Mum's grave to say good bye as well as cleaning up any weeds that grew by the hydrangea bush I had planted on her birthday a week after her funeral, I would bring a stone and just talk to Mum while I would sketch a picture that I placed under the stone I placed on her grave. I narrow my eyes seeing someone dressed in the robes of a funeral mute, wearing a rather long top hat placing a white calla lily, on Mum's grave. I noticed that the person was a man and was speaking to Mum in a soft tone. I held onto my croquet mallet that hid a hand held gardening scythe. Davis made it for me along with a few other gadgets that were considered steampunk aesthetic.
I keep my grip on my mallet ready to attack only to realize that I was looking at my father, Adrian Crevan. I growl as I put away my mallet before as I noticed he was smirking, I wasn't surprised seeing as he was a rather complicated man who had a way of doing things. I knelt down placing the an onyx stone on Mum's grave, I tried to leave either an onyx stone or rock that reminds me of how much I missed Mum. I sat down by the grave and followed through my normal ritual as I allowed my father to see what happened when I saw Mum.
"Hey Mum, guess what happened today? Papa showed for the first time in thirteen years. I know that I shouldn't be too upset, I get it.." I bit my lip as I feel the memories of my life after my father left us. " I suppose I will see if you were right seeing as you told me about how much I was like him and my grandfather Al. Mr. Renton finally asked out Ms. Branson, and agreed that my curious nature of everything meant I was better off spending the past year working for Davis," I chuckle "I think it's possible that he will always be my first crush, but Davis is always going to be my benevolent godfather." I went on to tell her that Elric joined the Navy seeing as he wanted to travel to new places and serve the queen.
"We only started courting it was funny watching Davis and Mr. Renton trying to make wagers on which of us would make the first move. I was nervous about when he took me to the hilltop to admit that he was in love with me since the day he saw Papa and I enter his mother's shop." I trailed off to compose my thoughts. " I hope that he may return home, I honestly don't know, I mean ..." I shook before feeling an embrace from my father as he crooned to make me fall asleep.
Undertaker pov
I thought only that the death of my dearest Regina three years ago would be the hardest thing for my little Baby Bones to face, sadly that was not the case, my new boyfriend William had been the one to reap Ensign Elric Sullivan's soul. Will figured out the boy was involved with my daughter seeing as his favorite memory had been when my late ex wife and I had settled to raise Alice-Jayne. I knew that Will wasn't sure if Alice-Jayne was going to accept him as my lover. I rode my donkey cart back to my shop in London and arranged for my daughter's things to be shipped to my place .
I kissed my daughter on her forehead as I brought her into the bedroom that I had prepared for her four months ago. I placed her on her bed drawing her curtain closed leaving a note on her table that would explain where she was and my wish to spend time with her whenever she was ready.
I got up to make my dog bone shaped biscuits before the chime of my shops bell caught my attention, it seems my younger grandson the little earl has arrived along with his loyal dog of a butler. I go to greet the two and pray to Lord Hades and God they don't discover my baby bones yet. I appear from one of my secret passages and exit from a coffin to frighten the boy.
I began with the same old routine for a good fifteen minutes when a shrill scream that sounded like Grell was followed by yelling and a smashing noise. I soon discovered that my daughter was holding a croquet mallet while Grell carried a rather unconscious William T. Spears.
"I honestly appreciate you helping me Grell, I am violent if anyone touches my hair if I am asleep. Especially my bangs it tickles. "Alice-Jayne mutter "he's lucky I just used the croquet mallet instead of the hand scythe concealed in it."Alice pushed her bangs to one side as I sob while rolling on the floor laughing hysterically. I only had realized the young earl was still around when he shouts.
"UNDERTAKER, WHAT IS THE ..." the boy trails off as he saw Alice's eyes as she knelt down to his level and hugged him. "I remembered seeing you when I was little, you are Alice, my father's cousin, where did you go?" he asked as I noticed that the butler senses something about my child. I hope to wait until my older grandson Ciel returns to reveal my idenity.
"My Mum, Papa and I went to be with my grandfather abroad, in Scotland for a few months. When I was a small child Papa brought us to a nice village, he had to go away for a while. Mum got really sick. Mum died when I was fourteen, my Papa asked that Undertaker brought me here upon my 17 birthday, a series of events unfortunately waylaid him for two years" Alice whispered "I think it's a good idea seeing as everyone back in the village makes me think of my best friend, who only became my boyfriend, but was lost at sea...."
Chapter 2: Chapter 2:Crimson and Cold
Chapter Text
A/n; Ok so this is taking place after the Jack the Ripper case, it will introduce
some flashbacks.
Edited April 9th 2020
Last chapter
"My Mum, Papa and I went to be with my grandfather abroad, in Scotland for a few months. When I was a small child Papa brought us to a nice village, he had to go away for a while. Mum got really sick. Mum died when I was fourteen, my Papa asked that Undertaker brought me here upon my 17 birthday, a series of events unfortunately waylaid him for two years." Alice whispered "I think it's a good idea seeing as everyone back in the village makes me think of my best friend, who only became my boyfriend, but was lost at sea...."
One hour after Will is knocked out
Grell pov
"I apologize about using my mallet on you Mr. Spears, I just don't like when random people wake me up or touch my hair."Alice whispers rubbing the back of her neck before adding "I only had realized that you're the one who took the soul of my suitor after hugging and seeing my youngest nephew." she sat on an armchair by her bedside while Will was resting in her bed. I arched my brow after learning that Alice is the child of Adrian Crevan or the most infamous legendary reaper.
"Wait so you're telling me that the brat is related to both of you? I also have a hard time understanding how you are part of a living embodiment of an old Scottish town." I mutter rubbing my chin while the girl Alice rolls her eyes before Will interrupted my thoughts.
"It's quite simple Sutcliff, her mother Regina Kirkland was the child of Alistair Kirkland, or Scotland itself...." Williams was cut off by a booming laugh coming from the back of the room making Will hit his head while Adrian sighs shaking his head before stepping in front of Alice just as a red headed man appears smoking a cigarette.
"Hm, ye know the disturbance of my wee lass Badbea, or as you Shikigami knew her Regina Kirkland had been rather upsetting. Of course she had only paid me a visit this past year." Says the man who was likely Alistair Kirkland. He winked at Alice and me while he blew smoke in Adrian's face "I want you to know Shikigami, she had lost a child she was carrying after she let you go, he was obviously your boyo. She died of a cancer that was set off by depression a city, territory, or country can die if they will it or are forgotten." growls Alistair as he shoved aside Undertaker to kneel in front of Alice while he smiles.
"Are you my Grandfather than? Mum told me about how you let her meet your brothers and that you had seen me when I was small, Grandfather I don't understand what the blue blazes is going on. I am aware my father's lover did take the soul of..." Alice-Jayne trails off sobbing softly as Alistair soon picked up Alice-Jayne while hugging her.
"Poppet it's alright I promise, ye have the Kirkland temper for sure, but you share your Shikigami father's looks, and I think that you knocking out a full grown reaper is bloody amazing. I promise you that young Elric is in a good place, let's just say he's spending time with a few peers of mine." Alistair says before he turns to me "Mr. Sutcliff l have a favor to ask you, tis a simple one at that. The reaper council and meself agreed that you're talented enough to train my daughter's only child." Alistair soon went on to explain further details before he flicked Alice-Jayne on her chin making her calmer. I soon felt the weight of a sleeping Alice-Jayne in my arms when I heard Will and Adrian start talking to each other before I am sent to my home.
Alice pov
"Mummy and Papa look I have a friend named Elric Sullivan , he's the son of Mr. and Mrs. Sullivan . I want to learn about horses and baking from his parents...but I know that I gotta take school lessons from Mummy soon."says eight year old me while I held hands with a boy with light red brown hair, tan skin, pudgy cheeks and emerald eyes . I giggled when my father took us to a hilltop to fish and look at clouds while Mummy was teaching back in town. I felt happy and free, I honestly was happy that I made my first best friend with Elric Sullivan .
Five years later
"Shut it,why'd you gotta take it like that it's not fair for you to think of Papa that way, he had to go see my big brother and I was going to invite you to come with me since you are my best friend. " I softly mumbled while pushing Elric while we listened to Davis explain his latest invention to us.
"I am just going to say that I think it's possible that you're dense about things with how your father just broke things with your mother. I think that you're going to be upset but Mr. Renton says your father uses people. Alice you are too trusting of others. "Elric growls before he taps my shoulder "Also tag you're it try to get me Ally cat." Elric ran off making Davis chuckle before he gestures for me to go follow after my best friend .
"Wait for me Elle, you are such a brat at times and I am going to marry either you or Davis when I'm older. You can marry Sarah O'Donnell" I shout before I tackled Elric and tagged him before I managed to hide in a tree behind the school house think it's safe only to feel arms wrap around me to show Elric with a wild smile upon his face. We played for an hour longer until my Papa appeared while Elric ran into his mother's arms.
2 years and Three weeks later
"I think it's funny that you used to brag about marrying Davis, he fell in love with the daughter of Deacon Godwin and I swear that he, Mum, Abby, Sarah, and Mr. Renton were aware that we fancied each other for a while. "Elric taunts me as he soon spins me and pins me against a tree to kiss me before we go to my mother's grave. Two days later he was going to sea and he wrapped a mint green scarf around my neck."I promise as long as you keep this I will be with you. I got it when I was in Edinburgh." Elric whispers before we talked about how much we are growing up, my father sending me gifts and just chatting with Mum. I had watched for him often for the past two years and I soon got a letter from Elric a week ago it told me that he'd be home for my birthday, after two years of bieng apart. Sadly I knew it was not going to happen, I had felt something wrong like water flooding my lungs and screaming. I had glimpses of my best friend and beloved boyfriend drowning and I had denied that he was dead until the day that Papa found me...
"Elle come back, please don't go you're probably can wait for...don't leave me something terrible is going ...." I shot up from my sleep only to take my scarf from around my waist to lift it to my face and cry into it as my memory of the day I was told my dear Elle has indeed drowned after saving his crewmate. I shuddered before I felt someone pulling me into a hug and I smell a scent of sandalwood, roses, chocolate, and mint. I began nuzzling the person as I continued to weep. I have a feeling that I am with Grell seeing as I noticed that was his scent from earlier.
"Alice, shush it's alright I am here you can talk of it if you want..." Grell softly whispers as he stroked my hair. He lifts my chin before adding "I myself lost a dear one or two, well I suppose one I may have killed for a reason..." I cut him off as I told him understood that he had been involved with my nephews' maternal aunt Angelina Dalles-Burnett, or Madam Red and I was aware that he fancied women and men. I shrug as in my opinion love was love it was the person who was your lover gender was never an issue.
"Grell believe it or not Elric was not my first lover let's just say a year before we started courting my friend Georgina was my first and only girlfriend" I shyly whispered recalling the petite hazel eyes auburn haired Scottish and Italian girl "After her father passed her mother and she moved to America to settle in New York in a place known as East Harlem(What is now Little Italy)to assist in an Italian bakery." I cuddle Grell before we both realized a few hours passed while we had been talking about various things . I arched my brow as Grell dragged me out of bed helping me finish dressing for Shikigami training .
"Alice, are you certain that the brat will not question you about his older brother? He may wanted to know that as you, and your cousins are helping tracking him down. I do believe you said he was either in America or Canada's territory"Grell says as I toss him his death scythe before picking up my signature croquet mallet as a death scythe. I giggle a more cheerful version of my father's laugh.
"Truth be told Alfred and Matthew are still tracking leads, even if they find Ciel it may unsettle Astre, he's the one I feel closest to. It's repugnant that Angelina assumed Astre was Ciel. "I mumbled as I kissed him on the cheek adding "besides I have a feeling he's preoccupied with his fiancee." I start giggling as I notice Grell was baffled by what I said.
"I think that William and Papa know of our relationship, I noticed how Will tends to be a tad more lenient when we goof off with Alan and Ronald...." I chuckle as Grell and I exchanged a look aware we mutually saw the pair as an adorable couple. I soon snuggle into Grell after hearing something that may have traumatized me, Papa and Will shagging. Grell carried me bridal style before we head off to check off the to die list.
A few months later
Grell POV
"I smirk watching my sweet, cunning and sardonic lover look over her to die list whilst twirling her death scythe, I had been aware that my little rose is carrying our child seeing as Adrian and Will both chewed me out for not using protection with thier daughter. I was not displeased with how Will took on the Mama bear role for my dearest, I honestly think he helps Alice become more centered. I sat upon my death scythe and smirk knowing this was the fifth mission Alice has after becoming an official member of the Reaper headquarters. I watched as Alice swung her mallet and gathers the cinematic record of her final charge
"Gretel Ferguson, age ten years old time of death 2pm. Cause of death from drowning while saving a kitten. Well that's my last one." Alice chuckles as she collects the cinematic record before she leapt next to me and playfully shoving me before she turns away I pinned her against a wall kissing her deeply before I placed my hand on her abdomen and pulled her into my chest as I whispered that her parents informed me of our impending child.
"I think that Will was more pissed off seeing as your father told me that your grandfather told him, while explaining that you apparently are the living embodiment of Edinburgh. I hope a certain brat won't protest, nor an irksome nuisance of a demon harm you both."I say before I shuddered seeing the said demon pulled away my lover away from me before I could properly propose to her. I noticed that the demon grew pale upon sensing the child my lover carried within her womb.
"Sebastian I order you to bring her to Phantomhive manor ..." the brat shouts only to be cut off by an all to familiar laugh and figure lifting Alice from the grasp of Sebastian and placing her beside me. The brat looks dumbstruck as Sebastian bows to Alistair Kirkland.
"Astre Phantomhive, are you aware that your pet disturbed a moment that I approve of..."Alistair winked at me as he signaled for me to explain what he meant to Alice who nods her head as I slip the ring on her finger mentally making a note to inform both Adrian and Will of the actions of the brat.
"WHO THE DEVIL ARE YOU? HOW DO YOU KNOW MY NAME? SEBASTIAN TAKE AUNT ALICE TO PHANTOMHIVE MANOR AT ONCE." the brat barks only to earn a slap from Will, I honestly don't know when he arrived but I knew that meant Adrian was elsewhere seeing as he usually would handle the brat.
"I suggest you mind your tongue you tainted brat, Alistair Kirkland is the living embodiment of Scotland itself even your dog knows to pay respect to him and his kin. I swear if that vile creature harmed my daughter or the child of her and Sutcliff l will happily fight him..you're lucky that I respect your Aunt, Grandfather, and missing elder brother."Will adjusts his glasses as he gave me a brief grin adding "I think that you're probably going to be a suitable mate for her, both my lover and her grandfather may of influenced my opinion. " Will bows to Alastair who gave a look as he soon whispered into Will's ear making him blush, I had a feeling of what seeing as Sebastian looked disturbed.
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