#first rule of commiting crimes against the gods is to have fun and be yourself guys
tangerine-brooks · 1 month
the reason why got!lannisters would absolutely eat the greens is that when greens commit crimes they spiral into twenty stages of religious guilt and suicidal urges and think "i am terrible and unlovable and past forgiveness, and i dishonored myself, and i need to be put down like a bad bad dog, and gods hate me, and when does this misery end and i need kill myself, but death is a fate too kind for someone like me and etc. etc."
when lannisters commit crimes they be smug about it. they think "in my hot girl era"
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himegureisu · 6 months
4 | the Woman
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Summary: There are times when cases need a woman's touch. This is where you finally introduce yourself to your brother-in-law. This is set at the end of S2 E1 A Scandal in Belgravia.
Pairing: Mycroft Holmes x Female Reader
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“There are people we can get into this,” Mycroft said,
“I tested that theory for you. I let Sherlock Holmes try for six months,” she bragged, “Sherlock, dear, tell him what you uncovered through that x-ray of my phone,”
Irene Adler, professionally known as the Woman, a dominatrix of significant influence was obvious. Her only advantage was the fact she was playing against men.
Half a year, the Holmes men stumped at what to do. What a sight, however, it’s best to end their misery.
The Woman hands over her list of requests. However, that’s not going to happen, not on your watch.
“Oh, that’s a shame. Can’t I join in the fun?” you said.
Their eyes shifted as you entered the study in your battledress. Her exchange pauses as you stand behind Mycroft. Your brother-in-law quietly observes and thinks by the fireplace. His head towards the three of you.
“I did hope Sherlock would get this one,” you sighed, as you stretched your hand out to Irene, “May I?”
“Be my guest,” she offered.
“You’re rather transparent,” you twirl the mobile in your hands, “You don’t need a genius to unlock this. Just a woman that understands her kind,”
“Oh, do go on,” she stands, to sit on the edge of the table.
“There are times when women are affected by their interests. Others would say this is a disadvantage. Yours are the Holmes men, specifically, Sherlock. There was no other way to get to Sherlock without committing a crime except in your profession, you could pursue a different avenue,” Your eyes rest on Mycroft as they start to figure it out, “Two birds in one stone. Agitate the older brother, you get the younger. Women play a different kind of dirty and you played a game against men that was your advantage. God, did you pull their strings well but that ends tonight. The psychology of women, gentlemen, is that the most obvious is sometimes the most overlooked,”
“Craving the distraction of the game I sympathize entirely but sentiment?” Sherlock stands, walks over, and reaches out to you for the phone which you finally hand over, “Sentiment is a chemical element found on the losing side,”
Oh, Sherlock how wrong you are on that. Love and sentiment can be an advantage.
“When we first met, you told me that disguise is always a self-portrait,” Sherlock mused, facing the Woman, “How true of you. The combination to your safe, your measurements, but this is far more intimate. This is your heart, and you should never let it rule your head.”
“You just couldn’t resist, could you?” you interjected.
“Everything I said, it wasn’t real,” she whispered, silently pleading to Sherlock, “I was just playing the game,”
“This is just losing,”
“Thank you for the additional information,” he addressed you, “It was enlightening,”
“There you are, brother,” he passes the device to Mycroft, “I hope the contents may make up for any inconvenience I may have caused you tonight,”
“I’m certain they will,” Mycroft assured. His brother started to stare out the window, “If you’re feeling kind, lock her up otherwise let her go,”
Willaim Sherlock Scott Holmes was nearly outsmarted by a woman. What a brilliant turn of events.
It wasn’t long until someone escorted the woman away leaving you to the Holmes men.
“I thought he wouldn’t get it,” you address Mycroft, sitting on the chair he previously occupied to observe Sherlock, “Then again if he knew where to look for the safe code, he would get it eventually,”
“Why are you here?” Mycroft said. You give a look and say, “You know why I’m here,”
“Who are you?” Sherlock asks.
“Do make a deduction, Mr. Holmes,” you challenged, standing up for a better view, “What can you say about me? Oh, I heard you’re quite good at this,”
His eyes quickly take a once over you. To the way you did your hair, makeup, and casual clothes. His brother, your husband, hovered on the other side of the table.
What will Sherlock say about you?
“On your dominant hand, your middle finger is calloused from how you hold your pen, suggesting office worker. In a high position, by the value of your shoes. Your makeup suggests you like to be presentable but not elaborate or gaudy. Your clothes are clean except for a few loose strands of hair. No pets. Your engagement and wedding rings, shiny and clean, happily married then. Your husband is successful in his career by the size of that diamond and…”
His ramble paused. His eyes meeting yours, you give a casual curious gaze. His senses were on overdrive, recognizing the particular scent of leather of a car that often escorted him to his brother.
“No, that’s not possible,” Sherlock withdrew, “Has my brother found himself a goldfish?”
“No, not a goldfish, brother mine,” Mycroft defends. His ring, matching yours, shines in the firelight, “No, she’s out of their league,”
“How long has that taken him?” you asked Mycroft, in front of you as Sherlock remained speechless, “A minute,”
“A good minute, yes,” he confirms, as he goes to stand by your side, “I do wonder why you decided to reveal yourself, my dear,”
“I was fed up. You two dancing in her tune for half the year,” you complained, “You ditched Christmas Morning traditions,”
“I promised to make it up to you, my dear,” Mycroft reminded, however, unable to act on his plans yet, “And I did return earlier than expected,”
“Six years, Myc! We never shirk on trad —”
Before you can finish your ramble, Mycroft leans in and presses his lips against yours in a tender kiss. It was a pleasant interruption.
One Sherlock didn’t appreciate.
Your eyes widen for a moment before you melt against him. Your arms wrap around his waist, returning the sentiment. Sherlock clears his throat, breaking the moment between you and Mycroft.
“Years?” he remarked, “I never knew the Iceman could melt,”
“No, just thaws from time to time,” you cheekily smile at Mycroft who rolled his eyes, “Are you two finished? I’d like to turn in before the sun comes out, ensures at least one of us gets sleep,”
“We are finished,” Mycroft affirmed, walking toward the door, “Do us a reprieve, brother mine, don’t take cases on the weekend. You don’t know what it does to our schedule,”
“It was nice meeting you, brother-in-law,” you teased, your smile caught him off guard, as you walked to Mycroft’s side. He didn’t remember the last time someone was pleased to meet him. They were often annoyed or irritated. “Have a good evening,”
His brother has been married for years, and he didn’t know. How could he not know?
“Shame I’d wanted to see the Woman in cuffs,” you comment, as you walk side by side through the halls, “It would have made for an interesting night,”
“Would you like that, my dear?” Mycroft asks.
“If you’re open to it,”
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slapegg · 1 year
Some Thoughts About... Fuga Melodies of Steel 2
An evil army has invaded your town.
Good news! You have a hyper advanced magic tank with a laser that can destroy anything!
Bad news! Said laser is powered by a human sacrifice.
More bad news! The only people on board the tank are tiny children so to fire that laser you need to... yeah... commit a lot of war crimes.
Oh gods the bad news doesn’t stop! The murder tank’s AI is independent so it chooses when to power up the death laser, not you. And it’s brutal. It can even snatch a character out of your active party.
Fuga and its murder tank are back, baby, and... it’s pretty much the same game as the first time around! But that’s pretty okay because Fuga was a neat strategic RPG with a Grandia-esq battle timeline system. Everybody in a fight is shown on a timeline and when a character reaches the end of the timeline, they act. However, your tank has three types of attacks and by hitting the enemy with the attack they’re weak to, they get shoved back down the timeline and their actions are delayed. It’s not quite as good as Grandia because you can only delay an enemy once until it acts, so even if you keep hammering them with their weakness, they won’t keep getting bumped down the timeline. But it is still a fun battle system and the game has style and tells its story well.
There are some nice quality of life features in Fuga 2 (that the Internet tells me were eventually patched  into the first game).
You can now speed up the tank’s movement on the travel screens. It’s still kind of slow but not as awful as it was before.
You can now see what enemies are in the battle on the formation screen when setting up your attacks. No more fumbling with UI to remind yourself if the enemy is weak to Red+Red or Red+Yellow.
You don’t trade items for other parts in town, you just earn money and buy things. You mostly sell unwanted items for money but expeditions pay out cash items too. There are still a lot of trading events on a trip or giving things to people for unknown rewards in story moments so there is still some of the trading component.
When you’re shopping in towns, you can now see what items are needed for upgrades on the tank. That’s huge because trying to remember all of it before was a pain!
Making upgrades no longer has a failure chance, it instead has a “high success” chance that will refund some of the materials spent on the upgrade if you hit it.
The game’s difficulty is really uneven. I’ve had boss fights I just waltzed through and then fights against regular enemies that I just barely survived. It’s usually against enemies that boost their evasion so you can’t hit them or enemies that can boost their defense every turn for free so you can barely do any damage. Defense enemies you can counter by using skills, but that gets expensive quickly and some enemies can raise defense faster than you can lower it. But for some of the evasion enemies, no idea how to counter that early on. You just have to play a really tedious fight where almost all your attacks miss until the enemies decides to stop evading. It’s not fun or hard or complex, it’s just annoying. Towards the end of the game, you eventually learn some skills that are guaranteed hits but it takes a lot of leveling up to get there.
I did save scum once, but in my defense, it was a BS moment where the enemy magically jumped up the timeline and knocked me under half health in a single attack, activating the Soul Cannon and taking away one of my best characters. The game broke the rules, so I did too.
There’s a new Airship feature but it’s pretty half-baked. You can hire the ships to take you to alternate paths, destroy enemies, or drop off supplies. However, it’s way too expensive to use on your first times through the game. Even when going through New Game Plus and NG++, you’ll be saving your money to buy the stupidly expensive post-game items so you can’t afford it. Then when you can afford it, you’re strong enough to not need the airship to destroy enemies.
Story is the big thing for Fuga, but for new players, they do a really bad summary of what happened in the first game. Unless you played the first one, just getting a series of images without any text or explanation does not catch people up, so you need to Youtube/wiki that business. Like, it starts with a flashback and then has multiple flashbacks within its flashback. I would recommend reading a wiki on it all because the franchise’s backstories are bonkers but really neat. “Little Tail Bronx”. Even the franchise name is weird. That’s not the name of any of the games, that’s just the collective name for the three series that make up the franchise.
The story has a fantastic homage to TinTin and his ilk. I genuinely looked forward to the end of each chapter so I could get the next issue in the comic series. They put so much effort into it and they totally didn��t have to. Bless you, Captain Sucre and your owl that understands human language!
In Fuga 1, the moment-to-moment story bits were not great but the overall story was really neat and F2 carries that through. Some keen intrigue, magic tech, and really leaning into how depressing its murder tank mechanic is so it never becomes a power fantasy that glorifies war. In F2, you quickly find out that the uplifting “power of friendship” moment at the end of 1 wasn’t what you thought it was and is secretly extremely depressing and something you’re going to have to deal with now.
The characters, though, are such one-note anime tropes. It takes a LOT of time with the conversation/friend mechanic to get to their interesting parts, but some of them still just never change. There’s a fat kid in your group so of course his only role is to eat food and talk about food. Then you have the sullen jerk kid. The smart nerd kid. The innocent childhood friend girl. But then there’s Mei, your little sister whose role is to be damned adorable and if you loaded her into the murder tank laser, you are a monster. A MONSTER!
They do a nice job of laying the groundwork for future games without making you feel like you’re missing out on this one. Everything in F2’s story gets resolved well but there are multiple characters that you want to know more about and they stay mysterious. And the trailer/secret movie for the third game is super intense and looks like they’re going to go to some wild places.
An addition to the story is a new moral choice system, but it too is really half-baked. The moral choices don’t matter. No matter what you choose, the same outcome happens. Even if that doesn’t make any sense.
For one example, the villain deploys a drone to attack a town and your choices are to ignore the drone and go after the villain or to let the villain escape and save the town from the drone. If you choose to go after the villain, it gets away and when you get back to the drone, it’s already destroyed the town. If you choose to go after the drone... it got to the town early and has already destroyed the town. Way to make your choices feel utterly meaningless. I don’t need the story to do a complete branching since this was just some random town, but man, make it have SOME significance.
You do unlock some team moves by continuing to make the same “class” of choices (“Resolve” or “Empathy”) and they’re the main draw. You tend to make your choices based on unlocking the next move, rather than what actually fits the story, and that reeeaaally doesn’t feel like how that system should work. And the more violent Resolve powers are way better and more useful than the Empathy choices that actually fit the characters and story better.
Fuga 2 also has a really nice New Game Plus mode. There are multiple endings worth getting and all your character levels and tank upgrades carry over across your runs. Unfortunately, all the bonuses you get from the “moral choices” in the story are removed. There are events tied to your scores so I understand resetting that, but to take away the team abilities is lousy. You only unlock the really good ones at the end of the game so because they reset, you only get them for a chapter or two. Replaying the game makes taking new paths on the next run easier so you can feel powerful and stomp your enemies, or keep some difficulty by choosing a harder route and getting better upgrade materials from them.
The game seems more balanced towards the NG+ playthrough. The “Safe” routes are easy in the early and mid game. The “Normal” routes will knock you around a bit if you play sloppy. The “Dangerous” routes require you to play strategically. On NG+, you finally have the tools to counter enemy actions and you’re strong enough that delaying an enemy might give you just enough time to defeat it without taking damage, compared to the first playthrough where you’re so weak that you’re going to get hit whether you delay the enemy or not. Unfortunately, on NG+, you’re going to have so much health and special energy that the first two-thirds of the game are a total breeze. You have to go out of your way to lose some of the boss fights once you’re super upgraded (like say if you were a questionable person and you wanted to go for the “let all the children die” ending. Hypothetically, of course). They really made getting the bad ending super difficult. You’re going to need all those upgrades and tons of items at the end if you want to be a bad person and that really helps sell that this ending is not good and not something you should be striving for.
If you’re interested in the series (and are okay with the, ya know, fictional war crimes), there’s a demo for the first game on the Playstation and Switch stores that is irresponsibly long. It’s like a quarter of the full game so it gives you a really deep look at what you’re in for. These are well-made games with a lot of effort and care put into them so I hope the series does well (and we get that third game).
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dailytatsu · 3 years
Hello! I saw request were open so i was wondering if i could request some headcanons of the Archons and/or the Adepti meeting a God reader who is the God of Chaos and destruction. The reader is not a Archon tho and travels all over Teyvat cuz small bits of destruction were ever they go. They're pretty mischievous and somewhat smug but despite how they act they're actually a good person. They dont mean to cause problems(most of the time anyways) chaos follows them were ever they go. Idk if you have a character limit but if you do please tell me so i wont make a mistake again. And if there is you can just do Zhongli and Xiao. Optionally could you make them a dendro user, there not a lot of dendro content and if not thats fine. I understand. Could you make the reader Gn or Non-binary they/them pronouns please? If not male reader is totally fine. Im so sorry for the long post and I hope you have a good day/night!
Ohmy, it’s my first time just writing headcanons! I’m use to write a lot, so let’s hope I did it right (^ ^' )7
Thanks for the request! ✨
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[HC] God of Chaos! Reader and the Archons + Xiao
Characters: Zhongli, Xiao, Venti, Shogun Raiden (Ei).
Gn! Reader
I tried doing it with everyone but I’m no still that confident to try writing with some characters _| ̄|○
Sorry for any mistakes!
Request are open!
Genshin Masterlist
Second part ->
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To be honest, he didn't notice your presence at first. He had other concerns on his mind that day to perceive the chaotic (and slightly threatening) aura that Mondstadt was infected with that day.
Barbatos is a person of habit, so he couldn't help but be curious when the crowd in front of him began to look a little agitated instead of seeming to enjoy his lyre and his songs.
But then a series of domino events appeared in front of his very eyes.
The purity of the chaos was such that he felt overwhelmed, even without the white-haired boy around, if it wasn’t Bennett fault, then how was it possible for everything to be ruined in such a short time?
His patience ended when, out of nowhere, the strings of his lyre jumped close to his face as they snapped. Making that awful noise that couldn’t mean nothing good.
Okay, enough, who is messing around in here? No more joking in his nation!
He concentrated a little, a faint but unique presence kept his nerves on edge, as if he was being watched from afar. He moved away from the busy areas and then chased that ephemeral energy to the highest point of the church, where the bells were ringing in an irregular and stressful way.
Then he found you. Snoozing against one of the columns, somewhat tired because the trip you made to reach Mondstadt.
Surprisingly, Barbatos understood you since the first exchange of words. A god of chaos who was also a free spirit, you followed no rules ever written in Teyvat, and you had no plans to apologize for the mess you made.
Both of you were Zhongli’s worst nightmare, but that’s another story.
He managed to through your arrogance and your teasing nature that you, in fact, were a lonely spirit that liked to witness the life from above of everyone.
The difference between teasing someone accidentally and committing a crime was really visible, but he still couldn't help but feel like he should scold you after your mere presence messed up with the guild's baskets full of fish.
But hey! He also enjoy the company! Venti tried to teach you how to enjoy the calm and the whisper of wind, music can also contain chaos, feelings, old stories waiting to be told again, expressions and desire united, in a wonderful piece of-
As you yawned his lyre broke up again. Making clear the message.
Okay, not even God of Freedom and Wind can control chaos. Anyways, what a tragedy, but there’s nothing a simple bard can do, smh.
“Do you like kids, don’t you?” He said once, after a nice day of hearing him sing before your chaos reached his little concert. Again watching everyone from above on the hands of the statue, with your attention caught by some kids playing tag.
“… I don’t know what do you mean.” Once discovered you had no choice but to remain defensive, pretending to be disinterested.
“Heh, you aren’t a good liar.” It may not be the wisest thing to make fun of someone who could destroy the place where you were resting, but Venti was confident that he knew you well enough to know that you were not so explosive. “You know!, I just have some pieces, but I think it’s because they are little walking concentrations of pure and innocent chaos, am I wrong?”
He wasn’t, no at all. But you would never confess something that embarrassing.
This guy wrote a ballad about the days when Mondstadt got immerse with that strike of bad luck. Kind of an apology of not being able to handle the situation.
Now there’s the rumor that says that, every time somebody sings that song, something unlucky will happen in front of you.
The song is cursed.
One night when the moon was shining on the Cider Lake his well tuned ears distinguished a melody that was broken from time to time by the accidents of his performer, distracting him of his way to look for you.
It could be painful to listen to, but Venti could certainly feel the dedication of the one who was playing the imperfect song.
The ballad of the god of chaos, hummed like a lullaby that instead of making you sleep makes you question the events of the day. Wishing for the slightest thing to be different after an exhaustive week of peace and tranquility.
A lonely spirits cursing their existence, sitting in the highest point of a stranger’s palace, where you can reach the sky by only rising your hand.
The next day, Barbatos invited you to drink some wine, this time near Windrise to avoid accidents in the city.
As he almost dropped the bottle when a lot of slimes were attracted by your presence, he confirmed the theory about that the way to spend time with you would not be his personal definition of hanging out.
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Okay, there’s only two scenarios that could happened when you set a foot in Liyue.
Old man has a soft spot for you for being a relative young deity.
Or he’s always lecturing you for not having control of your aura and powers.
How u dare bringing chaos to the nation of order? It’s that a death wish?
Jokes aside, you’re not really a threat. And he could sense that after he saw how you tried to avoid having direct contact with the city. Rex Lapis found your silhouette jumping and crossing through the mountains until reaching the fairest point that allowed you to enjoy the view of the streets that were filled with life and light as the sunsets.
He even noticed how you sighed in frustration when a storm started out of nowhere. A rain dedicated just for the arriving of the God of Chaos. Not even bothering of getting shield, you stayed in your place to look at all the people who were getting back to their places.
The rain seemed to stop over your head, for a second was enough to stop you from being cruelly swamped by the very weather you had created. An elegant umbrella covered you, the long awaited surprise you expected from someone as outdated as Morax.
You looked up, and found his expression calm and attentive, watching you. As if he had made a great discovery that he could not believe
“May I have a moment of your time to keep you company? Letting out your sorrows in the middle of a torrential storm is not what I would recommend as way to spend a good day.”
“… What are you talking about? Get in your own business, old man.”
“Well, you should know that a sorrow shared is a sorrow halved.”
Next time you knew was that he was helping you to dry your hair with a towel once you let him guide you to his place.
Zhongli picked you up like a abandoned cat that day. Even if having you near meant to deal with new the roof leaks.
Also kept you away from Hu Tao, if you two ever get along for being partners in crime he would seal himself underground-
For all the time you spend exploring Liyue, there he was. Like a little kid showing his treasures. But also like a worried father looking after his child for them not to stumble making their first steps.
Look at you! Almost crushing those Treasure Hoarders when a bunch of rocks fell down after you jumped at the edge of the cliff.
Wait, no- come back here! You should verify the surroundings and be aware of the weight of your power if you’re going to explore in that bold way. You, chaotic brat.
Another one who believed fervently that your mood was to blame for the constant chaos you caused. He also tried to show you the wonders of peace and calm, teaching you how to prepare tea while listening to the storyteller (also both being a little far away from the rest of them, just in case).
He couldn’t help but sigh when the teapot arm broke as soon as you tried to serve the tea. What a waste, he thought.
You apologized to him, kind of stressed with yourself after you took all the pieces with your bare hands to run away with them. Leaving a confused Zhongli behind.
Next day you were back, with the teapot repaired and just like new.
He let out a lot of thankful words, some flattering and a lot more cheesy things that you never had received before.
With that unexpected affection you couldn’t help but react flustered; then a cat that was chasing a bird jumped through a lot of decorations and merchandise, almost starting a fire as the chained events kept going.
Yeah,, uh, Zhongli got some useful mental notes about you and your chaos that day.
Hey, before you go, want to make a contract? You won’t regret it!
But as the wandering spirit you were you had no problems in reject his offer, but also promising that you would visit Liyue if he wanted you to.
Of course he wanted! But.. maybe next time you should stay in Huaguang Stone Forest instead of roaming near the city,,
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Tried to kill you.
I mean, your aura is threatening and full of a destructive energy, how is possible that you weren’t a demon to eradicate??
Sorry, but he had a point.
Your first met was on your way to reach Huaguang Stone Forest along with Zhongli for introduce you with the Adeptus.
Xiao, in the other side, thought that you were about to attack Morax from behind, so he just struck against you. With his polearm near to go through your chest, just stopped because you felt him before.
Lifting your hand at his direction, summoning chaos, this time, on purpose. The wind gained a wrathful nature and the biggest roots that were hiding under his feet rose to caught him.
And when you were about to hit each other Zhongli’s shield appeared just in time to separate both of you. Preventing a real catastrophic event.
Now stop fighting and introduce to each other.
Nice(n’t) to meet u.
What if you tried to awake Azhdaha to bring chaos and destruction to Liyue? What if you wanted to summoned Osial? What if… ?
Zhongli had to confirm and promise to him that those cruel possibilities won’t be a near future for respecting the real reason of your travel.
No matter if he wasn’t comfortable with your presence, it wasn’t his decision to allow you to roam freely, so he had to get use to it.
He immediately knew after hearing about your nature that was your fault that lately there were a lot more demons and monsters. Even his karma was getting more painful than usual.
(If you ever meet Hu Tao, please think twice before doing Xiao a prank)
You both didn’t interact a lot, and being honest, it was better that way.
He hadn’t a single intention of talking with you again until the day you were practicing the song that your Anemo friend taught you. By the other hand, Xiao noticed that the melody had the same nature as the one he once heard before being consumed by the karma.
It wasn’t a flute, but a worn lyre that was still in one piece after weeks of being repaired again and again.
“That song… ”
“Do you know it?” Xiao just nodded, staying in silence, being your very first audience even if you still have a lot to learn about playing a lyre.
It wasn’t as effective as the original, but was still… nice, kind of nostalgic.
Next morning, the Yaksha called for you. Made you stay still in the middle of a plain and then he disappeared of your sight.
He abandoned y- wait, what’s that? Why those monsters has that weird dark aura?
You were about to defend yourself until Xiao appeared back just in time to defeat them.
That day you became his personal bait for demons and monsters. Naturally you attracted chaos, so anyway you were, there will be also something to fight.
I guess this is your way to pay for all the troubles you made for him and his duty, so no complaining about it.
If you ask for a unexpected experience to Ganyu she would said that once she found both of you fighting along against the catastrophe, looking after each other’s back and almost having a perfect synchrony.
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Also tried to kill you.
Well, the puppet tried to.
And then Ei tried when you had the opportunity of facing her.
But since killing a god just mean the releasing of a lot, pure, energy she couldn’t afford that risk, much less considering your “speciality”.
Who knows what would happen to Inazuma if your vital energy burst across the nation. Just like that old story about Sal Terrae and their goddess.
She just defeated you. Letting you rest and recovering in the midst of the plane of her reality within her mind. Your inert body in the middle of the battlefield as she kept meditating.
When you woke up she ignored your presence, but also denying your complaints about letting you go out back.
In her words, you were a burden, another enemy of eternity. Something as unpredictable as you and your “accidents” couldn’t get along with her utopia.
Ei could banish you from Inazuma, but she knows your type. Stubborn and not accepting the most simple orders to obey.
She knew that you would found a way to be back.
It’s better like this.
And in the hypothetical case of you being freed when she trapped the traveler (kicking you out) and then having a chance to see her again after the end of the war, then things would be somewhat different.
There’s not that much of civilization on some islands, so she allowed you to explore as much as your heart wanted. But if something serious happen, she promised that would end her work in the middle of the sea so your remains never be found.
Okay, message clear. Just do chaos near monsters and bandits, got it,,
Even if she wanted to spend some time with you and telling you some stories about Inazuma and other gods she couldn’t found the right time to call you at her presence.
As the current ruler of Inazuma she was busier than the rest of Archons you have meet. Maybe just some letters now and then like a way to keep a logbook, but not really a face to face talk.
Until she got the opportunity of a day off, just to found you messing around near some ruins. Trying to solve a puzzle before your speciality strikes in. The structure fell down after your fingertips reached the stone.
When the dust dissipated, you discovered her figure judging you from the other side of the remain ruins.
Give her a good reason for not errase you from the map, I dare u.
You felt the worst was about to come when Ei ordered you to follow her after a long sigh. Crossing her arms and starting to walk away from the bunch of old and worn rock.
Plot Twist, she actually invited you to rest under a tree, asking in her serene voice the reason for your journey and your origin. In such a direct way that it seemed more like a sentence than a talk to get to know each other better.
You answered what you could remember and then the silence stayed like the only way of interaction between you two.
Ohno, you know this pattern. Something’s about to happen-
“There is some strange beauty in the chaos, it may be the calm after the storm, but the catastrophe itself is seen as a necessary evil to appreciate the stillness. How much it would last until the lighting hit the valley?”
“So I arrived to keep order between the humans?”
Well yes, but actually no.
“… You see, if there is nothing but order and a lack of problems, mortals are likely to create them on their own. Their minds feels the need to be tested, to prove their worth, so I guess some of your chaos may be part of the history.”
“… then shall we take a walk in Inazuma?” You did not know if you were right, but you thought you saw a faint smile through his lips in the same way that lightning can be seen in the sky.
“I’ll allow it.” She said.
Her only condition was for you not to approach the huge boxes of fireworks down the street.
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thosearentcrimes · 2 years
Ok so I forget why but I’ve spent most of today reading about medieval Catalan law. Pretty fucked up shit! Also pretty complicated. Feels weird to read law from a time when class hierarchy was a legal construct and unmistakable fact of life. Also a lot of misogyny. Some highlights.
“If anyone violently rapes a virgin, either let him marry her if she and her parents are willing and let them give her dowry to him or let him give her a husband equal to his rank. If one violently ravishes a women who is not a virgin and makes her pregnant, let him do the same.“
Ok so this is very obviously rooted in biblical law, but then adapted for somewhat different customs. I suppose the modern equivalent to this practice is the tv show “Maury”. The use of dowry here is interesting, because it conflicts somewhat with the way dowries are treated later.
“Likewise concerning the possessions and property of adulteresses if the adultery is committed against the husband’s will, let them and their lords have equal portions of all the adulterous wives’ property. But if, God forbid!, this adultery is committed with the will, order, or assent of the husbands, let their lords have full right and jurisdiction in such cases.”
Literal Actual Cuck Tax. If you get cucked, half of your wife’s property goes to you, and the other half goes to your lord. If you are a cuck yourself, though, all of it goes to your lord. What property is this, though? From everything I’ve read, and a reference in a later paragraph, I think it must be the dowry, which was kept separate from the proper possessions of the husband, though it was administered by him.
“However, if the women do not carry this out by their free will but from the fear or order of their husbands, let them be exempt from the actions of their husbands and their [husbands’] lords and not subject to the loss of any of their own property. And if these same women desire it, they may separate from their husbands and yet nevertheless let them not lose their dowry or wedding gift.“
Closing a possible loophole even further, further disincentivizing men from getting deliberately cucked, and as far as I can tell the first provision establishing a woman as having any rights (beyond the implicit ability to hold property). The exceptional provision here allowing them to separate while keeping their dowry is what indicates that the dowry is legally distinct from the rest of the household property.
This mostly concludes the “holy shit can you fucking imagine being a woman in the middle ages, or living in the middle ages at all” section of this post. To lighten the mood a bit, a couple fun observations.
There is a provision establishing a food and weapons embargo (a sanctions regime) on trade with the Saracens. Topical, or something. There is also an indication that defection to the Saracens is a frequent enough occurrence to be specifically legislated around.
“The aforesaid princes ruled and acknowledged it to be good faith that no men, after they have greeted or kissed each other, shall commit any crime against the other person on that day. But if, God forbid!, they did this, they should make restitution and compensation without any interdict to the person against whom they have committed this crime.“
A relatively pleasant notion, everyone should constantly be kissing their homies (covid permitting ofc) until you realize that this paragraph establishes that, if someone commits a crime against someone they greeted or kissed that day, they are legally required to pay compensation. But if someone commits a crime against another person they are already legally required to pay compensation, this doesn’t actually change anything at all, unless I’m missing something. Perhaps it’s some change in jurisdiction?
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possiamo-andare · 4 years
Liar: JJ Maybank
JJ x Reader
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(gif made by @rudypankows )
word count: over 9k (haha)
a/n: this is very angsty and I barely edited because it's so long. I'm so sorry in advance, the ending kinda sucks. I hope y'all like it tho!
description: this is a one part imagine, involving JJ and the reader (y/n). The reader and JJ meet at a beach party one night and start sleeping with eachother, but only staying friends. Soon, they fall for eachother and a sexual relationship turns into a romantic one. But JJ is hiding something and once it is revealed, will they ever be the same?
You rarely lied. As a kid, you would get hives when you lied to someone; your guilty conscience affecting your body. Lying was typically a very hard thing for you to do. It meant you were betraying someone's trust, and since you couldn't bear upsetting anyone, you couldn't lie. It got you in trouble all the time but your inability to lie was also your greatest strength. People appreciate your honesty and found your personality magnetic.
With that being said, you lied that night and it didn't even hurt you. 
He had looked so good, you told yourself that. That was the problem. He had just looked so damn good that night at the beach almost anyone would lie to themselves to get him. Even just a taste.
You wanted to ignore him at first. Maybe if you didn't care enough, he wouldn't notice you. Because, god, if he noticed you, then he'd come over and then you couldn't promise anything. So, you averted your gaze and instead paid attention to Kie as she spoke, telling you about the newest charity she was saving money to donate to. You had, once in a while, glanced his way but he had always been looking somewhere else so you thought that he hadn't noticed your stares. Until, you had accidentally looked his way when he was watching you. You knew it was an honest mistake and something that eventually would've happened since you were looking so often, but you were embarrassed nonetheless. You were trying to convince yourself he didn't even notice you when he walked your way. You felt his eyes burning into you and you mustered every ounce of self control you had and didn't look at him as he walked closer and closer to you and Kie.
When he finally approached, he spoke to Kie first. "Hey Kie." His eyes drifted towards you again, this time a smirk evident on his face. Him watching you made you shift uncomfortably. You knew he was taking you all in.
Kie smiled at him and briefly hugged him. Then she looked at you, a nervous smile on your face, as she introduced you. "This is my friend Y/N. Y/N, this is JJ."
You nodded towards JJ. "Hi." That name sounded familiar but you couldn't quite remember. You went to the same school as Kie, you being a Pogue but getting a scholarship to the academy. You were an intelligent individual but you knew, when it came to boys, you were just about the dumbest person in the world. You'd probably sell your left kidney just for a kiss with this boy you had never met before. It was dumb, but you were a teenager and hopefully would grow out of it.
"Hey, nice to meet you." He extended his hand for you to shake.
You looked down at it and shook it, electricity coursing through your veins.
"What's your last name?" 
JJ smirked, sizing you up once more. "Maybank."
JJ Maybank. You had heard about JJ and the things you heard didn't necessarily put a good taste in your mouth. But who were you to judge? Besides he was hot, and you doubted he would ever go for you. This was a harmless feeling.
Except it wasn't. One second, you were talking to JJ about surfing and the next second he was asking if you'd like to come back to his place. It had all happened so fast you were sure you had misunderstood him when he spoke. But then he asked you again and you were surprised. What surprised you even more was that you said yes. 
"This is a one time thing." You lied to JJ, untying your shoes at his doorway. 
He removed his shirt, pushing his hair out of his face. "Okay." He was smirking at you as you undressed, almost as if he didn't believe what you said. 
You believed yourself that night, but soon came to realize that was so far from the truth. That one night had been amazing and you had thought that would be it. But it was not that easy. It never was with JJ. Before you knew it, only a week later, you saw him again. This time with a brunette leaning against him.
You had been invited by Kie again to meet John B. and Pope. You had gladly decided to come, partly because you wanted to meet Kie's other friends and also because you knew JJ would be there. But you hadn't expected him to be kissing someone else. Although you wanted it to be you, you knew that wasn't possible. Besides, why did you care? You were not gonna let some blonde Pogue mess with you. It was one night. It was amazing, but you had told him never again. 
Then, it happened again. You were talking to John B. about helping him fix his car when, out of nowhere, JJ entered the conversation. He stood beside you and barely spoke but you felt his presence and that was enough. Once you and him were alone again, the conversation was short.
"Hey." He stated, matter-of-factly.
"Hi." You replied, pushing the hair out of your face.
"Didn't think I'd see you here." JJ smirked, taking a few steps closer to you. You remembered how harshly you swallowed. Boys like JJ rarely made you nervous.
"Well I am." You said defensively. You weren't about to let this boy play you. "Sorry I interrupted your fun with the brunette. What's her name?"
JJ chuckled. "Lacey. And you ruined nothing. To be honest, I wish it was you."
And then, that was it. Again, for the second time, you were in JJ's bed. Your clothes had been torn off before your body had even hit the bed. Shortly after JJ's were too. You barely had time to think, let alone speak but you managed to in between kisses.
"This is the last time." You smirked, both of you now knowing you were lying. 
You wished you weren't lying that night. You wished you hadn't slept with JJ again. Maybe, you thought, everything that happened after would've been easier.
After that second night, you and JJ started a relationship. He wasn't your boyfriend, he made that clear to you. You hadn't really wanted him to be anyways. You had just gotten out of a long term relationship and didn't want your heart broken. You chose the wrong guy again because JJ loved breaking hearts. He did it for fun.
The rules were simple. You'd only call each other at night and you would leave right after. No real conversations, no love, just sex. And for a month, that was easy enough. You needed him during that month as much as he needed you. You weren't looking for something serious, just to fool around. You were sick and tired of commitment and heartbreak and just wanted to relax and have fun. JJ never had commitments and enjoyed the company. He hadn't had a girlfriend in ages and there was rarely a girl who wanted this kind of relationship. He was really happy to know that you were that type of girl. And he believed that as long as you continued to be that type of girl, this could go on forever. 
Except it didn't. 
You weren't really sure when everything changed but if you had to guess, you'd say it was the night he climbed through your bedroom window. 
Your parents were out on a date night when you heard tapping on your window. At first you thought it was the tree outside your room but when it persisted, you decided to look for yourself. That's where you found JJ, leaning against your window sill. In a moment of shock, you opened the window and pulled him through. You were so shocked to see him mostly because the rules had been that if he wanted to have sex, he had to call you first. You had just been on your phone and since you hadn't gotten a call or text, you wondered why he was here in the first place. You were so shocked to see him here you almost didn't see his face. But once you did, you couldn't look away.
As he took a seat on the edge of your bed, you gasped. Not only was his face covered in blood and open wounds, he clutched his right side, as if he had broken a rib. You didn't hate blood, you hated the smell. To you, blood smelled like old iron and it made you nauseous. You probably would've become a doctor if it wasn't for the fact that the smell of blood made you nauseous. Maybe it was all the adrenaline of seeing JJ outside your window or the fact that he was badly beaten up, but you didn't feel nauseous when you smelled the blood coming off him. Your mind was too busy to remember to be nauseous. 
You went to sit beside him, your hand coming to touch his face. "JJ..." The second your hand touched his cheek, he winced and pulled away.
"My dad got drunk." JJ stated, looking at his feet. He was clearly embarrassed and when you didn't speak, he continued. "I didn't know where to go. John B. is with Sarah and I don't wanna bother Pope or Kie."
You nodded. "I'm gonna get you cleaned up."
You knew JJ's dad was a deadbeat father. Everyone in OBX did. When he wasn't gambling, he was getting piss drunk in his home. A lot of people believed that JJ would bear the brunt of his father's alcoholism but you didn't want to believe it. You didn't want to believe that a father hurt his only child. Your parents weren't the best, being Pogues they rarely parented and you were frequently left to your own devices, but they never laid a finger on you. You didn't want to believe someone as seemingly happy as JJ would be suffering from physical abuse behind closed doors. Now, you knew it to be true.
You wanted to cry for JJ. But you stayed strong and fixed him the best you could. You got some disinfectant and a cloth, with tons and tons of bandages and got to work. First, you washed his face. As the water cleansed his face, your sink started to look like a crime scene. The amount of blood that went down the drain almost made you think that people's water was gonna start to taste like iron. Once his face was washed, you realized that there were only really two big gashes on his face. One, right over his cheek and the other on his forehead. With some disinfectant and bandages, you knew it would heal in a couple of weeks. As for JJ, you didn't know if he would heal.
"This is gonna hurt." You said as you held the cloth you soaked in disinfectant. JJ was sitting on the edge of your bathtub as you spoke to him. 
He nodded. "Got any liquor?"
You smiled, shaking your head. "Sorry."
JJ sighed, shrugging his shoulders. "It's whatever."
And with that, you started to disinfect his wounds. At first, he was wincing but the more you cleaned, the less he did. Finally, when the two wounds on his face were clean, you put three bandages on each wound. Then, you moved onto his side, where he was clutching it tenderly. You knew that this was way out of your area of expertise but you wanted to help the best you could. And you knew JJ would never agree to go to a hospital. 
"You gotta take off your shirt." You stated, pointing to the bloody shirt he still was wearing.
JJ smirked, looking down. "You want me right now?"
You couldn't help but smile. Even in this state, he could make you laugh. How was he so strong? "No. I need to see if you're hurt anywhere else."
JJ nodded, still smirking as he lifted his shirt over his head. "Anything to see me naked."
You were about to counter with a snarky remark, but you never got the chance. Your breath was caught in your throat when you saw what was underneath JJ's shirt. Where he was clutching his side, was a large purple bruise that expanded through his entire side. It was horrendous and you knew it would turn black before it started to heal but that wasn't even the worst of it. There were smaller bruises all over his stomach and back. They were small but you could tell they were large before and were just starting to heal. You wondered how you didn't see them before. It was dark when you were together but it couldn't have been that dark. Granted, you weren't really looking out to see if there was bruising but you couldn't believe that you had missed these before.
You were silent for minutes and finally, JJ spoke. "I never wanted you to see them. That's why I want to only see you at night."
You looked to JJ's face, his expression unreadable. Although he was expressionless, you were not. Your face was in a deep frown and there were tears pooling in your eyes, threatening to spill over any moment. You wanted to speak, but you didn't know what you could say. What was there to say?
Finally, you found your voice. "JJ..." Your voice was weak and soft, filled with emotion. You reached for his hand but when he realized you were about to cry, he pulled away.
"No," he said defiantly. "Don't get emotional. I'm fine." He was acting so strong. Why?
You nodded, blinking back tears. You refused to cry. "I'll get you some ice. Go lay on my bed."
You barely looked at JJ in the face as you left the bathroom to go get ice. This was too much for you, and it seemed like another normal Saturday night for JJ. You couldn't decide whether to feel so bad for him or angry that he wasn't letting you cry. You knew he was holding back tears, just like you, but he resented that you wanted to cry. You knew you weren't strong like JJ. All this time, all those beatings, and you would've cracked. You would've ran away or worse, but JJ kept going back. That night, your opinion of JJ changed. 
The rest of the night consisted of you icing JJ's side and not speaking. You tried to get him to talk but he refused. You started with asking him about why his dad was doing this and for how long but he wouldn't answer you. Then you asked what had happened this time but he didn't want to talk about it. He complained he was tired and just wanted to sleep. You knew this was breaking a rule, but you cuddled beside him, laying your head in his chest to hear his heartbeat. He seemed way more calm when you were beside him.
Finally, after an hour of trying to get him to talk, you spoke for the last time. "Why'd you come to me?"
JJ shrugged one of his shoulders, the other one not moving because it was under your body. "I trust you."
You were shocked but too tired to say anything. You just laid there with him, hoping that you helped take some of the pain away. You hoped you had made some type of difference but you knew that with JJ, you were never sure.
After that night, things were different. JJ started calling you less and less and when you called him, he started making up more excuses. Sometimes you both went a week without speaking to each other and then he blamed it on how busy he was. You rarely hooked up, and when you did, it felt different. There was way more kissing and the kissing was more passionate and longer. Before, you had raced to take your clothes off and now, you let JJ make the first move. You felt different and at first, you thought it was because you felt closer to JJ. He had come to you in a time of need and you now were considered friends. That's why you thought it felt different. But then, JJ started acting very differently and you knew it wasn't just you. He would stay with you afterwards. He used to get dressed before you had time to catch your breath but now, he lingered on your bed and near you. You knew he wanted to stay the night but didn't know how to ask. And you were scared to tell him to stay. You didn't want to scare him. 
JJ was not the relationship type of guy but that's basically what you were. You had stopped sleeping with anyone else entirely after that night and focused solely on thinking of JJ. You knew what a crush felt like and you knew that you were developing feelings for JJ. But, it was so hard for you to know if he felt the same way. Sometimes, you were sure he felt the same way. There were days where he couldn't keep his hands off you and was so passionate you couldn't stop smiling. Then there were other days where he wouldn't text you back and didn't answer your calls. You weren't sure if he was sleeping with other girls but you didn't want to ask. If he was, you knew it would hurt you. 
Three days before the incident, JJ was having one of those days where he wasn't talking to you. You had texted him to ask him if he was going to Kie's party tonight but he only read it and didn't respond. You had just seen each other the night before and he was so loving and passionate that you thought for sure he felt the same. He had even stayed to cuddle afterward and talk to you about his day. You were smiling and laughing with each other and you were starting to feel like a real couple. Now, he wasn't responding to a simple question you asked. You felt so defeated. You couldn't tell what he was feeling and you felt like you were being strung along. You wanted to sit down and talk to him but you knew JJ and he didn't like that type of stuff. For JJ to even say he was happy was a lot since he rarely talked about his emotions. 
That day, you felt used. You knew he was playing you. You convinced yourself, in that moment, that if he likes you he would've already told you. You convinced yourself he didn't like you. You told yourself, if he came to Kie's party, you would ignore him all night and talk to some other guy. There was no reason to wait around for someone who didn't appreciate you. 
So, as you got ready for Kie's party, you turned off your phone. If he was gonna try to call or text you, you would make sure you couldn't see it. It would be way too tempting to keep your phone open. As you buttoned your shorts, you continued to tell yourself that this was for your own good. There's no point in being with someone who couldn't even decide if they liked you or not.
When you got to Kie's party, you instantly looked for alcohol. If you wanted to distract yourself, alcohol was your best option right now. You were halfway done with your second cup when Kie found you. 
"Hey honey." She said, slowly taking the drink out of your hands. You fought her grasp for a second but when she started to glare at you, you let the cup go.
You plastered on a fake smile. "Hi Kie."
She threw out the remainder of your drink before hugging you tightly. "You're gonna need to be sober tonight."
You frowned, your brain already a bit foggy. "Why?"
Kie let go of you, glancing at the beach for a moment before looking back at you. "Rafe is here." 
You wanted to gasp, but it came out more as a hiccup. Unfortunately, Rafe was your ex. You were together for a year before he cheated on you with someone else. You and Rafe had many great memories together but they were all tainted by the fact that he had cheated on you. Kie had told you from the beginning that a Pogue and a Kook dating was not a good idea but you were dumb and did it anyways. The good thing about Kie is that she never said I told you so. She just hugged you until you stopped crying. Now, you had to face Rafe for the first time since you broke up months ago. 
Surprisingly, you reacted normally. You shrugged, looking behind you to John B., who was handling the keg. "JB! Can ya get me another cup?"
John B. looked over to Kie, who was glaring at him. John B. knew not to mess with Kie. He then looked back to you and shook his head. "Sorry."
You frowned, glaring at Kie. "Seriously?"
Kie just smirked. "You need to be on your best behavior."
You shrugged, a devilish idea popping onto your mind. "I will."
Kie frowned. "I know that look."
You smiled, the idea in your head about to turn into a reality. "Step aside."
Kie shook her head but you were quick to push her away and walk ahead of her, straight in the direction of Rafe. Kie followed behind you, pleading for you not to talk to him. You had never resolved your problems with Rafe and you knew that was something he wanted to do. So, in an effort to get a rise out of JJ, you were gonna talk to Rafe. You knew he was somewhere at this party and if he saw you and his nemesis speaking again, you hoped he would cause a scene. It was a shitty thing to do but it was the only way to know how JJ truly felt about you.
Once you got closer to the ocean, you spotted Rafe. He was sipping on a red cup, probably filled with beer, as he talked to Topper. When he saw you, he almost spit out his drink. You locked eyes for a moment before Kie stepped in front of you, blocking your view of him. 
"No way. He cheated Y/N." Kie said, grabbing a hold of your hand.
You nodded. "I know."
Kie had a confused look on her face. "Then why talk to him?"
You looked over her shoulder and started to watch as Rafe made his way over to you. "Because of JJ."
Kie looked even more confused for a moment but then caught on. She had only suspected that there was something going on between the two of you but had no proof. Your omission right there was enough proof.
"Don't do this." Kie argued again, trying to convince you that this entire situation was a bad idea. She had seen what a jealous JJ was capable of and she knew if he felt even some feelings for you, this would not end well.
"If JJ can't admit his feelings towards me, I'll just talk to someone you will." You said to Kie, finally looking away from her one last time. 
Right behind Kie stood Rafe. The red cup in his hand before was now gone and he was smiling at you. He had come tonight knowing you'd probably be here. He knew he had made a mistake and was willing to fix it between the two of you. You were always such a good girlfriend and he missed hanging out with you. He hoped you were open to fixing things too.
"Hey." Rafe said, causing Kie to turn around. She took one look at Rafe and rolled her eyes before looking back at you. You smiled at her and she sighed, walking away. Kie was done. If this is what you wanted, there was no way to stop you.
"Hi Rafe." You giggled, twirling your hair around your finger. You needed to be extra flirty with Rafe. The more you acted like you still liked him, you hoped the more upset JJ would be.
"I wanted to talk to you. I hoped we could talk about what happened." He said, stepping closer to you.
You nodded, holding back a gag. Truth be told, there was nothing on this earth that could make you like Rafe again. "Sure."
"I just wanna say how fucking sorry I am." Rafe began, grabbing your hand. You wanted to flinch but you didn't. "I was such a fool and I realize that now. I want you back Y/N."
You smiled, pretending to be happy with what he was saying. To be honest, you wanted to gag. The boy had cheated on you for half of your relationship with a girl that, as far as you knew, he was still seeing. There was no way in hell you would ever take him back. He didn't have to know that. You felt like it was justice now. Maybe Rafe was getting what he deserved.
Before you could speak and tell Rafe you were willing to give him a chance, you felt two hands on your arm. The hands grabbed where Rafe was holding your arm and ripped you both away. You recognized the person immediately. It was JJ, and he was fuming. He barely even looked at you as he made his way to stand in front of you, standing in between you and Rafe.
JJ turned to you, his brows furrowed and his jaw set. "What the hell are you doing?"
You rolled your eyes. "Just talking to Rafe."
Rafe moved from behind JJ to beside him. He grabbed a hold of JJ's shoulder and tried to move him. JJ didn't budge, still glaring at you. You knew it was working. Finally, you had some type of answer. JJ had unresolved feelings for you. Now, he just had to admit it.
"Why?" JJ questioned, glaring at Rafe for a moment before looking to you again. Although he was mad, you could tell his expression softened when he looked at you.
Before you could speak, Rafe grabbed a hold of JJ's shoulders and pushed him away from me. Then, Rafe spoke. "We're trying to work shit out."
JJ moved out of the way but only enough for Rafe to squeeze forward. You kept your eyes on JJ, who was now beyond confused. Rafe was speaking to you again but you tuned him out and watched as JJ tried to figure out why the hell you would want to work things out with Rafe. Finally, it seemed to click. When it did, JJ grabbed your hand and pulled you away from Rafe. Your hand felt as if it was on fire and you wanted to smile so badly but you kept the frown on your face. Rafe tried to follow you but JJ stood in front of him so your eyes were only on JJ's now.
As you looked into his eyes, he grabbed a hold of your shoulders and brought you close to him. "If you want to know how I feel, just ask me."
Rafe spoke up now. "What the fuck are you -"
"Rafe!" You spoke up, glaring at Rafe for a moment. You tore your gaze away from JJ for a moment only to finally give Rafe a piece of your mind. "I'd only get back together with you if we were the last two people on earth, and maybe not even then."
Rafe was taken aback. He had definitely not thought you were going to act so rude but you could care less. "JJ..." Rafe began to say but JJ ignored him. You didn't know why Rafe was so confused by JJ's reaction but you didn't care. JJ was about to tell you how he felt and that was all that mattered.
There was nothing for Rafe to say to make you like him and he knew it. So, with that, he turned and left. Finally, your eyes were back on JJ. 
"You have to tell me." You said, crossing your arms over your chest.
JJ smirked, cupping your face in his hands. "You have to ask me."
You rolled your eyes. "How do you feel?"
JJ smiled this time, pulling you closer. "I like you Y/N. A lot."
You smiled back, wanting to scream for joy. Finally, there was no more confusion. "I like you too. A lot."
Finally, the two of you kissed. There was no more confusion or lies. It was just you and JJ, kissing. This kiss was different. It was full of promises. You liked each other, for real now, and you were not afraid to admit it. This is what it felt like to kiss someone you liked you, wholeheartedly. Someone who wanted you. Someone who cared. It had been so long since you had kissed someone who had cared about you.
That weekend before the incident, was probably the best weekend of your life. It was just you and JJ the entire weekend. The first two days were spent at your house. You just stayed together, half naked, talking and laughing and watching tv. There was no drama or confusion. It was just you and him. The kisses felt so real. The feelings felt so good. You felt a little more whole. You felt as though JJ felt the same. Those two days at your house were not only passionate but they were also a time where you got to know one another. This entire time, the both of you didn't know much about each other. Those two days in your house were spent getting to know each other. You learned that JJ loved fixing cars and wanted to own a hot tub one day. You knew his favourite colour and his favourite sport. And finally he opened up about his dad. When the abuse began, when it got worse and even what instigated his father that night he came to your house. You didn't cry and neither did he. You just soaked in his words and let him say his peace before comforting. JJ had opened up to you more in those two days than he had since he met you. You knew why. It was because you finally were a couple and he finally could be honest with someone. To JJ, it was the best feeling in the world. But, even as he spoke to you, he knew he was lying between his teeth.
The third day, you both had been at JJ's house. His dad had gone south for the weekend to gamble so you and JJ decided to get some fresh air and stay in his backyard for the day. There was only one lawn chair in his backyard but you both made it work. JJ sat down on it as you sat on his lap and cuddled onto him. For a couple of hours, you just laid there with him, talking at different times about everything. You felt so free now and you believed JJ felt the same. You knew it was because everything was out in the open. Everything had been said and anything that hadn't was still being developed. Even if it was just you and JJ laying on a chair, you still felt excited. You were with JJ and not scared anymore. You knew how he felt and it just felt so good to be wanted. It had felt like it had been a lifetime since you felt wanted.
When the sun finally set, you knew you had to say goodbye. Your parents were probably worried for you and JJ's dad would be back the next morning. The weekend was coming to an end and you were so upset. You and JJ had been in this bubble the entire weekend and you didn't want to break it. It was so hard to say goodbye. It took you and JJ ten minutes to say goodbye. You made plans to see each other tomorrow but it still felt like such a long time. You stood on JJ's front lawn for ten minutes, kissing and hugging each other until you were the first to pull away. You knew if you didn't get home soon, your parents would ground you.
"I gotta go." You whined as JJ kissed you again. 
He wasn't letting you go. "No."
You pried away from his grip. You didn't want to leave. Being with JJ always made you feel better, even more so now. "I gotta. I'll see you tomorrow."
Finally, JJ lets you leave. With one last kiss, you turn away from him and walk away. As you walk down JJ's block, there's an evident smile on your face. You probably look like a crazy woman to the neighbours but you could care less. It had been a long road, through so much confusion, but you finally were with JJ.
You thought back to the time when you first met JJ. You had promised him it was a one time thing and you knew it was a lie. It felt like years ago when you first met him when in reality, it had only been a couple of months. You pictured his face the first time you met him. He had the devilish smirk on his face and his pupils were dilated. You remembered how you felt, and it didn't compare to how you felt now. You had never felt this strong about someone in ages and it felt so good to be appreciated. You had known that night, whether you'd admit it or not, that JJ was going to change your life. You had texted Kie that night and told her -
Your phone. 
As you made your way onto the steps of your house, you remembered you forgot your phone at JJ's house. Dammit. You sighed and opened your front door, hoping your parents would let you go back quickly to get it.
Thankfully, your parents were sitting in your living room when you entered your house. They greeted you quietly but you told them you can't stay because they remembered you forgot your phone at Kie's house. You had told them you were at Kie's house and of course, they believed you. Your dad warned you to be quick and soon and you promised that you would. You were out the door and down your steps before your parents had time to warn you again. 
Although it was inconvenient to walk all the way back to JJ's house, you couldn't help but smile. Not only would it be a cute surprise but you also wanted to see JJ again. You had missed him already. 
You raced back to JJ's house and made it in ten minutes, cutting your travel time in half. You were desperate to see him again, even if it was only for five minutes. Your excitement died down once you saw JJ's house. 
The first thing you noticed that was out of place was that there was a BMW in JJ's driveway. JJ didn't have a car, let alone a BMW. That was something a Kook had. You looked at the license plate and it seemed familiar but you couldn't place it. As you passed the car, you slowed down. Something about this car made your body go cold, even on a hot summer night like this. Your gut was telling you something, but you didn't want to believe it. 
You somehow knew that you had to be quiet. As you made your way up the steps of JJ's house, you tiptoed towards the door. The closer you got, the more you realized that the door was slightly open, a glimmer of light from the house spilling into the darkness of night. You leaned forward, peeking through the slightly ajar door, hoping to get a glimpse of what was going on.
"Don't!" You heard JJ yell, his figure coming into the limited space you could see. He was yelling at someone that you couldn't see.
"Why? Because you know she'll hate you?" The voice made you gasp softly. You knew who it was. It was Rafe. It was Rafe's car that was in the driveway. Why was he here? And who were they talking about?
"Shut your fucking mouth!" JJ seethed, grabbing ahold of Rafe's collar and finally pulling him into your eyesight. 
Rafe pushed JJ off of him, shoving him into the wall. You wanted to scream but you knew if you did, you'd never find out what they were talking about. "If you don't tell her, I will."
JJ looked so defeated. You wanted to reach out to him. "Please don't. I love her."
You knew who they were talking about now. It was you. JJ had done something only Rafe knew about. It was something he knew you'd hate him for. What could he have done?
Rafe played with his keys in his hand. "I paid you to go out with her only for you to break her heart. So she'd come back to me. What was so fucking hard about that? Not my fault you love her. I want my money back."
Rafe paid him? No. You couldn't believe it. Wouldn't. Everything felt so real. JJ's feelings felt real. You knew it was too good to be true. Even before he approached you for the first time, you had a feeling he would never like you. When he showed interest, you were surprised. When he approached you the second time, you were even more surprised. It all made sense now. Why was JJ so reluctant to like you, why he pulled you away from Rafe when you were trying to talk to him at Kie's party. He was playing you. But it all felt so real.
You must've gasped really loud because JJ and Rafe heard you from inside. JJ had swung the door open, scared to see who was on the other side. He knew if it was you, it would be over for him. When he saw you, crying, he realized what he had done.
When you saw JJ reach out for you, you moved away. He disgusted you. How could he? How could Rafe? Granted, Rafe was an asshole but at least he wore it on his sleeve. JJ had tricked you. And you could never forgive him. You backed away from both JJ and Rafe, slowly moving down JJ's steps.
"Y/N..." JJ began, following you down the steps. Rafe just watched behind JJ, clearly enjoying the misery he caused.
"Get away from me." You seethed, tears rolling down your face so fast. God, you felt sick. You felt so nauseous. Everything was a lie. 
"I'm so sorry." JJ frowned, tears in his eyes. He seemed to shrink down as he walked towards you. The closer he walked though, the farther you walked. 
"You liar!" You screeched, your voice raspy. You could barely breathe. It hurt so much.
JJ shook his head, his arms out towards you. "No, no. I love you Y/N."
You shook your head, wrapping your hands around your body, hugging yourself. You closed your eyes for a moment and stopped walking. This couldn't be real. You didn't want it to be real.
You felt JJ come closer to you, finally wrapping his arms around you. You let him embrace you, even if you didn't hug him back. This was the last time he would touch you. The last time he'd hurt you. God, you had been so stupid.
The hug only lasted ten seconds because the second you collected yourself, you pushed him away. He looked so hurt, tears running down his face. You wanted to hug him, you still had feelings for him, but you knew you couldn't. He betrayed you. He lied to you. 
"You're a liar." You said coldly, finally turning around and running away. 
You ran and ran and ran. Away from JJ's house and away from Rafe. Away from everything that you once loved. You didn't even stop to catch your breath, your mind wouldn't let you. You believed that maybe if you ran far enough, you wouldn't be in so much pain. You wanted to run away from all your problems.
You made it to your house in record time. By the time you entered your home, your parents were gone. They left a note on your bed saying that they went out for the night and would be back by midnight. You didn't care. You used to care. You used to leave you but it seemed as if everyone was leaving you recently. 
You curled up into a ball on your bed and closed your eyes. Once your eyes were closed, you blocked the images of JJ that flooded your mind. You remembered you hadn't gotten your phone but you didn't care. You just wanted to sleep. You cried so much your chest was starting to hurt and you knew the only way for all of this to stop, was for you to rest your body and mind. It was easy for you to fall asleep. Your eyelids were already droopy from all the crying that it only took a couple of minutes for you to fall asleep. Once you did, you slept the entire night. You started to dream about JJ, but you stopped yourself. Your brain wasn't ready for that yet. You needed time.
And this is where you were now. You hadn't talked to JJ in two days. Kie had come by to drop your phone off and she tried to comfort you but you didn't speak. It was hard to comfort someone who didn't want to be comforted. You felt so empty. You felt stupid too. You had been so eager to trust JJ, even when Rafe had betrayed your trust already. But you were a good person. You guessed this was your punishment. 
When Kie couldn't comfort you, John B. had tried to come over. At first, you didn't want to let him in, but with some coaxing, you finally opened your door to him.
You wanted to ask how JJ was but you told yourself you shouldn't care anymore. He wasn't yours anymore. He never was.
John B., tired of the silence, was the first to speak. "JJ is a wreck."
This got your attention. You had hoped he was. So were you. You didn't say anything to John B. when he said this, just nodded solemnly. 
"I've never seen him like this. He's really sorry." John B. said, sitting down beside you.
You scowled. "Did you only come here to make me feel shitty? JJ lied to me. He betrayed me. I could care less if he was dying."
John B. didn't even react to what you were saying, almost as if he knew you were going to say that. "Yeah. I know. I wanted to come to see how you were doing, but I'd be lying if I said JJ didn't want me to come to see how you were doing."
You looked at John B., the scowl replaced with a frown. "If he wants to talk to me, he can come here himself." You didn't want him to, but you knew the only way to end this was to tell JJ yourself. 
John B. nodded. "When can he meet you then?"
You had decided with John B. that you were going to meet JJ at the beach, where you first met. You guessed it was only fitting. You had gotten ready a couple hours before you were set to meet with him. You wanted to look a bit presentable, only to show JJ that you looked better than he did. Even if it was not true, you wanted to appear like you moved on. You put on some makeup and changed into a new tank top with black shorts, praying to God that you looked a little better than you were. You wanted to appear as if you had healed, even if you hadn't. 
Waiting on the beach was absolute torture. You had been ten minutes early which was your fault entirely. You wanted to have some control over the situation, even though you knew you weren't in control. As you waited, you began to feel yourself start to cry. You couldn't believe how much everything changed. Only days ago you and JJ were together and happy, and now you could barely think about him without crying. Everything has gone so messed up. Although you desperately wanted to go back to the time where you two were still together, you knew that you couldn't do that. You had the truth now and as much as those old memories were good, you didn't want to forget the truth. You would come here with only one purpose. You needed to end things with JJ completely.
JJ was late by three minutes. You wanted to be upset but you know why he was late. You knew he wanted to prolong this conversation because he knew why you wanted to talk to him. You were here to end things for good and JJ didn't want that. By the time he finally arrived on the beach, he prepared himself. You were doing the same. 
Once he was close enough, you spoke first. "Hello." You were cold as you spoke, almost as if you were talking to a stranger.
JJ knew he deserved this kind of behaviour from you but it still hurt him deeply. With every ounce of being he had in him, he replied. "Hi." 
"I think you know why I want to talk to you." You said, the coldness in your voice still evident. You are afraid that if he even showed a small hint of emotion, you would break down and start crying all over again. 
JJ nodded, tears in his eyes. He knew how stupid he was. When Rafe had come up to him before the beach party, he had been planning to take this other girl named Lacey out but he had offered JJ $2,000 just to break some girl's heart. JJ did that shit for free and to get money for it oh, it seemed like a deal. He slept with you once and although he felt something, he ignored it. He got his money but Rafe was still unhappy because you hadn't reached out to him yet. So Rafe told JJ to hook up with you a second time but this time JJ didn't ask for any money. It felt wrong in JJ's eyes. He actually had a good time with you. You were a good person and it felt wrong. But he liked you enough to continue sleeping with you. Not for Rafe, before himself. After that night where you patch him up, he knew he couldn't deny his feelings for you anymore. He went back and forth in his mind, debating whether he should pursue things with you or not. You had made it clear many times that you felt something for him and although he felt something for you, there was a little voice in his head telling him that what he was doing screwed up because he hadn't liked you at first. There were so many times where he wanted to tell you but he didn't want to ruin anything because for the first time he actually ever felt happy with someone. Then he ruined everything. And now you never want to speak to him again.
JJ wanted to explain everything to you in detail and try to make you understand the situation that he was put in. There was no point though. He still had done a screwed-up thing to you and he didn't deserve you. 
"After tonight, I never want to talk to you again." You said plainly, crossing your arms over your chest. The sun was setting soon and you knew you should be getting home. But you needed one more thing from JJ. "Why'd you do it?"
JJ had been looking at his feet the entire time but when you said this he finally made eye contact with you. "Do what?"
You let a tear slide down your cheek and you watched as JJ frowned even more. "Why did you just break my heart like Rafe wanted? Why did you string me along?"
JJ sighed, looking at the ocean before getting the courage to look at you. He had hurt you beyond repair. He knew that there was nothing he could say, nothing he could do, to get you to forgive him. So he didn't sugar coat it. He just told you the truth.
"I could care less about you at first. I had seen you hanging out with Kie so many times before that first party and I thought you were cute but you were Kie's friend. Then race told me his plan and said he'd give me $2,000 if I could break your heart. I never cared about anyone. I was selfish. So at first, I did it. And it was easy. But you are so easy to love Y/N. You're kind and gentle. You didn't ask many questions when I came over to your house that night covered in cuts and bruises. You never pushed me to talk about my feelings because you knew that was not something that I was comfortable with. No one has done that. And I realized what I had been missing. But Rafe realized that you didn't love him anymore. He tried to get me to do it again and even offered more money but something told me not to do it." JJ took a moment to breathe, looking at the tears sliding down your face. He wondered what you were thinking. "It's so easy to be with you. I'm not easy to be around. I'm selfish and I'm cruel. I'm reckless. But you love me so much that you were patient. I know I should have told you. But it was so easy to be with you, that I didn't think I would be able to live without you. I'm sorry."
You didn't know how to react. This was the most JJ had ever expressed his feelings towards you. You'd be lying if you said you weren't surprised. You didn't know if it was enough though. You wondered if anything he did would be enough. 
When you didn't respond to him, JJ knew. It wasn't enough. He loved you and he said all those nice things, but it wasn't enough. He was a liar and he betrayed you too deeply for you to forgive him. He understood. He didn't blame you. He didn't say anything else. He doubted you wanted to hear his voice ever again. He made no sound as he turned away from you and left. As he walked to the boardwalk and passed the beach, he couldn't help but cry. Although he had cried before, this time he knew it was the end. It wasn't enough. 
You didn't know why JJ left. You are still trying to take in all those things that he said and by the time that you did, you realized that he was gone. You scanned the beach in the boardwalk and finally found him a hundred yards away. He didn't want to forgive him. You had come here tonight to make him hurt. You had come to end things completely. You had told yourself that no matter how much he pleaded, you were still going to walk away. But as much as you didn't want to admit it, you knew JJ and you knew when he was lying and when he wasn't. He wasn't lying now you knew he wasn't lying when you guys were together. He had screwed up. He had started a relationship with you for the wrong reasons. But he loved you. He loves you so much that he was willing to walk away if that made you happy. But you realized it didn't make you happy. And you wondered why you wanted to walk away in the first place. JJ had done all that terrible stuff before he knew you. And although it would take so much time for you to completely heal, you need JJ. So you ran after him.
"JJ!" You screamed, running closer and closer towards the boy you loved.
JJ stopped dead in his tracks. He thought his brain was playing tricks on him. But when you called for him the second time, he knew it was true. You had chased after him. You still wanted him. What had he done to deserve that? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
When he turned around, he saw you run to him. His tears instantly stopped and a huge smile fell over his lips. You had still loved him. You had run such a long way and JJ felt bad so he ran to you, trying to close to distance faster. Once you were close enough to touch, JJ reached out for you. When you reached out for him, he grabbed ahold of you, pulling you into a big hug. You both stood there for a moment, trying to catch your breath as you hugged. JJ was smiling so wide. 
Once you caught your breath, you let go of JJ. You looked at him, his hands coming up cup your cheeks. He was smiling so wide and you felt yourself smiling too.
"You're easy to love too." 
JJ didn't say anything, just pulled you close for a kiss. When your lips touched, you felt whole again. It would take some time but you needed JJ. And he needed you.
"I love you." JJ said, smiling wide. 
You nodded, pulling him close. "I love you."
And you both weren't lying.
taglist: @jjmaybanxx @teamnick
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the-peak-of-despair · 4 years
Fuyuhiko Kuzuryuu x Blackend!Reader
anon asked:  Hello! I really like your guys page! I was wondering if I could get some HC’s for a Fuyuhiko x reader? Say they are in a trial and they find out his S/O is the culprit? Angst angst angst? If not that’s fine but it’d make my day if you guys did it thank you
Boy howdy I do sure love me some angst, I loved this request ALOT so I wrote a full oneshot! Have fun crying! -Mod Akane
There wasn’t any denying it. 
You had killed Hiyoko Saionji.
Of course, you’d never planned to kill Hiyoko! Sure, she was kinda mean.. but you never wanted to kill anyone. But after Peko’s trial, she was saying all these mean things about Peko, and Fuyuhiko, and it just kept building up…
and you killed her. 
You were just listening to her ramble to herself about how horrible Fuyuhiko was and that Peko was useless, and you couldn’t stop yourself from just… picking up a nearby pipe and bashing her head in. 
You panicked, obviously, when you realized what you had done. You automatically threw the pipe into the ocean and picked up her body, deciding to set her back down in her cottage under the veil of night, using the key she stashed in her kimono.
It was another two days before anyone realized.. And then the trial had begun. 
Fuyuhiko couldn’t entirely wrap his head around this case. It was borderline insane, Hiyoko had been dead for three whole days before anyone found her. He didn’t like the girl too much, but still, that was awful. He looked up at (Y/N), who had been twiddling her thumbs silently basically the entire trial.
That struck Fuyuhiko as odd. Usually she did her best to contribute whenever she could during the trial. She didn’t wanna die as much as everyone else. Yet still… silent as ever. 
“Hiyoko had her key on her, right? Could the killer have just taken the key out of her pocket to set her in her cottage?” Kazuichi suggests. Hajime hums in response as (Y/N)’s eyes dart over to Kazuichi. 
“That’s most certainly a possibility..” Hajime mutters. “But why do all that?”
“Maybe it was so we wouldn’t look where they actually committed the crime.” Fuyuhiko suggests casually. There wasn’t really much else to guess…
“Actually..” Kazuichi starts, scratching the back of his neck and looking away from the rest of the group, “I might know where it took place…”
“Please tell us immediately!” Sonia pipes in, leaning against her podium with her hands, as if she was leaning herself towards Kazuichi.  
“Y-Yes, Miss Sonia!” Kazuichi seems startled as he begins blushing. “Well, a day or two ago I was in Electric Avenue, on the third island.. And I saw a bloodstain, just in the middle of the ground. Nothing else was around, so I just assumed someone got hurt or something and moved on.. But it was a lot of blood.” 
“Well, why’d you wait so long to tell us?” Akane asks.
“I-I just forgot!” 
“Regardless, if you found it only a day or two ago, by that time the killer must’ve already cleaned up any other evidence.” Nagito sighs. “What a shame, I-”
“Don’t even start.” Fuyuhiko glares at Nagito. For just one trial, it’d be nice if he shut the fuck up. 
“Ah, okay.” Nagito says, and that’s the end of that.
“But if they cleaned up the crime scene, why would they leave the bloodstain..?” Hajime asks. 
Fuyuhiko honestly didn’t have any better answer than anyone else could come up with. He was suspicious of Kazuichi, since he was generally the only person who went to Electric Ave, but that wouldn’t help much to just accuse him out of nowhere. Lives were on the line, it didn’t offer any help to jump the gun and accuse people out of the blue.
“How about we go over the case from the start and see if we find any more clues?” Chiaki suggests. 
“What good is it if we still don’t know the murder weapon?”  Akane suggests.
“M-Maybe.. The killer threw the pipe away or hid it, or something?” (Y/N) adds. “Y’know, to like, throw off the trial..” 
“A pipe..?” Sonia questions.
Her eyes widened, realizing her mistake. “W-Well, I mean, the Monokuma file says her head was bashed in, a-and if she was killed in Electric Ave. like Kazuichi s-suggested, t-then it’d probably be a p-pipe lying around there!” 
“I-It w-would match t-then w-wound on her h-head..” Mikan mutters quietly.  
“Okay, so, say the killer whacks Hiyoko in the head at Electric Ave, right?” Chiaki starts. “And when they killed her they disposed of the pipe somewhere and dragged Hiyoko home, leaving her in her cottage until we found her three days later. What motive would they have…?” 
“Maybe they didn’t mean to kill her…” (Y/N) mutters. 
“What makes you say that?” Hajime asks.
“W-Well, none of us had any grudges or anything against her, right? Maybe it was a spur of the moment thing, like last time..” She trails off and Fuyuhiko winces at the mention of the incident of the last trial.
“That could be basically anyone on the third island three days ago..” Sonia mutters.
“Wait, wouldn’t that be breaking the rules? I mean if they disposed of it somewhere on the island, it could be a violation of the rules, and..” Akane trails off.
“Nope! The blackened threw the pipe into the ocean, technically not part of the land environment on these islands!” Monokuma interrupts.
“Pipe?” Hajime asks, glancing between (Y/N) and Monokuma. There’s no way…
“Whoops, did I say that out loud?” Monokuma nervously laughs before sinking out of the conversation. Fuyuhiko locked eyes with you..
There’s no way those are the eyes of a murderer. He knew you. He loved you, he knew.. You wouldn’t do something as reckless as killing Hiyoko..
“So it seems this trial is about to come to a close..!” Nagito mutters. Oh dear god. He turns towards (Y/N). “Well, it seems you’ve dug your own grave, (Y/N)..” 
“Hey, leave her the fuck alone!” Fuyuhiko stops him as (Y/N)’s eyes widen in fear. “There’s no way she’s the killer!”  
“Then how would she know about the pipe, Fuyuhiko?” Hajime adds. “The evidence is starting to pile against her.” 
“You don't know shit! There’s no way (Y/N) would’ve done it!” Fuyuhiko argues, slamming his hands against his podium. 
“Why don’t we ask the girl in question?” Nagito suggests, and the eyes of the surviving students all fell on (Y/N), petrified with fear.
Her podium was directly across from Fuyuhiko’s. It was almost default for him to be looking dead at her. But the fear in her eyes.. Fuyuhiko almost couldn’t look. He hated seeing her like this. If he had any less self restraint, he’d probably run to her side and hold her close. But knowing his luck, he’d bust his stomach open or something stupid in the process.
“I-I didn’t kill her..” (Y/N) stutters, the emotion and fear of being framed building up and pouring out in the form of tears and sobs that made Fuyuhiko- and most of their classmates- wince. “It wasn’t me! Y-You’ve gotta believe me! Hajime, please..! Tell them they’re wrong!” 
Hajime looks away from her. “I’m sorry, but…” 
“You’re really just gonna stand there and look away?!” Fuyuhiko yells. “For fuck’s sake, she’s crying! All your evidence is circumstantial and probability!”
“Then if she can present an alibi for the day Hiyoko was killed-” Hajime calmly argues. 
“She was with me, damnit!” Fuyuhiko lies. He lies, almost on reflex, to find anything that would get them off her trail. There was no way she was the killer.
“I mean, you could’ve worked as accomplices.. Or if you did it..” Kazuichi starts to trail off, scratching the back of his neck once again. “I-I’m just suggesting!” 
“Why in the fuck would I kill her?! I didn’t even know she was dead until we found her today, just like the rest of you assholes!” Fuyuhiko argues. “I would’ve had no reason to kill her, and I’ve never even been in Electric Ave!” 
“One of you two did it, you’re the only suspects!” Akane argues. Fuyuhiko growls under his breath, pissed off to all belief. This trial was spinning in every way it shouldn’t. He can’t help but focus on (Y/N), eyes darting to every filled podium in the room as the room dissolves into argumentative yelling. Underneath it all you can almost hear Monomi muttering about how things shouldn’t turn out like this, but it’d be hard to hear under everyone arguing. 
“There’s 12 people in this fucking court room, and you’re choosing to single out two people who have barely even been on that island!” Fuyuhiko starts yelling once more.
“You don’t have alibis, (Y/N)’s been acting strange this whole trial, and you’re the only two people with any motives!” Kazuichi shouts, making drastic gestures with his hands the whole time. 
“N-No one else has given alibis.. This is simply unfair..” (Y/N) mutters.
“She has a point. We should wait to hear all alibis first before we point fingers. Where was everyone roughly around the time Hiyoko was killed?” Hajime questions.
“I was with (Y/N)!” Fuyuhiko insists.
“I was in the company of Sonia.” Gundham states, arms crossed. 
“Nekomaru and I were in the hotel. I saw Nagito there as well as Chiaki!” Akane adds. 
“Mikan and I were at the beach!” Ibuki exclaims. 
“I was in my cottage..” Hajime states.
“Well, I was on the second island, but…” Kazuichi starts. “I saw you, Fuyuhiko.” 
“What?” Fuyuhiko freezes. He can’t let this go now, if it gets (Y/N) in deep shit.. “No the fuck you didn’t!”
“You were in the diner! And (Y/N) wasn’t with you!” Kazuichi begins to argue dramatically, waving his hands around once more. 
“You don’t have anyone to back you up! You could be lying to pin it on me, cause you’re the only one who fucking goes to Electric Ave!” Fuyuhiko yells.
“Why are you getting so defensive..?” Hajime asks.
“Because it’s fucking obvious Kazuichi did it! He’s the only here who goes there, he’s lying about his claim, and he’s twice Hiyoko’s fucking size! He wouldn’t have a damn issue bashing in her head!” 
“Mikan and I were on the second island a swell.” Ibuki throws in. “We passed Kazuichi on the way to the beach, which means..” 
“You’re covering for someone, aren’t you Fuyuhiko..?” Hajime questions. 
“No, I’m not! Kazuichi is the fucking killer, let’s just vote already and get this over with!”  Fuyuhiko yells. He’s set and believes only Kazuichi could’ve done it. It doesn’t matter if Kazuichi can call his bluff. It doesn’t matter how much contrasting evidence they have against it.
Because if he doesn’t blame Kazuichi, that only leaves (Y/N). She wasn’t a killer. She was kind, and always loving towards Fuyuhiko, and… and that type of person doesn’t just take someone else’s life. No matter who it is, no matter who deserves it.. 
A part of Fuyuhiko knew he was being irrational. Somewhere deep down, he knew she killed Hiyoko. He didn’t know why, and he didn’t care. He would die fighting for (Y/N) instead of watching her be taken away… he didn’t want a repeat of what happened with Peko. He couldn’t lose both of them. 
He wasn’t going to let (Y/N) die. 
“Come on, let’s just start the fucking voting already!” Fuyuhiko suggests with authority. He didn’t care, for just a fleeting moment, he didn’t care about his friends, as long as she would be okay. 
The courtroom spirals into loud arguments and fights again. People arguing over alibis, over who was guilty, people siding with Fuyuhiko and people against his batshit logic. 
“GUYS, STOP FIGHTING!”.  A loud voice screams over the entirety of the arguments. It falls deadly silent as everyone turns to (Y/N). “It was me, okay!? I did it! I killed Hiyoko…” You exclaim, sniffling and crying from fear.
“(Y-Y/N)-” Fuyuhiko stutters, and the events of the last trial all come flooding back. All so different.. Yet still the same outcome.
 “Why did you..?” Hajime asks, before recollecting himself. “Why didn’t you confess earlier..?” 
“I-I don’t wanna d-die..!” She starts crying, tearing Fuyuhiko apart at the seams, the last of whatever stability left being ripped away. “B-But you guys started arguing a-and.. I d-don’t want my friends t-to get hurt cause I did something s-stupid..!” (Y/N) starts wiping away her tears. Whether she minded crying or not, whether she cared about appearing weak or strong.. She couldn’t stop crying. 
“...w-why?” Fuyuhiko mutters, looking up and locking eyes with her. “W-Why!? WHY THE FUCK DID YOU KILL HER!?” 
“I DIDN’T REALIZE WHAT I WAS DOING!” (Y/N) shouts, before a loud sob leaves her as she leans against her podium. “S-She..I ran into h-her at Electric Ave a-and she was m-muttering a-all these mean things..!” A large heavy breath through a snotty nose. “A-About how P-Peko deserved t-to die after w-what she did..! And th-that you should’ve died too..! A-And I got so mad, I just p-picked up whatever was n-next to me and I hit her- a-and by the time I was done I realized and..” 
“Breathe for a second..” Nagito mutters. “You can’t explain all of this when you can barely take in air.” 
“I know that, Nagito!” She snaps up her head to look at him, before staring at the floor again. “W-When I realized what I did, I threw the pipe into the ocean right o-off the bridge.. And I-I felt bad leaving her there s-so I took her back to her cottage a-and laid her down.. So she could r-rest easy…A-and I guess I l-locked the door on my way o-out of habit…” 
All self control left Fuyuhiko as he walked away from his podium and rushed over and basically grabbed (Y/N) by the collar, holding her head up and at his own height, regardless of how tall she was. “Why..? Wh-Why..?”
“S-She was so mean to you and P-Peko and I just- I didn’t mean to k-kill her- S-She was my f-friend-”
“Yet you killed her all the same. Jeez..” Nagito sighs. “W-” “S-Stay the fuck out of this Nagito!” Fuyuhiko snaps at him, eyes watering as he came to the realization that he was losing yet another person who he loved. This wasn’t what was planned. They were going to get out, and survive, and rule the Kuzuryuu clan, and.. 
“W-What’s wrong with you..? Y-You did this a-all to just defend me! And n-now you’re gonna die because y-you-” Fuyuhiko was trying to knock sense into you, trying to get you to justify yourself. 
“I didn’t want y-you to die b-because I- because I messed up!”  (Y/N) cries, Fuyuhiko’s grasp loose enough that (Y/N) breaks through and buries herself in his chest, crying loudly. Fuyuhiko can’t even pull himself to react. He knows he should hug her, or rub circles in her back, or anything, but he can’t bring himself to. 
The unyielding despair of losing both Peko and (Y/N).. Fuyuhiko knew damn well it was only what the mastermind wanted. Yet still... despair took him in a chokehold grip and suffocated him, nearly blinding the world he knew with black spots in his vision. Everything hurt.. He didn’t know if he was capable of crying anymore than he already was. 
“Gosh, all this sappy nonsense, every trial!” Monokuma complains. “Come on, everyone, it’s voting time!” 
Fuyuhiko can’t help but stare at his classmates as they pull their levers, all putting his precious (Y/N) on the chopping block.. They all looked like monsters in his eyes. If he were a sensible man who weren’t overtaken by emotion, he would’ve understood that this is what was meant to be done. Even before he was transported to this hellish island, that was how his life worked. When you’re the Ultimate Yakuza, you can’t get attached to people.
Peko and (Y/N) always felt like an exception, but…
clearly, he was wrong.
“Corrrect!” Monokuma’s everlasting, devilish grin seems to grow even wider, rubbing salt in the wounds. “Our dear (Y/N) has murdered Hiyoko! And she almost got away with it too, phuhuhu!” 
“YOU’RE A BASTARD!” Fuyuhiko screams, as (Y/N) pulls him back by the sleeve. 
“P-Please, Fuyuhiko..” 
He snaps back around. “W-Why..? P-Please, I-I- I can’t lose you too..”
“I’m s-sorry, Fuyuhiko..” 
“I’ve prepared a very special punishment for the Ultimate (talent)!”
“P-Please! I n-need you! Y-You can’t l-leave me too-!” Fuyuhiko is crying his eyes out, harder than he’d ever imagined he’s capable of. 
“Let’s give it everything we’ve got...!” 
“I-I’m sorry, Fuyuhiko.” (Y/N) bows her head. 
“Iiiiits PUNISHMENT TIME!” Monokuma shouts between the bits of conversations between the two torn apart lovers.
(Y/N) pulls Fuyuhiko close for a final kiss, and just as Fuyuhiko kisses back.. That stupid metal chain clamped around her neck. She takes in a heavy breath in shock, and then she’s dragged  away, just as Teruteru was….
No one spoke a word as they watched (Y/N)’s execution. Her mouth was moving, as if she wanted to say something, but of course they couldn’t hear.. Was she calling out for Fuyuhiko.? 
Even as her execution ended, no one spoke as they turned and caught Fuyuhiko, crying with his face in his hands as he was on his knees on the floor. Maybe the most emotion he’d ever shown...the trauma of watching both his childhood friend and lover dragged away weighed down and cracked the man’s very soul. It would take him a much longer time to recover from this...
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397bartonstreet · 4 years
Is it Weird I Kind of Want to Kiss You?
This is my submission for the b99 summer fic exchange 2020! This fic is for @letsperaltiago, I really hope you enjoy it, I had a lot of fun writing it! Also thank you @theysayweareasleep for helping me out with this i couldnt have done it without you. And thank you to @b99fandomevents for holding this exchange, I was happy to be apart of it.
read on ao3
The whole squad had officially retired about an hour earlier. It was a relief to be able to let loose after a hard day of many failures from a case. The mugginess of the bar, under the dim lights, the shouts from the tables behind them, felt like the perfect way to unwind. Leaving Amy with Jake to clink together one more glass of whiskey before turning in for the night. At this point, the alcohol and infectious energy of the place have relaxed their tense shoulders and they can now just enjoy each other’s company. Even if it’s only just the two of them. 
Amy clutches her stomach as the last remnants of her laughing fit fade away. Releasing her unconscious hold of Jake’s wrist so he can wipe the tear leaking from his eye, and he comes back to earth with a few chuckles.
“Okay, no, but really, some people can just be the dumbest people in the entire world,” Amy says through catching her breath. She pulls the rest of her hair down as it’s already coming undone, but doesn’t bother fixing her skewed blazer.
“Hey, let’s be honest, maybe they’re not as dumb as their moments. Like I’m pretty damn sure you and I have had many a moments dumb in past,” Jake stumbles to say and Amy has to resist patting down the curls that have stood to one side. 
“God, don’t remind me, and it’s always you,” Amy points accusingly. Jake gasps and slaps her hand away. 
“Noooo,” Jake petulantly says before chugging the last of his drink. She can barely remember what number drink that is, since she’s had the same amount he has. She quickly places her finger back in his face.
“It’s always you who makes me do the dumbest crap in the whole world!”
“Don’t even lie,” he bangs his fist on the table and doesn’t resist the giddy, drunken laugh that comes out of him. And it’s so infectious, his energy and the way his smile makes his eyes all squinty.
“I am not lying! You always make me look like an idiot!” 
“You do that yourself,” he playfully scoffs.
“Right, do you remember the date,” Amy says, punching him on the shoulder. Jake pauses, mouth agape and eyes squinted. The cogs are definitely turning in there, like it does about once a day before it shuts down and let’s his body take over. 
“To be fair, that technically was your fault, if you had just tried being actually a good detective-
“Ohhh, don’t-,” Amy throws her head back.
“Then maybe you would actually have won,” he teases.
“Don’t even start, we were at the same place you got lucky,” her volume rising to overshadow his.
“I did get lucky, I got a date with Lamey Santiagoooo.” He tries to take another sip from his glass and frowns when it turns up empty.
“And it was the fucking best day of your life.” Jake gasps and looks around, lips pursed in suppressed laughter.
“Oh my god, Amy Santiago is cursing. She’s cursing!” He yells out to the rest of the bar. Amy notices the bartender throwing them a warning glance. She places her hands on his arm and shakes him a little.
“Shut up,” she grits through her teeth, but she really can’t even pretend to be serious right now, with the alcohol still coursing, and even feels like it might be a tad worse. “You’re an actual child.”
“Childsayswhat?” She rolls her eyes. That wasn’t even funny back when she was twelve years old.
“I’m not falling for that.”
“Ha, that’s because you’re a nerd.”
“Well, you’re a loser.”
“Actually, you’re the loser, I won the bet,” he grins and Amy groans up at the ceiling. She tips into her mouth the last of her drink and lets it puff out her cheeks. Behind her, a group yells among themselves and she realizes just how alone her and Jake are. It’s not the first time they’ve gotten drinks together, or have been left alone after the squad leaves them for the night.
But ever since everything that’s happened. Teddy. Sofia. Dumb feelings and stupid declarations. Things feel different, something feels inevitable. Like at any moment, something unknown and unsaid can ruin the set rhythm between them. 
But no, she shouldn’t let that ruin things right now. Things are good, they’re great, they’re-
“Do you want to know that this means Amy?” Jake asks, catching himself from swaying just a little.
“Hm,” she asks.
“This means,” he stops to let the pause linger. “that you and I are at the start of an awful relationship.” 
“Oh really,” she says. He’s joking, and they’re drunk. She certainly feels drunk, which is probably why she’s letting herself remember the unspoken issues between them. It’s definitely why she’s letting herself remember the unspoken issues between them. It’s just a joke. And it’s not an uncommon occurrence to have people in your life you wouldn’t mind kissing. Or touching. Or other things.
“Yup, we’re at the start of a lifelong terrible relationship that of loservilleness.”
“Ha! So you admit you’re a loser.”
“Amy Santiago, when you take a step back to rediscover the world, you will realize that we all, as one people, are losers.”
“You’re lucky that mostly made sense.” 
“Heck yeah it did. Anyway, back to what I was saying, you and I are about to live a terrible life together. We’re going to framed for a heinous crime we did not commit-”
“Alright,” she says with a shake of her head at his antics. 
It’s a joke, it’s just a joke.
“We’re going to marry at the Chapel near the rat infested Walmart.”
“Okay,” she nods with mock seriousness.
“After we wed, we run away as outlaws to Montana, change our names to Bucky and Birdie-”
“I call Birdie!”
“And we have a son named McClane.” Amy looks at him with an exasperated look, and he can barely contain the mischievous look spreading on his face. 
“Jake, that's a terrible name.” 
“You’re a terrible name!” She wouldn’t be surprised if he actually did try to name their child McClane, he… really loves that movie. But, it’s endearing really, that there’s something he connects to and loves. She likes the way he unapologetically loves.
She taps her chin since he’s staring at her intently for a response. 
“McClane…,” she mumbles to herself. “ooh, you know what? McClane might not be an awful name. If you really think about it, it can also sound like a name for a librarian.” She knows she’s hit a button. He cackles and drops his head into his hands. He turns and glances at her with annoyance, he almost looks impressed.
“Why do you always ruin things that are fun,” he says, tapping her shin lightly with his f. She’s definitely drunk, because even that felt charged. Felt intentional. But she’s just drunk.
“Do you want our son to be named McClane or not?” She says, tapping his shin back. It’s fine if she does, they’re friends. 
“Fine, but I’ll find something to ruin for you.”
“I’m solid as a rock honey, you can’t move me.” Jake raises an eyebrow and smirks. He doesn’t break eye contact when he holds out two fingers and gives her shoulder a firm shove. A stupid squeal escapes her throat as she stumbles off the stool she’s sitting on and lands on her ass.
“Ok, I think that means it's time to go.” 
“Yeah,” she agrees. She holds out her hand for him to help her up. “Walk me?”
Amy’s relieved that she can still mostly walk in a straight line. It isn’t until Jake bumps into her that they start to stumble a little. 
New York is not as busy tonight as it usually is, and she likes the clear path they get to walk in without many obstacles. They gag and skitter around the giant dead rat on the ground, and they have to cover their nose when the worst smell NY has ever produced punches them in the face. Other than that, they’re not bothered and she’s grateful for the cold night air after hours in the hot bar. 
And they haven’t stopped talking since leaving the bar. About the episode of West Wing last night, the bruise Jake got from tripping over Charles’ box of jars of something, Amy’s annoying brother David and the picture of his new car he’d sent to the sibling group chat. 
She thinks Jake is the only person she gets like this with; loud, talkative, and rowdy. It’s the best, and she loves these moments with her best friend. 
“You’re not even ready, Bucky would romance the hell out of you,” he says, poking her lightly in the side.
“Really? Coming from the world’s cheapest date?”
“I’ve gotten no complaints.”
“You’ve gotten many complaints!”
“Not from Birdie.”
“Fair,” she says. 
“I would drive you absolutely insane with my respect for your boundaries. Make you miserable by unconditionally supporting your ambitions,” he says and Amy wrinkles her nose.
“Sounds horrendous.”
“Yup. You’d make me sleep on the couch with how much I get along with your family.”
“Disgusting,” she says. To be fair, she probably would send him to the couch if she caught him having a nice conversation with David. No way will she let David make her husband think he was better than her. In high school, one of her boyfriends left her to pursue her amazing brother. She’s never letting that happen again.
“David?” he asks. 
“David,” she assents. But she’s already ranted about him once today and she doesn’t want to break the Only One Rant About David a Day rule she’s set for herself. “I would pay attention to your interests and actively listen when you speak.”
“That’s just low,” his voice is guttural when he says that and she curses her attraction to deep voices. She clears her throat.
“Buy you intimate gifts from the heart and remind you of my appreciation of your existence every single day,” she says. His hand swaying beside hers lightly brushes against hers, and he continues the conversation like it didn’t happen. He probably didn’t care, maybe he really doesn’t care anymore. 
“Did Teddy do that?” he asks.
“Never missed a day,” she says. 
“Gross, how did you manage,” he barely gets the word out before his foot catches on the edge of a fire hydrant. He releases an ‘oof’ and grabs onto her hand to catch his balance. She’s way too inebriated to catch him, she goes tumbling along with him. She just barely manages to settle herself whereas he goes flat on the floor. 
“Woah, are you okay,” she says, the laugh she makes is almost a cackle. When he looks up at her, his face is red and he can barely breathe with the force of the laughter that shakes his shoulders. She tries to pull him up, grabbing him by the arm and making a feeble attempt to carry him back up. It just barely works, with more fumbling and swaying involved.
“Just like this, I’d support you in all aspects of life,” she teases, helping to steady him on his feet.
“Even if, in our hanky town in Montana-
“I get arrested for assault when someone tries to take the last jar of mayo?”
“Especially then,” she says. It suddenly hits her that her hands are still on his arms, she still has him less than a foot away. He’s so close, way closer than she expected him to be. Despite many years of them working together, on all those stakeouts and nights slaving over case files and evidence, she’s never had him this close. His crooked smile is still there, still goofy and sweet, but it’s changed from what it was a second ago. It’s shy, almost hesitant, surveying something on her face and she wants so badly to know what it means. 
“This doesn’t sound like the worst relationship ever you know,” Jake says and she almost startles when she feels more than sees a hand reaching up to her face, lightly brushing a lock of hair behind her ear. So slight and imperceptible that he might have just been taking something out of her hair. But that’s not the thing that strikes her the most. It’s the look on his face. She’s seen it before, from Teddy, her college boyfriend, the hotdog vendor at the stand near Shake Shack. But never Jake. 
This look seeps low into her stomach and expands into her chest. There’s an overwhelming pang that she wants to chase for miles, just to see where it takes her. She says, “Maybe not.”
It comes out softer than she means it to. It makes what should have been a joke… something else. That inevitable thing. 
Even this stupid life together that they just made up right now, she’s never been able to joke like that with anyone else, never been able to imagine that with them. But with him, maybe it’s just the alcohol she’s probably had too much of, it’s not so ridiculous.
“Is it weird I kind of want to kiss you right now?” he says softly. She’s officially lost. Lost on him and in this moment. It’s so inevitable, it’s so close.
“Is it weird I kind of want you to?” 
Her hands tighten on him, and there’s a moment of bated breath. She almost hates the giddiness she feels bubbling up within. It’s like gravity to just lean forward… and embrace their inevitable.
They’re shaken when a loud horn of a truck breaks the silence as it drives past them. It’s like they’re yanked apart by their surprise and Amy puts a hand on her chest to settle her beating heart. She looks over at Jake. His eyes are wide and no longer glittering the way they were a second ago. The moment is gone. 
“Dammit New York,” Jake says, avoiding her eyes by looking in the direction the truck had left. When he looks back, his eyes are still kind of glazed over from their drinks. She’s sure hers are the same. Their drinks have led to silly jokes and wild fantasies. To whatever the hell that was. 
To Jake’s next brilliant observation. 
“Holy shit, is that a Baskin Robbins?”
“Oooooh,” she says with a gasp. He grabs her arm and they run in the direction of the shop.
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ladypurplejanewrynn · 4 years
Beauty and the Beast (Andujane version) chapter 1
Once upon a time, there was a Kingdom ruled by a powerful king named Varian. The king was a very skilled fighter and a great ruler. One day, the king decided to go for a ride on his horse and met a really beautiful blond woman on the way. She was wearing a simple dress and had her hair down. He asked her for her name. She smiled and answered him that her name is Tiffin. The two of them quickly became friends. They start it spending more time together until one day they fell in love with each other and confessed each other their love. A few years later they got married with each other and they lived happily as husband and wife. And one day the queen got pregnant with triplets. They both were happy about starting a family. Unfortunalty their joy didn’t last longer. After 9 months, Tiffin gave birth to the 3 children, but she lost too much blood and she passed away. Varian felt a lot of pain after losing his wife. He named the first child Anduin, the second one Sophie and the last one Austin. It wasn’t an easy task to take care of the children, especially if there was 3 of them. The kids grew up healthy and well. Anduin was a blue eyed kind hearted blond boy, willing to help anyone in need. Sophie was a blue eyed lovely girl, loving challanges and to goof around. As for Austin, he was blond like his siblings with the diffrence that his eyes were in a dark shade of purple. He acted a lot diffrent than his two siblings. He was arrogent and selfish. He didn’t care about anyone, not even his own family. He even once had a serious fight with Anduin and Sophie had to separate them.
One day, king Varian went on the battlefield to fight off their enemies and has put Anduin in the charge while he’s away. The battle end it up with success. However, while the battle one of the enemies used a poisoned blade giving a deadly injury to the current king. Varian came back home, but days by days he was becoming weaker until one day, when he was laying in his bed, as his death was coming closer, he crowned Anduin as the new king of the Kingdom. Austin was very unhappy about hearing that. "Why his brother and not him? He deserved it more than him" thought the prince. Varian died a few days later. Everyone was at his grave. Everyone beside Austin. The prince was busy planning revange on his own brother. After hours of searching for a book in the library, he finally found the book he was looking for. The Book of the Void magic. Austin studied the whole book and at night he sneaked out of his room. He took his gryphon and flew to one of the most darkest places in the world in search of an artifact called "the wand of the Old Gods". Once he found it, he made a plan to assassin his own brother, when the time is right. This way, he wanted to take over the control of the whole Kingdom. The next day, when Anduin was all alone, Austin approched him and attacked. Luckly Anduin noticed him and dodged the attack. "By the light’s sake, what the hell are you doing Austin?" asked the young king. "I am taking your place on the throne. That’s what i’m doing." answered the traitor prince as he casted a spell with the wand, making two tentacules grabbing his brother by the arms. "Now that i got you in place, is time for me to get rid of you once and for all." said Austin as he smiled, grabbing a very sharp blade and approching his brother. Anduin struggled to get his arms free. He used the light to make them let go of him. Just before Austin menaged to get closer, he got himself free and dodged another attack. He used the light to blind his brother and kick the wand out of his hand. While Austin was on the floor, covering his eyes from the pain, Anduin took the wand and broke it.
The guards came in as they’ve heared loud noises of the fight. Anduin ordered them to arrest Austin and throw him in prison for the time being, while he decides his punishment for the betrayal. Austin was locked for a week. One day, he got summoned to the throne room by his brother. "Austin, you have commited an unforgivable crime against the king of Stormwind. As your punishment i banish you from the kingdom for eternity. And you shall never come back." said Anduin. "What? You can’t do that. I am your own brother. How dare you?" asked the traitor prince. "Actually i can. Guards, take him away, please." said the young king. The guards took Austin by the arms and dragged him away. "This is so unfair! I should be king instead of this two goody two shoes. It isn’t over brother! I promise I’ll have my revange." shouted Austin while being dragged away. After the traitor prince has been banished, the young king went to his room. A moment later Sophie joined him to comfort him. "Hey, i know you feel bad about the whole Austin banishment. But maybe that’s for the best? The two of you always were fighting anyway." said the princess. "I know dear sister. I know. The thing is, i thought that maybe one day we would come to agreements and improve our relationship. But instead, it got even worse then it was before. I wish, we could live as a happy family. First mom died after giving birth to the three of us. Then dad died because of the deadly wound that was unable to be healed. And now our brother’s betrayal. There’s only the two of us left. And sooner or later i will have to find a woman to be my queen." said Anduin. "And what’s the problem with finding yourself a girlfriend?" asked Sophie out of curiousity. "The thing is that i don’t feel ready. And even thought i have a choice between arranged marriage and marriage out of love, I want to marry someone I will truly fall in love with. Just like father did. It must be someone special. Someone who will be kind and caring. Soft and loving. Someone who will be fun to talk too. I don’t want to marry someone cold, selfish, snobby and boring." answered the king. Then an idea came in Sophie’s mind:"What about we organize a ball? This way you’ll get to spent some time with ladies and you’ll get to choose the one you’ll be interested in." "Do we even have to do this?" asked the king. "Oh come on! Don’t be such a buzzkill. Even if you won’t find the lady of your dreams, at least you’ll get to chill and relax a little. Isn’t that right?" asked the princess with a smile on her face. "Alright, you might be right. I kinda need some more time of relax and chilling. Let’s do this then." said Anduin.
Meanwhile, Austin was already planning to get revenge on his brother. He decided to pay a visit to the banshee witch Sylvanas. He made a deal with her. She would cast a curse on his brother and the whole kingdom of Stormwind. And in exchange he would find and give her an artifact that would bring her back to life. While the traitor prince went in the search of the artifact, the banshee went on her way to the kingdom. Meanwhile, the party start it. A huge amount of ladies were flirting with the king, trying to get his attention but none of them seemed to be his type. The young king had a few dances with some of them. But he found them boring or self-centered. A moment later he went to sit on his throne. "What’s wrong brother? You seem to be bored." asked Sophie. "All these ladies are very pretty. But none of them seems to be what I’m looking for. They’re all just seems interested in me because I’m the king. I feel like they don’t really care about getting to know who I truely am." answered Anduin. Suddenly the music stopped as a flying figure appeared in the room. "Ah, the young king of Stormwind. I was looking for you." said the banshee. "Who are you? And what do you want from me?" asked the king as he got up from his throne. "Oh, is nothing personal. You don’t have to worry." said the witch. "What does that even mean?" asked Anduin. Suddenly a pair of chains caught him by the wrists. "What the...?" asked the king as he struggled, trying to free himself. "Leave my brother alone you witch!" shouted the princess rushing at Sylvanas. But another pair of chains shackled her as well. The guards made an attempt to fight off the witch, but they have gotten overpowered by the chains. The visitors start it panicking and tried to leave only to get caught by the chains as well. "No one is leaving till I’m done." said the witch and start it casting a spell. Everyone got blinded by a dark purple light. A moment later Anduin woke up. He was on the floor and the witch was already gone. He looked around and instead of his subjects, he saw living objects looking at him. He felt really weird. He felt that something has happened to him as well. Suddenly a candlestick approached him:"Anduin, my brother is that really you?" Anduin thought a little:"Did this candlestick just called me it’s brother? Wait is this...?" He looked at the candlestick again:"Sophie, is that really you? What happend to you? What happend to everyone?" Then he noticed his voice have gotten a bit deeper. "Looks like the witch cast it a curse on our kingdom. She turned everyone into an object and looks like she turned you into a beast." said the princess. "A what?" asked the king and rushed to the closest mirror. What he saw horrified him. He saw a beast that looked like a werewolf and had the blond fur. He couldn’t believe that it was him. "How...how shall I reverse all of this?" asked he himself. He noticed a small note sticked to the mirror:"If you want to reverse the curse, you have to find the true love of your life. Only the kiss of the true love will reverse the curse." Austin kept his part of the deal and gave the artifact Sylvanas was looking for.
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limited-practice · 5 years
Unstable Structure
I was talking with @jet-teeth about this post https://jet-teeth.tumblr.com/post/190467330915/starstruckswordsmech-autobots-the-reason-why and the great art she drew of it, and I got such a clear image of Intense Sunder on the left poking out a block with his needle tipped finger, Horrified Hubcap on the right, and Fed up Ambulon in the middle, and just had to write something. It was a great excuse to think about my favorites and to write something silly and fun.
2757 words of Sunder, Ambulon and Hubcap playing Jenga are under the cut.
Ambulon looked balefully at the tower of rectangular wooden blocks on the table in front of him. “Remind me why we have to play this again?”
“Well,” Hubcap said slowly, “It’s because Swerve- you know, the owner of the bar we’re all in? The metallurgist that likes Earth a lot?”
“I’m well aware of who our alt-mode curious barkeep is.”
“Ha, yeah, right. So. This is one of his favourite games and- and I think it was his birthday the other day and he wanted us all to celebrate it with him, so he told us to get into teams so we could play it together? In teams and compete with one another? Or maybe it was the anniversary of his bar opening. Or was it because it was the beginning of the week and he liked the name of the day?”
Ambulon tipped his head back and stared at the stained ceiling.
>he desires the company of others because he is lonely.
Sunder lent forward over the table and looked intently at the stack of blocks he’d finished building.
>there is a gaping chasm of nothingness circling his spark, and he’s sacred that it will pull him into its black depths and drown him by soft degrees. But he should not fear the darkness. He should learn to embrace it. He should learn how to hold it close and kiss it with the softness it deserves. 
Ambulon swiveled his eyes to his teammate on his right. 
Sunder’s hollow eye sockets bored into Ambulon’s face. 
>you are never lonely in the dark. 
Ambulon swiveled his eyes to his teammate on his left. 
“Remind me why I got stuck on this table again?”
“That’s…” Hubcap bristled. “I don’t think you’re one to talk. Much.” 
Ambulon raised his head and sat up straight. “And what’s that supposed to mean?” 
“Out of everyone on this table you’re, well, the only Decepticon. Ex-Decepticon. Teamwork isn’t exactly your, uh, strength.” 
Ambulon lent forward and pointed a sharp finger at Hubcap’s Autobot badge. “Out of everyone on this table, I’m the only one who hasn’t murdered someone I worked with.” 
“That’s-…true. So. Well. Right.” Hubcap grimaced. “Sorry. Um. Didn’t mean to cause offence there, and-” 
“Yes you did.”
 >yes you did. 
“Look, can we just play? Please? I-…the two of you are looking at me and…and you haven’t even gone yet Sunder. You need to take your turn first because you built the tower.” 
>the first to make their move is ahead of those who allow the insidious vines of doubt and decay to wrap their oily lengths around them and s q u e e z e out the light that never had a chance to breed.
“So…you’re thinking about it?” 
Streams of dark air vented out of Sunder’s facial pipes and hung heavily around him, like a halo of corrupted smoke. 
>I am not like the others. 
Hubcap and Ambulon exchanged a look. 
>I was born to build by taking away. 
“Alright,” Ambulon said, in the weary tone of voice he used with a patient who thought they knew better but didn’t. “Let’s get this show on the road. If I lose to First Aid’s table then I’ve got deep cleaning duty for a month and I do not, I repeat do not, want that. So take a block away Sunder and let’s get going. Let’s get building. Let’s get winning!” 
Ambulon looked at Hubcap. “See, I can be a team player. I am a team player.” 
Hubcap’s eyes fixated on the peeling paint on Ambulon’s thumbs up. “…uh-huh. 
“I was part of a combiner you know. I’m the very definition of a team player, so don’t accuse me of not being one again.” 
“I won’t.” 
“I know what it’s like to not be supported or appreciated, and I won’t do that to others. I won’t do it to you, my teammates, who I trust and respect and- SUNDER YOU SLAGGING MORON WHAT THE FRAG DO YOU THINK YOU’RE DOING?! FOR THE LOVE OF GOD DON’T DO THAT YOU’LL- OH SHIT YOU JUST DID IT, YOU JUST DID IT.” 
Ambulon covered his eyes and Hubcap looked at the Jenga stack in horror.
One of Sunder’s needle tipped fingers was pushing a block at the very bottom.
“Why?” Hubcap whispered. 
>it is burdened by the sins of those crushing it from above. I am here to relieve its suffering. 
Ambulon dragged his fingers down his face. “We’ve lost. That’s it, we’ve lost. I’ve now got deep cleaning duty for a month thanks to you, you idiot.” 
Sunder tilted his head and looked at Ambulon in a way that lowered the room’s temperature by ten degrees. 
Several bots dotted around the room shivered and looked around in confusion. 
Ambulon glared right back at Sunder. “Don’t think you can intimidate me you self-important smoke stack, because you can’t. I was a Decepticon medic don’t forget. A Decepticon. Medic. I’ve seen things that would make your eyes jump back into your sockets and fall out again. In fact they’d melt out of your face. They’d run down your front and stain your plating and seep into your vents and cause a build-up of optical rust that would require seven separate surgeries to fix. And I know all of this because it happened to a senior ‘Con who’s name I won’t mention, and because I assisted with surgeries two, three and four and took charge of number six.” 
>the blocks are screaming. 
Ambulon shook his head and Hubcap twisted his fingers together. 
“I’m going to scream,” Ambulon said. “I’m going to scream out loud.” 
“I’m going to scream silently,” Hubcap said. “Very silently and very loudly inside my head. If that makes sense. Ha. I don’t want to make too much of a scene.” 
Ambulon gave him a curious sort of look. “Yeah you can do that, can’t you? Make things happen just by thinking about them?” 
“Well it’s not- ha, it’s not that straightforward. I mean it’s easy for me to block or boost a signal because it’s part of who I am and comes as easily as breathing. Not that we breathe anyway, since we don’t have lungs and aren’t exposed to an oxygen rich atmosphere a lot of the time, and I just mean that as an Outlier I can do the things that…yeah.” 
Ambulon tapped a world weary finger on top of the table. “As eloquent as ever, thank you.” 
Hubcap’s blue eyes darkened. “What’s your problem?” 
“What’s my problem? You want to know what my problem is? My problem is you and him and being on the losing team for this stupid game I didn’t want to play in the first place.” 
“That’s more than one problem.” 
“Have you always been the most popular bot in the room, or is this a recent development?” 
>quiet. Both of you. I can’t hear the blocks. 
“Because they’re talking to you?” Ambulon asked flatly. “Because they’re whispering sweet words of longing into your ear and begging for your tender touch?” 
>you can hear them too? 
“For the love of-” 
“You could, ah, move that block back?” Hubcap suggested. “And choose another one?” 
“Right. No. Of course not. But.” 
>there is no space for doubt or time to dwell on it. It is a deceitful trick, and we must ignore it. We are moving forward, and cannot look back. 
Sunder pushed the block a tiny bit more. The entire structure wobbled. 
“You can’t look at it anyway,” Ambulon said, sitting back in his chair and folding his arms across his chest. “since you don’t have any eyes.” 
Sunder made a noise that could dissolve metal and evaporate acid. 
“Hey,” Ambulon said, looking sharply at Hubcap, who involuntarily flinched. “You could use you mind moving powers! Push that block back into place where it belongs, and allow needle-fingers here to rethink one of his life choices and to do the right thing.  
“Woah! That, urr, might be…” Hubcap glanced around nervously and lowered his voice to a hissing whisper. “Against the rules. It might be cheating. You want me to cheat?”
“Show me where it says so in the rules.” 
“I, ha, judging by the tone of your voice already know you know it’s not in the rule book, but- but we shouldn’t do it. I won’t do it. It’s wrong.” 
“It’s wrong of me to suffer deep cleaning duty because of the two of you.” 
“How is this my fault?” As always when he got pissed off and geared himself up to deliver a speech, Hubcap’s voice thickened and steadied and all his self-doubt and stuttering vanished. “I didn’t build the structure and didn’t make the first move, Sunder did. I didn’t even get the chance to build the structure and, depending on your outlook, therefore be awarded or burdened with the first move. I’m not at fault here! I’m innocent! I’m just trying my best to do the right thing and get into the spirit of the evening and I keep getting dragged down by your miserable attitude and I won’t, I won’t, be sent to prison again for committing the crime of cheating! It’s fair enough I got a long sentence because I was a traitor and a killer and was one push of a button away from re-starting the war, but I won’t go back to that modified solitary containment cell with no windows and bad smells just because you don’t want to do some cleaning in what sounds like a filthy medical facility!” 
Sunder trapped his tongue between his teeth in concentration and pushed the bottom block out further. 
“Are you done?” Ambulon asked Hubcap flatly. “Have you got all that out of your system now? Or are you going to work yourself up even more and have a spark attack and short circuit all the electrics and turn off the ship’s anti-gravity pumps?” 
“No,” Hubcap sulked. 
Ambulon’s face lightened. “Because if you did, then we wouldn’t have to play anymore! Every structure would get knocked over in the dark or come apart and fly away!” 
“You do…know that’s still cheating, don’t you? Or do I need to edit my speech and deliver it again?” 
>the cold shadow is almost lifted and our friend is nearly free.
Sunder poked his chosen block again, and the entire tower shifted. 
Ambulon sighed. 
“And it doesn’t work like that,” Hubcap continued, not quite ready and not quite willing to wind himself back down. “I can’t manipulate an electromagnetic signal unless I’ve been in contact with it first. And I haven’t had cause to study and absorb the ship’s gravitational system, so. No.” 
“What about the lights?” 
“What about them?” 
“Could you turn them off?” 
“I…yes. That would be an easy block. But I’m not going to.” 
“You could say it was an accident,” Ambulon pressed him. By now First Aid had seen the state of Ambulon’s table and was pointing and laughing at him. “You’ve blocked things by accident before, right?” 
“I…yeah. Yeah I have.” 
“Like what?”
>like what?
 Hubcap blinked at the sudden interest from both of them.
 “Uh, well, this one time I…accidentally blocked the signal to an energon refueling system and, um, racked up a six figure repair bill for it.”
 “Ha, that- well I was, um, in my room one morning and…having a good time and…finished, and…”
 “Please stop.”
>who were you with?
“Both of you can just stop.” 
“Uh, just myself. Yeah. It was intense.” 
Sunder leaned forward in interest. 
>what exactly were you doing?
“I’m not going to say this again.” Ambulon said, raising his voice. “I’m not! And I don’t want to. So for one last time just Stop. Both of you. Let’s veer away from this unpleasant diversion and focus on this stupid game instead.”
“Oh,” Hubcap said, his eyes narrowing in his flushed face, “I see. You’re only interested in this stupid game when it suits you, and when you want me to shut up. That’s rude. And unprofessional. I have nothing to be ashamed about!”
“Except you clearly are.”
“Yes, well, that’s my choice. Sort of. The point is that you shouldn’t make someone uncomfortable for something that happens naturally to their body. I thought you were a medic? And that you’ve seen things no mortal bot should ever have to see?” 
“Seeing is far better than imagining, believe me,” Ambulon said. “And just because I can cope with something doesn’t mean I want to expose myself to it.”
>talking of exposing…
The tower trembled and tilted as Sunder continued to push the center bottom block out.
>look. It’s nearly free.
“And we’ve nearly lost.” 
“Yeah,” Hubcap agreed miserably. 
Ambulon and Hubcap watched in shared fatalism as Sunder pushed the block further and further out, and the tower tilted and trembled more and more and more. But didn’t fall. It didn’t collapse. The block was sliding out and against all odds the structure was holding. 
They both lifted themselves up from their seats and braced themselves on the table with flat splayed hands, and watched the miracle unfold in front of them with wide eyes and open mouths. 
They were going to win. 
Despite everything, they were going to win. Sunder was going to do the impossible and build the magnificent and not lose and they’d all be hailed as heroes and- 
The tower collapsed instantly.
Sunder plucked out his chosen block from the pile of rubble.  
>you’re free now. 
Ambulon and Hubcap slumped back into their seats. 
“That was terrible,” Ambulon muttered. 
“It was a very poor choice,” Hubcap agreed. 
First Aid made a loud noise, and once he got Ambulon’s attention, he made mopping and sweeping and cleaning and vomiting gestures. Pharma laughed out loud and Ratchet rolled his eyes. 
Ambulon glanced down at the table. 
“I, err,” Hubcap began. “Sorry you have to do that. Go back to them. I know what it’s like to do something you don’t want to do in front of people you don’t want to be watching.” 
“Whatever. It’s fine.” 
“I’ll help you.” 
Ambulon looked up and narrowed his golden eyes, which were now burning brighter. “You don’t have to do that. I’ve already lost one bet, and I don’t want to be in debt to another person.” 
“It’s unconditional. I just…want to. For a teammate. For you.” 
A flurry of emotions blew across Ambulon’s face. “OK.” He looked down and away and back up. “Thank you.” 
Hubcap nodded. “And if…something gets blocked, like the codes to Pharma’s favourite food and drink orders out of every single dispenser machine there is, then, well, accidents do happen.” 
Ambulon smiled, and the flurry settled warmly. “Many accidents happen on this ship. It’s a chaotic place at times.” 
Hubcap nodded again. “So do we…start work now?” 
“Hell no.” Ambulon stood up and pushed his chair back. “We drink now. We’re the first team out of this contest, which means we get the pick of seats and don’t have to wait to be served. Let’s get that table over there and start a tab.” 
Hubcap stood up as well, and neatly pushed his chair back under the table. 
Sunder looked up at them, and a shadow crawled across his sunken face.
>you are both going. You are both leaving me in the debris of my unexpected failure. 
Ambulon tutted. “Stop sulking. We’re going to the table and you’re going to the bar to start the tab. You’re buying all of our drinks tonight.” 
Sunder stood up and smiled a smile that could carve through planets.
>what do you enjoy consuming, my medic friend? 
“The tears of my enemies.” 
>me too. 
“I thought you were more into memories and the reeking remnants of brain modules?” 
>I enjoy variety every now and again.
“Fair play to you. Come on team, let’s retire and drink and pass amusing judgement on others who think they know better.” 
“Hell yes. I mean heck yes. I mean-” 
“And you’re buying the drinks the next time we play a group game and lose within seconds.” 
“Agreed,” Hubcap said immediately. “But…” 
“But that implies we’re going to lose again?” Ambulon supplied. 
“But that…implies you want us both as your teammates again.” 
Sunder took Ambulon’s hand, opened it, put the chosen block in his palm, and carefully wrapped his fingers around it to form a fist. 
>a momentum of our first time together. 
Ambulon glanced down at his fist. The small wooden block felt warm within in. “Thanks. I think.” 
>you are welcome. 
“Yeah. Yeah I guess I am.”
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equiltario · 4 years
THE BIG BLEACH HC MEME centering around politics, repost & fill out! For anyone who wanted to explore those aspects more, considering it played a big role in the story. Some things may be unknown to your Muse, just think in WHAT IF then & well, have fun and take your time!
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Name:   Hachigen Ushouda    / / /    Age:   500+    / / /    Gender:   male Race:   Shinigami / Quincy / Hollow / Fullbringer / Visored / Human / Other Currently lives:   Soul Society / Hueco Mundo / Silbern / Living World / Hell Exact Location:   Visored Warehouse, Karakura Town Group(s): Visored ( Formerly Kido Corps, Soul Society )
- Would your muse consider themselves more: GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL ? - Would your muse consider their group more: GOOD / BAD / NEUTRAL ? - How does your muse think others see them: GOOD / EVIL / NEUTRAL ? - How does your muse think others see their race: GOOD / EVIL / NEUTRAL ? - How does your muse think others see their group: GOOD / EVIL / NEUTRAL ?
- Is your muse considered a threat: YES / NO ?  From whom?:  Soul Society, Espada, Wandenreich. - Is your muse powerful: YES / NO ?  Could they be considered OP:  YES / NO ? - Did your muse commit any crimes: YES / NO ?  ( Unless hollowed mask shenanigans counts as one. Thanks, Aizen. ) - Does your muse think they are doing mostly the right thing: YES / NO ? - Would society think the same: YES / NO / MIXED OPINIONS ?
- Does your muse think they are treated unfairly: YES / NO ? - Does your muse feel understood from others: YES / NO ? - Is it important for them what others think of them as a person: YES / NO ? - Would they welcome death:  YES / NO ? - Will they ever find peace:  YES / NO ?
01.0.  Do they fully stand behind the group they are part of? YES / NO. Why is that? Explain: Ever since their lives were saved from a certain disaster, he tends to fully stand with the Visored as he knew he can trust them as they do the same to him. They were like his ‘family’ after all.
02.0.  Do they like as things are in Soul Society? YES / NO. 02.1.  Is there anything they would change? Explain here: Whatever is going on Soul Society is somehow a bit optional for him if there were changes or not if informed whatsoever by fellow Visored.
03.0. Would they ever actively try to bring change (in general)? YES / NO. 03.1. Is your muse more: passive / active ?  Introverted / Extroverted ? 03.2. Does your muse care more about: others / themselves ? 03.3. Do they trouble their mind over a lot of problems, others? YES / NO. 03.4. Do they mostly involve: the world / everyone / themselves / comrades / friends / family / elderly / kids / teenagers / home / workplace / strangers / souls / humans / quincy / shinigami / nobles / fullbringer / visored / hollows / espada / arrancar / (former) boss(es) / pets / animals / zanpakuto spirit / enemies / partner / lovers / soul king / god / other…(add more) 03.5. Name (up to) three which are the most on their mind (optional, adding names): - himself - visored - cats from the world of living
04.0. Do they think frequently about politics? YES / NO / SOMETIMES. Why is that? Explain: Hachigen had no interest in political views.
05.0. How do they feel in their current location: POSITIVE / NEGATIVE / NEUTRAL ? 05.1. Why is that?:  He’s cool of being a stationary member of the Visored. After all, he is in-charge of barrier maintenance.
06.0. Does your muse have any goal: YES / NO ?  BIG / SMALL ? 06.1. Does it involve anything world-changing: YES / NO ? 06.2. If goal or not, any future plans? Share here:  Hachigen prefers to spend his time in peace at the warehouse and prays for the well-being of his comrades at Soul Society.
07.0. Does your muse know about the Original Sin of Soul Society*: YES / NO ? * curious? Read about it here. 07.1. If they knew, would it change their views on Soul Society: YES / NO ? 07.2. More: POSITIVE / NEGATIVE / NEUTRAL ?
08.0. Who is the worst person in their eyes?:  Aizen 08.1. What should happen to them?  Execution (quick / slow death) / Imprisonment / Stripped of their powers / Torture / Repay for their sins / Pay a Fine / Social Work / lose their loved ones / Exile / other… (add more). 08.2. Explanation:  As long as Aizen remains in sealed bars, everything is fine for Hachigen as he doesn’t care about the man who hollowfied him many many years ago’s fate.
09.0. Thoughts on: Quincy Massacre if they knew: POSITIVE / NEGATIVE / NEUTRAL ? 09.1. Would they be alright with such thing happening again: YES / NO ? 09.2. Would they try to prevent it: YES / NO / DEPENDS ? 09.3. Explanation: Despite being a pacifist, he’d merely try to save as many as he can.
10.0. Would they ever switch sides: YES / NO ? 10.1. If yes, What could bring them to do so?:     10.2. Would they create a new one: YES / NO ?  ( He’s satisfied enough to be a Visored )
11.0. Does your muse follow a certain moral code*?:  YES / NO / GRAY AREA ? * (ethics) A written, formal, and consistent set of rules prescribing righteous behavior, accepted by a person or by a group of people. 11.1. What does it involve?: Anything that benefits the lives of the living such as their daily normal lives, daily activities and etc. 11.2. What does it NOT involve?: Anything that doesn’t benefit the lives of the living such as violence and others in the bad category.
Central 46:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because: Hachigen may be exiled because of the hollowification incident as he never had a chance to explain on his side. Even self-defense won’t help either through words. Therefore, he never liked them anyway.
Four Great Noble Clans:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because: aristocrats who merely enjoyed on bad things is something he never liked. Not even a shed of opinion Hachigen has towards the noble clans.
Royal Guards / Gotei 13:   positive / negative / neutral .   ━   because: Hachigen knew that several of his friends at Visored got their positions back. Only thing he can do is hoping that they’re safe. On the Royal Guards? No comment for him as he never met them since his time as a lieutenant of the Kido Corps with Tessai.
Fullbringer:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  Hachigen had no connections to the Fullbringer group. Not even involvement by chances.
Visored:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  They’re the only ones he can rely on asides from being fellow hollowfied shinigami as he serves them as their ‘shield’ of the group.
Espada:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  Only when the battle starts against the Espada, he had to do what he must. After the battle against Aizen and the Espada, he’s neutral to the surviving arrancars. Depends on their moodboard, Hachi had doubts.
Quincy:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  Before the war, he had to fight them as enemies due to their goal of destroying the Soul Society. After the war, he’s somehow back to his pacifist side on being neutral this time to them.
Aizen:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  Right after being a victim of hollowfication, he hates the shinigami in quiet terms. Hachigen cared less on whatever his ambitions were.
Yhwach:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  Yhwach treats the living regardless of  race such as humans, shinigami, his own kind as quincy or any existing race as mere pawns. He doesn’t like him at all that he marks him as a threat.
Orihime Inoue:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  Ever since she snook inside through his impassable barriers, at first he senses her as an enemy but the latter on by time, he considers her as a friend from Ichigo’s group.
Kurosaki:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  He merely serves as backup on Ichigo’s training along with the Visored since that time. Nothing else.
Soul King:   positive / negative / neutral.   ━   because:  Hachigen knows that the Soul King is the god. He may not ever seen him before but he’s on the neutral zone about it.
CONGRATS, you managed till to the end, now tag your fellow bleach partners!
TAGGED BY: none ( just saw it on various dashes and decided to do the same! thanks, @skyvar​ if you made this~! )
TAGGING: If you’re from the Bleach fandom looking at this, consider yourself tagged! If not then carry on.
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puppyluver256 · 5 years
Underworld Ultimatum: The Quest for the Hottest Hades
So I mentioned in a previous big text post that I have some Very Strong Opinions on the interpretation of Greek god Hades shown in Disney’s Hercules film, and now I’m gonna talk about those opinions dammit! But let’s make it a little interesting. I always believe that if you can’t say something nice you shouldn’t say anything at all, so I’m also going to use this as an opportunity to talk about a Hades that I do enjoy. It’s a competition, babey! The Underworld Ultimatum! Or, if you’re preferring to reference a property one of these guys is in, the Hades Cup! (though to be fair this is less of a true competition and more of me showing why I like one and not the other)
First off, it’s the guy who inspired this, give it up foooor...
Disney’s Hades!
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First of all, the guy’s design might’ve seemed cool back in the day, but looking back on him he’s kinda bland. Grey toga with accents of other greys, blue deathly pallor, nasty teeth... The flame hair is a pretty good concept, but considering the ancient Greek idea of the underworld probably wasn’t fire-themed I don’t know if it was an appropriate choice.  ❌
Speaking of that flame hair, he commits the crime of “blue fire is totally cooler than red fire you guys what is physics?” nonsense. Anyone who puts even the tiniest bit of research in knows that, disregarding chemical compounds that affect flame color, blue flames are hotter than red/orange/yellow flames. Yeah, from an artistic perspective it seems counterintuitive, and blue flames work better with his standard palette, but even with that in consideration they couldn’t’ve made it so his flames turned white when he got angry rather than orange? Lazy... ❌
This is a problem with the Hercules film overall, but this feels like a christianized take on the ancient Grecian pantheon, with a much less horny Zeus in the place of the christian god and Hercules as sort of a Jesus figure. In line with this, Hades is portrayed as an equivalent to Satan and thus is shown to be undeniably evil. This is inaccurate to the actual mythology of Hades, where (and someone with a better scope of Greek mythology can either back me up or refute me on this) he was just a dude who ran the underworld and had no real malicious intent. But of course, a character is themed around death, they have to be a completely irredeemable villain. ❌
AND continuing the villain thing! He ugly, at least according to western society standards and especially compared to the hero and leading lady who are conventionally attractive by those same standards. This is continuing a long Disney tradition that a villain should be ugly. He’s evil, thus he doesn’t get to visit the dentist. ❌
His goals are basically just the same as every other villain, take over the world with some big strong brutes that are locked away by a supposedly benevolent horndog. Well, specifically Olympus, but considering that’s where the gods live and his brief rule subjugates the GODS, if he’d been in the head for longer he’d basically rule the world. Boring, bland, think of something else for once. Or at least have a good reason other than “I’m the villain, world domination for me!” ❌
There’s no real satisfying tension between him as a villain and the hero! His initial direct action against Hercules happens when he’s an infant (speaking of, dude actively tries to kill an infant), and then the next direct interaction between them is like nearly 20 years later and Herc has no knowledge of who this guy is and how big of a threat he’s been this whole time. Call me crazy, but I feel a villain is more effective when the protag is aware of the threat they pose for longer than just “oh he showed up today and apparently he’s been trying to kill me since I was a baby and now he’s got my girl??? guess he’s a bad guy” ❌
Following this point, there’s no satisfying confrontation between Hades and Herc that works to finish off the conflict between them. The major battle that Herc has against him is mainly against the titans, and iirc the only thing that he does to him in the “grabbing Meg’s soul from the soul pool brb” section is punch him in the face. I don’t remember any direct action that Herc does to cause Hades to fall into his soul pool. ❌
He’s voiced by James Woods, who is a major jerk. I’m not going into detail here as this is already long-winded enough, and Google is free. ❌
He’s got Cerberus, as any good interpretation of Hades should. That’s a plus! ✅ Though this Cerberus seems to be based on the “generic mean dog breed” aesthetic, and also I hated fighting this guy in Kingdom Hearts (the original, not the final mix with updated controls, OOF), which leads me toooo...
The guy THEN proceeds to smear his presence all over nearly every Kingdom Hearts game! Like, you’re not needed! Get out! Leave some room for better Disney villains!!! ❌
So nine bads, one good, and that “good” only comes from me liking dogs.
Next up, we have a more recent contender to the Hades mythos in modern media. Showing up outta nowhere in the first entry into a classic series for 21 years, let’s bring our hands together fooooor...
Kid Icarus Uprising’s Hades!
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First off...look at this man. Look at this man! Hell yeah that is my aesthetic! Look at all the chaotic colors, the wild anime-esque hair, aaaaa! Amazing design! I would ask someone to get me the name of Uprising’s character designer so I can shake their hand and tell ‘em they did a wonderful job on the Hades look, but they’re probably Japanese and I don’t know a lick of it. Maybe someone at NoA could pass on my compliments... ✅
He does have a flame head form at some point with blue flames, but it doesn’t become red to show his anger so there’s no more of a violation of physics then the rest of his insides are. ✅ And that’s the real problem I have with Disney’s Hades for this particular point, if you’re going to violate physics at least have some damn fun with it instead of just thinking that cooler fire is hotter just because it’s made of warmer colors.
While this Hades is also irredeemably evil, there’s no weird christ-washing of Greek mythology going on here, because the Japanese generally don’t do that sort of thing when throwing a bunch of other culture’s mythologies together. Sure, Kid Icarus includes a lot of Greek mythology elements (Medusa, Thanatos, Pandora, arguably Palutena being based on Athena, among others), but it also incorporates a lot of original elements, such as the Forces of Nature who are not based on any specific Greek gods, the Chaos Kin, the Aurum, freaking space pirates?! And in regards to the Aurum, this Hades is able to put differences aside in order to help the other factions around at the time defeat the Aurum so there’s that! ...though he’s not exactly the best team player, hehehe... ✅
While he does show up out of nowhere after the defeat of the initially perceived villain, Medusa, once he debuts Hades is a constant presence. He’s almost always poking his head into the dialogue to taunt Pit, make some quip or joke, flirt with a female character, give a dastardly threat. Everyone’s always aware of exactly what kind of threat he poses! Good villain writing! ✅
But yeah, speaking of that, he does do the whole “initial villain wasn’t the real villain SURPRISE BITCH” thing that I’m not that fond of. Call it lingering resentment from Twilight Princess where Zant was basically thrown away in favor of bringing Ganondorf back. ❌
This Hades also doesn’t seem to have a Cerberus. Twinbellows is a Thing, yes, but they never show up in the same instance in time. The real Twinbellows is dealt with in the first chapter of Uprising, and the fake version of Twinbellows that shows up in chapter 9 is dealt with LONG before Hades reveals himself. ❌
His goal is to use the souls of everyone and everything that’s died to increase the ranks of his army and in the process throw off the natural order of things, which honestly makes sense as a goal for a malevolent death god. It’s helped by the fact that there’s really no one “good” faction in this game, everyone has their own self interests and Palutena’s just the one that’s most kind to humanity and Pit, who is the protag we experience the game’s events through and thus passes on a little of his bias. ✅
Oh, you want satisfying hero/villain confrontation? The boss battle against him takes up a whole chapter and oooohhhh boy is it a good’un. Do yourself a favor and look up the battle on YouTube, or to avoid a lot of spoilers and gain a lot of context, do yourself an even bigger favor and look up Chuggaconroy’s whole Uprising playthrough. The man goes into detail about everything of this game, not just its characters and basic gameplay. ✅
He eats Pit at one point, and then that whole chapter takes place in his innards. Ew. Gross. ❌
He’s voiced by S. Scott Bollock in the English dub and Hōchū Ōtsuka in the Japanese original. I don’t know whether either of ‘em are jerks, but I doubt they’re as bad as James Woods soooooo... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Setting aside cameos like being a spirit in Smash Ultimate, this Hades has only had a significant appearance in a single piece of media. Even though it’s a tad bittersweet, he doesn’t overstay his welcome, unlike another Hades. ✅
That’s 7 goods, 3 bads, and a shrug. The winner is clear! KI Hades is the victor! Or at least it’s obvious that I prefer him over the Disney version. Rant over, thanks for sticking through my ramblin’ goofballery. It was fun at least, right? I had fun. :D
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lucarioisinthevoid · 5 years
*Kicks open the front door* IT IS I, MENTALY STUPID GIRL. BUT ON AN ASKBLOG! fuck i didnt think i would get this far... *Smashes a watermelon in the middle of the room and runs*
"Aw- don't call yourself stupid!" Jeremy jumped a bit as the girl entered, but smiled friendly. "Welcome on here! Don't worry about not really having thought about this, we're open for any-" Abruptly he stopped, shocked as saw the watermelon for the split second that it was whole. Needless to say, seeing it getting smashed like that intimidated him. You know who it didn't intimidate? The Headguard. "YOUUUUUUUU!" Phoney jumped up. "DIDN'T YOU READ THE RULES? NO RUNNING!" ""B-but sir, isn't screaming technically against the-""YES. But there are CERTAIN people who are allowed to assess the situation and break some of the, uh- rules. Which is me! And the reason why I'll now, uh- CHASE AFTER THE CRIMINAL!" "I- Mr. Phone Guy, sir, calling her a criminal is a bit harsh, would you not say?" "THEY, UH- BREAK THE LAWS, THEY ARE, CRIMINALS!" And with that the phone dashed off, but stopped after a few steps. "Darnit Jeremy, they got away!" "I'm- I'm so sorry, sir!""Wh-who's head are we going to put on a wooden stake now to warn everyone else away from, uh- committing crimes?!" Deeply attacked Phoney turned back to him. The triple exclamation marks on Jeremy's face showed rather clearly how he felt about that. "E-Excuse me?! We- we CAN'T just d-do something like that! That is h-horrible!" "I make the- uh- I make the rules here! We are doing things revolutionary here! And- uh- showing off our defeated enemies is part of it! Part of Freddy's spirit!""No- no, sir it- it isn't!" Distressed Jeremy waved his arms around. "F-family, fun and o-over all of that safety is our spirit!" First it almost looked like Phoney wanted to lecture him, then he paused and reconsidered. "God-uh- dammit. I guess you're right. Still! Uh! You better not distract me the next time that FIEND enters our establishment!" "... I won't, sir?" Hesitantly the boy answered, wincing a bit as he suddenly got unexpected headpats. "That's what I like to hear. So, uh- go back to work, alright?" With that Phone walked off. Slightly Jeremy shook his head. This had probably been a joke. Obviously, right?Everyone here had such a grim sense of humor... he still wasn't really used to it. Quietly he made himself laugh. He'd get used to it eventually. After all, he knew they'd never mean stuff like that, all of his co-workers were great and good people, who all looked out for him. So- he had to loosen up a bit!With a small breath he calmed down. Yeaaaah, he was easy to trick. Silly him!
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heahmundandivar · 7 years
Words: 1763 Tags: Knives, blood, prisoner Heahmund. Summary: Ivar has some fun mocking a captured Heahmund and his faith...
His head still hurt when he awoke. He had been stuck somewhere in between awake and nearly unconscious ever since his path had crossed with the pagan leader at the gates of York. The searing pain that seemed to haunt his skull appeared to be the culprit behind his misery. The bishop felt weak. He tried to hide it whenever he was awake, knowing that the heathens would be watching him. They were always watching, and the devil was with him. He fears no man and until his path had crossed with the cripple, he had always thought the devil to be of a monstrous kind and no man. But the Bishop did not cower in fear. The pagan leader was but a man and if this was the shape of the devil, then he shall not fear this evil but face it instead. 
He could feel the eyes poking at him, the gazes of the guilty and the cruel. The pagans were eyeing him like hawks would lure at the mice in the forests that laid near the city of Jorvík. Heahmund knew this feeling - or at least the feeling of being watched. He does not mind people watching him, for it brought him power and confidence - and it made him feel so much closer to the Father. But here, in this moment, it all is different. 
The Bishop knew where he was. The smell, however, he did not like. For such evils and dishonour to be brought upon the house of God - he will make the pagans pay for their sins! A church, once so peaceful and a home to many more than just God and Christ, was now but a barn - but at least the rats were gone. If he had anything left in his stomach, he would have thrown up at the thought of rats littering and rustling through the deepest root of his darkened heart. 
Silence ruled in this house, and the Bishop preferred it this way. What was left of the church should not be harmed further by these vile pagans. It should be kept and restored. But first, he must kill them all.
There was no scratching and squeaking of any rodent. But he could hear the scraping of other things, a sound so eerie to the tired Bishop’s ears that he did find the strength to open his tired and aching eyes. And there he sat - the devil in a crippled man’s disguise. Heahmund’s mouth was dry. He could not spit at the man, but he would as soon as he could. For now, a lousy grin would do. 
And the heathen grinned in return. Ivar the Boneless sat with his pet priest and observed him with a smile so kind and welcoming it would have frightened any other Christian - but not this one. The young prince found it quite interesting, but kept his surprise for his own and displayed a look of seriousness instead. He licked his bottom lip slowly, showing the prisoner bishop that he had quite some time on his hands this time. Their first encounter had been brief, and they had not been alone. But now was different, and so was the pagan leader. Not a single word had been spoken between the two of them, yet Heahmund could see that the boy did not behave the same way he does when he is among his people in moments where he can be on his own, free from any spying eyes. It brought a thought to the Bishop’s mind - Perhaps this heathen is more man than animal after all, but how could one commit such crimes and cruelties? It must be that their pagan gods lack the concept of love, the Bishop nearly pitied the child.
A child, indeed. This boy could not be much older than the brave prince Alfred the Bishop knew so well. But this child was in charge of an army, and Alfred was not. In a sense, it could be intriguing, but the Bishop found it foolish. Had these pagans any sense of doing just...about anything right?
The men looked at each other in silence. There was a silent battle between them, a game of observation to see who could pick up the most from the other by only watching them. Neither of them owed the other any hint of emotion though, both men perhaps being equally stubborn in their own ways. Ivar found it pleasant - almost like a child, indeed. Heahmund found nothing special about it and soon chose to wait instead. Surely, this heathen must have something up his mind if not only a turd. 
“I have heard many stories about you,” Ivar the Boneless then stated. “Just like you must have heard them about me.” Heahmund remained silent and watched the pagan. He wanted to hear what this evil child has to tell him. “I have heard that you fear no evil, and that you fear no man.” Ivar pushed himself up, moving closer to the bishop so that he could reach out to the man if he wanted to do so. He found no threat in the prisoner. Ever since he had returned to him, the Bishop had not moved one muscle. It could of course be a trap, but Ivar was confident that he could easily end this man. It would be a shame, however, and it made the prince wonder if this man fears death just like his people. 
Their eye contact broke for the first time when Heahmund’s gaze moved down to watch what the crippled boy pulled from his belt. He did not cower when he saw the blade. He would not allow the child such pleasure and met with his eyes in return. Heahmund did not fear the boy - a child perhaps young enough to be a son he could not have. “But, you see-” Ivar commenced, speaking slow but clear. One might just ask themselves where this boy had learned the language of his enemy, for he could easily make the Bishop feel like he is being put under a pagan spell by speaking his heathen tongue. Yet even if he had such power, Ivar would not want to use it. He wanted the Bishop to understand him, and smirked. “This, is not a man.” Ivar finished his sentence by lifting up the blade and bringing it to Heahmund’s cheekbone. He poked the sharp tip at the man’s skin, just hard enough to create a small drop of crimson red. Heahmund didn’t budge, and Ivar hummed pleasantly. “Oh, so your god does bleed!” the young prince mocked. It angered Heahmund that he lacked the strength to fight this heathen and teach him a lesson of his own. He could only roll aside and away from the blade, exhaling a deep grunt. Heahmund tried to block out the boy’s childish giggle. 
Ivar crept closer again, the blade clutched in his fist and a grin plastered on his face. He could not let the Bishop get away with this so easily... 
“Is your god a coward, priest?” Ivar asked, but his question seemed to fall upon deaf ears. “If you choose yourself to be godly, then is it not your duty to act in the name of your god?” Heahmund tried to block out the annoying sound of the pagan’s voice, but it was difficult, for this child was insulting him and his religion. It fueled the anger in the Bishop’s heart, but it did not spark the energy he needs in order to silence this heathen by himself. 
The blade returned. This time, Ivar left its cold metal on the other cheek the Bishop had offered him - and Heahmund wished he could beat himself up over this foolish martyr’s move. “They say your god has a sign,” Ivar mused, teasing the Bishop’s skin with the sharp edge of his dagger. “I saw you do it. Perhaps I should cut off one of these hands of yours, hm? So you can no longer reach to your God. So that he can abandon you.” 
“Heathen.” The word was exhaled in a sigh from the Bishop. Ivar snickered briefly. It seems to be the only word this Bishop knows apart from the angry shouting of what seemed to be the poems of his people. Ivar had caught up that these Christians believed for the Vikings to be angry, ruthless and mindless beasts, but it stood in sharp contrast with how this particular priest has acted among his enemies thus far. 
Ivar pressed his lips together and grinned. His thumb carressed the knife handle patiently while he waited for the priest to seek eye contact with him from the corner of his eyes, for he chose to not move against the blade - like a coward, perhaps? “I believe your sign goes like this,” Ivar spoke in a whisper. His eyes were hard, wide and set on his blade when he pushed its tip down, into the Bishop’s flesh. Another speck of crimson red escaped from the man’s cheekbone before Ivar trailed the knife downwards, leaving a cut on the Bishop’s cheek. Heahmund could only grunt like an old pig at the pain the heathen child was inflicting on his sacred skin. He would make this wretched heathen pay for his sins! 
“And then... I believe, it went like this.” Ivar placed the knife on the Bishop’s skin a third time, now starting on the right side of the cut on the man’s cheek. He did not wait before he drew the blade towards him, slowly, but with enough pressure in order to draw another red cut in the Bishop’s skin. When finished, Ivar could only laugh at his own creation and he cheered up visibly. He drew back his dagger and grabbed the starved and weakened Bishop by the shoulder in a manner a friend would do and flashed him a wide grin. 
“See! I have carved the sign of your god in your skin! Now he will be with you every day,” the young prince mocked. He pat the Bishop on the shoulder before he turned and left, dragging his heavy, but deformed legs behind him. Bishop Heahmund said no more, but he thought plenty and cruel. The ache in his arm was minor to his need to stroke his cheek there where the pagan boy had maimed his skin and when he could see the blood on his fingers, the Bishop could feel the rage burn within him...
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Nejire anon here! So, since you wanted to have Tomura requested. How about Nejire's S/O being kidnapped by the villain alliance! If this is too much too ask, don't doubt on saying so! Thank you ~
No, thank YOU. This ended up kind of comedic actually, like the Smash comics, but I still included Nejire
“Aah, now what..? What are we gonna do with her..?”
“She’s cute… I wanna stab her!”
“Quiet, you psychopath. We can’t stab her.”
“Let’s torture her! No, you can’t torture cute girls! Yeah, good idea!” 
“What are you talking about? You can torture cute girls! The cute ones are the most fun!” 
“Huh, really Toga? Well, if you say so, it must be false!”
“Haaah, shut up!” 
Everyone instantly shuts their mouths and looks in Tomura’s direction. Their leader is scratching at his reddened neck in frustration, starting to feel anxious. He doesn’t know what to do with you. He saw an opportunity and seized it - not he has a UA student in his grasp but… what to do with you?
Killing you will surely send a message, but once you’re dead how are you supposed to give them information? Perhaps you’re the easily-swayed type - maybe you’ll join them? 
“Just let me think in quiet!” Tomura lifts a hand toward them, the rest of the villains seeming unsettled by Tomura’s anger with the exception of Dabi’s careless expression. 
This is when you start to come to. On your side, laying on the hard, cold ground of the bar, your wrists are bound behind your back. You hear their arguing first, but slowly blink open your eyes after it’s quiet for a few moments.
Kurogiri notices your eyes open first, proclaiming to them, “She’s awake!” 
All of the villains look down at you, and the sight of about seven villains all staring down at you in an unknown location is not a fun one to wake up to. Your head is still reeling from being knocked out, but that doesn’t mean you don’t start to panic.
“W-what the.. what the hell?!” You try to escape somehow, get yourself away or use your quirk, but it’s difficult with your arms behind your back and dread kicking in. 
Where were you last, before this happened? You were… think, (Y/N)… you were working a mission with Nejire, fighting some low-level villain that was committing crimes. It’s a blur after that, but you vaguely remember the appearance of the League. 
“W-where is she? Is she okay?!” By ‘she’, you mean Nejire, assuming that they’ve taken her as well.
Tomura tilts his head, and behind the hand on his face he looks a little confused. “..Is she crazy or something?” 
“Funny for you to say.” Dabi remarks.
“Who invited you here, huh?! Go back to sleep!” 
Dabi rolls his eyes and stands up straight, pushing himself off of the wall. “Sure thing, boss.” Everyone is quiet as Dabi leaves the room, leaving a silence to fill the room that is interrupted when the other villain is finally gone. 
“Who are you talking about?” Compress asks from his seat at the bar. 
You stare up at him for a moment, taking in the mood of the room. They seem truly confused… they don’t have her, too? You’re flooded with relief in knowing that Nejire might be okay, however you don’t yet realize just how much she’s panicking right now in another part of the city.
Not wanting to out Nejire’s identity, you remain quiet, not responding to Compress. Since you know she’s not here, they don’t have to know you were worried about her. They could easily use that as leverage against you. 
Tomura eventually shakes his head, walking closer to you. His feet stop right before your eyes, and you’re staring at his black shoes before you roll onto your back and look up at him. Your lips are shut tight, gaze steady and serious despite how you’re scared on the inside. You can’t let them see your fear.
“If you’re going to be quiet, then fine. We have ways of getting information out of you…” 
“How the hell did you steal my star?” Tomura growls, his fingers angrily pressing the buttons on his video game controller - pinkies lifted off of it. 
“Uh, I landed on a Boo spot…” You answer carefully. 
“Tomura, you suck!” Toga says, seating herself on the armrest of the couch that you and Tomura are not sitting on. 
“Shut up, will you..” 
“Hey, let me try! I’ll beat her,” Spinner says, standing up from his seat.
“No, I’ll do it!” Tomura snaps, growing visibly frustrated with his second loss.
The rules were: If he gets first place in Mario Party against you, you give him the information that he needs. However, there’s an issue with that: you’re winning. 
Out of nowhere, the door to the bar bursts open flies across the room, hitting Twice directly and sending him flying onto his back. “Ow, what the hell?! That felt good! Do it again.” 
Everyone immediately stands up, readying themselves to kill this intruder. In through the door comes…
“Nejire!” You cry, your face immediately brightening up. 
“(Y/N)!” She calls to you, gasping in relief. Thank God you seem okay and… wait, you really are okay. Why? She thought you were going to be at least a little bit beaten up!
Nejire remembers the situation and then narrows her eyes at the villains around you. “I’m here to take her back now!” 
Tomura puts his hands up when Nejire is about to use her quirk. “Hey, hey, hold on a second. We’re just playing a game.” 
Nejire’s eyes narrow, glancing side to side and taking in everyone’s expressions. It doesn’t seem like they’re bluffing.
“We can’t just  quit in the middle of a game. At least let us finish.” 
Tomura makes a good point. “Hmmph! Fine!” Nejire eventually says, putting her hands down. 
You smile as she walks over, scooting over on the couch so that she can take a seat next to you. She’s still very visibly uncomfortable, but you take the time that you have to be close to her and don’t waste it. 
“Good, now let’s continue…”
About thirty minutes later, in through the space that the door used to be, Mirio and Tamaki both run in. “League of Villains, we’re here to take back (Y/N)!” Mirio announces, putting on his serious hero expression. “..HUH?!”
However, the scene that he expected to see isn’t going on. Instead, you’re sitting on a couch with your legs draped across Nejire’s lap playing a video game with Tomura and the rest of the League watching.
“Oh, hey Mirio! Hey Tamaki! Come watch!” You call, motioning them over with your hand. 
The two boys exchange confused expressions for a moment before looking back at you. “Um…(Y/N)… Nejire… is that really you?”
Nejire smiles the kind of smile that someone in this situation probably shouldn’t. It’s like a normal gathering between friends! “Of course it is! Who else would I be? Sit down, we just started this game!” Her hands stroke your hair absentmindedly as you watch the screen, letting her fingertips fall to your back to draw small circles. 
With careful, unsure steps, Mirio and Tamaki slowly make their way over to the ‘hero’ side of the couch. 
“Are… you serious…. who the hell is the Reaper on the other team?!” Tomura is near to throwing his remote down at the ground, clearly getting angry that he’s keeps losing these games against you. 
After playing Mario Party, you have now switched to a game of Overwatch, as they had Toga go out to the store with Twice and steal some computers to hook up in the bar. A usual thing for them. 
It should have been the four heroes against four villains in a custom game, however some random player had entered the game on your side and ended up winning the match for you at the very end with a successful team kill.
You all shrug your shoulders, unsure of who the mysterious fifth team member is. 
Tomura thinks a little harder about the player’s username, one which had bothered him from the beginning for good readon. ‘loltomurasbad’. Who the-
Everyone watches as Tomura disintegrates the remote in his hands to ash before standing up from the couch. He doesn’t say anything more, but it’s clear that he’s fuming. Tomura exits the room presumably to go yell at Dabi, leaving you, Nejire, Mirio, and Tamaki with the rest of the League members. It’s silent as you stare at one another, unsure of what your next move should be. That is until…
“Wanna play Super Smash Bros?” 
It continues like this for the rest of the day. Perhaps heroes and villains can get along after all?
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blindinthemind · 7 years
“Miss, the principal needs to talk to you, and you cannot stay on a crime scene. I will have to ask you to leave.” “Miss, can you hear us? I think she’s going into shock-” “Stop watching and go get the Nurse, before I give you detention.”
“..J-Jha?“ “…yes?” “How long since y-” she broke off. “…since you’ve liked me?”
Neither spoke briefly.
“I don’t… I dont know. But seeing you in that those jogging shorts when we first started running together,” he growled playfully and nipped at her cheek. She laughed, wrapping her arms around him.
“God. The pool party did it for me.” “Oh?” He muttered, snatching a kiss. The two got distracted again, going through the motions gently.
“I love you.” She finally whispered to him, as her hold on him tightened, and he grunted in response, burrowing his head into her neck.
“I love you too, shortie.” He eventually replied.
“You do realise that you’ve broken Academy rules?” Headmistress Fiora told her. The Noxian wasn’t focusing.
“Cordiae.” She looked at her. “I expect an answer.” “What are you doing about it?” Seren asked quietly.
Fiora paused. “We are clearing the area and making sure that the scene is empty for the police.”
“What about looking at tapes? The cameras, the students.” Her eyes fixed on Fiora. Her gaze was both empty yet full of rage. “I want to know who it was. I need to know.”
“You need to lower your voice,” was the Headmistress’ sharp response. “You need to go and fuck yourself,” she snarled.
“Excuse me?”
“I know I broke school rules and I know the punishment. You’re going to expel me, and then you’ll magically find nothing incriminating, then call it a cold case, and send his body back home for his family to deal with it,” Serenity choked out, face crumpling as she began to cry.
“I know how the system works. But let me tell you, I don’t fucking regret any of last night. I just wish that I had a bit more time with him. Time that I spent wasting at this goddamn school, I could have spent with him.” She couldn’t breathe again. “Just, please… just leave me alone.”
Seven minutes in heaven with Jha was something she did NOT want to happen. But here she was, in a cramped wardrobe with him. Putting an 8 foot and 6-and-a-half foot together in a 5 foot tall cupboard was the worst thing that could’ve happened.
“I’m sorry it’s cramped,” Jha muttered sheepishly. Seren tried to budge, but she was stuck sitting in Jha’s lap, facing him. This was the only position the two of them could be comfortable.
“It’s fine.” Her voice was strained, trying to ignore the fact that his body was incredibly close to hers.
“Here, if you rest on me then you will be comfortable.” And ignore it, she could not.
The feeling of his body underneath hers, resting against his chest was oddly pleasing and a small, content and quite out-of-character sigh escaped her.
“Was that a noise of enjoyment?” She looked at him in the near-darkness of the cupboard. “And what if it was?” She stuttered. “That cute stuttering seems to confirm it.”
The two looked at each other, then at one another’s lips. She could feel him leaning in, his breath hot against her skin. He was so close to her…
“Have a good trip,” she blurted out. Jha paused. “When you leave tomorrow. To visit family. Snowdown holidays”
“…yeah… I will. You have fun staying here I guess?” He seemed a little puzzled at the change of subject, and the moment was ruined. The two sat there awkwardly until the doors opened and the two fell out, both scrambling back to their spots in pained silence.
| Pregnant: 3 weeks. |
Oh no.
Her hands trembled, then balled into fists. She didn’t want this, she didn’t want to be reminded of what she had lost. She couldn’t do this. Not without him.
His heartbeat was soothing to hear, as she lay her head on his chest. “I’m not safe.” She told him, after a while of thinking.
“Is that bad?” He asked. She looked up at him. “Depends. Do you want a child?” “A child?!” He exclaimed, suddenly excited. “I’d love one!”
She gave him a weak smile. “Maybe not right now. But when we’re a little older.”
Of course, she forgot to take any pills with… the incident happening overnight. Growling in frustration, she tugged at her hair, sinking to the ground.
She was alone, deciding to disappear from school despite the school counsellors insisting she stays, especially after such a traumatic experience. Noxus was no place to get abortions, and other places would ask for identity…
Her eyes darted around the small apartment, before it fixed itself on her daggers. She stood, an awful idea springing to mind. Her hands scrabbled for one that was quite long, the one her excuse of a father gave her. The blade was still sharp, but her hands began to tremble even more.
“I’m s…sorry,” she whispered, tears spilling down her cheeks. “But I can’t raise you. Not without him. I’m nothing without him. Nothing.”
With a heavy sob, she dug the blade deep into her womb, ruining her fertility and to be rid of the baby she didn’t want. She sunk to the floor once more, the tears mixing with the blood staining the ground around her.
I can’t live.
“Hello? Is this the ambulance services speaking? I’ve just found a young girl with a knife in her stomach, please send authorities as quickly as you can. I think she tried to commit suicide, about ten minutes ago.”
He snapped Seren’s phone shut, looking down at the unconscious Noxian. He nudged at her with his shoe, before losing interest and dropping the phone next to her, letting it soak in the pool of blood.
“Tut tut,” he told her, crouching down. “You don’t die unless I decide to get rid of you. You shall make a fine toy indeed, you are already so broken… you just need a few more nudges in the right direction. Then you’ll be perfect.”
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